Robert Hodsdon v. Mars, Inc. , 891 F.3d 857 ( 2018 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    ROBERT HODSDON, on behalf of                No. 16-15444
    himself and all others similarly
    situated,                                      D.C. No.
    Plaintiff-Appellant,      3:15-cv-04450 RS
    MARS, INC., a Delaware
    corporation; MARS CHOCOLATE
    NORTH AMERICA LLC, a Delaware
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Richard Seeborg, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted December 7, 2017
    Pasadena, California
    Filed June 4, 2018
    Before: A. Wallace Tashima, William A. Fletcher,
    and Marsha S. Berzon, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Tashima
    2                    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    California Law
    The panel affirmed the district court’s dismissal of
    plaintiff’s consumer protection claims in a putative class
    action alleging that Mars, Inc., a chocolate manufacturer, had
    a duty to disclose on its labels the labor practices that may
    have tainted its supply chain.
    Concerning plaintiff’s duty to disclose claims, the panel
    held that California consumer protection laws did not obligate
    Mars, Inc. to label its goods as possibly being produced by
    child or slave labor. The panel further held that in the
    absence of any affirmative misrepresentations by the
    manufacturer, the manufacturer did not have a duty to
    disclose the labor practices in question, even though they
    were reprehensible, because they were not physical defects
    that affected the central function of the chocolate products.
    The panel concluded that, absent a duty to disclose, plaintiff’s
    Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Unfair Competition Law,
    and False Advertising Law claims were foreclosed.
    The panel held that plaintiff’s claims failed under the
    unfair prong of the Unfair Competition Law under either the
    Cel-Tech test, Cel-Tech Commc’ns, Inc. v. L.A. Cellular Tel.
    973 P.2d 527
    , 540 (Cal. 1999), or the South Bay test,
    outlined in S. Bay Chevrolet v. Gen. Motors Acceptance
    85 Cal. Rptr. 2d 301
    , 316 (Ct. App. 1999).
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                     3
    Steve W. Berman (argued), Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro
    LLP, Seattle, Washington; Elaine T. Byszewski, Hagens
    Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Pasadena, California; for
    Stephen D. Raber (argued), Richmond T. Moore, and Joelle
    Perry Justus, Williams & Connolly LLP, Washington, D.C.,
    for Defendants-Appellees.
    Tina Charoenpong, Deputy Attorney General; Michele Van
    Gelderen, Supervising Deputy Attorney General; Nicklas A.
    Akers, Senior Assistant Attorney General; Office of the
    Attorney General, Los Angeles, California; for Amicus
    Curiae State of California.
    TASHIMA, Circuit Judge:
    In this action, the putative class plaintiff alleges that
    California consumer protection laws require certain food
    manufacturers to disclose, on their products’ labels, that the
    products’ supply chain may involve child or slave labor.
    Regrettably, despite some efforts to eradicate the practices,
    child labor and slave labor are modern-day scourges, and
    manufacturers that source materials from around the world
    may benefit from that illicit labor. This issue has gained
    public attention in recent years such that many consumers
    now consider in their purchasing decisions the labor practices
    behind household products. In fact, some manufacturers have
    decided to market their products as free of unsavory labor
    4                  HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    practices, and some legislatures have attempted to further
    educate the public about modern-day slavery.
    Nonetheless, the California consumer protection laws do
    not obligate the defendants-appellees to label their goods as
    possibly being produced by child or slave labor. In the
    absence of any affirmative misrepresentations by the
    manufacturer, we hold that the manufacturers do not have a
    duty to disclose the labor practices in question, even though
    they are reprehensible, because they are not physical defects
    that affect the central function of the chocolate products.
    One of the key issues in this case is the continued
    viability of Wilson v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    668 F.3d 1136
    (9th Cir. 2012). Defendants-appellees rely on Wilson to
    argue that plaintiff-appellant has not alleged that defendants-
    appellees had a duty to disclose because Wilson stands for the
    premise that plaintiffs in pure omission cases must plead that
    the undisclosed information created a safety hazard.
    Plaintiff-appellant acknowledges the holding in Wilson, but
    urges us to deviate from that precedent, arguing that
    intervening California Courts of Appeal cases render our
    interpretation of California law incorrect. It is true that recent
    state-court cases have cast doubt on the breadth of this
    Circuit’s precedent about the duty to disclose, but the facts
    before us today do not compel us to reexamine that precedent
    in this case. This is so because, even applying the tests from
    the intervening California cases, Plaintiff cannot state a
    claim. We therefore affirm the district court’s order of
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                     5
    Plaintiff-appellant Robert Hodsdon (“Plaintiff”) is a
    California citizen who purchased defendants-appellees’
    (together, “Mars”) chocolate products at retail stores and
    viewed the labeling. Hodsdon alleges he would not have
    bought the chocolate or would not have paid as much for it if
    the manufacturer had disclosed, on the label itself, the
    existence of child and slave labor in its supply chain.
    The Ivory Coast (or Côte d’Ivoire) is the world’s largest
    producer of cocoa beans, the raw ingredient for chocolate.
    Like most chocolate manufacturers, Mars sources at least
    some cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast. Some cocoa beans
    from the Ivory Coast are produced using what the
    International Labor Organization (“ILO”) calls “the worst
    forms of child labour.” The Bureau of International Labor
    Affairs of the U.S. Department of Labor describes the
    situation in the Ivory Coast as follows:
    [C]hildren . . . are working under conditions
    of forced labor on Ivoirian cocoa farms . . . .
    Some children are sold by their parents to
    traffickers, some are kidnapped, and others
    migrate willingly but fall victim to traffickers
    who sell them to recruiters or farmers, where
    they end up in conditions of bonded labor
    . . . . Some children are forced to perform
    dangerous tasks . . . .
    Mars recognizes that its supply chains may be infected by
    the worst forms of child labor, but does not disclose this on
    its product labeling. However, in compliance with the
    California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
    6                   HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    (“Supply Chains Act”), Mars does disclose on its website its
    efforts to combat slavery and labor abuses in its supply
    Plaintiff brought this action under California’s Consumers
    Legal Remedies Act (“CLRA”), Unfair Competition Law
    (“UCL”), and False Advertising Law (“FAL”), alleging that
    Mars has a duty to disclose on its labels the labor practices
    that may taint its supply chain. Plaintiff’s CLRA claim is that
    Mars misrepresented the source, characteristics, and standard
    of the chocolate products by omitting information about labor
    practices on its label. See Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(2), (5),
    (7). As to the UCL, Plaintiff claims that Mars’ conduct came
    within the UCL’s prohibition on “any unlawful, unfair or
    fraudulent business act or practice” by: (1) violating the
    “unlawful” prong based on its violation of the CLRA;
    (2) violating the “fraudulent” prong because it omitted
    information about the forced labor at the point of sale; and
    (3) violating the “unfair” prong because the omission
    contravened legislative policy against child and slave labor,
    The Supply Chains Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1714.43, was enacted in
    2010. The California Attorney General later described the requirements
    of the Act:
    This Act requires large retailers and manufacturers
    doing business in California to disclose on their
    websites their “efforts to eradicate slavery and human
    trafficking from [their] direct supply chain for tangible
    goods offered for sale.” . . . Companies subject to the
    Act must post disclosures on their Internet websites
    related to five specific areas: verification, audits,
    certification, internal accountability, and training.
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                       7
    or because Mars’ “participation in a supply chain involving
    [slave labor] is immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous
    and injurious to consumers.” See Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code
    § 17200. Finally, Plaintiff’s FAL claim also is based on
    Mars’ alleged failure to disclose its labor practices on its
    label. See 
    id. § 17500.
    The district court dismissed the complaint for failure to
    state a claim. Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6). Plaintiff has timely
    The district court had jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1332(a). We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291, and
    review de novo the district court’s dismissal for failure to
    state a claim. See Hinojos v. Kohl’s Corp., 
    718 F.3d 1098
    1103 (9th Cir. 2013).
    A. Duty to Disclose
    Plaintiff does not allege any affirmative misstatement and
    relies solely on an omission theory of consumer fraud.
    Omissions may be the basis of claims under California
    consumer protections laws, but “to be actionable the omission
    must be contrary to a representation actually made by the
    defendant, or an omission of a fact the defendant was obliged
    to disclose.” Daugherty v. Am. Honda Motor Co., 51 Cal.
    Rptr. 3d 118, 126 (Ct. App. 2006) (emphasis added).
    Mars argues that to establish a duty to disclose, under the
    Ninth Circuit’s interpretation of California law, Plaintiff must
    8                 HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    always allege that the undisclosed information “caused an
    unreasonable safety hazard.” 
    Wilson, 668 F.3d at 1143
    Plaintiff urges us to rule that Wilson is no longer good law
    after more recent California Courts of Appeal opinions, and
    to apply the tests for duty to disclose from those cases. While
    the recent California cases do cast doubt on whether Wilson’s
    safety-hazard requirement applies in all circumstances, we
    have no occasion in this case to consider whether the later
    state-court cases have effectively overruled Wilson. This is
    true because even applying Plaintiff’s proposed tests, derived
    from his reading of the more recent California decisions, he
    cannot state a claim. Specifically, Plaintiff has not
    sufficiently alleged that the defect in question—the existence
    of child labor in the supply chain—affects the central
    functionality of the chocolate products. Therefore, without
    either relying on or overruling Wilson, we hold that Plaintiff
    has not established that Mars had a duty to disclose the labor
    practices on its labels.
    The primary California cases on which Plaintiff relies are
    Collins v. eMachines, Inc., 
    134 Cal. Rptr. 3d 588
    (Ct. App.
    2011), and Rutledge v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    190 Cal. Rptr. 3d
    411 (Ct. App. 2015). Plaintiff has not sufficiently alleged
    that Mars has a duty to disclose under these cases.
    In Collins, the plaintiffs were a putative class of
    consumers that purchased eMachine computers. 134 Cal.
    Rptr. 3d at 591. The plaintiffs complained that a floppy disk
    controller defect, which manifested itself during the warranty
    period, caused critical data corruption of the hard drive. 
    Id. at 591–92.
    Citing the four-prong test from LiMandri v.
    60 Cal. Rptr. 2d 539
    (Ct. App. 1997), the plaintiffs
    asserted that eMachines had a duty to disclose the defect.
    Collins, 134 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 593
    . The court explained:
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                           9
    A failure to disclose a fact can constitute
    actionable fraud or deceit in four
    circumstances: (1) when the defendant is the
    plaintiff’s fiduciary; (2) when the defendant
    has exclusive knowledge of material facts not
    known or reasonably accessible to the
    plaintiff; (3) when the defendant actively
    conceals a material fact from the plaintiff; and
    (4) when the defendant makes partial
    representations that are misleading because
    some other material fact has not been
    Id. (citing LiMandri,
    60 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 543). The plaintiffs
    in Collins argued that eMachines had a duty to disclose based
    on either prong (2) or (3). 
    Id. at 593.
    The court held that the plaintiffs had stated a CLRA claim
    under prong (2). 
    Id. at 594.
    The fact of the defect was
    material because a “reasonable consumer would deem it
    important in determining how to act in the transaction at
    id. at 593
    (internal quotation and alterations omitted),
    and “according to the complaint, eMachines knew of this
    defect while plaintiffs did not, and, given the nature of the
    defect, it was difficult to discover.”2 
    Id. at 594
    omitted). Further, Collins emphasized that the failure to
    disclose the defect at issue supported a CLRA claim because
    the defect “was central to the function of a computer as a
    Id. at 595.
    In so holding, Collins distinguished
    Daugherty—on which Wilson is based—by noting that the
    The court also determined that plaintiffs’ complaint alleged that
    eMachines actively concealed the defect. 
    Collins, 134 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 594
    10                 HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    defect in the case before it, unlike the defect in Daugherty,
    resulted in damage to the computers during the warranty
    period. See 
    id. at 595.
    Collins, therefore, stands for the
    premise that a manufacturer has a duty to disclose only
    physical defects—not the means by which a product is
    produced—that relate to a product’s central function and arise
    during the warranty period.
    The second case that Plaintiff relies upon is Rutledge,
    another case involving computers. The plaintiffs there
    alleged that Hewlett Packard (“HP”) actively concealed and
    did not disclose that its laptops contained defective inverters
    that would cause the screens to dim and darken during the
    warranty period. Rutledge, 
    190 Cal. Rptr. 3d
    at 418. The
    plaintiffs further alleged that HP made misrepresentations in
    its press releases, that the plaintiffs relied on these statements,
    and that the laptop screen is central to the function of the
    laptop. See 
    id. at 420–422.
    On summary judgment, the court
    held that there was a triable issue about whether HP had a
    duty to disclose the inverter defect. 
    Id. at 422.
    The court’s reasoning in Rutledge, however, is far from
    clear. First, the court did not apply the LiMandri factors, as
    Collins did, to determine whether defendants had an
    obligation to disclose. Further, the section of the opinion on
    the duty to disclose ultimately concludes that there is “a
    triable issue of fact as to the nature of HP’s [affirmative]
    representations, and whether that triggered a duty to disclose
    the defect.” 
    Id. at 422
    (emphasis added). The opinion is thus
    somewhat inconclusive on whether there was a duty to
    disclose independent of HP’s affirmative representations
    about its product. Finally, Rutledge seems to cite favorably
    the holding in Collins that manufacturers have a duty to
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                            11
    disclose a defect when it affects the central functionality of a
    product. See 
    id. at 421.
    Rutledge, therefore, could be read as a case that stands for
    any of the following propositions: (1) there is a duty to
    disclose in light of affirmative representations; (2) there is a
    duty to disclose defects that go to the central function of the
    product; or (3) there is a duty to disclose defects that go to the
    central function of the product and which arise during the
    warranty period. Plaintiff cannot state a claim under any of
    these interpretations.
    While Collins and Rutledge are somewhat vague about
    the test for determining whether a defendant has a duty to
    disclose, they sanction a UCL omission claim when: the
    plaintiff alleges that the omission was material; second, the
    plaintiff must plead that the defect was central to the
    product’s function; and third, the plaintiff must allege one of
    the four LiMandri factors. See 
    Collins, 134 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 593
    –95. Plaintiff argues that Mars had a duty to disclose
    because information about labor practices is material to
    consumers and—relying on the second prong of
    LiMandri—because Mars had “superior knowledge” about
    labor issues in its supply chain. Plaintiff, however, omits a
    crucial element that Collins and Rutledge emphasize—that
    the defect must relate to the central functionality of the
    Plaintiff also cites Rubenstein v. Gap, Inc., 
    222 Cal. Rptr. 3d 397
    (Ct. App. 2017). The plaintiffs in Rubenstein alleged that Gap violated the
    consumer protection laws “based on Gap’s alleged misrepresentation in
    using the Gap and Banana Republic brand names for [factory store] items
    that had never been sold in traditional Gap and Banana Republic stores
    and/or were of lesser quality, and also on Gap’s failure to disclose these
    facts to consumers. 
    Id. at 401.
    The court rejected the plaintiffs’ claims,
    12                    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    First, we assume without deciding that the existence of
    slave or child labor in a product’s supply chain is material to
    Second, however, Plaintiff fails to allege that the
    existence of slave or child labor in the supply chain affects
    the product’s central function. In Collins and Rutledge, the
    plaintiffs were required to plead that the allegedly concealed
    physical defect was central to the product’s function.4 Here,
    reasoning that the plaintiffs did not “allege facts showing that the sales
    history of factory store items is material to reasonable consumers.” It
    further held that “any quality issues with factory store merchandise were
    not in Gap’s exclusive knowledge.” 
    Id. at 405.
    Additionally, after oral argument in this case, the California Court of
    Appeal, Fifth District, decided Gutierrez v. CarMax Auto Superstores
    228 Cal. Rptr. 3d 699
    (Ct. App. 2018). In Gutierrez, the defendant
    car dealer did not disclose that the car that the plaintiff purchased was
    subject to a safety recall relating to the car’s braking and lighting systems.
    The court held that the omitted information was material because it related
    to safety concerns—which would be important to the reasonable
    Id. at 705.
    Further, the court concluded that the car dealer had
    a duty to disclose the recall because “CarMax made partial
    representations about the vehicle’s braking and lighting systems and those
    representations were likely to mislead for want of communication of the
    facts about the recall.” 
    Id. at 722–23.
    As Gutierrez is a partial
    misrepresentation case, it does not affect the outcome of this purely
    omissions-based case.
    Neither Rubenstein nor Gutierrez mentions the “central
    functionality” test, but their facts are consistent with requiring that the
    alleged defect be physical and important to the product’s function. In
    Gutierrez, the alleged omission related to a physical defect that created a
    hazard. 228 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 723
    . In Rubenstein, the court
    concluded that there were no “facts showing that the sales history of
    factory store items is material to reasonable consumers.” 
    222 Cal. Rptr. 3d
    at 405.
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                            13
    the alleged lack of disclosure about the existence of slave
    labor in the supply chain is not a physical defect at all, much
    less one related to the chocolate’s function as chocolate.
    Plaintiff contends that he has “no practical use” for the
    products tainted by slave or child labor, but the central
    functionality of the product is not based on subjective
    preferences about a product. A computer chip that corrupts
    the hard drive, or a laptop screen that goes dark, renders those
    products incapable of use by any consumer; some consumers
    of chocolate are not concerned about the labor practices used
    to manufacture the product. Thus, Plaintiff fails to establish
    that Mars has a duty to disclose the issues in its supply chain.5
    Nonetheless, even though we apply the more recent
    California Courts of Appeal decisions, doing so does not
    deprive Wilson of all vitality. The recent California cases
    show that Wilson’s safety hazard pleading requirement is not
    necessary in all omission cases, but that the requirement may
    remain applicable in some circumstances. In other words,
    Collins and Rutledge are not necessarily irreconcilable with
    Wilson because, where the challenged omission does not
    concern a central functional defect, the plaintiff may still
    have to plead a safety hazard to establish that the defendant
    The parties also dispute whether Plaintiff sufficiently pleaded that
    Mars had knowledge that Plaintiff did not about the existence of child or
    slave labor in the supply chain. Plaintiff argues that Mars need only have
    “superior” knowledge over the consumer to satisfy the Limandri prong,
    whereas Mars contends that the test is “exclusive” knowledge. While we
    need not reach the issue here, Mars appears to have the better reading of
    California law.
    14                    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    had a duty to disclose.6 For example, even though we offer
    no binding opinion on the issue, Wilson may still apply where
    the defect in question does not go to the central functionality
    of the product, but still creates a safety hazard. For this
    reason, we are not convinced that the California Supreme
    Court would rule that a plaintiff need never plead a safety
    hazard. See Muniz v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., 
    738 F.3d 214
    219 (9th Cir. 2013) (“Decisions of the six [California] district
    appellate courts are persuasive but do not bind each other or
    us. We should nevertheless follow a published intermediate
    state court decision regarding California law unless we are
    convinced that the California Supreme Court would reject
    it.”) (citations omitted). But see In re Watts, 
    298 F.3d 1077
    1084–86 (9th Cir. 2002) (O’Scannlain, J., concurring)
    (questioning this Circuit’s practice of revisiting panel
    decisions based on subsequent state intermediate appellate
    opinions, especially where state appellate courts have
    independent districts that do not follow one another’s
    Therefore, we hold that in this pure omissions case
    concerning no physical product defect relating to the central
    function of the chocolate and no safety defect, Plaintiff has
    not sufficiently pleaded that Mars had a duty to disclose on its
    labels the labor issues in its supply chain.7 Absent a duty to
    For example, even though we offer no binding opinion on the issue,
    Wilson may still apply where the defect in question does not go to the
    central functionality of the product but still creates a safety hazard.
    Plaintiff has an outstanding motion to certify the following question
    to the California Supreme Court: “Must a pure omission-based consumer
    deception claim under the UCL, FAL, and CLRA involve a safety concern
    to be actionable?” Because Plaintiff cannot establish that Mars had a duty
    to disclose, even if he is not required to plead a safety hazard, the answer
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                            15
    disclose, Plaintiff’s CLRA, UCL and FAL claims are
    B. CLRA
    Plaintiff alleges three separate violations of the CLRA,
    namely that Mars’ failure to disclose on its labels information
    about slave or child labor: (1) “[m]isrepresent[ed] the
    source” of the products; (2) “[r]epresent[ed] that [the] goods
    . . . have . . . characteristics . . . which they do not have”; and
    (3) “[r]epresent[ed] that goods . . . are of a particular
    standard.” Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(2), (5), (7).
    Again, “although a claim may be stated under the CLRA
    in terms constituting fraudulent omissions, to be actionable
    the omission must be contrary to a representation actually
    made by the defendant, or an omission of a fact the defendant
    was obliged to disclose.” 
    Daugherty, 51 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 126
    As discussed above, Mars was not obliged to disclose issues
    about its supply chain. Therefore, Mars did not violate the
    C. UCL
    The UCL prohibits “any unlawful, unfair or fraudulent
    business act or practice.” Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200.
    “Because Business & Professions Code § 17200 is written in
    the disjunctive, it establishes three varieties of unfair
    to Plaintiff’s question is not outcome-determinative. See Cal. R. of Court
    8.548(a)(1) (“The [California] Supreme Court may decide a question of
    California law if . . . [t]he decision could determine the outcome of a
    matter pending in the requesting court.”). We therefore deny the motion
    to certify the question.
    16                HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    competition–acts or practices which are unlawful, or unfair,
    or fraudulent.” Cel-Tech Commc’ns, Inc. v. L.A. Cellular Tel.
    973 P.2d 527
    , 540 (Cal. 1999). Plaintiff claims that
    Mars is liable under all three of the varieties.
    1. Unlawful Prong
    Plaintiff links his unlawful prong claim to Mars’ alleged
    violation of the CLRA. As discussed above, Mars did not
    violate the CLRA; thus, it did not violate the unlawful prong
    of the UCL.
    2. Fraudulent Prong
    “[A] failure to disclose a fact one has no affirmative duty
    to disclose is [not] ‘likely to deceive’ anyone within the
    meaning of the UCL.” 
    Daugherty, 51 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 128
    see also Berryman v. Merit Prop. Mgmt., Inc., 
    62 Cal. Rptr. 3d
    177, 188 (Ct. App. 2007) (“Absent a duty to disclose, the
    failure to do so does not support a claim under the fraudulent
    prong of the UCL.”). Plaintiff does not state a claim under
    this prong.
    3. Unfair Prong
    Unlike the other two UCL prongs, the lack of a duty to
    disclose does not necessarily dispose of claims under the
    unfair prong. “The UCL does not define the term ‘unfair.’ In
    fact, the proper definition of ‘unfair’ conduct against
    consumers ‘is currently in flux’ among California courts.”
    Davis v. HSBC Bank Nev., N.A., 
    691 F.3d 1152
    , 1169 (9th
    Cir. 2012) (quoting Lozano v. AT&T Wireless Servs., Inc.,
    504 F.3d 718
    , 735 (9th Cir. 2007)). “Before Cel-Tech, courts
    held that ‘unfair’ conduct occurs when that practice ‘offends
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                     17
    an established public policy or when the practice is immoral,
    unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous or substantially injurious
    to consumers.’ ” 
    Id. (citing S.
    Bay Chevrolet v. Gen. Motors
    Acceptance Corp., 
    85 Cal. Rptr. 2d 301
    , 316 (Ct. App. 1999))
    (“South Bay test”). The California Supreme Court, in Cel-
    Tech, established a different, more concrete, definition of
    “[U]nfair” means “conduct that threatens an
    incipient violation of an antitrust law, or
    violates the policy or spirit of one of those
    laws because its effects are comparable to or
    the same as a violation of the law, or
    otherwise significantly threatens or harms
    competition.” It further required that “any
    finding of unfairness to competitors under
    section 17200 be tethered to some
    legislatively declared policy or proof of some
    actual or threatened impact on competition.”
    Davis, 691 F.3d at 1169
    –70 (quoting 
    Cel-Tech, 973 P.2d at 543
    –44) (emphasis added). The Cel-Tech test did not apply
    to actions by consumers, but “some courts in California have
    extended the Cel-Tech definition to consumer actions, while
    others have applied the [South Bay test].” 
    Id. at 1170;
    Cel-Tech, 973 P.2d at 544
    n.12. The parties here argue
    under both the Cel-Tech and South Bay tests.
    First, under the Cel-Tech test, Plaintiff contends that his
    claims are “tethered” to the United Nations’ Universal
    Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO’s Convention 182
    (“Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention”)—the former
    forbidding slavery and the latter forbidding the worst forms
    of child labor. Plaintiff’s theory is that these international
    18                HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    declarations demonstrate the “legislatively declared policy”
    against child and slave labor. To determine whether
    something is sufficiently “tethered” to a legislative policy for
    the purposes of the unfair prong, California courts require a
    close nexus between the challenged act and the legislative
    policy. See 
    Cel-Tech, 973 P.2d at 544
    (holding that for an act
    to be “unfair,” it must “threaten[]” a violation of law or
    “violate[] the policy or spirit of one of those laws because its
    effects are comparable to or the same as a violation of the
    For example, in Gregory v. Albertson’s, Inc., 128 Cal.
    Rptr. 2d 389 (Ct. App. 2002), the plaintiffs alleged that the
    defendants violated the unfair prong of the UCL when the
    defendant grocery store chain closed one location, but held
    the lease and kept the property empty to prevent a competitor
    from moving in. 
    Id. at 395.
    Plaintiffs tried to tether
    defendants’ actions to a policy against urban blight. See 
    id. (“[B]y keeping
    off the market the chief retail store in the
    shopping center, the [defendants] have put in motion a
    process of deterioration affecting the entire shopping center
    that will inevitably produce the kind of blight that Health and
    Safety Code section 33035 condemns . . . .”). The court
    rejected plaintiffs’ argument that defendants’ decision to hold
    onto one lease was sufficiently tethered to the policy against
    community blight in § 33035. 
    Id. at 395–96.
    Instead, the
    court reasoned that § 33035 was part of a broader Community
    Redevelopment Law, which established procedures for public
    participation in the redevelopment of blighted areas, but did
    not “call[] for a private remedy affecting a single parcel of
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                           19
    property under the unfair competition law.” 
    Id. at 395.
    8 In
    other words, the challenged action was too far removed from
    the legislative policy, as stated in the Community
    Redevelopment Law, to be the tether for a claim under the
    unfair prong. Id.; see also Scripps Clinic v. Superior Court,
    134 Cal. Rptr. 2d 101
    , 117 (Ct. App. 2003) (holding that
    plaintiffs did not state a claim under the unfair prong where
    defendant medical center’s practice of not continuing to treat
    patients who sued the center did not affect plaintiffs’
    constitutional right to redress in court).
    As the plaintiffs in Gregory pointed to a general policy
    against urban blight, so too, Plaintiff here highlights a general
    policy against child or slave labor. However, like in Gregory,
    there is not a close enough nexus between the policy at
    issue—here a policy against certain labor practices— and the
    challenged action—here not placing disclosures on consumer
    labels. Just as leaving one building empty may eventually
    lead to blight, so too not labeling chocolate bars may
    indirectly exacerbate slave labor in the supply chain;
    however, the labeling of products is too far removed from the
    U.N. and ILO policies to serve as the basis for a UCL claim.
    As such, the U.N. Convention and the Worst Forms of Child
    Labour Convention do not provide a tether here. Further,
    requiring Mars to place labels on its products could arguably
    impinge on the Supply Chains Act, which addresses
    disclosure of labor abuses, but does not require labels on the
    products themselves. Plaintiff cannot state an unfairness
    prong claim under the Cel-Tech test.
    Gregory also rejected plaintiffs’ tethering claim because “it would
    impinge on a separate state policy favoring freedom of contract by the
    parties to commercial real property 
    leases.” 128 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 395
    (quotation marks omitted).
    20                 HODSDON V. MARS, INC.
    Plaintiff’s claims also fail under the South Bay test.
    Mars’ failure to disclose information it had no duty to
    disclose in the first place is not substantially injurious,
    immoral, or unethical. See Bardin v. DaimlerChrysler Corp.,
    39 Cal. Rptr. 3d 634
    , 643–44 (Ct. App. 2006) (holding that
    the use of less expensive tubular steel exhaust manifolds did
    not violate public policy because the defendant made no
    representation about the composition of the manifolds and the
    plaintiffs did not allege a safety concern or a violation of the
    warranty). Plaintiff’s allegation that Mars’ participation in a
    supply chain involving slave labor is “immoral” does not
    suffice here, because Plaintiff is challenging the failure to
    disclose. While the labor practices themselves are clearly
    immoral, it is doubtful that failing to disclose on the label that
    a product may be tainted by such labor practices is itself
    immoral, especially when there is no specific duty to disclose
    this information and the information is otherwise disclosed
    under the Supply Chains Act. Further, the failure to disclose
    is not substantially injurious because, as mentioned above,
    information about slave and child labor is public knowledge,
    accessible on Mars’ website—pursuant to the Supply Chains
    Act. Therefore, under either test for the unfair prong of the
    UCL, Plaintiff’s claims fail.
    D. FAL
    “California’s False Advertising Law makes it unlawful
    for any person to ‘induce the public to enter into any
    obligation’ based on a statement that is ‘untrue or misleading,
    and which is known, or which by the exercise of reasonable
    care should be known, to be untrue or misleading.’ ” 
    Davis, 691 F.3d at 1161
    (quoting Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17500).
    Whether an advertisement is misleading is determined by
    asking whether a reasonable consumer would likely be
    HODSDON V. MARS, INC.                         21
    deceived. See 
    id. at 1162.
    Plaintiff’s FAL claims fail
    because “a failure to disclose a fact one has no affirmative
    duty to disclose is [not] ‘likely to deceive’ anyone.”
    Daugherty, 51 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 128
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court dismissing Plaintiff Hodsdon’s CLRA, UCL,
    and FAL claims with prejudice.
    Because we hold that Plaintiff has not pleaded a claim under the
    CLRA, UCL, or FAL, we need not, and do not, reach any of Mars’ other
    arguments in support of affirmance.