Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Research Services, Inc. v. FDA ( 2020 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued December 3, 2019                Decided May 1, 2020
    No. 18-1335
    On Petition for Review of a Final Order
    of the United States Food & Drug Administration
    Elizabeth P. Papez argued the cause and filed the briefs
    for petitioner.
    Sarah Carroll, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for respondents. With her on the brief were
    Scott R. McIntosh, Attorney, Robert P. Charrow, General
    Counsel, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and
    AnnaMarie Kempic, Deputy Chief Counsel, Litigation.
    Before: HENDERSON, WILKINS, and RAO, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge RAO.
    RAO, Circuit Judge: Before bringing a new drug to the
    market, a pharmaceutical manufacturer must demonstrate to
    the Food and Drug Administration that the drug is safe,
    effective, and works as described. Here, petitioner
    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Research Services (“PMRS”)
    sought approval to market a prescription opioid drug that
    PMRS claims will be less prone to abuse by patients. The
    FDA denied the application, finding that PMRS’s draft label
    was false and misleading because there was no evidence that
    the drug in fact possessed abuse deterrent properties. The
    agency also denied PMRS’s request for a hearing regarding
    approval of its application. PMRS challenges both
    determinations under the Administrative Procedure Act. We
    conclude that the FDA’s decision to deny the application was
    reasonable and consistent with law and that its decision to
    deny PMRS’s request for a hearing was not an abuse of
    discretion. We therefore deny the petition for review.
    In recent years, as the prescription opioid crisis gripping
    the United States has worsened, the pharmaceutical industry
    has placed increasing emphasis on developing new
    formulations of opioid medications designed to deter abuse.
    Such “abuse-deterrent formulations” possess physical or
    chemical properties that are intended to make it more difficult
    for patients to take advantage of “the known or expected
    routes of [opioid] abuse, such as crushing in order to snort or
    dissolving in order to inject.” FDA, Abuse-Deterrent Opioid
    Analgesics      (last     updated       June     11,      2019),
    As for any new drug, a manufacturer seeking FDA
    approval to market a prescription opioid with a label
    describing the drug as “abuse deterrent” must establish,
    among other things, “substantial evidence that the drug will
    have the effect it purports … to have under the conditions of
    use prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the proposed
    labeling thereof,” 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d)(5), and that the
    proposed label is not “false or misleading in any particular,”
     § 355(d)(7). “Substantial evidence” is defined in the Food,
    Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) as “adequate and well-
    controlled investigations, including clinical investigations, by
    experts …, on the basis of which it could fairly and
    responsibly be concluded by such experts that the drug will
    have the effect it purports or is represented to have … in the
    … proposed labeling thereof.” Id. § 355(d).
    With respect to abuse deterrent opioids, the FDA has
    elaborated on the FDCA’s general evidentiary standards for
    new drugs. In 2015, the agency published a guidance
    document that purports to “explain[] FDA’s current thinking”
    about the types of clinical studies “that should be conducted
    to demonstrate that a given formulation [of an opioid] has
    abuse-deterrent properties,” “how those studies should be
    performed and evaluated[,] … and their implications in
    product labeling.” FDA, Abuse-Deterrent Opioids—
    Evaluation and Labeling: Guidance for Industry 1 (Apr.
    2015) (“2015 Guidance”),
    download. The 2015 Guidance sets out three categories of
    “premarket studies” that the FDA states will be “appropriate”
    “[i]n most cases … to obtain a full and scientifically rigorous
    understanding of the impact of a technology or technologies
    on a product’s abuse potential.” Id. at 5.
    Petitioner PMRS is a privately owned pharmaceutical
    company that produces a range of oral solid and liquid drugs.
    In January 2017, PMRS submitted a new drug application
    (“NDA”) seeking FDA approval for an immediate-release
    formulation of oxycodone that PMRS claimed to have abuse
    deterrent properties. In its application, PMRS proposed to
    include “ADF,” short for “Abuse Deterrent Formulation,” in
    the product name and to include various statements in the
    label describing the drug’s abuse deterrent chemical and
    physical properties. The proposed label read in relevant part:
    TRADENAME is formulated with inactive
    ingredients that make the capsule more
    difficult to manipulate for misuse and
    abuse. …
    In vitro physical and chemical manipulation
    studies       …        demonstrated       that
    TRADENAME capsules … have increased
    resistance to physical and chemical
    extraction [relative to a previously approved
    opioid, Roxicodone].
    There is no clinical evidence that
    TRADENAME has a reduced abuse
    liability compared to immediate-release
    Abuse of TRADENAME by injection, as
    well as by the oral and nasal routes, is still
    J.A. 66–67. The label’s claim regarding “inactive ingredients”
    referred in part to the inclusion of a dye blend that was
    intended to give a solution prepared from the drug a “dark,
    opaque,” “contaminated” appearance. J.A. 412. PMRS
    claimed this would “create a visual deterrent to abuse” by
    intravenous injection. J.A. 412.
    In November 2017, the FDA sent PMRS a complete
    response letter explaining that its NDA could not be approved
    in its current form. See 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.110
    (a) (describing
    FDA process for complete response letters). The letter
    identified numerous deficiencies in the NDA that would bar
    approval under governing law. Most relevant to this appeal,
    the FDA stated it could not conclude based on the evidence
    that PMRS’s drug possessed the abuse deterrent properties
    described in the proposed label. Among other things, the
    agency found that PMRS had failed to submit evidence
    supporting its hypothesis that the inclusion of dye in the
    formulation would deter intravenous abuse. Moreover, studies
    showed that PMRS’s drug was “easily manipulated to create a
    solution suitable for abuse by the [intravenous] route.” J.A.
    54. The FDA recommended that PMRS address these
    deficiencies by reformulating its product with properties
    expected to deter intravenous and nasal1 abuse and by
    conducting Category 1, 2, and 3 studies (as defined in the
    2015 Guidance) to support the abuse deterrent labeling
    Rather than attempt to remedy these deficiencies and
    resubmit its NDA, PMRS requested a hearing regarding
    approval of its application. In a series of submissions to the
    FDA over the ensuing months, PMRS asserted that its
    PMRS initially claimed that its product possessed properties
    expected to deter nasal abuse, but later abandoned that claim,
    conceding that there was insufficient evidence to support it.
    The complete response letter also identified several other statutory
    grounds on which to deny the application, including that PMRS had
    not provided sufficient data to show that the drug’s formulation was
    safe, see 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d)(1), or that “the methods used in, and
    the facilities and controls used for, the manufacture, processing, and
    packing of such drug are [adequate] to preserve its identity,
    strength, quality, and purity,” 
     § 355(d)(3). The FDA
    recommended steps PMRS could take to address those deficiencies.
    proposed label reflected a “novel approach to reducing
    [opioid] abuse potential” by focusing on product “indication
    and recommended dosing [more] than the hypothetical abuse-
    deterrent properties of [the drug’s] formulation.” J.A. 890. In
    other words, PMRS did not submit additional evidence to
    support the label’s statements concerning the drug’s physical
    and chemical properties. Instead, the company insisted that its
    product carried less potential for abuse because it would be
    indicated only for acute, rather than long-term, pain
    management, and because the label would recommend a
    maximum daily dosage that was lower than similar opioids
    already on the market. According to PMRS, the acute pain
    indication coupled with lower dosing recommendations would
    make its drug “the safest labeled opioid” on the market. J.A.
    575. PMRS also argued that the FDA’s approach to abuse
    deterrence, as laid out in the 2015 Guidance, was “misleading,
    unscientific, and dangerous,” J.A. 575, and that a hearing was
    needed to address the flaws in the agency’s approach.
    In June 2018, the FDA sent PMRS a draft order
    proposing denial of PMRS’s application and hearing request.
    The draft order reiterated the deficiencies identified in the
    complete response letter and explained that PMRS had failed
    to identify a genuine factual issue that would justify a hearing.
    The agency described numerous statutory grounds on which
    to deny the NDA, including that PMRS’s proposed label was
    false and misleading given the lack of scientific support for
    the label’s statements about abuse deterrence.
    Two months after receiving the proposed order, PMRS
    filed a response in which it suggested modifying the draft
    label to read, as relevant here:
    Oxycodone HC1 IR ADF capsule is
    formulated with inactive ingredients
    intended to make the capsule more difficult
    to manipulate for misuse and/or abuse.
    Postmarketing epidemiology evidence is
    required to demonstrate meaningful abuse-
    deterrent properties. Oxycodone HC1 IR
    ADF capsules should be prescribed
    knowing meaningful abuse-deterrent
    properties have not been proven.
    J.A. 893 (emphasis in original).
    The FDA issued a final order denying PMRS’s request
    for a hearing and refusing to approve its NDA in October
    2018. See 
    83 Fed. Reg. 54,598
     (Oct. 30, 2018) (“Denial
    Order”). The agency’s decision rested exclusively on its
    finding that PMRS’s proposed label was false or misleading
    under the FDCA. 
    Id. at 54
    ,601–02 (citing 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d)(7)). As the FDA explained, PMRS failed to provide
    evidence supporting its claim that the drug “has properties
    that make it more difficult to manipulate for purposes of
    abuse and misuse than a conventional formulation.” 
    Id. at 54,600
    . Given the complete “lack of sufficient, reliable
    evidence supporting PMRS’s proposed labeling for abuse-
    deterrent properties,” the FDA found that a hearing was not
    required because there was no “genuine and substantial issue
    of fact” as to whether the NDA was approvable in its present
     (capitalization altered). The FDA declined to
    address additional statutory deficiencies in the NDA because
    “even if resolved in PMRS’s favor, PMRS’s NDA would still
    be refused approval in its present form” due to the false and
    misleading label. 
    Id. at 54,603
    The FDA acknowledged that PMRS had recently
    proposed modifying the label to state that “meaningful abuse-
    deterrent properties have not been proven,” but refused to
    consider revisions to the NDA made months after PMRS
    requested a hearing. 
    Id. at 54
    ,600 n.9. The agency also noted
    that in any event the proposed revisions did not appear to
    address its concerns about the false or misleading label, as
    PMRS still sought to include “ADF” in the product name,
    conveying that the product had an “abuse deterrent
     Similarly, the FDA declined to address other
    arguments raised by PMRS that did not relate to the specific
    concerns about the label cited in the complete response
    letter—including PMRS’s claim that its product would deter
    abuse because it would “only be labeled for management of
    acute [rather than chronic] pain.” 
    Id. at 54
    ,602 n.20.
    Finally, the FDA concluded a hearing was not needed to
    address PMRS’s “legal and policy objections to FDA’s
    approach to evaluating, labeling, and approving opioids.” 
    Id. at 54,602
    . The FDA explained that these issues had no
    bearing on the approvability of PMRS’s application, and that
    the agency had determined a hearing was not otherwise in the
    public interest, see 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.200
    (g)(6), because a
    hearing on a specific new drug application was not the
    appropriate forum to address broader concerns about the
    agency’s approach to the opioid epidemic. 83 Fed. Reg. at
    PMRS timely filed a petition for review pursuant to 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (h), which permits applicants to appeal an FDA
    order denying approval of a new drug application to this
    PMRS challenges the denial of the NDA on two grounds:
    first, that a false or misleading label is not a sufficient
    statutory ground on which to deny a new drug application;
    and second, that denying the application based on the draft
    label was arbitrary and capricious and contrary to law. We
    explain in turn why each APA challenge fails.
    As a preliminary matter, PMRS asserts that the FDA’s
    refusal to approve its application was contrary to law because
    the FDCA does not permit the agency to deny an NDA solely
    on the basis of a false or misleading label.
    As with all questions of statutory interpretation, we start
    with the text. See, e.g., Ross v. Blake, 
    136 S. Ct. 1850
    , 1856
    (2016). The FDCA provides first that the FDA “shall …
    approve [a new drug] application if [the agency] finds that
    none of the grounds for denying approval specified in
    subsection (d) applies.” 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (c)(1)(A) (emphasis
    added). Subsection (d), in turn, provides that the FDA “shall
    issue an order refusing to approve [an] application” if it finds
    that one of seven grounds—enumerated in subsections (d)(1)
    through (d)(7)—exists. 
     § 355(d) (emphasis added).
    Subsection (d)(7) covers situations in which the FDA
    concludes, “based on a fair evaluation of all material facts,”
    that the applicant’s proposed labeling “is false or misleading
    in any particular.” Id. § 355(d)(7). Together, these provisions
    indicate that any of the seven grounds for denial specified in
    subsection (d) is a basis on which the agency must deny an
    application; if none of these grounds applies, the application
    must be approved.
    The sentence following the seven grounds for denial,
    however, complicates matters. It states that if the FDA “finds
    that clauses (1) through (6) do not apply, [the agency] shall
    issue an order approving the application.” Id. § 355(d)
    (emphasis added). Read in isolation, this sentence would
    suggest that subsection (d)(7)—the false or misleading
    labeling provision—does not furnish a sufficient basis,
    standing alone, to deny an application. Yet this clause is in
    direct conflict with the language in Section 355(c) and (d)
    discussed above, which requires the agency to deny an
    application on any of the seven grounds, including false or
    misleading labeling. The statute does not explain this internal
    inconsistency, and there is no other language in Section 355
    suggesting that subsection (d)(7) should be treated differently
    from the other six grounds for denial.
    PMRS contends that the reference to “clauses (1) through
    (6)” in Section 355(d) means the FDA cannot refuse to
    approve an NDA based solely on a false or misleading label.
    Here, the agency relied exclusively on subsection (d)(7) in
    denying PMRS’s application. PMRS argues that the Denial
    Order therefore contravened the plain text of the FDCA and
    was contrary to law within the meaning of the APA. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    The FDA responds that this inconsistency in the text
    reflects a scrivener’s error resulting from a 1984 amendment
    to the FDCA that added a seventh ground for denying a new
    drug application. In the pre-1984 version of the statute, the
    false or misleading label provision appeared at subsection
    (d)(6) and was followed by the same reference to “clauses (1)
    through (6)” that appears in the current version. In other
    words, under the prior iteration of Section 355(d), a false or
    misleading label was a sufficient ground for denying an
    application. Congress amended the statute by inserting a new
    ground for denial at subsection (d)(6) and moving the false or
    misleading labeling clause to (d)(7)—but it left unchanged the
    reference to “clauses (1) through (6)” in the sentence that
    follows. Compare 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d) (1982), with 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d) (1988). The FDA maintains that nothing in the
    current statute indicates that Congress intended this
    renumbering to alter the longstanding statutory scheme by
    permitting the FDA, for the first time, to approve an
    application that proposes false or misleading labeling. Indeed,
    the remainder of Section 355 directly contradicts that
    interpretation. Thus, the FDA maintains the only plausible
    reading is that Congress simply neglected to update one
    clause of Section 355(d) to include the renumbered ground
    We agree with the FDA that a false or misleading label is
    a sufficient ground for denial. As written, Section 355 states
    an irreconcilable contradiction—two provisions indicate that
    the agency can deny an application based only on false or
    misleading labeling, but another suggests it cannot. While we
    cannot “judicially amend[] a statute ‘to provide for what [we]
    might think … is the preferred result,’” this case represents a
    rare situation where “there is no plausible reading of the plain
    text absent recognizing and correcting for the error.” United
    States v. Palmer, 
    854 F.3d 39
    , 52–53 (D.C. Cir. 2017)
    (quoting Lamie v. U.S. Tr., 
    540 U.S. 526
    , 542 (2004)). Under
    such circumstances, “it is not contrary to sound principles of
    interpretation … to give the totality of context precedence
    over a single word”—or, in this instance, a single number.
    Antonin Scalia, Common-Law Courts in a Civil-Law System:
    The Role of United States Federal Courts in Interpreting the
    Constitution and Laws, in A Matter of Interpretation: Federal
    Courts and the Law 3, 20–21 (Amy Gutmann ed., 1997).
    Here, the totality of statutory context confirms that the
    FDA must deny an application if the label is false or
    misleading, consistent with the text in Section 355(c)(1)(A)
    and the beginning of Section 355(d). Section 355(e), for
    example, provides that the FDA may withdraw its prior
    approval of a new drug if “new information” reveals that the
    drug’s label is “false or misleading in any particular.” 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (e). It would be incoherent to allow the FDA to
    withdraw approval of a drug for false or misleading labeling,
    but not to allow the FDA to deny approval on the same
    grounds. Similarly, neighboring sections of the FDCA that
    govern approvals of medical devices and animal drugs
    unambiguously direct the FDA to deny any application that
    proposes false or misleading labeling. See 
     § 360e(d)(2)(D);
    id. § 360b(d)(1)(H). The language and structure of these
    provisions is substantially identical to Section 355(d), aside
    from Section 355(d)’s contradictory reference to “clauses (1)
    through (6).”3 Thus, throughout the statute, Congress
    consistently prohibited the FDA from allowing drugs, medical
    devices, and other regulated products to reach the market with
    false or misleading labels. This context bolsters our
    conclusion that the 1984 amendments did not establish a
    novel standard for new drug applications that disrupts the
    broader statutory scheme. Cf. Garcia-Carias v. Holder, 
    697 F.3d 257
    , 263 (5th Cir. 2012) (“[A] statutory provision cannot
    be read in isolation, but necessarily derives meaning from the
    context provided by the surrounding provisions, as well as the
    broader context of the statute as a whole.” (citation and
    quotation marks omitted)).
    For similar reasons, the statutory history of Section
    355(d) reinforces our interpretation. Before 1984, Section 355
    unequivocally required the FDA to deny a new drug
    application based on false or misleading labeling. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d) (1982). The 1984 amendments inserted a new
    subsection (d)(6), addressing patent information, but did not
    A separate chapter of the FDCA, addressing regulation of tobacco
    products, also directs the FDA to deny an application to market a
    tobacco product if the agency finds, “based on a fair evaluation of
    all material facts, the proposed labeling is false or misleading in any
    particular.” 21 U.S.C. § 387j(c)(2)(C).
    change the false or misleading labeling provision aside from
    moving it to subsection (d)(7). See 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d) (1988).
    Construing the reference to “clauses (1) through (6)” to
    effectively read “clauses (1) through (7)” does the “least
    violence to the text.” Green v. Bock Laundry Mach. Co., 
    490 U.S. 504
    , 529 (1989) (Scalia, J., concurring in the judgment);
    see also Lacson v. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec., 
    726 F.3d 170
    , 173 n.2 (D.C. Cir. 2013) (“Because there is no indication
    that Congress intended this technical change to affect the
    scope of [the statutory provision], we agree with both parties
    that the failure to replace the words ‘subsection … (s)’ with
    ‘subsection … (r)’ was a scrivener’s error.”).
    PMRS asserts that we could “harmonize” the conflicting
    statutory provisions by reading them to require the FDA to
    approve an application that includes false or misleading
    proposed labeling “subject to revision of the label.” Reply Br.
    23. This interpretation, however, has absolutely no basis in
    the text and would require us to “rewrit[e] the statute rather
    than correct[] a technical mistake.” United States v. X-
    Citement Video, Inc., 
    513 U.S. 64
    , 82 (1994) (Scalia, J.,
    True scrivener’s errors are unusual and we should not
    lightly assume that Congress has made one. Here, however,
    reading the text of Section 355 in light of the broader context
    and structure of the statute demonstrates that the lingering
    reference to “clauses (1) through (6)” is best understood as an
    error. We will not privilege one contradictory numbered
    reference over the rest of the statutory text, context, and
    structure. Accordingly, we conclude the FDA did not act
    contrary to law in denying PMRS’s NDA based solely on its
    finding that the proposed labeling was false or misleading.
    We next consider PMRS’s claim that the FDA’s decision
    to deny approval of PMRS’s NDA was “arbitrary, capricious,
    … or otherwise not in accordance with law.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(A). As with all such claims, our review focuses on
    whether the agency’s decision was “reasonable and
    reasonably explained,” and “based on ‘consideration of the
    relevant factors.’” Nat’l Tel. Co-op. Ass’n. v. FCC, 
    563 F.3d 536
    , 540 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (quoting Motor Vehicle Mfrs.
    Ass’n, Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43
    (1983)). In the context of a challenge to the FDA’s
    decisionmaking, we “give[] a high level of deference” to the
    agency’s scientific analysis of the evidence before it, Rempfer
    v. Sharfstein, 
    583 F.3d 860
    , 867 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (quotation
    marks omitted), and must avoid “unduly second-guess[ing]
    [those] scientific judgments,” Cytori Therapeutics, Inc. v.
    715 F.3d 922
    , 923 (D.C. Cir. 2013). Applying these
    standards to the present case, we conclude the FDA acted
    reasonably and in accordance with applicable law in finding
    that PMRS’s proposed label was false and misleading and in
    denying the NDA on that basis.
    The FDA examined the evidence presented by PMRS and
    reasonably concluded that it did not support the specific
    statements included in PMRS’s proposed labeling. PMRS’s
    draft label and proposed product name represented that its
    drug possessed physical and chemical abuse deterrent
    properties. Yet the FDA found that PMRS failed to present
    substantial and reliable evidence showing that its
    “formulation … actually possess[es] those properties.” 83
    Fed. Reg. at 54,603. The reasons for this finding were
    explained in detail in the Denial Order, as well as in the
    FDA’s earlier responses to PMRS. As an initial matter, the
    FDA emphasized that PMRS provided no evidence indicating
    that the inclusion of a dye that would make an injectable
    solution derived from the drug “dark, opaque, [and]
    ‘contaminated-looking’” would actually deter abuse. Id. at
    54,598. The agency found this hypothesis particularly
    problematic given that people who abuse opioids “routinely
    take extraordinary risks in connection with their opioid
    abuse.” Id. at 54,601. While PMRS criticizes the FDA for
    “focus[ing] myopically on the dye in denying the
    application,” Reply Br. 4, PMRS does not point to any other
    scientific support for the label’s statements about the drug’s
    “inactive ingredients” that the FDA overlooked.
    Similarly, the FDA found no support for the draft label’s
    statement that the drug had “increased resistance to physical
    and chemical extraction” as compared to a previously
    approved opioid, Roxicodone. In the Denial Order, the FDA
    noted that this labeling claim “appear[ed] to rest on a
    misunderstanding of how th[e] term [‘extraction’] is used in
    the context of abuse-deterrent opioids,” because PMRS’s data
    in fact showed that oxycodone could be easily extracted from
    its product to create a solution suitable for injection. 83 Fed.
    Reg. at 54,598 n.1. On appeal, PMRS argues that the FDA
    erred in its “cursory dismissal of PMRS’s evidence on
    ‘solubility’ and ‘extraction,’” but never explains precisely
    what the FDA is supposed to have gotten wrong. PMRS Br.
    The FDA also noted that PMRS had failed to submit any
    evidence indicating that its drug would “deter abuse by
    snorting,” 83 Fed. Reg. at 54,601, but acknowledged that
    PMRS had “conceded … that the formulation should not be
    considered to have this property,” id. at 54,598 n.2. PMRS
    argues that the agency should not have “relie[d] heavily” on
    the absence of such evidence since PMRS had abandoned its
    original claim that the drug would deter nasal abuse. PMRS
    Br. 30. While the FDA’s discussion on this point admittedly is
    not a model of clarity, it does not undermine the validity of
    the agency’s overall decisionmaking or its conclusion that
    PMRS provided no evidence that its formulation had abuse
    deterrent properties of any kind.
    The FDA next considered the disclaimers PMRS
    included in its draft label—stating there was “no clinical
    evidence” that its product “has a reduced abuse liability
    compared to immediate-release oxycodone,” and that abuse of
    its product is “still possible”—and concluded that they did not
    make the label accurate. 83 Fed. Reg. at 54,602 n.17.
    Juxtaposed with the label’s other statements about abuse
    deterrence, the FDA found the disclaimers conveyed that
    PMRS’s drug had abuse deterrent properties, even if it was
    not “abuse-proof.” Id.4
    Finally, the FDA articulated a rational explanation for its
    refusal to consider the revisions to the draft label that PMRS
    submitted after its hearing request. According to the Denial
    Order, by requesting a hearing, PMRS asked the FDA to
    determine whether its existing application could be approved,
    not to opine on whether PMRS could at some point formulate
    a different NDA that “might address some of the deficiencies”
    identified by the FDA. Id. at 54,600 n.9. We find this position
    to be consistent with the FDA’s regulations, which require
    applicants to choose between resubmitting an application and
    In its reply brief, PMRS claims that the FDA “[did] not identify
    any of this text as affirmatively false or misleading,” but does not
    engage with the FDA’s actual analysis. Reply Br. 9. We will not
    consider such a cursory argument raised for the first time on reply.
    Dodge of Naperville, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    796 F.3d 31
    , 41 (D.C. Cir.
    requesting a hearing. See 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.110
    (b).5 In any
    event, the FDA explained that even the proposed revisions
    would not address the FDA’s central concern “that PMRS’s
    labeling represents that its product possesses abuse-deterrent
    properties when the presence of such properties is not
    supported by substantial and reliable evidence,” because
    PMRS still proposed to include “ADF” in the product name.
    83 Fed. Reg. at 54,600 n.9.
    PMRS contends that the FDA departed from its precedent
    by refusing to consider these proposed revisions. But it fails
    to identify any examples of the FDA approving an NDA on
    the basis of significant labeling revisions proposed after a
    hearing request, particularly where there was no evidence
    showing the formulation had any abuse deterrent properties.
    Indeed, in the only arguably analogous example PMRS points
    to, the FDA approved an opioid formulation with an amended
    label describing the drug’s abuse deterrent properties only
    after finding that the applicant “provided sufficient data to
    demonstrate that the … formulation appears to provide an
    incremental decrease in” persistent nasal abuse. See FDA, Ctr.
    for Drug Eval. & Research, App. No. 202080Orig1s000,
    Summary Review, at 18 (June 17, 2011). The FDA found no
    comparable evidence here.
    PMRS’s remaining arguments all rest on the same
    premise: The FDA should have accepted PMRS’s alternative,
    The regulation provides that after receiving a complete response
    letter, an applicant “must take one of” three actions: (1) “Resubmit
    the application …, addressing all deficiencies identified in the
    complete response letter”; (2) “[w]ithdraw the application”; or (3)
    “[a]sk the agency to provide the applicant an opportunity for a
    hearing on the question of whether there are [statutory] grounds for
    denying approval of the application.” 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.110
    superior approach to opioid abuse deterrence and approved
    the NDA notwithstanding the lack of evidence for the label’s
    assertions about the drug’s abuse deterrent formulation. Yet
    the simple fact is that even if the FDA were willing to
    consider PMRS’s alternative evidence of abuse deterrence,
    such evidence would do nothing to fix the inaccuracies in the
    label PMRS proposed.
    First, PMRS argues the FDA disregarded the statutory
    requirement to consider the accuracy of a drug’s labeling in
    light of “all material facts,” 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d)(7), which,
    according to PMRS, includes the “conditions of use
    prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the proposed
     § 355(d)(5). Here, PMRS proposed labeling its
    drug with an indication for acute, rather than chronic, pain
    management, and following the Center for Disease Control’s
    dosing recommendations for immediate-release opioids.
    According to PMRS, the FDA’s refusal to consider those
    “conditions of use” in assessing the accuracy of the draft label
    rendered the Denial Order contrary to law.
    Next, PMRS argues that the agency failed to consider an
    important aspect of the problem when it arbitrarily refused to
    “‘even consider the possibility’ that PMRS’s indications and
    studies could support an abuse deterrent label.” PMRS Br. 43
    (emphasis omitted) (quoting State Farm, 
    463 U.S. at 48
    PMRS maintains that the FDA’s approach to abuse
    deterrence, as set out in the 2015 Guidance, is scientifically
    unsound, and that PMRS’s purportedly novel focus on
    duration and dosing indications is more likely to deter abuse.
    In effect, PMRS seeks to enlist the court in its preferred
    approach to abuse deterrence. Whatever the validity of its
    broader claims, PMRS’s proposal to label its product for acute
    pain management and to recommend lower daily dosing—
    features that have nothing do with a drug’s physical or
    chemical properties—has no bearing on the accuracy of its
    labeling claims about the product’s abuse deterrent
    formulation. While PMRS contends on appeal that its
    proposed label “described the product, not just its
    ‘formulation,’” Reply Br. 4, the words of the proposed label
    belie that contention. PMRS sought to designate its drug as an
    “abuse deterrent formulation,” not an abuse deterrent product.
    The bottom line, as the FDA pointed out, is that PMRS
    provided “no evidence establish[ing] … that this formulation
    has the abuse-deterrent properties PMRS propose[d] to
    include in its product labeling.” 83 Fed. Reg. at 54,601.6
    Because both the product name and the draft label focused on
    For this reason, PMRS’s separate claim that the FDA improperly
    treated the 2015 Guidance as binding law also fails. It is well
    established that “[o]nly ‘legislative rules’” promulgated through
    public notice and comment “have the force and effect of law.”
    Appalachian Power Co. v. EPA, 
    208 F.3d 1015
    , 1020 (D.C. Cir.
    2000). PMRS contends that the FDA treats the 2015 Guidance as
    requiring applicants seeking labeling for abuse deterrence to
    present evidence from Category 1, 2, and 3 studies, without having
    put those evidentiary guidelines through notice and comment
    rulemaking. The problem for PMRS is that the FDA did not
    premise its denial solely on the absence of Category 1, 2, and 3
    studies—it denied the NDA due to the absence of any evidence
    supporting PMRS’s labeling claims. The FDCA requires applicants
    to support a proposed label with “substantial evidence.” 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d). Because PMRS failed to provide substantial evidence of
    any kind—Guidance-compliant or otherwise—it could not have
    met the statutory standard. On these facts, we see no basis to
    conclude that the FDA applied the 2015 Guidance “as if it were
    binding.” Nat’l Mining Ass’n v. McCarthy, 
    758 F.3d 243
    , 253 (D.C.
    Cir. 2014).
    unproven abuse deterrent physical and chemical properties of
    PMRS’s drug, they were false and misleading regardless of
    whether PMRS is correct that there are other, more effective
    ways of reducing opioid abuse. In other words, there was no
    reason for the FDA to separately consider the particular
    “conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in
    [PMRS’s] proposed labeling” once it had found that the label
    would be false and misleading regardless of those conditions.
    See 21 U.S.C. 355(d).
    The FDCA requires the FDA to determine whether a
    proposed label is false or misleading “based on a fair
    evaluation of all material facts.” 
     § 355(d)(7) (emphasis
    added). For the reasons already stated, PMRS’s evidence
    regarding alternative approaches to abuse deterrence was
    immaterial to the agency’s assessment of the specific claims
    in PMRS’s proposed label. In the absence of countervailing
    evidence, we have no basis to question the agency’s
    conclusion that the operative version of PMRS’s proposed
    label created the false and misleading impression that the drug
    possessed abuse deterrent physical and chemical properties.
    See Rempfer, 
    583 F.3d at 867
     (according heightened
    deference to FDA where “there [was] no scientific evidence
    in the administrative record to contradict [its] judgment”).
    Meaningful review of the agency’s actions does not require us
    to step into the FDA’s shoes and reassess its scientific
    judgments—a role that we are “ill-equipped” to play “under
    the guise of the APA’s arbitrary and capricious standard.”
    Cytori Therapeutics, 715 F.3d at 927. Here, the FDA
    examined the material factors, considered the record as a
    whole, and provided a reasonable explanation for its decision
    to deny PMRS’s application. Am. Wild Horse Pres. Campaign
    v. Perdue, 
    873 F.3d 914
    , 923 (D.C. Cir. 2017). The APA
    requires no more.
    Lastly, we consider whether the FDA properly exercised
    its discretion in refusing to grant PMRS’s request for a
    hearing on its application. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (c)(1) (after
    reviewing an NDA, the agency must either approve the
    application or “give the applicant notice of an opportunity for
    a hearing … on the question whether such application is
    approvable”); accord 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.200
    . Our review of an
    agency’s decision to grant or deny a hearing is “necessarily
    deferential,” and is “limited to an evaluation of whether [the
    agency] has given adequate consideration to all relevant
    evidence in the record.” Nat’l Corn Growers Ass’n v. EPA,
    613 F.3d 266
    , 271–72 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (citation and quotation
    marks omitted). To warrant a hearing, a party’s submission
    must raise a genuine and substantial issue of fact “that might
    affect the outcome … under the governing law.” John D.
    Copanos & Sons, Inc. v. FDA, 
    854 F.2d 510
    , 522–23 (D.C.
    Cir. 1988) (citation omitted); see also 
    21 C.F.R. §12.24
    (“A hearing will not be granted on factual issues that are not
    determinative with respect to the action requested.”). For
    many of the reasons discussed in Part II.B, we find the FDA
    acted within its discretion in denying PMRS’s hearing
    As already explained, the FDA considered PMRS’s
    application and reasonably determined that there was no
    evidence to support PMRS’s claim that its product had an
    abuse deterrent “formulation.” PMRS’s evidence regarding
    duration and dosing therefore could not remedy the false and
    misleading nature of its draft label, which focused on the
    product’s chemical and physical properties. This meant that
    PMRS’s alternative evidence, even if considered, necessarily
    could not create a “genuine and substantial issue of fact” that,
    if resolved in PMRS’s favor, would justify approval of
    PMRS’s application. 
    21 C.F.R. § 12.24
    (b). In other words,
    because PMRS’s proffered evidence created no relevant
    factual dispute, it did not provide a basis on which to grant a
    hearing. See Copanos, 854 F.3d at 523.
    Nor can we conclude that PMRS’s eleventh hour attempt
    to modify its proposed label created a genuine issue of fact
    requiring a hearing. PMRS submitted a proposed revision to
    its draft label in August 2018—many months after receiving
    the complete response letter and electing to request a hearing
    rather than revise and resubmit its application. As already
    noted, we find the FDA’s explanation for its refusal to
    consider revisions at this late stage to be reasonable. See
    supra at 16–17.
    Finally, we do not believe the FDA exceeded its
    discretion in refusing to grant PMRS’s request for a hearing
    on broader policy issues related to the problem of opioid
    abuse deterrence. PMRS might be dissatisfied with the
    agency’s overall approach, but the FDA’s regulations make
    clear that “a hearing will not be granted on issues of policy
    and law.” See 
    21 C.F.R. § 12.24
    (b)(1). Particularly in light of
    our “necessarily deferential” review of agency hearing
    requests, Nat’l Corn Growers Ass’n, 
    613 F.3d at 271
    , we will
    not lightly overrule an agency’s determination that a hearing
    is not “otherwise in the public interest.” See 83 Fed. Reg. at
    54,603 (citing 
    21 C.F.R. § 314.200
    (g)(6)). In the Denial
    Order, the FDA described the numerous fronts on which it is
    working to tackle the pervasive crisis of prescription opioid
    addiction and abuse. 
     The FDA chose to set such policies in
    publicly available guidance documents, thereby providing
    notice and predictability to regulated entities. We find no
    abuse of discretion in the FDA’s determination that a hearing
    on one manufacturer’s new drug application is not the
    appropriate forum to address these important public health
    *   *    *
    The FDA reasonably concluded that PMRS’s proposed
    labeling was false and misleading under 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d)(7). On that basis, it denied PMRS’s request for a
    hearing and refused to approve its NDA. Because the FDA
    complied with applicable law, examined the evidence
    provided by PMRS, and explained its reasoning, we uphold
    the agency’s action. The petition for review is denied.
    So ordered.