Davel Communications v. Qwest Corporation ( 2006 )

  •                     FOR PUBLICATION
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a             
    Delaware corporation; ACCESS
    INC., dba A-Tel Inc.; CENTRAL                    No. 04-35677
    TELEPHONE COMPANY; STEVE                           D.C. No.
    PETERMAN, dba Colorado
    Payphones; COMMUNICATIONS                     CV-03-03680-MJP
    MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC,                        ORDER AND
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,             AMENDED
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Washington
    Marsha J. Pechman, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    December 8, 2005—Seattle, Washington
    Filed June 26, 2006
    Amended August 17, 2006
    Before: Ronald M. Gould and Marsha S. Berzon,
    Circuit Judges, and William W Schwarzer,* District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Berzon
    *The Honorable William W Schwarzer, Senior United States District
    Judge for the Northern District of California, sitting by designation.
    Brooks E. Harlow, Miller Nash LLP, Seattle, Washington, for
    the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Douglas P. Lobel and David A. Vogel, Arnold & Porter LLP,
    McLean, Virginia, for the defendant-appellee.
    The opinion filed June 26, 2006, and published at 
    451 F.3d 1037
    , is withdrawn and superseded by the opinion filed con-
    currently herewith. The opinion is amended as follows:
    1. At slip op. 7048, first full paragraph, line 
    15, 451 F.3d at 1045-46
    , delete from the sentence beginning “That is to say
    . . .” through to the end of the paragraph.
    2. At slip op. 
    7049, 451 F.3d at 1046
    , delete from the para-
    graph beginning “Here, the FCC . . .” through to the end of
    Part II of the opinion, and insert the following:
    “In Reiter, the Supreme Court held that the claim that a car-
    rier’s rates were not “reasonable,” as required by Interstate
    Commerce Act, was not barred by the filed-rate 
    doctrine. 507 U.S. at 266
    . Davel’s complaint arises under §§ 201 and 276
    of the 1996 Act. Section 201 is nearly identical to the provi-
    sion of the Interstate Commerce Act at issue in Reiter, requir-
    ing telecommunications rates to be just and reasonable.
    Section 276 adds the further command that a carrier may not
    set its payphone rates so as to discriminate in favor of or sub-
    sidize its own payphone services, and instructs the agency to
    implement regulations requiring rates to meet the new ser-
    vices test. As in Reiter, these requirements, as well as the pro-
    vision conferring on Davel a right of action for their
    enforcement, are accorded by the regulating statute which
    imposed the tariff filing requirement and are therefore not
    precluded by the filed rate doctrine.
    “There is a related reason that the filed rate doctrine is
    inapplicable to the claims in this case. In Transcon Lines, the
    Supreme Court, following Reiter, held that a regulating
    agency may require a “departure from a filed rate when neces-
    sary to enforce other specific and valid regulations adopted
    under the Act, regulations that are consistent with the filed
    rate system and compatible with its effective operation.” 513
    CORP. 9733 U.S. at 147
    . Here, the FCC, in adopting the Waiver Order,
    expressly required a “departure from a filed rate” as to some
    non-compliant intrastate public access line tariffs. The Waiver
    Order extended the time for filing NST-compliant rates and
    provided that any existing non-compliant rates would remain
    on file in the interim. The Order further provided that once the
    NST-compliant rates became effective, carriers were to reim-
    burse their customers for the difference between any newly
    compliant rates and any noncompliant rates on file after April
    15, 1997. As the Order thus expressly provided that Qwest’s
    customers might ultimately pay rates different from those on
    file during the waiver period for certain services obtained dur-
    ing that time,4 it is not consistent with a strict application of
    the filed-rate doctrine to a challenge under the Waiver Order
    to assertedly non-compliant rates on file after April 15, 1997.
    Consequently, the filed-rate doctrine does not stand as a bar
    to construing the reach of and then enforcing the Waiver
    Order’s reimbursement requirement in a case such as this one.
    This is so even though the lawsuit, in effect, challenges the
    tariffs on file between 1997 and 2002 and, if successful,
    would result in Davel paying an amount for public access line
    services different from that provided in those tariffs.5
    “Accordingly, we hold that Davel’s claims in this case are
    not barred by the filed-rate doctrine.6”
    3. At slip op. 7055, first full paragraph, line 
    12, 451 F.3d at 1049
    , change “consideration” to “argument”.
    Qwest does not raise any challenge to the FCC’s authority to promul-
    gate such an order, and indeed, was part of the Coalition that requested it.
    By so holding, we do not decide whether the Waiver Order applies
    with respect to the particular rates challenged in this case or to any partic-
    ular time period. As discussed below, the primary jurisdiction doctrine
    precludes us from determining the scope of the Waiver Order.
    The parties’ arguments with regard to the fraud protection rates con-
    cern only the district court’s statute of limitations decision. We therefore
    do not decide on this appeal whether the filed-rate doctrine is applicable
    to that claim.
    4. At slip op. 7055, first full paragraph, lines 
    15-16, 451 F.3d at 1049
    , change “was not one contemplated” to “may not
    have been contemplated”.
    5. At slip op. 7055, last paragraph, line 
    2, 451 F.3d at 1049
    change “the initial expectation” to “any initial expectation”.
    With these amendments, Qwest Corporation’s petition for
    panel rehearing and motion for judicial notice are denied. No
    further petitions for rehearing or rehearing en banc will be
    entertained. See 9th Cir. G.O. 5.3(a).
    BERZON, Circuit Judge:
    The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (“1996 Act”)
    largely deregulated the telecommunications industry. At the
    same time, the 1996 Act continued to regulate certain seg-
    ments of the industry so as to increase competition overall.
    For example, to promote more competitive market conditions,
    the 1996 Act required incumbent local exchange carriers,
    including appellee Qwest Corp., to provide access to their
    telephone lines and services essentially at their cost of provid-
    ing the service.
    In 1996 and 1997, the Federal Communications Commis-
    sion (“FCC”) issued a series of orders setting standards for
    rates and services offered by local carriers to payphone ser-
    vice providers. This case concerns claims by Davel Commu-
    nications, Inc. and other payphone service providers
    (“Davel”) that, under the FCC’s 1996 and 1997 orders, Qwest
    owes reimbursements for periods in which it failed to file tar-
    iffs implementing the new standards or filed tariffs not com-
    pliant with the 1996 Act and its implementing regulations.
    The district court held the reimbursement claims barred by the
    filed-tariff doctrine and dismissed them without prejudice. In
    addition, the court dismissed on statute of limitations grounds
    Davel’s claims that Qwest overcharged it for fraud protection
    services during the time Qwest failed to file required fraud
    protection tariffs with the FCC.
    As a threshold matter, Qwest contends that the district court
    lacked jurisdiction under the primary jurisdiction doctrine
    over Davel’s claims and that we therefore lack jurisdiction to
    hear this appeal. That is not so. The primary jurisdiction doc-
    trine is “a doctrine specifically applicable to claims properly
    cognizable in court that contain some issue within the special
    competence of an administrative agency.” Reiter v. Cooper,
    507 U.S. 258
    , 268 (1993) (emphasis added). In other words,
    “[p]rimary jurisdiction is not a doctrine that implicates the
    subject matter jurisdiction of the federal courts.” Syntek Semi-
    conductor Co. v. Microchip Tech. Inc., 
    307 F.3d 775
    , 780 (9th
    Cir. 2002). Consequently, even where the doctrine requires an
    issue to be referred to an administrative agency, it “does not
    deprive the court of jurisdiction.” 
    Reiter, 507 U.S. at 268
    We therefore have jurisdiction of this appeal from the final
    judgment of the district court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291,
    and address Qwest’s primary jurisdiction doctrine contention
    on its merits in due course rather than as a threshold jurisdic-
    tional issue. Cf. Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 93-94 (jurisdictional objections must be addressed
    before proceeding to merits issues). After considering the par-
    ties’ contentions, we vacate the district court’s order of dis-
    missal and remand for further proceedings.
    I.   Background
    Davel and the other appellants are payphone service pro-
    viders that purchase telecommunications services from Qwest
    in eleven of the fourteen states in which Qwest operates.
    Because Qwest operates its own payphones, Davel is both a
    competitor and a customer of Qwest. The services Qwest pro-
    vides its payphone service provider customers include public
    access lines, local usage to enable Davel to connect its pay-
    phones to the telephone network for placing calls, and fraud
    Chapter 5 of the Federal Communications Act of 1934 as
    amended by the 1996 Act regulates the telecommunications
    industry. 47 U.S.C. § 151 et seq.1 As a general matter, the
    Federal Communications Act requires common carriers sub-
    ject to its provisions to charge only just and reasonable rates,
    id. § 201,
    and to file their rates for their services with the FCC
    or, in some cases, with state agencies. 
    Id. § 203.
    As part of the
    1996 Act’s general focus on improving the competitiveness of
    markets for telecommunications services, § 276 substantially
    modified the regulatory regime governing the payphone
    industry by providing, in general terms, that dominant carriers
    may not subsidize their payphone services from their other
    telecommunications operations and may not “prefer or dis-
    criminate in favor of [their] payphone service[s]” in the rates
    they charge to competitors. 
    Id. § 276(a).
    The 1996 Act directs
    the FCC to issue regulations implementing these provisions,
    specifying in some detail the mandatory contents of the regu-
    Id. § 276(b).
    Pursuant to this directive, the FCC adopted regulations
    requiring local exchange carriers such as Qwest to set pay-
    phone service rates and “unbundled features” rates, including
    rates for fraud protection, according to the FCC’s “new ser-
    vices test” (sometimes “NST”). The new services test requires
    that rates for those telecommunications services to which it
    applies be based on the actual cost of providing the service,
    plus a reasonable amount of the service provider’s overhead
    costs. The FCC’s regulations required local exchange carriers
    to develop rates for the use of public access lines by intrastate
    payphone service providers that were compliant with the new
    All statutory references are to the 2000 edition of Title 47 of the United
    States Code unless otherwise indicated.
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                     9737
    services test. The rates were to be submitted to the utility
    commissions in the states in the local exchange carriers’ terri-
    tory, which would review and “file” (i.e., approve) the rates.
    See In re Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassifica-
    tion and Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications
    Act of 1996, Report and Order, FCC 96-388, 11 F.C.C.R.
    20,541 (Sept. 20, 1996); In re Implementation of the Pay
    Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Provisions of
    the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Order on Reconsidera-
    tion, FCC 96-439, 11 F.C.C.R. 21,233 (Nov. 8, 1996) ¶ 163
    (“Order on Recons.”) (collectively “Payphone Orders”). Also
    pursuant to the regulations, local exchange carriers were
    required to file their “unbundled features” rates with both the
    state commissions and the FCC for approval. Order on
    Recons. ¶ 163. The FCC required the local exchange carriers
    to file the new tariffs for both kinds of rates by January 15,
    1997, with an effective date no later than April 15, 1997. 
    Id. In addition,
    the Payphone Orders required interexchange
    carriers, mainly long distance telephone service providers, to
    pay “dial-around compensation” to payphone service provid-
    ers, including Qwest, for calls carried on the carrier’s lines
    which originated from one of the provider’s pay telephones.2
    If, however, the payphone service provider was also an
    incumbent local exchange carrier, as was Qwest, the Pay-
    phone Orders required full compliance with the new tariff fil-
    ing requirements, including the filing of cost-based public
    access line rates and fraud protection rates, before the local
    Prior to the passage of the 1996 Act, callers could use an access num-
    ber to bypass the payphone provider and place a call directly with the
    interexchange carrier. The interexchange carrier then collected the full tar-
    iff, leaving the payphone provider with no compensation for the call. Pay-
    phone providers were prohibited from blocking these calls. The new rules
    requiring dial-around compensation changed this regime so as to assure
    some compensation to the company that provided the payphone. See 47
    U.S.C. § 276(b)(1)(A); see generally Global Crossing Telecomm., Inc. v.
    259 F.3d 740
    , 742, 747 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (tracing background of the
    dial-around compensation regulations).
    exchange carrier could begin collecting dial-around compen-
    On April 10, 1997, a coalition of regional Bell operating
    companies (“the Coalition”), which included Qwest, sent a
    letter to the FCC requesting a limited waiver of certain provi-
    sions of the Payphone Orders. The Coalition wanted this
    waiver so that the constituent companies could begin collect-
    ing dial-around compensation before they were in full compli-
    ance with the new regulations. Specifically, they requested an
    extension of time to file intrastate payphone service rates
    compliant with the new services test. These rates were due to
    become effective on April 15, 1997, but the Coalition wanted
    that deadline extended forty-five days from April 4, 1997.
    (The FCC had earlier granted a similar extension with respect
    to interstate rates.) The Coalition proposed that, if the FCC
    granted the waiver and allowed the Coalition companies to
    file rates that complied with the new services test by the
    extended deadline, those companies would reimburse or pro-
    vide a credit back to April 15, 1997, to customers purchasing
    the services if the new rates were lower than the previous
    non-compliant rates.
    On April 15, 1997, the FCC issued an order granting a lim-
    ited waiver of the new services test rate-filing requirement. In
    re Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and
    Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of
    1996, Order, DA 97-805, 12 F.C.C.R. 21,370 (Apr. 15, 1997)
    (“Waiver Order”). Specifically, the Waiver Order granted an
    extension until May 19, 1997, for filing intrastate payphone
    service rates compliant with the new services test, while at the
    same time permitting incumbent local exchange carriers to
    begin collecting dial-around compensation as of April 15,
    Id. ¶ 2.
    The Waiver Order stated that the existing rates
    would continue in effect from April 15, 1997, until the new,
    compliant rates became effective (“the waiver period”). The
    NST-compliant rates were to be filed with state utility com-
    missions, which were required to act on the filed rates “within
    a reasonable time.” 
    Id. ¶ 19
    n.60; see also 
    id. ¶¶ 2,
    18-19, 25.
    If a local exchange carrier relied on the waiver, it was
    required to reimburse its customers “from April 15, 1997 in
    situations where the newly [filed] rates, when effective, are
    lower than the existing [filed] rates.” 
    Id. ¶¶ 2,
    20, 25. The
    order emphasized that the waiver was “limited” and “of brief
    Id. ¶¶ 21,
    In 2002, in a decision subsequently affirmed by the D.C.
    Circuit, the FCC clarified the requirements of the new ser-
    vices test as it applies to the payphone industry, making it
    clear that, as in other areas in which it has been applied, the
    new services test requires forward looking, cost-based rates.
    In re Wis. Pub. Serv. Comm’n, Mem. Op. & Order, 17
    F.C.C.R. 2051 (2002) (“Wisconsin Order”), aff’d New Eng.
    Pub. Commc’ns Council, Inc. v. FCC, 
    334 F.3d 69
    (D.C. Cir.
    2003). That is, the rates must take into account only the ongo-
    ing costs of providing the service, and may not recover previ-
    ously incurred costs, such as those incurred in building the
    telephone system infrastructure. In so holding, the FCC
    rejected the Coalition’s challenge to its authority to regulate
    intrastate rates and to require forward-looking cost estimates
    in determining rates, as well as the Coalition’s challenges to
    the agency’s determination of how overhead costs may be
    Id. ¶¶ 31-58.
    In 2002, after the FCC’s decision in
    the Wisconsin Order, Qwest dramatically reduced its public
    access line and fraud protection tariffs.
    Davel maintains that the rates Qwest charged for public
    access lines services from 1997 to 2002 did not comply with
    the new services test. Because Qwest relied on the Waiver
    Order by collecting dial-around compensation beginning on
    April 15, 1997, argues Davel, Qwest is required by the Act
    itself and by the Waiver Order to refund the difference
    between the non-compliant rates charged from 1997 to 2002
    and the compliant rates filed in 2002.
    Davel further contends that: (1) from 1997 to 2002, rather
    than filing NST-compliant public access line rates in any of
    eleven states in which the plaintiff payphone service providers
    operate, Qwest was pursuing legal challenges to the FCC’s
    authority to regulate intrastate public access line rates; (2) the
    first time Qwest filed NST-compliant rates in the states at
    issue was in 2002; (3) the rates filed in 2002, which were sub-
    stantially lower than the 1997-2002 rates, show that Qwest’s
    1997-2002 rates were not compliant with the new services
    test. On these premises, Davel argues that the Waiver Order
    requires Qwest to reimburse it for the difference between the
    compliant rate filed in 2002 and the non-compliant rates actu-
    ally charged for the entire preceding period, beginning on
    April 15, 1997.
    In addition, according to Davel, Qwest was required pursu-
    ant to the Order on Recons. to file with the FCC rates compli-
    ant with the new services test for fraud protection services and
    other “unbundled features.” Davel alleges that Qwest failed to
    file compliant fraud protection rates from 1997 until 2002 or
    2003, and that this lapse violated the Act. Pursuant to 47
    U.S.C. §§ 206-207, Davel asserts, it is entitled to recover
    damages for this violation measured by the difference
    between the amount it was charged and the compliant rates.
    Qwest moved to dismiss Davel’s complaint under Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), arguing (1) that Davel’s
    claims arising out of the payphone service rates are barred by
    the filed-rate doctrine; and (2) that Davel’s claim arising from
    the fraud protection rates is time-barred under the applicable
    statute of limitations. In the alternative, Qwest, invoking the
    primary jurisdiction doctrine, requested a stay and referral of
    the threshold legal issues to the appropriate state and federal
    agencies. The district court granted Qwest’s motion to dis-
    miss, holding Davel’s refund claims under the Waiver Order
    barred by the filed-rate doctrine and its fraud protection
    claims barred by the two year statute of limitations set out in
    47 U.S.C. § 415. The court dismissed Davel’s complaint with-
    out prejudice to Davel’s asserting the claims before the appro-
    priate administrative tribunals. We review de novo the district
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                9741
    court’s dismissal for failure to state a claim under Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 12(b)(6). Madison v. Graham, 
    316 F.3d 867
    , 869 (9th Cir.
    II.   The Filed-Rate Doctrine
    [1] The filed-rate doctrine, also known as the filed-tariff
    doctrine, applies in regulated industries in which federal law
    requires common carriers publicly to file schedules of ser-
    vices and the rates or tariffs to be charged for those services.
    The doctrine requires that common carriers and their custom-
    ers adhere to tariffs filed and approved by appropriate regula-
    tory agencies. Evanns v. AT&T Corp., 
    229 F.3d 837
    , 840 (9th
    Cir. 2000). “Under the doctrine, once a carrier’s tariff is
    approved by the FCC [or an appropriate state agency], the
    terms of the federal tariff are considered to be ‘the law’ and
    to therefore ‘conclusively and exclusively enumerate the
    rights and liabilities’ as between the carrier and the custom-
    Id. (quoting Marcus
    v. AT&T Corp., 
    138 F.3d 46
    , 56 (2d
    Cir. 1998)).
    Not only is a carrier forbidden from charging rates
    other than as set out in its filed tariff, but customers
    are also charged with notice of the terms and rates
    set out in that filed tariff and may not bring an action
    against a carrier that would invalidate, alter or add to
    the terms of the filed tariff.
    Id. (citations omitted).
    That is, the doctrine bars suits chal-
    lenging rates which “if successful, would have the effect of
    changing the filed tariff.” Brown v. MCI WorldCom Network
    Servs., Inc., 
    277 F.3d 1166
    , 1170 (9th Cir. 2002).
    The regulatory scheme of the Federal Communications Act,
    the source since 1934 of the filed-rate doctrine in the telecom-
    munications industry, see 
    Evanns, 229 F.3d at 840
    , was fun-
    damentally altered with the passage of the 1996 Act.
    Although the Federal Communications Act prohibited the
    FCC from eliminating for any covered carriers the require-
    ment that they obtain advance approval of schedules of rates
    from the agency and adhere to the approved tariffs, see Ting
    v. AT&T, 
    319 F.3d 1126
    , 1131-32 (9th Cir. 2003) (citing MCI
    Telecomms. Corp. v. AT&T Corp., 
    512 U.S. 218
    , 231 (1994)),
    the 1996 Act expressly permitted the FCC to “detariff” (to use
    the telecommunications industry’s “horrid neologism,” Veri-
    zon Del., Inc. v. Covad Commc’ns Co., 
    377 F.3d 1081
    , 1089
    (9th Cir. 2004)) large swaths of the telecommunications
    industry. 47 U.S.C. § 160(a); see 
    Ting, 319 F.3d at 1132
    Where the FCC has done so, the filed-rate doctrine no longer
    applies. See Verizon 
    Del., 377 F.3d at 1088
    . Conversely,
    where tariff filing is still required by statute or regulation, the
    filed-rate doctrine continues to apply with full force. 
    Id. at 1089.
    [2] In its regulations implementing the requirements of
    § 276, the FCC chose to require filing of tariffs for certain
    aspects of the payphone system while leaving others to the
    free market. See Order on Recons. With respect to the public
    access line rates at issue here, the FCC indisputably imposed
    a rate-filing requirement. See 
    id. ¶ 163.
    The Commission sim-
    ilarly imposed a tariffing requirement with respect to fraud
    protection rates. 
    Id. Intrastate public
    access line tariffs are to
    be filed with state regulatory agencies, while rates for unbun-
    dled services, including fraud protection, are to be filed with
    both the state agencies and the FCC. 
    Id. Thus, while
    may be correct as a general matter that “the filed-rate doctrine
    is all but dead in telecommunications law,” the “but” qualifier
    applies here, as the doctrine is not dead with respect the rates
    at issue in this case.
    [3] Nevertheless, the filed-tariff doctrine does not bar a suit
    to enforce a command of the very regulatory statute giving
    rise to the tariff-filing requirement, even where the effect of
    enforcement would be to change the filed tariff. 
    Reiter, 507 U.S. at 266
    (holding, in a motor carrier case, that the filed-rate
    doctrine applies to common-law claims but “assuredly does
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                    9743
    not preclude avoidance of the tariff rate . . . through claims
    and defenses that are specifically accorded by the [Interstate
    Commerce Act] itself”).3 This principle applies to regulations
    implementing the statutory command as well as to the statute
    itself. See ICC v. Transcon Lines, 
    513 U.S. 138
    , 147 (1995)
    (“Carriers must comply with the comprehensive scheme pro-
    vided by the statute and regulations promulgated under it, and
    their failure to do so may justify departure from the filed
    [4] In Reiter, the Supreme Court held that the claim that a
    carrier’s rates were not “reasonable,” as required by Interstate
    Commerce Act, was not barred by the filed-rate 
    doctrine. 507 U.S. at 266
    . Davel’s complaint arises under §§ 201 and 276
    of the 1996 Act. Section 201 is nearly identical to the provi-
    sion of the Interstate Commerce Act at issue in Reiter, requir-
    ing telecommunications rates to be just and reasonable.
    Section 276 adds the further command that a carrier may not
    set its payphone rates so as to discriminate in favor of or sub-
    sidize its own payphone services, and instructs the agency to
    implement regulations requiring rates to meet the new ser-
    vices test. As in Reiter, these requirements, as well as the pro-
    vision conferring on Davel a right of action for their
    enforcement, are accorded by the regulating statute which
    imposed the tariff filing requirement and are therefore not
    precluded by the filed rate doctrine.
    We note that the question whether the 1996 Act provides a private right
    of action to enforce payphone regulations such as the Waiver Order is
    pending before the United States Supreme Court. See Metrophones Tele-
    comms., Inc. v. Global Crossing Telecomms., Inc., 
    423 F.3d 1056
    , 1065-
    70 (9th Cir. 2005), cert. granted 
    126 S. Ct. 1329
    (Feb. 21, 2006). How-
    ever, as Qwest emphatically stated in its October 3, 2005, Fed. R. App. P.
    28(j) letter, it has never disputed in this case that Davel has such a right
    of action. We therefore decline to address the issue, assuming for purposes
    of this case only that Davel does have a right of action. See Burks v.
    441 U.S. 471
    , 475-76 & n.5 (1979) (the existence of a private right
    of action is not a jurisdictional question, and, where not raised, may be
    assumed without being decided).
    [5] There is a related reason that the filed rate doctrine is
    inapplicable to the claims in this case. In Transcon Lines, the
    Supreme Court, following Reiter, held that a regulating
    agency may require a “departure from a filed rate when neces-
    sary to enforce other specific and valid regulations adopted
    under the Act, regulations that are consistent with the filed
    rate system and compatible with its effective 
    operation.” 513 U.S. at 147
    . Here, the FCC, in adopting the Waiver Order,
    expressly required a “departure from a filed rate” as to some
    non-compliant intrastate public access line tariffs. The Waiver
    Order extended the time for filing NST-compliant rates and
    provided that any existing non-compliant rates would remain
    on file in the interim. The Order further provided that once the
    NST-compliant rates became effective, carriers were to reim-
    burse their customers for the difference between any newly
    compliant rates and any noncompliant rates on file after April
    15, 1997. As the Order thus expressly provided that Qwest’s
    customers might ultimately pay rates different from those on
    file during the waiver period for certain services obtained dur-
    ing that time,4 it is not consistent with a strict application of
    the filed-rate doctrine to a challenge under the Waiver Order
    to assertedly non-compliant rates on file after April 15, 1997.
    Consequently, the filed-rate doctrine does not stand as a bar
    to construing the reach of and then enforcing the Waiver
    Order’s reimbursement requirement in a case such as this one.
    This is so even though the lawsuit, in effect, challenges the
    tariffs on file between 1997 and 2002 and, if successful,
    would result in Davel paying an amount for public access line
    services different from that provided in those tariffs.5
    Qwest does not raise any challenge to the FCC’s authority to promul-
    gate such an order, and indeed, was part of the Coalition that requested it.
    By so holding, we do not decide whether the Waiver Order applies
    with respect to the particular rates challenged in this case or to any partic-
    ular time period. As discussed below, the primary jurisdiction doctrine
    precludes us from determining the scope of the Waiver Order.
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                    9745
    [6] Accordingly, we hold that Davel’s claims in this case
    are not barred by the filed-rate doctrine.6
    III.   The Primary Jurisdiction Doctrine
    The conclusion that the filed-rate doctrine does not pre-
    clude Davel’s lawsuit does not mean that the case can go for-
    ward. Davel’s refund claim presents several issues that
    arguably implicate technical and policy considerations. Qwest
    contends that under the primary jurisdiction doctrine, these
    issues must be addressed in the first instance by the agencies
    with regulatory authority over the payphone industry.
    [7] The doctrine of primary jurisdiction “is a prudential
    doctrine under which courts may, under appropriate circum-
    stances, determine that the initial decisionmaking responsibil-
    ity should be performed by the relevant agency rather than the
    Syntek, 307 F.3d at 780
    . “The doctrine is applicable
    whenever the enforcement of a claim subject to a specific reg-
    ulatory scheme requires resolution of issues that are ‘within
    the special competence of an administrative body.’ ” Farley
    Transp. Co. v. Santa Fe Trail Transp. Co., 
    778 F.2d 1365
    1370 (9th Cir. 1985) (quoting United States v. W. Pac. R.R.
    352 U.S. 59
    , 63 (1956)). The doctrine does not, however,
    “require that all claims within an agency’s purview be
    decided by the agency.” 
    Brown, 277 F.3d at 1172
    ; accord
    United States v. Gen. Dynamics Corp., 
    828 F.2d 1356
    , 1363
    (9th Cir. 1987) (“While it is certainly true that the competence
    of an agency to pass on an issue is a necessary condition to
    the application of the doctrine, competence alone is not suffi-
    cient.”). “Nor is [the primary jurisdiction doctrine] intended
    to ‘secure expert advice’ for the courts from regulatory agen-
    cies every time a court is presented with an issue conceivably
    within the agency’s ambit.” 
    Brown, 277 F.3d at 1172
    The parties’ arguments with regard to the fraud protection rates con-
    cern only the district court’s statute of limitations decision. We therefore
    do not decide on this appeal whether the filed-rate doctrine is applicable
    to that claim.
    [8] Although “[n]o fixed formula exists for applying the
    doctrine of primary jurisdiction,” W. 
    Pac., 352 U.S. at 64
    courts in this circuit traditionally look for four factors identi-
    fied in General Dynamics. Under this test, the doctrine
    applies where there is “(1) the need to resolve an issue that (2)
    has been placed by Congress within the jurisdiction of an
    administrative body having regulatory authority (3) pursuant
    to a statute that subjects an industry or activity to a compre-
    hensive regulatory scheme that (4) requires expertise or uni-
    formity in administration.” Gen. 
    Dynamics, 828 F.2d at 1362
    Where an issue falls within an agency’s primary jurisdic-
    tion, the district court enables “referral” of the issue to the
    Reiter, 507 U.S. at 268
    . As we have explained,
    “Referral” is the term of art employed in primary
    jurisdiction cases. In practice, it means that a court
    either stays proceedings, or dismisses the case with-
    out prejudice, so that the parties may pursue their
    administrative remedies. There is no formal transfer
    mechanism between the courts and the agency;
    rather, upon invocation of the primary jurisdiction
    doctrine, the parties are responsible for initiating the
    appropriate proceedings before the agency.
    Syntek, 307 F.3d at 782
    n.3 (citations omitted).
    Qwest argues that the primary jurisdiction doctrine requires
    “referral” of two issues necessary to the resolution of this
    case: First, Qwest contends that, to assure uniformity of
    administration, the FCC, rather than the court, should resolve
    the parties’ dispute as to the scope of the Waiver Order—that
    is, whether, as Qwest would have it, the refund obligation was
    limited to the forty-five-day period in which Qwest was to
    bring its public access line rates into compliance with the new
    services test, or whether, as Davel asserts, the obligation was
    open-ended, continuing until Qwest filed rates which were in
    fact compliant. Second, Qwest argues, whether Davel is enti-
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                    9747
    tled to any refund depends on whether the public access line
    rates Qwest filed prior to 2002 were in fact not compliant
    with the new services test, as Davel alleges. Qwest maintains
    that this determination will require a highly technical applica-
    tion of the new services test, a task within the primary juris-
    diction of the state utility commissions and the FCC.
    Relying on Cost Management Services, Inc. v. Washington
    Natural Gas Co., 
    99 F.3d 937
    , 948-49 (9th Cir 1996), Davel
    asserts as an initial matter that the primary jurisdiction doc-
    trine does not apply at this juncture—that is, when a case is
    at the motion to dismiss stage. Davel maintains that it has ade-
    quately alleged that the public access line rates Qwest filed
    prior to 2002 were not cost-based, so the threshold issue of
    whether the rates were consistent with the new services test
    must be resolved in Davel’s favor, and it is therefore entitled
    to go forward with its case. Qwest, in contrast, maintains that
    the proper interpretation of an agency order, here the Waiver
    Order, is an issue which must be decided by the agency,
    regardless of the plaintiffs’ factual allegations.7
    In Cost Management, the plaintiff claimed that the owner
    of the natural gas delivery facilities violated its own filed tar-
    iff in an effort to monopolize the local natural gas market, in
    violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. 
    Id. at 940-41.
    defendant sought dismissal on the ground, among others, that
    the issue whether it had violated the tariff was within the pri-
    mary jurisdiction of the state utility commission. 
    Id. at 941,
    948-49. We held the primary jurisdiction doctrine inapplica-
    ble on the grounds that the facts alleged in the complaint
    established a violation of the tariff, and thus, on a 12(b)(6)
    Qwest additionally contends that the issue of its rates’ compliance with
    the new services test may be referred on a motion to dismiss. Because we
    conclude that referral of the proper construction of the Waiver Order is
    required, we do not address this contention.
    motion, the issue to be referred “must necessarily be resolved
    in favor of [the plaintiff].” 
    Id. at 949.
    Implicit in this conclu-
    sion was the recognition that resolving the question whether
    there was a violation of an applicable tariff did not necessarily
    involve complex issues requiring agency expertise. Cf. W.
    Pac., 352 U.S. at 69
    Brown, 277 F.3d at 1173
    [9] Reading Cost Management against the background of
    established Rule 12(b)(6) jurisprudence, it becomes clear that
    Cost Management’s primary jurisdiction holding was but a
    straightforward application in the context of the primary juris-
    diction doctrine of standard principles of pleading applicable
    to any motion to dismiss. Under these principles, “the federal
    courts may not dismiss a complaint unless ‘it is clear that no
    relief could be granted under any set of facts that could be
    proved consistent with the allegations.’ ” Kwai Fun Wong v.
    United States, 
    373 F.3d 952
    , 956-57 (9th Cir. 2004) (quoting
    Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 
    534 U.S. 506
    , 514 (2002)).
    [10] In the context of the primary jurisdiction doctrine, the
    analogous question is whether any set of facts could be
    proved which would avoid application of the doctrine. The
    superordinate question governing the primary jurisdiction
    doctrine is “whether the reasons for the existence of the doc-
    trine are present and whether the purposes it serves will be
    aided by its application in the particular litigation.” W. 
    Pac., 352 U.S. at 64
    . Whether this question can be answered on a
    motion to dismiss depends on the nature of the case.
    [11] Where the issues raised by a complaint necessarily
    implicate policy concerns requiring application of the primary
    jurisdiction doctrine, a federal court may suspend its resolu-
    tion of those issues in favor of their referral to the governing
    agency. Cost Management by contrast did not necessarily
    involve policy concerns committed to an agency, and our
    decision there simply conforms the primary jurisdiction doc-
    trine with the usual principles that apply on motions to dis-
    miss. In other words, where, as in Cost Management, the
    allegations of the complaint do not necessarily require the
    doctrine’s applicability, then the primary jurisdiction doctrine
    may not be applied on a motion to dismiss; if, on the other
    hand, the primary jurisdiction doctrine applies on any set of
    facts that could be developed by the parties, there is no reason
    to await discovery, summary judgment, or trial, and the appli-
    cation of the doctrine properly may be determined on the
    pleadings. The Waiver Order construction issue in this case,
    as will appear, is of the latter variety.
    The threshold dispute regarding the refund claim centers on
    whether the Waiver Order entitles Davel to the refund, assum-
    ing the facts Davel has alleged. Specifically, the parties dis-
    pute whether the Waiver Order’s reimbursement requirement
    is limited to the forty-five-day period of the Order’s waiver of
    the rate filing deadline, or whether the reimbursement obliga-
    tion instead extends indefinitely—that is, until Qwest’s NST-
    compliant rates are on file and effective. Davel contends that
    the plain language of the Waiver Order provides for an open-
    ended obligation. Qwest maintains, in contrast, that the
    waiver provided by the order was expressly limited to a forty-
    five-day period, and that it would be absurd to construe the
    reimbursement obligation as extending beyond that period.
    Qwest further contends that if, as Davel alleges, it failed to
    file NST-compliant rates at all during the forty-five-day
    extension provided by the Waiver Order, then the Order’s
    refund obligation never arose, and Davel’s only remedy was
    a reparations claim filed with the FCC at the time of the
    missed deadline. Finally, Qwest argues, this threshold dispute
    over the scope and construction of the Waiver Order must be
    referred to the FCC under the primary jurisdiction doctrine.
    [12] We agree that the primary jurisdiction doctrine
    requires referral of the threshold issue of the scope of the
    Waiver Order. Both this court and the Supreme Court have
    held that the interpretation of an agency order issued pursuant
    to the agency’s congressionally granted regulatory authority
    falls within the agency’s primary jurisdiction where the order
    reflects policy concerns or issues requiring uniform resolu-
    tion. See, e.g., Rilling v. Burlington N. R.R. Co., 
    909 F.2d 399
    , 401 (9th Cir. 1990) (holding that the resolution of plain-
    tiff’s claim required a proper interpretation of an ICC merger
    order, an issue within ICC’s primary jurisdiction); see also
    Serv. Storage & Transfer Co. v. Virginia, 
    359 U.S. 171
    , 177
    (1959) (holding that the interpretation of a certificate of con-
    venience and necessity issued by ICC to an interstate motor
    carrier was an issue within the primary jurisdiction of the
    ICC). These decisions are grounded in the central focus of the
    primary jurisdiction doctrine, the desirability of uniform
    determination and administration of federal policy embodied
    in the agency’s orders. Serv. 
    Storage, 359 U.S. at 177
    Rilling, 909 F.2d at 401
    [13] Given this emphasis on achieving uniformity in policy
    determination and administration, the application of the pri-
    mary jurisdiction doctrine to the issue of the scope of the
    FCC’s Waiver Order is particularly compelling. The Waiver
    Order was issued pursuant to the congressional mandate that
    the FCC regulate the payphone industry and, specifically, that
    it provide for payphone service providers to receive compen-
    sation from interexchange carriers and for incumbent local
    exchange carriers to eliminate cost subsidies for their pay-
    phone systems. Davel observes that the Waiver Order’s plain
    language may be read as open-ended. Opposed to that obser-
    vation is the argument that, in adopting the Order, the FCC
    initially contemplated that all local exchange carriers would
    file NST-compliant tariffs within the forty-five-day waiver
    period. As the current dilemma may not have been contem-
    plated at the outset by the agency, interpreting the Waiver
    Order requires consideration of policy considerations similar
    to those that gave rise to the FCC’s 1996 and 1997 orders
    applying the new services test to intrastate payphone rates, as
    well as to the Waiver Order itself.
    More specifically, with the issuance of the Wisconsin
    Order in 2002, it became apparent that any initial expectation
    of prompt filing of NST-compliant tariffs may not have been
    fulfilled. Thus, beyond issues of initial FCC intent, any appli-
    cation of the Order to the several-year period beyond the orig-
    inal forty-five-day waiver term—a several-year period in
    which the existence of NST-compliant tariffs was uncertain—
    would raise policy questions not resolved by the Waiver
    Order itself. Those policy questions include whether applying
    the refund obligation should depend on whether or not there
    were good-faith efforts to file compliant rates; whether future
    enforcement of tariffs will be impeded by allowing ratepayers
    to complain about noncompliant rates years after the fact; and,
    conversely, whether a narrow construction of the Waiver
    Order would reward intentional non-compliance with FCC
    orders under the 1996 Act.
    We cannot say without addressing such policy consider-
    ations how the Waiver Order should be applied in the circum-
    stances of this case. How the Waiver Order applies here thus
    involves questions of policy best left to the FCC, the agency
    that adopted the Waiver Order in the first place pursuant to its
    regulatory authority in this arena.
    [14] In addition, the Waiver Order is national in scope,
    affecting local exchange carriers and payphone service pro-
    viders throughout the country, including many industry partic-
    ipants not involved in this litigation. For the Order’s
    reimbursement requirement to be applied uniformly, it is the
    FCC that must construe its scope. We note that there are cur-
    rently five requests for such a construction pending before the
    FCC. The agency has provided some indication that it will
    determine this issue in due course. See In re Implementation
    of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and Compensation Pro-
    visions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public
    Notice, New England Public Communications Council, Inc.
    Filing of Letter from Supreme Judicial Court of Massachu-
    setts Regarding Implementation of the Pay Telephone Com-
    pensation Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996,
    DA 06-780, 
    2006 WL 850948
    (Apr. 3, 2006), ¶ 1 & n.3; see
    also In re Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassifica-
    tion and Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications
    Act of 1996, Public Notice, Pleading Cycle Established for
    Michigan Pay Telephone Association Petition for Declaratory
    Ruling, DA 06-1190, 
    2006 WL 1519441
    (June 2, 2006). It is
    precisely the purpose of the primary jurisdiction doctrine to
    avoid the possibility of conflicting rulings by courts and agen-
    cies concerning issues within the agency’s special compe-
    tence. At least unless and until the FCC declines to determine
    the scope of the Waiver Order, questions regarding that scope,
    including those at the core of this case, are within the agen-
    cy’s primary jurisdiction.8
    [15] We conclude that the issue of the scope of the Waiver
    Order should be referred to the FCC.
    If the Waiver Order does entitle Davel to some relief as a
    result of Qwest’s alleged failure to file public access line rates
    compliant with the new services test by the specified deadline,
    the pivotal question would become whether Qwest’s rates
    between 1997 and 2002 were NST-compliant. Until we know
    whether and, if so, to what degree the Waiver Order gives rise
    to refund relief for all or part of the several year period in
    which Qwest’s rates were assertedly non-NST-compliant,
    however, we cannot evaluate this refund claim on its merits.
    Nor, applying our understanding of Cost Management, can we
    determine whether the refund claim is sufficiently fact-
    dependent that any primary jurisdiction determination must
    await factual development. Consequently, because we have
    Whether, as Davel maintains, the FCC could decline to address the
    scope of its Waiver Order, either expressly or by failing to respond to the
    outstanding requests, and, if it does, whether the district court could then
    proceed to do so, are questions we do not decide.
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                   9753
    held that the scope of the Waiver Order is within the primary
    jurisdiction of the FCC, we cannot now address whether the
    issue of Qwest’s pre-2002 rates’ compliance with the new ser-
    vices test is also within the agency’s primary jurisdiction, and
    we do not do so.9
    [16] The district court dismissed the case pursuant to the
    filed rate doctrine. Davel contends that, under the primary
    jurisdiction doctrine, the appropriate disposition of this case
    is a stay, not a dismissal. Whether to stay or dismiss without
    prejudice a case within an administrative agency’s primary
    jurisdiction is a decision within the discretion of the district
    Reiter, 507 U.S. at 268
    -69. The court may stay the case
    and retain jurisdiction or, “if the parties would not be unfairly
    disadvantaged, . . . dismiss the case without prejudice.” 
    Id. The factor
    most often considered in determining whether a
    party will be disadvantaged by dismissal without prejudice is
    whether there is a risk that the statute of limitations may run
    on the claims pending agency resolution of threshold issues.
    Syntek, 307 F.3d at 782
    Brown, 277 F.3d at 1173
    . Also,
    where the court suspends proceedings to give preliminary def-
    erence to an administrative agency but further judicial pro-
    ceedings are contemplated, then jurisdiction should ordinarily
    be retained via a stay of proceedings, not relinquished via a
    dismissal. N. Cal. Dist. Council of Hod Carriers, Bldg. &
    Constr. Laborers, AFL-CIO v. Opinski, 
    673 F.2d 1074
    , 1076
    (9th Cir. 1982).
    Qwest also contends that the determination of whether its pre-2002
    intrastate public access line rates complied with the new services test is
    within the primary jurisdiction of the state utility commissions, with
    which, pursuant to the FCC’s Order on Recons., those rates are filed. For
    the same reasons we cannot address whether the issue is within the FCC’s
    primary jurisdiction, we cannot address this contention. We thus do not
    decide the open question whether primary jurisdiction referral to a state
    agency would be proper in any event. See Cost 
    Mgmt., 99 F.3d at 949
    [17] Here, because it dismissed the case on the basis of the
    filed-rate doctrine, the district court did not address whether
    Davel would be disadvantaged by dismissal. In particular, the
    district court had no occasion to consider that Davel’s claims
    are subject to a two-year statute of limitations that began to
    run, at the latest, when Qwest first filed its NST-compliant
    tariffs, so Davel may well lose its claims before the FCC
    resolves the threshold issues.
    [18] We therefore remand to the district court to determine
    whether to stay the case or dismiss it without prejudice,
    applying the pertinent factors.
    IV.   Statute of Limitations
    The district court dismissed Davel’s claims based on
    Qwest’s fraud protection rates as barred by the two-year stat-
    ute of limitations of 47 U.S.C. § 415(b). Davel contends this
    dismissal was error because its fraud rate claims did not
    accrue until Qwest filed NST-compliant fraud protection rates
    with the FCC in 2003.
    The Order on Recons. required the filing of fraud protec-
    tion tariffs with the FCC by January 15, 1997. See Order on
    Recons. ¶ 163. Davel contends, and Qwest does not dispute,
    that Qwest filed no fraud protection tariffs with the FCC until
    2003. During the period between 1997 and 2003, Davel paid
    Qwest for fraud protection under the rates specified in tariffs
    Qwest filed with the states. The district court correctly found
    that, accepting the allegations of the complaint as true, Davel
    had a cause of action against Qwest as soon as Qwest missed
    the federal filing deadline and Davel paid for fraud protection
    services based on the non-compliant rates on file with the
    state utility commissions. At that time, Davel could have
    brought any claim it had under 47 U.S.C. §§ 206-207 in dis-
    trict court or with the FCC.
    We reject Davel’s contention that its cause of action did not
    accrue until Qwest filed NST-compliant rates in 2003,
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                    9755
    because it had no knowledge until then that Qwest’s rates
    were too high. The D.C. Circuit, affirming the FCC, rejected
    such a contention in similar circumstances in Sprint Commu-
    nications Co. v. FCC, 
    76 F.3d 1221
    , 1227-31 (D.C. Cir. 1996)
    (rejecting application of a “discovery” rule of accrual where
    cause of action was predicated on “AT & T’s failure to file
    and to charge cost-justified rates”). In that case, the plaintiff,
    Sprint, argued that it had no knowledge of its claim based on
    the payment of tariffed rates for telecommunications services
    until the defendant, AT&T, several years later, filed cost data
    indicating that the rates charged exceeded lawful levels. 
    Id. at 1224-25.
    Affirming the FCC, the D.C. Circuit held that Sprint
    was on inquiry notice of the claim as soon as it had knowl-
    edge suggesting the rates might be improper. 
    Id. at 1229-30.
    [19] We find the D.C. Circuit’s reasoning on this issue par-
    ticularly apposite in the circumstances of this case. As soon
    as Qwest failed to file fraud protection rates with the FCC, it
    was in technical non-compliance with the Payphone Orders,
    and Davel was on inquiry notice that it might be paying
    excessive rates for fraud protection.10 Its cause of action there-
    fore accrued at that time. The fact that, until Qwest filed its
    new fraud protection rates in 2003, Davel was not in a posi-
    tion to determine the precise amount of the overcharges, or
    even whether the charges were excessive at all, does not
    change this result. “Accrual does not wait until the injured
    party has access to or constructive knowledge of all the facts
    required to support its claim. Nor is accrual deferred until the
    injured party has enough information to calculate its dam-
    Sprint, 76 F.3d at 1229
    (citation omitted). Rather,
    Indeed, as Davel recognizes, the Colorado Public Utilities Commis-
    sion determined in 1999, based upon a complaint filed in March of 1998,
    that Qwest’s fraud protection rates filed in that state were excessive. See
    Colo. Payphone Ass’n v. U.S. West Commc’ns, Inc., 
    1999 WL 632854
    (Colo. Pub. Util. Comm’n May 18, 1999). Thus, as in Sprint, publicly
    available information allowed parties similarly situated to Davel to dis-
    cover their cause of action within a year of the new regulations coming
    into effect.
    “once a plaintiff has [inquiry] notice [of its claim], it bears the
    responsibility of making diligent inquiries to uncover the
    remaining facts needed to support the claim.” 
    Id. at 1230.
    Once Davel was aware that Qwest had missed the federal fil-
    ing deadline, it was obliged to make reasonable inquiries to
    determine any possible injury it may have suffered as a result.11
    This analysis reflects a key difference between the damages
    claims concerning the fraud protection services and the claims
    based on the Waiver Order. On Davel’s construction of the
    Waiver Order, the right to reimbursement under the Order
    came into existence only upon the filing of NST-compliant
    rates. On that interpretation, Davel had no right to reimburse-
    ment against Qwest until Qwest filed compliant rates, alleg-
    edly in 2002, and its cause of action for Qwest’s alleged
    violation of the Waiver Order thus accrued thereafter, when
    Qwest failed to pay the reimbursements. In contrast, there was
    no reimbursement order applicable to the fraud protection ser-
    vices, so any cause of action necessarily accrued when Qwest
    failed to comply with the Payphone Orders and Davel was
    injured as a result.
    [20] Davel’s fraud protection services claims are not, how-
    ever, wholly barred. Qwest’s tariff filing obligations were
    ongoing. Each time Davel paid the non-NST-compliant state-
    filed tariff, it was injured anew by Qwest’s failure to file the
    required federal tariff. See MCI Telecomms. Corp. v. Tele-
    concepts, Inc., 
    71 F.3d 1086
    , 1101 (3d Cir. 1995) (analogiz-
    ing to installment contracts and coming to a similar
    conclusion with respect to 47 U.S.C. § 415(a), the statute of
    limitations applicable to actions by carriers). Thus, while the
    district court was correct that the claim for any amounts paid
    as of May 15, 1997, expired on May 15, 1999, amounts paid
    We also find it of no moment that this case is before us on a motion
    to dismiss. Davel’s own allegations charge that Qwest missed the federal
    filing deadline, and there is no reasonable possibility that it can prove that
    it was not aware of this omission until after 2002.
    DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS v. QWEST CORP.                    9757
    under non-compliant tariffs within two years prior to the fil-
    ing of the complaint are timely.
    [21] Accordingly, we hold that the fraud protection claims
    based on non-NST-compliant fraud protection rates paid
    within two years of the filing of Davel’s complaint are timely.12
    V.    Conclusion
    We REVERSE the dismissal of Davel’s fraud protection
    claims with respect to fraud protection payments made pursu-
    ant to non-NST-compliant rates within the two-year period
    prior to the filing of the complaint and REMAND for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion. We VACATE the
    dismissal without prejudice of Davel’s Waiver Order claims
    and REMAND the case to the district court for a consider-
    ation whether a stay or dismissal without prejudice is the
    appropriate disposition pursuant to the primary jurisdiction
    Because the parties have raised on appeal no other issues regarding
    the fraud protection claims, our decision on these claims is limited to the
    statute of limitations question. Qwest is free to raise other available
    defenses to these claims on remand.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-35677

Filed Date: 8/16/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (25)

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