Americbl Intl Inc v. Dept of Navy , 129 F.3d 1271 ( 1998 )

  •                         United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 6, 1997            Decided November 21, 1997
    No. 96-5050
    Americable International, Inc.,
    Department of Navy, et al.,
    No. 96-5131
    Americable International, Inc.,
    Department of Navy, et al.,
    No. 96-5132
    Americable International, Inc.,
    Department of Navy, et al.,
    No. 96-5133
    Americable International, Inc.,
    Department of Navy, et al.,
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 94cv02096)
    (No. 95cv00282)
    (No. 95cv02214)
    (No. 95cv02114)
    Robert P. Parker argued the cause for the appellant.
    Warren B. Rudman, Carl W. Hampe and G. Lindsay Sim-
    mons were on brief.
    Keith V. Morgan, Assistant United States Attorney, argued
    the cause for the appellees.  Mary Lou Leary, United States
    Attorney, and R. Craig Lawrence, Assistant United States
    Attorney, were on brief.
    Before:  Wald, Henderson and Garland, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge Henderson.
    Karen LeCraft Henderson, Circuit Judge:  Americable
    International, Inc. (Americable), a cable television operator,
    appeals the district court's summary judgments in four ac-
    tions to enjoin the Department of the Navy (Navy) from
    operating an "in-house" cable television system in four Navy-
    owned communities previously served by Americable.  In
    each action, Americable asserted violations of federal procure-
    ment law, the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, 47
    U.S.C. ss 521 et seq., (Cable Act) and the First Amendment
    to the United States Constitution.  For the reasons set out
    below, we affirm the district court's judgments on the Cable
    Act and First Amendment claims and reverse the judgments
    on the procurement claims.
    In 1986 Americable won a competitive bid to build and
    maintain a cable system serving various Navy facilities in the
    San Diego area under a nonexclusive franchise agreement.
    Under the agreement Americable provided service to a num-
    ber of Navy residential complexes within the franchise area
    and received compensation therefor from common funds de-
    rived from each facility's rental payments.  In 1988 service
    was extended, at the Navy's request, to its nearby Marine
    Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD).
    In 1991 the Navy solicited bids for development of a
    satellite/master antenna television system (SMATV) to pro-
    vide cable service to its enlisted quarters at MCRD.1  The
    new system began service in 1992 and Americable's group
    subscriptions at the affected MCRD residences were canceled
    at that time.  The Navy later decided to contract for similar
    SMATV service at the "bachelor quarters," high-density resi-
    1 "[A]n SMATV system typically receives a signal from a satellite
    through a small satellite dish located on a rooftop and then retrans-
    mits the signal by wire to units within a building or complex of
    buildings."  FCC v. Beach Communications, Inc., 
    113 S. Ct. 2096
    2100 (1993) (citing In re Definition of a Cable Television System, 5
    F.C.C. Rcd. 7638, 7639 (1990)).
    dential facilities housing temporarily assigned unmarried
    Navy personnel, located at three other San Diego area sites:
    North Island, the Long Beach Naval Station and the San
    Diego Naval Submarine Base, all of which were then served
    by Americable's system.  No contracts have yet been entered
    for those locations.2
    Americable filed four actions in the district court seeking
    declaratory, injunctive and mandamus relief on the grounds
    that the conversion to SMATV at each of the four locations
    violated, inter alia, federal procurement regulations, the Ca-
    ble Act and Americable's First Amendment right of free
    speech.  By order and memorandum opinion filed February
    8, 1996 the district court granted the Navy's motion to
    dismiss or in the alternative for summary judgment in the
    action challenging the cable conversion at North Island.  Am-
    ericable Int'l, Inc. v. United States Dep't of the Navy, 
    931 F. Supp. 1
     (D.D.C. 1996).  On April 17, 1996 the court issued
    unpublished memorandum opinions and judgments granting
    similar motions in the other three actions.  Americable filed
    appeals in each action.  Because the parties submitted evi-
    dence and statements of material facts pursuant to Local
    Rule 108(h) 3 and because the district court expressly cited
    2 In fact, it appears that no SMATV systems will be installed at
    these locations and that the actions involving them are therefore
    moot.  See Appellant's Br. at 10 n.2 (acknowledging Long Beach
    Naval Base has closed and Americable has acquired cable system at
    Submarine Base);  Appellee's Br. at 5 (asserting Navy has aban-
    doned plans for SMATV system at North Island).
    3 Rule 108(h) provides in part:
    Each motion for summary judgment shall be accompanied by a
    statement of material facts as to which the moving party
    contends there is no genuine issue, which shall include refer-
    ences to the parts of the record relied on to support the
    statement.  An opposition to such a motion shall be accompa-
    nied by a separate concise statement of genuine issues setting
    forth all material facts as to which it is contended there exists a
    genuine issue necessary to be litigated, which shall include
    references to the parts of the record relied on to support the
    the absence of record evidence in its North Island memoran-
    dum opinion, 
    931 F. Supp. at 3
    , we construe the district
    court's decision in that action as having granted summary
    judgment.  In addition, as the district court dismissed the
    complaints in the other three actions "for each of the reasons
    set forth in" the North Island opinion,4 we construe the other
    three decisions in like manner.5  Accordingly, in reviewing all
    four decisions, we "must grant the appellant[ ] the benefit of
    all reasonable evidentiary inferences that can be drawn in
    [its] favor and can uphold the summary judgment only where
    there is no genuine issue of material fact, and, viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party,
    the movant is entitled to prevail as a matter of law."  Beckett
    v. Air Line Pilots Ass'n, 
    59 F.3d 1276
    , 1279 (D.C. Cir. 1995)
    D.D.C. R. 108(h).
    4 See Americable Int'l, Inc. v. United States Dep't of the Navy,
    No. 95cv00282, mem. order at 1-2 (D.D.C. filed Apr. 17, 1996);
    Americable Int'l, Inc. v. United States Dep't of the Navy, No.
    95cv002114, mem. order at 1-2 (D.D.C. filed Apr. 17, 1996);  Ameri-
    cable Int'l, Inc. v. United States Dep't of the Navy, No. 95cv002214,
    mem. order at 1-2 (D.D.C. filed Apr. 17, 1996).
    5 We therefore reject Americable's assertion that we should re-
    view the district court's decisions as dismissals for failure to state a
    claim under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).  Given that
    the motions were in the alternative for summary judgment and that
    the parties had the opportunity to submit and submitted materials
    in support and in opposition, it is not unfair to Americable to treat
    the decisions as summary judgments.  See Tele-Communications
    of Key West, Inc. v. United States, 
    757 F.2d 1330
    , 1334 (D.C. Cir.
    1985) ("[T]he reviewing court must assure itself that summary
    judgment treatment would be fair to both parties in that the
    procedural requirements of the applicable rules were observed.").
    In any event, we would also affirm dismissal of the Cable Act and
    First Amendment claims under Rule 12(b)(6) because, as our dis-
    cussion below illustrates, the allegations of the complaint, construed
    in the light most favorable to Americable, reveal that Americable
    can prove no set of facts that would entitle it to relief on the two
    claims.  Scheuer v. Rhodes, 
    416 U.S. 232
    , 236 (1974), overruled on
    other ground by Davis v. Scherer, 
    468 U.S. 183
    (internal quotations omitted).  We apply this standard to each
    of Americable's claims in turn.
    First, Americable asserts that the Navy's SMATV conver-
    sion at each location violates statutory and regulatory pro-
    curement requirements.  The Congress has directed that
    the Secretary of Defense shall procure each supply or
    service necessary for or beneficial to the accomplishment
    of the authorized functions of the Department of Defense
    (other than functions which the Secretary of Defense
    determines must be performed by military or Govern-
    ment personnel) from a source in the private sector if
    such a source can provide such supply or service to the
    Department at a cost that is lower (after including any
    cost differential required by law, Executive order, or
    regulation) than the cost at which the Department can
    provide the same supply or service.
    10 U.S.C. s 2462(a).  To implement this mandate the Depart-
    ment of Defense has promulgated a regulation requiring:
    When performance by a commercial source is permissi-
    ble, a comparison of the cost of contracting and the cost
    of in-house performance shall be performed to determine
    who shall provide the best value for the Government,
    considering price and other factors included in the solici-
    32 C.F.R. s 169a.4(d).  Americable asserts that the Navy
    violated both the statute and the regulation by failing to
    conduct a cost comparison before deciding to establish an "in-
    house" cable system.  The Navy maintains that it never
    moved the cable service "in-house" but simply entered into
    private contracts for the installation and operation of the
    SMATV system.  If the Navy is correct, there may well be no
    genuine issue of material fact with respect to the applicability
    s 2462 to this case.  On the other hand, Americable contests
    the Navy's characterization of the conversion, asserting that
    substantial Navy personnel will be required to operate and
    maintain the programing delivery system now operated and
    maintained by Americable.  Unfortunately, neither we nor
    the district court are in a position to decide as a matter of law
    whether there is a genuine dispute here because the district
    court did not permit Americable any discovery before issuing
    its ruling.  Although Americable cited the need for discovery,
    inter alia, to "find out what the nature of the service is going
    to be," Tr. of 2/27/95 hearing at 48;  see also id. at 30-31, 36,
    the district court granted summary judgment without permit-
    ting any.  As a consequence, there is no evidence in the
    record as to who will perform those functions that may be
    necessary to "operate" and "maintain" the new system and
    any inferences that exist must be construed in the appellant's
    Under these circumstances, it was inappropriate for the
    district court to grant summary judgment without first giving
    Americable a chance to conduct discovery to determine pre-
    cisely what services Defense Department personnel would be
    performing after acquiring the SMATV system and whether
    those services were sufficiently substantial to invoke the
    mandate of s 2462(a).  As we have stated before, summary
    judgment ordinarily "is proper only after the plaintiff has
    been given adequate time for discovery."  First Chicago Int'l
    v. United Exch. Co., 
    836 F.2d 1375
    , 1380 (D.C. Cir. 1988);  see
    Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322 (1986) (summary
    judgment appropriate only "after adequate time for discov-
    ery");  Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 257
    (1986) (plaintiff must have "a full opportunity to conduct
    discovery").  If after discovery the district court determines
    that the relevant services are no more than those asserted by
    the Navy in this court, summary judgment may well be in
    order.  If something more turns out to have been envisioned,
    more difficult line-drawing may be required.  But neither is
    appropriate, or possible, at this stage of the proceedings.
    Americable next asserts that the Navy's conversion to
    SMATV violates section 541(a)(1) and section 541(a)(4)(A) of
    the Cable Act, which, Americable maintains, were intended to
    prevent cable providers from "cherry-picking" only the most
    lucrative portions of a cable franchise area.  We do not agree
    with Americable's construction of either provision's meaning.
    Section 541(a)(4)(A) does not, as Americable contends, require
    that cable providers extend service "throughout the franchise
    area," see Appellant's Br. at 31, but instead imposes a specific
    duty on the franchising authority that "[i]n awarding a
    franchise, [it] shall allow the applicant's cable system a rea-
    sonable period of time to become capable of providing cable
    service to all households in the franchise area."  47 U.S.C.
    s 541(a)(4)(A).  There is no evidence, and Americable has
    never claimed, that the Navy afforded it too little time to
    develop its cable system throughout the San Diego franchise
    area.  Nor can we accept Americable's contention that the
    Navy violated section 541(a)(1) of the Cable Act, which pro-
    vides that "a franchising authority may not grant an exclusive
    franchise and may not unreasonably refuse to award an
    additional competitive franchise."  
     s 541(a)(1).  America-
    ble neither alleged nor demonstrated that the Navy did
    either.  Accordingly, there was no violation of the plain
    language of either cited provision.
    Finally, Americable asserts that the conversion to SMATV
    infringes its First Amendment right "to provide cable service
    within its franchise area" because it "foreclose[s] America-
    ble's opportunity to speak to a portion of the audience within
    its franchise area."  Appellant's Br. at 36.  In City of Los
    Angeles v. Preferred Communications, Inc., 
    476 U.S. 488
    (1986), the United States Supreme Court recognized that the
    provision of cable television service "plainly implicate[s] First
    Amendment interests" because "through original program-
    ming or by exercising editorial discretion over which stations
    or programs to include in its repertoire" a cable operator
    "seeks to communicate messages on a wide variety of topics
    and in a wide variety of formats."  
    476 U.S. at 494
    .  Ameri-
    cable seizes on this language and on our opinion in Tele-
    Communications of Key West, Inc. v. United States, 
    757 F.2d 1330
     (D.C. Cir. 1985), (TCI) to argue that the SMATV
    installation works a violation of its First Amendment rights.
    Neither case helps Americable's challenge.  In TCI we ac-
    knowledged the First Amendment interests implicated in the
    provision of cable television services and thus held that the
    plaintiff cable operator, which had been providing cable ser-
    vice for some years at a Florida Air Force base, had stated a
    First Amendment claim sufficient to withstand a motion to
    dismiss by alleging that the Air Force had awarded a new
    exclusive franchise to another operator and denied the plain-
    tiff access to "facilities essential to operating on the base."
    757 F.2d at 1335
    .  Here, by contrast, Americable has pro-
    duced no evidence to show that the SMATV installation will
    impair its ability to deliver programming anywhere in the
    franchise area.  In fact, the Navy's evidence affirmatively
    established the contrary.  See Affidavit of Joseph F. Calcara
    (Naval Housing Acquisitions Division Director in San Diego,
    California) at 1 (stating "Americable's cable and rights of way
    are unaffected by the SMATV system installation" and "Am-
    ericable remains free to offer a programming/cost structure
    and solicit individual and government subscribers at North
    Island without restriction").
    Because the installation and operation of SMATV will not
    prevent Americable from providing its cable service through-
    out the franchise area, we conclude that Americable has failed
    to establish a First Amendment injury arising from the
    Navy's proposed actions.  See Warner Cable Communica-
    tions, Inc. v. City of Niceville, 
    911 F.2d 634
    , 636-41 (11th Cir.
    1990).  Americable asserted only that the SMATV service
    would "displace Americable entirely as the provider of cable
    TV services" because it will no longer receive bulk subscrip-
    tion payments from the Navy for providing basic cable ser-
    vice.  Hermanowski Declaration at 4, 6.  Americable remains
    free, however, to market its cable service in whatever pack-
    ages it chooses to individual residents.  Whether the resi-
    dents choose to purchase Americable's service is beyond the
    scope of our inquiry.  The First Amendment does not require
    that the Navy itself pay for Americable's service or ensure
    that it is free from economic competition.  See Warner Cable
    Communications, Inc., 
    911 F.2d at 637-38
    ;  cf. Regan v.
    Taxation With Representation of Washington, 
    461 U.S. 540
    544-45 (1983) (government not required to subsidize constitu-
    tionally protected lobbying through tax exemption or deduc-
    For the preceding reasons, we affirm the district court's
    dismissals of the Cable Act and First Amendment claims and
    reverse the court's dismissals of the procurement law claims.
    So ordered.