Walker v. Superior Court ( 2021 )

    Real Party in Interest.
    First Appellate District, Division Four
    San Francisco City and County Superior Court
    2219428, 195198
    August 30, 2021
    Justice Cuéllar authored the opinion of the Court, in which
    Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye and Justices Corrigan, Liu,
    Kruger, Groban, and Jenkins concurred.
    Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye filed a concurring opinion.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    The Sexually Violent Predator Act (Welf. & Inst. Code,
    § 6600 et seq. (SVPA or the Act))1 allows the state to petition
    superior courts for the involuntary civil commitment of certain
    convicted sex offenders whose diagnosed mental disorders make
    them a significant danger to others and likely to reoffend after
    release from prison. The purpose of the SVPA is to protect the
    public from a select group of criminal offenders (sexually violent
    predators, or SVPs), and to provide these offenders with the
    necessary treatment for their mental disorders. (Hubbart v.
    Superior Ct. (1999) 
    19 Cal.4th 1138
    , 1143–1144 (Hubbart).)
    Consistent with this goal, the Act relies on a number of
    procedural safeguards to ensure that only those offenders
    predisposed to criminal sexual violence can be committed, and
    only for as long as they need treatment. Section 6602,
    subdivision (a) of the Act provides one such safeguard: It
    requires the superior court to hold a “probable cause hearing” as
    an initial step in the judicial process for commitment. (§ 6602,
    subd. (a).) If the court determines that probable cause supports
    the state’s petition, it must then hold an offender over for trial.
    (Ibid.) Otherwise, the court must dismiss the petition. (Ibid.)
    What concerns us in this case is what kind of evidence the
    trial court may consider in making its initial SVPA probable
    Further unspecified statutory references are to the
    Welfare and Institutions Code.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    cause determination. Specifically, we must resolve whether
    superior courts can admit certain hearsay evidence in
    psychological evaluation reports in finding probable cause to
    commit individuals under the SVPA. Petitioner Jeffrey Walker
    challenges the Court of Appeal’s denial of his writ petition,
    arguing that the trial court admitted inadmissible hearsay in
    two evaluations in finding probable cause: factual details
    underlying two rape offenses that he had been charged with, but
    not convicted of, and resulted in convictions that did not qualify
    as predicate offenses for commitment under the SVPA. He
    contends that the trial court’s decision to admit this hearsay
    concerning nonpredicate offenses represented prejudicial error.
    We agree. Contrary to the Court of Appeal’s reasoning,
    section 6602, subdivision (a) does not create an exception that
    allows hearsay regarding nonpredicate offenses to be introduced
    via evaluation reports. What we hold is that nothing in the
    statutory language, its legislative history, its place in the
    broader SVPA statutory scheme, or comparisons to other
    statutory provisions indicates the existence of a hearsay
    exception for such hearsay in expert evaluations. Nor does
    anything in the SVPA or our case law indicate that the
    Legislature — in creating the hearing as a safeguard for SVP
    candidates to test the sufficiency of the evidence supporting the
    state’s petition and prevent meritless ones from proceeding to
    trial — must have created an exception for hearsay on
    nonpredicate offenses to be introduced via evaluations. Under
    these circumstances, we decline to find that the Legislature
    explicitly or implicitly created a hearsay exception in section
    6602, subdivision (a), for this evidence.
    Because the inadmissible hearsay was foundational to the
    trial court’s probable cause determination, we must reverse and
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    remand to the Court of Appeal, with instructions for it to
    remand the matter to the trial court so it can conduct a new
    probable cause hearing consistent with this opinion.
    In June 2015, the District Attorney of the City and County
    of San Francisco filed a petition to commit Walker as an SVP.2
    At the time, Walker was nearing the end of a state prison term
    for a pandering conviction. (Pen. Code, § 266i.)
    Two mental health evaluations supported the petition.
    Thomas MacSpeiden and Roger Karlsson, psychologists
    appointed by the Director of the State Department of State
    Hospitals (DSH), evaluated Walker shortly before the district
    attorney filed the petition. MacSpeiden and Karlsson were
    appointed pursuant to section 6601, subdivision (e), after the
    first two appointed psychologists disagreed whether Walker
    satisfied the statutory criteria to be an SVP. Both concluded
    that Walker satisfied the statutory criteria. MacSpeiden
    diagnosed Walker with “Borderline Personality Disorder” and
    “Other Specified Paraphilia, Sexual Activity with Non-
    consenting Persons”; Karlsson diagnosed him with “Antisocial
    Personality Disorder, augmented by a severe level of
    In their evaluation reports, the psychologists discussed
    Walker’s 1990 conviction for rape, a predicate “ ‘[s]exually
    violent offense’ ” under the SVPA. (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6600,
    We grant Walker’s request that we take judicial notice of
    the SVPA petition, the docket and the People’s writ petition in
    People v. Superior Court (Couthren) (2019) 
    41 Cal.App.5th 1001
    (Couthren), and Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
    forms. (Evid. Code, § 452, subds. (d), (h).)
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    subd. (b).) They also discussed the alleged facts regarding two
    charged sex crimes that did not result in convictions qualifying
    as sexually violent offenses. First, Walker was charged in 1989
    with raping a 16-year-old victim. The trial court dismissed the
    rape charge prior to trial, but it convicted Walker of unwanted
    sexual intercourse with a minor. (Pen. Code, § 261.5.) Second,
    Walker was charged with rape in 2005. A jury acquitted Walker
    of this charge (apparently, during the trial, it was determined
    the victim had lied), but it convicted him of pandering.
    MacSpeiden and Karlsson obtained the details underlying
    the 1990 rape conviction from a September 1991 report from
    Walker’s probation officer.       The evaluations related the
    following details regarding the offense: Walker unsuccessfully
    approached the victim at a nightclub. He eventually pulled her
    onto the dance floor and danced with her, though she attempted
    to push him away when he tried to pull her closer. He then
    pulled her to the club’s parking lot. She believed she could get
    in her car to drive away. When they arrived at her car, she
    pushed him away as he tried to pull her closer. She reluctantly
    agreed to give him a ride to his house. When they arrived at the
    location that he had directed them to, Walker reached across her
    and turned off the ignition. She rejected his attempts to kiss her
    and attempted to fight him off, but he raped her.
    The psychologists obtained the details underlying the
    1989 rape allegation from the 1991 probation report, and they
    obtained the details underlying the 2005 rape allegation from a
    police inspector’s affidavit in support of an arrest warrant. In
    his evaluation, MacSpeiden quoted the documents’ description
    of events, which in turn summarized and quoted the victims’
    account of Walker’s conduct and statements leading up to,
    during, and after the alleged rapes. Karlsson also quoted the
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    police affidavit, and he summarized the probation report’s
    description of events.
    In particular, the evaluations conveyed the following
    about the 1989 rape allegation: Walker met the victim at a car
    show, and he told her he was a photographer for a company
    hiring models. They met up five nights later, and Walker drove
    her to a park and took photographs of her. He then asked her
    to change into a swimsuit she had brought along. When she
    went into the bathroom to change clothes, Walker followed her,
    refused to leave, pushed her against the wall face first, groped
    her, and called her a “ ‘bitch.’ ” While repeatedly pushing her
    face into the wall, he forcibly had sex with her; he then forced
    her onto the floor facedown and continued to rape her.
    Afterward, Walker drove the victim to her car, and he grabbed
    her and forcibly kissed her before she left.
    Regarding the 2005 rape allegation, the evaluations
    indicated that Walker introduced himself to the 2005 alleged
    rape victim as the employee of a local radio station that was
    looking for help promoting the station at clubs. She readily
    conveyed her interest. They met a few days later, after he
    contacted her and informed her that he had some promotions at
    a few San Francisco clubs. He drove her up to San Francisco,
    and during the drive he instructed her on the procedures for
    working in a strip club and the prices to charge for certain sex
    acts. The victim had never worked at a strip club or as a
    prostitute. Once they arrived in San Francisco, Walker parked
    the car and told her he needed to show her “ ‘the game.’ ” He
    went around to the passenger door, entered the car, and placed
    his hands between her legs. The victim told him to stop and
    kept her legs closed, but Walker refused. He attempted to take
    her underwear off, and he digitally penetrated her. She
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    continued to tell Walker to stop and was very upset, but Walker
    persisted and eventually forcibly had sex with her. He then took
    her to various strip clubs in an attempt to employ her. The
    victim went along out of fear. She turned over the money she
    made at the clubs to Walker. When they returned to his car, he
    forced her to orally copulate him. He then drove her home.
    In February and March 2016, the trial court held a
    probable cause hearing spanning five sessions. At the hearing,
    the prosecution moved to admit the psychologists’ reports into
    evidence. Walker objected, arguing that the reports contained
    inadmissible hearsay regarding the 1989 and 2005 rape
    allegations, and that their admission would violate due process
    because of the unreliability of the hearsay evidence. He moved
    to exclude the reports entirely, or in the alternative to strike the
    portions of the reports containing inadmissible hearsay. The
    trial court overruled Walker’s objections and admitted the
    reports into evidence.
    During the probable cause hearing, Walker’s attorney
    cross-examined the psychologists about their evaluations,
    including their reliance on the 1989 and 2005 rape allegations.
    MacSpeiden testified that the two rape allegations
    constituted key rationales for his evaluation, even though he
    knew neither resulted in a rape conviction. According to
    MacSpeiden, the two allegations and Walker’s 1990 rape
    conviction all had “essentially the same” “modus operandi.”
    Because of this modus operandi, and because the rape
    allegations resulted in charges, he determined it was important
    to describe them in his report, and he believed in reaching his
    evaluation and continued to believe during his testimony that
    the allegations were true and the documents relaying them were
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    reliable and appropriate evidence for him to rely on. He did
    contend that he would have still arrived at the same evaluation
    even without the rape allegations, because Walker had 11 sex
    offense charges between 1988 and 2007 — a pattern of illegal
    sexual conduct. But he admitted that charges do not carry the
    same weight as convictions for purposes of his evaluation, and
    that he had none of the factual details underlying the charges
    besides the rape allegations.
    Karlsson also testified that his evaluation was informed
    by the 1989 and 2005 rape allegations. He explained that he
    relied on the probation report and police affidavit relaying these
    allegations because the documents were from sworn officers,
    and he therefore had no reason to believe the records had untrue
    information. But he indicated that he had not considered
    whether the 1989 allegation involved force, stating, “I would
    need to read my report and recalibrate my opinion of that.” And
    he stated that had he not been able to factor either the 1989 or
    2005 rape allegation into his evaluation, his overall opinion
    could have been different.
    After cross-examining the psychologists, the defense
    called four witnesses at the probable cause hearing: (1) the 2005
    victim’s ex-boyfriend, who testified that the victim admitted she
    had falsely accused Walker of rape; (2) Bruce Yanofsky, one of
    the initial psychologists to evaluate Walker, who testified that
    Walker did not qualify as an SVP; (3) the police officer
    investigating the 2005 rape allegation, who very briefly testified
    about producing the affidavit at issue; and (4) Walker, who
    testified that, as he had explained in his evaluation interviews,
    the 1989 and 2005 rape allegations were untrue.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Following the hearing, the trial court determined that
    probable cause existed to commit Walker as an SVP.
    Walker then repeatedly but unsuccessfully sought to
    dismiss the petition. He first moved to dismiss the petition in
    September 2016, arguing that the psychological evaluations
    contained inadmissible hearsay in violation of our recent
    decision in People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 665
    The trial court denied the motion. In March 2017, Walker
    unsuccessfully moved to have the trial court reconsider the
    denial of his motion to dismiss. Walker filed another motion to
    dismiss in October 2019, this time citing Bennett v. Superior
    Court (2019) 
    39 Cal.App.5th 862
     (Bennett), a decision holding
    that facts regarding two dismissed rape allegations against the
    defendant, relayed by psychologists in their SVPA evaluation
    reports and probable cause testimony, were inadmissible
    hearsay under Sanchez. The trial court denied Walker’s motion.
    Walker filed a petition for writ of mandate with the Court of
    Appeal, but it summarily denied the petition. In January 2020,
    Walker filed yet another motion to dismiss, citing Bennett as
    well as Couthren, supra, 
    41 Cal.App.5th 1001
    , a decision that
    also applied Sanchez at an SVPA probable cause hearing to bar
    the admission of hearsay in psychological evaluations. But the
    trial court again denied Walker’s motion to dismiss.
    Walker challenged the denial of his last motion to dismiss
    by filing another petition for writ of mandate in the Court of
    Appeal. After issuing an order to show cause, the court denied
    Walker’s writ petition. (Walker v. Superior Court (2020) 
    51 Cal.App.5th 682
    , 686 (Walker).) In reaching this holding, it
    disagreed with Bennett and Couthren: It created a split of
    authority over whether the SVPA permits the trial court at an
    SVPA probable cause hearing to admit hearsay regarding
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    nonpredicate offenses contained in expert evaluations. (Walker,
    at pp. 694, 701–702.) We granted review to resolve the split.
    To determine whether trial courts conducting SVPA
    probable cause hearings may admit hearsay concerning
    nonpredicate offenses in evaluation reports, we must apply the
    SVPA’s general requirements, including those governing
    probable cause hearings; and the SVPA’s hearsay rules, as
    established by the statute and decisional law. We examine these
    threads individually before proceeding to weave them together.
    The SVPA provides for the involuntary civil commitment
    of certain sex offenders before the end of their prison or parole
    revocation terms. (§ 6601.) “In describing the underlying
    purpose” of the SVPA, “the Legislature expressed concern over
    a select group of criminal offenders who are extremely
    dangerous as the result of mental impairment, and who are
    likely to continue committing acts of sexual violence even after
    they have been punished for such crimes.” (Hubbart, supra, 19
    Cal.4th at pp. 1143–1144.) “[T]o the extent such persons are
    currently incarcerated and readily identifiable,” the Legislature
    has indicated that “commitment under the SVPA is warranted
    immediately upon their release from prison.” (Hubbart, at p.
    1144.) The Act provides these individuals with “treatment for
    mental disorders from which they currently suffer and reduces
    the threat of harm otherwise posed to the public.” (Hubbart, at
    p. 1144.) SVPs are committed “for an indeterminate term to the
    custody of [DSH] for appropriate treatment and confinement in
    a secure facility.” (§ 6604.)
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    In order to commit someone under the Act, the state must
    establish four conditions: (1) the person has previously been
    convicted of at least one qualifying “sexually violent offense”
    listed in section 6600, subdivision (b) (§ 6600, subd. (a)(1)); (2)
    the person has “a diagnosed mental disorder that makes the
    person a danger to the health and safety of others” (ibid.); (3)
    the mental disorder makes it likely the person will engage in
    future acts of sexually violent criminal behavior if released from
    custody (ibid.); and (4) those acts will be predatory in nature
    (Cooley v. Superior Court (2003) 
    29 Cal.4th 228
    , 243 (Cooley)).
    Civil commitment can commence only if, after a trial, the trier
    of fact finds beyond a reasonable doubt that each of these four
    requirements is met. (Ibid., citing §§ 6600, 6601, 6603, 6604.)
    The trial represents the final step in the “complex
    administrative and judicial process” required to civilly commit
    an individual as an SVP. (Cooley, 
     29 Cal.4th at p. 244.)
    The process leading up to a trial begins when the Department of
    Corrections and Rehabilitation screens inmates at least six
    months before their release date (§ 6601, subd. (a)), and refers
    any potential SVP to DSH for a “full evaluation” (id., subd. (b)).
    DSH then designates two practicing psychologists or
    psychiatrists to evaluate the inmate in accordance with a
    “standardized    assessment       protocol,”  which      requires
    “assessment of diagnosable mental disorders, as well as various
    factors known to be associated with the risk of reoffense among
    sex offenders.” (Id., subd. (c).) If the two mental health
    professionals agree that the inmate qualifies as an SVP (or if
    only one reaches this conclusion and two subsequently
    appointed professionals concur), the DSH Director forwards a
    request for a commitment petition, along with copies of the
    evaluation reports and other supporting documents, to the
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    county in which the inmate was last convicted. (Id., subds. (d)–
    (f), (h).) If the county’s designated counsel agrees, the petition
    for commitment is filed in superior court. (Id., subd. (i).)
    The superior court must review the petition once it’s
    received to determine whether probable cause exists to commit
    the individual as an SVP. As an interim step, the SVPA allows
    a potential SVP to request a review of the petition under section
    6601.5. If the superior court determines from the face of the
    petition that probable cause exists, it shall order a probable
    cause hearing under section 6602. (§ 6601.5.) Regardless of
    whether alleged SVPs request a paper review of the petition
    under section 6601.5, they are entitled to a probable cause
    hearing under section 6602.
    They are entitled to specific procedures at the hearing, too.
    The trial court “shall review the petition and shall determine
    whether there is probable cause to believe that the individual
    named in the petition is likely to engage in sexually violent
    predatory criminal behavior upon his or her release.” (§ 6602,
    subd. (a).) The alleged SVP is entitled to assistance of counsel
    at the hearing. (Ibid.) If the court determines that there is not
    probable cause, it must dismiss the petition; but if it determines
    that probable cause does exist, the court must order a trial to be
    conducted. (Ibid.)
    Section 6602, subdivision (a) provides instructions — but
    only spare ones — for conducting the probable cause hearing. It
    does not delineate the “specific procedural requirements”
    governing the presentation and admission of evidence at the
    probable cause hearing. (Cooley, supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 245, fn.
    8.) Following In re Parker (1998) 
    60 Cal.App.4th 1453
    lower courts have generally construed the subdivision as
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    requiring “something more than a facial review of the petition”
    (Parker, at p. 1464): that is, that it allows for the admission of
    both oral and written evidence (id. at p. 1469; see People v.
    Hayes (2006) 
    137 Cal.App.4th 34
    , 43 (Hayes)). In a few cases,
    we have briefly noted the procedural requirements that Parker
    developed, without resolving whether section 6602, subdivision
    (a) mandates them. (See, e.g., Cooley, at p. 248, fn. 8; People v.
    Cheek (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 894
    , 899–900 (Cheek).)
    The parties must comply with the rules of evidence. (Evid.
    Code, § 300 [“Except as otherwise provided by statute,” the Evid.
    Code applies in all actions other than those before a grand jury];
    In re Kirk (1999) 
    74 Cal.App.4th 1066
    , 1071–1073 (Kirk).) That
    the hearsay rule applies at SVPA probable cause proceedings is
    the crux of the issue we resolve in this case.
    A core premise of evidence law is that not all statements
    are created equal. The hearsay label applies to an out-of-court
    statement offered to prove that its assertion is true. (Evid. Code,
    § 1200, subd. (a).) A familiar feature of the law of evidence, in
    California and beyond its borders, is that hearsay is generally
    inadmissible unless it falls under a specific exception that
    justifies its admission. (Id., subd. (b).) Documents like reports
    and records are generally hearsay if they are offered for their
    truth, and indeed, may contain further instances of hearsay,
    each of which is inadmissible unless also covered by an
    exception. (Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at pp. 674–675; see also
    Evid. Code, § 1201.)
    No one disputes that the evaluation reports at issue here
    are hearsay and contain hearsay. As with many SVPA
    evaluation reports, and as the People concede, the MacSpeiden
    and Karlsson reports were offered for their truth. The People
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    sought their admission as competent evidence of the experts’
    opinions and the facts on which they relied. (See Couthren,
    supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at p. 1010.) The experts expressly drew
    upon secondary sources — most relevantly, a probation report
    and police affidavit — for their contents, including the truth of
    out-of-court statements like victim statements. (See id. at pp.
    1010–1011.) Each level of out-of-court statement, from the
    evaluation reports to the probation and police reports to the
    victim statements, ordinarily must fall under a hearsay
    exception to be admitted into evidence. (Id. at p. 1011.)
    Trial courts have conducted many probable cause hearings
    since Parker was decided. They’ve generally understood
    Welfare and Institutions Code section 6602, subdivision (a) as
    permitting the state to introduce into evidence the evaluation
    reports, despite their hearsay nature. (See, e.g., Parker, supra,
    60 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1469–1470; Hayes, supra, 137 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 43.) Under the Parker procedure, which the trial court here
    followed, the state may present the reports as evidence — in
    support of or in lieu of the experts’ testimony on direct
    examination — subject to the alleged SVP’s right to cross-
    examine the experts. (Parker, at pp. 1469–1470; see also Kirk,
    supra, 74 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1071–1073 [the evaluations must
    be properly certified under Evid. Code, §§ 1530–1531].) The
    working assumption appears to be that the subdivision’s
    command to “review the petition” (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6602,
    subd. (a)) also allows for the review of “the facts on which the
    petition was filed, i.e., the underlying . . . experts’ evaluations”
    (Parker, at p. 1468). This assumption does not strike us as an
    unreasonable inference to draw from the subdivision’s language.
    The subdivision directs courts to review the petition and
    determine “whether there is probable cause.” (Welf. & Inst.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Code, § 6602, subd. (a).) The separate command to determine
    probable cause contrasts with the language of Welfare and
    Institutions Code section 6601.5, which simply directs courts to
    engage in a prehearing, facial review of the petition for its
    adequacy. This contrast suggests that Welfare and Institutions
    Code section 6602, subdivision (a) does not limit the probable
    cause inquiry to consideration of the four corners of the petition,
    and instead also contemplates review of other evidence such as
    the evaluations that necessarily support the petition.
    Parker’s hearsay rule permits the admission of the
    evaluations. Although the rule plausibly effectuates section
    6602’s sparse language, we need not definitively resolve its legal
    validity. (Cf. Cooley, supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 248, fn. 8 [noting
    Parker’s hearsay rule in passing].) Walker does not challenge
    the admissibility of the reports; nor does he challenge the
    admissibility of hearsay in the reports writ large, including
    content otherwise admissible via hearsay exceptions outside the
    SVPA. (See Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at pp. 695–696
    [similar].)3 The dispositive question here concerns a narrower
    question: the admissibility of particular hearsay content in the
    Though the parties agree that the Parker rule properly
    allows for the admission of the expert reports, they disagree on
    its second step: the SVP’s right to cross-examine the report
    authors. On the one hand, this step, like Parker’s first step,
    strikes us as a potentially reasonable extrapolation to make
    regarding the conduct of the probable cause hearing —
    particularly since (a) the hearing requires more than section
    6601.5’s “paper review,” and (b) cross-examination enables
    defendants to easily test the basis of the experts’ reports,
    regardless of whether the People have introduced this basis into
    evidence in the first instance via the reports. But we need not
    decide this particular issue, since this case turns on the first-
    order question of the admissibility of specific report content.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    reports. (Cf. Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 883 [the issue
    is not “whether the prosecution may present an expert’s
    conclusions at the probable cause hearing through the
    introduction of the expert’s report,” but instead experts relating
    particular inadmissible hearsay].) More specifically, we must
    determine whether hearsay about nonpredicate offenses —
    otherwise inadmissible hearsay — may be admitted through
    expert reports under section 6602.
    When the appellate courts decided the cases that led us to
    grant review here, they understood their disagreement to be
    about the implications of Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at page 686
    (an expert may not testify to case-specific hearsay facts, about
    which the expert has no personal knowledge, “unless they are
    independently proven by competent evidence or are covered by
    a hearsay exception”). (Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at pp.
    694–695; Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1006, 1019–
    1021; Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at pp. 878–880.) Though
    the parties’ briefing emphasized Sanchez, we don’t need to
    further parse that case to decide this one.
    We can instead resolve this case as a straightforward
    question of statutory interpretation: whether the SVPA or
    decisional law on the statute create a hearsay exception
    covering expert report content like what’s at issue here. (Evid.
    Code, § 1200, subds. (a), (b); People v. Otto (2001) 
    26 Cal.4th 200
    207 (Otto) [“ ‘[E]xceptions to the hearsay rule [in Evidence Code
    section 1200] . . . may . . . be found in other codes and decisional
    law’ ”]; Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 686.) The parties agree
    that this case turns on whether either source creates a hearsay
    exception for content in an expert report concerning offenses
    that are not predicate offenses.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Bennett and Couthren answered this question in the
    negative. But the Court of Appeal here disagreed. It held that
    section 6602 and prior interpretations of the SVPA establish a
    hearsay exception that permits trial courts at probable cause
    hearings to broadly admit any hearsay in evaluations. What we
    conclude from our analysis of the SVPA and cases interpreting
    the Act is that, as Bennett and Couthren reasoned and Walker
    argues, no hearsay exception allows for the wholesale admission
    of SVPA evaluations, with any hearsay that they may contain.
    More specifically, neither the Legislature nor our case law has
    created a hearsay exception allowing admission of hearsay
    accounts involving prior, nonpredicate allegations or convictions
    at SVPA probable cause hearings.
    For the reasons that follow, the Court of Appeal erred in
    determining otherwise.
    We interpret the SVPA de novo. (Kirby v. Immoos Fire
    Protection, Inc. (2012) 
    53 Cal.4th 1244
    , 1250.) As with any
    question of statutory construction, our core task here is to
    determine and give effect to the Legislature’s underlying
    purpose in enacting the SVPA and any particular provisions at
    issue. (California Teachers Assn. v. San Diego Community
    College Dist. (1981) 
    28 Cal.3d 692
    , 698; Calatayud v. State of
    California (1998) 
    18 Cal.4th 1057
    , 1065; Goodman v. Lozano
    47 Cal.4th 1327
    , 1332.) We first consider the words of
    the statute, as statutory language is generally the most reliable
    indicator of legislation’s intended purpose. (In re H.W. (2019) 
    6 Cal.5th 1068
    , 1073.) We consider the ordinary meaning of the
    relevant terms, related provisions, terms used in other parts of
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    the statute, and the structure of the statutory scheme. (Larkin
    v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd. (2015) 
    62 Cal.4th 152
    , 157.) If
    the relevant statutory language is ambiguous, we look to
    appropriate extrinsic sources, including the legislative history,
    for further insights. (In re H.W., at p. 1073.)
    Nothing in the language of the SVPA indicates the
    Legislature created an explicit hearsay exception to allow
    hearsay in evaluation reports, regarding an SVP candidate’s
    prior nonqualifying offenses, to be admitted at a probable cause
    hearing. In describing the requirements for the hearing,
    Welfare and Institutions Code section 6602, subdivision (a)
    states simply that the trial court “shall review the petition and
    shall determine whether there is probable cause,” and that the
    defendant has a right to the assistance of counsel. We find in
    this limited language no indication that the Legislature created
    an express exception for evaluation reports that covers hearsay
    content regarding nonpredicate offenses. (Couthren, supra, 41
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1012; cf. Kirk, supra, 74 Cal.App.4th at pp.
    1071–1072 [SVPA is silent as to whether documentary evidence
    must comply with the certification requirements of Evid. Code,
    §§ 1530–1531, and therefore does not create an exception to
    these requirements].) What the subdivision focuses on is the
    petition: It directs the superior court to make its determination
    based on its review of the petition, with no mention of the
    experts, their psychological evaluation reports, or any
    documentary evidence those evaluations relied upon. (See
    Couthren, at p. 1014.)
    Even assuming section 6602, subdivision (a)’s spare
    language allows consideration of experts’ opinions and
    conclusions contained in their reports (see ante, at p. 14), the
    Court of Appeal’s elaboration on this premise — that the
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    language creates a broad hearsay exception for all instances of
    hearsay contained in those reports, including facts regarding
    nonpredicate offenses — goes too far.
    The Court of Appeal’s reading of the subdivision relied on
    a chain of dubious inferences. First, it determined that courts
    must consider the psychological evaluations because the SVPA
    requires the evaluation reports as the basis for the petition.
    (Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at pp. 686, 694–695.) Based on
    this “necessary” role, the court inferred that the reports’ facts
    are “ ‘impliedly intended to be pleaded by averments or proper
    attachment to the petition’ ” and the reports “must be deemed
    incorporated into the petition” (id. at p. 695) — meaning “section
    6602’s directive for a trial court to ‘review the petition’ at a
    probable cause hearing necessarily requires the court to review
    the evaluations, as well” (Walker, at p. 696). Second, it reasoned
    that trial courts may, as part of their review of the evaluations,
    consider hearsay contained therein. (Id. at pp. 686, 688; see also
    id. at p. 696 [§ 6602, subd. (a)’s directive to review the petition
    includes review of the evaluations in their entirety, and even if
    the subdivision’s language is ambiguous, the SVPA’s “structure
    and purpose [citation] confirms that section 6602[, subdivision
    ](a) excepts the evaluations and any information contained
    within them from the hearsay rule”].) We’re not persuaded.
    To begin, the SVPA does not appear to require
    consideration of the evaluation reports. It requires only that
    these reports be prepared as a predicate to filing an SVPA
    petition and then be made available to the county’s designated
    counsel, who then decides whether to file a petition and what to
    include in it. (§ 6601, subds. (d), (h)(1), (i).) Although the
    evaluations are often attached as exhibits to the petition (see
     19 Cal.4th at p. 1149; Walker, supra, 51
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Cal.App.5th at p. 695; cf. People v. Superior Court (Ghilotti)
    27 Cal.4th 888
    , 913 (Ghilotti) [in describing the process
    for how a party can challenge an expert evaluation for material
    legal error, we advised that the evaluations “should . . . be
    attached to the petition”]), the statutory provisions governing
    the evaluations do not dictate how the county’s counsel should
    present them to the court or even require the attorney to do so.
    The People may choose to establish the facts underlying the
    petition by other means. In view of these considerations, which
    tend to suggest that the evaluation reports largely play a
    “discrete and preliminary” gatekeeping role in the SVPA
    commitment process (People v. Superior Court (Preciado) (2001)
    87 Cal.App.4th 1122
    , 1130; see also In re Wright (2005) 
    128 Cal.App.4th 663
    , 672), the Court of Appeal likely went too far in
    reasoning that the reports must be deemed incorporated into the
    petition and therefore considered — along with any
    hearsay tucked inside — in the trial court’s probable cause
    Even if the petition does incorporate the underlying
    reports, that doesn’t mean that courts “review[ing] the petition”
    under Welfare and Institutions Code section 6602, subdivision
    (a) have carte blanche to admit and consider any hearsay the
    experts include. (See Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at p.
    1012.) The logical extension of this argument: Anything the
    experts put in their reports can come in too. All of the other
    rules of evidence, like foundation (Evid. Code, § 402), relevance
    (id., § 350), or undue prejudice (id., § 352) wouldn’t apply
    either — essentially removing the trial court from any role in
    discerning what is admissible from inadmissible in the
    evaluations. That cannot be correct.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    The legislative history also fails to buttress the Court of
    Appeal’s interpretation. Legislators have left unchanged the
    relevant language in the subdivision since the first version of
    the SVPA bill. (See Parker, supra, 60 Cal.App.4th at p. 1465,
    citing Assem. Bill No. 888 (1995–1996 Reg. Sess.) § 3, as
    introduced Feb. 22, 1995; § 6602, subd. (a).) The legislative
    history is silent on what procedural requirements govern the
    probable cause determination.          (Parker, at p. 1465 [the
    legislative history lends “little assistance”].) Instead, it simply
    emphasizes that the probable cause hearing serves as one
    important safeguard for defendants’ liberty interests, including
    by preventing unfair or arbitrary involuntary confinements.
    (Assem. Com. on Public Safety, Analysis of Assem. Bill No. 888
    (1995–1996 Reg. Sess.) as amended Apr. 17, 1995, p. 7.) Nothing
    else from the legislative history has material bearing on the
    hearsay question before us.
    Nor have our prior interpretations determined that the
    Legislature, in enacting section 6602, explicitly or implicitly
    created a hearsay exception covering the evidence at issue here.
    Our case law has explained that subdivision (a)’s limited
    language, legislative history, and place in the broader structure
    of the SVPA all establish that the probable cause hearing
    functions much like a criminal preliminary hearing. It serves to
    “ ‘ “ ‘weed out groundless or unsupported charges.’ ” ’ ” (Cooley,
    supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 247 [explaining this in the context of
    holding that a court must test the sufficiency of the evidence of
    all four elements required for commitment, and not just a single
    element]; see also id. at p. 252 [adopting the same burden of
    proof as in the criminal context].) Nothing about this evidence-
    screening function indicates that the Legislature necessarily
    meant for its limited instructions — “review the petition” and
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    “determine probable cause” (§ 6602, subd. (a)) — to create a
    hearsay exception covering facts about nonqualifying offenses
    contained in an evaluation report.
    This conclusion comes into sharper focus when we
    compare Welfare and Institutions Code section 6602,
    subdivision (a) to rules governing an analogous context:
    probable cause hearings involving criminal charges. The
    comparison is not a perfect one. As the Court of Appeal and the
    People identify, the governing statutes for the two hearings
    appear different in a number of ways. (Walker, supra, 51
    Cal.App.5th at p. 700 [unlike Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6602, subd.
    (a), the statutes governing criminal preliminary hearings
    explicitly “contemplate that the prosecution will present its case
    by examining witnesses in the presence of the defendant” (citing
    Pen. Code, § 865)].) But we can still compare the two hearings
    because of their similar evidence-screening functions, and
    because the Evidence Code similarly governs how this screening
    occurs for both hearings, absent specified exceptions. (Evid.
    Code, § 300.)
    It’s telling that an explicit exception to the Evidence
    Code’s hearsay rule does exist for criminal preliminary
    hearings. Proposition 115, adopted by the voters in 1990,
    amended Penal Code section 872, subdivision (b) to create a
    “limited” hearsay exception (Whitman v. Superior Court (1991)
    54 Cal.3d 1063
    , 1074 (Whitman)), allowing “a properly qualified
    investigating officer to relate out-of-court statements by crime
    victims or witnesses” (id. at p. 1072). As we explained in
    Whitman, the subdivision clearly contemplates that the
    testifying officer has sufficient experience, expertise (id. at pp.
    1073–1074 [at least five years in law enforcement or special
    training]), and “knowledge of the crime or the circumstances
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    under which the out-of-court statement was made so as to
    meaningfully assist the magistrate in assessing the reliability of
    the statement” (id. at p. 1072). In view of this clear and carefully
    delineated hearsay exception in a relatively analogous context,
    we are not persuaded by the People’s interpretation. The People
    ask us to read section 6602, subdivision (a)’s spare language as
    an indication that the Legislature created an even broader
    hearsay exception than what Proposition 115 created: one that,
    in the absence of any apparent legislative determination of, or
    requirements for, their expertise or knowledge to do so, allows
    any psychologist to relate hearsay as true accounts of
    nonpredicate offenses from investigating officers’ reports,
    including any victim and witness statements to these officers.
    (Cf. Whitman, at pp. 1072, 1074 [declining to read the limited
    exception the voters enacted as embracing “ ‘reader’ ” testimony:
    “whereby a noninvestigating officer, lacking any personal
    knowledge of the matter, nonetheless . . . relate[s] not only what
    the investigating officer” described in his or her investigatory
    report, “but also what the other witnesses told the investigating
    Other SVPA provisions reinforce our qualms about
    reading into section 6602, subdivision (a) an exception for
    hearsay about nonpredicate offenses contained in expert
    reports. Section 6600, subdivision (a)(3) and section 6605,
    neither of which apply to the evidence in dispute here, both
    contain hearsay exceptions — in stark contrast to section 6602.
    Consider what section 6600, subdivision (a)(3) allows. It
    permits the prosecution to show the existence of and details
    underlying the first element of the SVP determination — a
    predicate sex-offense conviction — “by documentary evidence,
    including, but not limited to, preliminary hearing transcripts,
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    trial transcripts, probation and sentencing reports, and
    evaluations by the [DSH].” (Ibid.) As originally enacted, the
    subdivision did not provide for the admission of documentary
    evidence. But for understandable reasons, the Legislature
    amended it to relieve victims of the burden and trauma of
    testifying about the details of the predicate convictions. (Otto,
    supra, 26 Cal.4th at p. 208; see also ibid. [Legislature acted in
    response to prosecutors’ complaints about having to “ ‘bring
    victims back to court to re-litigate proof of prior convictions’ ”];
     54 Cal.3d at pp. 1070, 1072 [comparable
    reasoning for Proposition 115 context].) In light of its purpose,
    we have interpreted the provision as allowing the prosecution to
    prove the facts of a defendant’s prior qualifying convictions not
    just with certain documents (like evaluations) but also with
    multiple-level-hearsay statements contained therein (like police
    and probation reports, and victim and witness statements they
    include). (Otto, at pp. 207–208.)
    But the Legislature carefully limited the scope of this
    hearsay exception to one category of proof: establishing
    predicate convictions. (See, e.g., Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th
    at p. 877; see Otto, 
     26 Cal.4th at p. 211 [hearsay under
    § 6600, subd. (a)(3) is sufficiently reliable for this purpose,
    because “some portion, if not all, of the alleged conduct will have
    been already either admitted in a plea or found true by a trier
    of fact after trial”].) Courts agree that section 6600, subdivision
    (a) does not broadly permit the wholesale admission of an
    evaluation report:       Any hearsay to prove the details of
    nonpredicate convictions, like Walker’s 1989 and 2005 offenses,
    would be inadmissible under the subdivision. (See, e.g.,
    Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at p. 1012; Burroughs, supra,
    6 Cal.App.5th at pp. 410–411.) As we commented in People v.
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Stevens (2015) 
    62 Cal.4th 325
    , 338, the subdivision shows that
    “the Legislature knows how to adopt special rules of evidence to
    govern commitment proceedings.” It clearly has not elected to
    do so under section 6602 for hearsay evidence regarding
    nonpredicate offenses. (Couthren, at pp. 1012–1013.) And if
    section 6602 already permitted courts at probable cause
    hearings to broadly admit hearsay like this via evaluation
    reports, the need to amend section 6600, subdivision (a)(3) is, for
    the probable cause context, not immediately obvious, and
    potentially surplusage. (Cf. Couthren, at p. 1015.)
    The Court of Appeal’s argument that section 6600,
    subdivision (a)(3) represents an inappropriate comparison point
    fails to persuade. The court pointed to two apparent differences
    between the “function and purpose” of the hearsay exception in
    the subdivision and its counterpart in section 6602. (Walker,
    supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at p. 701.) As it explained, section 6600,
    subdivision (a)(3) “functions as a hearsay exception that not only
    applies at SVP probable cause hearings, but also extends to SVP
    trials” and was intended to “ ‘relieve victims of the burden and
    trauma of testifying about the details of the crimes underlying
    the prior convictions.’ ” (Walker, at p. 701.) By contrast, the
    court reasoned, the section 6602 hearsay exception applies only
    at probable cause hearings, and it serves to allow the People to
    make an initial showing without putting on a mini trial.
    (Walker, at p. 701 [victims and witnesses may be spared from
    testifying at the hearing, but that does not represent the
    hearsay exception’s rationale].) Despite these considerations,
    Couthren’s point still stands: If section 6602, subdivision (a)
    already provided a broad hearsay exception for probable cause
    hearings, the Legislature could have aimed section 6600,
    subdivision (a)(3) specifically at the trial context, instead of
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    covering the probable cause context as well. And in any event,
    it is notable that the Legislature has created a hearsay
    exception that permits “[t]he details underlying the commission
    of an offense that led to a prior [predicate] conviction” to be
    established through documentary evidence (§ 6600, subd. (a)(3)),
    but has not done the same for the details underlying the
    commission of nonpredicate offenses, despite the similar
    potential burden on victims who are called to testify.
    A reading of section 6605 in context also offers a telling
    comparison to section 6600, subdivision (a)(3). That section
    provides that when a committed SVP defendant petitions for
    unconditional release, the court must order “a show cause
    hearing.” (§ 6605, subd. (a)(1).) In Cheek, we explained that
    section 6605 “resembles” section 6602 because the provisions
    use “parallel language” and both provide hearings that are
    pretrial in nature and afford a defendant the right to be present
    and represented by an attorney. (Cheek, 
     25 Cal.4th at
    pp. 899–900.) After Cheek, Proposition 83 amended section 6605
    to provide that “the court . . . can consider the petition and any
    accompanying documentation provided by the medical director,
    the prosecuting attorney, or the committed person” at the show
    cause hearing. (§ 6605, subd. (b) [now subd. (a)(1)] as amended
    by Prop. 83, § 29, as approved by voters, Gen. Elec. (Nov. 7,
    2006); see § 6604.9, subd. (f).) This amendment, like the section
    6600, subdivision (a)(3) amendment, shows it is possible to
    adopt special hearsay rules for SVPA proceedings, but that we
    have no comparable indication that such rules operate in
    probable cause hearings. (Cf. Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th
    at p. 1016, fn. 6.)
    That the Legislature can suspend evidence rules in
    analogous contexts — but chose not to do so in SVPA probable
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    cause hearings for hearsay concerning nonpredicate offenses —
    is reinforced by provisions in the Welfare and Institutions Code.
    Consider, for example, the Lanterman–Petris–Short Act (LPS
    Act; § 5000 et seq.), the general civil commitment statute
    governing the treatment of mentally ill persons in California.
    (Conservatorship of Susan T. (1994) 
    8 Cal.4th 1005
    , 1008 (Susan
    T.).) The LPS Act provides that an appointed hearing officer
    must conduct a “certification hearing” in order for the state to
    commit an individual beyond the initial 72-hour evaluation and
    treatment period (unless the detainee has already filed a
    petition for writ of habeas corpus). (Susan T., at p. 1009.) The
    certification hearing, similar to the section 6602 hearing,
    determines whether probable cause exists to detain individuals
    because they remain a danger to themselves or others. (Susan
    T., at p. 1009; § 5256.4.) But unlike the section 6602 hearing,
    the certification hearing “shall be conducted in an impartial and
    informal manner in order to encourage free and open discussion
    by participants. The person conducting the hearing shall not be
    bound by rules of procedure or evidence applicable in judicial
    proceedings.” (§ 5256.4, subd. (b), italics added.)
    The People raise a variety of arguments that largely track
    the Court of Appeal’s reasoning (Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th
    at pp. 695–699) and fail to persuade. They first argue that the
    subdivision establishes an implied hearsay exception —
    covering any hearsay in evaluation reports — by mandating
    that courts “review the petition” and thereafter assess probable
    cause. (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6602, subd. (a).) This argument
    fails not only because it relies on the same dubious chain of
    inferences the Court of Appeal relied on, but also by comparison
    to the chief authority the People rely on, In re Malinda S. (1990)
    51 Cal.3d 368
     (Malinda). There, we interpreted Welfare and
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Institutions Code section 281’s language directing juvenile
    courts to, in reaching a jurisdictional determination, “ ‘receive
    and consider’ ” social studies prepared by probation officers or
    social workers. (Malinda, at p. 376, italics added by Malinda.)
    We concluded this language created an implied hearsay
    exception reaching multiple-level hearsay in the reports. (Id. at
    pp. 376–379; see id. at p. 379 [“Because the reports must
    include, inter alia, a statement of the minor’s feelings and
    thoughts concerning the pending action (Civ. Code, § 233, subd.
    (b)), these reports necessarily contain hearsay and even multiple
    hearsay”].) Section 6602, subdivision (a) lacks comparable
    language: There’s no direction that the courts consider expert
    evaluations. But even assuming the Legislature contemplated
    that courts would consider such evaluations, nothing in the
    SVPA definitively indicates that the subdivision permits courts
    to consider all of the multi-level hearsay contained in such
    reports, including hearsay concerning nonpredicate offenses.
    The People also contend that the Legislature specifically
    contemplated that the evaluations would contain hearsay like
    accounts regarding nonpredicate offenses, because the
    “standardized assessment protocol” in Welfare and Institutions
    Code section 6601, subdivision (c) requires consideration of a
    broad array of historical information in hearsay sources.
    Quoting the court below (Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at pp.
    696–697), the People urge that the Legislature “ ‘clearly
    intended’ ” for evaluators to rely on these hearsay sources in
    their evaluations, “ ‘as the alternative would be to require’ ”
    evaluators to embark on the “ ‘near-impossible task’ ” of
    “ ‘reinvestigat[ing] a lifetime worth of historical information
    comprising the person’s “criminal and psychosexual history.” ’ ”
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    But both strands of this argument fail. The standardized
    protocol merely assures that the experts offer their professional
    medical judgments within the “specified legal framework”
    establishing statutory criteria for committing an individual as
    an SVP. (Ghilotti, 
     27 Cal.4th at p. 910, italics added by
    Ghilotti.) In no way does it allow or direct admission of hearsay
    in expert reports regarding the facts associated with offenses
    that didn’t lead to predicate convictions. And the absence of a
    hearsay exception for such evidence at probable cause hearings
    does not necessarily impose a near-impossible burden on experts
    or the People. First, the facts that certain offenses are alleged
    might be admissible for nonhearsay purposes. Also, at least
    some of the hearsay documents identified by the People and
    Court of Appeal — e.g., probation reports, as well as court,
    prison, and medical records — may still come in without too
    much difficulty, provided they don’t include further
    inadmissible hearsay material. (See, e.g., Evid. Code, §§ 1271
    [business records], 1280 [official records], 452.5, subd. (b)(1)
    [properly certified records of conviction].) Moreover, nothing
    precludes the experts from, in forming their opinions, relying on
    inadmissible hearsay “that is of a type that reasonably may be
    relied upon by” those experts. (Evid. Code, § 801, subd. (b); see
    Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 685.)4 And, of course, the
    Legislature can also enact reforms to address any further
    practical concerns.
    Under these circumstances, the SVP might still challenge
    the basis of the experts’ evaluation, including by cross-
    examination (under the Parker procedure). (See People v.
    Valencia (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 818
    , 838, fn. 16; but see ante, at pp.
    11–12, 14 [this case does not require us to review the Parker
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    We’re also not persuaded that the experts’ role justifies
    admitting every single line in their reports. The People contend
    that because the experts are “neutral” evaluators applying the
    standardized protocol, the evaluation reports have a degree of
    reliability and trustworthiness that supports an implied
    hearsay exception for their full admission, including any
    hearsay they contain regarding nonpredicate offenses. As
    support, the People analogize to Malinda, supra, 51 Cal.3d at
    pages 375–378, 385. Setting aside the markedly different
    statutory language in that case (ante, at p. 27), Malinda also
    critically differs in terms of the nature of the hearsay evidence
    and expertise at issue. There, we did agree with similar
    arguments that the Legislature implicitly created a hearsay
    exception, but we did so in part based on a judgment about the
    reliability of the hearsay evidence: The relevant experts, social
    workers, would bring knowledge and expertise to bear in the use
    of the hearsay information in the social study reports they
    authored. (Id. at p. 377.) In particular, the social workers
    prepared the social studies on the basis of direct interviews with
    the minor and her parents (id. at pp. 373–374), and they related
    the contents of these interviews as part of their statutory role:
    as “ ‘a special arm of the court to investigate the status of the
    children and report’ ” back (id. at p. 377, fn. 8; see also id. at pp.
    Here, no similar justification exists for concluding the
    Legislature has implicitly allowed psychologists to relate, via
    their reports, hearsay accounts of nonpredicate criminal
    offenses. Yes, these experts offer diagnoses that fall within a
    properly qualified mental health professional’s expertise, and in
    doing so they often do draw insight from a comprehensive array
    of sources. (Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1010–1011.)
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    But these circumstances surrounding the validity of the experts’
    medical diagnoses, and the experts’ apparent objectivity and
    neutrality, are beside the point.         Nothing about these
    circumstances indicates the Legislature has impliedly
    determined the experts have relevant expertise to be able to
    relate the reliability either of (a) hearsay accounts in law
    enforcement documents like police or probation reports, which
    may have been prepared years or even decades ago, or (b)
    further levels of hearsay, like victim statements, contained
    therein. (Malinda, supra, 51 Cal.3d at p. 377; see Couthren, at
    p. 1018, fn. 7; Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 884, fn. 6; cf.
     54 Cal.3d at pp. 1072–1074.)
    To begin with, this evidence presents some inherent
    reliability concerns. As the People admit, “the reliability of
    victim hearsay statements in [police and probation reports] is
    lessened where, as here, the defendant has not been convicted
    of the crimes to which the statements relate.” (Cf. Otto, supra,
    26 Cal.4th at p. 211.) And, more importantly, we have no
    particular reason to believe it would be consistent with the
    legislative design to conclude the mental health evaluators
    bring any professional judgment to bear in assessing the
    veracity of these hearsay statements — as the facts of this case
    underscore. As we’d expect for any psychological expert, it
    doesn’t appear that either MacSpeiden or Karlsson had any
    meaningful basis to assess the reliability of the two dismissed
    rape allegations in the probation and police reports, including
    what the alleged victims told investigating officers. The experts
    readily admitted that they simply assumed these documents
    had accurate information, and they presented the information
    as accurate in their reports. Given the reliability concerns, we
    think it implausible that it was within the ambit of the
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    legislative purpose to allow the admission of this information as
    evidence merely because experts chose to include it in their
    evaluation reports.
    Finally, the People’s analogy to Conservatorship of
    Manton (1985) 
    39 Cal.3d 645
     fails, too. Manton addressed an
    LPS Act provision relating to conservatorship proceedings for
    gravely disabled persons.        That provision, section 5354,
    subdivision (a), directs a county officer to investigate
    alternatives to conservatorship and render a written report to
    the court prior to the initial conservatorship hearing; and it
    provides that the court “may receive the report into evidence” at
    the hearing “and may read and consider the contents thereof in
    rendering its judgment.” We held that this section does not
    permit the subsequent use of the report at trial, explaining in
    part: “If the report were admissible at both the initial hearing
    and a subsequent court trial, the two proceedings would be
    essentially identical in terms of the acceptable range of evidence
    to be considered. We believe that the better interpretation is
    one avoiding such redundancy in the absence of clear legislative
    intent to the contrary.” (Manton, at p. 651.) The People focus
    on this reasoning, arguing that, as in Manton, the language and
    structure of the SVPA indicate that it does not require
    duplicative evidence at the probable cause hearing and trial.
    Neither the language nor the structure of the SVPA
    compels us to apply Manton’s reasoning here. In contrast to
    section 5354 of the LPS Act, Welfare and Institutions Code
    section 6602 does not mention the reports. Without legislative
    guidance to the contrary, the same evidentiary rules, i.e., the
    Evidence Code, govern the probable cause hearing and trial —
    which therefore expectedly leads to the potential for some
    duplicative evidence at the proceedings. The same holds true
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    for criminal preliminary hearings, for example. (See LaFave et
    al., 4 Criminal Procedure (4th ed. 2015) § 14.3(a), p. 365, fn. 35
    (LaFave) [California’s criminal preliminary hearing is relatively
    akin to a “mini-trial hearing,” even in the wake of Prop. 115, in
    that its rules potentially increase the rigor of its screening
    function by generally limiting the prosecution to the use of
    evidence that would be admissible at trial]; but cf. LaFave, §
    14.4(b) at p. 383 [unlike California, “perhaps a majority” of
    jurisdictions “start from the premise that the rules of evidence,”
    including hearsay rules, do not apply to the preliminary
    hearing, and they entrust magistrates to take appropriate
    account of the reliability and weaknesses of such evidence].)
    The Legislature can, of course, create a hearsay exception
    that prevents any duplication of evidence. (Cf. Parker, supra,
    60 Cal.App.4th at p. 1469 [noting that the Legislature can “fill
    the procedural gap in section 6602”].) It can choose to permit
    hearsay involving prior nonpredicate crimes to come in through
    evaluation reports.      Nothing in our analysis should be
    understood as taking a position on whether such an exception
    ought to exist. That is a distinct question from what we must
    resolve: whether a hearsay exception does, in fact, exist in
    section 6602. The Court of Appeal blurred the distinction
    between the two inquiries. It concluded that a hearsay
    exception supports the practical role of the probable cause
    hearing, and then reasoned backward, without any statutory
    basis, to conclude that such an exception must therefore be
    implied. If we embraced this reasoning, we’d risk imposing an
    arrangement that essentially requires consideration of hearsay
    statements in the reports — a result unmoored from the SVPA’s
    language, its legislative history, and other indicia of statutory
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    True: Allowing experts to relate hearsay accounts of
    nonpredicate offenses would “streamline the People’s ability to
    make [its] initial showing without having to duplicate” trial
    evidence and track down victims and witnesses. (Walker, supra,
    51 Cal.App.5th at p. 701; see conc. opn., post, at p. 4.) But
    Walker raises countervailing considerations:        defendants’
    interest in especially rigorous evidence testing to bar any
    potentially unreliable hearsay from being used to prop up a
    weak petition. (See Couthren, supra, 41 Cal.App.5th at pp.
    1014, 1020.) Reasonable minds can certainly disagree on
    whether hearsay like this, which would be inadmissible at the
    eventual SVP trial, should come in at a preliminary hearing.
    (Cf. LaFave, supra, § 14.4(b) at pp. 387–389.) But setting aside
    these policy judgments, the Legislature’s decision to not carve
    out an exception for the evidence in dispute in this case —
    hearsay accounts of nonpredicate offenses introduced via expert
    reports — reasonably aligns with the hearing’s evidence-testing
    function, as the Legislature has presently designed it and our
    prior cases have interpreted it.
    We separately address one argument the Court of Appeal
    presented, and to which the People briefly allude. The Court of
    Appeal argued that two prior decisions have, consistent with
    section 6602, already recognized a hearsay exception covering
    the hearsay report content at issue:        Parker, supra, 60
    Cal.App.4th at pages 1469–1470, and Cooley, 
     29 Cal.4th
    at page 245, footnote 8. (Walker, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at pp.
    691–694, 699–700.) Although exceptions to the hearsay rule
    may be found in decisional law (Otto, 
     26 Cal.4th at p.
    207), courts rarely exercise their power to create these
    exceptions, and for good reason (see In re Cindy L. (1997) 17
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    Cal.4th 15, 27; see also 
     [“The general rule that hearsay
    evidence is inadmissible because it is inherently unreliable is of
    venerable common law pedigree”]). Courts exercise this power
    only “for classes of evidence for which there is a substantial
    need, and which possess an intrinsic reliability that enable them
    to surmount constitutional and other objections that generally
    apply to hearsay evidence.” (Id. at p. 28.) But nothing in Parker
    or Cooley can be applied to this case and taken to mean that
    hearsay accounts of nonpredicate offenses, relayed by expert
    evaluations, meet these stringent requirements (see ante, at pp.
    17–19, 29–31), or that the cases even sought to recognize a
    relevant hearsay exception.
    Parker addressed, as a matter of first impression, “the
    nature” of the probable cause hearing under section 6602.
    (Parker, supra, 60 Cal.App.4th at p. 1455; see id. at pp. 1461–
    1462.) It determined from its statutory analysis that section
    6602 affords defendants “a hearing at which [they] could be
    heard, not merely by counsel pointing out legal deficiencies on
    the face of the petition, but also by being able to effectively
    challenge the facts on which the petition was filed, i.e., the
    underlying attached experts’ evaluations.” (Parker, at p. 1468.)
    The court explained that the probable cause hearing
    consequently should allow for the admission of oral and written
    evidence. (Id. at p. 1469.) It then made the following passing
    reference to hearsay: “While we believe the prosecutor may
    present the opinions of the experts through the hearsay reports
    of such persons, the prospective SVP should have the ability to
    challenge the accuracy of such reports by calling such experts
    for cross-examination.” (Id. at pp. 1469–1470.)
    Then in Cooley, where we addressed “the scope and
    substance of the probable cause determination” under section
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    6602 (Cooley, 
     29 Cal.4th at p. 235), we remarked on
    Parker’s hearsay reference in passing. Citing Parker, supra, 60
    Cal.App.4th at pages 1469–1470, as part of a footnote in our
    general overview of the SVPA, we stated: “Although the
    petitioner is allowed, despite their hearsay nature, to present
    the contents of any reports that form the basis of the petition as
    evidence, the alleged sexual predator is allowed to cross-
    examine the expert concerning the evaluation and can call the
    expert to the stand for that purpose.” (Cooley, at p. 245, fn. 8.)
    The Court of Appeal seized on the two cases’ brief
    references to hearsay, urging that the “Parker/Cooley rule”
    allows evaluation reports to be fully admitted at a probable
    cause hearing, despite their hearsay contents. (Walker, supra,
    51 Cal.App.5th at pp. 693, 700.) But neither Parker nor Cooley
    establish a judicially created exception that would cover hearsay
    content regarding nonpredicate offenses.
    Parker turned on whether due process requires something
    more than a facial review of the petition under section 6602. In
    answering this question, it briefly observed that prosecutors
    should be allowed to present the opinions of the experts through
    their hearsay reports. Its focus, though, was not on the
    admission of the reports’ hearsay contents, but instead on
    fleshing out what due process requires at the hearing to allow
    defendants a meaningful opportunity to challenge the basis of
    the petition. Parker therefore “contains no discussion regarding
    the competency of the multiple hearsay necessarily contained
    within . . . expert evaluations.”        (Couthren, supra, 41
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1017.)
    Although Cooley did cite to Parker’s statement on the
    admission of hearsay reports, it did so in a single dictum
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    footnote. Moreover, Cooley addressed the subject “in the context
    of describing matters which were not disputed by the parties
    and therefore not analyzed by the court.” (Couthren, supra, 41
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1017.) As in Parker, Cooley provided no
    analysis supporting the admission of the reports or their
    hearsay contents as competent evidence, or concerning the
    application of the Evidence Code to SVPA probable cause
    hearings more generally. Consistent with the opinion as a
    whole, its focus in the footnote was generally laying out the
    procedural requirements that protect defendants at SVPA
    The admission of the contested hearsay in the MacSpeiden
    and Karlsson evaluation reports represented prejudicial error
    under the standard set forth in People v. Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal.2d 818
    , 836 (for a statutory error, we must determine
    whether it is reasonably probable the result would have been
    more favorable to appellant absent the error). As described in
    Cooley, “a determination of probable cause by a superior court
    judge under the SVPA entails a decision whether a reasonable
    person could entertain a strong suspicion that the offender is an
    SVP.” (Cooley, supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 252, italics added by
    Cooley.) We believe it is reasonably probable that, absent the
    erroneously admitted hearsay, the trial judge would not have
    entertained a strong suspicion that Walker qualified as an SVP.
    On the one hand, some of the properly admitted evidence
    supports the existence of probable cause. Walker’s qualifying
    offense was a forcible rape of a stranger. MacSpeiden and
    Karlsson diagnosed him with particular mental disorders
    predisposing him to commit sex offenses — with MacSpeiden
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    diagnosing him with “Other Specified Paraphilia, Sexual
    Activity with Non-consenting Persons” and “Borderline
    Personality Disorder,” and Karlsson concluding he had
    “Antisocial Personality Disorder, augmented by a severe level of
    psychopathy.” And both experts scored him as having a high
    risk of sexual reoffense under various diagnostic tools.
    On the other hand, some of the properly admitted evidence
    cut against the existence of probable cause. Yanofsky, one of the
    initial psychologists appointed by DSH to evaluate Walker,
    concluded that Walker did not qualify as an SVP. In his
    evaluation report, which the trial court admitted into evidence,
    he diagnosed Walker as suffering from “Other Specified
    Personality Disorder (Mixed Features),” i.e., antisocial and
    narcissistic personality traits. Yanofsky determined these traits
    did not affect Walker’s “emotional and volitional capacity to
    such a degree” that it predisposed him to commit criminal
    sexual acts that would endanger the health and safety of others.
    He ruled out paraphilia as a differential diagnosis, explaining
    that Walker’s criminal sexual history, although reflecting a
    “sexual preoccupation,” did not necessarily appear driven by
    “deviance” or “to be a sustained pattern” of inappropriate
    conduct. Although he did score Walker as having a moderate-
    to-high risk of sexual reoffense under various diagnostic tools,
    he determined the absence of a predisposing mental health
    condition was dispositive. His testimony at the probable cause
    hearing aligned with the conclusions in his report.
    Nothing in the record tells us exactly how the trial court
    settled on its probable cause determination by weighing the
    competing evidence. But the nature and role of the inadmissible
    hearsay make it likely that this evidence prejudicially affected
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    the trial court’s determination.          (See Bennett, supra, 39
    Cal.App.5th at pp. 884–885.)
    First, the lurid hearsay details regarding the 1989 and
    2005 rape allegations depicted Walker as an individual with a
    strong propensity and modus operandi for violent sex offenses.
    (See ante, at pp. 5–6.) In particular, they portrayed him as
    someone who preyed on women by falsely promising them
    entertainment and promotion employment; coerced and lured
    them to isolated locations; suddenly groped them; and ignored
    their pleas to stop and raped them. The resulting impression
    enhanced the experts’ credibility and materially supported their
    conclusions that Walker’s mental health predisposed him to
    sexual criminal acts and made it likely he would reoffend with
    predatory behavior. (Cf. Burroughs, supra, 6 Cal.App.5th at p.
    412.) We cannot discount the possibility that the nature of the
    rape allegation evidence impermissibly factored into the trial
    court’s probable cause determination. Similarly, even though
    Walker could (and did) cross-examine the experts regarding
    particular deficiencies of the rape allegation evidence, that did
    not adequately protect against the error here: the full admission
    of the reports, and the chance that the trial court would rely on
    this substantive evidence in its probable cause analysis.
    Moreover, as in Bennett, the inadmissible hearsay that the
    court admitted critically supported the evaluation reports’
    conclusions. (Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at pp. 884–885.)
    Had that content been excluded, the state’s case would have
    been materially weakened.
    MacSpeiden emphasized the hearsay in his report. He
    indicated in the diagnosis section of his report — which
    contained the hearsay accounts of the 1989 and 2005 rape
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    allegations — that Walker’s “history amply demonstrates that
    he is sexually disordered with recurrent, intense sexually
    arousing fantasies and urges which he is unable to exclude from
    overt sexual behavior with non-consenting persons.” According
    to MacSpeiden, this “history” included a long track record of
    illegal sexual behavior, as shown in Walker’s numerous arrests
    and charges between 1988 and 2007. But the facts and
    circumstances underlying the two alleged rapes were the only
    two offenses in this track record, outside of Walker’s predicate
    conviction, that MacSpeiden had any real details to support his
    diagnosis. Moreover, as part of the diagnostic scoring to
    determine Walker’s risk of reoffense, MacSpeiden discussed how
    the 1989 and 2005 prior rape allegations helped show Walker
    was “inclined to engage in sexually violent predatory behavior
    directed toward a stranger, a person of casual acquaintance . . .
    or an individual with whom a relationship has been established
    or promoted for the primary purpose of victimization.”
    MacSpeiden’s cross-examination testimony aligned with
    his report. He testified that the 1989 and 2005 rape allegations,
    which he assumed were true, constituted a central part of his
    evaluation. He explained that the allegations, along with
    Walker’s predicate offense, showed Walker had a modus
    operandi of telling the victims “ ‘I’m going to make you an
    important person,’ ” suddenly attacking them, and degrading
    them and acting with anger toward them. And relatedly, at
    several points MacSpeiden invoked the allegations as part of a
    “where there is smoke there is fire” type of logic for why he
    believed Walker qualified as an SVP.
    Karlsson similarly indicated in his report that the hearsay
    details regarding the 1989 and 2005 rape allegations shaped his
    evaluation. He described these allegations as two of the three
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    rapes Walker committed, the other being the rape underlying
    Walker’s predicate conviction. In diagnosing Walker with
    “Antisocial Personality Disorder,” Karlsson explained that the
    most prominent feature of these sex offenses was “a pattern of
    pandering/pimping, involving introducing women to the world
    of prostitution and strip teasing by acting as an adult
    entertainment promoter,” and the use of “manipulation and
    coercion to make . . . victims compliant” — all things clearly
    drawing on the hearsay accounts of the dismissed rape
    allegations. On cross-examination, he confirmed that the 1989
    and 2005 rape allegations informed his report, and without
    these allegations his opinion could have been different.
    In other words, without the inadmissible hearsay, the trial
    court would have lacked critical evidence to establish the
    diagnosis and reoffense elements of the SVP determination.
    (Bennett, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 885; cf. People v. Yates
    25 Cal.App.5th 474
    , 487.) For that reason, and because
    of the inflammatory nature of the hearsay evidence, its
    admission prejudiced Walker.5
    When the Legislature enacted the SVPA, it provided
    safeguards to ensure that only a select group of dangerous sex
    offenders may be involuntarily committed — safeguards
    reflecting the Legislature’s judgment with regard to balancing
    We decline to reach the second issue briefed by the parties:
    whether defendants in SVPA proceedings have a due process
    right to confront and cross-examine witnesses presenting
    contested hearsay evidence. Based on our state law holding, we
    need not further consider what due process requires. (People v.
    Williams (1976) 
    16 Cal.3d 663
    , 667.)
    Opinion of the Court by Cuéllar, J.
    risks to community safety and the liberty interests of
    individuals facing the prospect of long-term confinement. The
    probable cause hearing serves as a critical safeguard in this
    scheme. The provision governing the probable cause hearing,
    section 6602, subdivision (a), provides for an adversarial
    hearing and clearly establishes that the superior court must
    review the petition to determine whether the state has met its
    evidentiary burden to proceed to trial. What it does not provide,
    however, is a hearsay exception allowing the prosecution to
    introduce hearsay regarding nonpredicate offenses via expert
    evaluations. Nothing in the language of the subdivision, its
    legislative history, its place in the broader SVPA statutory
    scheme and relationship with other provisions, or comparisons
    to other analogous Welfare and Institution Code provisions
    indicates the existence of a hearsay exception for such hearsay
    in expert evaluations.       The introduction of this hearsay
    prejudicially affected Walker’s ability to challenge the basis of
    the state’s petition and the sufficiency of the evidence to proceed
    to trial.
    We reverse and remand with instruction to the Court of
    Appeal to, in turn, remand the matter to the superior court for
    a new probable cause hearing consistent with this opinion.
    We Concur:
    LIU, J.
    KRUGER, J.
    GROBAN, J.
    Concurring Opinion by Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye
    I concur in Justice Cuéllar’s majority opinion, which holds
    that the lack of an express hearsay exception in the statute
    governing sexually violent predator (SVP) probable cause
    hearings precludes the admission of hearsay regarding
    nonpredicate crimes contained in expert evaluation reports.
    I am concerned, however, that our ruling will complicate, if not
    frustrate, the intended screening function of SVP probable cause
    hearings, and I write separately to urge the Legislature to
    provide additional guidance addressing the proper conduct of
    such hearings.
    A hearsay exception is not the only provision missing from
    Welfare & Institutions Code section 6602 (section 6602), the
    statute governing SVP probable cause hearings under the
    Sexually Violent Predator Act (SVPA; Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6600
    et seq.). The majority is generous in characterizing the guidance
    provided by that statute regarding the conduct of such hearings
    as “spare.” (Maj. opn., ante, at pp. 11, 17, 22.) Section 6602
    instructs the trial judge tasked with conducting a probable
    cause hearing merely to “review the petition” in order to
    “determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the
    individual named in the petition is likely to engage in sexually
    violent predatory criminal behavior upon his or her release.”
    (Id., subd. (a).) Taken on its own terms, this instruction is
    problematic. A trial judge can no more discern probable cause
    to believe a person may be an SVP from reviewing the
    Cantil-Sakauye, C. J., concurring
    commitment petition than a judge conducting a preliminary
    examination hearing can determine whether there is probable
    cause to believe a crime was committed by reviewing the
    criminal complaint. Both pleadings presumably contain the
    allegations necessary to support a claim of criminality or SVP
    status, but neither provides the evidentiary foundation
    necessary to a finding of probable cause. Additional proceedings
    are required.
    Although section 6602 anticipates that a probable cause
    hearing will occur (id., subd. (a)), it provides no guidance about
    the nature of the hearing, as we recognized in Cooley v. Superior
    Court (2002) 
    29 Cal.4th 228
    , 245, fn. 8 [“The SVPA does not
    provide any specific procedural requirements for the probable
    cause hearing”]. Applying constitutional principles in an early
    decision, the Court of Appeal in In re Parker (1998)
    60 Cal.App.4th 1453
     (Parker) formulated an outline for the
    conduct of SVP probable cause hearings that has stood
    unchallenged, at least by this court, until our decision today.
    Other recent developments in the law, however, had already
    threatened to undermine the Parker procedures. Parker,
    ratified by our subsequent decision in Cooley, assumed that an
    SVP probable cause hearing would focus on the evaluation
    reports prepared by the two psychiatric professionals whose
    concurrence is required before an SVP commitment petition can
    be filed. (Welf. & Inst. Code, § 6601, subd. (d).) It permitted
    introduction of such reports at the probable cause hearing,
    notwithstanding their status as hearsay, as well as any hearsay
    they might contain. (Parker, at pp. 1469–1470 [“the prosecutor
    may present the opinions of the experts through the hearsay
    reports of such persons”]; see also Cooley, at p. 245, fn. 8 [“the
    petitioner is allowed, despite their hearsay nature, to present
    Cantil-Sakauye, C. J., concurring
    the contents of any reports that form the basis of the petition as
    At the time of Parker, supra, 
    60 Cal.App.4th 1453
    admission of the contents of the evaluation reports was
    uncontroversial because expert witnesses were permitted to
    testify concerning the basis for their opinions, even if those
    opinions were premised on hearsay. (E.g., People v. Montiel
    5 Cal.4th 877
    , 918.) Parker therefore had no reason to
    opine separately on the admission of the type of hearsay
    considered today and, as the majority notes, did not do so. (Maj.
    opn., ante, at pp. 34–35.) That practice came to an end with
    People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 665
    , which held that case-
    specific hearsay on which an expert relies is offered for its truth
    and must be supported by admissible evidence. (Id. at pp. 682–
    683.) Relying in part on Sanchez, one Court of Appeal has
    already ruled that the absence of a hearsay exception in section
    6602 requires the exclusion of all otherwise inadmissible
    hearsay at an SVP probable cause hearing, including any such
    hearsay in the expert evaluation reports. (People v. Superior
    Court (Couthren) 
    41 Cal.App.5th 1001
    , 1010 [“We conclude that
    the rules of evidence apply in an SVP probable cause proceeding
    and therefore the admissibility of documentary evidence such as
    expert evaluations will be governed by the hearsay rule and any
    applicable exceptions”].) That would also appear to be the
    logical consequence of the rationale employed in our decision
    today, although the opinion disavows ruling on the issue. (Maj.
    opn., ante, at p. 14.) At a minimum, our decision requires the
    redaction from the evaluation reports of any accounts of prior
    nonpredicate crimes committed by the alleged SVP, assuming
    no admissible evidence is presented at the hearing to support
    that hearsay. But if the absence of an express hearsay exception
    Cantil-Sakauye, C. J., concurring
    requires exclusion of this type of hearsay, consistency likely
    implicates the exclusion of all other inadmissible hearsay as
    I am concerned that these rulings will prevent the SVP
    probable cause hearing from serving its intended purpose, which
    I understand to be an efficient screening function to determine
    whether a trial is required. Like a probable cause hearing before
    a criminal trial, the purpose of a section 6602 hearing is, in
    general terms, to permit the court to ensure that there is an
    adequate evidentiary foundation for an SVP finding. By
    requiring the county to present admissible evidence of any
    nonpredicate offenses that form a part of that foundation, and
    potentially of any other hearsay found in the evaluation reports,
    our decision will convert the probable cause hearing into a
    proceeding barely distinguishable from a subsequent trial on the
    merits. Although such a hearing can, of course, serve the
    screening function, it will do so at the cost of time consuming
    and unnecessary efforts, imposing a potentially sizable burden
    on counsel and courts that will likely be duplicated at trial.
    It was this concern for the efficient conduct of SVP
    probable cause hearings that led the Court of Appeal below to
    imply a hearsay exception into section 6602. Although I agree
    with my colleagues that we lack legal authority to recognize
    such an exception in these circumstances, I am otherwise wholly
    sympathetic to the Court of Appeal’s well-articulated concerns.
    Our present decision appears to be the beginning of the end for
    the time-tested Parker procedures.
    The only solution for this problem is a legislative one. The
    Parker procedures have served as a fair and efficient guide to
    the conduct of SVP probable cause hearings for more than
    Cantil-Sakauye, C. J., concurring
    20 years. I encourage the Legislature to make the statutory
    amendments necessary to preserve those procedures, beginning
    with an exception for hearsay contained in the expert evaluation
    reports. Even better, I hope the Legislature will reexamine SVP
    probable cause hearing procedures and formulate clear
    statutory guidelines for the conduct of such hearings. Our
    polestar is to implement our Legislature’s intent, but reliable
    implementation is difficult when, as in section 6602, there is
    little statutory indication of that intent.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who
    argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion Walker v. Superior Court
    Procedural Posture (see XX below)
    Original Appeal
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted (published) XX 
    51 Cal.App.5th 682
    Review Granted (unpublished)
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S263588
    Date Filed: August 30, 2021
    Court: Superior
    County: San Francisco
    Judge: Charles S. Crompton
    Erwin F. Fredrich for Petitioner.
    Benjamin Salorio, Public Defender (Imperial), and Darren Bean,
    Deputy Public Defender, for William Morse as Amicus Curiae on behalf
    of Petitioner.
    No appearance for Respondent.
    Xavier Becerra and Rob Bonta, Attorneys General, Lance E Winters,
    Chief Assistant Attorney General, Jeffrey M. Laurence, Assistant
    Attorney General, Seth K. Schalit, René A. Chacón and Moona Nandi,
    Deputy Attorneys General, for Real Party in Interest.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for
    publication with opinion):
    Erwin F. Fredrich
    P.O. Box 471313
    San Francisco, CA 94147
    (415) 563-8870
    Moona Nandi
    Deputy Attorney General
    455 Golden Gate Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94102
    (415) 510-3829