Rodriguez v. McDonough ( 2022 )

  • Case: 22-2081    Document: 14    Page: 1    Filed: 11/09/2022
    NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for
    Veterans Claims in No. 21-665, Judge Michael P. Allen.
    Decided: November 9, 2022
    JESUS RODRIGUEZ, JR., San Antonio, TX, pro se.
    LIRIDONA SINANI, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil
    Division, United States Department of Justice, Washing-
    ton, DC, for respondent-appellee. Also represented by
    Before STOLL, SCHALL, and STARK, Circuit Judges.
    Case: 22-2081    Document: 14     Page: 2    Filed: 11/09/2022
    2                                 RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH
    Jesus Rodriguez, Jr. appeals the decision of the United
    States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims affirming the
    decision of the Board of Veterans’ Appeals denying (1) a re-
    quest to reopen a previously denied claim for service con-
    nection and (2) claims for service connection for various
    other conditions. Rodriguez v. McDonough, No. 21-0665,
    2022 WL 557291
     (Vet. App. Feb. 24, 2022). We affirm-in-
    part and dismiss-in-part.
    Mr. Rodriguez served in the United States Marine
    Corps from March 1969 to March 1973 and from Febru-
    ary 1981 to February 1984. His awards and decorations for
    service include a Vietnam Cross of Gallantry.
    In August 2013, a Regional Office (RO) denied Mr. Ro-
    driguez’s claim for service connection for hemorrhoids.
    Appx. 14. 1 Mr. Rodriguez did not appeal, and the decision
    became final. On March 31, 2017, the VA received service
    department records from Mr. Rodriguez’s active service.
    Rodriguez v. McDonough, No. 20-7138, 
    2021 WL 6143626
    at *4 (Vet. App. Dec. 30, 2021). In May 2017, Mr. Rodri-
    guez requested that the VA reopen several previously de-
    nied claims, including the claim for hemorrhoids. When
    Mr. Rodriguez’s request was denied, he appealed, and in
    September 2020, a Board remanded his claim to the RO for
    a Statement of the Case (SOC). Mr. Rodriguez then ap-
    pealed from the SOC.
    On appeal, the Board denied Mr. Rodriguez’s request
    to reopen his hemorrhoids claim and denied service connec-
    tion for his claims of left shoulder disorder, bilateral
    1   Citations to “Appx.” refer to the Appendix attached
    to the appellee’s brief.
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    RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH                                   3
    metatarsalgia with hallux valgus, and psoriasis with plan-
    tar warts. Appx. 15.
    For Mr. Rodriguez’s hemorrhoids claim, the Board
    found that some “evidence . . . received since the Au-
    gust 2013 rating decision” was new, but it was “duplicative
    and not material as it does not specifically address the rea-
    son the claim was previously denied.” Appx. 18–19 (apply-
    38 C.F.R. § 3.156
    (b)). In other words, the Board found
    that the evidence submitted was not “new and material.”
    Appx. 19. Thus, the Board denied reopening this claim.
    Appx. 18–19. The Board also found that “no additional ser-
    vice records (warranting reconsideration of the claim) have
    been received at any time.” Appx. 18 (citing 
    38 C.F.R. § 3.156
    The Board also evaluated Mr. Rodriguez’s service con-
    nection for left shoulder disorder, bilateral metatarsalgia
    with hallux valgus, and psoriasis with plantar warts.
    Appx. 23–28. For each claim, the Board considered the ev-
    idence of record, including a November 2020 report by a VA
    medical examiner, and determined that it was less likely
    than not that Mr. Rodriguez’s disabilities were a result of
    his service. In each instance, the Board found that Mr. Ro-
    driguez’s lay evidence regarding his disabilities was not
    sufficiently probative to outweigh the medical evidence.
    Thus, the Board found that Mr. Rodriguez had not estab-
    lished a nexus between his service and his disabilities.
    The Veterans Court affirmed the Board’s decision, ex-
    plaining that “the Board’s decision is not clearly wrong, is
    based on a correct understanding of the governing law, and
    is supported by an adequate statement of reasons or bases.”
    Appx. 2.
    Mr. Rodriguez appeals.      We have jurisdiction under
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
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    4                                    RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH
    Our jurisdiction over appeals from the Veterans Court
    is statutorily limited. We may only review decisions about
    the validity or interpretation of a rule of law, statute, or
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    (a). Except for a constitutional
    issue, we may not review a factual determination or an ap-
    plication of the law to facts. 
     § 7292(d)(2). We must af-
    firm a Veterans Court decision unless it is “(A) arbitrary,
    capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in ac-
    cordance with law; (B) contrary to constitutional right,
    power, privilege, or immunity; (C) in excess of statutory ju-
    risdiction, authority, or limitations, or in violation of a stat-
    utory right; or (D) without observance of procedure
    required by law.” 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    On appeal, Mr. Rodriguez raises several argu-
    ments: (1) that the Veterans Court improperly inter-
    preted certain statutes and regulations; (2) that the court
    violated its fair process doctrine by improperly conducting
    additional discovery 2; and (3) that the Board should have
    considered certain evidence submitted after his claims
    were deemed final. In his reply brief, Mr. Rodriguez also
    argues that the Board improperly weighed the lay evidence
    of record and that he was denied due process. We discuss
    each argument in turn.
    First, we address Mr. Rodriguez’s argument that the
    Veterans Court improperly interpreted the following
    2    Mr. Rodriguez’s pro se brief quotes, but does not
    provide a citation to Austin v. Brown, 
    6 Vet. App. 547
    , 553
    (1994), which discusses the fair process doctrine. Appel-
    lant’s Br. 2. His brief also does not refer to the fair process
    doctrine by name, nor provide an explanation for this argu-
    ment, but we liberally interpret his brief to raise this issue.
    See, e.g., Durr v. Nicholson, 
    400 F.3d 1375
    , 1380 (Fed. Cir.
    2005) (“[P]ro se pleadings are to be liberally construed.”).
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    RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH                                     5
    sources of law: (1) 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    (a), which relates to our
    jurisdiction to review an interpretation of a statute or reg-
    ulation by the Veterans Court; (2) 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    which relates to the Board’s requirement to explain all of
    its findings and conclusions; and (3) 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    which prevents the Veterans Court from making findings
    of fact de novo. Appellant’s Br. 1. In his reply brief, Mr. Ro-
    driguez also cites to 
    38 C.F.R. § 3.156
    , which relates to
    “submit[ting] new and material evidence” for opening a
    previously denied claim. 3 Reply Br. 1–2. Mr. Rodriguez
    appears to argue that because the Veterans Court inter-
    preted these statutes, we have jurisdiction over his appeal.
    At the outset, we recognize that the distinction be-
    tween an interpretation of law and an application of law
    can seem murky. We have explained that “an interpreta-
    tion of a statute or regulation occurs when its meaning is
    elaborated by the court.”         Forshey v. Principi, 
    284 F.3d 1335
    , 1349 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (en banc), superseded by
    statute on other grounds, 
    Pub. L. No. 107-330, § 402
    116 Stat. 2820
    . 2832 (2002), as recognized in Taylor
    v. McDonough, 
    3 F.4th 1351
    , 1363 n.7 (Fed. Cir. 2021). In
    other words, an interpretation requires explaining, usually
    to clarify, what a statute or a regulation means.
    Here, the Veterans Court did not clarify or elaborate on
    the statutes nor the regulation that Mr. Rodriguez cited.
    Indeed, the Veterans Court does not reference 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    (a) nor § 7104(d)(1). Although the court did cite
    38 C.F.R. § 3.156
    (a) and discuss the Board’s application of
    that regulation, Appx. 3–5, it did not elaborate on its mean-
    ing. Instead, it reviewed the Board’s application of the reg-
    ulation to the facts of Mr. Rodriguez’s case. Appx. 5. As
    we have explained, we do not have jurisdiction to review
    3    Although Mr. Rodriguez cites to “38 CFR section
    3.165” both this court and the government understand him
    to refer to § 3.156. See Appellee’s Br. 11–12.
    Case: 22-2081    Document: 14      Page: 6    Filed: 11/09/2022
    6                                  RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH
    the application of law to fact. 
    38 U.S.C. §§ 7292
    (c), (d)(2);
    see also, Conway v. Principi, 
    353 F.3d 1369
    , 1372 (Fed. Cir.
    2004). In sum, Mr. Rodriguez’s arguments about the stat-
    utes and regulation cited do not raise issues within our ju-
    risdiction. We thus dismiss this portion of Mr. Rodriguez’s
    Second, we address Mr. Rodriguez’s argument related
    to the fair process doctrine. Although he cites cases holding
    that the Veterans Court may not improperly obtain evi-
    dence against a veteran, Mr. Rodriguez does not explain
    what discovery the Veterans Court improperly engaged in
    or how that affected his case. Appellant’s Br. 2 (citing Hart
    v. Mansfield, 
    21 Vet. App. 505
    , 508 (2007) (holding that the
    VA may not procure evidence with the purpose of finding
    evidence against the veteran); Mariano v. Principi, 
    17 Vet. App. 305
    , 312 (2003) (same)). As such, we discern no legal
    error in the Veterans Court’s decision.
    We now turn to Mr. Rodriguez’s argument that the
    Board erred by not considering certain evidence he submit-
    ted after his claims were deemed final. Appellant’s Br. 2.
    Whether evidence submitted is “new and material” under
    § 3.156(a)—and thus whether a veteran’s claim must be re-
    opened—is a question of fact over which we lack jurisdic-
    tion. Livingston v. Derwinski, 
    959 F.2d 224
    , 225–26
    (Fed. Cir. 1992). Whether the Board properly reconsidered
    a claim under § 3.156(c) following receipt of service depart-
    ment records, is also a question of fact over which we lack
    jurisdiction. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    Here, the Board found that the evidence submitted by
    Mr. Rodriguez was either cumulative to previously submit-
    ted evidence (i.e., was not new) or was not material.
    Appx. 18–19. Accordingly, the Board did not reopen
    Mr. Rodriguez’s claims for benefits. The Board also stated
    that “no additional service records (warranting reconsider-
    ation of the claim) have been received at any time,” and
    cited to § 3.156(c). Appx. 18.
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    RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH                                   7
    To the extent Mr. Rodriguez now appeals those factual
    findings, we do not have jurisdiction to review that argu-
    ment. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 7292
    (d)(2); Livingston, 959 F.3d at
    226 (dismissing appeal challenging Board’s finding that
    new and material evidence had not been submitted). We
    thus dismiss this portion of Mr. Rodriguez’s appeal.
    Further, Mr. Rodriguez also appears to argue that, by
    not considering this evidence, the Board violated the First
    Amendment, deprived him of meaningful access to the
    courts, and committed fraud. Appellant’s Br. 2; see Reply
    Br. 3–4; see also United Transp. Union v. State Bar of
    401 U.S. 576
    , 585 (1971) (“[M]eaningful access to the
    courts is a fundamental right within the protection of the
    First Amendment.”). Regarding these alleged constitu-
    tional violations and allegations of fraud, Mr. Rodriguez’s
    briefing provides no further detail or support. As we have
    explained, appellants waive any arguments that they do
    not adequately develop. See Rodriguez v. Dep’t of Veterans
    8 F.4th 1290
    , 1305 (Fed. Cir. 2021). Because
    Mr. Rodriguez has “merely alluded to” these arguments
    and has “not developed” them, 
     we dismiss this portion
    of Mr. Rodriguez’s appeal as waived. 4
    4    Mr. Rodriguez makes two further arguments for
    the first time in his reply brief: that the Board did not as-
    sign the appropriate weight to the lay evidence of record
    and that he was denied due process because the Veterans
    Court did not adequately explain its decision. Reply Br. at
    2–3. Because Mr. Rodriguez raises both of these argu-
    ments for the first time in his reply brief, he has waived
    them. See Becton Dickinson & Co. v. C.R. Bard, Inc., 
    922 F.2d 792
    , 800 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (“[A]n issue not raised by an
    appellant in its opening brief . . . is waived.”).
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    8                                 RODRIGUEZ   v. MCDONOUGH
    For the reasons above, we discern no legal error with
    respect to the fair process doctrine and no other issue for
    which we have jurisdiction to review. Thus, we affirm-in-
    part and dismiss-in-part.
    No costs.