United States v. Francisca-Gamboa ( 2020 )

  •                      FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                         No. 19-50014
    D.C. No.
    v.                          2:18-cr-00379-
    Defendant-Appellee.                    OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Otis D. Wright II, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted July 8, 2020
    Pasadena, California
    Filed August 27, 2020
    Before: Kim McLane Wardlaw and Andrew D. Hurwitz,
    Circuit Judges, and Joseph F. Bataillon, * District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Hurwitz
    The Honorable Joseph F. Bataillon, United States District Judge
    for the District of Nebraska, sitting by designation.
    SUMMARY **
    Criminal Law
    The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal of an
    information charging illegal reentry in violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    , and remanded for further proceedings, in a case in
    which the defendant was previously removed because of an
    “aggravated felony” conviction—possession for sale of
    methamphetamine in violation of California Health & Safety
    Code § 11378.
    The defendant sought dismissal of the information on the
    ground that Section 11378 is categorically overbroad
    because the definition of methamphetamine under California
    law includes optical and geometric isomers, while the
    federal comparator statute covers only the optical isomer.
    On limited remand, the district court held an evidentiary
    hearing at which it heard unrebutted expert testimony, and
    concluded that there is no such thing as a geometric isomer
    of methamphetamine.
    The panel held that the district court’s factual finding
    that geometric isomers of methamphetamine do not exist,
    which it reviewed for clear error, finds overwhelming
    support in the record; and rejected the argument that the
    California statute’s facial inclusion of “geometrical” isomers
    of methamphetamine reflects a legislative determination that
    such isomers actually exist.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                   3
    The panel addressed the legal issue whether the factual
    impossibility of a state statute being applied more broadly
    than a federal comparator means there is a categorical match
    between the two, even if the state statute is textually
    overbroad. Finding Gonzales v. Duenas-Alvarez, 
    549 U.S. 183
     (2007), most instructive, the panel wrote that, based on
    the evidentiary record, there is simply no “realistic
    probability”—nor even a theoretical one—of the defendant
    facing liability under California law for the possession of
    geometric isomers of methamphetamine.                The panel
    explained that the purpose of the categorical approach is to
    ascertain whether the defendant was necessarily convicted in
    state court of conduct that would also violate the relevant
    federal law, and wrote that if there is no realistic probability
    that this is not the case, the goal of the inquiry is surely
    satisfied. The panel concluded that because geometric
    isomers of methamphetamine are impossible, there is no
    realistic probability that the defendant’s California
    methamphetamine statute of conviction will be used to
    prosecute someone in connection with geometric isomers of
    L. Ashley Aull (argued), Chief, Criminal Appeals Section;
    Brandon D. Fox, Chief, Criminal Division; Nicola T. Hanna,
    United States Attorney; United States Attorney’s Office, Los
    Angeles, California; for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    David Menninger (argued), Deputy Federal Public
    Defender; Office of the Federal Public Defender, Los
    Angeles, California; for Defendant-Appellee.
    HURWITZ, Circuit Judge:
    This appeal requires us to delve once again into the
    mysteries of the “categorical approach” to determine
    whether a conviction under state law qualifies as a generic
    federal offense. See Taylor v. United States, 
    495 U.S. 575
    602 (1990). The two statutes at issue today both prohibit the
    possession of methamphetamine for sale. California law
    prohibits the possession for sale of both the geometric and
    optical isomers of methamphetamine. 
    Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 11033
    , 11055(d)(2), 11378. 1 The relevant federal
    law,     however,     outlaws,      possession       only    of
    methamphetamine’s optical isomers. 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 802
    812(c), Schedule II(c), Schedule III(a)(3). Because the state
    law’s “greater breadth is evident from its text,” our
    traditional jurisprudence would suggest that it is not a
    categorical match to the federal law. United States v. Grisel,
    488 F.3d 844
    , 850 (9th Cir. 2007) (en banc), abrogated on
    other grounds by United States v. Stitt, 
    139 S. Ct. 399
    But we face an unusual situation today. At our request,
    the district court conducted an evidentiary hearing and, after
    hearing unrebutted expert testimony, concluded that there is
    no such thing as a geometric isomer of methamphetamine.
    The Supreme Court has pointedly instructed that the
    categorical approach should not be applied in a legal vacuum
    and that a finding of overbreadth “requires a realistic
    probability, not a theoretical possibility, that the State would
    apply its statute to conduct that falls outside the generic
    The California statute refers to “geometrical” isomers. 
    Cal. Health & Safety Code § 11033
    . As do the parties and the district court, we use
    the terms “geometric” and “geometrical” interchangeably.
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                   5
    definition of a crime.” Gonzales v. Duenas-Alvarez,
    549 U.S. 183
    , 193 (2007). Because there is no such
    possibility here, we opt for scientific reality over abstract
    legal doctrine and reverse the district court’s dismissal of the
    information charging Rodriguez with illegal reentry under
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    We described the facts and procedural history of this
    case in a prior opinion, United States v. Rodriguez-Gamboa,
    946 F.3d 548
     (9th Cir. 2019), and therefore recount them
    more briefly here. In 2017, Francisca Rodriguez-Gamboa, a
    native and citizen of Mexico, was removed because of an
    “aggravated felony” conviction—possession for sale of
    methamphetamine in violation of California Health & Safety
    Code § 11378.
    Rodriguez later reentered the United States without
    inspection. In 2018, she was charged in a criminal complaint
    with illegal reentry in violation of 
    8 U.S.C. § 1326
    Although she initially waived indictment and pleaded guilty,
    Rodriguez moved to withdraw her plea and dismiss the
    information after we issued our opinion in Lorenzo v.
    Sessions, holding that possession of methamphetamine for
    sale under California Health & Safety Code § 11378 “does
    not qualify as a controlled substance offense under 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    902 F.3d 930
    , 933 (9th Cir. 2018).
    Lorenzo found the California statute categorically overbroad
    because the definition of certain controlled substances,
    including methamphetamine, under California law includes
    both optical and geometric isomers, 
    Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 11033
    , 11055(d)(2), while the comparator federal
    statute, the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”), 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 802
    (14), 812(c), Schedule II(c), Schedule III(a)(3),
    covers only the optical isomer. 902 F.3d at 935–36.
    In opposition to Rodriguez’s motion, the government
    argued that the California statute’s apparent overbreadth was
    illusory because geometric isomers of methamphetamine do
    not exist.      The government submitted two expert
    declarations in support of that position. The district court
    noted that geometric isomers of methamphetamine may not
    exist but held that it was bound by Lorenzo. The court
    therefore allowed Rodriguez to withdraw her plea and
    entered an order dismissing the information.
    After the district court entered its order, the opinion in
    Lorenzo was withdrawn, Lorenzo v. Whitaker, 
    913 F.3d 930
    (9th Cir. 2019) (order), and replaced with a non-precedential
    memorandum disposition, Lorenzo v. Whitaker, 752 F.
    App’x 482 (9th Cir. 2019). The memorandum disposition
    reached the same result as the opinion, but pretermitted the
    government’s argument that “the facial overbreadth in
    California law is of no significance because geometric
    isomers of methamphetamine do not in fact exist” because it
    was raised for the first time in a petition for panel rehearing.
    Id. at 485
    . The panel, however “d[id] not foreclose the
    government from presenting its new argument or new
    evidence in another case.” 
    In our prior opinion in this case, we held that the district
    court did not abuse its discretion in permitting Rodriguez to
    withdraw her guilty plea. Rodriguez-Gamboa, 946 F.3d
    at 551.     However, we vacated the dismissal of the
    information, noting that the opinion on which the district
    court had relied had been replaced by a memorandum
    disposition that left the government free to raise an argument
    in a future case that geometric isomers of methamphetamine
    do not exist. Id. at 552. We remanded to the district court
    for the limited purpose of addressing that issue. Id. at 552–
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                   7
    On remand, the district court held an evidentiary hearing
    at which the government presented testimony and
    declarations from three experts in organic chemistry:
    Dr. Travis Williams, professor of chemistry at the
    University of Southern California, Dr. Brian Stoltz,
    professor of chemistry at the California Institute of
    Technology, and Dr. Daniel Willenbring, a drug science
    specialist with the Drug Enforcement Administration. All
    stated that there are no geometric isomers of
    methamphetamine. Rodriguez presented no rebuttal experts.
    Accepting the experts’ testimony, the district court
    concluded that, because methamphetamine “lacks [certain]
    structural     features,”      “geometric    isomers”      of
    methamphetamine “are impossible.” We then reassumed
    jurisdiction over this appeal.
    The district court’s factual finding that geometric
    isomers of methamphetamine do not exist, which we review
    for clear error, see United States v. Hinkson, 
    585 F.3d 1247
    1259–60 (9th Cir. 2009) (en banc), finds overwhelming
    support in the record. It is grounded in unrebutted expert
    testimony that because of the chemical structure of the
    methamphetamine molecule, methamphetamine cannot
    “possibly have geometric isomers.”
    Rodriguez’s attempt to poke holes in the district court’s
    factual finding fails. She argues that the district court should
    have interpreted the term “geometrical” isomer in California
    Health & Safety Code § 11033 as synonymous with a
    diastereomeric isomer, pointing to the parenthetical that
    follows the term “geometrical” in the California statute—
    “geometrical (diastereomeric) isomers.” Rodriguez then
    cites the testimony of one expert that deuterium-labelled
    methamphetamine can have diastereomers.                But, the
    unrebutted expert testimony was that although geometric
    isomers are a subtype of diastereomers, not all diastereomers
    are geometric. And, consistent with that testimony, the
    district court held that deuterium-labeled methamphetamine
    does not contain geometric isomers. 2
    We also reject the argument that the California statute’s
    facial    inclusion     of    “geometrical”      isomers    of
    methamphetamine reflects a legislative determination that
    such isomers actually exist. Section 11378 prohibits
    possession for sale of a number of controlled substances and
    their “isomers.” 
    Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 11055
    (4), (e), 11378. The term “isomer” is in turn defined in
    California Health & Safety Code § 11033 as “includ[ing]
    optical and geometrical (diastereomeric) isomers.” That
    catch-all definition applies to all controlled substances with
    isomers, “except as otherwise defined,” id., and is thus
    plainly designed not as a legislative finding that
    methamphetamine has a geometrical isomer, but rather to
    ensure that all isomers of the banned substances are covered.
    Having resolved all other issues relevant to this appeal in
    our prior opinion, Rodriguez-Gamboa, 946 F.3d at 551–53,
    we now must confront the legal import of the district court’s
    factual finding. The ultimate legal issue is whether the
    factual impossibility of a state statute being applied more
    For the same reasons, we also reject Rodriguez’s argument that the
    term “geometrical” in California Health & Safety Code § 11033 is
    defined by the parenthetical “(diastereomeric).” Because all geometrical
    isomers are diastereomeric, the parenthetical term is simply descriptive
    and does not suggest that all diastereomeric isomers are geometric. See
    Tyler v. Cain, 
    533 U.S. 656
    , 662 (2001) (“We do not . . . construe the
    meaning of statutory terms in a vacuum.”).
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                   9
    broadly than a federal comparator means there is a
    categorical match between the two, even if the state statute
    is textually overbroad.
    “Under the categorical approach, we compare the
    elements of the crime to the generic” federal offense.
    Hernandez-Gonzalez v. Holder, 
    778 F.3d 793
    , 801 (9th Cir.
    2015) (cleaned up). A conviction under a state statute is a
    categorical match only “if the state statute—regardless of its
    ‘exact definition or label’—‘substantially corresponds’ to or
    is narrower than” the generic federal offense. Quarles v.
    United States, 
    139 S. Ct. 1872
    , 1877 (2019) (quoting Taylor,
    495 U.S. at 599, 602
    ). If the state statute regulates more
    conduct than the federal offense, it is overbroad, and a
    defendant convicted under the state statute is not removable
    for having committed an aggravated felony. See Rendon v.
    764 F.3d 1077
    , 1083 (9th Cir. 2014).
    As we recognized in our prior opinion, Rodriguez-
    Gamboa, 946 F.3d at 551–52, California law prohibits the
    possession for sale of methamphetamine or its “optical and
    geometrical” isomers, 
    Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 11033
    11055(d)(2), 11378, while the CSA mentions only
    methamphetamine’s “optical isomer[s],” 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 802
    (14), 812(c) Schedule II(c), Schedule III(a)(3). Thus,
    the California statute textually appears to criminalize more
    conduct than the federal one.
    Rodriguez argues that this ends the analysis. Her
    argument finds some support in the language of our prior
    opinions, such as Grisel, in which we held that Oregon
    second-degree burglary was not a burglary offense under the
    Armed Career Criminal Act because “[t]he text of the statute
    expressly includes in its definition that which the Supreme
    Court expressly excluded from the generic, federal
    definition,” such as burglary of a booth, vehicle, and aircraft.
    488 F.3d at 850
    . We stated that if “a state statute explicitly
    defines a crime more broadly than the generic definition, no
    ‘legal imagination’ is required to hold that a realistic
    probability exists that the state will apply its statute to
    conduct that falls outside the generic definition of the crime”
    and a statute’s overbreadth “is evident from its text.” 
    (quoting Duenas-Alvarez, 
    549 U.S. at 193
    But, the overbroad portion of the state statute at issue in
    Grisel did not criminalize conduct that could not possibly
    occur. Burglary of a booth, vehicle, or aircraft is possible,
    albeit perhaps unlikely. Our cases applying Grisel similarly
    have involved state laws forbidding conduct that was
    factually possible, even if unlikely to be the subject of a
    charge. See, e.g., Barrera-Lima v. Sessions, 
    901 F.3d 1108
    1120 & n.11 (9th Cir. 2018) (finding Washington’s indecent
    exposure statute overbroad because it included acts such as
    “flashing a passerby for shock value” and “mooning
    someone out a window” (cleaned up)); United States v.
    879 F.3d 1043
    , 1048 & n.2, 1049–50 (9th Cir. 2018)
    (finding Washington state drug conspiracy statute overbroad
    because it included a conspiracy where the “only alleged
    coconspirator is a federal agent or informant”); United States
    v. Jennings, 
    515 F.3d 980
    , 989 n.9 (9th Cir. 2008) (finding
    Washington statute overbroad because it “explicitly
    encompasses conduct that does not present a potential risk
    of harm to others”).
    Grisel thus simply stands for the proposition that “[a]s
    long as the application of the statute’s express text in the
    nongeneric manner is not a logical impossibility, the relative
    likelihood of application to nongeneric conduct is
    immaterial.” Lopez-Aguilar v. Barr, 
    948 F.3d 1143
    , 1147
    (9th Cir. 2020) (citing United States v. Valdivia-Flores,
    876 F.3d 1201
    , 1208 (9th Cir. 2017)); see Robles-Urrea v.
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                  11
    678 F.3d 702
    , 707 (9th Cir. 2012) (“In order to hold
    that the statute of conviction is overbroad, we must
    determine that there is a realistic probability of its
    application to conduct that falls beyond the scope of the
    generic federal offense.” (cleaned up)). It does not aid us in
    applying the categorical approach when there is no
    possibility of application of the state statute to nongeneric
    In addressing the scenario today before us, we find
    Duenas-Alvarez most instructive. In that case, the Supreme
    Court stated that “to find that a state statute creates a crime
    outside the generic definition of a listed crime in a federal
    statute” requires “a realistic probability, not a theoretical
    possibility, that the State would apply its statute to conduct
    that falls outside the generic definition of a crime.” Duenas-
    549 U.S. at 193
    . Here, based on the evidentiary
    record before us, there is simply no “realistic probability”—
    nor even a theoretical one—of Rodriguez facing criminal
    liability under California law for the possession of geometric
    isomers of methamphetamine.
    To be sure, as Rodriguez notes, Duenas-Alvarez
    involved a state statute that facially was a categorical match
    to the federal generic crime, but which the petitioner argued
    had been applied in an overbroad manner. See 
     at 190–
    91, 193. But we read the teaching of Duenas-Alvarez more
    broadly. The purpose of the categorical approach is to
    ascertain whether the defendant was necessarily convicted in
    state court of conduct that would also violate the relevant
    federal law. If there is no “realistic probability” that this is
    not the case, 
    id. at 193
    , the goal of the inquiry is surely
    Indeed, the Court has implied as much in Moncrieffe v.
    569 U.S. 184
     (2013). There, the government
    expressed concern that the Court’s eventual holding would
    suggest that many state statutes prohibiting possession of
    firearms were categorically overbroad, because they did not
    except antiques, while the corresponding federal generic
    crime did. 
     at 205–06. The Court rejected this textual
    argument, reiterating that “Duenas-Alvarez requires that
    there be ‘a realistic probability, not a theoretical possibility,
    that the State would apply its statute to conduct that falls
    outside the generic definition of a crime.’” 
    549 U.S. at 193
    ). Indeed, it explained
    further that, “to defeat the categorical approach in this
    manner, a noncitizen would have to demonstrate the State
    actually prosecutes the relevant offense in cases involving
    antique firearms.” 
    Id. at 206
    ; see also Dominguez v. Barr,
    No. 18-72731, 
    2020 WL 4187377
    , at *9 (9th Cir. July 21,
    2020) (concluding that the “inclusion” of an additional word
    “in Oregon’s definition of manufacture does not criminalize
    any conduct beyond the reach of the Controlled Substances
    Act’s definition” and therefore “[t]here is not a realistic
    probability that Oregon prosecutes conduct . . . that is not
    covered by the Controlled Substances Act[]”). Because
    geometric isomers of methamphetamine are impossible,
    there exists “no realistic probability” that Rodriguez’s
    California methamphetamine statute of conviction will be
    used to prosecute someone in connection with geometric
    isomers of methamphetamine. See Moncrieffe, 
    569 U.S. at 206
     (citation omitted).
    Rodriguez also argues that because the categorical
    approach was designed in part to avoid fact-specific
    inquiries about how a given defendant committed a state
    crime, the evidentiary hearing we ordered in this case is
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                           13
    irrelevant. 3 But the inquiry we asked the district court to
    conduct is quite different than looking into the facts of a
    crime. We did not ask the court to determine what type of
    isomers of methamphetamine Rodriguez’s conviction
    actually involved, but rather whether it was physically
    possible for anyone to possess a geometric isomer of
    methamphetamine. The practical concerns with fact-
    specific evidentiary hearings about the defendant’s state
    conviction that underly the categorical approach 4 are not
    present when the inquiry is a purely scientific one about the
    statute of conviction. 5
    See, e.g., Mathis v. United States, 
    136 S. Ct. 2243
    , 2252 (2016)
    (stating that under the categorical approach, the Court has “avoided any
    inquiry into the underlying facts of the defendant’s particular offense”
    (cleaned up)); Sykes v. United States, 
    564 U.S. 1
    , 7 (2011) (“[W]hile
    there may be little doubt that the circumstances of the flight in Sykes’
    own case were violent, the question is whether § 35-44-3-3 of the Indiana
    Code, as a categorical matter, is a violent felony.”), overruled on other
    grounds by Johnson v. United States, 
    579 U.S. 591
    See Taylor, 
    495 U.S. at 601
     (“Would the Government be permitted
    to introduce the trial transcript before the sentencing court, or if no
    transcript is available, present the testimony of witnesses? Could the
    defense present witnesses of its own and argue that the jury might have
    returned a guilty verdict on some theory that did not require a finding
    that the defendant committed generic burglary?”); United States v.
    865 F.2d 996
    , 1008 (9th Cir. 1988) (“The problems with such
    hearings are evident. Witnesses would often be describing events years
    past. Such testimony is highly unreliable.”).
    Nor are we concerned that our holding today will result in “never-
    ending evidentiary hearings on organic chemistry clogging our District
    Courts.” Because we hold, as a matter of law, that California’s definition
    of methamphetamine is a categorical match to the definition under the
    federal CSA, district courts confronting the issue in the future need not
    repeat what occurred in this case. See Hart v. Massanari, 
    266 F.3d 1155
    1175 (9th Cir. 2001) (“A district court bound by circuit authority . . . has
    Contrary to Rodriguez’s assertions, we do not today
    create a split with the Seventh Circuit. In United States v.
    De La Torre, that court addressed whether an Indiana statute
    outlawing methamphetamine and its “isomers” was broader
    than the generic federal definition, which, as we have noted,
    only extends to the optical isomer of methamphetamine.
    940 F.3d 938
    , 951 (7th Cir. 2019) (citations omitted). In that
    case, the panel declined to consider declarations from
    government experts about whether geometric isomers of
    methamphetamine exist because they were presented for the
    first time on appeal and crafted for other cases. 
    Id. at 952
    Pointedly, the court noted that its “opinion takes no position
    on the scientific merits, nor should it be read as limiting the
    government’s ability to present such an argument in future
     at 952 n.5.
    In United States v. Ruth, the Seventh Circuit recently
    addressed whether an Illinois statute outlawing cocaine and
    “its optical, positional, and geometric isomers” was broader
    than a federal law which only regulated its “optical and
    geometric isomers.” No. 20-1034, 
    2020 WL 4045885
    , at *4
    (7th Cir. July 20, 2020) (citations omitted). Although the
    court found the state statute overbroad, it expressly noted
    that the government had not presented evidence that the
    apparent overbreadth consisted entirely of impossible
    Id. at *5
    . More significantly, the court explicitly
    “left the door ajar for future science based arguments” and
    no choice but to follow it, even if convinced that such authority was
    wrongly decided.”). Of course, even for a state statute that is otherwise
    a categorical match, an offender may always show overbreadth by
    “point[ing] to his own case or other cases in which the state courts in fact
    did apply the statute in the special (nongeneric) manner for which he
    argues.” Duenas-Alvarez, 
    549 U.S. at 193
    UNITED STATES V. RODRIGUEZ-GAMBOA                   15
    said that “[t]here may be an occasion where a state statute
    covers unquestionably nonexistent conduct, but we do not
    need to predetermine how that analysis will look.” 
    In this case, the district court held an evidentiary hearing,
    heard the testimony of expert witnesses, and concluded that
    geometric isomers of methamphetamine do not chemically
    exist. Because we know as a scientific fact that dragons have
    never existed, we would not find overbroad a state statute
    criminalizing the possession of dangerous animals, defined
    to include dragons, if the relevant federal comparator
    outlawed possession of the same animals but did not include
    dragons. We see no reason to reach a different result here.
    We reverse the dismissal of the information and remand
    for further proceedings.