Jacobus Rentmeester v. Nike, Inc. ( 2018 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    JACOBUS RENTMEESTER,                      No. 15-35509
    D.C. No.
    v.                   3:15-cv-00113-MO
    NIKE, INC., an Oregon
    corporation,                               OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Oregon
    Michael W. Mosman, Chief District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted July 11, 2017
    Portland, Oregon
    Filed February 27, 2018
    Before: Marsha S. Berzon, Paul J. Watford,
    and John B. Owens, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Watford;
    Partial Concurrence and Partial Dissent by Judge Owens
    2                     RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    The panel affirmed the district court’s dismissal of a
    copyright infringement action brought by photographer
    Jacobus Rentmeester against Nike, Inc.
    Rentmeester alleged that Nike infringed his copyright in
    a photograph of Michael Jordan when it commissioned its
    own photograph of Jordan and then used that photo to create
    its “Jumpman” logo.
    The panel held that Rentmeester plausibly alleged the first
    element of his copyright claim—that he owned a valid
    copyright in his photo. He also plausibly alleged the
    “copying” component of the second element because Nike’s
    access to Rentmeester’s photo, combined with the obvious
    conceptual similarities between the two photos, was sufficient
    to create a presumption that the Nike photo was the product
    of copying rather than independent creation.
    Rentmeester did not, however, plausibly allege that Nike
    copied enough of the protected expression from his photo to
    establish unlawful appropriation. The panel held that
    Rentmeester could not copyright the pose in the photograph,
    and he was entitled to protection only for the way the pose
    was expressed, including the camera angle, timing, and
    shutter speed he chose. The panel explained that a
    photographer’s copyright is limited to the particular selection
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                      3
    and arrangement of the elements expressed in the copyrighted
    image. The panel held that Rentmeester’s photo was entitled
    to broad rather than thin protection because the range of
    creative choices open to him in producing the photo was
    exceptionally broad. Nonetheless, Rentmeester did not
    plausibly allege that his photo and the Nike photo were
    substantially similar under the extrinsic test because there
    were differences in selection and arrangement of elements, as
    reflected in the photos’ objective details. The panel
    concluded that, therefore, the Jumpman logo also was not
    substantially similar to Rentmeester’s photo.
    Concurring in part and dissenting in part, Judge Owens
    agreed with most of the majority’s analysis, and with its
    holding that Rentmeester could not prevail on his Jumpman
    logo copyright infringement claim. Judge Owens disagreed
    with the majority’s conclusion as to the Nike photo on the
    basis that questions of substantial similarity are inherently
    factual and should not have been resolved at the dismissal
    Dean M. Harvey (argued), Katherine C. Lubin, and Eric B.
    Fastiff, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LLP, San
    Francisco, California; Cody Hoesly, Larkins Vacura LLP,
    Portland, Oregon; for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Dale Cendali (argued), Johanna Schmitt, and P. Daniel Bond,
    Kirkland & Ellis LLP, New York, New York; Jon Stride,
    Tonkon Torp LLP, Portland, Oregon; for Defendant-
    4                  RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    WATFORD, Circuit Judge:
    This is a copyright infringement action brought by the
    renowned photographer Jacobus Rentmeester against Nike,
    Inc. The case involves a famous photograph Rentmeester
    took in 1984 of Michael Jordan, who at the time was a
    student at the University of North Carolina. The photo
    originally appeared in Life magazine as part of a photo essay
    featuring American athletes who would soon be competing in
    the 1984 Summer Olympic Games. We are asked to decide
    whether Nike infringed Rentmeester’s copyright when it
    commissioned its own photograph of Jordan and then used
    that photo to create one of its most iconic trademarks.
    The allegations in Rentmeester’s complaint, which we
    accept as true at this stage of the proceedings, establish the
    following. Rentmeester’s photograph of Jordan, reproduced
    in the Appendix, is highly original. It depicts Jordan leaping
    toward a basketball hoop with a basketball raised above his
    head in his left hand, as though he is attempting to dunk the
    ball. The setting for the photo is not a basketball court, as
    one would expect in a shot of this sort. Instead, Rentmeester
    chose to take the photo on an isolated grassy knoll on the
    University of North Carolina campus. He brought in a
    basketball hoop and backboard mounted on a tall pole, which
    he planted in the ground to position the hoop exactly where
    he wanted. Whether due to the height of the pole or its
    placement within the image, the basketball hoop appears to
    tower above Jordan, beyond his reach.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                        5
    Rentmeester instructed Jordan on the precise pose he
    wanted Jordan to assume. It was an unusual pose for a
    basketball player to adopt, one inspired by ballet’s grand jeté,
    in which a dancer leaps with legs extended, one foot forward
    and the other back. Rentmeester positioned the camera below
    Jordan and snapped the photo at the peak of his jump so that
    the viewer looks up at Jordan’s soaring figure silhouetted
    against a cloudless blue sky. Rentmeester used powerful
    strobe lights and a fast shutter speed to capture a sharp image
    of Jordan contrasted against the sky, even though the sun is
    shining directly into the camera lens from the lower right-
    hand corner of the shot.
    Not long after Rentmeester’s photograph appeared in Life
    magazine, Nike contacted him and asked to borrow color
    transparencies of the photo. Rentmeester provided Nike with
    two color transparencies for $150 under a limited license
    authorizing Nike to use the transparencies “for slide
    presentation only.” It is unclear from the complaint what
    kind of slide presentation Nike may have been preparing, but
    the company was then beginning its lucrative partnership with
    Jordan by promoting the Air Jordan brand of athletic shoes.
    In late 1984 or early 1985, Nike hired a photographer to
    produce its own photograph of Jordan, one obviously inspired
    by Rentmeester’s. In the Nike photo, Jordan is again shown
    leaping toward a basketball hoop with a basketball held in his
    left hand above his head, as though he is about to dunk the
    ball. See Appendix. The photo was taken outdoors and from
    a similar angle as in Rentmeester’s photo, so that the viewer
    looks up at Jordan’s figure silhouetted against the sky. In the
    Nike photo, though, it is the city of Chicago’s skyline that
    appears in the background, a nod to the fact that by then
    Jordan was playing professionally for the Chicago Bulls.
    6                   RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    Jordan wears apparel reflecting the colors of his new team,
    and he is of course wearing a pair of Nike shoes. Nike used
    this photo on posters and billboards as part of its marketing
    campaign for the new Air Jordan brand.
    When Rentmeester saw the Nike photo, he threatened to
    sue Nike for breach of the limited license governing use of
    his color transparencies. To head off litigation, Nike entered
    into a new agreement with Rentmeester in March 1985, under
    which the company agreed to pay $15,000 for the right to
    continue using the Nike photo on posters and billboards in
    North America for a period of two years. Rentmeester
    alleges that Nike continued to use the photo well beyond that
    In 1987, Nike created its iconic “Jumpman” logo, a solid
    black silhouette that tracks the outline of Jordan’s figure as it
    appears in the Nike photo. See Appendix. Over the past
    three decades, Nike has used the Jumpman logo in connection
    with the sale and marketing of billions of dollars of
    merchandise. It has become one of Nike’s most recognizable
    Rentmeester filed this action in January 2015. He alleges
    that both the Nike photo and the Jumpman logo infringe the
    copyright in his 1984 photo of Jordan. His complaint asserts
    claims for direct, vicarious, and contributory infringement, as
    well as a claim for violation of the Digital Millennium
    Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 1202. Rentmeester seeks
    damages only for acts of infringement occurring within the
    Copyright Act’s three-year limitations period (January 2012
    to the present). Doing so avoids the defense of laches that
    would otherwise arise from his 30-year delay in bringing suit.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                      7
    See Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., 
    134 S. Ct. 1962
    1970 (2014).
    The district court granted Nike’s motion to dismiss under
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). The court
    dismissed Rentmeester’s claims with prejudice after
    concluding that neither the Nike photo nor the Jumpman logo
    infringe Rentmeester’s copyright as a matter of law. We
    review that legal determination de novo.
    To state a claim for copyright infringement, Rentmeester
    must plausibly allege two things: (1) that he owns a valid
    copyright in his photograph of Jordan, and (2) that Nike
    copied protected aspects of the photo’s expression. See Feist
    Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co., 
    499 U.S. 340
    , 361 (1991); Shaw v. Lindheim, 
    919 F.2d 1353
    , 1356 (9th
    Cir. 1990).
    Although our cases have not always made this point
    explicit, the second element has two distinct components:
    “copying” and “unlawful appropriation.” Sid & Marty Krofft
    Television Productions, Inc. v. McDonald’s Corp., 
    562 F.2d 1157
    , 1164–65 (9th Cir. 1977); Arnstein v. Porter, 
    154 F.2d 464
    , 468 (2d Cir. 1946); 4 Melville B. Nimmer & David
    Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright § 13.01[B] (2017). Proof of
    copying by the defendant is necessary because independent
    creation is a complete defense to copyright infringement. No
    matter how similar the plaintiff’s and the defendant’s works
    are, if the defendant created his independently, without
    knowledge of or exposure to the plaintiff’s work, the
    defendant is not liable for infringement. See 
    Feist, 499 U.S. at 345
    –46. Proof of unlawful appropriation—that is, illicit
    8                  RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    copying—is necessary because copyright law does not forbid
    all copying. The Copyright Act provides that copyright
    protection does not “extend to any idea, procedure, process,
    system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery,
    regardless of the form in which it is described, explained,
    illustrated, or embodied in [the copyrighted] work.”
    17 U.S.C. § 102(b). Thus, a defendant incurs no liability if he
    copies only the “ideas” or “concepts” used in the plaintiff’s
    work. To infringe, the defendant must also copy enough of
    the plaintiff’s expression of those ideas or concepts to render
    the two works “substantially similar.” Mattel, Inc. v. MGA
    Entertainment, Inc., 
    616 F.3d 904
    , 913–14 (9th Cir. 2010).
    When the plaintiff lacks direct evidence of copying, he
    can attempt to prove it circumstantially by showing that the
    defendant had access to the plaintiff’s work and that the two
    works share similarities probative of copying. See Baxter v.
    MCA, Inc., 
    812 F.2d 421
    , 423 (9th Cir. 1987); 4 Nimmer on
    Copyright § 13.01[B]. Such proof creates a presumption of
    copying, which the defendant can then attempt to rebut by
    proving independent creation. Three Boys Music Corp. v.
    212 F.3d 477
    , 486 (9th Cir. 2000).
    Unfortunately, we have used the same term—“substantial
    similarity”—to describe both the degree of similarity relevant
    to proof of copying and the degree of similarity necessary to
    establish unlawful appropriation. The term means different
    things in those two contexts. To prove copying, the
    similarities between the two works need not be extensive, and
    they need not involve protected elements of the plaintiff’s
    work. They just need to be similarities one would not expect
    to arise if the two works had been created independently.
    Laureyssens v. Idea Group, Inc., 
    964 F.2d 131
    , 140 (2d Cir.
    1992); 4 Nimmer on Copyright § 13.01[B]. To prove
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                               9
    unlawful appropriation, on the other hand, the similarities
    between the two works must be “substantial” and they must
    involve protected elements of the plaintiff’s work.
    Laureyssens, 964 F.2d at 140
    In this case, Rentmeester has plausibly alleged the first
    element of his infringement claim—that he owns a valid
    copyright. The complaint asserts that he has been the sole
    owner of the copyright in his photo since its creation in 1984.
    And the photo obviously qualifies as an “original work of
    authorship,” given the creative choices Rentmeester made in
    composing it. See 17 U.S.C. § 102(a)(5); Burrow-Giles
    Lithographic Co. v. Sarony, 
    111 U.S. 53
    , 60 (1884).
    Rentmeester alleges that he registered his photo with the
    Copyright Office in 2014, which permits him to bring this
    suit. 17 U.S.C. § 411(a).
    Rentmeester has also plausibly alleged the “copying”
    component of the second element. He alleges that he
    provided color transparencies of his photo to Nike’s creative
    director shortly before production of the Nike photo. That
    allegation establishes that Nike had access to Rentmeester’s
    photo, which in this context means a reasonable opportunity
    to view it. L.A. Printex Industries, Inc. v. Aeropostale, Inc.,
    676 F.3d 841
    , 846 (9th Cir. 2012). Nike’s access to
    Rentmeester’s photo, combined with the obvious conceptual
    similarities between the two photos, is sufficient to create a
    To avoid the confusion that arises from using the same term to
    describe two different concepts, some courts now use the term “probative
    similarity” to describe the similarities relevant to proof of copying. See,
    e.g., Peter Letterese & Associates, Inc. v. World Institute of Scientology
    Enterprises, International, 
    533 F.3d 1287
    , 1301 & n.16 (11th Cir. 2008);
    Positive Black Talk Inc. v. Cash Money Records Inc., 
    394 F.3d 357
    , 368
    & n.7 (5th Cir. 2004); 
    Laureyssens, 964 F.2d at 140
    10                 RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    presumption that the Nike photo was the product of copying
    rather than independent creation.
    The remaining question is whether Rentmeester has
    plausibly alleged that Nike copied enough of the protected
    expression from Rentmeester’s photo to establish unlawful
    appropriation. To prove this component of his claim,
    Rentmeester does not have to show that Nike produced an
    exact duplicate of his photo. See Rogers v. Koons, 
    960 F.2d 301
    , 307 (2d Cir. 1992). But, as mentioned, he does have to
    show that Nike copied enough of the photo’s protected
    expression to render their works “substantially similar.” See
    Mattel, 616 F.3d at 913
    In our circuit, determining whether works are
    substantially similar involves a two-part analysis consisting
    of the “extrinsic test” and the “intrinsic test.” The extrinsic
    test assesses the objective similarities of the two works,
    focusing only on the protectable elements of the plaintiff’s
    expression. Cavalier v. Random House, Inc., 
    297 F.3d 815
    822 (9th Cir. 2002). Before that comparison can be made, the
    court must “filter out” the unprotectable elements of the
    plaintiff’s work—primarily ideas and concepts, material in
    the public domain, and scènes à faire (stock or standard
    features that are commonly associated with the treatment of
    a given subject). 
    Id. at 822–23.
    The protectable elements
    that remain are then compared to corresponding elements of
    the defendant’s work to assess similarities in the objective
    details of the works. The intrinsic test requires a more
    holistic, subjective comparison of the works to determine
    whether they are substantially similar in “total concept and
    Id. at 822
    (internal quotation marks omitted). To
    prevail, a plaintiff must prove substantial similarity under
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                       11
    both tests. Funky Films, Inc. v. Time Warner Entertainment
    462 F.3d 1072
    , 1077 (9th Cir. 2006).
    Only the extrinsic test’s application may be decided by
    the court as a matter of law, McCulloch v. Albert E. Price,
    823 F.2d 316
    , 319 (9th Cir. 1987), so that is the only test
    relevant in reviewing the district court’s ruling on a motion to
    dismiss. Before applying the extrinsic test ourselves, a few
    words are in order about the filtering process that the test
    Certain types of works can be dissected into protected and
    unprotected elements more readily than others. With novels,
    plays, and motion pictures, for instance, even after filtering
    out unprotectable elements like ideas and scènes à faire,
    many protectable elements of expression remain that can be
    objectively compared. “[P]lot, themes, dialogue, mood,
    setting, pace, characters, and sequence of events” are
    elements we have previously identified. Funky 
    Films, 462 F.3d at 1077
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Photographs cannot be dissected into protected and
    unprotected elements in the same way. To be sure, photos
    can be broken down into objective elements that reflect the
    various creative choices the photographer made in composing
    the image—choices related to subject matter, pose, lighting,
    camera angle, depth of field, and the like. See Ets-Hokin v.
    Skyy Spirits, Inc., 
    225 F.3d 1068
    , 1074–75 (9th Cir. 2000).
    But none of those elements is subject to copyright protection
    when viewed in isolation. For example, a photographer who
    produces a photo using a highly original lighting technique or
    a novel camera angle cannot prevent other photographers
    from using those same techniques to produce new images of
    their own, provided the new images are not substantially
    12                 RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    similar to the earlier, copyrighted photo. With respect to a
    photograph’s subject matter, no photographer can claim a
    monopoly on the right to photograph a particular subject just
    because he was the first to capture it on film. A subsequent
    photographer is free to take her own photo of the same
    subject, again so long as the resulting image is not
    substantially similar to the earlier photograph.
    That remains true even if, as here, a photographer creates
    wholly original subject matter by having someone pose in an
    unusual or distinctive way. Without question, one of the
    highly original elements of Rentmeester’s photo is the
    fanciful (non-natural) pose he asked Jordan to assume. That
    pose was a product of Rentmeester’s own “intellectual
    Burrow-Giles, 111 U.S. at 60
    ; it would not have
    been captured on film but for Rentmeester’s creativity in
    conceiving it. The pose Rentmeester conceived is thus quite
    unlike the pose at issue in Harney v. Sony Pictures Television,
    704 F.3d 173
    (1st Cir. 2013), which consisted of nothing
    more than a daughter riding piggyback on her father’s
    shoulders. The photographer there did not orchestrate the
    pose and, even if he had, the pose is so commonplace as to be
    part of the public domain. 
    Id. at 187;
    see also Leibovitz v.
    Paramount Pictures Corp., 
    137 F.3d 109
    , 116 (2d Cir. 1998)
    (pose of a nude, pregnant woman in profile is part of the
    public domain).
    Without gainsaying the originality of the pose
    Rentmeester created, he cannot copyright the pose itself and
    thereby prevent others from photographing a person in the
    same pose. He is entitled to protection only for the way the
    pose is expressed in his photograph, a product of not just the
    pose but also the camera angle, timing, and shutter speed
    Rentmeester chose. If a subsequent photographer persuaded
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                     13
    Michael Jordan to assume the exact same pose but took her
    photo, say, from a bird’s eye view directly above him, the
    resulting image would bear little resemblance to
    Rentmeester’s photo and thus could not be deemed
    What is protected by copyright is the photographer’s
    selection and arrangement of the photo’s otherwise
    unprotected elements.        If sufficiently original, the
    combination of subject matter, pose, camera angle, etc.,
    receives protection, not any of the individual elements
    standing alone. In that respect (although not in others),
    photographs can be likened to factual compilations. 1
    Nimmer on Copyright § 2A.08[E][3][c]; Justin Hughes, The
    Photographer’s Copyright—Photograph as Art, Photograph
    as Database, 25 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 339, 350–51 (2012). An
    author of a factual compilation cannot claim copyright
    protection for the underlying factual material—facts are
    always free for all to use. 
    Feist, 499 U.S. at 347
    –48. If
    sufficiently original, though, an author’s selection and
    arrangement of the material are entitled to protection. 
    Id. at 348–49.
    The individual elements that comprise a photograph
    can be viewed in the same way, as the equivalent of
    unprotectable “facts” that anyone may use to create new
    works. A second photographer is free to borrow any of the
    individual elements featured in a copyrighted photograph, “so
    long as the competing work does not feature the same
    selection and arrangement” of those elements. 
    Id. at 349.
    other words, a photographer’s copyright is limited to “the
    14                   RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    particular selection and arrangement” of the elements as
    expressed in the copyrighted image. 
    Id. at 350–51.2
    This is not to say, as Nike urges us to hold, that all
    photographs are entitled to only “thin” copyright protection,
    as is true of factual compilations. A copyrighted work is
    entitled to thin protection when the range of creative choices
    that can be made in producing the work is narrow. 
    Mattel, 616 F.3d at 913
    –14. In Mattel, we noted by way of
    illustration that “there are only so many ways to paint a red
    bouncy ball on blank canvas.” 
    Id. at 914.
    We contrasted that
    with the “gazillions of ways to make an aliens-attack movie,”
    a work that would be entitled to “broad” protection given the
    much wider range of creative choices available in producing
    Id. at 913–14.
    When only a narrow range of expression is
    possible, copyright protection is thin because the copyrighted
    work will contain few protectable features.
    Some photographs are entitled to only thin protection
    because the range of creative choices available in selecting
    and arranging the photo’s elements is quite limited. That was
    the case in Ets-Hokin v. Skyy Spirits, Inc., 
    323 F.3d 763
    Cir. 2003), where we held that the plaintiff’s commercial
    product shots of a vodka bottle were entitled to only thin
    protection. Given the constraints imposed by the subject
    matter and conventions of commercial product shots, there
    were relatively few creative choices a photographer could
    make in producing acceptable images of the bottle. As a
    result, subtle differences in lighting, camera angle, and
    We deal here with photographs of recognizable subject matter,
    rather than more abstract photographic works. We need not decide
    whether the same principles would apply with equal force to that latter
    category of works.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                     15
    background were sufficient to render the defendant’s
    otherwise similar-looking photos of the same bottle non-
    Id. at 766.
    With other photographs, however, the range of creative
    choices available to the photographer will be far broader, and
    very few of those choices will be dictated by subject matter
    or convention. On the spectrum we set out in Mattel—the
    relatively small number of ways “to paint a red bouncy ball
    on blank canvas” on one end, and the “gazillions of ways to
    make an aliens-attack movie” on the other—many photos will
    land more on the “aliens-attack movie” end of the 
    range. 616 F.3d at 913
    –14. As with any other work, the greater the
    range of creative choices that may be made, the broader the
    level of protection that will be afforded to the resulting
    image. See 
    id. at 916;
    McCulloch, 823 F.2d at 321
    Rentmeester’s photo is undoubtedly entitled to broad
    rather than thin protection. The range of creative choices
    open to Rentmeester in producing his photo was
    exceptionally broad; very few of those choices were dictated
    by convention or subject matter. In fact, Rentmeester’s photo
    is distinctive precisely because he chose not to be bound by
    the conventions commonly followed in photographing a
    basketball player attempting to dunk a basketball. Such
    photos would typically call for a basketball court as the
    setting, whether indoors or out. Rentmeester chose instead to
    place Jordan on an open, grassy knoll with a basketball hoop
    inserted as a prop, whimsically out of place and seeming to
    tower well above regulation height. Rentmeester also
    departed from convention by capturing Jordan in a fanciful,
    highly original pose, one inspired more by ballet’s grand jeté
    than by any pose a basketball player might naturally adopt
    when dunking a basketball. These creative choices—along
    16                 RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    with the other choices Rentmeester made with respect to
    lighting, camera angle, depth of field, and selection of
    foreground and background elements—resulted in a photo
    with many non-standard elements. Rentmeester’s selection
    and arrangement of those elements produced an image
    entitled to the broadest protection a photograph can receive.
    With those preliminary observations out of the way, we
    can now turn to whether Rentmeester has plausibly alleged
    that his photo and the Nike photo are substantially similar
    under the extrinsic test. As discussed, that inquiry requires us
    to assess similarities in the selection and arrangement of the
    photos’ elements, as reflected in the objective details of the
    two works. We do not have a well-defined standard for
    assessing when similarity in selection and arrangement
    becomes “substantial,” and in truth no hard-and-fast rule
    could be devised to guide determinations that will necessarily
    turn on the unique facts of each case. See Peter Pan Fabrics,
    Inc. v. Martin Weiner Corp., 
    274 F.2d 487
    , 489 (2d Cir.
    1960). The best we can do is borrow from the standard Judge
    Learned Hand employed in a case involving fabric designs:
    The two photos’ selection and arrangement of elements must
    be similar enough that “the ordinary observer, unless he set
    out to detect the disparities, would be disposed to overlook
    Id. We conclude
    that the works at issue here are as a matter
    of law not substantially similar. Just as Rentmeester made a
    series of creative choices in the selection and arrangement of
    the elements in his photograph, so too Nike’s photographer
    made his own distinct choices in that regard. Those choices
    produced an image that differs from Rentmeester’s photo in
    more than just minor details.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                       17
    Let’s start with the subject matter of the photographs.
    The two photos are undeniably similar in the subject matter
    they depict: Both capture Michael Jordan in a leaping pose
    inspired by ballet’s grand jeté. But Rentmeester’s copyright
    does not confer a monopoly on that general “idea” or
    “concept”; he cannot prohibit other photographers from
    taking their own photos of Jordan in a leaping, grand jeté-
    inspired pose. Because the pose Rentmeester conceived is
    highly original, though, he is entitled to prevent others from
    copying the details of that pose as expressed in the photo he
    took. Had Nike’s photographer replicated those details in the
    Nike photo, a jury might well have been able to find unlawful
    appropriation even though other elements of the Nike photo,
    such as background and lighting, differ from the
    corresponding elements in Rentmeester’s photo.
    But Nike’s photographer did not copy the details of the
    pose as expressed in Rentmeester’s photo; he borrowed only
    the general idea or concept embodied in the photo. Thus, in
    each photo Jordan is holding a basketball above his head in
    his left hand with his legs extended, in a pose at least loosely
    based on the grand jeté. The position of each of his limbs in
    the two photos is different, however, and those differences in
    detail are significant because, among other things, they affect
    the visual impact of the images. In Rentmeester’s photo,
    Jordan’s bent limbs combine with the background and
    foreground elements to convey mainly a sense of horizontal
    (forward) propulsion, while in the Nike photo Jordan’s
    completely straight limbs combine with the other elements to
    convey mainly a sense of vertical propulsion. While the
    photos embody a similar idea or concept, they express it in
    different ways. See Folkens v. Wyland Worldwide, LLC, —
    F.3d —, 
    2018 WL 841431
    , at *4–5 (9th Cir. Feb. 13, 2018).
    18                 RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    As to the other highly original element of Rentmeester’s
    photo—the unusual outdoor setting he chose—Nike’s
    photographer did not copy the details of that element either.
    The two photos again share undeniable similarities at the
    conceptual level: Both are taken outdoors without the usual
    trappings of a basketball court, other than the presence of a
    lone hoop and backboard. But when comparing the details of
    how that concept is expressed in the two photos, stark
    differences are readily apparent. Rentmeester set his shot on
    a grassy knoll with a whimsically out-of-place basketball
    hoop jutting up from a pole planted in the ground. The grassy
    knoll in the foreground of Rentmeester’s photo is wholly
    absent from the Nike photo. In fact, in the Nike photo there
    is no foreground element at all. The positioning of the
    basketball hoops is also materially different in the two
    photos. In Rentmeester’s photo, the hoop is positioned at a
    height that appears beyond the ability of anyone to dunk on
    (even someone as athletic as Jordan), which further
    contributes to the whimsical rather than realistic nature of the
    depiction. The hoop in the Nike photo, by contrast, appears
    to be easily within Jordan’s reach.
    The other major conceptual similarity shared by the two
    photos is that both are taken from a similar angle so that the
    viewer looks up at Jordan’s soaring figure silhouetted against
    a clear sky. This is a far less original element of
    Rentmeester’s photo, as photographers have long used similar
    camera angles to capture subjects silhouetted against the sky.
    But even here, the two photos differ as to expressive details
    in material respects. In Rentmeester’s photo, the background
    is a cloudless blue sky; in the Nike photo, it is the Chicago
    skyline silhouetted against the orange and purple hues of late
    dusk or early dawn. In Rentmeester’s photo, the sun looms
    large in the lower right-hand corner of the image; in the Nike
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                      19
    photo the sun does not appear at all. And in Rentmeester’s
    photo, parts of Jordan’s figure are cast in shadow, while in
    the Nike photo every inch of Jordan’s figure is brightly lit.
    Finally, the arrangement of the elements within the
    photographs is materially different in two further respects. In
    Rentmeester’s photo, Jordan is positioned slightly left of
    center and appears as a relatively small figure within the
    frame. In the Nike photo, he is perfectly centered and
    dominates the frame. In Rentmeester’s photo, the basketball
    hoop stands atop a tall pole planted in the ground, and the
    hoop’s position within the frame balances Jordan’s left-of-
    center placement. In the Nike photo, the hoop takes up the
    entire right border of the frame, highlighting Jordan’s
    dominant, central position. The hoops are also lit and angled
    differently toward the viewer, further distinguishing their
    expressive roles in the photographs.
    In our view, these differences in selection and
    arrangement of elements, as reflected in the photos’ objective
    details, preclude as a matter of law a finding of infringement.
    Nike’s photographer made choices regarding selection and
    arrangement that produced an image unmistakably different
    from Rentmeester’s photo in material details—disparities that
    no ordinary observer of the two works would be disposed to
    overlook. What Rentmeester’s photo and the Nike photo
    share are similarities in general ideas or concepts: Michael
    Jordan attempting to dunk in a pose inspired by ballet’s grand
    jeté; an outdoor setting stripped of most of the traditional
    trappings of basketball; a camera angle that captures the
    subject silhouetted against the sky. Rentmeester cannot claim
    an exclusive right to ideas or concepts at that level of
    generality, even in combination. Permitting him to claim
    such a right would withdraw those ideas or concepts from the
    20                     RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    “stock of materials” available to other artists, 4 Nimmer on
    Copyright § 13.03[B][2][a], thereby thwarting copyright’s
    “fundamental objective” of “foster[ing] creativity.” Warner
    Bros. Inc. v. American Broadcasting Cos., 
    720 F.2d 231
    , 240
    (2d Cir. 1983). Copyright promotes the progress of science
    and the useful arts by “encourag[ing] others to build freely
    upon the ideas and information conveyed by a work.” 
    Feist, 499 U.S. at 349
    –50. That is all Nike’s photographer did here.
    If the Nike photo cannot as a matter of law be found
    substantially similar to Rentmeester’s photo, the same
    conclusion follows ineluctably with respect to the Jumpman
    logo. The logo is merely a solid black silhouette of Jordan’s
    figure as it appears in the Nike photo, which, as we have said,
    differs materially from the way Jordan’s figure appears in
    Rentmeester’s photo. Isolating that one element from the
    Nike photo and rendering it in a stylized fashion make the
    Jumpman logo even less similar to Rentmeester’s photo than
    the Nike photo itself.3
    Rentmeester makes three additional arguments in support
    of reversal, none of which we find persuasive.
    The district court concluded that, because infringement cannot be
    shown as a matter of law, Rentmeester’s claim under the Digital
    Millennium Copyright Act fails as well. Rentmeester does not challenge
    that conclusion on appeal, other than to argue that the district court erred
    in holding that Nike’s works are non-infringing.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                         21
    First, Rentmeester contends that dismissal at the pleading
    stage is rarely appropriate in copyright infringement cases
    and that he should have been allowed to take discovery before
    the district court assessed substantial similarity. It is true that
    dismissal of copyright infringement claims occurs more
    commonly at the summary judgment stage, but dismissal at
    the pleading stage is by no means unprecedented. See, e.g.,
    Peters v. West, 
    692 F.3d 629
    , 631 (7th Cir. 2012); Peter F.
    Gaito Architecture, LLC v. Simone Development Corp.,
    602 F.3d 57
    , 64–65 (2d Cir. 2010); Christianson v. West
    Publishing Co., 
    149 F.2d 202
    , 203 (9th Cir. 1945). Dismissal
    is appropriate here because the two photos and the Jumpman
    logo are properly before us and thus “capable of examination
    and comparison.” 
    Christianson, 149 F.2d at 203
    . Nothing
    disclosed during discovery could alter the fact that the
    allegedly infringing works are as a matter of law not
    substantially similar to Rentmeester’s photo.
    This is not a case in which discovery could shed light on
    any issues that actually matter to the outcome. In some cases,
    the defendant claims independent creation as a defense and
    thus denies having had access to the plaintiff’s work. In that
    scenario, disputed factual issues will often require discovery
    to flesh out. Here, Nike does not contest that it had access to
    Rentmeester’s photo, so that issue is not in dispute.
    In other cases, more may need to be known about the
    range of creative choices available to the plaintiff
    photographer in order to determine the breadth of protection
    available to his work. Here, we have accepted as true all of
    Rentmeester’s allegations concerning the creative choices he
    made in producing his photograph. But even granting his
    22                 RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    photo the broad protection it deserves, a comparison of the
    works at issue makes clear that Nike’s photographer made
    creative choices of his own, which resulted in an image and
    derivative logo not substantially similar to Rentmeester’s
    photo. Nothing disclosed during discovery could strengthen
    Rentmeester’s arguments on this score.
    Second, Rentmeester asserts that because he has made a
    strong showing of access, he need make only a lesser
    showing of substantial similarity. For this proposition he
    relies on the so-called “inverse ratio rule.” Under the inverse
    ratio rule, we require “a lower standard of proof of substantial
    similarity when a high degree of access is shown.” Three
    Music, 212 F.3d at 485
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted). That rule does not help Rentmeester because it
    assists only in proving copying, not in proving unlawful
    appropriation, the only element at issue in this case. See Jane
    C. Ginsburg & Robert A. Gorman, Copyright Law 133–34
    (2012); 4 Nimmer on Copyright § 13.03[C], [D]; 3 William
    F. Patry, Patry on Copyright § 9:91 (2017).
    Recall from our earlier discussion that a plaintiff who
    lacks direct evidence of copying can attempt to prove that fact
    circumstantially by showing that the defendant had access to
    the plaintiff’s work and that the two works share similarities
    probative of copying. See 
    Baxter, 812 F.2d at 423
    ; 4 Nimmer
    on Copyright § 13.01[B]. The inverse ratio rule provides that
    the stronger the evidence of access, the less compelling the
    similarities between the two works need be in order to give
    rise to an inference of copying. On the flip side, the more
    compelling the similarities supporting an inference of
    copying, the less compelling the evidence of access need be.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                       23
    Indeed, if the similarities are “striking” enough—that is,
    highly unlikely to have been the product of independent
    creation—such similarities can be sufficient on their own to
    establish that the defendant must have had access to the
    plaintiff’s work. See Ty, Inc. v. GMA Accessories, Inc.,
    132 F.3d 1167
    , 1170 (7th Cir. 1997); 
    Baxter, 812 F.2d at 423
    –24 & n.2. That was the case in Feist, for example, where
    the plaintiff planted fictitious entries in its white pages
    directory precisely to detect copying and those same fictitious
    entries appeared in the defendant’s competing 
    directory. 499 U.S. at 344
    But again, after proving that the defendant’s work is the
    product of copying rather than independent creation, the
    plaintiff must still show copying of protected expression that
    amounts to unlawful appropriation. 
    Peters, 692 F.3d at 635
    The showing of substantial similarity necessary to prove
    unlawful appropriation does not vary with the degree of
    access the plaintiff has shown. Id.; Positive Black Talk Inc.
    v. Cash Money Records Inc., 
    394 F.3d 357
    , 372 n.11 (5th Cir.
    2004); 3 Patry on Copyright § 9:91. The substantial
    similarity standard represents copyright law’s attempt “to
    strike a delicate balance between the protection to which
    authors are entitled under an act of Congress and the freedom
    that exists for all others to create their works outside the area
    protected against infringement.” Warner 
    Bros., 720 F.2d at 245
    . That balance does not shift depending on how strong the
    plaintiff’s proof of access may be.
    The inverse ratio rule thus assists Rentmeester on the
    issue of copying, but that component of his claim is not
    contested in this appeal. The only issue relevant here is
    whether Nike engaged in unlawful appropriation by copying
    more of Rentmeester’s protected expression than copyright
    24                RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    law allows. The inverse ratio rule has no bearing on that
    Finally, Rentmeester contends that the district court
    should have granted him leave to amend his complaint, rather
    than dismissing the action with prejudice. The district court
    did not abuse its discretion in dismissing Rentmeester’s suit
    with prejudice because amending the complaint would have
    been futile. Rentmeester’s photo and the allegedly infringing
    works are as a matter of law not substantially similar. None
    of the new allegations Rentmeester proposed to add would
    have changed that dispositive fact.
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE       25
    Rentmeester’s photograph
    Nike’s photograph
    Nike’s Jumpman logo
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                       27
    OWENS, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in
    I agree with most of the majority’s analysis, and with its
    holding that Rentmeester cannot prevail on his Jumpman logo
    copyright infringement claim. However, I respectfully
    disagree with the majority’s conclusion as to the Nike photo.
    After correctly (1) setting out the law of copyright as
    applied to photographs, and (2) recognizing that
    Rentmeester’s photo is entitled to “broad” copyright
    protection, the majority then dissects why, in its view, the
    Rentmeester and Nike photos are, as a matter of law, not
    substantially similar. This section of the majority reads like
    a compelling motion for summary judgment or closing
    argument to a jury, and it may be correct at the end of the
    day. Yet such questions of substantial similarity are
    inherently factual, and should not have been made at this
    stage of the game.
    Where no discovery has taken place, we should not say
    that, as a matter of law, the Nike photo could never be
    substantially similar to the Rentmeester photo. This is an
    inherently factual question which is often reserved for the
    jury, and rarely for a court to decide at the motion to dismiss
    stage. See, e.g., L.A. Printex Indus., Inc. v. Aeropostale, Inc.,
    676 F.3d 841
    , 848 (9th Cir. 2012) (“Summary judgment is
    ‘not highly favored’ on questions of substantial similarity in
    copyright cases.” (citation omitted)); Sturdza v. United Arab
    281 F.3d 1287
    , 1296 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (“Because
    substantial similarity is customarily an extremely close
    question of fact, summary judgment has traditionally been
    frowned upon in copyright litigation.” (citation and alteration
    omitted)); Leigh v. Warner Bros., Inc., 
    212 F.3d 1210
    , 1213
    28                  RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    (11th Cir. 2000) (“Copyright infringement is generally a
    question of fact for the jury to decide . . . and the court erred
    in holding as a matter of law that no reasonable jury could
    find that the Warner Brothers promotional single-frame
    images were substantially similar to the aspects of [the
    photographer’s] work protected by copyright.”).
    “Although it may be easy to identify differences between”
    the two photos, the Nike photo also has “much in common”
    with the broadly protected Rentmeester photo. 
    Leigh, 212 F.3d at 1216
    (reversing summary judgment for defendant
    with respect to its alleged infringement of a photograph
    notwithstanding “undeniably[] significant differences
    between the pictures”). For example, in addition to the
    similarity of both photos capturing Michael Jordan doing a
    grand-jeté pose while holding a basketball, both photos are
    taken from a similar angle, have a silhouette aspect of Jordan
    against a contrasting solid background, and contain an
    outdoor setting with no indication of basketball apart from an
    isolated hoop and backboard.
    I cannot say that no reasonable jury could find in favor of
    Rentmeester regarding the Nike photo, so I would hesitate in
    granting summary judgment. Here, the majority did not
    permit the case even to go that far. Rather, it substituted its
    own judgment – with no factual record development by the
    parties – as to why the photos are not substantially similar.
    While I disagree with the majority’s ruling as to the Nike
    photo, I agree with its holding as to the Jumpman logo. The
    only element of the Rentmeester photo which Nike possibly
    could have copied to create the Jumpman logo is the outline
    of Jordan doing a grand-jeté pose while holding a basketball.
    As the cases that the majority cites make clear, the outline of
    RENTMEESTER V. NIKE                      29
    a pose isolated from a photograph enjoys, at best, “thin”
    copyright protection. A grand-jeté dunking pose cannot
    receive the broad protection that Rentmeester claims, even if
    Rentmeester encouraged Jordan to strike it. The pose is
    ultimately no different from the Vulcan salute of Spock, the
    double thumbs up of Arthur Fonzarelli, or John Travolta’s
    iconic Saturday Night Fever dance pose. See, e.g., Harney v.
    Sony Pictures Television, Inc., 
    704 F.3d 173
    , 187 (1st Cir.
    2013) (holding that piggyback pose in photograph was
    unprotected element); Mattel, Inc. v. Azrak-Hamway Int’l,
    724 F.2d 357
    , 360 (2d Cir. 1983) (per curiam) (holding
    that figurine’s “traditional fighting pose” was unprotected
    element); Reece v. Island Treasures Art Gallery, Inc., 468 F.
    Supp. 2d 1197, 1206–07 (D. Haw. 2006) (holding that hula
    pose in photograph was unprotected element); cf. Bikram’s
    Yoga College of India, L.P. v. Evolation Yoga, LLC, 
    803 F.3d 1032
    , 1036–44 (9th Cir. 2015) (holding that yoga sequence
    fell outside of copyright protection).
    All of these poses can exist independently of the
    photographer taking them.          It does not matter that
    Rentmeester told Jordan to pose that way – standing alone, a
    photograph of a mannequin or marionette in that same pose
    would receive the same thin protection. Cf. Folkens v.
    Wyland Worldwide, LLC, – F.3d –, 
    2018 WL 841431
    , at *3–4
    (9th Cir. Feb. 13, 2018) (holding that two dolphins crossing
    each other was an unprotected element because that pose can
    be found in nature and it was irrelevant that the dolphins were
    posed by animal trainers). Indeed, Rentmeester cannot cite
    any cases to suggest that Jordan’s pose, in isolation, enjoys
    anything more than the thinnest of copyright protection. To
    hold otherwise would mean that a photographer would own
    a broad copyright over photos of human movements,
    including facial expressions. I cannot find any authority in
    30                  RENTMEESTER V. NIKE
    our cases or the relevant copyright statutes that would permit
    such a radical change in our intellectual property laws. Cf. 
    id. at *4
    (reaffirming that “ideas, ‘first expressed in nature, are
    the common heritage of humankind, and no artist may use
    copyright law to prevent others from depicting them’”
    (quoting Satava v. Lowry, 
    323 F.3d 805
    , 813 (9th Cir. 2003)).
    At this stage of the litigation, we assume that (1) Nike
    traced the Jumpman logo directly from the Nike photo, and
    (2) that Nike based its photo on the Rentmeester photo. Even
    assuming all of this to be true, the Jumpman logo is not
    “virtually identical” to the image of Jordan in the
    Rentmeester photo. Mattel, Inc. v. MGA Entm’t, Inc.,
    616 F.3d 904
    , 914 (9th Cir. 2010). For example, there are
    differences in the angles of Jordan’s arms and legs, and the
    Jumpman logo is a black silhouette. And without being
    virtually identical, the Jumpman logo – the outline of a pose
    by Jordan in the Nike photo – cannot infringe upon any thin
    copyright protection enjoyed by the few elements of the
    Rentmeester photo allegedly copied. See 
    id. Accordingly, while
    I agree with the majority regarding
    the Jumpman logo, I think that whether the Nike photo is
    substantially similar is not an uncontested breakaway layup,
    and therefore dismissal of that copyright infringement claim
    is premature.1
    Because I would reverse the district court’s dismissal of
    Rentmeester’s copyright infringement claim with respect to the Nike
    photo, I would also reverse the dismissal of his Digital Millennium
    Copyright Act claim as to the Nike photo.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-35509

Filed Date: 2/27/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/28/2018

Authorities (28)

Judicial Complaint, In Re: , 212 F.3d 1210 ( 2000 )

Peter Letterese & Associates, Inc. v. World Institute of ... , 533 F.3d 1287 ( 2008 )

mattel-inc-a-delaware-corporation-v-azrak-hamway-international-inc , 724 F.2d 357 ( 1983 )

Peter Pan Fabrics, Inc. And Henry Glass & Co. v. Martin ... , 274 F.2d 487 ( 1960 )

Annie Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corporation , 137 F.3d 109 ( 1998 )

Art Rogers, Plaintiff-Appellee-Cross-Appellant v. Jeff ... , 960 F.2d 301 ( 1992 )

No. 98-17072 , 225 F.3d 1068 ( 2000 )

L.A. Printex Industries, Inc. v. Aeropostale, Inc. , 676 F.3d 841 ( 2012 )

Ty, Inc. v. Gma Accessories, Inc. And Paul Harris , 132 F.3d 1167 ( 1997 )

Peter F. Gaito Architecture, LLC v. Simone Development Corp. , 602 F. Supp. 3d 57 ( 2010 )

warner-bros-inc-film-export-ag-and-dc-comics-inc-plaintiffs- , 720 F.2d 231 ( 1983 )

dirk-laureyssens-an-individual-i-love-love-company-n-v-creative-city , 964 F.2d 131 ( 1992 )

positive-black-talk-inc-doing-business-as-take-fo-records-doing , 394 F.3d 357 ( 2004 )

Arnstein v. Porter , 154 F.2d 464 ( 1946 )

funky-films-inc-a-california-corporation-gwen-odonnell-v-time-warner , 462 F.3d 1072 ( 2006 )

leslie-t-baxter-v-mca-inc-a-delaware-corporation-universal-city , 812 F.2d 421 ( 1987 )

Lou Shaw Eastborne Productions, Inc. v. Richard Lindheim ... , 919 F.2d 1353 ( 1990 )

three-boys-music-corporation-v-michael-bolton-individually-and-dba-mr , 212 F.3d 477 ( 2000 )

joshua-ets-hokin-v-skyy-spirits-inc-a-delaware-corporation-maurice , 323 F.3d 763 ( 2003 )

richard-satava-an-individual-satava-art-glass-a-sole-proprietorship-v , 323 F.3d 805 ( 2003 )

View All Authorities »