Judy Gordon v. United States Capitol Police , 778 F.3d 158 ( 2015 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 23, 2014           Decided February 20, 2015
    No. 13-5072
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:12-cv-671)
    Sara L. Faulman argued the cause and filed the briefs for
    Frederick M. Herrera, Attorney, United States Capitol
    Police, argued the cause and filed the brief for appellee. R.
    Craig Lawrence, Assistant U.S. Attorney, entered an
    Before: HENDERSON and PILLARD, Circuit Judges, and
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge: This case involves the
    Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA” or the “Act”),
    which entitles eligible employees to take unpaid leave for
    family and medical reasons. 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et seq.
    Officer Judy Gordon sued her employer, the U.S. Capitol
    Police, alleging that it violated § 2615(a) by interfering with
    her exercise of FMLA rights and by retaliating against her for
    that exercise.
    According to the complaint (from which all the facts
    below are drawn), Officer Gordon began suffering from bouts
    of depression following her husband’s suicide. The Capitol
    Police had in place (and evidently still do) a system allowing
    an employee to obtain a pre-approval of a “bank” of leave
    under the Act, without identifying specific start or end dates.
    Gordon applied for such a bank, also filing medical papers
    explaining that she was experiencing intermittent periods of
    severe and incapacitating depression. In May 2011 the
    Capitol Police granted approval for a bank of 240 hours of
    A captain in the police later told Gordon that an upper-
    level manager had said he was “mad” about FMLA requests
    generally and had vowed to “find a problem” with hers. In
    July 2011, two months after the grant of her leave request,
    police superiors ordered Gordon to submit to a “fitness for
    duty examination,” and told her that the facts supporting her
    FMLA request were the basis for the order. While she was
    waiting to take the examination, the police revoked her
    “police powers” and assigned her to administrative duties.
    The revocation and assignment deprived her of the
    opportunity to earn $850 by working two days of scheduled
    overtime. She also spent $50 traveling to and from the exam.
    Ultimately, Gordon passed the fitness for duty examination
    and her police powers were reinstated. The examination
    remains on her record, and she alleges that its presence will be
    detrimental to her prospects for pay increases, promotions,
    and transfers.
    Several months later, as the anniversary of her husband’s
    death approached, Gordon’s sister died. Soon after, an
    appointment with her therapist (itself rescheduled so that she
    could go to her sister’s funeral) turned out to conflict with a
    three-day “active shooter training course” for which Gordon
    was scheduled. To resolve the conflict, Gordon made a
    request to draw on her bank of FMLA leave—her first such
    request. Her manager initially “became irate,” refused the
    request, and demanded a “doctor’s note.” He later relented
    and granted the request.
    Officer Gordon asserts claims of both “interference” and
    “retaliation,” which the district court dismissed under Rule
    12(b)(6). Gordon v. U.S. Capitol Police, 
    923 F. Supp. 2d 112
    (D.D.C. 2013). We reverse.
    *   *     *
    Our principal task here is the construction of 29 U.S.C.
    § 2615(a), which reads as follows:
    (a) Interference with rights
    (1) Exercise of rights
    It shall be unlawful for any employer to interfere
    with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to
    exercise, any right provided under this subchapter.
    (2) Discrimination
    It shall be unlawful for any employer to discharge
    or in any other manner discriminate against any
    individual for opposing any practice made unlawful by
    this subchapter.
    29 U.S.C. § 2615(a). Section 2615(b) makes various kinds of
    interference with “proceedings or inquiries” unlawful but is
    not directly relevant to this case.
    As it proves, there is a good deal of overlap in the
    coverage of § 2615(a)’s two subsections. The overlap is
    magnified by the Capitol Police’s provision for “banking”
    family leave time—applying for a store of leave to be used in
    the future, and then applying for successive uses. After an
    employee acquires an entitlement for future drawdowns, acts
    of the employer that operate as retaliation for the initial
    request may also operate as interference with the later requests
    for use. Here we address retaliation first.
    *    *   *
    For her retaliation claim Gordon relies mainly on
    § 2615(a)(2). The legislative history explains that this
    provision was “derived” from a Title VII provision that is
    universally taken as creating a retaliation claim, 42 U.S.C.
    § 2000e-3, and that the FMLA provision “is intended to be
    construed in the same manner.” S. Rep. No. 103-3, at 34-35
    (1993); H.R. Rep. No. 103-8, at 46 (1993). A comparison of
    the two provisions seems to confirm this link:
    Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3: “It shall be an unlawful
    employment practice for an employer to discriminate
    against any of his employees or applicants . . . because he
    has opposed any practice made an unlawful employment
    practice by this subchapter . . . .”
    FMLA, 29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(2): “It shall be unlawful for
    any employer to discharge or in any other manner
    discriminate against any individual for opposing any
    practice made unlawful by this subchapter.”
    Given the overlap it is unsurprising that the Supreme Court
    has referred to § 2615(a)(2) as an “antiretaliation” provision.
    Kasten v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corp., 131 S.
    Ct. 1325, 1333 (2011).
    Nonetheless, we have also recognized a retaliation claim
    arising under § 2615(a)(1), Gleklen v. Democratic Cong.
    Campaign Comm., Inc., 
    199 F.3d 1365
    , 1367-68 (D.C. Cir.
    2000), a view with some support from other circuits. 1 Gordon
    also asserts her retaliation claim under that provision, albeit
    somewhat more obscurely.
    Gleklen imported Title VII’s prima facie case and burden-
    shifting regime to the FMLA retaliation context even as it
    relied on subsection (a)(1), a provision not modeled on Title
    VII. 199 F.3d at 1367-68
    (citing McDonnell Douglas Corp. v.
    411 U.S. 792
    (1973)). The elements of a prima facie
    case of FMLA retaliation are the well-known triad: (1) the
    employee “engaged in a protected activity under this statute”;
    (2) the employee “was adversely affected by an employment
    decision”; and (3) “the protected activity and the adverse
    employment action were causally connected.” 
    Gleklen, 199 F.3d at 1368
    See, e.g., Pulczinski v. Trinity Structural Towers, Inc., 
    691 F.3d 996
    , 1006-07 (8th Cir. 2012); Hodgens v. Gen. Dynamics
    144 F.3d 151
    , 160 n.4 (1st Cir. 1998); see also Lichtenstein
    v. Univ. of Pittsburgh Med. Ctr., 
    691 F.3d 294
    , 301 (3d Cir. 2012)
    (finding such a claim arising under the “sum” of §§ 2615(a)(1) and
    (a)(2)). But see Bachelder v. Am. W. Airlines, Inc., 
    259 F.3d 1112
    1124 n.10 (9th Cir. 2001) (criticizing Gleklen’s application of Title
    VII doctrine to § 2615(a)(1) claims as a product of “semantic
    As Gordon rightly argues, she need not plead facts
    showing each of these elements in order to defeat a motion
    under Rule 12(b)(6). In Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 
    534 U.S. 506
    (2002), the Court rejected such a pleading
    requirement for discrimination claims, emphasizing that it
    would be an odd requirement for a cause of action on which
    plaintiffs could prevail without proving the elements of a
    prima facie case—by producing direct evidence of
    Id. at 511.
    We have observed that retaliation,
    too, can be proven by direct evidence rather than through the
    McDonnell Douglas prima facie case. E.g., Porter v. Natsios,
    414 F.3d 13
    , 17-18 (D.C. Cir. 2005). The Capitol Police
    contend that Swierkiewicz was rejected by Ashcroft v. Iqbal,
    556 U.S. 662
    (2009), and Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    (2007). But Iqbal said nothing about the issue and
    Twombly actually reaffirmed Swierkiewicz. 
    Twombly, 550 U.S. at 569-70
    . Although it is unnecessary for the application
    of Swierkiewicz, we note that Gordon pleads facts that if true
    would tend to directly show retaliatory purpose.
    In any event, Gordon adequately pleaded each element of
    the prima facie case. Gordon argues that her two requests for
    FMLA leave both constitute “protected activity.” The Capitol
    Police argue that such requests do not track the language of
    § 2615(a)(2), which refers to “opposing any practice made
    unlawful by [the FMLA].” 29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(2). But we
    need not resolve the adequacy of her claim under § 2615(a)(2)
    because Gordon also advances her retaliation claim under
    § 2615(a)(1), which contains no requirement that she “oppose
    any practice.”
    As to adverse action, we have not previously decided
    whether the “material adversity” standard articulated for Title
    VII in Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White,
    548 U.S. 53
    , 68-70 (2006), governs in the context of FMLA
    claims. As we’ve just seen, however, Congress derived at
    least one of FMLA’s retaliation provisions, § 2615(a)(2), from
    Title VII’s retaliation provision, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3.
    Further, we have imported Title VII’s burden-shifting and
    prima facie case for purposes of FMLA retaliation under
    § 2615(a)(1). 
    Gleklen, 199 F.3d at 1367-68
    . Moreover, there
    is an overwhelming consensus among our sister circuits that
    FMLA retaliation claims are governed by the Title VII
    standard. 2
    On the other hand, it is conceivable that a lower standard
    might govern. In Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc.,
    535 U.S. 81
    (2002), the Court held that FMLA claimants must
    demonstrate “prejudice” as defined by the statute’s
    enumeration of remedies. 
    Id. at 89.
    Because those remedies
    include “damages equal to the amount of . . . any actual
    monetary losses sustained by the employee as a direct result
    of the violation,” § 2617(a)(1)(A)(i)(II) (emphasis added),
    Ragsdale seems to suggest that an FMLA plaintiff can satisfy
    Eight of our sister circuits have reached this conclusion.
    Crawford v. JP Morgan Chase & Co., 531 F. App’x 622, 627 (6th
    Cir. 2013); Wierman v. Caseys Gen. Stores, 
    638 F.3d 984
    , 999 (8th
    Cir. 2011); Millea v. Metro-N. R. Co., 
    658 F.3d 154
    , 164 (2d Cir.
    2011); Breneisen v. Motorola, Inc., 
    512 F.3d 972
    , 979 (7th Cir.
    2008); Metzler v. Fed. Home Loan Bank of Topeka, 
    464 F.3d 1164
    1171 n. 2 (10th Cir. 2006); McArdle v. Dell Prods., L.P., 293 F.
    App’x 331, 337 (5th Cir. 2008); DiCampli v. Korman Cmtys., 257
    F. App’x 497, 500-01 (3d Cir. 2007); Csicsmann v. Sallada, 211 F.
    App’x 163, 167-68 (4th Cir. 2006). But see Erdman v. Nationwide
    Ins. Co., 
    582 F.3d 500
    , 507 n.2 (3d Cir. 2009). Of the three
    remaining, one relied on Burlington in analyzing an FMLA claim,
    Foraker v. Apollo Grp. Inc., 302 F. App’x 591, 594 (9th Cir. 2008),
    and two noted its possible applicability without resolving the issue,
    Roman v. Potter, 
    604 F.3d 34
    , 43 (1st Cir. 2010); Foshee v.
    Ascension Health-IS, Inc., 384 F. App’x 890, 891 (11th Cir. 2010).
    his burden by identifying any monetary loss, no matter how
    We need not resolve the issue here. Assuming that the
    more demanding standard from Burlington Northern applies,
    Gordon’s claim plainly satisfies that standard. She alleges
    that the Capitol Police’s actions caused her to lose $850 in
    wages, incur travel expenses of $50, and diminish her
    prospects for pay increases, promotion, and transfer. It is
    plausible that a reasonable person in Gordon’s position
    threatened with such losses might well be dissuaded from
    engaging in protected activity. See Burlington 
    Northern, 548 U.S. at 68-70
    . For Gordon, the losses were the equivalent of
    three days’ pay—not an overwhelming fraction of her annual
    wages, perhaps, but not one easily characterized as trivial or
    “de minimis,” as the Capitol Police suggest.
    As to the harms flowing from the fitness for duty exam,
    the three successive decisions in the case originating as
    Hunter v. District of Columbia Child and Family Services
    710 F. Supp. 2d 152
    (D.D.C. 2010), illustrate the
    critical difference between motions for dismissal and for
    summary judgment. In the initial decision, the district court
    found that an allegation of a mandatory fitness for duty
    examination was “sufficient to withstand the . . . motion to
    dismiss,” insofar as “[t]he circumstances of this case are not
    known at this time because no discovery has taken place.” 
    Id. at 160
    (using the quoted language on the subject of
    discrimination but invoking it by cross-reference as to
    retaliation). Only after the parties had the opportunity for
    discovery did the court find that imposition of the exam was
    not materially adverse, granting summary judgment and
    dismissing as “unsupported” plaintiff’s general assertion that
    the exam impacted him “physically, mentally and financially,
    manifesting itself in insomnia, and anxiety.” Hunter v.
    District of Columbia, 
    905 F. Supp. 2d 364
    , 378 (D.D.C.
    2012). We affirmed by order. Hunter v. D.C. Gov’t, No. 13-
    2013 WL 5610262
    (D.C. Cir. Sept. 27, 2013). Gordon,
    of course, has alleged burdens beyond the examination itself,
    namely the $900 in total losses and the effect on her future
    employment prospects. Accepting these factual allegations as
    true, and in no way diluted by other allegations, we cannot say
    that imposition of the fitness for duty examination did not
    inflict a “materially adverse” harm. We note that all the cases
    relied on by the Capitol Police in relation to such mandates
    were summary judgment decisions. 3
    As to the causal link between the initial FMLA request
    and the mandate to undergo a fitness for duty examination,
    Gordon’s complaint explicitly alleges such a link, claiming
    that one manager said he was “mad” about FMLA requests
    generally and vowed to “find a problem” with her request,
    while another became “irate” on receiving her request. In
    response, the Capitol Police pointed to Gordon’s allegations
    regarding her “severe and incapacitating depression,” and
    those regarding possession of firearms on duty, saying that in
    combination they demonstrated a public security risk and thus
    a non-retaliatory purpose for the fitness examination. The
    district court ruled that Gordon failed to provide “convincing
    evidence” that this non-retaliatory purpose was pretextual.
    Gordon, 923 F. Supp. 2d at 117
    . But under Rule 12(b)(6) we
    must accept the complaint’s allegations as true and draw all
    reasonable inferences in favor of the non-moving party. See
    Howard v. Office of Chief Admin. Officer of U.S. House of
    See Schoffstall v. Henderson, 
    223 F.3d 818
    , 825-26 (8th Cir.
    2000); Semsroth v. City of Wichita, 
    555 F.3d 1182
    , 1187 (10th Cir.
    2009); Baum v. Rockland Cnty., 161 F. App’x 62, 64 (2d Cir.
    2005); Stone v. Bd. of Dirs. of Tenn. Valley Auth., 35 F. App’x 193,
    199 (6th Cir. 2002); Nichols v. S. Ill. Univ.-Edwardsville, 
    510 F.3d 772
    , 787 (7th Cir. 2007); Franklin v. Potter, 
    600 F. Supp. 2d 38
    , 67
    (D.D.C. 2009).
    720 F.3d 939
    , 950 (D.C. Cir. 2013). Judged
    by that standard, Gordon’s allegations (including those
    especially identified in the Capitol Police’s motion to dismiss)
    amply support the inference of retaliatory purpose and are
    thus enough to defeat the motion to dismiss. The district
    court’s grant of the motion was error.
    We note that the complaint charges other conduct alleged
    to interfere with Gordon’s FMLA rights and/or retaliate
    against her for exercise of those rights, such as a “request”
    that Gordon execute a waiver authorizing her employer to
    directly contact her therapist. In view of the facts surrounding
    the mandated fitness for duty exam, we need not now assess
    those claims.
    *    *   *
    To prevail on her “interference” claim under
    § 2615(a)(1), Gordon must show that “her employer interfered
    with, restrain[ed], or denied the exercise of or the attempt to
    exercise, any right provided by the FMLA and that she was
    prejudiced thereby.” McFadden v. Ballard Spahr Andrews &
    Ingersoll, LLP, 
    611 F.3d 1
    , 6 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (quotations and
    citations omitted). Here, Gordon doesn’t contend that she
    suffered any actual deprivation of FMLA leave, only that her
    employer attempted to discourage her from seeking or using
    such leave and that this attempt caused her harm. We
    recognized in McFadden that a plaintiff could succeed on an
    interference claim “without showing [that her employer]
    denied her any leave she requested.” See 
    id. at 3,
    7. In that
    case, however, the employer’s discouragement proved
    successful; it induced the employee to seek less leave than she
    was entitled to. See 
    id. We have
    not previously addressed
    whether ineffective employer discouragement—such as is
    alleged by Gordon—could give rise to an interference claim.
    The text of § 2615(a)(1) does not resolve the issue. The
    trio “interfere with, restrain, or deny” could be construed as
    requiring that the interference, restraint, or denial be
    effective—or not. The phrase “exercise of or the attempt to
    exercise” doesn’t help, as the statute could be limited to
    successful efforts to interfere with either, or could encompass
    unsuccessful efforts as well.
    We turn to prior judicial constructions of a closely related
    provision for guidance. Section 2615(a)(1) largely mimics
    § 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C.
    § 158(a)(1):
    NLRA, 29 U.S.C. § 158(a)(1): “It shall be an unfair labor
    practice for an employer . . . to interfere with, restrain, or
    coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed
    in section 157 of this title.”
    FMLA, 29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(1): “It shall be unlawful for
    any employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the
    exercise of or the attempt to exercise, any right provided
    under this subchapter.”
    These provisions serve parallel functions in their respective
    statutory regimes: defining circumstances in which the
    employer prevents or chills employees’ exercise of
    substantive rights created by other provisions. Compare 29
    U.S.C. § 157, with 29 U.S.C. § 2612. Other courts have noted
    the similarity. See Bachelder v. Am. W. Airlines, Inc., 
    259 F.3d 1112
    , 1123 (9th Cir. 2001); see also Conoshenti v. Pub.
    Serv. Elec. & Gas Co., 
    364 F.3d 135
    , 147 n.9 (3d Cir. 2004).
    The two provisions are not, to be sure, identical. While
    victims of interference under the FMLA may file a district
    court action, the NLRA allocates exclusive enforcement
    authority to the National Labor Relations Board. Compare 29
    U.S.C. § 2617, with 29 U.S.C. § 160. Also, the FMLA
    provision substitutes “deny” for NLRA’s “coerce,” and adds
    protection for the mere “attempt to exercise” a right.
    Nonetheless, there is a substantial similarity between the two
    provisions, which is “a strong indication” that the two statutes
    should be interpreted similarly. Northcross v. Bd. of Ed. of
    Memphis City Sch., 
    412 U.S. 427
    , 428 (1973).
    By the time Congress enacted the FMLA, nearly every
    circuit had recognized that an employer action constituted
    unlawful interference under NLRA § 8(a)(1) if it had a
    “reasonable tendency” to interfere with employees’ rights,
    whether or not it actually did so. 4 Where Congress “adopts a
    new law incorporating sections of a prior law, Congress
    normally can be presumed to have had knowledge of the
    interpretation given to the incorporated law, at least insofar as
    it affects the new statute.” Lorillard v. Pons, 
    434 U.S. 575
    581 (1978). The prior judicial constructions of NLRA
    § 8(a)(1) provide a strong indication that FMLA interference
    Equitable Gas Co. v. NLRB, 
    966 F.2d 861
    , 866 (4th Cir.
    1992); J. Huizinga Cartage Co. v. NLRB, 
    941 F.2d 616
    , 621 (7th
    Cir. 1991); NLRB v. Okun Bros. Shoe Store, 
    825 F.2d 102
    , 107 (6th
    Cir. 1987); Hunter Douglas, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    804 F.2d 808
    , 816 (3d
    Cir. 1986); NLRB v. Vought Corp.-MLRS Sys. Div., 
    788 F.2d 1378
    1381 (8th Cir. 1986); NLRB v. Marine Optical, Inc., 
    671 F.2d 11
    18 (1st Cir. 1982); TRW-United Greenfield Div. v. NLRB, 
    637 F.2d 410
    , 415 (5th Cir. Feb. 20, 1981); Bill Johnson’s Restaurants, Inc.
    v. NLRB, 
    660 F.2d 1335
    , 1341 (9th Cir. 1981); Sw. Reg’l Joint Bd.,
    Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Am., AFL-CIO v. NLRB, 
    441 F.2d 1027
    , 1031 (D.C. Cir. 1970); Irving Air Chute Co. v. NLRB,
    350 F.2d 176
    , 179 (2d Cir. 1965). (The Fifth Circuit opinion is also
    binding on the Eleventh Circuit. See Bonner v. City of Prichard,
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1207 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc).) The Tenth
    Circuit reached the same conclusion shortly after the enactment of
    the FMLA. Manna Pro Partners, L.P. v. NLRB, 
    986 F.2d 1346
    1354 (10th Cir. 1993).
    claims do not require effective interference, but only employer
    conduct that reasonably tends to interfere with the exercise of
    FMLA rights.       (As the complaint cites facts showing
    deliberate interference, we need not address the rather
    confusing authority on the issue of intent under § 8(a)(1). 5)
    This view is further supported by our prior recognition of
    a retaliation claim arising under § 2615(a)(1) in 
    Gleklen, 199 F.3d at 1367-68
    . Retaliation claims are not ordinarily
    defeated by a plaintiff’s resolute insistence on her rights; they
    do not require any actual deprivation of statutory entitlements,
    but rather involve employer conduct designed to deter and/or
    punish the exercise of those rights. It would be anomalous to
    allow such claims to proceed under a backwards-looking
    “retaliation” theory under § 2615(a)(1) as we did in Gleklen,
    while barring them under a forward-looking “interference”
    one, such as Gordon advances here.
    Accordingly, we hold that an employer action with a
    reasonable tendency to “interfere with, restrain, or deny” the
    “exercise of or attempt to exercise” an FMLA right may give
    rise to a valid interference claim under § 2615(a)(1) even
    where the action fails to actually prevent such exercise or
    Gordon satisfies this element of her interference claim.
    She alleges that senior Capitol Police officials expressed
    hostility towards requests for FMLA leave generally and her
    request in particular. And, after she had obtained a bank of
    leave but before she had occasion to use it, the Capitol Police
    required her to take a fitness for duty exam which caused her
    See 1 J. Higgins, The Developing Labor Law 89-90 (6th ed.
    2012) (characterizing the Supreme Court’s position on the role of
    employer intent in § 8(a)(1) claims as “somewhat blurred” and “not
    . . . so clear”) (collecting cases).
    to suffer losses worth $900 plus unquantifiable harms to her
    future career prospects. Such a course of conduct would have
    a reasonable tendency to interfere with an employee’s
    exercise of her FMLA rights.
    Turning to the second element of her interference claim,
    “prejudice,” we face another doctrinal ambiguity.          As
    discussed above, Ragsdale seemed to define this requirement
    in minimalist terms by deriving it from the FMLA’s
    enumeration of 
    remedies. 535 U.S. at 89
    . Then again,
    interference claims based on ineffective discouragement
    might be required to satisfy the “materially adverse” standard
    from Title VII doctrine that many circuits have already
    applied to FMLA retaliation claims.           See Burlington
    Northern, 548 U.S. at 68-70
    . It would seem anomalous for
    the same ineffective employer action to be subject to one
    definitional floor when characterized as retaliation, and
    another when characterized as interference, when both are of
    concern because of their chilling effect.
    Once again, we need not resolve these questions here
    because even if the more stringent Burlington Northern
    standard governs, Gordon’s pleadings satisfy that standard.
    Dismissal of the interference claim was therefore error.
    *    *   *
    We reverse the order of the district court.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-5072

Citation Numbers: 414 U.S. App. D.C. 204, 778 F.3d 158

Filed Date: 2/20/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (36)

Roman v. Potter , 604 F.3d 34 ( 2010 )

Hodgens v. General Dynamics Corp. , 144 F.3d 151 ( 1998 )

Semsroth v. City of Wichita , 555 F.3d 1182 ( 2009 )

Manna Pro Partners, L.P. v. National Labor Relations Board , 986 F.2d 1346 ( 1993 )

Metzler v. Federal Home Loan Bank , 464 F.3d 1164 ( 2006 )

national-labor-relations-board-and-united-optical-workers-union-local-408 , 671 F.2d 11 ( 1982 )

Trw-United Greenfield Division, Petitioner-Cross-Respondent ... , 637 F.2d 410 ( 1981 )

Erdman v. Nationwide Insurance , 582 F.3d 500 ( 2009 )

Irving Air Chute Company, Inc. v. National Labor Relations ... , 350 F.2d 176 ( 1965 )

Larry Bonner v. City of Prichard, Alabama , 661 F.2d 1206 ( 1981 )

Millea v. Metro-North Railroad , 658 F.3d 154 ( 2011 )

Richard Conoshenti v. Public Service Electric & Gas Company , 364 F.3d 135 ( 2004 )

Hunter Douglas, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board, ... , 804 F.2d 808 ( 1986 )

equitable-gas-company-an-operating-division-of-equitable-resources-inc , 966 F.2d 861 ( 1992 )

Wierman v. Casey's General Stores , 638 F.3d 984 ( 2011 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Vought Corporation--Mlrs ... , 788 F.2d 1378 ( 1986 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Okun Brothers Shoe Store, ... , 825 F.2d 102 ( 1987 )

J. Huizinga Cartage Company, Inc. And Simpson Motor ... , 941 F.2d 616 ( 1991 )

Nichols v. Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville , 510 F.3d 772 ( 2007 )

Breneisen v. Motorola, Inc. , 512 F.3d 972 ( 2008 )

View All Authorities »