Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  • Honorable Geo. R. Sheppard
    Comptroller-of Public Accounts
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir:                 Opinion NO; o-2036-, -.    -. -,
    Re: Furchasti'ofpostage%stamp3 by
    the Texas Agricultural ExperIl
    ment Station at A. & M. College.
    -owehave your~lettersof March 1, 1940;and March.14, '-"
    1940; also‘~twoletters froinMr.-A. B. Conner, Director, Texas
    Ag?lcultural~Expi+Nmeiit'Stat~on,~A;& M; College, aded Feb;~~
    ruarg 28, 1940, and March 13, 1940, which you forwarded
    -. to us.
    reveal that the Texas 'AgrlcultutialEti-‘.
    StatF6Khas purchased ~posttige'stamps-by executing a
    vbticherm@de.payable to & UnlteKStates Postmaster. Th$~
    Station h&'-then ~lssued'~'c~h~ckagainst the Pure Feea Wc%king
    FuiiaUXpaykient tif~thestatipps%ihait'ha3 been eriaorsedUbgthe
    P&%tm&st&E from whom ~th6 putidhtise
    was made:'~A'?eImbursemtint
    h&s beeii'submittedto you by the Stirltloti
    ~expendedin the piirchase'of'thesestamps.
    They have also attached the orlglnal Stamp voucher,
    "~ ~With these facts In mind, you~request our opinion--a~-'~~
    tb whether your department would,be auth&lzeKto   Issue -a'war-
    rafitpayable to the Director-'df'theAgriciilturalExperiment
    Station for refund of the stamps so purchased.
    We have sfudied.the history of Article '3875,Vernbn's
    Revised Civil--Statutes;1925, in an effort to ascertain from
    what' sources anKby what authority the funds used by the
    Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in purchasing these -~.
    stamps were derived. Being unable'to find tinslegally created
    ?evolvlng br lnstltutional fund from which suchipurchases
    could be made, we wrote you on March 8, 1940, asktng for ln-
    formatlon~'regardingthe source or sources from which the fund
    might be authorized. In response to-this request, we have
    Mr. A. B. Conner'sletter of March 13, 1940, and in connection
    with this matter he says:              .
    "The Pure'Feed working fund Is a fund of
    $lO;OOO advanced to-'theDirector of the Agriciil-
    ttiralExperiment Station by the Board of Dlrec-
    -      .
    Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, page 2         0-2036
    tors of the College many years ago. The
    original source of this fund, I understand,
    was from the net surplus accrued in the
    administration of the Pure Feed Law ana
    the wojrklngfund was set up irifter'an  amend-
    m6nt mad&~ln.the 315t Legislature, Third
    Calld Sessioti;wtilbh.amefiament,   shown'ln the
    General I;avSof Texas;-Thlra Callea'Sesslon,
    3lst~Le~islature;lglO, page.16, tiectititi   2!
    .~             I;~. . Said 'fiti& (StirplUs) ~
    . . . sh&ll be us.edby the.b6ard'of directors
    OT the AgrlcultW~l'aid‘Mechahlcal 'College for"
    ritices3aryrepair&at 'the AgrlctiItiiral
    %indMech~nlc%l~Col'leg~;Wectron'~bf buildlngs~'
    ana otliierImprovemefits,-~a& for such oth@‘pur-~
    'pose5&s'mag be'aeemed advlstibleby'the board ~of
    directbrs, ana'said funas shall be~paia outsby
    the.State Treasutier6n warrants 13sued~bg the
    pr@sid&nt and secr~etary'ofthe boarKof'&l;
    rt%toPs.' ItIs my‘und~~standihg that 'this
    tibrkingfund V&s from rn6fii.63ttiansmltted'by
    the'State Trhasurer on warrants to the College
    under this
    .   Act."           _        .     .
    A'sfar &s'w&'have been abl'eto ascertain, the~A6t‘bf..
    the-Ltiglslaturedeferred to by'Mr.~Coiixieris~'the~'bliI~~sou~d~~
    from which.the~ "working fund'"cd.iSdhaii&b&n'~deri@&.'--~
    BrlS'No~.10, Third Called Session, .TtiWtyLfii"stL@l%lattir&~~~';
    r&fijrredto-'inl@?*Coniier~'%lettZ5, w~a* tinapprbprlatSon.blIT.
    It &ppropri.%tedand transfer&d all moneys colle~ted.under'.tFi~-'
    bf the pure feed laws (Including Article 3875; stii5I;a)
    to the'use and beiiefltof the A. &M. College bf.Texas-8na pro-
    vFde6 that 'the Stat% Treasurer should'keep an account on~his-.--
    bboks t&be known as the Pure Feed~Fund 6f the'Agricultura1 and
    Mechanical College. Section 2 of said
    .    Act provided:
    "Section 2, Said funds so appi+opriatedana
    collect-d shall be used by the bdara of directors
    of the Bgrlculturtiland MechaiilcalCollege for‘~
    itiakingall necessary repairs at the Agrlculturfil
    and Mechanical College, erection of builalngs ana
    oCher improvemZW.s,"and for such bther purpdses Xs
    iriayb5 deemed'aavisable bjithe board of di?ectors-;
    and s&id fun& shall be pafd outby the SFate'~Trea,s-
    uPer on warrants issued by the presldeiitand"secre-
    tary of the board of director‘s;.Th5 said boara.of
    dliiectorsshall'on the 315t day of August of~each
    jiearfile a swijrfireport Uith'ttieGoVePrior,giving
    a-n itemize8 statement of all Feceipts aliadIsbur3e-
    ments of said fund for the year ending on said date."
    Honorable Gee, R. Sheppard, page 3         Q-2036
    "The doctrine of ejusdem generls (of the same kina)
    Imports that general words following an enumeratfon of partlcu-
    lar or specific things will be confLned to things of the same
    kind. In brief, the general words so used are not to be con-
    strued in the widest sense, but are to be held as applying only
    to-'personsor things of the same 'kindand class-.asthose enum-
    erated.;' 39 Tex, Jur:202.   See also Farmers' and.MechanPcs'
    National Bank v. Hanks, 104~'Tex.320, ~137 S;W. 1120:. In view
    of'thls rule, we are constrained to hold that the Board of
    Dir'ectorsof the Agricultural and Mechanical Collegewere not
    authori~sedunder Senate Bill~No. 
    10, supra
    , to set up a "work-
    ing fuiid"for the Agricultural Experiment Statfon. The~piir-
    of Senate Bill No. 
    10, supra
    , was to appropriate the fun&s"
    therein referred to for the purpose of'erectlng buildings ana
    other improvem'ents,and making repairs-;under the doctrlne‘~of
    ejusdem generis, the directors 00uia hiifelisea said funas only
    forpurposes similar to, or p of the same class as, those ex-
    pressed in the statute.         .
    ~-" Since the moneys appropriated under Senate~Bill~‘No;~
    10, supra
    , could not have-been us~edfor the purpose of.establFsh-
    ing the "working fund," themoneysthereinproperly    belong in
    the State Treasury to.~~theaccountof the PiireFeed-.FunS[‘of‘Xhe
    Kgricultural analMechanical College of Texas: -'Asa-practical
    matter;-we~riializethat there 1s not ten thousand‘dollars
    ($~O,OOO) standing-to the credit of the "working fund' at'thls~
    timedue to the fact that the ExperIment Station bfficlals have
    ls~suedchecks against sala'fund~inaccordance with the-pro-'.
    cedure followed forthe past severa years, In view of this-.
    fact, we suggest that the moneys standing to the'credit ofsaid
    'working fund", together with the-vouchers and cancelled checks
    issued by the officials of the Station, be returned to the State
    Treasury.                  .       .                   ,.~
    If there'are any legally created revolvfng or Fnstitu-
    tibnal funds against which the Texas Agricultural ExperTment-
    Station may legally issue checks, they may proceed to make their
    purchases out of such funds and your department-,'
    under A~rtrticle
    3875~,SUPP~.9 would be authorized to issue warrants reimbursing
    them for the amounts so expended.
    Yours very truly
    HAS:RS:wc                      By s/Walter R. Koch
    Walter R, Koch
    Approved Sun II, 1940
    s/Gerald C. Mann                By s/Harry A. Shuford
    ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS             Harry-A. Shuford
    Approved Opinion Committee by s/BWB Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2036

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017