Denise Mejia v. Wesley Miller ( 2023 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    DENISE MEJIA, an individual,                No. 21-56282
    Plaintiff-Appellee,        D.C. No. 5:20-cv-
    WESLEY MILLER, Bureau of Land               ORDER AND
    Management Officer, in his individual        AMENDED
    and official capacity,                        OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Stanley Blumenfeld, Jr., District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted October 3, 2022
    Pasadena, California
    Filed November 14, 2022
    Amended March 2, 2023
    2                         MEJIA V. MILLER
    Before: A. Wallace Tashima and Kenneth K. Lee, Circuit
    Judges, and Nancy D. Freudenthal, * District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Freudenthal
    SUMMARY **
    Civil Rights
    The panel filed (1) an order denying a petition for panel
    rehearing, denying on behalf of the court a petition for
    rehearing en banc, and amending the opinion filed on
    November 14, 2022; and (2) an amended opinion vacating
    the district court’s denial, on summary judgment, of
    qualified immunity to a now-retired officer of the Bureau of
    Land Management and remanding with instructions to enter
    summary judgment dismissing with prejudice plaintiff’s
    excessive force claim brought pursuant to Bivens v. Six
    Unknown Named Agents of Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 
    403 U.S. 388
    In 1971, the Supreme Court in Bivens adopted an
    “implied cause of action theory” permitting the petitioner to
    seek damages from federal officers for unreasonable search
    and seizure in his home. Since then, the Supreme Court has
    recognized a Bivens action in two other contexts: a claim
    The Honorable Nancy D. Freudenthal, United States District Judge for
    the District of Wyoming, sitting by designation.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    MEJIA V. MILLER                       3
    asserting a Congressman discriminated on the basis of
    gender in employment, in violation of Fifth Amendment due
    process (Davis v. Passman, 
    442 U.S. 228
     (1979)), and an
    Eighth Amendment claim for cruel and unusual punishment
    against federal jailers for failing to treat a prisoner’s severe
    asthma. Carlson v. Green, 
    446 U.S. 14
     (1980). These three
    cases—Bivens, Davis, and Carlson—represent the only
    instances in which the Court has approved of an implied
    damages remedy under the Constitution itself. Since
    Carlson, expanding the Bivens remedy is a disfavored
    judicial activity.
    Shortly after the briefing in this case, the Supreme Court
    issued Egbert v. Boule, 596 U.S. ––, 
    142 S. Ct. 1793 (2022)
    which held that in all but the most unusual circumstances,
    prescribing a cause of action is a job for Congress, not the
    courts. The existence of alternative remedial structures is
    reason enough to not infer a new Bivens cause of
    action. Similarly, uncertainty about the potential
    systemwide consequences of implying a new Bivens cause
    of action is by itself a special factor that forecloses relief.
    The panel held that there was no Bivens cause of action
    for plaintiff’s claim, which presented a new context. And
    given this new context, special factors counseled against
    implying a cause of action here. For example, Fourth
    Amendment excessive force claims against Bureau of Land
    Management (“BLM”) officers would have “‘systemwide’
    consequences” for BLM’s mandate to maintain order on
    federal lands, and uncertainty about these consequences
    provided a reason not to imply such a cause of action. The
    panel further determined that plaintiff had alternative
    administrative remedies. See Report Misconduct, U.S.
    Dep’t of the Interior Bureau of Land Mgmt,
    4                      MEJIA V. MILLER
    enforcement/report-misconduct, last accessed February 23,
    43 C.F.R. § 20.103
     (requiring BLM employees to
    “report directly or through appropriate channels to the Office
    of Inspector General or other appropriate authority matters
    coming to their attention which do or may involve violations
    of law or regulation by employees”).
    Dennis E. Wagner (argued), Wagner Zemming Christensen
    LLP, Riverside, California, for Defendant-Appellant.
    Barry M. Walker (argued), Walker Trial Lawyers LLP,
    Canyon Lake, California; Athul K. Acharya, Public
    Accountability, Portland Oregon; for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Scott F. Regan, Anya Bidwell, and Patrick M. Jaicomo,
    Institute for Justice, Arlington, Virginia, for Amicus Curiae
    Institute of Justice.
    Todd Gregorian and Garner Kropp, Fenwick & West LLP,
    San Francisco, California, for Amicus Curiae Council on
    American-Islamic Relations.
    Brett Max Kaufman and Elizabeth Gyori, American Civil
    Liberties Union Foundation, New York, New York; Cecillia
    D. Wang, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, San
    Francisco, California; for Amici Curiae American Civil
    Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union of
    Northern California, American Civil Liberties Union of
    Southern California, and American Civil Liberties Union of
    Per A. Ramfjord, Jeremy D. Sacks, Rachel C. Lee, Crystal
    S. Chase, and Christopher Rifer, Stoel Rives LLP, Portland,
    MEJIA V. MILLER                     5
    Oregon; Kelly K. Simon and Rachel Dallal Gale, ACLU of
    Oregon, Portland Oregon; for Amici Curiae Pettibone
    The opinion filed on November 14, 2022 (Dkt. No. 33)
    is amended, and the amended opinion is filed concurrently
    with this order. Judges Tashima, Lee, and Freudenthal have
    voted to deny the Petition for Rehearing. Judge Lee has
    voted to deny, and Judges Tashima and Freudenthal
    recommended denying, the Petition for Rehearing En Banc.
    The full court has been advised of the Petition for Rehearing
    En Banc, and no judge of the court has requested a vote.
    Appellee Denise Mejia’s Petition for Rehearing or
    Rehearing En Banc (Dkt. No. 39), filed January 30, 2023, is
    DENIED. The parties may not file another petition for
    rehearing or petition for rehearing en banc.
    6                      MEJIA V. MILLER
    FREUDENTHAL, District Judge:
    Defendant-Appellant Wesley Miller, a now-retired
    officer of the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”), brings
    an interlocutory appeal from the denial of qualified
    immunity on summary judgment.
    In light of Egbert v. Boule, 596 U.S. ––, 
    142 S. Ct. 1793
    213 L. Ed. 2d 54
     (2022), we first address whether a cause of
    action exists under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of
    Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 
    403 U.S. 388
     (1971). We have
    jurisdiction to do so on this interlocutory appeal because the
    existence of the cause of action is an antecedent legal
    question defining the claim (Hernández v. Mesa, 589 U.S.––,
    137 S. Ct. 2003
    , 2006, 
    198 L. Ed. 2d 625
    (“Hernández I”)), and it is directly implicated by the defense
    of qualified immunity. Rodriguez v. Swartz, 
    899 F.3d 719
    735 (9th Cir. 2018), vacated on other grounds, 
    140 S. Ct. 1258 (2020)
    ; Hartman v. Moore, 
    547 U.S. 250
    , 257 n.5
    (2006) (appellate jurisdiction on interlocutory appeal to
    consider the definition of an element of the claim). As the
    Court concludes below, there is no Bivens cause of action for
    Plaintiff-Appellee Denise Mejia’s claim. Therefore, we do
    not reach the question of qualified immunity.
    Mejia alleges that Miller used excessive force while
    attempting an arrest on June 10, 2018 in Berdoo Canyon, part
    of public lands managed by BLM near Joshua Tree National
    Park. At the time, Miller was a senior law enforcement
    officer for BLM. Mr. and Mrs. Mejia had spent the day
    MEJIA V. MILLER                            7
    driving their utility terrain vehicle (“UTV”). Shortly before
    sunset, the Mejias failed to yield to a park ranger. The ranger
    was attempting to stop them for a traffic violation and to alert
    the Mejias that one of their rear tires was very low. The UTV
    temporarily stopped but then went off-road.
    The National Park Service requested that Miller assist
    them. The dispatcher indicated the suspected violation was
    at a felony level due to reported speeds endangering the park
    ranger and the public, and an apparent attempt to ram the
    ranger. Miller and the park ranger searched until late at night
    when they saw a flashlight above them on high ground and
    heard an engine start. Miller and the park ranger positioned
    their vehicles to block the UTV as it came down. They
    turned on their vehicle lights when they saw the UTV
    approach. Miller yelled, “police, put your hands up.”
    Most of what happened next is disputed. But the parties
    do not dispute that the UTV passed Miller within arm’s
    reach, and as it did so, he fired multiple shots. Mejia was
    shot in the right hand and a bullet grazed her head.
    In the case below, Mejia asserts several claims against the
    United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (“FTCA”).
    The district court denied the United States’ summary
    judgment motion, and those claims await trial. Mejia also
    brought Bivens claims against Miller, asserting unreasonable
    seizure and excessive force in violation of the Fourth
    Amendment. 1 Miller did not raise the issue of whether a
    Bivens cause of action existed and sought summary
    judgment on qualified immunity. The district court granted
    his motion on the unreasonable seizure claim but denied it as
    to excessive force. Miller timely sought relief under Rules
    Mejia also sued the park ranger but voluntarily dismissed those claims
    8                       MEJIA V. MILLER
    59(e) and 60(b)(6), which was denied. He timely appeals
    from these decisions.
    In 1971, the Supreme Court in Bivens adopted an
    “implied cause of action theory” permitting the petitioner to
    seek damages from federal officers for unreasonable search
    and seizure in his home. The petitioner also asserted
    “unreasonable force” during his arrest, but the Court noted
    he “primarily” asserted the officers violated his rights of
    privacy. Bivens, 
    403 U.S. at
    389–90. The opinion focuses
    entirely on the unreasonable search-and-seizure context. The
    Court held:
    the Fourth Amendment does not in so many
    words provide for its enforcement by an
    award of money damages for the
    consequences of its violation. But it is well
    settled that where legal rights have been
    invaded, and a federal statute provides for a
    general right to sue for such invasion, federal
    courts may use any available remedy to make
    good the wrong done.
    Id. at 396
     (marks omitted).
    Since then, the Supreme Court has recognized a Bivens
    action in two other contexts: a claim asserting a
    Congressman discriminated on the basis of gender in
    employment, in violation of Fifth Amendment due process
    (Davis v. Passman, 
    442 U.S. 228
     (1979)), and an Eighth
    Amendment claim for cruel and unusual punishment against
    federal jailers for failing to treat a prisoner’s severe asthma.
    Carlson v. Green, 
    446 U.S. 14
     (1980). “These three cases—
    MEJIA V. MILLER                      9
    Bivens, Davis, and Carlson— represent the only instances in
    which the Court has approved of an implied damages remedy
    under the Constitution itself.” Ziglar v. Abbasi, 582 U.S. ––,
    137 S. Ct. 1843
    , 1855, 
    198 L. Ed. 2d 290
    Since Carlson, there has been a “notable change in the
    Court’s approach to recognizing implied causes of action.”
    Id. at 1857
    . The Court has grown increasingly reluctant to
    recognize any new Bivens claims. Indeed, “in light of the
    changes to the Court’s general approach to recognizing
    implied damages remedies, it is possible that the analysis in
    the Court’s three Bivens cases might have been different if
    they were decided today.” 
    Id. at 1856
    . However, the Court
    also held
    it must be understood that this opinion is not
    intended to cast doubt on the continued force,
    or even the necessity, of Bivens in the search-
    and-seizure context in which it arose.
    137 S. Ct. at 1857
    . In sum, Bivens is “settled law” in
    the search-and-seizure context and relied upon “as a fixed
    principle in the law,” but “expanding the Bivens remedy is
    now a ‘disfavored’ judicial activity.” 
    Under a longstanding framework, courts were first to
    determine whether the Bivens claim arose in a “new
    context,” such as a “new category of defendants.” A “new
    context” is one that is “different in a meaningful way from
    previous Bivens cases decided by this Court.” The Court
    gave non-exclusive examples:
    the rank of the officers involved; the
    constitutional right at issue; the generality or
    specificity of the official action; the extent of
    10                     MEJIA V. MILLER
    judicial guidance as to how an officer should
    respond to the problem or emergency to be
    confronted; the statutory or other legal
    mandate under which the officer was
    operating; the risk of disruptive intrusion by
    the Judiciary into the functioning of other
    branches; or the presence of potential special
    factors that previous Bivens cases did not
    Abbasi, 137 S. Ct. at 1859–60.
    If the context was new, Abbasi required courts to analyze
    whether there were other “special factors counselling
    hesitation.” Id. at 1857–58. Without defining an exhaustive
    list, Abbasi held “[t]he necessary inference … is that the
    inquiry must concentrate on whether the Judiciary is well
    suited, absent congressional action or instruction, to consider
    and weigh the costs and benefits of allowing a damages
    action to proceed.” Id. (emphasis added). “[S]eparation-of-
    powers principles are or should be central to the analysis.
    The question is “who should decide” whether to provide for
    a damages remedy, Congress or the courts? * * * The answer
    most often will be Congress.” Id. at 1857. In that case, alien
    detainees’ claims regarding a post- 9/11 policy presented a
    new context due to the national security concerns and
    executive level of the policy. For largely the same reasons,
    the creation of such a cause of action was for Congress, not
    the Judiciary.
    Three years later, the Court issued Hernández v. Mesa,
    589 U.S. ––, 
    140 S. Ct. 735
    206 L. Ed. 2d 29
    (“Hernández II”). Hernández II articulated the same
    analytical framework as Abbasi, including whether the
    Judiciary is well suited to creating the new cause of action.
    MEJIA V. MILLER                      11
    Hernández II also observed that the Court’s “understanding
    of a ‘new context’ is broad.” 
    Id. at 743
    . The cross-border
    shooting in that case was a new context, and several factors
    counselled hesitation –– including the case’s potential effect
    on international relations. Again, the cause of action was for
    Congress to create, not the courts.
    Neither the district court nor the parties’ briefing to this
    Court addressed whether a Bivens cause of action existed.
    Then shortly after the briefing in this case, the Court issued
    Egbert. Egbert reiterates the longstanding first step of the
    Bivens question, but clarified that the second step is now
    special factors indicate that the Judiciary is at
    least arguably less equipped than Congress
    to weigh the costs and benefits of allowing a
    damages action to proceed.
    Egbert, 142 S. Ct. at 1797–98 (emphasis added, marks
    The question is no longer whether the Judiciary is well
    suited, but whether Congress is better suited. After Egbert,
    the two-step analysis “often resolve[s] to a single question:
    whether there is any reason to think that Congress might be
    better equipped to create a damages remedy.” Id. at 1803.
    “[A]ny rational reason … to think that Congress is better
    suited to weigh the costs and benefits” is enough to preclude
    extending Bivens. Id. at 1805 (marks omitted). “If there are
    alternative remedial structures… that alone … is reason
    enough to … [not] infer a new Bivens cause of action.” Id. at
    1804 (marks omitted). Similarly, uncertainty about the
    potential “‘systemwide’ consequences” of implying a new
    Bivens cause of action is by itself “a special factor that
    12                     MEJIA V. MILLER
    forecloses relief.” Id. at 1803-04 (quoting Abbasi, 
    137 S. Ct. at 1858
    In Egbert, a border patrol agent allegedly used excessive
    force against a Washington resident (Boule) in the driveway
    of his home. His property backed to the Canadian border and
    was notorious for illegal crossings and smuggling. This
    Court held in relevant part that the Fourth Amendment claim
    was a “‘modest extension’ in a new context” because the
    officer was a border patrol agent, not an F.B.I. agent. Boule
    v. Egbert, 
    998 F.3d 370
    , 387 (9th Cir. 2021). But because it
    was a “conventional Fourth Amendment excessive force
    claim arising out of actions by a[n] … agent on Boule’s own
    property,” this Court held that no special factors weighed
    against the extension. 
    The Supreme Court reversed and held that “similar
    allegations of excessive force,” “almost parallel
    circumstances,” or a “similar ‘mechanism of injury’” as
    Bivens “are not enough to support the judicial creation of a
    cause of action.” Egbert, 142 S. Ct. at 1805. The Court held
    that Boule had no Bivens action for two independent reasons:
    courts are not better suited than Congress to weigh creating
    a cause of action that involves national security concerns,
    and alternative remedies were available. Id. at 1806–07.
    Given the Supreme Court’s decision in Egbert, this
    Court requested supplemental briefs on its significance.
    Miller argues Mejia’s claim presents a new context because
    he is a new category of defendant. He further argues that
    unlike Bivens’ narcotics arrest in a home, this incident
    occurred on public lands. Miller was also exercising a
    different mandate than the narcotics officers; his mandate
    was “to find [Mejia] after a reported high-speed chase in
    Joshua Tree National Park, which was a violation of federal
    MEJIA V. MILLER                      13
    law on federal lands.” Miller further notes that Mejia has
    existing alternative remedies, a special factor weighing
    against this Court creating a cause of action.
    Mejia argues Egbert gives no guidance regarding what
    constitutes a new context, and there is no new context here.
    She argues there is no meaningful distinction between
    narcotics officers and BLM officers, relying on this point
    from the dissent in Egbert. Egbert, 142 S. Ct. at 1815
    (Sotomayor, J., Breyer, J., and Kagan J., concurring in part
    and dissenting in part). But the majority opinion in Egbert,
    to the contrary, identifies the “legal mandate under which the
    officer was operating” as an example of a new context. Id. at
    1814. Mejia does not point to any reason to believe that most
    federal agencies have the same or similar legal mandates, or
    more to the point, that BLM has the same mandate as
    agencies enforcing federal anti-narcotics law. The majority
    also emphasizes that the question is whether to create a cause
    of action against all of an agency’s officers. Id. at 1806. This
    likewise focuses on the agency.
    Mejia does not identify any Supreme Court cases
    recognizing a Bivens excessive force claim against a BLM
    officer, and this Court is aware of none. The only case in
    which the Court has considered any kind of Bivens claim
    against BLM officers is Wilkie v. Robbins, 
    551 U.S. 537
    (2007). The Court declined to find a Bivens due process
    claim for a landowner alleging retaliation for exercising
    property rights. 
     at 561–62.
    More importantly, unlike Bivens, none of the events in
    question occurred in or near Mejia’s home. The entire
    incident occurred on public lands managed by BLM and the
    National Park Service, a place where Mejia had no
    expectation of privacy. In Bivens, the unreasonable
    14                      MEJIA V. MILLER
    government intrusion occurred in his home. In short, Mejia’s
    claim presents a new context. And given this new context,
    special factors counsel against implying a cause of action
    here. For example, a Fourth Amendment excessive force
    claims against BLM officers would have “‘systemwide’
    consequences” for BLM’s mandate to maintain order on
    federal lands, and uncertainty about these consequences
    provides a reason not to imply such a cause of action. Egbert,
    142 S. Ct. at 1803-04.
    Under Egbert, rarely if ever is the Judiciary equally
    suited as Congress to extend Bivens even modestly. The
    creation of a new cause of action is inherently legislative, not
    adjudicative. Egbert, 142 S. Ct. at 1802 (“At bottom, creating
    a cause of action is a legislative endeavor”). Although Mejia
    points to Egbert’s discussion of national security as a special
    factor—a concern which is not present here—that was only
    one of the factors counselling hesitation in that case. The
    other factor was that Boule had alternative remedies. Egbert,
    142 S. Ct. at 1806–07. The same is true here: Mejia has
    alternative administrative remedies. See Report Misconduct,
    U.S. Dep’t of the Interior Bureau of Land Mgmt,
    enforcement/report-misconduct, last accessed February 23,
    43 C.F.R. § 20.103
     (requiring BLM employees to
    “report directly or through appropriate channels to the Office
    of Inspector General or other appropriate authority matters
    coming to their attention which do or may involve violations
    of law or regulation by employees”).
    In short, under Egbert “in all but the most unusual
    circumstances, prescribing a cause of action is a job for
    Congress, not the courts.” 142 S. Ct. at 1800. This case is not
    the rare exception. Accordingly, we vacate the district
    court’s denial of summary judgment and remand with
    MEJIA V. MILLER                15
    instructions to enter summary judgment dismissing the
    Bivens excessive force claim with prejudice.