Janis v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue ( 2006 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    Petitioners-Appellants,        No. 04-74624
         Tax Ct. No.
    REVENUE,                                    OPINION
    Appeal from a Decision of the
    United States Tax Court
    Argued and Submitted
    June 6, 2006—Pasadena, California
    Filed August 21, 2006
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt, Stephen S. Trott, and
    M. Margaret McKeown, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge McKeown
    JANIS v. CIR                  10013
    Steven R. Mather and Elliott H. Kajan, Kajan Mather and
    Barish, Beverly Hills, California, for the petitioners.
    Eileen J. O’Connor, Assistant Attorney General, Jonathan S.
    Cohen and Francesca U. Tamami, Attorneys, Department of
    Justice, Tax Division, Washington, D.C., for the respondent.
    10014                     JANIS v. CIR
    McKEOWN, Circuit Judge:
    Conrad Janis and his wife Maria G. Janis (“Petitioners”)
    appeal the Tax Court’s holding that they are liable for defi-
    ciencies in their joint income tax returns from 1995 through
    1997. These deficiencies resulted from Conrad taking incon-
    sistent positions as to the value of an expensive art collection
    included in his father’s estate. On the premise that flooding
    the market with a large collection of works from significant
    artists, ranging from Piet Mondrian to Jean Arp and Grandma
    Moses, would depress the value of the works, Conrad and his
    brother Carroll Janis, as co-executors and the sole beneficia-
    ries of the estate, calculated a discounted value for the collec-
    tion. Conrad and Carroll ultimately agreed with the Internal
    Revenue Service (“IRS”) on a discounted valuation of the col-
    lection. Some years later, in valuing the gallery’s inventory,
    Petitioners claimed a higher, undiscounted market value as
    the tax basis for the collection in their joint tax returns. The
    Tax Court held that Petitioners were bound by the duty of
    consistency and could not report on their individual tax
    returns a value different than that stipulated to for the estate
    tax return. We agree and affirm.
    Sidney Janis owned and operated, as a sole proprietorship,
    the Sidney Janis Art Gallery in New York. The gallery owned
    almost 500 works of art, many of them by well-known artists.
    In April of 1988, Sidney transferred the gallery, including the
    art collection, into a trust, with himself and his children, Con-
    rad and Carroll, as trustees. Upon his death, the remaining
    trust assets were to be distributed to Conrad and Carroll in
    equal shares. Sidney died in November of 1989. Conrad and
    Carroll were named co-executors and the sole beneficiaries of
    his estate.
    JANIS v. CIR                     10015
    After Sidney’s death, the estate hired Sotheby’s to value the
    collection. Sotheby’s valued the works on an item-by-item
    basis at fair market value. The appraiser did not account for
    any diminution in value that might occur in the event the
    entire holdings were placed in the market at one time. How-
    ever, the estate calculated a discount—known as a blockage
    discount—that accounted for the number of pieces in the col-
    lection, the nature of the works, and other factors that would
    affect the actual realized price as a consequence of putting
    such a large number of works on the market. Each year
    between 1990 and 1992, Conrad and Carroll filed a fiduciary
    income tax return for the trust that reported the collection at
    a blockage discounted value of $12,403,207. With this valua-
    tion, the gallery reported a net operating loss each year,
    thereby minimizing the amount of taxes owed.
    After the 1991 tax return was filed, the IRS examined the
    claimed valuation and agreed that a blockage discount was
    appropriate. The IRS disagreed, however, with the actual
    value of the collection. The IRS determined that the undis-
    counted value of the collection was $36,636,630 and that the
    appropriate blockage discounted value was $14,500,000,
    approximately two million dollars higher than the estate’s
    In January 1994, Conrad and Carroll consented to the IRS’s
    adjustments and to its discounted valuation of the estate’s art-
    work. Memorializing their agreement, Conrad and Carroll
    signed Form 890, Waiver of Restrictions on Assessment and
    Collection of Deficiency and Acceptance of Overassessment.
    The IRS’s examination of the artwork valuation was then con-
    cluded. The limitations period for assessment against the 1991
    estate tax return expired before these proceedings.
    In February 1994, despite their earlier agreement with the
    IRS, Conrad and Carroll filed amended fiduciary income tax
    returns for 1990-1992, claiming an undiscounted value of
    $36,636,630 for the collection. This valuation, in turn, created
    10016                     JANIS v. CIR
    an even larger net operating loss for the gallery, increasing the
    tax benefits for Conrad, Carroll, and the trust. In the years
    1993 through 1995, Conrad and Carroll similarly filed fidu-
    ciary income tax returns for the trust, reporting the value of
    the collection at its undiscounted value.
    The trust was terminated in November 1995, and its assets,
    including the gallery and the collection, were distributed to
    Conrad and Carroll in equal shares of ownership. Conrad and
    Carroll formed a partnership to hold the assets of the gallery,
    including its collection. The net operating losses reported for
    the trust between 1990 and 1995 were rolled over into the
    partnership, a maneuver that allowed Petitioners (as well as
    Carroll and his wife) to reduce their joint taxable income for
    1995, 1996, and 1997. In their tax returns, Petitioners contin-
    ued to report the collection at the full, undiscounted value of
    $36,636,630. During this entire period (1990-1997), the indi-
    vidual works of art were not divided between Conrad and
    Carroll, but instead were kept together in the gallery, with
    each owning an equal share of the total collection.
    Eventually the IRS reviewed Petitioners’ individual tax
    returns (filed jointly) for 1995-1997, as well as the trust tax
    returns for 1990-1995. The IRS concluded that Petitioners
    should have used the collection’s blockage discounted value
    of $14,500,000, which had been calculated by the IRS and
    agreed to by Conrad and Carroll for estate tax purposes.
    Under this valuation, after adjustments were made, the gal-
    lery’s (and the trust’s) actual net losses between 1990 and
    1995 were substantially reduced and the partnership realized
    a profit for 1996 and 1997. The result was that with the lower
    valuation of the collection, Petitioners owed more taxes
    because they were not able to claim the same net operating
    losses for the gallery and partnership.
    The IRS filed a notice of deficiency for the 1995-1997 indi-
    vidual tax returns. Petitioners contested the notice in Tax
    JANIS v. CIR                         10017
    Court, which upheld the deficiencies after a one-day trial.
    Janis v. Comm’r, 
    87 T.C.M. 1322
    To determine whether Conrad and Carroll reported the cor-
    rect value of the gallery for estate tax purposes, the IRS Art
    Advisory Panel reviewed a sample of the works. The Panel
    accepted Sotheby’s item-by-item valuation to determine the
    undiscounted value of the collection. Although the Panel did
    not agree with the specific discounts urged by Conrad and
    Carroll, it did agree that a blockage discount was appropriate.
    As explained by the Panel,
    In general, a blockage discount is applied to prop-
    erty in an estate in an attempt to reflect the market’s
    response to a large number of items. Traditionally
    . . . a blockage discount is applicable in response to
    a large number of works by one artist, usually in an
    artist’s estate. The Estate of Sidney Janis is not an
    artist’s estate, and does not involve a large number
    of works by one particular artist, but rather works by
    different artists. However, since it is a valuation
    problem involving a gallery inventory, some of the
    general principles are applicable.
    A number of factors have been considered in
    determining whether a blockage discount is appro-
    priate and to what extent it should be applied to the
    subject properties. Consideration was given to the
    prominence of the artists; the types of works in the
    The Tax Court also upheld deficiencies against Carroll and his wife for
    their 1995-1997 joint tax returns. These deficiencies are not part of this
    10018                         JANIS v. CIR
    estate; the distribution of the items (for example, the
    number and types, and their quality and saleability);
    the number of similar items available in the market-
    place; the market’s response to such works around
    the valuation date; the number of sales and the prices
    at which sales were made during the period immedi-
    ately preceding and following death; the annual sales
    of the gallery; length of time necessary to dispose of
    the items; the works that are saleable within a rela-
    tively short period of time; the works that can only
    be marketed over a long period; the demonstrated
    earning capacity of the business; the tangible and
    intangible assets, including goodwill; and, the repu-
    tation of the gallery and the provenance.
    Janis, 87 T.C.M. at 1324
    [1] Ultimately, Conrad and Carroll stipulated to the Panel’s
    recommendation of the value of the collection for estate tax
    purposes, $14,500,000. This valuation flowed through to Con-
    rad and Carroll as the heirs of the estate. In valuing inherited
    property for income tax return purposes, 26 U.S.C.
    § 1014(a)(1) provides that “the basis of property in the hands
    of a person acquiring the property from a decedent . . . shall
    . . . be . . . the fair market value of the property at the date
    of the decedent’s death.” Under the tax regulations, 26 C.F.R.
    § 1.1014-3(a), the estate tax valuation of the inherited prop-
    erty upon the decedent’s death is prima facie evidence of the
    fair market value of the property. 
    Janis, 87 T.C.M. at 1328
    Consistent with these circumstances, the Tax Court deter-
    mined that the agreed-upon estate tax value applied to the col-
    lection under § 1014 and § 1.1014-3(a). 
    Id. 2 The
    Tax Court has a long history of applying blockage discounts in
    valuing art collections. See, e.g., Estate of O’Keeffe v. Comm’r, 63 T.C.M.
    (CCH) 2699, (1992); Calder v. Comm’r, 
    85 T.C. 713
    (1985); Estate of
    Smith v. Comm’r, 
    57 T.C. 650
    , (1972), aff’d, 
    510 F.2d 479
    (2d Cir. 1975).
    JANIS v. CIR                     10019
    Petitioners argue that the Tax Court’s valuation of the col-
    lection was a conclusion of law because the facts were stipu-
    lated. Under this argument, Petitioners suggest that we do not
    owe deference to the valuation determination. Petitioners are
    The Tax Court undertook a detailed analysis whether the
    basis of each work of art in the collection is the work’s undis-
    counted fair market value, considered whether the blockage
    discount was appropriate, and made a determination that each
    work’s value “is equal to the proportionately discounted value
    as determined for estate tax purposes.” 
    Janis, 87 T.C.M. at 1327-28
    . This finding of fact was contingent on an analysis
    of the factual circumstances of the case, and cannot be charac-
    terized as a conclusion of law. See King v. Comm’r, 
    857 F.2d 676
    , 678-79 (9th Cir. 1988) (holding that a determination was
    factual if it “requires an examination of the totality of the cir-
    cumstances and a balancing of many relevant factual ele-
    ments”). The Tax Court did not clearly err in its determination
    of value. “It is the rule in this Circuit that the Tax Court’s
    determination of the value of property is a finding of fact,
    which we will reverse only for clear error.” Sammons v.
    838 F.2d 330
    , 333 (9th Cir. 1988).
    Having established the valuation, the Tax Court then
    invoked the duty of consistency and held that Petitioners “are
    bound to use the collection’s discounted value as their basis
    for purposes of calculating the gallery’s [cost of goods sold]
    for 1990 through 1997.” 
    Janis, 87 T.C.M. at 1329
    . This deter-
    mination led to a finding of deficiencies for 1995, 1996, and
    [2] As an initial matter, Petitioners argue that the duty of
    consistency should not be invoked here because it is a suspect
    doctrine. It is already well established in this circuit that the
    10020                         JANIS v. CIR
    duty of consistency serves to prevent inequitable shifting of
    positions by taxpayers:
    When all is said and done, we are of the opinion that
    the duty of consistency not only reflects basic fair-
    ness, but also shows a proper regard for the adminis-
    tration of justice and the dignity of the law. The law
    should not be such a idiot that it cannot prevent a
    taxpayer from changing the historical facts from year
    to year in order to escape a fair share of the burdens
    of maintaining our government. Our tax system
    depends upon self assessment and honesty, rather
    than upon hiding of the pea or forgetful tergiversa-
    Estate of Ashman v. Comm’r, 
    231 F.3d 541
    , 544 (9th Cir.
    2000) (footnote omitted).
    [3] Ashman laid out the following elements for application
    of the duty of consistency:
    (1) A representation or report by the taxpayer; (2)
    on which the Commission[er] has relied; and (3) an
    attempt by the taxpayer after the statute of limita-
    tions has run to change the previous representation
    or to recharacterize the situation in such a way as to
    harm the Commissioner. If this test is met, the Com-
    missioner may act as if the previous representation,
    on which he relied, continued to be true, even if it is
    not. The taxpayer is estopped to assert the contrary.
    Id. at 545.3
    We address each element in turn.
    Petitioners also argue that the duty of consistency was not properly
    before the Tax Court because it is an affirmative defense that was not
    included in the government’s pleadings. Petitioners are correct that the
    duty of consistency is an affirmative defense that should be plead, see
    Ashman, 231 F.3d at 542
    & n.2, but that rule does not necessarily preclude
    JANIS v. CIR                           10021
    [4] The Tax Court held that the first element, representation
    by the taxpayer, was satisfied by Conrad and Carroll’s agree-
    ment with the IRS’s valuation of the collection. 
    Janis, 87 T.C.M. at 1329
    . This agreement is evidenced by extension of
    Form 890, in which they agreed, as executors of the estate,
    that the fair market value of the collection was $14,500,000.
    Petitioners argue that Form 890 is not properly used as a
    “representation by a taxpayer” because the form only consti-
    tutes the estate’s consent to an assessment of estate tax, and
    that the valuation has nothing to do with Petitioners’ joint tax
    returns. We are not persuaded by these arguments.
    [5] Conrad had overlapping and co-extensive interests as a
    beneficiary and co-executor of the estate. To allow Conrad to
    take inconsistent positions in the estate matter and then in his
    1995-1997 joint tax returns filed with his wife Maria would
    gut the duty of consistency, which “is usually understood to
    encompass both the taxpayer and parties with sufficiently
    identical economic interests.” LeFever v. Comm’r, 
    100 F.3d 778
    , 788 (10th Cir. 1996). As an heir, Conrad had an eco-
    nomic interest in reducing the value of the taxable estate, and
    as a co-executor, he had privity of interest with the estate,
    thus making the duty of consistency appropriate under these
    the Tax Court from considering the doctrine. The Tax Court Rules of
    Practice and Procedure provide that “[w]hen issues not raised by the
    pleadings are tried by express or implied consent of the parties, they shall
    be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in the pleadings.” Tax
    Court Rule 41(b) (2003). Petitioners implicitly consented to consideration
    of this issue; they did not object when the government raised the doctrine
    in its motion for summary judgment and in its trial memorandum. See
    Camarillo v. McCarthy, 
    998 F.2d 638
    , 639 (9th Cir. 1993) (allowing affir-
    mative defense that was raised for the first time in a summary judgment
    motion, where the opposing party did not object and was not prejudiced);
    see also Ahmad v. Furlong, 
    435 F.3d 1196
    (10th Cir. 2006) (collecting
    cases). Their objection at this stage of the proceedings is far too late.
    10022                     JANIS v. CIR
    circumstances. See 
    id. at 789
    (holding that heirs to an estate
    were bound by the duty of consistency when they have eco-
    nomic interest and sufficient privity in the estate tax matters);
    see also Hess v. United States, 
    537 F.2d 457
    , 464 (Ct. Cl.
    1976) (holding that when the taxpayer has sufficient eco-
    nomic interests in both an estate and a trust, then the taxpayer
    is bound to the earlier representation); Letts v. Comm’r, 
    109 T.C. 290
    , 298-99 (1997) (applying the duty of consistency to
    bind taxpayers to representations made on estate tax returns
    when those taxpayers were heirs and fiduciaries to the estate).
    In a case that is remarkably similar to the situation here, the
    Eighth Circuit held that a brother and sister who were co-
    executors of and heirs to an estate were individually bound by
    the duty of consistency to their representations made in an
    estate tax return. Beltzer v. United States, 
    495 F.2d 211
    , 211-
    13 (8th Cir. 1974). The sibling taxpayers represented the
    value of stock held by the estate as a reduced value, thereby
    minimizing the estate tax. 
    Id. at 211.
    After inheriting the
    stock, the taxpayers sold the stock at a much higher value. 
    Id. In order
    to circumvent the high capital gains tax on their indi-
    vidual tax returns, the taxpayers claimed the stock was under-
    valued when the estate tax was filed. 
    Id. at 212.
    The IRS
    responded by pointing out that the statute of limitations had
    run on the estate tax return, which prevented the IRS from
    assessing a deficiency against the stock for the earlier under-
    valued representation. 
    Id. The court
    held that the duty of con-
    sistency binds the taxpayers to the earlier estate tax
    Id. at 212-13.
    Conrad was not only a beneficiary of the estate—giving
    him ample economic interest in minimizing the estate taxes—
    he was also a co-executor of the estate—giving him a clear
    fiduciary duty. As co-executor and beneficiary of the estate,
    Conrad had an incentive to minimize the value of the collec-
    tion, thereby minimizing the estate’s tax and maximizing his
    inheritance. Once the estate was distributed, Conrad had an
    incentive to maximize the value of the collection to increase
    JANIS v. CIR                           10023
    the gallery’s net operating losses, which in turn reduced Peti-
    tioners’ taxable income. Petitioners seek to blunt this incon-
    sistency by arguing that the blockage discount was warranted
    at death because the collection was valued as a whole but that
    similar concerns are not present after they inherited part of the
    gallery. Although this argument may have some surface
    appeal, it ignores the fact that the gallery collection remains
    largely intact and that the flip-flop in position is precisely the
    circumstance targeted by the duty of consistency.
    As we observed in Ashman, the duty of consistency is
    designed to prevent parties from “blow[ing] hot and cold as
    suits [their] interests in tax matters.” 
    Ashman, 231 F.3d at 544
    (internal quotation marks omitted). “[A] taxpayer may not,
    after taking a position in one year to his advantage and after
    correction for that year is barred, shift to a contrary position
    touching the same fact or transaction.” 
    Id. at 543
    quotation marks omitted).
    [6] The second and third elements of the duty of consis-
    tency are also present here—reliance by the Commissioner
    and, after the limitations period, a change in position by the
    taxpayer that is harmful to the Commissioner. The IRS relied
    on Form 890, which contained Conrad’s agreement with the
    discounted valuation of the collection, and thereafter allowed
    the statute of limitations to run on further assessment of the
    1991 estate tax return.4 Conrad changed his position only after
    Petitioners argue that the Commissioner could not reasonably rely on
    Form 890 because under 26 U.S.C. § 7121, Petitioners may be able to seek
    a refund for tax returns where the limitations period has run on further
    assessment, citing Whitney v. United States, 
    826 F.2d 896
    (9th Cir. 1987).
    Although it is true that in certain circumstances taxpayers may apply for
    a refund for time-barred returns, neither Whitney nor § 7121 address the
    duty of consistency. Equity would be remiss if this statutory benefit to the
    taxpayer were twisted to avoid the duty of consistency.
    10024                   JANIS v. CIR
    the limitations period ran. The Commissioner was surely prej-
    udiced by this change in position because the Commissioner
    can no longer collect the tax deficiency occasioned by Peti-
    tioners’ turnabout. Such tax gamesmanship is exactly what
    the duty of consistency is designed to prevent.