Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1957 )

  •                                          February      15,   1957
    Honorable     Price   Daniel                         Opinion        No.   WW-7-A
    Governor     of Texas
    Capitol   Station                                    Re:     Reconsideration         of Opinion
    Austin,   Texas                                              No. WW-7       --Social     Security
    participation     by Senators
    Dear    Governor      Danie I:                               and Representatives.
    On January     22,    1957,    we held    in Opinion        No. WW-7      that
    members         of the Legislature       were    elective    officials      of the State    and
    are    “State    employees”      as that term       is defined      in Subsection      (c) of
    House     Bill No. 666,      Acts    of the 54th Legislature.              We also    held that
    Article     III, Section    24 of the Texas         Constitution,       which   provides     that
    members         of the Legislature       shall   receive    from      the public    treasury
    a per diem        of not exceeding       Twenty-five       Dollars       per day,   etc.,   does
    not provide       for the members         of the Legislature           to be paid upon a fee
    basis.      Said Subsection       (c) reads,     in part,    as follows:
    ” (c) The term      “State    Employee”       in addition
    to its usual       meaning    shall   include    elective   and appointive
    officials     of the State,    but shall    not include     those   persons
    rendering       services    in positions,     the compensation       for
    which      is on a fee basis.       . . *
    You state    that you have before       you S.B.   No.    138 which
    amends     Subsection    (c),    above  quoted,  by expressly    providing     that the
    term   “State   employee      ” shall  not include   members     elected   to the
    House   of Representatives          and Senate.    You request     our opinion     as to
    the effect    of this Bill     in view   of the contract   between     the State    and
    the Federal     Government         on coverage   of State  employees.
    After  receiving   your letter,        this Department             has reconsider-
    ed   Opinion    WW-7,    in light of additional         facts coming         to    our attention.
    We are enclosing         herewith     said Opinion,     which    states    the
    basis    of our holding.        The writer     of this reconsideration         opinion,     in
    discussing     this matter       this morning     with Honorable       John H. Winters,
    Executive     Director     of the Department         of Public   Welfare,      who is
    charged     with the enforcement         of our Laws relative        to Old Age       and
    Survivor’s     Insurance,      learned   that such      Department,     since    the passage
    of House     Bill No.     666,   Acts  of the 54th Legislature,          1955,    has con-
    sistently    construed     the term     “per   diem”     as employed      in various      boards
    whose     members      are paid on a per diem            basis,  to the effect      that such
    compensation       is on a fee basis.         Since    writing  our original       opinion,
    Hon.     Price     Daniel,    page     2   (WW-7-A’)
    we have   been informed               that the Treasury          Department  of the United
    States has also  placed              a like construction         on the term   “per diem”.
    Black’s      Law Dictionary,          4th   Edition,   among   other   defini-
    tions,     states    that    per diem   means:
    “Per   diem    is sometimes    and by some     courts
    held to be included       in the term    fees  and sometimes
    otherwise,    and the two terms       are not always
    synonymous.       Anderson     v. Beadle    County,  
    51 S.D. 6
    211 N.W. 968
    ,   969.”
    The courts      of this State    have often stated    that the con-
    struction   placed   upon a statute      by the governmental      agency     charged
    with the enforcement        thereof,   should   not be overturned      unless   such
    departmental     construction     is clearly    wrong.
    In view     of the fact     that some       courts,    as stated     in Black’s
    Law Dictionary,        have held that compensation                on a “per     diem”     basis
    is included      in the term     “fees”,     we do not believe          we can say that
    the departmental        construction      of the Welfare          Department      is clearly
    wrong.      You are therefore          advised    that our Opinion         WW-7      is with-
    drawn    and that it is our considered              opinion    thnt the members           of the
    Legislature       are excluded     from     pqr.ticipation     in the Old Age         and
    Survivor’~s     Insurance     by virtues of the exemption             contained     in House
    Bill  No, 666 which-states;           ” . , , but shall       not include      those    persons
    rendering     services      in positions,     the compensation          for which      is on a
    fee basis.     . . ”
    You are further    advised   that S.B.  No.   138, which   expressly
    excludes    members    of the Legislature     from  coverage    under  Chapter
    467,  Acts   of the 54th Legislature,     will accomplish    no purpose    whatso-
    ever   if it becomes   a law,  as the members       of the Legislature     are
    excluded    under  the present   law.
    Subsection      (c) of Article      1 of H.B.    No.   666,
    Chapter    467,    Acts   54th Legislature      which
    provides    that the term       “State   employee”
    shall  not include      persons     rendering    services
    in positions,      the compensation       for which      is
    on a fee basis,        excludes    members      of the
    Legislature      from     being  cove,red    under   the
    Hon.   Price     Daniel,   page   3 (WW-7-A)
    Act,  in that the “per    diem”  of the
    members     of the Legislature   consti-
    tutes  payment   on a fee basis.
    Yours     very   truly,
    Attorney    General
    W. V. Geppert
    H. Grady       Chandler, Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-7A

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1957

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017