Johnston v. Nicholson ( 2005 )

  • Error: Bad annotation destination
    United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    R. JAMES NICHOLSON, Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
    Kenneth M. Carpenter, Carpenter, Chartered, of Topeka, Kansas, argued for
    Christian J. Moran, Trial Attorney, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil Division,
    United States Department of Justice, of Washington, DC, argued for respondent-
    appellee. With him on the brief were Peter D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General,
    David M. Cohen, Director, and Bryant G. Snee, Assistant Director. Of counsel on the
    brief were Richard J. Hipolit, Assistant General Counsel, and Ethan G. Kalett, Attorney,
    United States Department of Veterans Affairs, of Washington, DC. Of counsel was
    Jamie L. Mueller, Attorney.
    Appealed from: United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
    Retired Judge Kenneth B. Kramer
    United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    R. JAMES NICHOLSON, Secretary
    of Veterans Affairs,
    DECIDED: August 17, 2005
    Before RADER, GAJARSA, and DYK, Circuit Judges.
    DYK, Circuit Judge.
    Thomas J. Johnston (“Johnston”) appeals from the decision of the Court of
    Appeals for Veterans Claims (“Veterans Court”), affirming the decision of the Board of
    Veterans’ Appeals (“Board”). Johnston v. Principi, No. 01-2007 (Vet. App. July 8, 2003).
    The Board denied Johnston’s claim of clear and unmistakable error in a 1989 decision
    of the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”). We affirm.
    Johnston served on active duty in the Marines from 1967 to 1969. In 1970, he
    was awarded service connection for a leg wound with a 10% disability rating. In 1987,
    he was awarded a service connection for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) with
    a 100% disability rating. In 1988, the VA reduced the disability rating for PTSD to 70%.
    Johnston appealed the reduction to the Board.              This appeal was filed by a
    representative who was not a lawyer. The appeal asked the Board to restore a 100%
    rating based on, inter alia, record evidence that the veteran was “not capable of even
    minimal employment.” J.A. at 65. In its 1989 decision, the Board denied the claim for a
    100% rating without discussing whether Johnston should be treated as raising a claim
    of total disability based on individual unemployability (“TDIU”).1
    In 2001, now represented by counsel, Johnston filed a motion with the Board
    claiming clear and unmistakable error (“CUE”). In addition to other, unrelated, claims,
    Johnston argued in his CUE motion that there was clear and unmistakable error in the
    1989 decision because the Board failed to apply 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c) and grant him
    TDIU. The 1989 version of 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c) read:
    [I]n cases in which the only compensable service-connected disability is a
    mental disorder assigned a 70 percent evaluation, and such mental
    disorder precludes a veteran from securing or following a substantially
    gainful occupation . . . the mental disorder shall be assigned a 100 percent
    schedular evaluation.
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c) (1989) (emphasis added).2 That is, under § 4.16(c), a mandatory
    100% rating was given when “the only compensable service-connected disability is a
    mental disorder assigned a 70 percent evaluation, and such mental disorder precludes
    a veteran from securing or following a substantially gainful occupation.”
    The Board found no CUE in the 1989 decision, holding that 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    was not applicable because the veteran also had a 10% service-connected left-leg
    Under the TDIU regulations, a veteran suffering from a service-connected
    disability can receive a 100% rating under certain circumstances if he can establish
    unemployability. See 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    Section 4.16(c) was repealed in 1996. 
    61 Fed. Reg. 52695
     (Oct. 8, 1996).
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    wound, and thus the PTSD disability was not the “only compensable service-connected
    disability.” The Board’s decision with respect to 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c) was not appealed
    to the Veterans Court, and that issue is not before this court.
    Instead, Johnston’s appeal to the Veterans Court argued that the 1989 decision
    contained CUE because it denied a rating of total disability without consideration of
    TDIU under another provision of the regulations, 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b). That provision
    It is the established policy of the [VA] that all veterans who are unable to
    secure and follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of service-
    connected disabilities shall be rated totally disabled. Therefore, rating
    boards should submit . . . for extra-schedular consideration all cases of
    veterans who are unemployable by reason of service-connected
    disabilities, but who fail to meet the percentage standards set forth in
    paragraph (a) of this section.
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) (1989) (emphasis added).
    The Veterans Court held that Johnston had failed to raise the issue of the
    applicability of 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) to the Board, and thus the Board did not clearly and
    unmistakably err in failing to address that issue. Addressing this court’s decision in
    Roberson v. Principi, 
    251 F.3d 1378
     (Fed. Cir. 2001), the Veterans Court held that
    Roberson was limited to a situation “requiring remand of a pending non-CUE claim”; i.e.,
    that Roberson did not apply to CUE claims themselves but only to a pending non-CUE
    claim. The Veterans Court thus affirmed the decision of the Board. Johnston appeals.
    We have jurisdiction to review decisions of the Veterans Court on all issues of
    law where “the decision below regarding a governing rule of law would have been
    altered by adopting the position being urged.” Morgan v. Principi, 
    327 F.3d 1357
    , 1363
    04-7020                                     3
    (Fed. Cir. 2003); see Wagner v. Principi, 
    370 F.3d 1089
    , 1091 (Fed. Cir. 2004). We
    have jurisdiction “to determine whether the legal requirement of the statute or regulation
    has been correctly interpreted in a particular context where the relevant facts are not in
    dispute.” Szemraj v. Principi, 
    357 F.3d 1370
    , 1375 (Fed. Cir. 2004). However, except
    with respect to constitutional issues, we do not have jurisdiction to “review (A) a
    challenge to a factual determination, or (B) a challenge to a law or regulation as applied
    to the facts of a particular case.” 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    (d) (2000). We review issues of law
    without deference. Wagner, 
    370 F.3d at 1092
    Because there is evidence of unemployability in the record of the 1989
    proceedings, Johnston argues that, under Roberson, the VA should have read the 1989
    claim sympathetically and considered whether Johnston was entitled to TDIU under 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    Johnston’s problem is that he never raised the argument based on 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) before the Board in his CUE motion, even though he was represented by
    counsel. As we held in Andre v. Principi, 
    301 F.3d 1354
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2002) and hold
    today in Andrews, slip op. at 8-10, a CUE claim must be pled with specificity under 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.1404
    (b).4 It is true that, under Roberson, the VA has an antecedent duty to
    The government argues that any TDIU claim under § 4.16(b) is still
    pending before the RO awaiting adjudication, and that the Veterans Court and this court
    are without jurisdiction because there is no final Board decision for us to review. We
    have rejected the identical argument today in Andrews v. Nicholson, No. 04-7155, slip
    op. at 5-6 (Fed. Cir. Aug 17, 2005). We reject it here for the same reasons as in
    38 C.F.R. § 20.1404
    (b) states:
    The [CUE] motion must set forth clearly and specifically the alleged clear
    and unmistakable error, or errors, of fact or law in the Board decision, the
    04-7020                                    4
    sympathetically read a CUE motion that is filed pro se before determining whether a
    claim has been pled with specificity. Andrews, slip op. at 8. But in this case, as in
    Andrews, the veteran was represented by counsel, and thus the Roberson rule is
    inapplicable to the CUE motion. 
     slip op. at 9.
    Before the Board, the only claim to TDIU that Johnston raised was based on 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c). Specifically, Johnston argued:
    [T]he [VA] was guilty [in 1989] of failing to apply 4.16(c) to Mr. Johnston’s
    case . . . . Application of this regulation to Mr. Johnston’s case is exactly
    on point. . . . Mr. Johnston should have been entitled to a total rating
    based on TDIU.
    Motion for Revision Based on Clear and Unmistakable Error in Johnston v. West, No.
    98-10 737 A, at 12 (Bd. Vet. App. 2001). Before the Veterans Court and this Court,
    however, Johnston claims that he was entitled to TDIU based on 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    38 C.F.R. § 3.340
    (a) (which merely sets forth the general standards for total
    disability ratings).
    As we held in Andre, “a CUE claim involves an allegation of an error with ‘some
    degree of specificity,’” and does not “encompass[ ] all potential allegations of clear and
    unmistakable error.” 
    301 F.3d at 1361
    . The Veterans Court held that Johnston did not
    claim CUE based on 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) with specificity before the Board, Johnston,
    No. 01-2007, slip op. at 2, even though he claimed CUE based on § 4.16(c). Although
    the two provisions are in the same numeric section of the regulations, the two TDIU
    provisions function in completely different ways.       Section 4.16(c) provided for a
    legal or factual basis for such allegations, and why the result would have
    been manifestly different but for the alleged error.
    38 C.F.R. § 20.1404
    (b) (2004).
    04-7020                                     5
    mandatory 100% rating when the conditions in the regulation were satisfied, i.e. “if the
    only compensable service-connected disability is a mental disorder assigned a 70
    percent evaluation, and such mental disorder precludes a veteran from securing or
    following a substantially gainful occupation.” 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (c) (1989); see Fugo v.
    6 Vet. App. 40
     (1993) (total disability rating under § 4.16(c) requires a finding of
    unemployability).   In contrast, § 4.16(b) provided for an individualized evaluation in
    cases where the veteran may be unemployable. 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) (1989).
    We find no legal error in the Veterans Court’s conclusion that Johnston did not
    claim CUE based on 
    38 C.F.R. § 4.16
    (b) with specificity. The requirement of specificity
    appearing in 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.1404
    (b) is properly read to require that the veteran,
    represented by counsel, identify before the Board the particular provision in the
    regulations on which he relies.
    As in Andrews, Johnston remains free to raise before the VA, in a new CUE
    motion, his claim that the VA in 1989 erred in failing to consider his 1989 pleadings as
    raising a claim under § 4.16(b), and judicial review remains available after the Board
    has ruled on that claim.
    For the foregoing reasons, the Veterans Court’s judgment is affirmed.
    No costs.
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