Samuel Lopez v. Janice Brewer ( 2012 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    SAMUEL VILLEGAS LOPEZ,                 
    JANICE K BREWER, Governor of
    Arizona; CHARLES L. RYAN,
    Director, Arizona Department of
    Corrections; RON CREDIO, Warden,
    Arizona Department of                       No. 12-16084
    Corrections-Eyman; LANCE R.                   D.C. No.
    HETMER, named as: Lance                   2:12-cv-00245-
    Hetmer/Warden, Arizona                         NVW
    Department of Corrections-
    Florence; UNKNOWN PARTIES,
    named as: IV Team Leader; IV
    Team Members 1-5; Special
    Operations Team Leader; Special
    Operations Team Recorder;
    Special Operations Team Members
    1-5; and Does 1-25,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Arizona
    Neil V. Wake, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    May 14, 2012—San Francisco, California
    Filed May 15, 2012
    5574                LOPEZ v. BREWER
    Before: M. Margaret McKeown, Marsha S. Berzon, and
    Johnnie B. Rawlinson, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge McKeown;
    Partial Concurrence and Partial Dissent by Judge Berzon
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                     5577
    Dale A. Baich, Robin C. Konrad, Cary S. Sandman, and Jon
    M. Sands, Federal Public Defender’s Office, Phoenix, Ari-
    zona; Amanda R. Conley, David Sepanik, and Flora Vigo,
    O’Melveny & Myers LLP, San Francisco, California; Denise
    I. Yong, Tucson, Arizona; Kelley J. Henry and Henry A. Mar-
    tin, Federal Public Defender’s Office, Nashville, Tennessee,
    for the plaintiff-appellant.
    Kent Ernest Cattani, Thomas C. Horne, and Jeffrey A. Zick,
    Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Phoenix, Arizona, for the
    McKEOWN, Circuit Judge:
    We embark upon this opinion with deja vu, the feeling that
    we have been here before, but with the knowledge that we
    will likely be here again. We have entertained, usually at the
    last minute, a number of challenges to Arizona’s execution
    protocol. No court has determined the constitutionality of Ari-
    zona’s current death penalty protocol, adopted in January
    2012, yet we have been asked to address individual provisions
    of the protocol in the abstract, without a constitutionally firm
    base. Further complicating our task, in certain respects, the
    actual procedures followed during individual executions have
    not been consistent; instead, in the intervening two months
    since we issued Towery v. Brewer, 
    672 F.3d 650
     (9th Cir.
    5578                       LOPEZ v. BREWER
    2012), there is uncertainty as to how the next execution will
    be carried out. The State continues to cling to its discretion,
    all the while urging us—during oral argument in the waning
    hours before execution—to trust that it will exercise its dis-
    cretion in a constitutionally permissible manner. The State’s
    insistence “on amending its execution protocol on an ad hoc
    basis—through add-on practices, trial court representations
    and acknowledgments, and last minute written amendments—
    leav[es] the courts with a rolling protocol that forces us to
    engage with serious constitutional questions and complicated
    factual issues in the waning hours before executions.” 
    Id. at 653
    . Review of death penalty cases is a grim and difficult
    undertaking, even without these complications.
    Arizona death-row inmates Robert Charles Towery, Robert
    Henry Moormann, Pete Rovogich, Thomas Arnold Kemp,
    Milo McCormick Stanley, and Samuel Villegas Lopez
    brought this action under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , asserting that the
    Arizona Department of Corrections’ (the “ADC”) execution
    protocol violates the Eighth Amendment.1 Lopez, one of the
    named plaintiffs with an impending execution date, moved
    the district court for a preliminary injunction against the
    ADC’s use of its current lethal injection protocol. The district
    court denied relief and Lopez appealed. We affirm.
    In Towery v. Brewer, we considered an almost equivalent
    challenge to Arizona’s current execution protocol by another
    named plaintiff in this case. In light of the extensive prior
    opinions, we will not repeat the chronology and background.
    id. at 654-55
    ; see also Dickens v. Brewer, 
    631 F.3d 1139
    (9th Cir. 2011). Lopez’s challenge, in effect, picks up where
    Towery left off.2
    Some of the named plaintiffs have since been executed.
    The State has advised that it will use a one-drug protocol in Lopez’s
    execution. Lopez does not explicitly argue that the protocol is, in itself,
    unconstitutional. To the extent he indirectly makes this claim, it fails
    because he provides insufficient evidence to support such a claim.
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5579
    In the district court, Lopez alleged that: 1) the ADC’s med-
    ical procedures for inserting IV catheters in condemned pris-
    oners violates his Eighth Amendment rights; 2) the ADC’s
    January 25, 2012, amendment to Department Order 710 (the
    “2012 Protocol”) violates his right to equal protection under
    the Fourteenth Amendment; and 3) the ADC’s execution pro-
    tocol violates his rights of access to counsel and the courts.
    Lopez moved for a preliminary injunction to enjoin his exe-
    cution to allow for litigation of these claims. The district court
    considered the evidence in the record and, without holding an
    evidentiary hearing, denied the request for a preliminary
    The district court held that Lopez had not presented a sub-
    stantial likelihood of success on the merits regarding his claim
    that the 2012 Protocol facially violates the Eighth Amend-
    ment. Lopez claimed that the ADC’s actions surrounding the
    insertion of IV catheters in condemned prisoners demon-
    strates an objectively intolerable risk of harm, even where a
    one-drug protocol is used instead of a three-drug protocol.
    The district court held that the mere presence of pain and dis-
    comfort resulting from the placement of IV lines did not con-
    stitute “an objectively intolerable risk of harm” and that some
    pain was an inescapable consequence of death.
    Lopez also claimed that the 2012 Protocol violates his right
    to equal protection because each of the prisoners executed
    since the adoption of the Protocol has been treated differently
    with respect to IV placement and that these variances affected
    the risk of pain to which each was subjected. Because individ-
    ualized and changing factors may impact IV placement and
    because use of a femoral catheter is no more likely to create
    a risk of cruel and unusual punishment than the use of a
    peripheral catheter, the district court concluded that Lopez
    failed to raise serious questions on the merits of his equal pro-
    tection claim.
    5580                    LOPEZ v. BREWER
    Finally, the district court upheld the prohibition on in-
    person non-contact visitation with the condemned’s attorney
    after 7:00 a.m. on the day of the scheduled execution. It found
    the prohibition proper because communication with counsel
    by telephone is still permitted past 7:00 a.m. The district also
    determined that Lopez is not entitled to have counsel observe
    the IV-placement procedure.
    On appeal, Lopez challenges four aspects of the district
    court’s denial of the preliminary injunction: 1) application of
    the “serious questions” test; 2) the conclusion that the 2012
    Protocol does not violate Lopez’s Eighth Amendment rights;
    3) the conclusions regarding the ADC’s restrictions on in-
    person non-contact counsel visits; and 4) the decision not to
    hold an evidentiary hearing. We review this denial of a pre-
    liminary injunction for abuse of discretion. Lands Council v.
    537 F.3d 981
    , 986 (9th Cir. 2008) (en banc). An
    abuse of discretion will be found if the district court based its
    decision “on an erroneous legal standard or clearly erroneous
    findings of fact.” 
     We note that in this appeal Lopez did not
    advance the argument offered by the dissent, namely a due
    process challenge based on unfettered discretion and transpar-
    [1] The district court appropriately articulated the legal
    principles governing the grant of a preliminary injunction and
    applied these principles to the limited facts presented by
    Lopez. A preliminary injunction is “an extraordinary and
    drastic remedy, one that should not be granted unless the
    movant, by a clear showing, carries the burden of persua-
    sion.” Mazurek v. Armstrong, 
    520 U.S. 968
    , 972 (1997) (per
    curiam) (citation omitted). To obtain preliminary injunctive
    relief, Lopez must demonstrate that: 1) he is likely to succeed
    on the merits of such a claim; 2) he is likely to suffer irrepara-
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5581
    ble harm in the absence of preliminary relief; 3) the balance
    of equities tips in his favor; and 4) that an injunction is in the
    public interest. Winter v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    555 U.S. 7
    , 20 (2008). As we emphasized in Towery, these princi-
    ples apply even in the context of an impending execution. 672
    F.3d at 657 (citing Hill v. McDonough, 
    547 U.S. 573
    , 583-84
    [2] Under the “serious questions” variation of the test, a
    preliminary injunction is proper if there are serious questions
    going to the merits; there is a likelihood of irreparable injury
    to the plaintiff; the balance of hardships tips sharply in favor
    of the plaintiff; and the injunction is in the public interest.
    Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Cottrell, 
    632 F.3d 1127
    1131-32 (9th Cir. 2011). The elements of the preliminary
    injunction test must be balanced, so that a stronger showing
    of one element may offset a weaker showing of another.
    “ ‘[S]erious questions going to the merits’ and a balance of
    hardships that tips sharply towards the plaintiff can support
    issuance of a preliminary injunction, so long as the plaintiff
    also shows that there is a likelihood of irreparable injury and
    that the injunction is in the public interest.” Id. at 1135.
    [3] Lopez takes issue with the district court’s analysis,
    arguing that the court failed to balance the four Winter factors
    and did not consider whether Lopez presented serious ques-
    tions going to the merits of the claims. The district court,
    however, articulated the Winter standard and discussed each
    of the elements. Although the court’s discussion of irreparable
    harm, the balance of equities, and the public interest is brief,
    the court did engage with each of these three factors, and thus
    did not apply an incorrect legal standard. See United States v.
    585 F.3d 1247
    , 1261-62 (9th Cir. 2009) (en banc) (a
    court abuses its discretion if it fails to identify and apply the
    correct legal rule).
    [4] To the extent Lopez argues that the “serious questions
    going to the merits” consideration is a separate and indepen-
    5582                   LOPEZ v. BREWER
    dent analysis from the court’s assessment of Lopez’s likeli-
    hood of success on the merits, Lopez misunderstands our
    precedent. See M.R. v. Dreyfus, 
    663 F.3d 1100
    , 1108 (9th Cir.
    2011) (articulating preliminary injunction standard in terms of
    likelihood of success on the merits or serious questions going
    to the merits). Because the district court did not err in deter-
    mining that Lopez failed to demonstrate a likelihood of suc-
    cess on the merits, it follows that Lopez also failed to raise
    serious questions going to the merits.
    [5] The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits
    the infliction of “cruel and unusual punishments,” not punish-
    ment itself. Part of Lopez’s ultimate punishment—a sentence
    of death—is the execution process itself. Lopez challenges
    Arizona’s procedures for conducting executions, specifically
    the placement of the IV lines, claiming that they present an
    intolerable risk of harm rendering the process unconstitu-
    [6] To prevail on an Eighth Amendment claim “there must
    be a substantial risk of serious harm, an objectively intolera-
    ble risk of harm that prevents prison officials from pleading
    that they were subjectively blameless for purposes of the
    Eighth Amendment.” Baze v. Rees, 
    553 U.S. 35
    , 50 (2009)
    (quotation marks omitted). Lopez’s argument that the ADC is
    not “subjectively blameless” for its actions is insufficient;
    instead, the appropriate benchmark is whether the ADC’s pro-
    cedures create “an objectively intolerable risk of harm” that
    precludes a finding that the prison officials were subjectively
    blameless. In other words, “[s]imply because an execution
    method may result in pain, either by accident or as an inescap-
    able consequence of death, does not establish the sort of
    objectively intolerable risk of harm that qualifies as cruel and
    Towery’s recent execution is the primary basis of Lopez’s
    claim. During the execution, which started at 9:52 a.m., the
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                     5583
    ADC spent approximately thirty minutes, and made at least
    six punctures, unsuccessfully attempting to place IV catheters
    in both of Towery’s arms near his elbows. The ADC’s records
    document that “[a]fter multiple attempts of the left and right
    peripheral — (approximately 4 in right — 2 in left), IV Team
    Leader recommended right femoral as primary and left
    peripheral as back-up.” According to attorney testimony,
    “[d]uring Mr. Towery’s last words, he also said that he should
    have gone left and he went right. He went right when he
    should have gone left. He then went on to say he made ‘mis-
    take, after mistake after mistake.’ Based on my discussions
    with Mr. Towery, this phrase meant that there were problems
    or he was hurt during the insertion of the catheters.”
    At this point, the Director of the ADC called the Arizona
    Attorney General’s Office to “provide[ ] an update regarding
    the IV process.” The Team Leader’s recommendation was
    then attempted, and the “[r]ight femoral was successful; left
    peripheral was unsuccessful.” After further discussion
    between the Director and the Team Leader, the “[r]ight hand
    peripheral” was chosen as the back-up catheter site. This
    attempt was successful at 10:59 a.m., approximately an hour
    after the process began.
    Lopez claims that this sequence of events, along with other
    recent executions conducted by the ADC, demonstrate that he
    may be subjected to an unconstitutional level of pain during
    his execution. The district court held that “Lopez has not cited
    any legal authority or alleged any facts that bring into ques-
    tion the prior conclusion in West that the Eighth Amendment
    is not offended by administration of lethal chemicals through
    a femoral central line. Nor is there any persuasive or even col-
    orable reason to think that placement of a peripheral IV line
    in a prisoner’s hand, while possibly more uncomfortable than
    other peripheral sites, poses an objectively intolerable risk of
    severe pain that qualifies as cruel and unusual.” In addition,
    “[w]hile undoubtedly disquieting to a condemned inmate
    awaiting execution, repeated efforts to set IV lines do not, in
    5584                       LOPEZ v. BREWER
    and of themselves, suggest malevolence from Defendants,
    extreme pain, or even unnecessary pain.”
    [7] We acknowledge, as demonstrated by the evidence,
    that there can be some pain and discomfort associated with
    the placement of IV lines and that, depending on the individ-
    ual, such placement can be difficult from time to time. An
    inmate might also experience some pain from the administra-
    tion of the lethal drugs through a relatively smaller vein. The
    relevant inquiry, however, is whether placement of the periph-
    eral line in the hand, the femoral catheter, and the series of
    abortive IV placement attempts, either individually or in com-
    bination, lead to an objectively intolerable risk of pain. Lopez
    has not documented that they do. The record does not support,
    with any likelihood, the conclusion that the pain Towery pur-
    portedly suffered establishes an “objectively intolerable” risk
    of pain for Lopez, as required under the Eighth Amendment.
    See Baze, 553 U.S. at 50. Our sister circuits have taken a simi-
    lar view. See Raby v. Livingston, 
    600 F.3d 552
    , 558-61 (5th
    Cir. 2010) (upholding Texas lethal injection protocol where
    evidence of problems with inserting IVs); Cooey v. Strick-
    589 F.3d 210
    , 217-18, 224, 233-34 (6th Cir. 2009)
    (upholding Ohio protocol despite evidence of problems insert-
    ing IV); Emmett v. Johnson, 
    532 F.3d 291
    , 303, 306-08 (4th
    Cir. 2008) (upholding Virginia protocol despite problems with
    IV lines).
    [8] At this stage, we credit Lopez’s characterization of the
    Towery execution, as the State offered nothing to the con-
    trary. The somewhat increased pain suffered by Towery atten-
    dant to his execution was therefore a single, isolated incident,
    which “alone does not give rise to an Eighth Amendment vio-
    lation, precisely because such an event, while regrettable,
    does not suggest cruelty, or that the procedure at issue gives
    rise to a ‘substantial risk of serious harm.’ ” Baze, 553 U.S.
    at 50 (citation omitted).3 The isolated nature is underscored by
    Lopez also challenges the pain related to puncture of the femoral artery
    and vein. Assuming that puncture of the femoral artery or arterial adminis-
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                           5585
    the fact that both Moormann’s and Kemp’s executions were
    completed without similar difficulties. Because Lopez does
    not demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits, the dis-
    trict court did not abuse its discretion.
    [9] Lopez next argues that the increased pain is avoidable
    if qualified individuals are hired to place the IVs.4 The Direc-
    tor admitted in December 2011 that “he conducted the last
    five executions with full knowledge that at least one of the
    Medical Team members did not hold a medical license and
    did not administer IVs in his current employment.” West v.
    Brewer, No. CV-11-1409-PHX-NVW, 
    2011 WL 6724628
    , at
    *6 (D. Ariz. Dec. 21, 2011). Our decision in Towery
    explained that the 2012 Protocol, as amended by the State’s
    representation and commitments to this court, addresses this
    issue. The state represented, and we accepted, that “ ‘relevant
    experience,’ as used in Paragraph of the 2012 Proto-
    col, means that IV Team members must have no less than the
    training that is traditionally given for people to be licensed to
    place IVs. We view this representation as a binding one that
    cabins the meaning of ‘appropriately trained’ and ‘relevant
    experience’ in the context of the 2012 Protocol.” 
    Id. at 658
    (emphasis added). We reaffirm this holding, and note also that
    the ADC committed during oral argument that trained profes-
    sionals, in this case a licensed physician and nurse, constitute
    the IV Team for Lopez’s execution.
    [10] Nonetheless, Arizona’s actions come perilously close
    to losing safe-harbor protection under Baze. The 2012 Proto-
    tration of the lethal drugs leads to pain, Lopez has not demonstrated that
    the increased pain meets the Baze standard, either in isolation or in combi-
    nation with the other issues discussed here.
    This challenge is limited to the personnel the Director might hire to
    insert the peripheral IV lines. Under the 2012 Protocol, a medically-
    licensed physician must insert the femoral central line. 2012 Protocol,
    Attach. D, § E.1 (“In no event shall a femoral central line be used without
    being done by a medically-licensed physician.”).
    5586                        LOPEZ v. BREWER
    col does not provide for any time-limit with respect to the sit-
    ing of IV lines, whereas the protocol blessed in Baze had a
    one-hour time limit. Compare 2012 Protocol, Attach. D, § E,
    with Baze, 553 U.S. at 45. This limitation was tested with the
    siting of Towery’s IV lines, which took almost an hour.
    Although this isolated circumstance does not, in itself, create
    a serious question going to the merits, the inability of the class
    of condemned prisoners to procure details about the execution
    process is troubling. This lack of access is compounded by the
    State’s touting of the public nature of the execution, while
    concurrently curtailing transparency by shrouding the IV-
    siting process in a cloak of secrecy.
    [11] Recent exercises of the Director’s discretion give us
    further cause for concern. For example, detailed execution
    logs have given way to vague generalities about the execu-
    tion. The “Continuous Correctional Log” related to West’s
    execution provides minute-by-minute detail regarding the
    insertion of the IV lines.5 In contrast, the log for Towery’s
    execution simply concludes, for a 36-minute time period, that
    “[a]fter multiple attempts of the left and right peripheral —
    (approximately 4 in right — 2 in left), IV Team Leader rec-
    ommended right femoral as primary and left peripheral as
    back-up.” And, when questioned about the Director’s exercise
    of his discretion, the State’s basic argument boils down to a
    conclusory statement that the Director is presumed to exercise
    his discretion in a constitutionally permissible manner. While
    the State correctly claims the Director may order that an exe-
    cution attempt be aborted, it cannot explain what circum-
    stances, if any, would trigger such an order. Although we
    uphold the district court’s decision, we caution, yet again, that
    With respect to insertion of the lines, the log states: “Medical Team
    leader determined there is significant risk of adverse effects if the vein is
    defective. A central line was deemed necessary as a backup method to
    ensure the safest administration of the chemicals.” Five minutes later, the
    log reports that the left arm IV placement attempt failed due to “poor
    veins,” and that the right arm was designated as the primary line.
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5587
    Arizona’s ad hoc approach risks going beyond Baze’s safe
    harbor. Towery, 672 F.3d at 653.
    Lopez’s equal protection claim is that Arizona treats
    inmates differently and that such differences result in uncon-
    stitutional disparate treatment. As we noted in Towery, the
    state’s decision as to how to administer the chemicals “may
    well depend on individualized and changing factors such as
    the availability of particular people to participate in the execu-
    tion, the supply of drugs available to the State at a given time,
    and the condition of the prisoner’s veins.” Id. at 661. For the
    same reasons that a similar claim failed in Towery, the district
    court held that it fails here as well.
    The district court noted that at the time of our decision in
    Towery, the ADC had utilized either peripheral or femoral (or
    both) IV lines in carrying out each of the previous 26 execu-
    tions by lethal injection. The district court found that the use
    of a femoral catheter is no more likely to create a risk of cruel
    and unusual punishment than the use of a peripheral catheter
    and held that Lopez had not raised serious questions or shown
    a likelihood of success on the merits of his equal protection
    [12] Lopez points to our language in Towery to argue that
    an equal protection claim exists because he has shown “an
    actual pattern of treating prisoners differently in ways that did
    affect the risk of pain to which they would be subjected, and
    therefore the risk of being subjected to cruel and unusual pun-
    ishment.” 672 F.3d at 660 (discussing In re Ohio Execution
    Protocol Litig, ___ F. Supp. 2d ___, 
    2012 WL 84548
    , at *9
    (S.D. Ohio Jan. 11, 2012), motion to vacate stay denied, ___
    F.3d ___, 
    2012 WL 118322
    , at *1 (6th Cir. Jan. 13, 2012)).
    This statement cannot be extracted from its context. The most
    significant part of the discussion preceded that statement:
    namely that a prisoner’s right to be free of cruel and unusual
    5588                       LOPEZ v. BREWER
    punishment “is not affected simply because that prisoner is
    treated less favorably than another, where one means of exe-
    cution is no more likely to create a risk of cruel and unusual
    punishment than the other, and both are constitutionally avail-
    able.” Id.6
    [13] Since each condemned inmate is physiologically dif-
    ferent, no two prisoners would necessarily be similarly situ-
    ated with respect to the siting of IV lines. While Lopez may
    be correct that the pain suffered by an inmate could depend
    on whether the Director elects to use a peripheral or femoral
    line, Lopez does not demonstrate that the Director has exer-
    cised his discretion in a manner that increases a prisoner’s risk
    of being subjected to an objectively intolerable risk of pain.
    Nor does he demonstrate that the Director has exercised his
    discretion in a constitutionally prohibited manner, for
    instance, based on a suspect or any other classification. The
    district court did not abuse its discretion in holding that Lopez
    fails to raise a serious question going to the merits on his
    equal protection claim.
    [14] In Towery, we stated that “[c]ounsel for Towery and
    Moormann will be permitted in-person visits with their cli-
    ents, including during the morning of the execution, under the
    long-standing ADC practice, as reflected in Department Order
    Unlike Lopez’s challenge, the In re Ohio Execution Protocol Litigation
    case involved challenges to deviations from the Ohio execution protocol
    by prison officials other than the Director, despite language in the Ohio
    protocol that the Director, and only the Director, could approve such devi-
    2012 WL 84548
    , at *9. Some of these deviations removed various
    procedural protections contained in the Ohio execution protocol—for
    example, requirements to review an inmate’s medical chart—which argu-
    ably exposed the inmates to differing risks of pain depending on whether
    the written protocol was followed. Lopez’s argument, however, appears to
    be that the Director’s exercise of discretion under the protocol is itself
    unconstitutionally impermissible.
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                           5589
    710-IO-F (Nov. 5, 2004), § 710.02, ¶” 672 F.3d at
    658. Our decision in Towery was expressly contingent upon
    the State’s representations and commitments made during the
    preliminary injunction hearing before this court. Id. Contrary
    to the Director’s assertion, Towery did not “incorrectly rely on
    a 2004 protocol referring to visitation.” Instead, we noted that
    the 2004 protocol—which permitted counsel visits up to 45
    minutes—was representative of the ADC’s long-standing
    practice of permitting counsel in-person visits with clients,
    including during the morning of the execution.7 Consistent
    with its representations to this court, the State permitted in-
    person non-contact attorney visits until 9:15 a.m. on the
    mornings of Towery’s and Moormann’s executions.
    The ADC now claims that its representations in Towery
    were limited to the Moormann and Towery executions and
    did not waive the Director’s right to exercise his discretion
    with respect to the scheduling of future in-person attorney vis-
    its on the morning of a scheduled execution. In fact, for
    Kemp’s execution, the Director notified Kemp’s attorney that
    attorney visitation would be permitted from 6:00 a.m. until
    See ADC Internal Management Procedure 500.4 (Feb. 4, 1986) § 4.4.5
    (“Visits from the Attorney of Record and a Chaplain of condemned
    inmate’s choice shall be permitted up to ½ hour prior to the scheduled
    time of the execution.”); Internal Management Procedure 500 (Mar. 10,
    1993) § (“Non-Contact Visits from the Attorney of Record and a
    Chaplain of condemned inmate’s choice shall be permitted up to two
    hours prior to the scheduled execution.”); Internal Management Procedure
    500.4 (Dec. 24, 1994) § (“Visits from the Attorney of Record
    and a Chaplain of condemned inmate’s choice shall be permitted up to
    one-half hour before the scheduled execution time.”); Department Order
    710-IO-F (Nov. 5, 2004) § (“Visits from the Attorney of Record
    and a Department Chaplain of condemned inmate’s choice are permitted
    up to forty-five (45) minutes prior to the scheduled execution.”); Depart-
    ment Order 710.09 (Sept. 15, 2009) § 1.6.2 (“The inmate’s visitation privi-
    leges shall be terminated at 2100 hours the day prior to the execution,
    excluding non-contact visits with the inmate’s Attorney of Record and
    facility chaplain as approved by the Division Director for Offender Opera-
    tions.”); Department Order 710.09 (May 12, 2011) § 1.5.2 (same).
    5590                    LOPEZ v. BREWER
    7:00 a.m. on the morning of the execution; any subsequent
    contact would occur telephonically and only within the discre-
    tion of the Director. The ADC has notified Lopez that a simi-
    lar practice will be used for his execution.
    We made clear in Towery that the State’s repeated ad hoc
    modifications to its written protocol—“through add-on prac-
    tices, trial court representations and acknowledgments, and
    last minute written amendments”—is not sustainable. 672
    F.3d at 653. Since the implementation of Department Order
    710.09 in September 15, 2009, Arizona has incrementally,
    and without reason, imposed restrictions on in-person non-
    contact attorney visits on the morning of a scheduled execu-
    tion. The 2012 Protocol, as written, permits the Director to
    preclude any in-person non-contact visits with counsel
    beyond 9:00 p.m. the day before the execution. Lopez is
    understandably concerned about what will actually occur in
    his case. While the State assured us at oral argument that the
    Director has no plans to deviate from his current practice of
    permitting attorney non-contact visits from 6:00 to 7:00 a.m.
    on the morning of the execution, we once again find ourselves
    evaluating a practice that is not, in fact, the written protocol.
    The State cites confidentiality of the execution team and
    timeliness of the execution as concerns that justify the written
    prohibition. While confidentiality is a legitimate concern in
    the abstract, the State proffers no contemporaneous evidence
    of any breaches of confidentiality by defense counsel. See
    Cal. First Amend. Coalition v. Woodford, 
    299 F.3d 868
    , 880
    (9th Cir. 2002) (noting that defendants’ fear that execution
    team members will be publicly identified and retaliated
    against was an overreaction, supported only by questionable
    speculation). The State also fails to provide evidence that
    attorney visits led to delays in the execution. For example,
    Moormann’s execution started on time even though counsel
    was meeting with Moormann until 9:15 a.m. And prior ver-
    sions of the protocol permitted non-contact visits up to 30
    minutes before the execution. Thus, the State has failed to
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                              5591
    provide, and we cannot discern, any penological justification
    for the 9:00 p.m. cutoff on the day before the execution, nor
    for the 7:00 a.m. cutoff on the morning of the execution. Id.
    at 878 (“in reviewing a challenge to a prison regulation that
    burdens fundamental rights, we are directed to ask whether
    the regulation is reasonably related to legitimate penological
    objectives, or whether it represents an exaggerated response
    to those concerns.” (quoting Turner v. Safley, 
    482 U.S. 78
    , 87
    (1987)) (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    [15] The difficulty with the State’s variable limitation on
    attorney visits on the morning of the execution is that an indi-
    vidual petitioner has no expectation baseline. The policy can
    change up to the last hour. Until the record is developed
    through trial and final resolution of the underlying litigation,
    counsel and the court are subject to the “rolling protocol.”
    Towery, 672 F.3d at 653. To stabilize the counsel visit proto-
    col, as an interim temporary matter, pending trial and any sub-
    sequent appeal, we direct the Director to permit counsel in-
    person non-contact visitation until 9:00 a.m. on the morning
    of a scheduled execution.
    The remainder of Lopez’s counsel challenge deals with
    having counsel observe the IV-placement procedure. The dis-
    trict court did not abuse its discretion in denying this request.
    [16] Lopez claims that the new evidence relating to the
    executions of Moormann, Towery, and Kemp tips the likeli-
    hood of success in his favor. As discussed above, the new evi-
    dence does not alter our conclusion that the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in denying Lopez’s motion for a pre-
    liminary injunction. See Stanley v. Schriro, 
    598 F.3d 612
    , 617
    (9th Cir. 2010) (noting that this court reviews denials of evi-
    dentiary hearing requests for an abuse of discretion).8 An evi-
    A doctor’s speculation that Kemp’s shaking “suggests a partial sei-
    zure” caused by either the “medication administration, previous head
    injury or stroke, or a history of seizures,” is insufficient to raises a serious
    question going to the merits.
    5592                    LOPEZ v. BREWER
    dentiary hearing was not required or warranted, and the
    district court did not abuse its discretion in so concluding. See
    Silva v. Woodford, 
    279 F.3d 825
    , 833 (9th Cir. 2002) (noting
    that an evidentiary hearing is required where a defendant’s
    “allegations, if proved, would establish the right to relief.”).
    [17] The district court did not abuse its discretion in deny-
    ing the injunction. Lopez’s emergency motion for a stay of
    execution is denied for the same reason.
    AFFIRMED, subject to interim modification with
    respect to counsel visits. Motion for stay of execution
    BERZON, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in
    We find ourselves once again ruling on life and death
    issues on the eve of an execution. And once again, these
    issues arise on an appeal of the denial of an emergency
    motion for a stay of execution sought on the basis that the
    lethal injection mode of execution as the state will administer
    it will create such a substantial risk of serious pain as to vio-
    late the Eighth Amendment. See Towery v. Brewer, 
    672 F.3d 650
     (9th Cir. 2012); Beaty v. Brewer, 
    649 F.3d 1071
     (9th Cir.
    2011); Landrigan v. Brewer, 
    625 F.3d 1144
     (9th Cir. 2010),
    vacated by 
    131 S. Ct. 445
    In this instance, I cannot help but concur in the majority’s
    conclusion that Lopez has not at this point in the litigation
    demonstrated the requisite “serious question” as to whether
    his execution will violate the Eighth Amendment if allowed
    to proceed. I also concur in most of the majority’s reasoning.
    In particular, Lopez has not proven that during the Towery
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5593
    execution, the pain suffered by Towery—for there assuredly
    was considerable pain, as the majority’s account of the hour-
    long difficulty in setting IV lines illustrates—was sufficiently
    severe to meet the high standard the Supreme Court has set
    for finding an Eighth Amendment violation in carrying out an
    execution. See Baze v. Rees, 
    553 U.S. 35
    , 50 (2008). Without
    that proof, Lopez cannot project that he will be exposed to the
    risk of similar treatment, and therefore to a risk of harm so
    great as to constitute cruel and unusual punishment. More-
    over, given the exceedingly short time before his execution,
    it will be impossible for Lopez ever to so prove, even if Tow-
    ery did in fact suffer cruel and unusual punishment, or to
    avoid similar unconstitutional punishment for himself.
    For me, unlike for the majority, that failure of proof cannot
    be the end of the story in this preliminary injunction appeal.
    It is far from clear to me that, were there the opportunity for
    this litigation to proceed in the ordinary course—that is,
    through full discovery—the requisite proof will not be avail-
    able. And I lay the blame for the present state of this litigation
    at the feet of the State.
    In my view, Arizona has through its approach to devising,
    announcing, and recording the execution procedures it uses
    effectively denied Lopez of his procedural due process right
    to have his Eighth Amendment challenge heard at a meaning-
    ful time in a meaningful manner. It has done so by (1) grant-
    ing the Director immense discretion in determining crucial
    aspects of the execution procedure rather than explaining in
    advance in any detail how the execution will be carried out;
    (2) ensuring that the important phases of executions are car-
    ried out behind closed doors; and (3) providing little informa-
    tion after-the-fact to the public, and to inmates awaiting
    execution and their lawyers as to the details of recent execu-
    tions, including information as to the causes and impact of
    difficulties such those encountered during Towery’s execution
    —difficulties that, for all we now know, might be “sure or
    5594                   LOPEZ v. BREWER
    very likely to cause . . . needless suffering,” Baze, 
    553 U.S. at 50
    , and might indeed have caused Towery such suffering.
    1. As we recounted in the last appeal in this case:
    Although “the procedures for [carrying out the death] penalty
    must be implemented in a reasoned, deliberate, and constitu-
    tional manner[, o]ver time, the State of Arizona . . . has
    insisted on amending its execution protocol on an ad hoc basis
    —through add-on practices, trial court representations and
    acknowledgments, and last minute written amendments—
    leaving the courts with a rolling protocol that forces us to
    engage with serious constitutional questions and complicated
    factual issues in the waning hours before executions.” Tow-
    ery, 672 F.3d at 653. “This approach cannot continue,” we
    warned. Id.
    But it has. Just as Arizona chose not to follow the protocol
    we upheld in Dickens v. Brewer, 
    631 F.3d 1139
     (9th Cir.
    2011), instead amending its protocol by watering down to
    vagaries and assertions of directorial discretion its core pro-
    tections, so it has backtracked on some of the assurances pro-
    vided us by counsel during the first appeal in this case. In
    ruling on Moorman and Towery’s emergency motions for
    stays, we relied on the State’s representations made during
    oral argument regarding both the qualifications of the IV
    Team and access to counsel. Towery, 672 F.3d at 658. We
    viewed these representations as binding on the State, and
    explicitly conditioned our holding on them. Id. Now we are
    told that the access to counsel has been cut back from what
    we approved, that any in-person contact with counsel the day
    of the execution is available only at the Director of the Ari-
    zona Department of Corrections’ (“Director”) discretion, and
    that although the expectation is that the IV Team for Lopez’s
    execution will again consist of a doctor and a nurse, the
    Director has no obligation to assure that such medically quali-
    fied personnel are available and may not do so in the future.
    The upshot is that Lopez, and others facing execution in the
    future, are not presented with any written, binding protocol
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                     5595
    such as the ones in Baze and in Dickens on which to focus in
    determining whether their impending execution will meet
    constitutional standards. Instead, the information they are pro-
    vided consists largely of last-minute representations by coun-
    sel for the Director as to how the Director expects to carry out
    the immediately impending execution.
    This mode of proceeding is particularly problematic here
    because, in my view, the January, 2012 protocol is probably
    unconstitutional as written in significant respects. We never
    reached the question in the previous appeal of the constitu-
    tionality of the written protocol, and the majority does not
    reach it here, because the last minute representations made by
    counsel filled in the likely constitutional gaps with for-this-
    execution-only promises concerning how the Director was
    prepared to constrain his declared discretion. But on the issue
    of the IV Team’s qualifications and training and of the issue
    of access to counsel, the written protocol appears to me both
    to “create[ ] a demonstrated risk of severe pain” Baze, 
    553 U.S. at 61
    , and to sanction the possibility of an unconstitu-
    tional denial of the right to counsel.
    For example, where the protocol approved in Dickens
    required that IV Team members be “medically trained,” Ari-
    zona’s January, 2012 protocol now requires only that the indi-
    viduals inserting peripheral IV lines be “appropriately
    trained.” Where the earlier protocol required that IV Team
    members have “current and relevant professional experience,”
    it now requires only “one year of relevant experience,” which
    could have been in the distant past. Towery, 672 F.3d at 654.
    In the Arizona executions reviewed in West v. Brewer, for
    instance, the IV settings in the challenged executions were
    carried out by a correctional officer who hadn’t set an IV line
    in 15 years and had no specific recollection of the military
    training in which he was taught this procedure. 
    2011 WL 6724628
    , at *6 (D. Ariz. Dec. 21, 2011).
    These concerns are only heightened by the protocol’s
    equally watered-down training requirements. The protocol we
    5596                   LOPEZ v. BREWER
    approved in Dickens required that the IV Team members “re-
    sponsible for inserting the IVs” must participate in “at least
    ten rehearsals per year.” 
    631 F.3d at 1143
    . The 2012 protocol
    requires only “one training session . . . within one day prior
    to a scheduled execution.” Towery, 672 F.3d at 655. These
    standards are so lax as to both qualifications and training that
    they may well create a significant risk that the team that is
    assembled in any given execution will be incompetent to
    carry out the execution without causing severe pain.
    In addition to permitting the Director to assemble an
    incompetent IV Team, the 2012 protocol also permits the
    Director to restrict beyond the bounds permitted by the Con-
    stitution an inmate’s right to counsel in the final hours before
    he is to be executed. Arizona’s practice under earlier proto-
    cols had been to permit non-contact visits by both attorneys
    and a facility chaplain the morning of the execution, in many
    instances up until 45 minutes before the scheduled time of
    execution. Id. at 658. The 2012 protocol, however, grants the
    Director the discretion to forbid attorney visits—but not the
    visits of the facility chaplain—after 9 p.m. the night before an
    execution. Id. at 655.
    The constitutional right of access to the courts includes the
    right to in-person visits with counsel. Ching v. Lewis, 
    895 F.2d 608
    , 610 (9th Cir. 1990). That right cannot be restricted
    without some legitimate penal justification. Id.; see also Tur-
    ner v. Safley, 
    482 U.S. 78
    , 89 (1987). The state has to this
    point offered none. While it has suggested that allowing attor-
    ney visits in accordance with the old protocol could cause
    delays, Moorman’s execution, to cite just one example, pro-
    ceeded in a timely manner despite his meeting with his attor-
    ney up until 9:15 a.m. The state’s interest in maintaining the
    confidentiality of IV Team members also cannot justify this
    restriction, as facility chaplains are assured access on the
    morning of the execution under the new protocol; presum-
    ably, chaplains are as observant as lawyers regarding who is
    present at the site of the execution. Moreover, the attorneys
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5597
    for condemned prisoners in Arizona have been required to
    agree to confidentiality regarding the identity of the individu-
    als preparing to carry out the execution before obtaining
    access to their clients and have done so—without, as far as the
    record shows, any breaches in confidentiality. The upshot is
    that neither the delay concern nor the confidentiality rationale
    rests on any factual basis in the present record.
    2. Despite these apparent deficiencies in the governing
    protocol, it is impossible at this juncture to say with the requi-
    site degree of assurance whether the particular procedures that
    will be used to execute Lopez will create a “substantial risk
    of serious harm.” Towery, 672 F.3d at 653 (quoting Baze, 
    553 U.S. at 49-50
    ). This uncertainty is not due to any failing on
    the part of Lopez or his attorneys. Instead, by continually
    making representations at the last minute regarding self-
    imposed, but transient, limitations on the broad discretion
    accorded by the protocol, the Director has both precluded the
    affected inmates from litigating the risk of serious harm cre-
    ated by the protocol itself and cabined those inmates’ ability
    to litigate fully, after the usual discovery and opportunity to
    obtain expert testimony and other evidence, the actual circum-
    stances of their own executions, and to do so in advance of
    the day they will be put to death. Their attorneys have been
    relegated to repeated, exhausting, preliminary injunction eve-
    of-execution challenges to the constantly moving target that
    Arizona’s practices have created. Such challenges necessarily
    proceed on truncated records, and appeals are limited by the
    abuse-of-discretion standard. Lands Council v. McNair, 
    537 F.3d 981
    , 986 (9th Cir. 2008) (en banc).
    Moreover, other aspects of the manner in which Arizona
    has been carrying out its now-frequent executions—there
    have been three in the last four months—further stymie any
    meaningful ability of condemned prisoners to litigate before
    they are put to death the constitutionality of the procedures
    that will be used to execute them. Aside from challenging the
    written protocol on its face, another way condemned prisoners
    5598                    LOPEZ v. BREWER
    can attempt to demonstrate the likely impact of the procedures
    that will be used during their execution is to demonstrate that
    past executions carried out in accord with similar procedures
    have resulted in executions that violated the Eighth Amend-
    ment. But that approach can succeed only if there is detailed
    information available concerning past executions carried out
    with similar procedures.
    Arizona puts impenetrable roadblocks in the way of obtain-
    ing such information in time to use it before a condemned
    prisoner is executed. First, the state insists upon extreme
    secrecy in carrying out executions. Witnesses are allowed
    only at the very end of the lethal injection process, during the
    actual administration of the lethal drugs after the IV lines
    have been set and the drugs concocted and readied for admin-
    istration. Most of what can go wrong will go wrong before the
    small part of the execution process exposed to public view.
    We have held that the First Amendment requires broader
    public access to the process of carrying out executions—
    which are, after all, carried out as a result of public decisions,
    in implementation of a controversial public policy. See Cali-
    fornia First Amendment Coalition v. Woodford, 
    299 F.3d 868
    (9th Cir. 2002). There has been no First Amendment chal-
    lenge of which I am aware to Arizona’s contrary practice, and
    I am not suggesting that we should hold the practice unconsti-
    tutional on that basis at this juncture. But the fact that Califor-
    nia and other states, see Ohio Execution Policy 01-COM-11,
    § IV.G.4, have carried out their executions in full view sug-
    gests one way in which Arizona could provide a fair opportu-
    nity to challenge future executions conducted similarly—
    namely, by exposing to the public the actual impact of the
    procedures used and thereby permitting exposure through
    media and witnesses of any indications of serious pain during
    those executions.
    Second, as the majority opinion describes, Arizona has
    recently increased the secrecy with which it conducts execu-
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                      5599
    tions in another way: Although it used to keep detailed logs
    concerning what occurred during executions, its recent logs
    have been summary and perfunctory, making them useless for
    the purpose of discovering why whatever went wrong went
    wrong, and what was the impact on the prisoner being exe-
    cuted. One can only surmise that the reason for this change
    was to make it more difficult for condemned prisoners to liti-
    gate the nature of the risk created by the procedures used in
    the past; no other reason for recording less about the execu-
    tion process than was done before comes to mind.
    Third, as the majority opinion also describes, Arizona
    makes sure that the prisoners about to be executed cannot
    themselves describe any pain they suffered or mistakes made
    during the execution, by threatening to cut off their last state-
    ment if they do so. According to the undisputed record in this
    case, inmates have been told that their microphones will be
    cut off if they make statements critical of the Arizona Depart-
    ment of Corrections. In an attempt to adjust to this edict,
    Towery and his lawyer developed a code by which Towery
    indicated that he sought access to counsel during the setting
    of the IV lines and was denied, and may have indicated that
    the execution procedures had caused him pain.
    Finally, in a recent letter to Director Charles Ryan, Lopez’s
    lawyers, who also represent the other plaintiffs in this lawsuit,
    have requested that they be permitted to observe the pre-
    execution process or observe videotapes of it. With appropri-
    ate assurances of confidentiality as to the identity of the indi-
    viduals participating in the execution, such a procedure could
    provide a measure of procedural due process to other plain-
    tiffs, if not to Lopez, by allowing some meaningful access to
    essential information that the state refuses otherwise to pro-
    vide. But the request has not been granted.
    These secrecy restrictions and refusals of public and attor-
    ney access, taken together, leave condemned prisoners, their
    attorneys, the district court, and this court with precious little
    5600                        LOPEZ v. BREWER
    indication of whether past executions have actually been con-
    ducted in a constitutional manner. The condemned clients,
    without access to their attorneys, are left to communicate with
    them in elaborate codes during their last statements, while we
    are left to parse cryptic execution logs and autopsy reports in
    an effort to determine whether an inmate suffered pain, and
    if so, how much.
    The trouble that plagued Towery’s execution highlights the
    practical problems this obsessive secrecy creates for any
    meaningful litigation in the constricted time periods permitted
    by Arizona’s moving target approach to execution procedures.
    After approximately half an hour trying to site a functioning
    catheter, the Director decided, for reasons unknown, to con-
    tact the Attorney General’s office and provide “an update
    regarding the IV process.” So the Director had access to coun-
    sel during the execution, although Towery—despite asking
    for such access at some point—did not. After 50 minutes—
    just 10 minutes short of the hour time limit allotted for this
    task under the protocol reviewed in Baze, 
    553 U.S. at
    femoral catheter had finally been placed. Only 59 minutes
    into the execution did the IV team succeed in placing a
    backup line (in a location known to create a danger of pain if
    used to administer drugs, so the backup line was either useless
    or possibly unconstitutional). An autopsy showed that Tow-
    ery’s arms had been pierced several times, and that his femo-
    ral artery had been pierced as well.1 This entire process was
    conducted behind closed doors and, as the majority notes,
    recorded in only the most general of notes. Because of the
    secrecy, we have no way of knowing the degree of pain
    caused Towery; for all we know, it reached the standard for
    unconstitutional punishment set in Baze. It is possible that
    discovery during the course of this lawsuit could establish,
    through expert evidence and depositions of those present that
    it did — but by then, Lopez will be long dead, as, in all likeli-
    The record establishes that administering pentobarbital into the femoral
    artery rather than the vein can be very painful.
    LOPEZ v. BREWER                       5601
    hood, will be some or all of the remaining plaintiffs. None of
    the executed individuals will have had a fair chance to litigate
    the constitutionality of the procedures applied to them during
    their execution.
    To my mind, this combination of circumstances, not any
    one of them—the last minute changes in protocols; the even
    more last minute attestations to limitations on the Director’s
    discretion for individual executions; the lack of access of the
    public and counsel to the pre-execution procedures; the failure
    to record in any detail what occurs during executions; and the
    restrictions on any reports by the condemned prisoners them-
    selves of pain encountered during the execution process—
    amounts to a procedural due process violation. Lopez clearly
    has a liberty interest in avoiding a mode of execution that
    constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. See Serrano v.
    345 F.3d 1071
    , 1078 (9th Cir. 2003). The events that
    took place during the Towery execution demonstrate that
    there is at least some risk that Lopez will be subjected to such
    an unconstitutional execution. Yet, Lopez has effectively been
    denied his right to be heard in a meaningful manner before he
    dies concerning the constitutionality of the processes that will
    be used to execute him. And this due process problem is not
    intractable; it could be solved in a variety of ways, including
    (1) providing a detailed written protocol that restricts the
    Director’s discretion and is actually followed in executions;
    (2) keeping and making available detailed accounts of the
    actual execution processes, including any evidence of the
    impact on the pain perception by those executed; (3) provid-
    ing either for public access or for more limited access by
    counsel to the pre-execution proceedings.
    “[P]rocedural due process rules are shaped by the risk of
    error inherent in the truth-finding process.” Matthews v.
    424 U.S. 319
    , 344 (1976). Here, the risk of error is
    enormous. There is no redo, and the result of the constitu-
    tional error, if it occurs, will be severe pain, or, at least, a high
    likelihood of suffering such pain. Without at least one of the
    5602                      LOPEZ v. BREWER
    protections I have indicated, the plaintiff will be dead before
    it is possible to have a hearing as to the constitutionality of his
    execution that even approximates the access to the relevant
    facts ordinarily accorded litigants. And the absence of these
    protections is the result of Arizona’s choices, in several
    instances the choice to cut back on procedural protections pre-
    viously accorded.
    Executing someone convicted of a capital crime is a grim
    endeavor. Reviewing the details of impending executions to
    assure against unconstitutional executions is grim as well, a
    task judges would rather avoid. Yet, while we as judges can-
    not and should not micromanage executions, we do have an
    obligation to stand as a last bulwark against excessively pain-
    ful administrations of the death penalty. To do that, we need
    to be presented with the relevant facts, gathered in some feasi-
    ble fashion. As matters now stand, Arizona has made the
    gathering of such facts by condemned prisoners so difficult
    that meaningful judicial consideration at a relevant time is not
    possible. By doing so, Arizona has denied Lopez, and others
    awaiting execution in Arizona, due process of law. I would
    stay Lopez’s execution until this denial of due process is cor-
    rected by one or more of the means I have indicated.2
    Given the press of time under which we have operated in this case, I
    may wish to further explain my views on this matter at a later date.