Jones v. Hhs , 703 F. App'x 977 ( 2017 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection
    Board in Nos. DE-4324-15-0474-I-1, DE-4324-15-0499-I-1.
    July 17, 2017
    JOHN PAUL JONES, III, Albuquerque, NM, pro se.
    AARON WOODWARD, Commercial Litigation Branch,
    Civil Division, United States Department of Justice,
    Washington, DC, for respondent. Also represented by
    2                                                JONES   v. HHS
    Before NEWMAN, O’MALLEY, and STOLL, Circuit Judges.
    John Paul Jones, III, petitions for review of a final de-
    cision of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Mr. Jones
    filed two appeals with the Board, alleging that the De-
    partment of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) violated
    the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
    Rights Act of 1994 (“USERRA”) when he was not selected
    for the position of Lead Public Health Advisor. The Board
    consolidated the appeals and denied his request for cor-
    rective action. We affirm.
    Mr. Jones is a Vietnam War veteran who applied
    through two concurrent vacancy announcements for a
    Lead Public Health Advisor position in the Substance
    Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration within
    HHS. The duties of the position included “serv[ing] as
    Lead Public Health Advisor/Team Leader for a team
    of . . . professional staff that are responsible for planning,
    implementing and evaluating formula and discretionary
    grant programs related to substance abuse use disorder
    services and delivery systems” and “provid[ing] guidance
    to . . . organizations concerning substance use disorder
    services and related delivery systems.” J.A. 24, 30. The
    vacancy notices stated that, to be eligible for the position,
    the “[a]pplicants must possess one year of specialized
    experience,” including “experience coordinating the devel-
    opment, management and technical assistance of sub-
    stance use disorder delivery systems as well as
    integration of such systems within primary care.” J.A. 24,
    In his application for the position, Mr. Jones submit-
    ted a resume detailing his healthcare and military experi-
    ence and also referenced several prior Board appeals in
    which he asserted USERRA violations.           Mr. Jones’s
    JONES   v. HHS                                            3
    application was reviewed by an HHS Human Resources
    Specialist, Cynthia Rivera, and a subject matter expert,
    John Campbell, both of whom determined that Mr. Jones
    did not have the specialized experience in substance
    abuse required for the position. Ultimately, HHS made
    its selection for the position under the merit promotion
    announcement, and Mr. Jones was not selected for the
    Mr. Jones appealed to the Board, requesting correc-
    tive action and alleging that HHS violated his USERRA
    rights by denying him employment due to his prior mili-
    tary service and his prior USERRA claims. Prior to the
    hearing, the Board issued orders requiring the parties to
    submit material documentary evidence that was not in
    the record relevant to the vacancy announcements. The
    Board also indicated that irrelevant or extraneous evi-
    dence would be summarily rejected and deleted. In its
    rulings on prehearing submissions, the Board accepted
    some but not all of Mr. Jones’s evidence, providing its
    bases for rejection and providing guidance and timelines
    for Mr. Jones to submit offers of proof to preserve his
    objections to the rulings for appeal purposes. Mr. Jones
    filed a motion for interlocutory appeal challenging the
    Board’s rulings, which the Board denied as untimely.
    Additionally, despite the Board’s repeated warnings about
    his conduct, the Board found that Mr. Jones had engaged
    in “contumacious” conduct before the Board, which war-
    ranted termination of Mr. Jones’s hearing and converting
    the appeals to a decision on written submissions.
    J.A. 101–02.
    In its Initial Decision, the Board denied Mr. Jones’s
    request for corrective action. The Board found that “alt-
    hough [Mr. Jones] has much experience in health care
    administration, he failed to establish that he had the
    specialized experience of working in the management and
    delivery of substance abuse disorder delivery systems or
    recovery support services . . . required for the Lead Public
    4                                               JONES   v. HHS
    Health Advisor position.” J.A. 15. The Board found no
    evidence in the record showing that HHS did not select
    Mr. Jones due to his veteran status or due to his protected
    activities under USERRA. Therefore, the Board held that
    Mr. Jones failed to meet his burden in proving that his
    prior military service or his previous USERRA claims
    were a substantial or motivating factor in HHS’s decision
    not to select him for the position.
    Mr. Jones appeals.        We have jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    (a)(9). 1
    In his petition, Mr. Jones argues that HHS discrimi-
    nated against him by not selecting him based on his
    veteran status and in retaliation for seeking redress
    under USERRA. Mr. Jones also argues the Board abused
    its discretion in its procedural and evidentiary rulings.
    We find no error in the Board’s decisions.
    The Board’s decision must be affirmed unless it is
    “(1) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or other-
    wise not in accordance with law; (2) obtained without
    procedures required by law, rule, or regulation having
    been followed; or (3) unsupported by substantial evi-
    5 U.S.C. § 7703
    (c) (2014). Substantial evidence is
    that which “a reasonable mind might accept as adequate
    to support a conclusion.” See Gallagher v. Dep’t of the
    1    Mr. Jones’s present appeal was docketed on De-
    cember 13, 2016. The Board’s initial decision did not
    become final until January 11, 2017 when Mr. Jones did
    not file a petition for review before the Board. Although
    not final at the time Mr. Jones filed his appeal, we retain
    jurisdiction where, as here, the initial decision matures to
    a final decision while the case is pending on appeal.
    See Jones v. Dep’t of Health & Human Serv., 
    834 F.3d 1361
    , 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
    JONES   v. HHS                                            5
    274 F.3d 1331
    , 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (quoting
    Hogan v. Dep’t of the Navy, 
    218 F.3d 1361
    , 1364 (Fed. Cir.
    2000)). Further, we do not disturb the Board’s credibility
    determinations unless they are “inherently improbable or
    discredited by undisputed fact.” Pope v. U.S. Postal Serv.,
    114 F.3d 1144
    , 1149 (Fed. Cir. 1997). We will not over-
    turn the Board’s discovery and evidentiary rulings “unless
    an abuse of discretion is clear and is harmful.” McEnery
    v. Merit Sys. Prot. Bd., 
    963 F.2d 1512
    , 1514 (Fed. Cir.
    1992) (citation omitted).
    USERRA prohibits discrimination in employment on
    the basis of military service and adverse action taken in
    retaliation for a veteran’s assertion of substantive rights
    established by USERRA. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 4311
    Sheehan v. Dep’t of the Navy, 
    240 F.3d 1009
    , 1012 (Fed.
    Cir. 2001). Under a USERRA discrimination claim, the
    appellant bears the initial burden to show that his “mili-
    tary status was at least a motivating or substantial factor
    in the agency action.” Sheehan, 240 F.3d at 1014. This
    can be met by either direct or circumstantial evidence,
    proximity in time between the employee’s military
    activity and the adverse employment action, in-
    consistencies between the proffered reason and
    other actions of the employer, an employer’s ex-
    pressed hostility towards members protected by
    the statute together with knowledge of the em-
    ployee’s military activity, and disparate treatment
    of certain employees compared to other employees
    with similar work records or offenses.
    Id. (citation omitted). If the initial burden is met, the
    burden shifts to the employer to prove “that the action
    would have been taken despite the protected status.” Id.
    Under a USERRA retaliation claim, the appellant
    must first show that (1) he took an action protected by
    USERRA, and (2) his protected action was a substantial
    6                                             JONES   v. HHS
    or motivating factor in the adverse employment action
    taken against him. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 4311
    (b), (c)(2); Hay-
    den v. Dep’t of the Air Force, 
    812 F.3d 1351
    , 1362–63 (Fed.
    Cir. 2016) (citing Sheehan, 240 F.3d at 1013). Similarly,
    when the employee meets his initial burden, the employer
    may only avoid liability by showing that it would have
    taken the same action in the absence of the employee’s
    protected action. See Hayden, 812 F.3d at 1363.
    Here, the Board concluded that Mr. Jones failed to
    meet his initial burden under either the USERRA dis-
    crimination or retaliation claim. Specifically, the Board
    found no evidence showing that HHS’s decision to make a
    selection under the merit promotion announcement
    instead of the delegated examining unit announcement
    was based on Mr. Jones’s veteran status or his protected
    activities. The Board also found that HHS did not violate
    USERRA when it determined that under the merit pro-
    motion announcement, Mr. Jones was not qualified for the
    Lead Public Health Advisor position.
    Substantial evidence supports the Board’s decision.
    As the record shows, the vacancy announcements for the
    Lead Public Health Advisor position specifically required
    at least one year of specialized experience. The record
    shows that Mr. Jones’s application was reviewed by a
    Human Resources Specialist, Cynthia Rivera, and a
    subject matter expert, John Campbell, both of whom
    concluded that he lacked the requisite experience for the
    position. By relying on this testimony, the Board implicit-
    ly credited it, and we find no basis for disturbing the
    Board’s credibility determination on appeal. See Pope,
    114 F.3d at 1149
    . Moreover, Mr. Jones presents no evi-
    dence to show that either Ms. Rivera or Mr. Campbell
    expressed any hostility toward veterans or Mr. Jones
    specifically based on his military service or his previous
    USERRA claims. We agree with the Board that the
    record is devoid of any evidence that Mr. Jones’s veteran
    status or his protected USERRA activity were a motivat-
    JONES   v. HHS                                            7
    ing factor in HHS’s decisions to hire from the merit pro-
    motion announcement or in its decision not to select
    Mr. Jones for the position. The record evidence merely
    shows that HHS found Mr. Jones unqualified based on his
    lack of requisite experience.
    We also find no error in the Board’s procedural and
    evidentiary rulings. Mr. Jones alleges that the Board
    abused its discretion by, among other actions, “deleting all
    [his] evidence from the efile system, denying him his right
    to call any witness, and denying him his right to a hear-
    ing under the bogus charge of ‘contumacy,’” Pet’r’s Br. 1,
    and by the Board’s “targeted delay” in taking more than
    six months to render its decision, id. at 6.
    First, regarding exhibits allegedly being deleted and
    witnesses denied, the Board rejected certain evidence as
    duplicative and rejected other evidence as irrelevant. We
    agree with the Board that some of Mr. Jones’s proffered
    evidence, such as statistical evidence that HHS hires
    fewer veterans than other federal agencies and the al-
    leged employee emails involved in an unrelated matter,
    which Mr. Jones argues demonstrates HHS’s “odious”
    view toward veterans, are not relevant to HHS’s selection
    decision in this case. This evidence does not rebut the
    record evidence that Mr. Jones was unqualified for the
    We also conclude that the Board did not abuse its dis-
    cretion in terminating Mr. Jones’s hearing.          Under
    5 C.F.R. § 1201.43
    (a), the Board may impose sanctions on
    a party who fails to comply with the Board’s orders. See
    5 C.F.R. § 1201.43
    (a) (“[t]he judge may impose sanctions
    upon the parties as necessary to serve the ends of justice,”
    including for “(a) [f]ailure to comply with an order”); see
    also Baker v. Dep’t of Health & Human Serv., 
    912 F.2d 1448
    , 1457 (Fed. Cir. 1990). “Before imposing a sanction,
    the [Board] shall provide appropriate prior warning, allow
    a response . . . and document the reasons for any resulting
    8                                             JONES   v. HHS
    sanction in the record.” 
    5 C.F.R. § 1201.43
    . Cancellation
    of a hearing for contumacious conduct is also within the
    Board’s discretion. See 
     § 1201.43(e) (“A judge may
    cancel a scheduled hearing, or suspend or terminate a
    hearing in progress, for contumacious conduct.”). Here,
    the Board provided written warnings in its Order and
    Summary of Prehearing Conference, and oral warnings
    throughout the proceeding. The Board finally cancelled
    the hearings for Mr. Jones’s “rude and disrespectful
    conduct which regularly escalate[d] from advocacy to
    contumaciousness.” J.A. 101. We find no abuse of discre-
    tion in the Board’s findings regarding Mr. Jones’s conduct
    or its discretionary determination to cancel the hearing
    based on that conduct.
    As to the alleged “targeted delays,” the Board is not
    required by statute or regulation to issue a decision
    within a particular time period, and thus Mr. Jones’s
    argument in this regard is without merit. See Jones,
    834 F.3d at 1368 (citing 
    5 U.S.C. § 7701
    (b)(1) and 
    5 C.F.R. § 1201.111
    Finally, we note that we have considered the argu-
    ments and evidence raised in Mr. Jones’s Reply to Re-
    spondent’s Brief and his Supplemental Brief. Generally,
    Mr. Jones repeats his arguments, complaining that the
    Board purposefully delayed rendering a decision, the
    Board erred in its evidentiary rulings, and argues that
    the Board has “a culture that discriminates against
    veterans.” Pet’r’s Reply to Resp’t’s Br. 2, 9–12. Mr. Jones
    also asserts that the Board is “a failed agency” and that
    the Board, including its former Chair, supports veteran
    discrimination. Pet’r’s Supp. Br. 1–2. We find these
    arguments baseless. Even when considering the supple-
    mental record, we find no evidence to support Mr. Jones’s
    claim that HHS discriminated against him by not select-
    ing him for the Lead Public Health Advisor position based
    on his veteran status. Accordingly, we affirm the Board’s
    JONES   v. HHS              9
    No costs.