Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1948 )

  •                            December 23,   1948
    Hon. M. H. Crabb, M. D.
    Board of Medical. Examiners
    Fort Worth, Texas
    Opinion AO.~ v-754.
    Re:     The procedure to be:fol&zwed to
    revoke thB medical license      of
    one aeportea~to Germ+       f&low-
    ing cancellation   of citizenship
    for conspiracy   to violate   the
    Espionage Aot.
    Dear Sir:
    Your request for an opinion from this qffipe
    upon the above titled  subject matte? contains the fol-
    - lqiiing:
    "In 1930 Dr.
    of the University
    icine,    Germany was granted a license.to
    practice    medi&e    id the State of Texas by
    written examination.        In 1942 he was convict-
    ed of coqspiring     to violate    the Espionage Act
    of 1911, etci,     and'haa his citkzenship       papers
    oancelled    in El Paso Federal Court, Case No.
    165, Civil Action on April 2, 1942.           He was
    confined to a Correction       Institution    from
    1942 uutil 1947 when he was aeportea to Ger-
    On November 12 1947 the Tetixazxiy;;te
    -Yo%      of Medical Examiners Gotea,
    tive seasion,     to institute   proceedings     to re-
    voke the license     of Dr. Wolfgang Ebell.        A
    request has been made of the District           Attorney
    of El Paso for revocation       Of the license      of
    Wolfgang Ebell due to his dishonorable           aonduct
    and deportation.      The District     Attorney has
    raised the question of whether'or          not Wolfgang
    Ebell can be cited by publication          or must he
    be cited in person as set out in Article            4507,
    R. c. s.
    Hon. M, II. Crabb - Page 2       (V-754)
    * uestion No 1. Under the facts and eir-
    -    state      a eve, can the District   Attor-
    neg institute     proceedin&   against Wolfgang
    Ebell for the revocation      of his license   to prac-
    tice medicine in the State of Texas when the
    Texas State Board of Medical Examiners has not
    cited him to appear and show cause why his lI-
    tense should not be revoked?
    * uestion No 2. Under the oircumstances
    stated-e                District   Attorney cite
    Wolfgang Ebeil by citation     by publication?   Or
    must-he-be cited- by citation- ti person as stated
    in Article   4507, R. C. S.7”
    Although under Article   4505, R. C. S., the State
    Board of Medical Examiners has the authority         to “refuse to
    admit persons to its examinations, land to issue license
    ,to practice   medicine to any person,” there is no authority
    In the board to revoke or canoe1 such license.           The author-
    ity to revoke, cancel or suspend the licensejof           any prac-
    titioner   of medicine is given.only~ to the district        courts
    of this state by ArtIole 4506, R. C. S., such article            mak-
    ing It “the duty of the several District       and County attor-
    .neys of this State to file ana prosecute appropriate           juai-
    cial proaeedings for such revocation;       cancellation,     or     .
    suspension,    in the name of the State, on request of the
    Board of Meaical Exadners.“,      The statutes    do not provide
    for any hearing before the.boara,     nor do we think that due
    process requires a hearing before the board can request
    ~.that a suit be brought to revoke a license,         there being no
    power of revocation    in the board itself.     No hearing being
    required by the statutes or otherwise before the board
    takes this preliminary    step toward the institution        of judi-
    cial proaeeaings for revoaation,     we think your first       ques-
    tion should be answered In the affirmative.
    Article  4507, R. C. S., provides that in such
    judicial proceedings   citation shall be issued “in the man-
    ner and form as In other oases.”     Rule 109 of the Rules of
    Civil Procedure provides:
    “Where a party to a suit,, his agent’or
    attorney,  shall make oath that the residence
    of any party defendant is unknown to affiant
    . . . the Clerk shall issue oitation   for such
    Eon. M. H. Crabb - Page 3        (V-754)
    defendant for service by publication     . ., .
    provided,   however, that where the affidavit
    shows that the defendant Is not within the
    continental   United States,  ana,is not in,th0       ~-:
    Armed Foroes of the United States,    It ,s,hall'
    not be necessary for the party to show that
    the residence   or whereabouts of the defend-
    ant.~is unknown or that an attempt has .been
    made to procure service of non-resident     no-
    The applicability      of this' rule In the present
    case involves the question of the.nature.of~         a proceeding
    to revoke a physician's       license,   that Is, whether It be
    one in personam or in rem or quasi in rem. If'it            be one
    In personam then personal service is necessary,           but "In
    suits In rem or quasi In rem, personal service          is not
    necessary and may be constitutionally         dispensed with,
    ana constructive   service ~by publication       may be made if
    authorized by statute."         
    126 A. L
    . R. 664. .In disouss-
    ing suits.,In rem or quasi in rem, the annotator.~in'l26
    A. L:R.    664, 666 says:
    Quits  quasi in rem . . . are p.ersonal
    in forni G that the owner's personal rights ,,~
    In the property are affected       by the deoree;.
    but as the judgment dperates on the property
    itself,    and merely incidentally    affects  the
    personal rights of the Qwner; such suits are :~
    regarded in effect    as in rem and are fre-
    quently designated    a8 quasi In rem."
    Although there are few cases on the subjeot,         it
    is.gen&ally     held that a proceedidg   to revoke a license       of
    ,thIs kind is a proceeding     in rem. Board of Dental Exam-
    iners v. Hedriok, 
    116 W. Va. 222
    , 179 S. E; 009 (1935) in-
    volved the revocation     of's   license to practice   dentistry:
    In discussing     the nature of such a proceeding,     the court.'
    said:                                                :.
    "This proceeding     is, in effeCt,,one      in
    State v. Richer&on,        108 Corm. 45 142
    T;O;;      Freeman on Judgments (5t,h Ed.) & 1534;
    subject Actions,      8.171; 1R.~ C.' L,Id.
    fl 1;.  '+he  defendant    res.Iaed'in   Ohi'o. Person-
    al service    on a nonresident       is not requisite
    to~jurIsdictI~n       in an In rem proceeding.., (Cita-
    tions)    Coae,.'30-l-8,   proviaes'that    notice.
    .   ,
    Hon. M. H. Crabb - Page 4      (V-754)
    shall be~served on a defendant In such case8
    as a notice Is served under Code 56-2-l.         ~The
    latter   statute relates   to personal service.
    Code, 56-2-2, provides,     however, that *any '~
    such notice'    to a person not residing      In this
    state may be served by publication,        etc.   The
    two statutes    being read togetherjspeoifiaally
    authorize the servioe of notice on the aefena-
    ant herein by publication.     . . .O
    In re Craven, 
    178 La. 372
    151 So. 625
    90 A.L.R. 973
    (1931) was .a disbarment Drooeed L R In which the attor-
    ney excepted on the grouna~that the jiidgment sought against
    the accused was a personal one and could not be based on
    substituted   process.  The court said:
    "The judgment herein sought ~againstithe
    accused is not a personal judgment, buta judg-
    ~meht In rem; A judgment In personam can re-
    sult only from some personal obligation      which
    follows   the person wherever he may be and may,
    be enforced wherever he may be found.       But the
    preserit proceedings do not seek to enforce any
    personal~ob,ligation    on the part of the'accus-
    ed; their only purpose is to declare his status
    as an officer     of courts of this state.
    "Of that status the oourts of this state
    alone have jurIsdictioni   and yet it may be (end
    in this ease is) essential   to pass upon'that
    "Hence, If the courts of this state alone
    have jurisdiction  of the subject-!lsttsr,      to-wit,
    the status of the accused as a member of the
    bar of this state, and it becomes necessary to
    pass on that status,   it -follows t!lat the courts
    of this state must have some method of subject-
    ing him to their jurisaIction;      and, since that
    cannot be done by.personal     service,   it follows
    that substituted  service may 'be resorted to."
    State v. Richardson,. 
    108 Conn. 71
    142 A. 406
            (19.B) was a cz~e In which a license   to,practice medicine
    was revoked.    There the court  said:
    "The revocation of his lioense by the de-
    partment of health and the subeequent proceea-
    ings terminated in a judgment which was in ef-
    Se& one in rem and establIshed   his status 8s~
    ”   .   .
    Hon. M. H. Crabb - Pages 5        (V-754)
    one not entitled  to practice       medicine   in the
    state 0s Conneoticut.w
    It   is said   in 1 Am. Jur,. 435-437,     Sec.    45:
    "A proceeding   In rem is'not   Confined to
    the status of things, but extends to the status
    of inaiviauals    and their relations   to others.
    Proceedings    in rem include . . . a proceeaing
    to revoke a dentist's     license  . . . ."
    In view of the above, we are of the opinion that
    such a proceeding as is here contemplated is a proceeding         In
    rem, notice of which can be given by publication       as provided
    in Rule 109.       Service thus obtained would give the court
    jurisdiction    to render a judgment revoking the license     for
    good cause, but would not authorize the Imposition of a per-
    e onal judgment , as for the court costs.    Therefore,   the
    first   question In questIon 2 is answered in the affirmative,
    and the second question .in question 2 is answered in the neg-
    Where a do&or has been deported to Ger-
    many as an undesirable     alien,    the district
    attorney may lawfully     institute    proceedings
    for the revocation     of his license    on request
    of the Board of Medical Examiners, without
    the board having personally       served such dot-
    tor with notice or citation       to appear and
    show 6ause why his license       should not be re-
    vokea.   Citation    by publication,    as provided
    in Rule 109, may be made In such suit.            Ao-
    tlon to revoke such lidense is a proceeding
    in rem, and citation     by publi~cation satisfies.
    the requirements of due process .of law.
    Yours very truly
    oENl!&         OF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: V-754

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1948

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017