United States v. Raygosa-Esparza ( 2009 )

  •                     FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                      No. 07-50573
    Plaintiff-Appellee,               D.C. No.
    v.                            CR-02-00003-VAP-
    ESTEBAN RAYGOSA-ESPARZA,                              2
           OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Virginia A. Phillips, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    April 7, 2009—Pasadena, Calfornia
    Filed May 15, 2009
    Before: Harry Pregerson and David R. Thompson, Circuit
    Judges, and Jeremy D. Fogel,* District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Thompson
    *The Honorable Jeremy D. Fogel, United States District Judge for the
    Northern District of California, sitting by designation.
    Neha Mehta, Deputy Federal Public Defender, Los Angeles,
    California, for the defendant-appellant.
    Sheri Pym, Assistant United States Attorney, Riverside, Cali-
    fornia, for the plaintiff-appellee.
    THOMPSON, Senior Circuit Judge:
    Esteban Raygosa-Esparza (“Raygosa-Esparza”) challenges
    the new sentence imposed by the district court following his
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
     petition. We affirm.
    Raygosa-Esparza was found guilty by a jury of two counts
    of conspiring to smuggle drugs into a federal prison, in viola-
    tion of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    , and 
    18 U.S.C. § 1791
    The indictment identified heroin, methamphetamine, and
    marijuana as objects of the conspiracy. Prior to trial, the par-
    ties stipulated to the type and quantity of the drugs involved
    in the offenses: nine and a half grams of heroin, six grams of
    methamphetamine, and eight and three-tenths grams of mari-
    juana. The jury returned a general verdict on both counts; nei-
    ther party requested a special verdict reflecting the drugs
    Raygosa-Esparza was sentenced to 210 months on each
    count. The district court imposed the two terms concurrently,
    along with three years supervised release and a special assess-
    ment of $200.
    Several months later, Raygosa-Esparza filed a pro se
    motion under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
    . The government alerted the
    district court to a possible Apprendi error, though Raygosa-
    Esparza had not raised the issue in his § 2255 petition.
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000). The district
    court found that Raygosa-Esparza’s original sentence had
    been calculated in violation of Apprendi, because the sentence
    UNITED STATES v. RAYGOSA-ESPARZA              5897
    relied on the fact that his offense involved marijuana, heroin,
    and methamphetamine, a specific fact that was not found by
    the jury in its general verdict. The court granted Raygosa-
    Esparza’s § 2255 motion on this sole ground, and held that the
    jury’s verdict supported a finding of guilty only with respect
    to the marijuana, which carried the lowest statutory maxi-
    mums of the three drugs involved.
    The government consented to resentencing in lieu of a new
    trial. The district court vacated the original sentence, and fol-
    lowing a resentencing hearing, sentenced Raygosa-Esparza to
    terms of sixty months imprisonment for each offense, to be
    served consecutively. Raygosa-Esparza argues the prison
    terms should have been imposed to run concurrently, his sen-
    tence was vindictively imposed, and his Fifth and Sixth
    Amendment rights were violated by the court relying on facts
    not found by the jury.
    Raygoza-Esparza’s resentencing occurred on December 10,
    2007, after the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v.
    543 U.S. 220
     (2005). Reviewing his sentence under
    an abuse of discretion standard, “only a procedurally errone-
    ous or substantively unreasonable sentence will be set aside.”
    United States v. Carty, 
    520 F.3d 984
    , 993 (9th Cir. 2008 en
    banc). We review challenges to the constitutionality of his
    sentence de novo. United States v. McCaleb, 
    552 F.3d 1053
    1061 (9th Cir. 2009).
    On appeal, Raygosa-Esparza challenges the reasonableness
    of his sentence. He also argues his sentence is unconstitu-
    tional — because the court considered factors outside the jury
    verdict in determining the sentence, and the sentence was vin-
    dictive. At the heart of each of these claims lies his contention
    that the district court erred in imposing consecutive, rather
    than concurrent, sentences. This argument necessarily fails,
    because the district court was required by statute to impose
    consecutive sentences.
    [1] Raygosa-Esparza was convicted of conspiring to pos-
    sess and distribute a controlled substance, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    , and attempting to obtain contraband in prison,
    in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1791
    (a)(2). When a defendant vio-
    lates § 1791(a)(2) by attempting to obtain or possess a con-
    trolled substance, as Raygosa-Esparza did, his sentence must
    be served consecutively to any other sentence involving a
    controlled substance:
    [A]ny punishment imposed under subsection (b) for
    a violation of this section involving a controlled sub-
    stance shall be consecutive to any other sentence
    imposed by any court for an offense involving such
    a controlled substance.
    18 U.S.C. § 1791
    (c) (emphasis added). Raygosa-Esparza’s
    sentence for the § 1791(a)(2) offense was imposed under
    § 1791(b)(3).
    [2] Both of Raygosa-Esparza’s convictions involved con-
    trolled substances. As discussed above, Raygosa-Esparza’s
    indictment listed heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana as
    the objects of the § 846 and § 1791(a)(2) offenses. Marijuana
    and heroin are “Schedule I” controlled substances; metham-
    phetamine is a “Schedule II” controlled substance. 
    21 U.S.C. § 812
    (c)(I)(b)(10), (I)(c)(10), (II)(c). Regardless of whether
    one drug or all three drugs are treated as the object of
    Raygosa-Esparza’s offenses for sentencing purposes, the sen-
    tences for his § 846 and § 1791 offenses must run consecu-
    [3] Thus, Raygosa-Esparza’s challenge to the reasonable-
    ness of his sentence is without merit. He argues that the dis-
    trict court abused its discretion by imposing consecutive
    UNITED STATES v. RAYGOSA-ESPARZA              5899
    sentences; however, the district court did not have the discre-
    tion to impose concurrent sentences. He raises no other
    ground for challenging the reasonableness of the sentence,
    and he does not allege any procedural error. We conclude that
    the district court did not abuse its discretion in resentencing
    Raygosa-Esparza to consecutive terms.
    [4] Next, Raygosa-Esparza contends that in resentencing
    him the district court punished him by imposing consecutive,
    rather than concurrent, terms because he successfully
    appealed his original sentence. Raygosa-Esparza has a Fifth
    Amendment due process right not to be subjected to vindic-
    tive resentencing following his successful § 2255 petition.
    United States v. Peyton, 
    353 F.3d 1080
    , 1085 (9th Cir. 2003).
    However, this argument also lacks merit. The consecutive
    sentences were not imposed vindictively, but rather were
    required by statute.
    [5] This leaves one issue: whether the district court violated
    Raygosa-Esparza’s Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights by
    relying on facts not found by the jury. Though Raygosa-
    Esparza was indicted for offenses involving marijuana, her-
    oin, and methamphetamine, and stipulated prior to trial, that
    all three drugs were objects of the conspiracy, the general ver-
    dict returned by the jury did not specify which drugs
    Raygosa-Esparza was convicted of conspiring to smuggle into
    the prison. This ambiguity led the district court to vacate
    Raygosa-Esparza’s original sentence, and issue a § 2255 order
    stating that the jury’s verdict should be read to support a find-
    ing of guilty only with respect to the marijuana. As a result,
    each offense carried a statutory maximum of five years
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    18 U.S.C. § 1791
    [6] The revised sentence imposed by the district court for
    each offense does not exceed this statutory maximum.
    Accordingly, no constitutional violation occurred, even if the
    district court did rely on facts not found by the jury. “Standing
    alone, judicial consideration of facts and circumstances
    beyond those found by a jury or admitted by the defendant
    does not violate the Sixth Amendment right to jury trial.”
    United States v. Ameline, 
    409 F.3d 1073
    , 1077-78 (9th Cir.
    2005 en banc). Findings outside the jury verdict violate the
    Sixth Amendment only where they are used to “increase[ ] the
    penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed statutory maxi-
    mum.” Apprendi, 
    530 U.S. at 490
    . The district court was per-
    mitted to consider the fact that the offenses involved heroin,
    methamphetamine, and marijuana, so long as the sentence
    imposed did not exceed the statutory maximum for a
    marijuana-only offense.