Evelyn Bliek v. Charles Palmer , 102 F.3d 1472 ( 1997 )

  •                             _________________
    Nos. 96-1466/1991
    EVELYN BLIEK, Individually and       *
    on behalf of all other persons       *
    similarly situated; TISH             *
    EBERLINE, Individually and on        *
    behalf of all other persons          *
    similarly situated,                  *
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,         *   Appeals from the United States
    *   District Court for the
    v.                              *   Northern District of Iowa.
    CHARLES M. PALMER, In his            *
    official capacity as the             *
    Director of the Iowa Department      *
    of Human Services; KIM D.            *
    SCHMETT, In his capacity             *
    as Acting Director of                *
    the Iowa Department of               *
    Inspections and Appeals,             *
    Defendants - Appellants.        *
    Submitted: June 12, 1996
    Filed: January 2, 1997
    Before BEAM, HEANEY, and HANSEN, Circuit Judges.
    HANSEN, Circuit Judge.
    Evelyn Bliek and Tish Eberline filed this class action suit pursuant
    to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, seeking injunctive and declaratory relief.           The
    plaintiffs contended, among other things, that the defendants violated the
    plaintiffs' due process rights by failing to notify them of the state's
    discretionary authority to settle, adjust, compromise, or deny claims
    arising out of overissuances of
    food stamps due solely to agency error.     The district court1 granted the
    plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment and permanently enjoined the
    defendants from initiating or continuing efforts to collect food stamp
    overpayments issued as a result of agency error until the defendants
    provided notice to the plaintiffs of the state's settlement authority.    The
    court gave the parties fourteen days in which to file a report in which
    they agreed to the terms of the notice to be provided to the class members.
    Defendants filed a notice of appeal and a motion to stay the
    permanent injunction pending the appeal.   We granted the defendants' motion
    in part, staying all of the injunction except the portion requiring the
    parties to submit for the district court's approval a report agreeing to
    the terms of the notice.   The parties subsequently submitted an agreed-upon
    form of notice to the district court, and the court approved it and entered
    a final judgment in the case.   We affirm the judgment of the court and lift
    the stay we previously imposed.
    The named plaintiffs in this case, Evelyn Bliek and Tish Eberline,
    both receive food stamps pursuant to the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (the Act),
    7 U.S.C. §§ 2011-2032 (1994).   Solely as a result of mistakes made by the
    State of Iowa, and unbeknownst to them, Bliek and Eberline were issued more
    food stamps than they were entitled to receive under the Act.            Upon
    discovering this "agency error," the defendants initiated collection of the
    food stamp overpayments by sending each of the plaintiffs a "demand
    letter," as prescribed by federal regulations promulgated under the Act.
    See 7 C.F.R. § 273.18(d)(3) (1995).        The demand letters informed the
    plaintiffs of the alleged overissuances and gave the
    The Honorable Mark W. Bennett, United States District Judge
    for the Northern District of Iowa.
    plaintiffs notice of their administrative appeal rights as to the amount
    of overissuances.    The letters did not specifically inform the plaintiffs
    that the state has discretionary settlement authority to settle, adjust,
    compromise or deny recovery of all or part of the overpayments, even though
    a section of the notice headed "Actions That May Be Taken On Overpayments"
    listed every adverse action that could be taken, including criminal
    prosecution and the filing of a civil suit.           (See Appellants' App. at 119.)
    The plaintiffs filed this cause of action pursuant to 42 U.S.C.
    §   1983,   individually   and    on   behalf    of    others   similarly    situated,
    challenging the state's policies regarding the collection of overissuances.
    The district court certified the class action, describing the class as "all
    individuals residing in the State of Iowa who have participated in the food
    stamp program in the State of Iowa, who have been determined to have
    received an overpayment of food stamp benefits as a result of agency error,
    and   who   have   been   subjected    to    collection    efforts   based    on   such
    overpayments since September 28, 1991."           Bliek v. Palmer, 
    916 F. Supp. 1475
    , 1478 n.1 (N.D. Iowa 1996).        The plaintiffs and the defendants both
    filed motions for summary judgment.         Finding no genuine issues of material
    fact, the district court rendered an opinion deciding the issues of law,
    and as relevant here, granted plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment on
    their procedural due process argument regarding the state's failure to
    notify the plaintiffs of its settlement authority.              
    Id. at 1485-93.
    defendants appeal.
    The Food Stamp Act establishes a federally funded, state-administered
    program that provides nutritional assistance to eligible households.                 7
    U.S.C. § 2013(a) (1994).         The purpose of the Act is "to safeguard the
    health and well-being of the Nation's population by raising levels of
    nutrition among low-income households."         
    Id. § 2011.
        Under the food stamp
    program, eligible
    households receive food stamp coupons that can be redeemed for food items
    at retail stores participating in the program.              
    Id. § 2013(a);
    see also 
    id. §§ 2014-2015
    (setting standards for determining eligibility of households).
    The   Secretary      of   Agriculture      (the   Secretary)    is   authorized       to
    formulate and administer the food stamp program, 
    id. § 2013(a),
    and to that
    end has promulgated various regulations, which are set forth at 7 C.F.R.
    §§    271.1 - 285.10 (1995).2      The Secretary has delegated to state agencies
    the responsibility for administering the program, and thus the state
    agencies make the individual eligibility determinations and actually
    distribute    the    food    stamps   to    the    eligible      households.         7   C.F.R.
    § 271.4(a).    The State of Iowa participates in the food stamp program and
    has designated the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) as the state
    agency that implements the program.               Iowa Code Ann. § 234.12 (1994).
    If a household is issued more food stamps than it is entitled to
    receive, the adult household members are liable for the value of the
    overissuances.      7 C.F.R. § 273.18.       In such a case, the Secretary has the
    authority to establish a claim against those individuals.                            7 U.S.C.
    §    2022(a)(1).     The    Secretary      also    has   plenary    settlement       authority
    regarding overissuance claims -- that is, "the power to determine the
    amount of and settle and adjust any claim and to compromise or deny all or
    part of any such claim or claims arising under [the Act]."                     
    Id. The Secretary
    has delegated much of his power regarding claims,
    including     the   settlement      authority,      to   state     agencies.         7   C.F.R.
    § 271.4(b).    Accordingly, state agencies "shall establish a claim against
    any household that has received more food stamp
    Currently, the Food and Consumer Service (FCS) of the
    United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) acts on the
    Secretary's behalf in overseeing the program. See 7 C.F.R.
    § 271.3(a).
    benefits than it is entitled to receive . . . ."       
    Id. § 273.18(a).
         When a state agency (in Iowa, the DHS) determines that a household
    has received too many food stamps as a result of agency error, the agency
    initiates a collection action by sending the household a demand letter.
    Id. § 273.18(d)(3)(i).
       The letter that DHS sends out informs the recipient
    of the amount of the alleged overissuances and provides a space for the
    recipient to indicate the recipient's preferred method of repayment.
    Although the letter informs the recipient of his or her right to appeal the
    agency's determination and the possibility of a fair hearing on the appeal,
    id. § 273.15
    (fair hearings), it does not inform the recipient of the
    state agency's settlement authority.       In fact, the present form of notice
    states   in large block letters "FEDERAL RULES REQUIRE THAT THE IOWA
    that those same federal rules give the DHS authority to settle and
    compromise an overpayment claim.     (Appellants' App. at 119.)
    The district court granted plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment,
    finding they have been denied procedural due process because the state has
    failed to inform them of its settlement authority.        We review a grant of
    summary judgment de novo, using the same standards as did the district
    court.   Dakota Gasification Co. v. Pascoe Bldg. Sys., 
    91 F.3d 1094
    , 1097
    (8th Cir. 1996).   Thus, we will affirm the grant of summary judgment if the
    record shows there is no genuine issue of material fact and the prevailing
    party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.     Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c);
    Dakota Gasification 
    Co., 91 F.3d at 1097
    The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that
    no state will "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without
    due process of law."     U.S. Const. amend. XIV,
    § 1.        We engage in a two-part analysis when addressing a procedural due
    process argument, asking, first, whether the plaintiffs have a protected
    interest at stake, and if so, what process is due.                   Schneider v. United
    27 F.3d 1327
    , 1333 (8th Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 723
    (1995).       The state concedes the first point of the analysis, stating:
    Iowa agrees that Food Stamp recipients have a property interest
    protected by the Fourteenth Amendment in the Food Stamp coupons
    and in the cash equivalent that Iowa would attempt to collect
    as repayment of an overissuance of Food Stamps due to agency
    error.   Iowa disagrees with the District Court's conclusion
    that the Due Process Clause requires more process.
    (Appellants' Br. at 19.)
    For the most part, the Supreme Court provided the answer to our
    second inquiry in Goldberg v. Kelly, 
    397 U.S. 254
    (1970).                There, the Court
    held that welfare benefits "are a matter of statutory entitlement for
    persons       qualified   to   receive    them"   and   thus   are   a   constitutionally
    protected property interest.             
    Id. at 262.
       Further, because the welfare
    recipients in Goldberg relied on the benefits for subsistence, the Court
    held that the recipients were entitled under the Due Process Clause to a
    fair hearing before the termination of the benefits.                     
    Id. at 264.
    Atkins v. Parker, the Court eliminated any doubt one might have about the
    application of Goldberg holdings to food stamp benefits, noting that food
    stamps are a matter of statutory entitlement, just as welfare benefits
    472 U.S. 115
    , 128 (1985).       Supreme Court precedent
    We note that the plaintiffs do not have a protected
    property interest in the actual overissuances of food stamps,
    because the protected property interest is only in the benefits
    the recipient is "qualified to receive." Atkins v. Parker, 
    472 U.S. 115
    , 128 (1985). Likewise, there is no protected property
    interest in the plaintiffs' expectation of a settlement or an
    adjustment by the state, for the state's settlement authority for
    its claim is purely discretionary and gratuitous. See 
    Schneider, 27 F.3d at 1333
    dictates that due process includes notice and a fair hearing.                Mullane v.
    Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., 
    339 U.S. 306
    , 314 (1950).              Cf. H.R. Rep.
    No. 464, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 285, reprinted in 1977 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1978
    (stating    the   "fair   hearing"    rules   for    food    stamp    recipients    were
    implemented in response to Goldberg v. Kelly, 
    397 U.S. 254
    In determining what process is due in this circumstance, we note that
    the need for an adequate notice is also settled law.               Adequate notice is
    integral to the due process right to a fair hearing, for the "right to be
    heard has little reality or worth unless one is informed."                  
    Mullane, 339 U.S. at 314
    .      Adequate notice is that which is "reasonably calculated,
    under all the circumstances, to apprise interested parties of the pendency
    of the action and afford them an opportunity to present their objections."
    Id. Further, the
    notice must "apprise the affected individual of, and
    permit adequate preparation for, an impending hearing."              Memphis Light, Gas
    & Water Div. v. Craft, 
    436 U.S. 1
    , 14 (1978) (internal quotations omitted).
    Due process is a flexible concept and a determination of what process is
    due, or what notice is adequate, depends upon the particular circumstances
    involved.    See 
    id. at 14
    The need for adequate notice is particularly compelling in the
    circumstances of this case, to protect the same interests the Supreme Court
    recognized   in   reaching   its     conclusion     that    due   process    required   a
    pretermination hearing for welfare recipients.             See 
    Goldberg, 397 U.S. at 264
    .   Like the welfare recipients in Goldberg, the class members in this
    case are, by definition, low-income persons who live "on the very margin
    of subsistence."     Mathews v. Eldridge, 
    424 U.S. 319
    , 340 (1976).                 They
    simply do not have the financial resources to correct with ease by
    repayment the state's erroneous overpayments.          Likewise, the plaintiffs are
    not as a general matter in the financial position to hire legal counsel to
    aid in the interpretation of the notice they receive and to
    inform them of the state's full authority.4     Therefore, the notice that DHS
    gives must be complete, stated in plain language, and reasonably calculated
    to afford the plaintiffs an opportunity to raise their objections to the
    state's proposed actions.        A plainly written, informative notice is
    imperative in these circumstances to make the hearing to which the
    plaintiffs are entitled meaningful.
    We conclude that the notice the DHS currently sends to the plaintiffs
    in the form of the demand letter is inadequate.     The demand letter informs
    the   plaintiffs   that   the   state   has   determined   they   have   received
    overissuances as a result of agency error and gives notice that the
    plaintiffs may appeal the existence of the alleged overissuances or the
    amount, dates, or reason for the alleged overissuances.              The letter
    contains a "Repayment Agreement," which essentially asks the recipient to
    agree either to a reduced allotment of future food stamp benefits or to a
    cash payment schedule.    Although the plaintiffs are informed that they need
    not sign the Repayment Agreement, the letter tells the plaintiffs that if
    they "do not make an agreement and make all payments, [the state] may take
    a future year's income tax refund, other payments that are owed to [the
    recipient] from the state, or initiate other appropriate collection
    procedures."   (Appellants' App. at 116, 118.)      The letter does not inform
    the plaintiffs of the state's settlement power, but rather gives the
    impression to the plaintiffs who have no discretionary funds (which, given
    the low-income status of the class members, is likely a common situation)
    that they have no alternative but to agree to reduce their future allotment
    of food stamps.    Given the circumstances of this case, particularly the
    financial status of the plaintiffs and the fact that it is the state's own
    error that has created this predicament, we have difficulty believing that
    this notice is "reasonably calculated . . . to afford [the plaintiffs] an
    We note that the plaintiffs are represented in this action
    by attorneys from the Legal Services Corporation of Iowa.
    opportunity to present their objections."      
    Mullane, 339 U.S. at 314
    .   We
    therefore conclude that the notice is inadequate.       Cf. Aacen v. San Juan
    County Sheriff's Dep't, 
    944 F.2d 691
    , 698-99 (10th Cir. 1991) (holding that
    notice regarding a judgment execution must inform the debtor, who likely
    has few assets or cash reserves, that various state exemptions as to real
    and personal property exist);     Finberg v. Sullivan, 
    634 F.2d 50
    , 62 (3d
    Cir. 1980) (en banc) (holding that a debtor whose sole source of income was
    her social security retirement benefits was entitled to be informed that
    the benefits were exempt from attachment and garnishment).
    The familiar, three-part test laid out by the Supreme Court in
    Mathews v. Eldridge supports our conclusion.    Under the Mathews framework,
    we consider
    first, the private interest that will be affected by the
    official action; second, the risk of an erroneous deprivation
    of such interest through the procedures used, and the probable
    value, if any of additional or substitute procedural
    safeguards; and finally, the Government's interest, including
    the function involved and the fiscal and agency burdens that
    the additional or substitute procedural requirement would
    Mathews, 424 U.S. at 335
    .   As explained above, we believe the general need
    for adequate notice and a hearing concerning an alleged overpayment of food
    stamps is clear under Supreme Court precedent.     Applying the Mathews test
    to the plaintiffs' specific request for notice of the state agency's
    settlement authority, we conclude such notice is necessary to protect the
    plaintiffs' due process rights.
    We note that the proposed notice, which has been approved
    by both parties and the district court for distribution to the
    members of the class in the event our present stay is lifted, is
    clear, direct, and informative. It stands in marked contrast to
    the complex, confusing, and prolix demand letter currently used
    by the DHS to inform recipients of the overpayment.
    The first factor in the Mathews test concerns the private interest
    affected by the official action.   The plaintiffs in this case have a vital
    interest at stake, namely, their subsistence.   Because of their financial
    status, the potential deprivation and the hardship the plaintiffs may incur
    in their attempt to repay the overissuances is substantial, even if by most
    standards the amount of money at stake may be quite small.       Thus, the
    private interest affected by the state's silence regarding its settlement
    authority weighs heavily in favor of requiring notice.
    The defendants argue that the plaintiffs' interest is not significant
    because their future allotment of food stamps cannot be reduced without
    their voluntary consent, see 7 C.F.R. § 273.18(d)(3)(viii) (1995).   We note
    that although the demand letter technically complies with this regulation's
    requirement that the state agency notify the plaintiffs of the voluntary
    nature of allotment reduction, this fact is not stated in clear terms.   The
    letter states:   "If you fail to make a satisfactory agreement, and the
    overissuance was the result of household error or intentional program
    violation, your future Food Stamp Benefit will be reduced to repay the
    overissuance."   (Appellants' App. at 116, 118.)    Because there are only
    three categories of possible reasons for an overissuance -- (1) household
    error, (2) intentional program violation, and (3) agency error -- the
    unstated negative implication in this reference to the first two categories
    is that the state will not reduce future allotments without the consent of
    the recipient when the claim stems from the third category, agency error.
    Given the other, more explicit statements concerning the state's ability
    to take action absent an agreement on the plaintiffs' part, this "notice"
    is hardly clear, especially to an untrained eye.6
    It has not escaped our attention that in contrast to the
    present notice's unstated negative implication, the notice in use
    from 1983 to 1991 clearly and directly stated, "The amount of
    food stamps you are eligible to receive will not be affected if
    can't pay or if you fall behind in your installment payments."
    (Appellants' App. at 111.)
    More importantly, the defendants' argument misses the point.                    The
    plaintiffs, who depend on the state to help them meet their basic
    nutritional needs and who have justifiably relied on the accuracy of past
    food stamp issuances, find themselves in the predicament of having to find
    some way to repay the state for overissuances (already spent on food months
    ago) caused wholly by the state agency's error.                  The plaintiffs have a
    significant interest in being fully informed of the state's authority to
    settle the claim so that they might ask the state to exercise its authority
    either before or at the "fair hearing."
    As to the second Mathews factor, the risk of erroneous deprivation
    in this case is substantial, for persons who have no idea of the state's
    settlement authority are unlikely to ask the state to use its benevolent
    powers.   While it is true, as defendants argue, that the state's settlement
    authority is a discretionary, gratuitous power, common sense dictates that
    the likelihood of the state employing this authority is much less when a
    recipient (ignorant of the state's authority) does not request the state
    to   do   so   or   provide    the    state   with    information    demonstrating    the
    recipient's special needs.           Providing specific information in the demand
    letter regarding the state's settlement authority would put the plaintiffs
    on notice that they may seek modifications from the DHS in the method and
    amount of repayment.         In turn, with the due process protection of notice
    in place, the risk of deprivation, erroneous or otherwise, will be reduced.
    Finally,      the    state     concedes      that   its   interest   is   "probably
    negligible."    (Appellants' Br. at 24.)           We agree.    What the plaintiffs are
    seeking is a mere clarification in the notice the state already issues.
    The state can accommodate the plaintiffs with little cost, in either
    finances or time.         Furthermore, we
    subscribe to the district court's view that to the extent that the state
    may incur any administrative burden, that burden is "`not overriding in the
    welfare context.'"     
    Bliek, 916 F. Supp. at 1490
    Goldberg, 397 U.S. at 266
    Balancing these three factors, the plaintiffs' interest in being
    apprised of the state's settlement authority far outweighs the state's
    interest in refusing to give notice of it.        "Without forms which paint
    distinctly the complete picture," these plaintiffs are deprived of a
    meaningful opportunity even to ask the state to exercise its settlement
    authority.   Ellendale v. Schweiker, 
    575 F. Supp. 590
    , 601 (S.D.N.Y. 1983).
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court's holding that "the Due Process
    Clause requires a complete explanation of the DHS's authority to settle,
    adjust, compromise, or deny all or part of any claim which results from
    Bliek, 916 F. Supp. at 1494
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the district
    court and lift our stay on the permanent injunction issued by the court.
    A true copy.