Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                      R-144
    March 26, 1947
    Hoa. laoneg E. Lindsey      Opinion No. V-104
    County Attorney
    Upshur County               Re :   Authority of just ice
    Gilmer 9 Texas                     court and municipal
    court in State Highway
    law violations  within
    corporate limits of
    Dear Mrlr.Lindsey:                 municlpalltg,
    Your request for an opinion OS this department,
    regarding the above-captioned   subject, has been referred
    to the writer for reply,    We quote  from your request in
    part as follows :
    “I would like an Interpretation of Article
    827a, Section 12 of the Penal Code, which has
    to do with stop signs placed at junctions  of
    main traveled highways D
    “My s cific  case is that within the tit
    limits of r ilmer, Texas, State Highway Ro. 15$
    and U. 9 O Highway MO, 271 cross at right angles.
    The junction is one block off the town square.
    ?he State Highway Department has placed
    stop signs against traffic of both higbvays.
    “The question Is, ‘may violators     of these
    stop signs be  proceeded against In   justice  court
    or must they be proceeded against in city court?’
    “The city of Gilmer is Fncarporated and
    has a po ulatlon of approximately thirty-five
    hundred P3500) o The State Highway Department
    constructed   these highways to the town square,
    and I understand does the maintenance on them.
    “At the time one of these highways was
    constructed  the City and the Highway Depart-
    ment entered into a contract whereby the
    Department agreed to construct said highway,
    Ron.   LoOwy,    R. Lindsey,     Page 2, V-104
    In this contraot there is a provision         read-
    ing:   ‘It Is understood and agreed between
    the parties hereto that the city, by_ virtue ..
    of the provisions       of its charr;er ana cne
    laws of the State of Texas, has exclusive
    control of and jurlsdlatlon       of all streets
    and public ways within the Incorporated
    limits   of said city,     and the city has re-
    qwsted     and has consented    to the construc-
    tion of the street project hereinabove named,
    and the State, in the construotlon        of the
    above-n-d       street project,   dose so at the
    l   o-1    lnstanaa and request     of the city.
    ,g: loeatlon,      grade8 and mmnbr    of the con-
    gggyg&g&gg:             :: lpgy:;:a:y):*
    thereof 0 The State Highway Departmat of
    the State of Texas acts aa tha agent     of the
    alty & the construction     of the street pro-
    jsct thersof. 1”
    &tlcle     62, Texas Code of Crldoril        Procsdti,
    “A corporation     court in each incorporated
    city,    tovn or village     of this    state shall
    hare     urisdiction    within the corporate limits
    of al J arm-1         cases arising under the ordi-
    ~naal) of such olt7,        town or village,       and
    #hall have concurrent jurisdiction            with any
    jurtlce    of the peace in any precinct           in vhidh
    88ld elty, town or village           is situated,    in all
    erlJBSAa1 cases arising under the criminal laws
    of this State,       In which punishment is by fine
    .                   only, and where the maximum of such f fne may
    not exceed two hundred ($200.00) dollars,              and
    arising vlthia such aorporate limits 0’
    SeatIon 118, Volume 12, Texas Jurisprudence,
    ye:     396, after quoting the above statute reads as fol-
    “This provlsioa  expressly   gives corpora-
    tion aourta authority and jurisdiction       to try
    offense8   arising out of violation     of muuicl-
    pal ordinances,    and also to try offenses a-
    rising under the general penal laws of the
    State,, vithln the limits prescribed.       (Clt-
    lng numroua authorities)     D
    Hon. Mooney E. Lindsey,    Page 3, v-104
    “under the amendment to the Coostitu-
    tion giving the Leglelature       power to leetab-
    lish such other courts as it may &aem newee-
    sary) and prescribe      the jurisdlctloa      an& er-
    ganlzatlon    thereof c y and to ‘conform the juria-
    diction   of the district    and other iaferlor
    courts thereto, p (Constitution,        Article    5,
    Section 1) the Legislature, has power to give
    corporation    courts jurlsdistioa      to try per-
    sons for offenses     against state lava. (Oit-
    ing numerous authorities)      O In prose cut ion
    for offenses    of this charrater,      the carpora-
    t ion courts have jurisdiction       concurzwatly
    with auy justice     of the peace in alcly     @a-
    clnct in vhich the city is situated,           In all
    cases where the maximum fine does not exceed
    two hundred ($200.00) dollars,         If the offense
    has been camltted      within the city limits;
    but the courts may not be given juriaW.c-
    tlon to try nls,demeanor offenses punishable
    by imprleonnmt,      at least cities      qmmtlug
    under the homa rule provision        of the Cctlati-
    tutioa; nor may thsg Be olothed with eXeY.us-
    ive jurisdiction     over infractions      of state
    law,    to the exclusion    of gustioe courts,
    or other cowte      created- by the Conatitution.n
    It is therefore the ruling of this department,
    that violators   of State Highway lavs within the cor)crate
    limits of tha City of Gilmar sight be prosecute@ in eith-
    er the justice   court of your county, or the nu~lci~l
    court of the City of Gilmsr when the penalty shall not
    exceed two hundred ($2OO.OOj doll~s    and no jail een-
    tenoe is provided by statute,
    The .corporatlon   court of the Oity of
    Gllmer has conaurrent jurisdlut ion. with the
    just@8   courts of Upshur douutg, of viola-
    tions of State Bigbvag laws vithin the
    corporate limits of the city,     when the pen-
    alty shall uot exceed two hundred ($20@.@0)
    dollars and no jail sentence is provided by
    statute.    (Article   62, C. C. ?a1
    Treeti~    that   the fonsolng   aarwra     reur ema-
    tionnairea,   w   ew
    Yaws    wrg   tcnlys

Document Info

Docket Number: V-104

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017