People v. Mora & Rangel , 5 Cal. 5th 442 ( 2018 )

  • Filed 7/2/18
    THE PEOPLE,                           )
    Plaintiff and Respondent,  )
    )                           S079925
    v.                         )
    JOSEPH ADAM MORA and RUBEN            )
    RANGEL,                               )
    )                    Los Angeles County
    Defendants and Appellants. )                  Super. Ct. No. TA037999
    ___________________________________ )
    This automatic appeal arises from defendants Joseph Adam Mora and Ruben
    Rangel’s 1999 convictions and death sentences for the attempted robberies and murders
    of Andres Encinas and Antonio Urrutia. Mora and Rangel contend that several errors
    occurred during the guilt and penalty phases of their trial. With one exception, we
    disagree. The exception consists of a guilt phase instructional error permitting the jury to
    find the multiple murder special circumstance true without finding that Mora or Rangel
    intended to kill or actually killed either victim. We nonetheless find the error harmless
    because of the overwhelming evidence supporting the jury’s conclusion that each
    defendant actually killed the victim he shot, and both defendants were found guilty of
    two first-degree murders. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment.
    Defendants Joseph Adam Mora and Ruben Rangel were charged by information
    with two counts of murder (Pen. Code,1 § 187), two counts of attempted robbery (§§ 211,
    1       All subsequent statutory cites are to the Penal Code unless otherwise noted.
    664), the special circumstances of multiple murder (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(3)) and felony
    murder while in the commission of robbery (§190.2, subd. (a)(17)), and various
    On February 5, 1999, the jury found Rangel and Mora guilty of the first degree
    murders and the attempted second degree robberies of both Encinas and Urrutia, and
    determined that both Rangel and Mora used a firearm in the commission of each offense.
    The jury also found true the multiple murder and felony murder special circumstances
    with regard to both Mora and Rangel. On February 18, 1999, the jury imposed the death
    penalty on both defendants. The court denied Rangel’s and Mora’s motions for a new
    trial and modification of the verdicts of death on May 27, 1999, and on that date
    sentenced Rangel and Mora to death.
    A.     Guilt Phase
    1.     The Murders
    In the early morning hours on August 24, 1997, Andy Encinas, Anthony Urrutia,
    and Fidel Gregorio drove to meet Encinas’s girlfriend, Paula Beltran, at a gas station in
    Wilmington, where she and two friends were awaiting assistance to repair a flat tire on
    Beltran’s car. Encinas and his friends had attended a party in Wilmington that night,
    where Beltran had been headed before she got a flat tire. Beltran, along with friends
    Mayra Fonseca and Yesenia Jimenez, had spent time at a nightclub earlier that evening.
    Beltran paged Encinas to tell him she would be delayed meeting him; Encinas insisted on
    driving the one block from the party to meet her where she was awaiting roadside
    assistance. Once Beltran’s tire was repaired, the two cars planned to caravan to Beltran’s
    home in Norwalk. On the way there, Jimenez asked to be taken to her home on
    Castlegate Avenue in Compton, and Beltran obliged. Encinas followed Beltran’s car.
    When they arrived at Jimenez’s home, Encinas said he would follow her into Jimenez’s
    home because he needed to use a restroom.
    Once their car was parked outside Jimenez’s home, the three women and Encinas
    went into Jimenez’s home for a few minutes. Jimenez then walked Beltran, Fonseca, and
    Encinas to her front gate. As the group walked toward Beltran’s car, Beltran saw two
    men — later identified as Rangel and Mora2 — approach along the sidewalk from down
    the street. Rangel asked Encinas, “Do you want to go to sleep?” Encinas did not
    respond. Rangel repeated the question, urging Encinas to respond. Encinas and Beltran
    each told one another to go to their respective vehicles. Fonseca began screaming at
    Beltran to open the car door, and Beltran did. Beltran and Fonseca got into Beltran’s car.
    Encinas walked to his car, a Toyota 4Runner, with Mora and Rangel following him.
    Encinas got into the driver’s seat of the 4Runner. Urrutia and Gregorio had been
    waiting in the passenger seat and passenger-side backseat, respectively. As Encinas
    entered the car, he said “let’s get the hell out of here,” but Rangel had followed Encinas
    to the driver’s side of the vehicle, and Mora stood at the passenger side.
    Parked just behind Encinas, Beltran momentarily looked away from the two men
    standing outside Encinas’s car to look, unsuccessfully, for her cell phone and call for
    help. Fonseca observed that Rangel stood immediately next to the driver’s side of
    Encinas’s car, holding a 12-inch-long metallic or “chromed” gun. Frightened, Fonseca
    lowered her seat to a reclined position while she screamed at Beltran to leave. When
    Beltran glanced back up she saw Mora and Rangel both pointing firearms into Encinas’s
    vehicle. Beltran drove quickly away to find a payphone to call 911. Beltran and Fonseca
    remained at the phone until police officers arrived in response to her call.
    From his vantage point in the backseat of Encinas’s car, Gregorio could see both
    shooters. Rangel stood outside the driver’s side door of Encinas’s car and said to
    Encinas, “check yourself, check yourself, give me your wallet.” As Encinas reached for
    2      Defendants Mora and Rangel were referred to both by name and nickname
    throughout their trial. For ease of reference we refer to them by their given last name
    here, but note that Mora’s nickname is Joker, and Rangel’s is Stranger.
    his wallet, Rangel shot into the driver’s side of the vehicle. Mora, on the other side of the
    car, also asked Urrutia for his wallet, and Urrutia told him he had no money but would
    give Mora his wallet anyway. Mora then shot into the passenger side of the vehicle,
    striking Urrutia’s face and throat, and ultimately penetrating a large blood vessel that
    caused Urrutia to bleed to death. Rangel fired two more shots at Encinas; at least one
    entered Encinas’s chest, fatally striking his lung and aorta. Mora and Rangel fired a total
    of four shots –– all within seconds.
    Immediately after the shooting, Mora and Rangel ran away. Gregorio got out of
    the car and began knocking on doors in the neighborhood and yelling for help. No one
    opened their doors, but he was eventually approached by two men who told Gregorio
    they had called the police.
    2.     Mora and Rangel’s Activities Before the Shootings
    On the evening of August 23, 1997, Lourdes Lopez –– Mora’s ex-girlfriend and
    the mother of their three-year-old daughter –– paged Mora to come to her house so he
    could provide protection for her after she was threatened while attending a child’s
    birthday party earlier that day. Lopez lived on Castlegate. Several people were present
    at Lopez’s home that evening, including her daughter and the two adults she lived with,
    Nancy Gonzalez and Jade Gallegos. Also present at Lopez’s house were Ricardo
    Zavalos, Enrique Parra, Russell Tungett, Jose Jimenez, and Ramon Valadez.
    Mora and Rangel arrived at Lopez’s home between 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.
    When Lopez arrived shortly after Mora and Rangel, she observed both men in her kitchen
    drinking alcohol and using methamphetamine. Lopez joined Mora and Rangel, snorted
    two or three lines of methamphetamine, and consumed four or five beers in the space of
    about 20 minutes. While sitting with the two men in her kitchen, Lopez noticed a gun in
    Rangel’s waistband. Lopez told police that night that she had also seen Mora with a gun,
    although she later testified that she was pressured into making that statement to police
    and never saw him with a gun.
    Much of Lopez’s testimony at trial differed from what she told police immediately
    following the shootings. What Lopez had told police is that in the early morning hours of
    August 24, 1997, she heard Rangel call Mora to go outside. Lopez also told police that
    Mora and Rangel were the only two people from the gathering at her house who had gone
    outside. However, at trial, Lopez claimed uncertainty regarding whether anyone went
    outside. She testified that she went into the bathroom right after she heard Rangel call to
    Mora to go outside, and testified that she saw both Mora and Rangel standing in her
    kitchen right before she entered the bathroom. Lopez testified that she heard gunshots
    two or three minutes later, while she was still in the bathroom.
    In the statement she gave to police immediately after the shooting, Lopez said that
    she saw both Mora and Rangel run into the house through the kitchen door right after the
    shots were fired. Lopez testified inconsistently that she was in the bathroom for the
    moments before and after the shooting and did not see the two men run back into the
    house. Valadez, who had been at the gathering at Lopez’s house, corroborated Lopez’s
    statement to the police, testifying that he saw Mora and Rangel run into the house holding
    guns right after the shots were fired outside.
    Prior to the gunshots she heard, Lopez recalled that Mora was not wearing a shirt,
    although he put a shirt on at some point that night after the shooting. Lopez testified that
    Rangel had been wearing a dark blue or black collared shirt that night, which he was still
    wearing when she exited the bathroom after the shooting. Lopez stated that Rangel took
    his shirt off at some point after the shooting.
    Within minutes of the shots being fired, some commotion broke out at Lopez’s
    house. Valadez testified that Mora and Rangel became excited, bragging that they shot
    two men and “blew their fucking heads off.” Valadez observed that Mora was holding a
    black machine-gun style weapon; Rangel was holding a silver or chrome weapon with a
    bullet visibly stuck in the chamber. Rangel claimed he would have fired more shots but
    his gun had jammed. Rangel was advised by partygoers to remove his shirt to wipe down
    his arms to clean off gunshot residue, which he did. Mora –– who had not been wearing
    a shirt –– did not wipe his arms; he donned a shirt at some point later that night. Valadez
    saw Mora and Rangel leave Lopez’s house with their firearms. They returned empty
    handed a short while later.
    Lopez told police that immediately following the shooting, Mora grabbed her car
    keys. At trial Lopez testified that she heard car engines and the sound of cars being
    moved around after the shooting. Lopez observed her car had been moved out of the
    garage –– where she had parked it –– and Mora’s car had been moved into the garage,
    with Lopez’s car parked behind it. Valadez noticed that Mora and Rangel arrived at
    Lopez’s house earlier that night in an Oldsmobile, which they initially parked in a
    driveway and later moved to the garage after the shooting.
    Lopez told police that Mora asked her to go to the bedroom where their daughter
    was sleeping in case the child woke up because of the commotion and so the child would
    not have to see “her daddy go to jail.” Lopez testified differently, explaining that Mora
    had asked her to go into the bedroom only to ensure their daughter did not wake up
    during the kerfuffle following the shooting. In addition to the car movement, the rush of
    activity at Lopez’s home after the shooting included the swift extinguishing of lights and
    music, and the closing of doors within the house.
    3.     Investigation
    A radio call alerted police officers to a possible shooting on Castlegate. The call
    summoned two officers to Beltran and Fonseca’s location at the pay phone –– from
    which Beltran had dialed 911, one block from the shooting –– while other officers
    simultaneously responded to the Castlegate location. Fonseca and Beltran initially spoke
    with police officers by the pay phone, and later provided detailed statements at the police
    At approximately 3:30 a.m., Compton Police Officers Raymond Brown and Sergio
    Lepe arrived at the Castlegate scene. Officer Brown saw two men sitting in the front seat
    of a 4Runner, nonresponsive, both with gunshot wounds. Bullet casings were strewn on
    the ground around the driver’s side of the vehicle. Two wallets were visible in the
    vehicle; Encinas’s was in the center console and Urrutia’s was in the passenger seat.
    There was a can of Budweiser beneath the 4Runner.
    Around dawn that morning, police knocked on Lopez’s door on Castlegate.
    Officers interviewed everyone at the house. Following Beltran and Fonseca’s interviews
    at the police station, they were driven back to Castlegate to be shown potential suspects
    to identify. About 10 individuals, including the partygoers at Lopez’s house, were shown
    to Beltran and Fonseca in a field lineup.
    Gregorio had witnessed the shootings from the backseat of the 4Runner. He
    participated in the field lineup, identifying Mora and Rangel as the shooters. Gregorio
    had told the police earlier that night that the shooters were two Latino men. He described
    the man on the passenger side, Mora, as shirtless and wearing Joe Boxer brand boxer
    shorts and low slung, sagging pants. Gregorio noted that Mora also had a tattoo on his
    stomach. Gregorio recalled that the subject of the tattoo was a cross, but observed upon
    close inspection in the courtroom that the tattoo was in fact a handwritten name.
    Gregorio also observed that Mora had a scar on his abdomen that bisected the tattoo
    “down like a cross” with “the name cutting across” the scar. Gregorio testified that he
    remembered Mora’s face, and acknowledged that although the tattoo he recalled and the
    one he observed on Mora were not identical, Gregorio knew the man on the passenger
    side of the vehicle was Mora, stating, “It’s him, I know it’s him. I’m 100% sure.”
    Gregorio observed that the man on the driver’s side of the car, Rangel, was wearing blue
    track pants and a blue or black shirt.
    Compton Police Officers Eric Strong and Lepe spoke with witnesses on Castlegate
    Avenue. John Youngblood, who lived on Castlegate near the location where the 4Runner
    had been parked, was watching television in the early morning hours of August 24, 1997.
    He heard two gunshots, looked out his window, and observed two men standing by a
    4Runner. There were a number of streetlights that illuminated the area. Youngblood
    described the lighting as “just like day.” Youngblood observed Rangel, wearing a white
    t-shirt and normal length grey khaki pants, standing just outside the driver’s side door of
    the 4Runner, and noted that the man by the passenger-side door wore dark clothing and
    had short hair. After hearing several more shots being fired, Youngblood saw two men,
    one of whom was Rangel,3 running away from the 4Runner.
    Another witness, Sheila Creswell, who lived across the street from Lopez and was
    unable to sleep because of the noise of the gathering there, noticed that Rangel was
    among the partygoers. Creswell heard gunshots, ran to her window, and observed two
    men with shaved heads running from a truck parked down the street from her house.
    Creswell identified Rangel as one of the men she saw running; she also identified one of
    the residents of Lopez’s home, Jade Gallegos, as the other man. She saw both men enter
    Lopez’s home, and shortly thereafter observed all the lights in Lopez’s home turn off.
    When Lopez’s door was first opened in response to their knock, Officers Strong
    and Lepe noticed several people in the living room and numerous cans of Budweiser of
    the same type as the one found beneath the 4Runner strewn about. Officers Lepe and
    Strong examined Lopez’s home with her consent, finding an Intratec gun case and a
    black shirt. Officer Strong, along with Officer Brown, walked around the house to
    3      Several days before testifying, Youngblood identified a different individual in a
    photographic array shown to him by the prosecutor. Upon testifying, Youngblood
    explained that the man in the photograph he initially identified “just doesn’t look like the
    guy,” claiming instead that he was “positive” the man he saw on August 24, 1997, was
    Lopez’s detached garage, which Lopez provided consent to search. Partially inside the
    garage, with the garage door resting atop it, officers found a burgundy Oldsmobile with
    two firearms on the passenger-side floorboard. Mora denied at the scene that the vehicle
    was his, but Valadez confirmed that he saw Mora drive the car. Additionally, Lopez
    described the car as Mora’s, and Mora’s cousin, Candy Lopez, confirmed at trial that
    although the car’s bill of sale was in her name the car actually belonged to Mora.4 Police
    found a loaded TEC-9 nine-millimeter semiautomatic assault rifle with the word
    “Intratec” written on it and an Astra chrome-plated semiautomatic pistol with a bullet
    jammed at the breech in Mora’s vehicle.
    Los Angeles County Sheriff Criminalist Dale Higashi examined the Intratec and
    Astra firearms, noting that the Astra was jammed due to a feeding problem. After
    comparing casings recovered from the crime scene with those produced during ballistics
    testing, Officer Higashi concluded that three casings were fired from the Astra and an
    expended cartridge case originated from the Intratec. The bullet recovered from
    Encinas’s body was shot from the Astra and the bullet recovered from Urrutia’s body was
    shot from the Intratec.
    4.     Defense Evidence
    The defense presented evidence that witnesses inconsistently described the
    shooters’ clothing. For example, in Beltran’s initial statement to Officer Gonzalo Cetina,
    she identified one of the shooters as wearing no shirt with grey pants, and the other as
    wearing all brown clothing. As described above, Castlegate resident Youngblood
    described Rangel as wearing a white t-shirt and khaki pants, while the other shooter wore
    all dark clothing. Gregorio noted that Mora was shirtless, had a tattoo on his abdomen,
    4     Candy Lopez confirmed that the car was not formally registered with the DMV.
    Mora paid for the car, but used his cousin’s name on the bill of sale because he lacked
    automobile insurance.
    and wore Joe Boxer brand underwear with sagging pants. Gregorio testified that Rangel
    wore blue track pants and a blue or black shirt. At the field lineup, Gregorio was only
    able to identify Mora, describing him as the shirtless man that stood on the passenger side
    of the 4Runner.5 Officer Timothy Dobbin, who took Fonseca’s statement, wrote down
    that she identified Mora as the man on the driver’s side of the vehicle who had asked
    Encinas if he wanted to go to sleep, although Officer Dobbin testified that he may have
    reversed Mora and Rangel’s identities.
    Jade Gallegos lived with Lopez and attended the party. He was Latino, had a
    shaved head, a tattoo on his abdomen, and appeared to be the same height and weight as
    the suspects described by witnesses. Beltran described both shooters to police as
    appearing to be about 5’8.” In fact, Gallegos was 5’6” or 7,” while Mora was 5’11.”
    Neither Gallegos nor Mora had been wearing shirts prior to the shooting. Castlegate
    resident Sheila Creswell, who lived across the street from Gallegos and saw him daily,
    testified that she saw Rangel and Gallegos, not Mora, running away from the 4Runner
    after she heard shots fired on the morning of August 24, 1997. Creswell acknowledged
    she never saw the faces of the two men.
    Rangel also presented evidence concerning gunshot residue. A residue test was
    performed on Rangel at about 9:30 a.m. on August 24, 1997. The result of the testing
    was inconclusive. Only irregularly shaped lead and tin particles were found on Rangel.
    No residue was noted on Rangel’s hands.
    Mora presented no defense evidence save for a stipulation that an exhibit was a
    true and correct photograph depicting the way Mora looked on August 24, 1997.
    5      Officer Ed’ourd Peters testified that Gregorio made only one identification, of
    Mora, during the field lineup, although Gregorio testified that he identified both Mora
    and Rangel during that lineup. Gregorio positively identified both Mora and Rangel
    during the preliminary hearing, and confirmed at trial that he was able to, and did,
    identify Rangel as well as Mora.
    B.     Penalty Phase
    1.     Rangel Aggravating Evidence
    Rangel was arrested in 1995 and charged with burglary of a motor vehicle,
    terrorist threats, and vandalism; Rangel was ultimately convicted of second degree
    burglary of an automobile. In October 1995, Alejo Esquer testified (reluctantly) that he
    saw Rangel and another man pushing his truck away from where it had been parked and
    locked. The window of the truck was broken, the number 13, letter T and “KCC” had
    been painted onto the truck, and the stereo and speakers had been pulled out of the truck.
    Rangel began to run away once Esquer saw him, and Esquer gave chase. Esquer
    confronted Rangel, and Rangel told Esquer that Rangel knew where Esquer lived and if
    Esquer did not leave Rangel alone or if he called the police, Esquer would be killed.
    Kevin Hilgendorf, a deputy sheriff for Los Angeles County, was the officer who
    arrested Rangel for this. He responded to a call reporting a vehicle theft in progress, and
    he observed Rangel and other men standing on a sidewalk near a truck with a broken
    window, and its stereo and speakers removed. Officer Hilgendorf observed the letters
    “KCC” spray-painted in white on the truck, which he since learned meant “King City
    Criminals.” Officer Hilgendorf did not recall seeing the number “13” painted on the
    truck, although a gang expert, Officer Andrew Zembal,6 testified that the number is also
    associated with the King City Criminals. A can of white spray paint was on the sidewalk
    near the group of men and Rangel had white paint on his hands. Esquer told Officer
    Hilgendorf that Rangel threatened Esquer’s life –– a threat Officer Hilgendorf took
    seriously given Rangel’s gang affiliation. Esquer felt sufficiently concerned about
    Rangel’s threat that he moved to a different residence before Rangel’s anticipated release
    from jail.
    6      Officer Zembal testified that Rangel is a “hard core gang member” with a wanton
    disregard for life, as evidenced by his numerous, highly visible tattoos.
    2.     Mora Aggravating Evidence
    In July 1996, Mora was in custody at the Los Angeles County Jail. During this
    period of incarceration, Mora assaulted fellow inmate Paul Juhn, stole the mattress from
    Juhn’s bunk, and returned to Juhn’s bunk with several other men, all of whom yelled
    racial epithets at –– and physically assaulted –– Juhn. Juhn identified his assailants
    during a jailhouse lineup, and Deputy Kresimir Kovac, an officer at Los Angeles County
    jail in July 1996, later determined one of the men identified was Mora. Deputy Kovac
    noted at the time of the Juhn assault that Mora had a distinctive tattoo comprised of three
    words; Deputy Kovac testified at Mora’s trial that Mora still bore that tattoo.
    3.     Encinas Victim Impact Evidence
    Luz Gamez was Encinas’s sister. She testified that Encinas was an avid sportsman
    while attending St. Anthony’s high school. Encinas’s family would attend his football,
    baseball, and basketball games. Following high school, Encinas attended community
    college and worked as a dispatcher. He hoped to become a police officer and had passed
    the Los Angeles Police Academy’s test just two months prior to his death.
    Gamez testified regarding childhood pictures of Encinas, which showed Encinas’s
    father standing with him at several sporting events, as well as Encinas’s baptism and
    other childhood events. Encinas was a shy, loving, helpful child and young man. He
    enjoyed a close relationship with his nephew, Edgar, Gamez’s son. Edgar, who was
    nineteen years old at the time of the trial, continued to sleep in the room they shared, in
    the bed next to Encinas’s former bed. Sergio Encinas, Encinas’s older brother, testified
    that Encinas “was a 300-pound teddy bear. He was lovable. Everybody liked him.
    Encinas was to have attended a wedding with his family the day he was shot, but
    worked instead. When the family returned home that night, Encinas still was not home.
    Encinas’s mother waited up for him all night, finally calling Encinas’s sister around
    6:00 a.m. to tell her Encinas had been shot and was in surgery. By the time the family
    arrived at the hospital, Encinas had died.
    Sergio was asked to identify his brother’s body. Sergio testified that he was taken
    to the morgue, saw his brother’s dead body, and had to inform his parents and family that
    Encinas had died. Sergio described the experience as very painful: “it ruined me, too,
    physically, mentally, telling, you know, your mom, your dad, your brother, your uncle,
    ‘he will never be here. You will never see him alive.’ ”
    Encinas’s mother and father became ill following their son’s death. Encinas’s
    father was so emotional following Encinas’s death that the family decided not to tell him
    when the trial was taking place, fearing for his health and the potentially exaggerated
    nature of his reaction were he to attend the trial. Encinas’s mother was too ill to attend
    the trial, although she knew when it was taking place. Sergio Encinas also suffered
    physical ailments as a result of his brother’s death, including ulcers and headaches.
    Encinas’s family views his death as a pain that can never be healed.
    Beltran, Encinas’s girlfriend, testified about how she was affected by his death.
    The two had planned to marry and dreamed of having children together. Beltran felt
    guilty in the wake of his murder, believing that if she had not paged him, he would still
    be alive. She has not been able to forgive herself.
    4.     Urrutia Victim Impact Evidence
    Urrutia’s sister, Olivia Perez, testified that Urrutia dreamed of becoming a police
    officer. Urrutia attended Long Beach City College after graduating from high school and
    passed the test for the Long Beach City Police Department before he had reached the
    minimum age of eligibility. He passed the test for the Los Angeles Police Department
    four months prior to his death. Out of deference to his parents, who feared for his safety
    and required his financial assistance, he continued to put off his dream of becoming a
    police officer, working as a loan representative in the meantime. Urrutia was honored
    posthumously: his workplace closed for a week in the wake of his death, and Long
    Beach City College erected a mural in his honor for the month of September 1997.
    Urrutia’s sister testified regarding childhood photographs of her brother. The
    photos depicted Urrutia’s first communion and high school graduation, as well as photos
    of him as a child, with his family, and at work. Urrutia joined the Explorer Scouts as a
    child. He volunteered as an interpreter at St. Mary’s Hospital, assisting with Spanish
    translation between patients and doctors. Urrutia also volunteered on a neighborhood
    committee to clean the area and rebuild local homes.
    Urrutia and Encinas played football together. Urrutia’s nephew, Javier Soto, was
    two years younger than Urrutia and played sports and attended school with him. Soto
    recalled that the group of friends of which Urrutia and Encinas were a part was
    “unbelievable,” and Soto misses Urrutia every day.
    Urrutia’s mother, Virginia Urrutia, testified about her close relationship with her
    son, who attended church with her weekly. Urrutia had also been close with his father
    until his father’s death. Urrutia had helped his family care for the father’s grave.
    Urrutia’s mother fondly remembers Urrutia’s time as an altar boy between the ages of
    seven and twelve. Urrutia lived with his mother at the time of his death, and she recalled
    waiting up for him many nights, including the night he died.
    5.     Rangel Mitigating Evidence
    Rangel’s mother testified that she began living with Rangel’s father, Ruben
    Gomez Rangel, when she was 17 years old. After her mother died when she was a child,
    Rangel’s mother grew weary of acting as a parent to her four younger sisters. Living
    with relatives and alone, Rangel’s parents changed residence about four times before
    Rangel was born in 1975. Rangel also has an older sister, Carmen, born three years
    before him.
    Rangel’s parents abused alcohol and, from the time Rangel was about six years
    old, began using heroin. Once, when Rangel was nine years old, he saw his parents in the
    bathroom at home preparing to inject heroin. Rangel’s parents’ drug use was in part
    financed through a settlement Rangel’s father received following a workplace injury.
    Rangel’s mother routinely used heroin while Rangel and his sister were home and she
    was purportedly providing care for them. Rangel’s parents sometimes failed to feed their
    children and Rangel’s older sister, Carmen, would find food for her and Rangel to eat.
    Rangel’s mother sometimes took her children with her to use heroin with her sisters.
    Rangel’s mother testified she used heroin and provided poor care for her children.
    Rangel’s father also neglected his children when trying to obtain more drugs. Rangel’s
    father sometimes became violent when he consumed alcohol. Rangel’s parents separated
    when Rangel was about five years old; Rangel lived with his father for a few years after
    that. Rangel’s mother continued to use heroin for several more years, supporting her
    habit via prostitution, although she endeavored to hide her means of making a living from
    Rangel. Rangel’s mother stopped using heroin in the late 1980s, after her sister died
    from a heroin overdose. By the time of Rangel’s trial, Rangel’s mother had been drug-
    free for 11 years. After Rangel’s mother stopped using heroin, Rangel and his sister
    began living with their mother again. Rangel cut his hair short and began to favor
    wearing baggy clothing. Rangel’s sister did not believe Rangel was becoming a member
    of a gang. Rangel knew his father was a gang member. When Rangel was 10 years old,
    he and his father were shot at by a rival gang. Rangel’s father advised Rangel to avoid
    gangs. Rangel’s mother could not recall whether Rangel graduated from high school.
    His father recalled that Rangel attended high school for some time but had not graduated.
    As a teenager, Rangel began attending church with his mother. Over the course of
    several years, Rangel attended bible study with Jose Jimenez.7 Jose testified that it was
    hard to believe Rangel had been convicted of murder, and that he would have been
    surprised even to hear that Rangel had attempted to steal a car or that he had made threats
    against the owner of that car. Rangel married his wife, Aurora Rangel, in Jose’s home.
    Rangel and Aurora had a daughter, Vanessa. After Aurora and Rangel split up, Rangel
    saw Vanessa once every two weeks. Aurora has not told their daughter where Rangel is,
    despite the daughter’s queries. Rangel also had a girlfriend, Desiree Leanos, with whom
    he had two children, the youngest born after his arrest. Leanos testified that she visits
    Rangel weekly with their two children, despite the fact that Rangel has a new girlfriend,
    whom he met months before he was arrested. The jury was shown photos of Rangel’s
    daughters and the other members of his family.
    On the day of the shooting, Rangel attended a family barbeque along with Leanos,
    Vanessa, and other members of Rangel’s family to celebrate the birthday of Rangel’s
    half-sister. Rangel fell asleep at about 9:00 p.m. after spending the day drinking, and was
    paged around 11:30 p.m. to go somewhere. Desiree urged Rangel not to leave, but he
    bade her and their daughter goodbye and left.
    6.     Mora Mitigating Evidence
    Mora’s father, Cruz Mora, testified that he was not certain of his paternity because
    he knew that Mora’s mother, R.M., had sexual relationships with many members of his
    family. Cruz testified that he and his family members paid R.M. for their sexual
    encounters. Cruz married R.M. when she was eight months pregnant. The couple’s
    7      Jose Jimenez will be referred to throughout as “Jose” to avoid confusion with
    Yesenia Jimenez (referred to throughout as Jimenez), the friend of Paula Beltran whose
    house on Castlegate was the site of initial contact between defendants and the victims,
    and to avoid confusion with the partygoer at Lopez’s house, also named Jose Jimenez.
    marriage was not happy and Cruz physically abused R.M. Cruz left R.M. four years into
    the troubled marriage, but the two reunited some time thereafter for a few years.
    After his parents’ divorce, Mora lived with his aunt for a few months. Mora
    returned to his mother’s home between the ages of five and thirteen, during which time
    R.M. was frequently absent from the home working, drinking at bars, and using drugs.
    R.M. remarried, and Mora again lived with his aunt, who provided good care. Mora
    never returned to his mother’s home. R.M. testified that she believed herself to have
    been a bad mother and wished she could take Mora’s place if he was to be executed.
    When Mora was 14, he moved in with his 19-year-old cousin, Candy Lopez.
    Mora then became involved with Lourdes Lopez (who was not related to Candy) and
    Lourdes Lopez and Mora had a daughter together when Mora was 18 years old. The jury
    was shown photos of Mora with his daughter and family.
    Mora, Lopez, and their child lived with Cruz for a couple of months when Mora
    was 19, until Cruz asked them to leave because they were messy. When Mora was 19
    years old he suffered a gunshot wound, and Cruz visited him in the hospital during his
    recovery. After Cruz asked Mora and his family to move out, Cruz had little contact with
    A.    Guilt Phase
    1.     Discovery Delays
    a.     Background
    Mora and Rangel allege that a number of documents were not disclosed in timely
    fashion during the discovery process: one of two transcripts of Lopez’s interview with
    police on the day of the shooting, diagrams of the scene, police reports containing witness
    interview notes, a gunshot residue (GSR) report, and a report containing the results of
    fingerprint testing. The disclosure of each is addressed below.
    On January 19, 1999, during Lopez’s testimony, Rangel discovered that he had
    been given only the first of two transcripts of Lopez’s interviews with police. Rangel’s
    attorney informed the court that she was missing a copy of that transcript. Mora’s
    attorney had copies of both transcripts, and the prosecution asserted that copies of the two
    transcripts had also been provided to Rangel. The court resolved the issue by concluding
    proceedings for the day to allow Rangel’s counsel time to make a copy of the transcript
    and review it before Lopez’s testimony resumed the following day. No objections to this
    course of action were made.
    Before court adjourned, Rangel’s counsel noted that she was also missing a copy
    of a diagram she had seen a day or two earlier in Detective Mike Piaz’s notebook. 8 She
    had asked Detective Piaz for a copy of the diagram, and when Detective Piaz complied he
    provided a copy of a second diagram that Rangel’s lawyer also had not seen before. Both
    were diagrams of the scene and both were dated August 26, 1997; neither had been
    disclosed during discovery. Mora’s lawyer also had not received copies of the two
    diagrams during discovery.
    The prosecution assured the court and defense that it had provided Mora and
    Rangel with copies of all documents. The court suggested that Rangel’s attorney review
    the documents stored in Detective Piaz’s office to determine whether she was missing
    copies of anything else. Rangel’s attorney did so.
    The next morning, on January 20, 1999, Rangel’s attorney informed the court that
    review of the documents stored in Detective Piaz’s office revealed further discovery
    neither she nor Mora’s counsel had received, including a number of reports containing
    “very critical” information about witnesses. Specifically, the undisclosed documents
    included a four-page report dated August 24, 1997, regarding Enrique Parra; an eight-
    8      Detective Piaz replaced Detective Marvin Branscomb as the lead detective on this
    case on April 1, 1998. The jury was advised that Detective Piaz would be assisting the
    prosecutor throughout the trial.
    page report dated August 24, 1997, regarding Jade Gallegos; a three-page report
    concerning Ramon Valadez with an attached warrant; and a nine-page follow-up
    investigation report prepared by the Compton Police Department, which contained a
    number of witness statements. The nine-page report contained statements from thirteen
    neighborhood witnesses, none of whom had been previously disclosed to the defense.
    Mora and Rangel argued that several of the undisclosed witnesses made observations
    inconsistent with the testimony already given. Had the nine-page witness report been
    made available earlier, they asserted, the scope and subjects of the already-conducted
    cross-examination would have differed.
    Because these reports, along with the two diagrams and Lopez’s interview
    transcript, had not been provided to the defense until trial was well underway, Mora and
    Rangel requested that the case be dismissed. The court indicated it would “consider a
    less dramatic sanction than that at the outset,” and Rangel and Mora sought a week-long
    recess to investigate the witness statements contained within the nine-page report. The
    court acknowledged that it was troubled by some of the statements in the newly
    discovered reports and “more than a little concerned about the fact that” the reports had
    not been “delivered to defense counsel.” The prosecutor clarified that the newly
    discovered reports were also not in her possession.
    The court agreed with Mora and Rangel that further investigation was warranted,
    at least with regard to two witness statements. These statements described how a car
    drove away from Castlegate around the time shots were fired, and how a woman’s voice
    was heard outside arguing around the time shots were fired. The court granted a five-day
    recess to permit the defense time to interview the newly disclosed witnesses, and ordered
    a status conference be held two days later to confirm that a five-day recess would be
    sufficient. Counsel for Mora told the court, “We’ll do the best we can within that time
    frame, your honor.”
    That same day, January 20, 1999, the prosecution turned over additional
    documents not previously provided to the defense: a witness statement by Jimenez, the
    passenger in Beltran’s car who lived on Castlegate; a warrant regarding Gallegos; and a
    receipt related to a GSR report. The GSR report had been provided to the defense, but
    not until January 7, 1999, just five days before trial began. Due to the report’s late
    disclosure and its inculpatory nature with regard to Mora, the court excluded it. Rangel
    was permitted to address the report and did so, but was prohibited from commenting on it
    as it related to Mora. Only the receipt for the report was turned over on January 20,
    At the January 22, 1999, status conference, Rangel’s counsel announced readiness
    to proceed at the conclusion of the five-day recess. Mora’s investigator had difficulty
    contacting one of the 13 witnesses. The court and prosecutor discussed the fact that the
    witness’s family had been cooperative, and the court was confident the witness could be
    reached before trial resumed on Monday. Mora’s attorney asked the court how to
    proceed if the witness could not be reached by the conclusion of the five-day recess, and
    the court advised to “keep at it.” No objection or further colloquy followed.
    In light of the numerous late-disclosed documents, the defense again requested
    that the case be dismissed. Mora and Rangel argued that most if not all the undisclosed
    discovery contradicted prior testimony and the prosecution’s case. The court denied the
    request, but echoed the concern that some of the newly discovered statements may have
    been “contrary to the evidence that’s been presented in court so far.” The court explained
    that the remedy to date had been to suspend the trial and provide counsel with “an
    opportunity to communicate with these witnesses.” Mora and Rangel then requested a
    jury instruction be provided concerning the late discovery, and the court acceded, asking
    that an instruction be prepared for its review when they reached that phase of the
    proceedings. Proceedings resumed the following Monday, January 25, 1999.9
    On February 2, 1999, after the prosecution rested, another previously undisclosed
    document, a fingerprint testing report, was turned over to the defense. Throughout the
    proceedings, the defense claimed the prosecution maintained that no fingerprint testing
    had been conducted. In fact, four shell casings and the beer can beneath the 4Runner had
    been tested for fingerprints, but the Intratec and Astra magazines and rounds had not been
    tested, nor had four of the expended shell casings. No fingerprints were found on the
    tested items.
    When they received the fingerprint report, Mora and Rangel requested a mistrial.
    They argued that the “continuum” of discovery violations warranted relief, and
    specifically that the failure to timely disclose the fingerprint report impaired their ability
    to effectively cross-examine police officers who testified during the prosecution’s case-
    in-chief. The court declined to grant a mistrial. Mora and Rangel then proposed the
    court exclude the fingerprint report, permitting the parties to proceed as though it never
    existed. The court denied this request, as well, expressing concern about misleading the
    jury. Instead, the court proposed informing the jury about the content and recent
    discovery of the fingerprint report, and suggested clarifying for the jurors that no party
    had been aware of the report prior to its discovery. The court assured counsel that the
    jury would “be given a specific instruction later.” The court then informed the jury as
    At the conclusion of the guilt phase, Mora provided the court with a proposed
    special instruction concerning the discovery delays. The court rejected that instruction,
    9       At the conclusion of the first day of resumed proceedings, four of the witnesses
    identified in the previously undisclosed report appeared in court in response to a
    prosecution subpoena. One of the witnesses, John Youngblood, testified for the
    prosecution later in the proceedings. Rangel raised claims regarding his alleged inability
    to prepare for cross-examination, addressed in section II.A.2., post.
    instead giving CALJIC No. 2.28, fully set forth in footnote 12, post, modified to include
    the stipulations contained in Mora’s proposed instruction. The court twice indicated its
    intent to hold a sanctions hearing at the end of the trial regarding the discovery delays,
    although no such hearing ever occurred.
    b.     Discussion
    1.       Statutory and Brady Error
    Mora and Rangel allege the prosecution’s failure to timely disclose the documents
    and reports described above violated the discovery statutes and constituted Brady10 error.
    A trial court’s discovery rulings are reviewed for abuse of discretion. (People v. Ayala
    23 Cal. 4th 225
    , 299.) The trial court possesses the discretion to determine what
    sanction is appropriate to ensure a fair trial. (People v. Jenkins (2000) 
    22 Cal. 4th 900
    951 (Jenkins).) Under Brady, “the suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable
    to an accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is material either to
    guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution.”
    (Brady, supra
    , 373 U.S. at p. 87.)
    Mora and Rangel admit they eventually received the relevant documents from the
    prosecution. But they contend that the delayed disclosure of discovery constituted a
    Brady error of constitutional magnitude because the documents were not received within
    sufficient time to use it effectively at trial. (See People v. Wright (1985) 
    39 Cal. 3d 576
    590–591.) They further argue that the prosecution had a duty to disclose any exculpatory
    evidence it reasonably could have learned, even if the prosecution was actually unaware
    of that evidence. (In re Brown (1998) 
    17 Cal. 4th 873
    , 879–880.)
    Mora and Rangel also allege the delayed disclosure of documents constituted a
    violation of the discovery statutes. Section 1054.1 provides, in pertinent part, that the
    “prosecuting attorney shall disclose” certain types of material to defense counsel if the
    10     Brady v. Maryland (1963) 
    373 U.S. 83
    evidence “is in the possession of the prosecuting attorney or if the prosecuting attorney
    knows it to be in the possession of the investigating agencies.” Such disclosure “shall be
    made at least 30 days prior to the trial” or as soon as the prosecution learns of the
    documents or information. (§ 1054.7.) To prevail on a claim alleging a violation of
    discovery statutes, an appellant must show there is a reasonable probability that, had the
    evidence been disclosed, the result of the proceedings would have been different.
    (People v. Zambrano (2007) 
    41 Cal. 4th 1082
    , 1132 (Zambrano).)
    No Brady errors occurred here. Evidence actually presented at trial is not
    considered suppressed for Brady purposes, even if that evidence had not been previously
    disclosed during discovery. (People v. Verdugo (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 263
    , 281, citing
    People v. Morrison (2004) 
    34 Cal. 4th 698
    , 715; but see U.S. v. Devin (1st. Cir. 1990)
    918 F.2d 280
    , 289; U.S. v. Scarborough (10th Cir. 1997) 
    128 F.3d 1373
    , 1376.) In
    U.S. v. Devin and U.S. v. Scarborough, the First and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeals
    addressed an issue similar to the one presented here, explaining that when considering
    whether delayed disclosure rather than “total nondisclosure” constitutes a Brady
    violation, “the applicable test is whether defense counsel was ‘prevented by the delay
    from using the disclosed material effectively in preparing and presenting the defendant’s
    case.’ ” (U.S. v. 
    Devin, supra
    , 918 F.2d at p. 289; see also U.S. v. 
    Scarborough, supra
    128 F.3d at p. 1376.) Both courts examined exculpatory evidence belatedly disclosed,
    ultimately finding no error arose from that delayed disclosure. (U.S. v. 
    Devin, supra
    918 F.2d at p. 289; see also U.S. v. 
    Scarborough, supra
    , 128 F.3d at p. 1376.)
    We likewise conclude no prejudice arose from the instances of delayed disclosure.
    The prosecution’s failure to disclose the fingerprint reports during the normal course of
    discovery did not result in prejudice to defendants. The fingerprint report was made
    available to the prosecutor and defense counsel as soon as it was discovered to have been
    unintentionally omitted, and the court admitted it with an admonition to the jury
    regarding its untimely disclosure. Accordingly, no Brady error resulted. (See People
    Verdugo, supra
    , 50 Cal.4th at p. 281; 
    Brady, supra
    , 373 U.S. at p. 87.)
    We similarly conclude defendants were not prejudiced by the delayed disclosure
    of diagrams and police reports containing witness statements. Although they were not
    admitted at trial, they did not constitute favorable evidence that was suppressed within
    the meaning of Brady. 
    (Brady, supra
    , 373 U.S. at p. 87.) After learning that some of the
    witness statements contained information that differed from testimony already adduced,
    the court called for a five-day recess to ensure that defense counsel had adequate time to
    investigate. They did, and failed to present any evidence as a result of those
    investigations. Neither Mora nor Rangel sought to recross-examine any of the witnesses
    that had provided prior testimony, and neither indicated anything more than the five-day
    recess was needed to cure the late disclosure; Mora announced readiness to proceed at
    conclusion of recess, and Rangel did not object to court’s announcement that trial would
    resume at conclusion of recess. Accordingly, no prejudice resulted from the delayed
    disclosure of witness statements.
    We also find no statutory error. Mora and Rangel assert that the trial court found
    the discovery statutes were violated, but the court made no such finding. Defendants
    argue that the evidence was accessible to the prosecution because it was located in
    Detective Piaz’s trial notebook, rendering the failure to disclose it a violation of section
    1054.1. While it is concerning that the prosecution was unaware of so much about the
    case that resided in the Compton Police Department’s files, no statutory error arose.
    Because “the material and information [became] known to, or [came] into the possession
    of, a party within 30 days of trial, [and] disclosure [was] made immediately,” no violation
    of the discovery statutes occurred. (§ 1054.7.) No prejudicial statutory violation can be
    made out because neither Mora nor Rangel can demonstrate a reasonable probability that
    the results of the proceedings would have been different had the evidence been timely
    (Zambrano, supra
    , 41 Cal.4th at p. 1132.)
    That said, the number of discovery delays that occurred in this case gives cause for
    concern, as the trial court noted. Nonetheless, as soon as the prosecution learned of
    various late-disclosed documents, they were made available to the defense. The gunshot
    residue report was not completed until the day before it was provided to the defense. The
    crime scene diagrams were discovered by Rangel; the prosecutor had never seen them.
    The police reports containing witness statements were likewise discovered by defense
    attorneys. Lopez’s second interview transcript was given to Mora, and the fact that
    Rangel did not have it far in advance undoubtedly did not alter the outcome of the trial.
    Zambrano, supra
    , 41 Cal.4th at p. 1132.) Finally, the prosecution had not been
    aware that a fingerprint report existed, and when a prosecution witness became alerted to
    the possibility that a report had been made but not disclosed to the parties the report was
    immediately located and disclosed.
    Rangel and Mora argue they were “simply unable mid-trial to make the effective
    use of the untimely disclosed evidence.” Yet they provide no example of choices that
    would have differed had the discovery been made available earlier, and the record reveals
    no obvious defense strategy foreclosed by the late disclosure. In fact, Mora and Rangel
    were able to contact every witness listed on the previously undisclosed police reports.
    Neither Mora nor Rangel sought to further cross-examine any witness who had testified
    before the police reports were discovered and disclosed. Further, Rangel and Mora both
    had an opportunity to review and utilize the transcripts of Lopez’s interview with police.
    Rangel was able to present evidence regarding the somewhat exculpatory gunshot residue
    report. Most tellingly, short of a new trial, neither Mora nor Rangel sought a remedy the
    court did not provide.
    Although Mora and Rangel allege the trial court abused its discretion by failing to
    grant a mistrial, we find no error. In People v. Wright, as here, the prosecution
    inadvertently failed to disclose certain police reports containing witness statements that
    differed from prosecution evidence previously presented. (People v. 
    Wright, supra
    39 Cal.3d at p. 590.) Rather than granting mistrial or dismissal, the court instructed the
    jury and permitted the defense to reopen testimony to address the erroneously suppressed
    evidence. (Id. at pp. 590–591.) The defendant argued that the remedy was insufficient to
    cure the error, but we disagreed. Because the suppression was discovered before a
    verdict was rendered — indeed, before jury deliberations had begun — we concluded,
    particularly in light of the remedy provided by the trial court, that the suppression did not
    deprive the “defendant of a fair trial.” (Id. at p. 591.)
    In similar fashion, Mora and Rangel had an opportunity to address the late-
    disclosed evidence in this case. Their assertion on appeal that trial counsel “had a
    materially incorrect understanding of the state of the evidence when developing” the
    defense theory “and when cross-examining prosecution witnesses” is unsupported.
    Neither sought to conduct further cross-examination of any witness. Mora and Rangel
    now contend that the remedies offered by the court were not only inadequate but at times
    caused further harm, and that it is impossible to imagine how the trial would have gone
    absent the discovery errors. This claim is specious.
    The court gave Mora and Rangel an opportunity to propose remedies. Indeed,
    other than dismissal or mistrial, the remedies requested were provided. Accordingly, it
    does not appear the court abused its discretion, particularly because it provided Mora and
    Rangel with the relief they sought. 
    (Jenkins, supra
    , 22 Cal.4th at p. 951 [court possesses
    discretion to determine what remediation ensures fair trial].) Moreover, the court did not
    abuse its discretion by denying Mora and Rangel’s motions for mistrial as that remedy
    would have been unduly extreme given the stage of proceedings. (People v. Harris
    57 Cal. 4th 804
    , 848 [trial court possesses broad discretion in ruling on motion for
    mistrial]; see also People v. 
    Wright, supra
    , 39 Cal.3d at p. 591.)
    Finally, to the extent any error resulted from delayed disclosure, it was harmless
    because there is no reasonable probability that any error affected the trial result.
    (People v. Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    , 836 (Watson); 
    Zambrano, supra
    , 41 Cal.4th at
    p. 1135, fn. 13.) Mora and Rangel had an opportunity to address the late-disclosed
    evidence and, for the most part, declined to do so. What little untimely discovery existed
    inculpating Mora or Rangel was suppressed by the court. Where the evidence was
    exculpatory, Mora and Rangel were permitted to — and did — address it. To the extent
    the evidence was equivocal, Mora and Rangel were given an opportunity to investigate
    and argue the import of that evidence. Indeed, Mora and Rangel may have fared better in
    their trial in light of the late disclosure because it resulted in the exclusion of some
    unfavorable evidence. They were not harmed by the late disclosure because they were
    able to use the evidence as they would have if it had been timely disclosed. Accordingly,
    the error, if any, was harmless.
    2.     Instructional Error
    At the end of the guilt phase, Mora requested that the court provide a special
    instruction concerning the discovery delays.11 The court declined to give the requested
    instruction, but gave instead a modified version of CALJIC No. 2.28 that explained the
    rules of discovery and noted that the Compton Police Department failed to timely
    disclose reports containing witness statements and a fingerprint testing report.12 The
    11      In its entirety, the proposed instruction stated, “In this case the Prosecution
    violated the Discovery Laws by failing to turn over to the Defense, police reports
    involving this case, and other evidence. The law requires that all discovery must be
    reciprocal and given to the defense 30 days prior to the start of trial. [¶] This violation
    was unfair to the defense and put them in a position where they have had to continue to
    investigate this case during the course of the trial. [¶] This violation was largely
    attributed to the Investigative officers and Detectives from the Compton Police
    Department who withheld these reports from the Defense. [¶] You may consider this
    violation and give it whatever weight and/or significance you believe it deserves in your
    12     The instruction given by the court stated, in its entirety, “The prosecution and the
    defense are required to disclose to each other before trial the evidence each intends to
    present at trial so as to promote the ascertainment of the truth, save court time and avoid
    any surprise which may arise during the course of the trial. Delay in the disclosure of
    evidence may deny a party a sufficient opportunity to subpoena necessary witnesses or
    court stated that its modification of CALJIC No. 2.28 “specifically left out” language
    regarding intent from the standard instruction “because I don’t think there is any showing
    of intent. I think it’s more negligence than anything else based on what I have heard.”
    Neither Rangel nor Mora objected to the court’s instruction as given or the court’s
    characterization of the discovery delays as negligent.
    Rangel also requested that the court instruct the jury that the beer can found
    beneath the 4Runner was not immediately made available to a defense expert. The court
    declined that request because it was factually inaccurate; the can was provided promptly
    once defense counsel requested it.13
    Mora and Rangel now contend the court erred by failing to give the requested
    instruction regarding discovery delays, and that it erred by using the modified version of
    CALJIC No. 2.28 to instruct the jury. They argue that the instruction, as given, was
    incomplete because it identified the Compton Police Department as the party responsible
    for the discovery delays, not the prosecution generally. Mora and Rangel further argue
    that the instruction should have clarified that the prosecution “concealed” the evidence.
    produce evidence which may exist to rebut the non-complying party’s evidence. [¶]
    Disclosures of evidence are required to be made at least 30 days in advance of trial. Any
    new evidence discovered within 30 days of trial must be disclosed immediately. In this
    case, the Compton Police Department failed to timely disclose the following evidence:
    [¶] 1) Witness statements elicited from people residing on Castlegate Avenue on August
    24, 1997, including a statement from John Youngblood; and [¶] 2) Fingerprint analysis
    report dated December 3, 1997. [¶] Although the Compton Police Department’s failure
    to timely disclose evidence was without lawful justification, the Court has, under the law,
    permitted the production of this evidence during the trial. [¶] The weight and
    significance of any delayed disclosure are matters for your consideration. However, you
    should consider whether the untimely disclosed evidence pertains to a fact of importance,
    something trivial or subject matters already established by other credible evidence.”
    13     When Rangel initially requested the beer can be brought to court to aid in witness
    testimony, he was misinformed by a member of the Compton Police Department that the
    can could not be located. In fact, the prosecution did know the location of the can and,
    once Rangel requested it, made sure the can was retrieved and brought to court later that
    same day.
    Finally, they contend that CALJIC No. 2.28 fails to adequately guide a jury’s
    understanding of how tardy discovery should impact deliberation.
    Because Mora and Rangel failed to object to the court’s modifications of CALJIC
    No. 2.28, their claim of error on appeal is forfeited. (See People v. Bolin (1998)
    18 Cal. 4th 297
    , 326 [failure to object to wording of jury instruction forfeits appellate
    claim of error].) Even if Mora and Rangel had preserved this claim for appellate review,
    the trial court did not err by declining to give the requested special instruction, nor did it
    err by deploying the modified CALJIC No. 2.28 to instruct the jury. It is true that
    CALJIC No. 2.28 has been the subject of significant criticism in the courts of appeal.
    (People v. Riggs (2008) 
    44 Cal. 4th 248
    , 306–307.) Many such critiques are inapposite, as
    they relate to discovery delays caused by a defendant, not those caused by the
    prosecution. Nonetheless, the instruction’s detractors have claimed –– as do Mora and
    Rangel in this case –– that it fails to “provide explicit guidance to the jury regarding why
    and how the discovery violation would be relevant to its deliberations.” (Id. at p. 308.)
    In particular, Mora and Rangel argue the given instruction did not articulate how the
    delayed discovery affected the defense’s presentation of their case by curtailing their
    ability to subpoena witnesses and requiring they proceed hastily and without adequate
    preparation during the course of the trial.
    Mora and Rangel do not persuade on this point –– and the language of the
    instruction shows why. The trial court conveyed CALJIC No. 2.28 to the jury as follows:
    “Delay in the disclosure of evidence may deny a party a sufficient opportunity to
    subpoena necessary witnesses or produce evidence which may exist to rebut the non-
    complying party’s evidence.” The jury was informed of the nature of the unfairness
    wrought by late disclosure, and was told to evaluate the significance to attach to that
    inequity by considering whether the undisclosed evidence “pertains to a fact of
    importance, something trivial or subject matters already established by other credible
    evidence.” This language constituted “a proper statement of the applicable law, from
    which the parties could argue inferences that might (or might not) be drawn from the
    evidence presented at trial.” (People v. 
    Riggs, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at pp. 310–311.) To the
    extent the instruction permitted the jury to speculate and presume the discovery delay
    was sufficient –– alone –– to cast doubt on Mora and Rangel’s guilt, the ambiguity
    favored them.
    Mora and Rangel next assert that the court erred by instructing the jury that the
    Compton Police Department, not the prosecution generally, was to blame for the delayed
    discovery. As Mora and Rangel note, the prosecution is charged with discovering and
    disclosing material exculpatory evidence even if maintained by a different agency.
    (In re 
    Brown, supra
    , 17 Cal.4th at pp. 879–883.) There is no indication here that the
    prosecution failed to do that. The witness statements described in the instruction were
    not necessarily exculpatory; many of the statements were inculpatory or equivocal. The
    fingerprint report, to the extent it was exculpatory, was admitted, and its admission
    occurred over Mora and Rangel’s objection.
    Even if the evidence was in fact material and exculpatory, and the prosecution was
    therefore required to discover and disclose it, nothing in the instruction constituted an
    excuse of the prosecutor’s failure to disclose. Rather, the instruction informed the jury of
    the prosecution agency responsible for the delay in disclosure and invited the jury to
    accord the necessary weight to that delay. Under section 1054.5, the court may order the
    noncompliant party to make “immediate disclosure” where only one party fails to comply
    with the discovery statutes, or the court may initiate “contempt proceedings, delay[] or
    prohibit[] the testimony of a witness or the presentation of real evidence,” or order a
    continuance. (§ 1054.5, subd. (b).) In addition, “the court may advise the jury of any
    failure or refusal to disclose and of any untimely disclosure.” (Ibid.) Here, the delayed
    discovery was immediately disclosed, and the jury received an instruction concerning the
    delay. These remedies are consistent with the statute. (Ibid.) The trial court did not
    abuse its discretion by providing the modified CALJIC No. 2.28 instruction, which
    modification included a precise identification of the agency responsible for the delay.
    To the extent any error arose from identifying the police department and not the
    prosecution more broadly as the agency responsible for the delays, the error was harmless
    under any standard in light of the overwhelming evidence of guilt. (Neder v. United
    States (1999) 
    527 U.S. 1
    , 17.) Beltran, Encinas’s girlfriend and a witness to the
    beginning of the altercation, identified both Mora and Rangel from among approximately
    11 individuals in a field lineup. Fonseca, the passenger in Beltran’s car, also observed
    the assailants and identified both Mora and Rangel during a field lineup. Gregorio, the
    passenger in the 4Runner who observed the shootings from the backseat of the vehicle,
    also identified Mora and Rangel in the field lineup held after the shooting. Lopez told
    police during interviews that took place immediately after the shooting that Mora and
    Rangel were both outside when the shooting occurred, that they came back inside one
    minute after the shots were fired, and that Mora asked Lopez to go to the bedroom where
    their daughter was sleeping to prevent the child from waking and seeing her father go to
    jail. Although Lopez testified inconsistently with some of those statements, another
    party-goer at Lopez’s house that night — Valadez — confirmed that Mora and Rangel
    reentered Lopez’s house immediately after the shooting. He also confirmed that both
    men carried weapons and were bragging about the shootings.
    Moreover, Valadez’s testimony corroborated other evidence. For instance,
    Valadez testified that after Mora and Rangel reentered Lopez’s house, one of the men
    stated he would have continued firing shots had his weapon not jammed. One of the two
    firearms recovered from Mora’s Oldsmobile parked in Lopez’s garage had a bullet
    jammed at the breech. Valadez also corroborated Gregorio’s observation that Mora was
    shirtless during the shooting.
    Ballistics evidence added further corroboration. The Astra found in the
    Oldsmobile in Lopez’s garage was determined to be jammed due to a feeding problem.
    Casings recovered from the crime scene compared against those made during ballistics
    testing revealed that three casings were fired from the Astra. The testing also revealed
    that an expended cartridge case originated from the Intratec, the other weapon found in
    the Oldsmobile. The bullet recovered from Encinas’s body was shot from the Astra and
    the bullet recovered from Urrutia’s body was shot from the Intratec.
    Mora and Rangel’s primary defense was mistaken identity, and their defense was
    refuted by multiple witnesses. Given this overwhelming evidence, there is not a
    reasonable probability that, had the jury been instructed that the prosecution and not
    simply the Compton Police Department was responsible for the delayed discovery, the
    result would have been different. (See 
    Watson, supra
    , 46 Cal.2d at p. 836.) Likewise,
    any federal constitutional error resulting from the jury instruction would have been
    harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. (Chapman v. California (1967) 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24.)
    3.     Closing Argument
    Mora and Rangel argue that the trial court erred by prohibiting them from arguing
    in closing that the discovery delays were intentional. The prosecutor requested that the
    court restrict Mora and Rangel from arguing that the delays were intentional, and the
    court agreed, stating “[t]here is no evidence of that. They can’t argue intent.” The court
    invited further discussion on the subject, but neither Mora nor Rangel addressed the
    court’s restriction against arguing during the closing that the delay was intentional.
    Neither Mora nor Rangel objected to the court’s ruling on this matter. So they
    forfeited the argument that the court erred by prohibiting argument that the delayed
    disclosure was intentional. (See People v. Seumanu (2015) 
    61 Cal. 4th 1293
    , 1342
    [concluding timely objection could have prevented harm alleged to have resulted from
    improper closing argument, and failing to object forfeited the issue on appeal].) Even if
    not forfeited, the court did not abuse its discretion. The closing argument provides
    counsel with opportunity to state “what the evidence shows”; it is restricted to the
    evidence and reasonable inferences that may be drawn therefrom. (Ibid.) Ample
    evidence supported the court’s statement that the delays resulted from negligence,
    including the fact that the lead police detective handling the case changed during the
    course of the investigation. Because no evidence of intention was presented, the trial
    court’s restriction was appropriate. Assuming, arguendo, that the court erred by
    prohibiting defense counsel from arguing that intent could be inferred from the discovery
    delays, any such error was harmless in light of the overwhelming evidence of guilt.
    (People v. Leonard (2007) 
    40 Cal. 4th 1370
    , 1407.)
    2.     Rangel’s Preparation for Cross-Examining Witness Youngblood
    Rangel argues that his right to effective confrontation was violated by the court’s
    failure to provide sufficient time to review a statement John Youngblood gave to Mora’s
    defense team before requiring that Rangel cross-examine Youngblood. There was no
    a.     Background
    On January 28, 1999, the prosecution called John Youngblood to testify.
    Youngblood was among the several witnesses whose statements to police had been
    belatedly disclosed to the defense. Youngblood was a Castlegate resident who had heard
    and observed some of the events in the early morning hours on August 24, 1997.
    Youngblood saw two men near the 4Runner parked on Castlegate on the morning of the
    shooting, but he did not identify anyone to the police when he was questioned that day.
    He later identified Mora from a photo array during an interview with the police.
    Before testifying on January 28, 1999, Youngblood provided a six-page
    statement to Mora’s investigator purportedly identifying Rangel, not Mora, as one of the
    shooters. Following his meeting with Mora’s defense team, Youngblood was called to
    testify. Before the prosecution proceeded with direct examination, Rangel requested
    additional time to review the six-page statement Youngblood provided to Mora’s
    investigator. The court denied that request. There was just one copy of the six-page
    statement, which Mora’s defense team was reviewing during the prosecution’s direct
    examination of Youngblood. Rangel argued that permitting direct examination before
    Rangel could review Youngblood’s statement constituted a denial of Rangel’s right to a
    fair trial; the court disagreed.
    The court explained that Rangel was not legally entitled to a copy of a report
    prepared by a codefendant’s investigator. Moreover, the court noted, Rangel’s
    investigator had ample opportunity over the course of the preceding week to talk to
    Youngblood. Rangel alleged his investigator attempted to speak to Youngblood during
    that time, but was unable to do so. Rangel claimed that when his investigator attempted
    contact, Youngblood told the investigator that police had told Youngblood not to speak
    with a defense investigator because he did not have to do so. In fact, it appears
    Youngblood declined to speak with Mora’s investigator, not Rangel’s. It is not clear that
    Rangel’s team sought to speak with Youngblood. In any event, as the court noted, “it
    does not matter who [Youngblood spoke to]. The witnesses are entitled to speak to
    whomever they choose to. They don’t have to talk to anybody, and if they do, that’s
    fine.” (See People v. Valdez (2012) 
    55 Cal. 4th 82
    , 118 [“although a criminal defendant
    may ask witnesses to give interviews, witnesses have no legal obligation to grant that
    request; they may decline to speak with a defendant”].) And Rangel insisted that a
    defense investigator spoke with Youngblood, and that Youngblood’s identification of
    Rangel as a shooter on the day of Youngblood’s testimony was a new development. The
    court suggested the parties wait to see how the witness examination would “play out” and
    permitted the prosecution to proceed with direct examination.
    Youngblood testified to, among other things, observing the 4Runner under strong
    lighting in which he could see the back of the man standing at the passenger-side door
    and the front of the man standing at the driver’s side of the car. Youngblood identified
    Rangel as the man he saw standing at the driver’s side. After the shots were fired,
    Youngblood saw the back of a “car speeding off, going up the street.”
    Following direct examination, Rangel again complained that there had been no
    opportunity to review the report given to Mora’s investigator. The court declined to take
    a break, but told Rangel’s counsel that she could “stand there and take as much time as
    [she] need[s]” to read the report. The court noted again that Rangel had “had ample
    opportunity to interview this witness.”14 In a further effort to accommodate Rangel, the
    court suggested that Mora cross-examine Youngblood before Rangel. Because Mora was
    uncertain whether cross-examination was warranted, the court provided a short time to
    allow Mora to make that determination, giving Rangel’s defense team a few additional
    moments to read the six-page report. Rangel’s counsel then announced, “I’m going to try
    to start” and proceeded to cross-examine Youngblood.
    b.     Discussion
    Rangel argues that his right to effective confrontation was violated by the court’s
    failure to provide his counsel time to review Youngblood’s statement before cross-
    examining the witness. A criminal defendant possesses a fundamental right to confront
    the witnesses against him. (U.S. Const., 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th Amends.; Cal. Const., art. I,
    §§ 7, 15, 24; § 686; Pointer v. Texas (1965) 
    380 U.S. 400
    , 403.) Cross-examination is a
    cornerstone of that fundamental right. (Pointer, at p. 404.) Rangel does not argue that he
    was entirely denied the right to cross-examine Youngblood, but that his attorney’s
    14     At this point in the sidebar with the bench, Rangel shifted strategies and told the
    court Youngblood’s rap sheet should be run to determine whether he had prior felony
    convictions. The court declined to inconvenience the witness further by having the rap
    sheet run before completing his testimony, although the court and parties agreed that
    Youngblood would remain on call should the need arise to question him further regarding
    any prior felonies. The prosecution also agreed to stipulate to any felony conviction in
    Youngblood’s past. Rangel argued, with respect to the court’s failure to provide a
    continuance to review the six-page report and run Youngblood’s rap sheet before cross-
    examination that “this is a denial of Mr. Rangel’s right to have a fair trial, due process of
    law and equal protection.” The court did not directly respond to this statement.
    inadequate preparation to cross-examine rendered that examination constitutionally
    deficient. He contends the right to confrontation necessarily means that a defendant
    possesses the right to “effective” cross examination (Davis v. Alaska (1974) 
    415 U.S. 308
    , 318 (Davis)), and insufficient preparation through no fault of his counsel’s rendered
    the cross-examination ineffective. Rangel is mistaken.
    Here, Rangel did have an opportunity to review the six-page witness statement
    prior to cross-examining Youngblood. Because the statement had been prepared shortly
    before Youngblood’s testimony, neither the prosecutor nor Mora had much time to
    review the statement. Although the court did not grant a recess, it ensured that Rangel
    had sufficient time to read the statement before beginning cross-examination. The court
    initially allowed Rangel time before beginning cross-examination to read the statement,
    and later granted a short break to allow Mora time to review notes and consider whether
    to conduct cross-examination first, during which break Rangel was able to thoroughly
    review the statement. During the break and before Rangel could avail himself of
    additional time to review the statement, as he could have taken if he allowed Mora to
    proceed with cross-examination, Rangel’s counsel announced she was “going to try to
    start,” after which the cross-examination began. Rangel’s argument that there was
    insufficient time to review the statement, when he took all the time he needed,
    accordingly fails.
    Nor do we see a defect in the cross-examination itself. The confrontation clause
    guarantees a meaningful but limited right –– the opportunity to engage in effective cross-
    examination, not necessarily cross-examination that satisfies the defendant in any
    conceivable respect. (People v. Gonzales (2012) 
    54 Cal. 4th 1234
    , 1265.) The United
    States Supreme Court has distinguished between sufficiently effective cross-examination
    and cross-examination as effective as the defendant wishes. (United States v. Owens
    484 U.S. 554
    , 559.) No confrontation issue arises when, for example, the defense
    is able to cross-examine the witness about bias, inattentiveness, or faulty memory
    — even if an expert testifies regarding his opinion but is unable to recall the reason he
    formed that opinion. (Ibid.)
    In Davis, the high court examined what constitutes effective cross-examination. A
    witness on probation for residential burglary under a juvenile court adjudication claimed
    he observed two men standing by a car on his property where a stolen safe from a bar was
    later found. 
    (Davis, supra
    , 415 U.S. at pp. 309–310.) Although he was a key prosecution
    witness, the defense was not permitted to inquire into his potential bias by cross-
    examining him as to his juvenile offense. (Id. at p. 311.) The defense attempted to probe
    the witness’s bias, but was unable to challenge the witness’s statement that he had never
    been questioned by law enforcement. (Id. at pp. 313–314.) The high court held that the
    state’s “interest in protecting the confidentiality of a juvenile offender’s record cannot
    require yielding of so vital a constitutional right as the effective cross-examination for
    bias of an adverse witness.” (Id. at p. 320.)
    Unlike the instant case, the defendant in Davis had scant opportunity to probe the
    witness’s potential for bias. 
    (Davis, supra
    , 415 U.S. at p. 318.) Here, Rangel had ample
    opportunity to cross-examine Youngblood, and used it. The cross-examination was nearly
    twice as long as the direct examination. Rangel questioned Youngblood in depth about
    the six-page statement Youngblood made to Mora’s investigator. Rangel also probed
    Youngblood’s prior identification of Mora and Youngblood’s inconsistent subsequent
    identification of Rangel.
    Only when Rangel’s examination began covering repetitive ground did the court
    intervene, suggesting counsel focus questions more narrowly. Rangel then complained to
    the court about the insufficient time to review Youngblood’s statement, and reiterates that
    concern on appeal. Yet Rangel points to no authority — nor have we found any —
    suggesting that a defendant is entitled to as much time as he would like to review a
    witness’s statement made to a codefendant’s investigator. To the contrary, we have held
    that so long as a defendant is afforded an opportunity for effective cross-examination, no
    error results from a cross-examination that does not fully live up to the defendant’s
    expectations. (People v. 
    Gonzales, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 1265.) Rangel’s lengthy and
    thorough cross-examination of Youngblood was apparently effective, and Rangel does
    not contend there remained any unasked or unanswered query. Rather, Rangel asserts
    that there is a delta between announcing readiness to “try to start” the cross-examination
    and announcing readiness to actually start the cross-examination. He claims he indicated
    only the former, which was not indicative of actual readiness. Of course, Rangel could
    have, and declined to, take more time to review the statement before so announcing. In
    any event, the difference between the statements — if there is one — is certainly not
    enough to find the court erred by failing to grant a longer recess. The cross-examination
    began when Rangel decided it should, and Rangel’s inability to identify any avenue of
    inquiry that was not taken suggests it was effective. Accordingly, Rangel’s right to
    confront Youngblood was not violated.
    3.     Playing Lourdes Lopez’s Unredacted Audio Recordings
    a.     Background
    Mora and Rangel contend the trial court abused its discretion by permitting the
    prosecution to play unredacted audio tape recordings (“tapes”) of Lopez’s interview with
    police. Lopez’s trial testimony differed in significant respects from her statements to
    police made in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. Specifically, in her taped
    interview, Lopez stated that she saw Mora and Rangel run outside prior to the shooting,
    after which she heard gunshots and saw the two men run back into her house. She also
    told police that she saw Mora move his car into the garage and park her car behind his.
    Finally, she told police that Mora asked her to go to the bedroom “cause I don’t want my
    daughter [to] see me go to jail.” Although she was cross-examined regarding those
    differences, Lopez testified that officers stopped and started the recording of the
    interview several times to call her names and threaten to remove her daughter from her
    care if she did not make statements inculpating Mora and Rangel. She also testified that
    she was tired, hungry, and caring for her uncomfortable child during the interviews.
    The prosecution sought to play Lopez’s two tape-recorded statements in order to
    impeach her testimony about her level of discomfort during the interviews, impeach her
    testimony that the recording was stopped and started, or refresh her recollection as to
    what point in the interviews the taping was stopped and restarted. Mora and Rangel
    objected to the tapes being played for the jury because Lopez referenced information
    about gang membership during the tapes, and the jury was not voir dired regarding gang
    affiliation issues. In fact, the interview contains just three references to gangs. Only one
    reference relates to Mora, and none to Rangel. In the single reference to Mora, Lopez
    responded to a question, “what gang [unintelligible],” with the words “Uhm, Joker,”
    indicating Mora. Lopez was then asked another unintelligible question and responded,
    “uhm, my friends over there.” The court concluded the tape could be played because any
    linkage to Mora’s gang affiliation the jury could discern from that exchange could be
    resolved via instruction.
    Mora and Rangel also objected to the tapes’ introduction because they contained
    hearsay statements and were unduly prejudicial. Specifically, Mora and Rangel alleged
    that Lopez disclosed that Mora had suffered past incarceration and that she suggested that
    Mora had a propensity toward violence. The court clarified that the portion of the tape
    referring to Mora’s propensity toward violence had already been read to the jury in the
    course of Lopez’s cross-examination, and that it was less sensible to try and exclude
    portions of the tape in light of the overall purpose of determining whether and when the
    taping was stopped and restarted.
    The trial court permitted the prosecution to play the tapes. The court also
    provided a transcript of the tapes to the jurors to follow along as they listened, although
    the transcript was not admitted into evidence or provided to the jury for deliberation. The
    court instructed Lopez to note any instance of the tape being stopped and started. She
    was unable to do so.
    b.     Discussion
    Mora and Rangel contend that when the prosecution played Lopez’s taped
    interviews with the police, the trial court abused its discretion in violation of Evidence
    Code section 352. (See People v. Cole (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 1158
    , 1198 [“We review the
    trial court’s rulings on relevance and admission or exclusion of evidence under Evidence
    Code section 352 . . . for abuse of discretion”].) Relevant evidence may be excluded if a
    trial court determines that its probative value is substantially outweighed by the
    probability that its admission will cause prejudice, delay, confusion, or will mislead the
    jury. (Evid. Code, § 352.) Mora and Rangel argue that the taped interviews were
    irrelevant because they lacked evidentiary value with regard to proof of guilt or
    innocence. Mora and Rangel’s formulation of relevance is artificially narrow.
    “ ‘Relevant evidence’ means evidence, including evidence relevant to the credibility of a
    witness or hearsay declarant, having any tendency in reason to prove or disprove any
    disputed fact that is of consequence to the determination of the action.” (Evid. Code,
    § 210, italics added.)
    Here, the tapes were relevant to a key witness’s credibility and allegation that her
    highly inculpatory statements to police made in the immediate aftermath of the shooting
    were coerced. (See, e.g., Evid. Code, § 1235 [hearsay rule does not exclude prior
    statements inconsistent with trial testimony].) “We will not disturb a trial court’s
    exercise of discretion under Evidence Code section 352 ‘ “except on a showing that the
    court exercised its discretion in an arbitrary, capricious or patently absurd manner that
    resulted in a manifest miscarriage of justice.” ’ ” (People v. Jones (1998) 
    17 Cal. 4th 279
    304.) The trial court’s reasonable admission of the taped statements was none of those
    Mora and Rangel contend the taped statements were highly prejudicial because
    they contained hearsay statements referencing, among other things, Mora’s propensity for
    violence, gang association, and Mora’s previous incarceration. The court’s determination
    that the probative value outweighed any prejudice resulting from the statements was not
    arbitrary. Indeed, the parties engaged in a lengthy colloquy about the tapes’ admission,
    and the court admonished the jury to disregard any hearsay the taped statements might
    contain and consider the tapes only in connection with Lopez’s allegations regarding
    coercion. While courts must tread carefully with regard to propensity for violence and
    gang evidence in light of the inherently prejudicial nature of such information
    (People v. Williams (1997) 
    16 Cal. 4th 153
    , 193), the court’s admission of the taped
    statements here, with their minimal reference to gangs and little tying gang participation
    to Mora, Rangel, or the crimes at issue, was not an abuse of discretion. (People v. 
    Jones, supra
    , 17 Cal.4th at p. 304.) Because we find no error, we do not address prejudice,
    although the overwhelming evidence of guilt suggests none would attach even if the
    court’s admission of the statements was erroneous. (See 
    Watson, supra
    , 46 Cal.2d at
    p. 836; People v. Smith (2015) 
    61 Cal. 4th 18
    , 52.)
    4.     Juror No. 7 Was Not Dismissed
    Rangel argues that the trial court failed to conduct an adequate inquiry and failed
    to remove Juror No. 7 in violation of Rangel’s rights to due process and a fair trial, trial
    by an impartial jury, and to a reliable capital and penalty determination. (See U.S.
    Const., 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th Amends.) Specifically, Rangel alleges the trial court erred by
    failing to adequately question Juror No. 7. Rangel further argues that the trial court’s
    failure to dismiss Juror No. 7 after the juror learned Mora or Rangel might have rejected
    a plea bargain was prejudicial. We hold the trial court’s examination of Juror No. 7 was
    adequate and the court did not err by declining to dismiss Juror No. 7 because the juror’s
    exposure to a potential plea was not per se erroneous. Even if error occurred, it was not
    a.     Background
    On January 11, 1999, before voir dire, the woman who became Juror No. 7 spoke
    with a woman in the court cafeteria that she later learned was the mother of Mora or
    Rangel. The mother asked if she could take the seat opposite Juror No. 7 in the cafeteria
    and Juror No. 7 replied affirmatively. Juror No. 7 was wearing a juror badge. The
    mother offered Juror No. 7 a cookie, and Juror No. 7 refused the offer. The mother told
    Juror No. 7 that she was at the courthouse every day for her son’s trial, and confided that
    “she was sure she was going to lose [her son] because he had been offered a plea of 25 to
    life,” and “she was going to lose out because murder charges—well, charges had been set
    up and they wanted to give [her son] the death penalty.” The mother also confided to
    Juror No. 7 that she had been looking for a job, but was now unable to continue that
    search until “this whole ordeal” concluded. The mother did not identify herself or her
    son to Juror No. 7. Juror No. 7 did not encourage the conversation.
    Two days later, after the jury was empaneled and the second day of evidence
    presentation was underway, Juror No. 7 recognized the mother in the courtroom as the
    woman who had spoken with her in the cafeteria earlier that week. Juror No. 7 realized
    the woman must be the mother of one of the defendants. She immediately drew the issue
    to the court’s attention. Juror No. 7 had not raised the issue earlier because she had not
    previously been aware that the woman with whom she conversed was connected to the
    trial in which she was a juror. The court and counsel questioned Juror No. 7 out of the
    presence of the jury. Juror No. 7 stated that the contact she had had with the mother
    would not impair her ability to evaluate the evidence during the guilt phase to determine
    whether the People proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Juror No. 7 likewise
    attested that knowing the mother was related to one of the defendants would not influence
    Juror No. 7 in any way during the penalty phase of the proceedings.
    After this colloquy, the court spoke with counsel out of Juror No. 7’s presence.
    The prosecution noted that there never had been an offer of 25-to-life on the table. The
    court clarified that the issue is not whether an offer had been made, or an agreement
    reached, but whether the juror could sit. Rangel requested that the juror be excused
    because, whether or not an offer had been made, the juror believed an offer was declined.
    Rangel argued that the existence of an offer suggested that Mora, Rangel, or both, had
    committed the crime for which they stood accused and the juror might have believed the
    offer should have been accepted. This was particularly true for Juror No. 7, Rangel
    argued, because her jury questionnaire revealed that she believed that once an individual
    was found guilty of a capital offense and sentenced to death, that sentence should be
    “carried out” lest too “much time [be] wasted on the criminals.”
    Mora did not ask that the juror be removed, but requested that audience members
    be instructed to refrain from making statements about the case. Rangel echoed the
    request that family members be admonished “not to have contacts with anybody.”
    The court denied Rangel’s request to excuse Juror No. 7, concluding that the juror
    properly addressed the issue at the first available opportunity and was “adamant about her
    ability to set [the conversation] aside.” The court noted that “whether there was an offer
    or not isn’t anything anyone can consider.” The court noted a death penalty case raised
    less concern than a case in which the potential sanction would be unknown by the jury.
    The court advised all audience members in the courtroom, whether they were there
    to support the victims or defendants, not to speak to any member of the empaneled jury
    or the alternates. Finally, the court suggested audience members spread the word to their
    friends and relatives to refrain from contact with the jury. The court warned that if an
    audience member was found to have spoken with a juror, that person would be excused
    from “attending or participating in this proceeding.”
    b.     Discussion
    Each criminal defendant is entitled to an impartial jury. (People v. Mickel (2016)
    2 Cal.5th 181, 215, citing People v. Earp (1999) 
    20 Cal. 4th 826
    , 852.) That entitlement
    imposes upon each juror a duty to maintain impartiality throughout the trial.
    (People v. Nesler (1997) 
    16 Cal. 4th 561
    , 578.) The loss of impartiality requires dismissal
    of the juror. (Ibid.) Loss of impartiality may result from a juror’s receipt of information
    about the case that was not part of the evidence received at trial. (Ibid.) A jury must be
    “capable and willing to decide the case solely on the evidence before it,” lest a due
    process violation occur. (Smith v. Phillips (1982) 
    455 U.S. 209
    , 217.)
    Rangel argues his right to due process was violated by the court’s inadequate voir
    dire following Juror No. 7’s revelation that she spoke with Mora or Rangel’s mother.
    “The law is clear . . . that the court must investigate reports of juror misconduct to
    determine whether cause exists to replace an offending juror with a substitute.”
    (People v. Keenan (1988) 
    46 Cal. 3d 478
    , 532.) If a juror’s ability to perform his or her
    duty is called into question, a court is expected to hold a hearing; failure to conduct a
    sufficient hearing constitutes an abuse of discretion. (Ibid., citing People v. Burgener
    41 Cal. 3d 505
    , 519–520.) Following a hearing, the trial court may discharge a
    juror if it finds that the juror is unable to perform his or her duty. (§ 1089.)
    We conclude the trial court’s hearing concerning Juror No. 7’s unwitting contact
    with the mother was sufficient. Consistent with its obligation, the trial court immediately
    investigated Juror No. 7’s report that she believed she had contact with a party’s relative.
    Following a thorough examination by the court and parties, the court concluded that Juror
    No. 7 could perform her duty as a juror and declined to dismiss her.
    In claiming the court’s examination was inadequate, Rangel alleges only that the
    court failed to assess the effect, if any, of Juror No. 7’s conversation with the mother on
    the other jurors. We note at the outset that Rangel was given an opportunity to question
    Juror No. 7 after the court completed its inquiry, and Rangel failed to raise any questions
    regarding the impact on other jurors of Juror No. 7’s contact with the mother. Rangel did
    not ask if Juror No. 7 discussed the encounter with any other juror. Assuming Rangel’s
    argument is not forfeited via his counsel’s own failure to examine Juror No. 7 as he now
    claims was compelled, we nevertheless conclude that the trial court did not err by
    declining to examine the effect, if any, of Juror No. 7’s conversation with the mother on
    other jurors.
    A court must hold a hearing if a juror’s ability to perform his or her duty is called
    into question. (People v. 
    Keenan, supra
    , 46 Cal.3d at p. 532.) The court did just that
    here. Only Juror No. 7’s ability to objectively serve as a juror was called into question,
    and the person who raised the question was Juror No. 7 herself. No other juror’s ability
    to impartially serve was in issue. Rangel does not allege that the court was deficient
    because it should have questioned some or all of the other jurors; of course, the court
    would have been obliged to do so if any other juror’s ability to perform his or her duty
    had been in doubt. (See ibid.) The trial court adequately probed and resolved the
    question of whether Juror No. 7 could continue to impartiality serve. Indeed, the court
    commended Juror No. 7’s prompt efforts to communicate the potential issue to the court
    and see it resolved. The court was not obliged to evaluate whether Juror No. 7’s
    conversation affected the other jurors when there was no suspicion that any other juror
    became unable to impartially serve (or even that another juror became aware of Juror
    No. 7’s conversation with the mother). Accordingly, the court’s inquiry into Juror
    No. 7’s ability to impartially perform her duty was adequate, and no error occurred. Even
    if error occurred, it would not have been prejudicial because there is no substantial
    likelihood that Juror No. 7 was actually biased. (See In re Hamilton (1999) 
    20 Cal. 4th 273
    , 294–296.)
    Rangel also alleges the court erred when it failed to dismiss Juror No. 7. The juror
    should have been dismissed, contends Rangel, because what was said to her was outside
    the scope of the evidence presented at trial and constituted error in violation of Rangel’s
    right to due process. If “ ‘extraneous material’ ” presented to a juror, “ ‘judged
    objectively, is inherently and substantially likely to have influenced the juror,’ ” bias may
    be found. (People v. Danks (2004) 
    32 Cal. 4th 269
    , 303.) Rangel contends that Juror
    No. 7 was actually biased because she possessed unforgettable information that she was
    not permitted to consider as a matter of law. That is, Rangel asserts Juror No. 7 knew
    that a plea agreement was rejected, making Juror No. 7 more likely to infer that Rangel
    was guilty, and leaving “an inerasable impression” that Rangel, though guilty, decided to
    take his chances with trial, and should therefore suffer the death penalty if found guilty.
    (People v. Lambright (1964) 
    61 Cal. 2d 482
    , 486; see 
    id. at p.
    487.) The refusal of a
    guilty plea, of course, is not necessarily indicative of culpability and may instead be
    consistent with a defendant’s belief in his innocence or reduced culpability.
    Receipt of extraneous information is not “ ‘misconduct’ in the pejorative sense,”
    but it “may require similar examination for probable prejudice.” (In re 
    Hamilton, supra
    20 Cal.4th at p. 295.) If a sitting juror communicates with a non-juror, there arises “a
    rebuttable ‘presumption’ of prejudice.” (Ibid.) The presumption can be rebutted by
    demonstrating there is “no substantial likelihood that one or more jurors were actually
    biased against the defendant.” (Id. at p. 296.) A substantial likelihood of bias may be
    found where the material was not inherently prejudicial but the totality of the
    circumstances suggest actual bias arose. (People v. 
    Danks, supra
    , 32 Cal.4th at p. 303.)
    Precisely what constitutes “ ‘actual bias’ ” of a juror may vary somewhat
    depending on the particular circumstances of the case. (People v. 
    Nesler, supra
    16 Cal.4th at p. 580.) The United States Supreme Court has explained that bias, or
    impartiality, is a state of mind rather some specific course of conduct. (United States
    v. Wood (1936) 
    299 U.S. 123
    , 145–146.) In assessing whether that state of mind is
    present or not, the law makes room for a juror’s humanity, understanding that a juror may
    not “be totally ignorant of the facts and issues involved.” (Irvin v. Dowd (1961) 
    366 U.S. 717
    , 722; see also People v. 
    Nesler, supra
    , 16 Cal.4th at p. 580.) If a juror is able to
    set aside impressions and opinions to render a verdict based on the evidence presented in
    court, the juror is impartial. (Smith v. 
    Phillips, supra
    , 455 U.S. at p. 217.) If, on the other
    hand, the juror forms an opinion so strong that the court is of the belief it cannot be set
    aside even if the juror does not express it, the juror will be adjudged biased.
    (Irvin v. 
    Dowd, supra
    , 366 U.S. at p. 723; People v. 
    Nesler, supra
    , 16 Cal.4th at p. 580.)
    The evaluation of bias presents a mixed question of law and fact on appeal, the resolution
    of which obliges this court to review the trial court’s examination and the juror’s
    responses. (Ibid.)
    Here, Juror No. 7 attested to her ability to impartially evaluate the evidence at the
    guilt phase of the trial. She likewise was certain that what she learned from the mother
    would not influence her penalty phase decision-making. Noting Juror No. 7’s insistence
    that she could set aside what she was told by one of the defendants’ relatives, the court
    found no reason to remove the juror. Assuming that Juror No. 7’s communication with a
    nonjuror — even though it occurred before Juror No. 7 was empaneled — created a
    rebuttable presumption of prejudice, there is no substantial likelihood that Juror No. 7
    was actually biased against Rangel.
    Juror No. 7’s responses to the trial court’s examination revealed no bias, and the
    trial court found none. A review of the complete trial record reveals no further conduct
    on Juror No. 7’s part suggesting latent bias. (Cf. People v. 
    Nesler, supra
    , 16 Cal.4th at
    p. 583 [juror repeatedly disclosed outside information about the defendant during
    deliberation when she disagreed with fellow jurors, suggesting bias].) Juror No. 7 stated
    she could set aside what she had been told and she proceeded to do so. Accordingly, the
    trial court did not err by declining to remove Juror No. 7.
    5.     Accessory After the Fact Instruction
    a.     Background
    At the conclusion of the guilt phase, Mora requested that the jury be instructed
    consistent with section 32, accessory after the fact.15 Mora contended that substantial
    evidence supported his defense theory that Jade Gallegos, not Mora, was one of the
    shooters. In support of this theory, Mora asserted that one of the witnesses, Sheila
    Creswell — who lived on Castlegate across the street from Gallegos and who saw
    Gallegos daily — witnessed Gallegos and Rangel running away from the 4Runner after
    she heard shots fired on the morning of August 24, 1997.
    The prosecutor opposed Mora’s proposed instruction. In doing so, the People
    argued that several witnesses had identified Mora and no evidence supported Mora’s
    theory that he served only as an accessory. The court noted that the instruction Mora
    requested, accessory after the fact, was a lesser related offense, not a lesser included
    offense. Mora argued the instruction was warranted because the jury could conclude that
    Gallegos was a shooter and Mora simply moved the cars after the shooting. After taking
    additional time to research and consider Mora’s request, the trial court denied the
    requested instruction, explaining that it was not warranted under the facts of the case.
    Mora’s counsel asked if she was permitted to argue that Mora was not guilty because he
    simply moved the cars, to which the court responded, “of course.” The court clarified
    that Mora was charged only with murder and attempted robbery, and the jury was free to
    conclude that Mora was not guilty of either of the charged offenses. Mora’s counsel
    responded, “thank you,” and the discussion concerning this instruction concluded.
    15     Section 32 provides, “Every person who, after a felony has been committed,
    harbors, conceals or aids a principal in such felony, with the intent that said principal may
    avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction or punishment, having knowledge that said
    principal has committed such felony or has been charged with such felony or convicted
    thereof, is an accessory to such felony.”
    b.      Discussion
    The parties agree that accessory after the fact is, as the court noted, a lesser related
    offense to murder, not a lesser included offense. (People v. Majors (1998) 
    18 Cal. 4th 385
    , 408.) A trial court is not obliged to instruct a jury on lesser related offenses even if
    requested, as Mora concedes. (People v. Birks (1998) 
    19 Cal. 4th 108
    , 112–113 (Birks).)
    Mora argues that Birks is distinguishable from the instant case in two respects. First,
    Mora contends that the failure to instruct here unfairly weights the instructions given in
    the prosecution’s favor, which was not the case in Birks. (Ibid.) Second, Mora alleges,
    the trial court’s refusal to give the instruction violated his constitutional rights to present
    a defense, to due process, to a fair trial by jury, and to a reliable guilt determination in a
    capital trial.
    Regarding his first point, Mora cites no authority –– nor does he otherwise make a
    persuasive argument –– supporting the conclusion that unfair weighting of instructions in
    favor of the prosecution permits a trial court to disregard Birks. Instead, Mora argues that
    due process commands “a two-way street” between the prosecution and defense, which
    extends to jury instructions. (Wardius v. Oregon (1973) 
    412 U.S. 470
    , 475.) Here,
    because the prosecution requested and the trial court agreed to give CALJIC No. 2.03
    regarding consciousness of guilt, Mora argues that the jury instructions favored the
    prosecution’s theory in violation of due process principles. Again, Mora cites no
    authority suggesting there must be parity, absolute or otherwise, in giving instructions
    requested by or favoring a party. Mora has presented no reason to disregard Birks;
    accordingly, we conclude a trial court remains free to decline to instruct the jury on a
    lesser related offense. 
    (Birks, supra
    , 19 Cal.4th at pp. 112–113.)
    Mora asserts that CALJIC No. 2.03 erroneously permitted the jury to consider his
    false statements, if any, to the extent they demonstrated his consciousness of guilt of the
    charged crimes of murder and robbery, while precluding the jury from determining his
    guilt of accessory after the fact. Mora is mistaken. We have previously held that
    declining to instruct on accessory after the fact is “not essential to [a] defendant’s
    defense. Through [a] defendant’s testimony and defense counsel’s closing argument, the
    jury [may be] fully apprised of the defense theories that it was [someone else] rather than
    [the] defendant who caused [the] fatal injuries.” (People v. Whisenhunt (2008) 
    44 Cal. 4th 174
    , 213 (Whisenhunt).)16 As in Whisenhunt, Mora was given an opportunity to, and did,
    argue that Jade Gallegos was the shooter, and that Mora made false statements to protect
    Gallegos. (44 Cal.4th at p. 213.) Thus, the jury was able to consider whether Mora was
    an accessory after the fact. Mora argues that he was entitled to present instructions on his
    theory of defense, and the trial court’s refusal to give an accessory after the fact
    instruction erroneously deprived him of that right. We considered and rejected this claim
    in Whisenhunt and Mora presents no reason to do otherwise here. (Id. at pp. 212–213.)
    Accordingly, we conclude the trial court did not err by declining to instruct the jury on
    accessory after the fact.
    6.      CALJIC No. 2.03 Instruction on Consciousness of Guilt
    Mora argues that the consciousness of guilt instruction, CALJIC No. 2.03,17 was
    unnecessary and argumentative, and claimed it permitted the jury to draw irrational and
    unjust inferences concerning Mora’s guilt. We have consistently rejected similar claims.
    (See People v. Covarrubias (2016) 1 Cal.5th 838, 922 (Covarrubias) [rejecting challenge
    16     Although not discussed in conjunction with the trial court’s denial of a requested
    accessory after the fact instruction, the trial court in Whisenhunt also instructed the jury
    pursuant to CALJIC No. 2.03. We rejected the argument in that appeal that CALJIC
    No. 2.03 was impermissibly argumentative or allowed the jury to draw irrational
    (Whisenhunt, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at pp. 221–222.)
    17      CALJIC No. 2.03, as given regarding Mora only, stated, “If you find that before
    this trial a defendant made a willfully false or deliberately misleading statement
    concerning the crimes for which he is now being tried, you may consider that statement
    as a circumstance tending to prove a consciousness of guilt. However, that conduct is not
    sufficient by itself to prove guilt, and its weight and significance, if any, are for you to
    to CALJIC No. 2.03 claiming instruction was unnecessary, argumentative, circular, and
    permitted the jury to draw irrational inferences]; see also People v. Holloway (2004)
    33 Cal. 4th 96
    , 142 [jurors likely to indulge inference of consciousness of guilt based
    upon false statements even absent instruction].)
    Mora contends the instruction caused an irrational and unjust inference of guilt
    because it focused the jury’s attention only upon an inculpatory interpretation of the facts,
    rather than permitting the jury to infer that Mora was merely an accessory after the fact.
    There is no reason to presume the instruction caused such a focus; as we explained above,
    the jury can be apprised of the defense theory that another person committed the crime
    via testimony and closing argument, and need not be given a specific instruction about
    that theory. (See 
    Whisenhunt, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at p. 213.) As we have repeatedly
    concluded, an instruction concerning consciousness of guilt does not allow the jury to
    draw irrational inferences regarding the evidence. (See People v. Hartsch (2010)
    49 Cal. 4th 472
    , 505.)
    7.     Attempted Robbery Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Mora and Rangel contend there was insufficient evidence to have convicted them
    of attempted robbery. We discern sufficiency by inquiring whether evidence was
    presented from which a reasonable trier of fact could conclude, beyond a reasonable
    doubt, that the prosecution sustained its burden of proof. (People v. Boyer (2006)
    38 Cal. 4th 412
    , 479.) Although we assess whether the evidence is inherently credible
    and of solid value, we must also view the evidence in the light most favorable to the jury
    verdict and presume the existence of every fact that the jury could reasonably have
    deduced from that evidence. (Id. at p. 480.)
    Attempted robbery requires “a specific intent to commit robbery and . . . a direct
    but ineffectual act toward the commission of the crime.” (People v. Lindberg (2008)
    45 Cal. 4th 1
    , 27.) Robbery is defined as “the felonious taking of personal property in the
    possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will,
    accomplished by means of force or fear.” (§ 211.) Robbery requires the “specific intent
    to permanently deprive” the victim of his or her property. (People v. Young (2005)
    34 Cal. 4th 1149
    , 1176; 
    id. at p.
    Mora claims the sole evidence presented to the trier of fact regarding attempted
    robbery was Gregorio’s testimony that both Rangel and Mora asked for the victims’
    wallets prior to shooting them; Rangel argues no evidence supported the theory that he or
    Mora intended to take anything from the victims. Gregorio testified that Rangel pointed
    a gun at Encinas’s face while saying, “Check yourself. Check yourself. Give me your
    wallet.” Before he was shot, Encinas had time to briefly verbally respond, “come on,
    man,” and to reach for his wallet. On the other side of the car, at the moment that
    Encinas reached for his wallet and Rangel shot him, Mora asked Urrutia for Urrutia’s
    wallet. Urrutia told Mora that he had no money but would give Mora his wallet anyway.
    Immediately thereafter, “within seconds,” Mora shot Urrutia. Officer Raymond Brown,
    one of the first responders to Castlegate, noted that two wallets were visible in the
    4Runner. Encinas’s wallet was in the center console between Encinas and Urrutia, and
    Urrutia’s wallet was in the passenger seat.
    Mora and Rangel argue the evidence was insufficient to demonstrate their intent to
    permanently deprive the victims of their property. Reviewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the verdict, as we must, we conclude — narrowly — that the record
    discloses solid, credible, and reasonable evidence of Mora and Rangel’s guilt of
    attempted robbery and of felony murder based on attempted robbery. (People v. 
    Boyer, supra
    , 38 Cal.4th at p. 480.) Credible testimony was presented that Mora and Rangel
    asked the victims for their wallets. As Mora acknowledges, this evidence alone is
    sufficient to convict a person of attempted robbery “in the appropriate case.” Mora
    argues more evidence was needed here, and no more evidence was adduced. But that is
    not true. Encinas and Urrutia each were permitted to take steps to comply with the
    requests for their wallets. Each verbally responded to the requests for their wallets and
    moved their bodies in an effort to retrieve their wallets to hand to Mora and Rangel
    before being shot. The wallets were found in open and apparent locations in the
    4Runner. From these facts a reasonable jury could conclude that Mora and Rangel
    intended to deprive the victims of their wallets.
    Some evidence cuts in the other direction. The wallets were not taken from the
    victims. Before asking the victims for their wallets, Rangel asked Encinas whether he
    wanted to “go to sleep,” an exchange that seems unrelated to a permanent deprivation of
    property. Ultimately, though, whether Rangel and Mora’s demands for the victims’
    wallets alone would have been sufficient to affirm the jury’s verdict is immaterial. The
    jury based its verdict upon all of the evidence, much of which supported the
    prosecution’s theory. In addition to the evidence that defendants asked for the victims’
    wallets and permitted the victims to take steps acquiescing to their demands, the
    prosecutor theorized that the murders could have been carried out following the
    attempted robbery because doing so would guarantee the victims could not give chase to
    their assailants. Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict, we
    conclude it suffices to demonstrate that Mora and Rangel intended to permanently
    deprive the victims of their property and each took an overt step toward completing that
    Mora urges us to conclude otherwise. He argues that because shots were fired so
    quickly after defendants asked for the wallets and neither Mora nor Rangel “made any
    attempt to take the victims’ wallets or anything else from either of the victims or their
    vehicle” after the shooting, they had no intent to permanently deprive the victims of their
    property. Even if the evidence supported Mora’s theory, we are not free to reform the
    verdict simply because another theory is plausible. (People v. Jackson (2016) 1 Cal.5th
    269, 345 [“ ‘If the circumstances reasonably justify the trier of fact’s findings, reversal of
    the judgment is not warranted simply because the circumstances might also reasonably be
    reconciled with a contrary finding’ ”].) Whether a reasonable trier of fact could reach a
    different conclusion based upon the same facts does not mean the verdict is not supported
    by sufficient evidence. (People v. Farnam (2002) 
    28 Cal. 4th 107
    , 143.)
    Even if we find sufficient evidence to support the attempted robbery convictions,
    Mora and Rangel separately urge us to conclude that the robbery-murder special
    circumstance must be vacated because there was insufficient evidence to establish that
    Encinas and Urrutia were killed to advance the independent felonious purpose of robbery.
    As the opinion of our concurring and dissenting colleague highlights, this is a closer
    question. (People v. Green (1980) 
    27 Cal. 3d 1
    , 61 (Green).) In Green, we explained that
    the robbery-murder special circumstance must satisfy the legislative goal of all special
    circumstances, “provid[ing] a rational basis for distinguishing between those murderers
    who deserve to be considered for the death penalty and those who do not,” and it cannot
    do so if “the defendant’s intent is not to steal but to kill and the robbery is merely
    incidental to the murder.” (Ibid.; §190.2, subd. (a)(17)(A).) That is, if the murder
    furthers the robbery or attempted robbery, the special circumstance is satisfied. But, if
    the robbery or attempted robbery simply furthers or facilitates the murder, it is not,
    because the robbery’s “sole object is to facilitate or conceal the primary crime.” 
    (Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at p. 61.)
    We conclude that sufficient evidence supports the jury’s true finding of the
    robbery-murder special circumstance. The evidence suggests the robbery was committed
    for reasons separate and independent from the murder. The concurring and dissenting
    opinion points to evidence indicating the primary focus of the encounter between
    defendants and victims was murder, and certainly there is support in the record for this
    interpretation. Rangel asked Encinas if he wanted to “go to sleep,” after which Mora and
    Rangel followed the victims to their car. Once there, defendants asked the victims for
    their wallets. Urrutia and Encinas demurred, with one indicating he did not have much
    money but would provide his wallet anyway, and the other saying “come on, man” while
    reaching for his wallet. Moments later, both men were shot.
    Yet the record also supports the jury’s verdict, in which the robbery-murder
    special circumstance was found true. Both of the defendants asked the victims for their
    wallets before they were shot. The prosecutor argued Mora and Rangel shot Encinas and
    Urrutia to avoid detection, and planned to reach into the car at some later point to take the
    wallets they had demanded from their victims. The evidence supports this theory as well,
    suggesting the attempted robbery occurred for reasons other than to “facilitate or
    conceal” the eventual murders. 
    (Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at p. 61.) Defendants’ requests
    for the victims’ wallets was inconsistent with the dialogue that had preceded it. After
    Rangel had asked if Encinas wished to “go to sleep,” defendants followed the victims to
    their car. The conversation then shifted to the wallets. Defendants even provided their
    victims with some time to respond to the demand for their wallets, engaging in a short
    dialogue with them about whether the wallets contained money. Defendants allowed
    Encinas and Urrutia time to remove their wallets and place them in open areas of the
    4Runner before finally shooting them. This course of events does not ultimately suggest
    the attempted robbery was committed as a pretext to conceal the primary crime, murder.
    In Green, the facts paint a more apparent picture of robbery committed to conceal
    (Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at pp. 51–62.) Before shooting the victim, the
    defendant instructed her to remove all of her clothing. 
    (Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at p. 16.)
    After shooting the victim, the defendant took the victim’s rings and purse, and removed
    cash from the victim’s purse, commenting “ ‘[t]his would have been a hell of a robbery,
    huh?’ ” (Ibid.) The victim’s belongings were later burned or disposed of to avoid
    identification. (Id. at pp. 17, 61–62.) The jury found the defendant guilty of the special
    circumstance of robbery murder and we reversed. (Id. at p. 62.) We concluded that
    whether the items were taken before or after the victim was killed was of little relevance
    when, as even the Attorney General conceded, the defendant’s primary objective was to
    remove items from the victim to prevent her subsequent identification. (Ibid.)
    We likewise reversed a robbery-murder special-circumstance true finding when
    the only evidence in support thereof was the fact that the victim was shot and killed in a
    location where robberies had previously occurred. (People v. Morris (1988) 
    46 Cal. 3d 1
    22.) There, a witness observed the shooting death of a nude victim at a Long Beach
    bathhouse and observed the shooter flee the scene into a car. (Ibid.) On such scant
    evidence, we could not “say the prosecution sustained its burden of proving beyond a
    reasonable doubt the killing occurred ‘during the commission of a robbery.’ ” (Ibid.)
    This case is not so stark. The question is certainly close, but there is a great deal
    more support for the jury’s verdict here than there was in Green or People v. Morris. The
    concurring and dissenting opinion concludes otherwise, arguing “[t]he facts do not
    support a finding that defendants murdered their victims ‘in order to advance’ a robbery.”
    (Conc. & dis. opn., post, at p. 1, quoting 
    Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at p. 61.) On this point
    we disagree. The separate opinion highlights some of the facts mentioned above — that
    defendants shot the victims before the victims fully complied with the demand for their
    wallets, and fled without the wallets and without an abortive event occurring that would
    have prevented defendants from taking the wallets. From this information, the
    concurring and dissenting opinion concludes there was no evidence that a motive to kill
    developed from the robbery. But this interpretation of the evidence, while plausible, is
    not the view the jury took, does not rule out the jury’s conclusion, and is not the one we
    are compelled to adopt in light of the evidence in this record and the standard of review.
    Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict, we hold a reasonable trier
    of fact could conclude — and did — that the prosecution sustained its burden of proof.
    (People v. 
    Boyer, supra
    , 38 Cal.4th at pp. 479–480; see also People v. Carter (2005)
    36 Cal. 4th 1215
    , 1261 [“In reviewing a claim of insufficient evidence as to special
    circumstance findings, ‘ “ ‘we must determine “whether, after viewing the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the
    essential elements of the [allegations] beyond a reasonable doubt.” ’ ” [Citation.]’ ”].) In
    light of this standard of review, and our interpretation of the same facts, we find
    sufficient evidence supports the jury’s robbery-murder special-circumstance true finding.
    8.     Multiple Murder Special Circumstance True Finding
    Mora and Rangel contend the jury’s multiple murder special-circumstance true
    finding must be reversed. They argue the special circumstance may have been found true
    only if the jury determined that each of them intended to kill the victim he did not shoot.
    But, they contend, the jury instructions and facts of the case render it impossible to know
    whether the jury so found beyond a reasonable doubt, or if it instead found that Mora and
    Rangel intended to aid and abet the robbery of the victim he did not shoot, which would
    have been insufficient to support the multiple murder special-circumstance true finding.
    The jury was instructed pursuant to CALJIC Nos. 8.80.1, concerning special
    circumstances generally, and 8.81.3, concerning the multiple murder special-
    circumstance specifically. CALJIC No. 8.80.1 instructs, in relevant part, “If you find that
    a defendant was not the actual killer of a human being, or if you are unable to decide
    whether the defendant was the actual killer or an aider and abettor, you cannot find the
    special circumstance to be true as to that defendant unless you are satisfied beyond a
    reasonable doubt that such defendant with the intent to kill, aided or abetted . . . in the
    commission of the murder in the first degree, or with reckless indifference to human life
    and as a major participant, aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, solicited,
    requested, or assisted in the commission of the crime of attempted robbery which resulted
    in the death of a human being.”
    Mora and Rangel assert that there was ambiguity in CALJIC No. 8.80.1 because it
    permitted the jury to find true the multiple murder special circumstance even if the jury
    found only that either appellant acted, with reckless indifference to human life, as a major
    participant in the attempted robbery of the victim they did not shoot. Mora and Rangel
    are correct, and we held as much in Covarrubias, where we examined the paragraph of
    CALJIC No. 8.80.1 with which Mora and Rangel quarrel here. 
    (Covarrubias, supra
    1 Cal.5th at pp. 925–931.) We explained in Covarrubias that “this portion of CALJIC
    No. 8.80.1” was erroneous because it “permitted the jury to find the multiple-murder
    special circumstance true without finding defendant intended to kill a human being.”
    (Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 929.) Because the same infirmity we identified in
    Covarrubias was also present in the instruction given here, we hold it was error to
    instruct the jury pursuant to CALJIC No. 8.80.1. (Ibid.)
    In Covarrubias, we concluded “the error was harmless because overwhelming
    evidence established, and the jury could have had no reasonable doubt, that defendant
    intended to kill, and that he was an actual killer.” 
    (Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at
    p. 929.) Covarrubias involved three shooters and three murder victims, each found with
    wounds apparently inflicted by defendant as well as by one or both of the other shooters.
    (Id. at p. 930.) Based on the physical evidence, we concluded that the defendant certainly
    “intentionally and fatally” shot one of the victims. (Id. at p. 931.) From this we reasoned
    that “the record compels the conclusion that the instructional error regarding the multiple
    murder special circumstance was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. (See also People
    v. Maciel (2013) 
    57 Cal. 4th 482
    , 521 [
    160 Cal. Rptr. 3d 305
    304 P.3d 983
    ] [multiple
    murder special circumstance does not require a finding of intent to kill every murder
    (Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 931.)
    The multiple murder special-circumstance instruction given here, CALJIC
    No. 8.81.3, echoes this requirement. It provides, “To find that the special circumstance,
    referred to in these instructions as multiple murder convictions, is true, it must be proved:
    A defendant has in this case been convicted of at least one crime of murder of the first
    degree and one or more crimes of murder of the first or second degree.” (CALJIC
    No. 8.81.3; see also § 190.2, subd. (a)(3).) Although this is not an incorrect statement, as
    Covarrubias and People v. Maciel instruct, it is not complete. Section 190.2, subdivision
    (a)(3) defines the multiple murder special circumstance as a conviction “of more than one
    offense of murder in the first or second degree.” In People v. Turner (1984) 
    37 Cal. 3d 302
    , 328–329, we added an element to the special circumstance beyond that statutory
    requirement: intent to kill. We overruled People v. Turner in People v. Anderson (1987)
    43 Cal. 3d 1104
    , 1149–1150, holding “intent to kill is not an element of the multiple-
    murder special circumstance; but when the defendant is an aider and abetter rather than
    the actual killer, intent must be proved.”
    In People v. Rogers (2006) 
    39 Cal. 4th 826
    , 891, we examined the propriety of a
    multiple murder special circumstance instruction. The crime in Rogers took place after
    we issued our decision in People v. Turner (in which we required a finding of intent) and
    before our decision in Anderson. We explained there that, under Anderson, intent is not
    an element of the multiple murder special circumstance unless the defendant is not the
    actual killer but is instead an aider and abettor, in which case intent must be established.
    (People v. 
    Rogers, supra
    , 39 Cal.4th at p. 891.) Because the crime in People v. Rogers
    predated our decision in Anderson, however, we explained the jury was required to find
    intent to kill for at least one of the murders. (Ibid.) But, “we explained: ‘We have never
    held that the multiple-murder special circumstance requires a jury to find the defendant
    intended to kill every victim.’ ” (Ibid., quoting People v. Dennis (1998) 
    17 Cal. 4th 468
    516.) We affirmed this concept recently in People v. 
    Maciel, supra
    , 57 Cal.4th at p. 521.
    From this line of cases, a principle emerges: to find true the multiple murder
    special-circumstance allegation, a jury must find that the defendant has been convicted of
    at least two counts of murder, at least of one which must be first degree murder, and that
    the defendant either actually killed or intended to kill at least one of the victims. (See
    § 190.2, subd. (a)(3); 
    Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 931; People v. 
    Maciel, supra
    57 Cal.4th at p. 521.) Although nothing so clear was conveyed to the jury here, the
    essence of this instruction was tucked into the many directives bundled into CALJIC
    Nos. 8.80.1 and 8.81.3. CALJIC No. 8.81.3 was not incorrect, but it was incomplete.
    CALJIC No. 8.80.1 correctly instructed the jury that the multiple murder special
    circumstance could be found true if defendants were the actual killers or if they intended
    to kill.
    Of course, CALJIC No. 8.80.1 also contained instructional error because it
    improperly permitted the jury to find the multiple murder special circumstance true if it
    found defendants acted with reckless indifference to human life as major participants in
    an attempted robbery — in the alternative to concluding defendants intended to or
    actually killed one of the victims. (See 
    Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 929.) As we
    explained in Covarrubias, “an instructional error in this context is harmless under
    Chapman however, ‘when, beyond a reasonable doubt, it did not contribute to the
    verdict.’ [Citation.] . . . [T]his standard may be met when we are able to conclude that
    the jury necessarily found an intent to kill under other properly given instructions, or
    when evidence of the defendant’s intent to kill is overwhelming and the jury ‘ “could
    have had no reasonable doubt” that the defendant had the intent to kill.’ ” 
    (Covarrubias, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 929.) In Covarrubias, we concluded that defendant both intended
    to kill and was an actual killer. (Ibid.) But we need not find both to be true. Pursuant to
    the multiple murder special circumstance standard previously articulated, it is sufficient
    that we find Mora and Rangel were each the actual killer of one victim and that they were
    convicted of more than one count of murder, at least one of which was first degree. The
    jury necessarily found each defendant actually killed the victim he shot, and it convicted
    each defendant of two counts of first degree murder. The evidence supporting the jury’s
    true finding of the multiple murder special-circumstance is overwhelming. So we hold
    the instructional error was harmless. (See ibid.)
    9.      First Degree Murder Instructional Error
    Mora and Rangel contend that the first degree felony murder and malice-murder
    instructions were erroneous, and their convictions must be reversed, because the
    information charged them only with second-degree malice-murder pursuant to section
    187. They argue that it was therefore error to instruct the jury that it could convict of the
    uncharged crime of first degree murder. They further argue that their convictions violate
    Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000) 
    530 U.S. 466
    (Apprendi), which prohibits conviction of
    uncharged crimes. This court has repeatedly rejected identical arguments, and neither
    Mora nor Rangel provide a reason to depart from our long-established rule.
    (People v. Friend (2009) 
    47 Cal. 4th 1
    , 54 [rejecting instructional error claim that first
    degree murder conviction is inconsistent with malice murder charge under section 187
    and rejecting Apprendi error claim because the conviction is not of an uncharged crime];
    see also People v. Hughes (2002) 
    27 Cal. 4th 287
    , 369 [“accusatory pleading charging a
    defendant with murder need not specify the theory of murder upon which the prosecution
    intends to rely”].)
    10.     Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Instructional Error
    According to Mora and Rangel, a series of guilt phase instructional errors singly or
    cumulatively impermissibly undermined their right to have guilt determined beyond a
    reasonable doubt in violation of the principles of due process, fair trial, trial by jury, and
    the fundamental requirement of reliability in a capital case. Mora and Rangel
    acknowledge that this court has repeatedly rejected identical claims, and they raise no
    argument that we have not considered. Accordingly, we again conclude that CALJIC
    Nos. 2.01 and 2.02 do not undermine the proof beyond a reasonable doubt standard, and
    CALJIC Nos. 2.21.1, 2.21.2, 2.22, 2.27, and 8.20 do not dilute the reasonable doubt
    standard. (People v. Becerrada (2017) 2 Cal.5th 1009, 1028.)
    11.    Juror Unanimity Regarding Theory of First Degree Murder
    Mora and Rangel argue the trial court erred by failing to require that the jury
    unanimously agree on a theory of first degree murder before returning guilty verdicts for
    that crime. As they acknowledge, this court has repeatedly rejected similar claims.
    (See People v. Nakahara (2003) 
    30 Cal. 4th 705
    , 712–713; see also People v. Sattiewhite
    59 Cal. 4th 446
    , 479.) Mora and Rangel posit that recent United States Supreme
    Court case law warrants our reconsideration of this precedent, but rely on the high court’s
    nearly twenty-year-old decision in 
    Apprendi, supra
    530 U.S. 466
    . We have far more
    recently affirmed our long-standing rule that juror unanimity regarding the theory of first
    degree murder is not required. (See People v. Grimes (2016) 1 Cal.5th 698, 727–728.)
    Indeed, over a decade ago, we concluded that there is “nothing in Apprendi that would
    require a unanimous jury verdict as to the particular theory justifying a finding of first
    degree murder.” (People v. 
    Nakahara, supra
    , 30 Cal.4th at p. 713.) Mora and Rangel
    present us with no reason to depart from the settled authority on this issue.
    12.    Attempted Robbery Pinpoint Instructional Error
    Rangel argues the trial court erred by denying his request to provide the jury with
    a pinpoint instruction regarding attempted robbery. We hold, for reasons addressed
    below, that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by denying the requested instruction
    as duplicative.
    a.      Background
    At the conclusion of the guilt phase, Rangel requested that the court give a
    pinpoint instruction concerning the crime of attempted robbery as it related to the charge
    of felony murder. Specifically, appellant requested that Special Instruction No. 1 be
    given, essentially seeking to instruct the jury that a nonhomicidal felonious intent must
    exist to support a felony murder conviction.18
    Rangel’s requested instruction was based on this court’s holding in People
    v. Sears (1970) 
    2 Cal. 3d 180
    , 187–188. In People v. Sears, the defendant entered his
    wife’s home with a concealed tire iron, assaulted his wife, mother-in-law, and
    stepdaughter with that and other weapons, and killed his stepdaughter. (Id. at pp. 183–
    184.) The jury was instructed concerning first and second degree murder, felony murder
    during the commission of a burglary, and on the lesser included offenses of attempted
    murder and assault with a deadly weapon. (Id. at p. 184–185.) During deliberations, the
    jury asked the court whether assault against the defendant’s wife constituted a felony
    regardless of his intent when he entered the home and, if so, whether first degree felony
    murder applied. (Id. at p. 185.) The court responded by stating the “ ‘the specific intent
    to commit the assault must exist at the time of entry, otherwise the felony-murder rule
    does not apply.’ ” (Ibid.) The jury found the defendant guilty of the first degree murder
    of his stepdaughter and the attempted murders of his wife and mother-in-law, fixing the
    penalty at death. (Id. at p. 182.) We reversed the defendant’s conviction, holding that the
    court’s instructions and answer to the jury’s question constituted prejudicial error because
    burglary based upon the intent to commit an assault with a deadly weapon cannot support
    a felony murder instruction as that assault is included within the murder charge itself.
    (Id. at p. 188.) We explained that the felony murder rule exists to deter the negligent or
    18      In its entirety, Special Instruction No. 1 stated, “To prove the felony murder of
    first degree murder, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the
    attempted robbery was done for the independent purpose of committing the felony rather
    than for the purpose of committing the homicide. [¶] If the defendant’s primary purpose
    was to kill or if he committed the attempted robbery to facilitate or conceal the homicide,
    then there was no independent felonious purpose. If from all the evidence you have a
    reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the attempted robbery for such
    independent felonious purpose, you must find the defendant not guilt[y] on the felony
    murder theory.”
    accidental killings that may result from the commission of a felony. (Id. at p. 187.) The
    felony murder rule does not deter a person who intends to enter a building and commit an
    assault. (Ibid.)
    The trial court declined to instruct the jury as Rangel requested. The court
    explained that the “import of [People v. Sears] is included in [CALJIC No.] 8.21,” which,
    combined with CALJIC No. 8.27 “covers the issue.” CALJIC No. 8.21, as given,
    provides, “The unlawful killing of a human being, whether intentional, unintentional or
    accidental, which occurs during the commission or attempted commission of the crime of
    robbery is murder of the first degree when the perpetrator had the specific intent to
    commit that crime. [¶] The specific intent to commit robbery and the commission or
    attempted commission of such crime must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” The
    jury was also instructed pursuant to CALJIC No. 8.27,19 addressing aider and abettor
    liability, and underscoring that the intent to commit the underlying felony must be present
    at the time the killing occurs. Because the jury was instructed with CALJIC Nos. 8.21
    and 8.27, the court reasoned that instructing the jury pursuant to Rangel’s requested
    pinpoint instruction would be duplicative.
    19      CALJIC No. 8.27, as given, states, “If a human being is killed by any one of
    several persons engaged in the commission or attempted commission of the crime of
    attempted robbery, all persons who either directly and actively commit the act
    constituting that crime, or who with knowledge of the unlawful purpose of the perpetrator
    of the crime and with the intent or purpose of committing, encouraging, or facilitating the
    commission of the offense, aid, promote, encourage, or instigate by act or advise its
    commission, are guilty of murder of the first degree, whether the killing is intentional,
    unintentional, or accidental. [¶] In order to be guilty of murder, as an aider and abettor
    to a felony murder, the accused and the killer must have been jointly engaged in the
    commission of the attempted robbery at the time the fatal wound was inflicted. However
    an aider and abettor may still be jointly responsible for the commission of the underlying
    attempted robbery based upon other principles of law which will be given to you.”
    b.     Discussion
    Rangel argues that his requested instruction should have been given to aid the
    jury’s determination of whether Rangel had an independent felonious intent to commit
    robbery. A proper pinpoint instruction must be given at a defendant’s request. (People
    Hughes, supra
    , 27 Cal.4th at p. 361, quoting People v. 
    Earp, supra
    , 20 Cal.4th at
    p. 886.) The jury must be instructed on general principles “ ‘ “closely and openly
    connected to the facts and that are necessary for the jury’s understanding of the case” ’ ”
    including those instructions that “pinpoint” a defense theory. (People v. Hovarter (2008)
    44 Cal. 4th 983
    , 1021.) Pinpoint instructions are not warranted, however, when they are
    argumentative, such as when requested only to highlight particular evidence. (People
    Hughes, supra
    , 27 Cal.4th at p. 361.) Pinpoint instructions may also be refused if,
    among other reasons, the proposed instruction is duplicative. (People v. 
    Hovarter, supra
    44 Cal.4th at p. 1021.)
    Because Rangel’s proposed instruction would have been duplicative, we conclude
    the trial court did not err by denying Rangel’s request. (See People v. 
    Hovarter, supra
    44 Cal.4th at p. 1021.) The trial court correctly concluded that the proposed instruction’s
    content was adequately conveyed by CALJIC Nos. 8.21 and 8.27. The jury was
    instructed that a felony murder conviction, either directly or under an aider and abettor
    theory, required as a predicate that Rangel committed robbery or attempted to do so. The
    jury was also instructed that robbery required the specific intent to deprive the victim of
    property. With the robbery and felony murder instructions given, the jury was adequately
    instructed that Rangel must have possessed the intent to commit robbery at the time of
    the killing to be guilty of felony murder, just as Rangel’s requested instruction would
    have conveyed. Indeed, Rangel’s requested instruction expressly stated that first degree
    felony murder required proof “beyond a reasonable doubt that attempted robbery was
    done for the independent purpose of committing the felony rather than for the purpose of
    committing the homicide.” The jury received precisely this instruction, albeit in slightly
    different language. The content of the instruction was adequately conveyed to the jury,
    and no error flowed from the court’s decision to decline Rangel’s request.
    13.     Cumulative Guilt Phase Error
    Mora and Rangel contend reversal is warranted because of the cumulatively
    prejudicial effect of guilt phase errors. To the extent any errors occurred, none were
    prejudicial. We conclude no error in the guilt phase, whether considered singly or
    cumulatively, merits reversal. (See People v. Souza (2012) 
    54 Cal. 4th 90
    , 139 [a few
    nonprejudicial instructional errors do not warrant reversal on cumulative error claim].)
    B.     Penalty Phase
    1.      Gang Evidence
    Mora and Rangel argue that introduction of evidence concerning their membership
    or participation in a criminal street gang at the penalty phase of their trial constituted
    error in violation of their state and federal constitutional rights. We hold the trial court
    did not abuse its discretion in permitting limited introduction of gang affiliation evidence.
    a.     Background
    The prosecutor asserted at the outset of trial that no gang evidence was anticipated.
    Specifically, before the court conducted voir dire, the prosecutor was asked whether there
    was “any gang evidence that you will elicit in this case,” to which the prosecutor replied,
    “not that I know of.” Because no evidence was expected to be adduced concerning gang
    affiliation, defense counsel decided against conducting voir dire of potential jurors
    regarding their views on gangs or gang membership. Immediately prior to presenting her
    first witness, the prosecutor was again asked whether she planned to elicit testimony
    regarding defendants’ gang affiliation. The prosecutor indicated she had no intent of so
    doing. Witnesses were admonished not to mention Mora or Rangel’s gang affiliation.
    The court stated it had no “problem excluding gang [evidence] but if it looks like we
    can’t go any other way, then I ask that we approach.” The parties agreed, even though no
    such discussion was required until the penalty phase. At that time, the court and parties
    held a brief colloquy to address the admissibility of gang evidence as to Rangel, and the
    court ruled the evidence admissible.
    1.     Mora
    At the penalty phase, the prosecutor stated her intent to present evidence that Mora
    was involved in an assault in county jail in 1996, where he was incarcerated for a Vehicle
    Code infraction two years prior to the penalty phase of this trial. Mora requested that no
    mention of gang activity be made concerning Mora during the penalty phase. After
    confirming with the prosecutor that no such evidence was expected, the court stated there
    would be “no gang evidence as it relates to Mr. Mora.”
    In 1996, Paul Juhn, an inmate in county jail, was assaulted by four or five fellow
    inmates. Juhn identified the assailants immediately following the attack, but was no
    longer able to make identifications at the time of Mora’s trial. Accordingly, Deputy
    Sheriff Kresimir Kovac, who was with Juhn when he identified his assailants, testified
    that the incident report indicated Mora was one of those who Juhn identified. Kovac’s
    report noted that Mora had a tattoo on his chest that said “King City Criminals.” The
    parties and court agreed that Kovac could identify Mora by this tattoo in court if Kovac
    was unable to visually identify him. Mora initially objected to an identification via his
    tattoo, and offered to stipulate that Kovac contacted Mora in connection with Juhn’s
    assault. The prosecutor declined the stipulation, and the court ruled that if Kovac could
    not identify Mora, Kovac could view Mora’s tattoo out of the presence of the jury and
    identify him in that fashion without informing the jury regarding the subject of the tattoo.
    Kovac could not identify Mora, but testified that the incident report named Mora
    and listed information about Mora’s chest tattoo. After viewing Mora’s tattoo out of the
    presence of the jury, Kovac testified that Mora had the same three-word phrase tattooed
    on his chest as was written in the incident report. The court precluded Kovac from telling
    the jury what the three words were, ruling that the prejudicial effect of that evidence
    outweighed its probative value. Kovac testified that when identifying suspects in reports,
    he typically noted information regarding unique identifiers like tattoos, including ones
    “that show[] a gang name, gang affiliation, anything like that.” No objections followed
    this testimony.
    Later in the proceedings, Mora requested that the prosecutor refrain from making
    references in closing that Kovac testified that Mora had a gang tattoo or that Kovac was
    looking for a gang tattoo. The court readily agreed, explaining “there can’t be” closing
    argument along those lines because “[t]here is no evidence to support that.”
    2.     Rangel
    In aggravation at the penalty phase, the prosecutor stated her intent to present
    evidence that Rangel suffered a felony automobile burglary conviction. Over defense’s
    inaccurate objection that the conviction was actually a misdemeanor, the evidence was
    ruled admissible. Specifically, the prosecution intended to — and did — adduce
    evidence that Rangel spray-painted the letters “KCC” on the top of a car and, when
    confronted by the vehicle’s owner, Rangel threatened to kill the owner if he went to the
    police. The prosecutor introduced evidence that “KCC” stood for “King City Criminals,”
    a street gang, and Rangel’s threat to the burglary victim was heightened in light of
    Rangel’s gang affiliation. The vehicle owner testified that after Rangel spray painted
    “KCC” on the top of his car and threatened to kill him, the owner made it a point to move
    to a new home before Rangel was released from jail.
    During the mitigation phase, Rangel presented testimony from Jose Jimenez, an
    acquaintance of Rangel’s via a Bible study group, who testified that the murder charge
    seemed out of character for Rangel. The prosecutor argued, and the court agreed, that
    this testimony opened the door to permit inquiry as to whether Rangel’s gang
    membership was consistent with Rangel’s character in Jose’s opinion. The prosecutor
    asked Jose if he knew Rangel was a gang member, and Jose responded that he “never
    perceived [Rangel] as a gang member.” Although Jose testified that he would not be
    surprised to learn Rangel was a gang member, Jose did not know or believe Rangel to be
    so affiliated. Jose conceded he would find it surprising to learn that Rangel spray-painted
    the letters “KCC” on a car, and Jose had not seen that side of Rangel.
    Following the mitigation phase, the prosecution presented a rebuttal expert witness
    to testify further about street gangs. The expert testified that many gang members are
    known by nicknames or monikers. The expert noted that gang members are often
    identified by their shaved hairstyles and tattoos. Based on Rangel’s tattoos and hairstyle,
    the expert testified that Rangel was a “gang member of a hard-core nature” with a
    “wanton disregard or disrespect for life itself.” Rangel requested a limiting instruction
    that gang membership is not a crime and cannot be considered an aggravating factor. The
    court denied the request, although the prosecution was instructed not to argue about the
    gang evidence in closing.
    b.     Discussion
    Nearly all of Mora and Rangel’s claims of error are forfeited because they failed to
    object on the grounds specified on appeal. (People v. Gutierrez (2009) 
    45 Cal. 4th 789
    819 (Gutierrez).) Had Mora and Rangel properly preserved these claims, no error
    occurred in admitting this evidence.
    Mora first contends that Kovac’s testimony impermissibly implied that Mora was
    a gang member, and the trial court erred by admitting that evidence-by-implication
    without carefully scrutinizing whether it was more than tangentially relevant. (See
    People v. Gurule (2002) 
    28 Cal. 4th 557
    , 653 (Gurule).) Mora failed to object on this
    basis during his trial and has forfeited the claim on appeal. 
    (Gutierrez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th
    at p. 819.) Even if he had not, Mora’s objection to testimony that the lineup procedure
    following Juhn’s attack was designed to protect Juhn from Mora “or from one of his
    other gang members that he knows,” cannot be understood to imply Mora’s gang
    membership. Kovac testified about the jail lineup process generally, explaining that
    victims are asked to identify assailants from behind a door or screen because “[i]f
    somebody . . . identifies an attacker or something like that, there is a real threat of
    retaliation from that individual, the suspect, or from one of his other gang members that
    he knows.” Kovac was not testifying about Mora specifically when making the statement
    to which Mora now objects.
    We review a trial court’s evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion. 
    (Gutierrez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th at p. 819.) Such abuse will be found where a court acts unreasonably
    given the circumstances presented by the particular case before it. (Id. at pp. 819–820.)
    It was not unreasonable for the trial court to permit the introduction of Mora’s “other
    crimes” evidence at the penalty phase, and the scant reference to gangs during that
    testimony does not alter our conclusion. (See People v. Tully (2012) 
    54 Cal. 4th 952
    1027 [no abuse of discretion found when admitting “other crimes” evidence at penalty
    phase where evidence was legally sufficient].) No evidence was adduced concerning
    Mora’s gang affiliation; the court carefully shielded the jury from that information.
    Although heightened scrutiny is warranted where gang evidence is concerned 
    (Gurule, supra
    , 28 Cal.4th at p. 653), no gang evidence was introduced in connection with
    Kovac’s testimony regarding the jail lineup process. There is no particular court ruling to
    review because Mora interposed no objection following the testimony about which he
    now complains, and we find the trial court’s general admission of evidence in
    aggravation was not unreasonable or an abuse of discretion. 
    (Gutierrez, supra
    45 Cal.4th at pp. 819–820).
    Mora next argues that Kovac’s testimony identifying Mora in the Juhn assault was
    irrelevant and inadmissible. Mora so contends because he offered to stipulate that Mora’s
    name was in Kovac’s incident report. This argument is unavailing. The offered
    stipulation and Kovac’s testimony differed. The presence of an individual’s name in an
    incident report is not equivalent to testimony identifying the individual as involved in the
    incident. Had the presence of the name been sufficient, Kovac could have testified
    simply that the incident report named Mora without undertaking the additional step of
    identifying Mora by visually matching Mora’s chest tattoo with the tattoo described in
    the report. Mora argued his proposal constituted an offer to stipulate to an element of a
    charged offense and the prosecutor was obliged to accept it to the exclusion of presenting
    evidence. (See People v. Bonin (1989) 
    47 Cal. 3d 808
    , 849.) Not so. The stipulation
    offered by Mora was inadequate to fully identify Mora, and Kovac’s testimony was
    necessary. Accordingly, no error resulted from the admission of Kovac’s identification
    of Mora.
    Rangel’s contentions, likewise, fail to persuade. Rangel argues, as did Mora, that
    evidence of his membership in the KCC gang, while extremely prejudicial, was only
    tangentially relevant and should have been excluded after careful scrutiny under Gurule.
    (Gurule, supra
    , 28 Cal.4th at p. 653.) Rangel did not object on this basis during trial and
    the claim is forfeited on appeal. 
    (Gutierrez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th at p. 819.) Even if
    prejudicial, gang evidence of the type introduced here is relevant pursuant to section
    190.3, under which the jury may consider past criminal behavior involving violence or
    threats of violence. The circumstances of those past crimes, including gang membership,
    may be disclosed to the jury. 
    (Gurule, supra
    , 28 Cal.4th at pp. 653–654.)
    Rangel spray-painted the letters “KCC” atop a car and threatened to kill the car’s
    owner if he reported the crime to the police. Because Rangel was known by the victim to
    be a gang member, that threat had particular potency. The past criminal threat of
    violence was relevant and admissible pursuant to section 190.3. Thus, the trial court did
    not act unreasonably in an abuse of its discretion by admitting evidence related to
    Rangel’s gang affiliation as it pertained to the vehicle burglary offense. 
    (Gurule, supra
    28 Cal.4th at pp. 653–654.)
    Rangel also claims the trial court erred by admitting evidence of his gang
    membership during mitigation witness Jose’s testimony. Again, Rangel’s claim of error
    is forfeited on appeal because he did not object on this basis at trial. 
    (Gutierrez, supra
    45 Cal.4th at p. 819.) Assuming, arguendo, that the claim is not forfeited, we conclude
    there was no error.
    When a defendant places his or her character in issue during the penalty phase, the
    prosecution may introduce contrary character evidence. (People v. Loker (2008)
    44 Cal. 4th 691
    , 709.) The prosecution only needs to have a good faith belief that the
    incidents or conduct about which it inquires actually occurred. (Ibid.) The prosecutor
    had more than that here; after Jose testified to Rangel’s good character, the prosecutor
    asked Jose about Rangel’s past criminal offense. Specifically, the prosecutor asked Jose
    if he would be surprised to learn that Rangel spray-painted the letters “KCC” on the top
    of a car, an incident the prosecutor had a good faith belief that it occurred in light of the
    prior testimony to that effect. This evidence was related to the allegations of Rangel’s
    good character and was thus admissible. (Id. at pp. 709–710; see also People v. Fierro
    1 Cal. 4th 173
    , 239–240 [evidence of a defendant’s good character opened door to
    evidence of his participation with youth gangs].) Similarly, no error flowed from the
    prosecution’s eliciting testimony that Jose would not have been surprised to learn that
    Rangel was in a gang because that testimony followed Jose’s testimony to Rangel’s good
    character. (People v. 
    Loker, supra
    , 44 Cal.4th at p. 709.)
    Finally, both Mora and Rangel argue that because the jury was not voir dired
    regarding gangs, references to gang membership during the penalty phase constituted
    error. We find otherwise. Although the prosecutor stated at the outset of trial that she
    did not believe gang evidence would be adduced, Mora acknowledged the possibility that
    some gang evidence could “slip[] out.” During trial, the court reminded defense counsel
    that declining to conduct voir dire regarding gang issues “was a tactical decision.” As we
    have explained in a slightly different context, “[d]efense counsel are routinely faced with
    difficult tactical decisions in having to fashion voir dire inquiries that probe for possible
    penalty phase biases regarding such evidence, while stopping short of revealing
    information otherwise prejudicial and excludable in the guilt phase.” (People v. Ray
    13 Cal. 4th 313
    , 357.)
    The prosecutor never made any guarantee that she would avoid introducing gang
    evidence. And while defense counsel avoided addressing such evidence during voir dire,
    that choice did not impose on the prosecution any obligation to refrain from introducing
    such evidence at trial. The parties agreed to engage in a colloquy if it appeared the
    prosecution wished to introduce gang evidence. The prosecutor did exactly that during
    the penalty phase prior to introducing evidence of Rangel’s gang membership in
    connection with the relevant and admissible character and past crimes evidence. Gang
    evidence was inextricably intertwined with the circumstances of Rangel’s prior offense.
    Defense counsel’s early tactical decision to avoid gang voir dire was made with full
    awareness of the possibility that some gang evidence could be introduced, and its
    eventual introduction does not transform that tactical choice into error. (See, e.g., People
    v. Horton (1995) 
    11 Cal. 4th 1068
    , 1123–1124 [counsel’s tactical decision to avoid voir
    dire on sensitive subject did not render assistance ineffective]; see also People v. Hinton
    37 Cal. 4th 839
    , 876 [counsel’s “ ‘ “reasonable, if difficult, tactical decisions” ’ ”
    are accorded deference and must not be second-guessed on appeal].) Having found no
    error in the introduction of gang evidence in the penalty phase, it follows that no
    prejudice resulted.
    2.      Instructional Error
    Mora and Rangel raise a host of instructional error claims, each of which this court
    has previously rejected. Mora and Rangel requested the jury be instructed that regarding
    death as a less severe penalty than life would constitute misconduct, which the trial court
    refused. As this court has consistently concluded, a trial court’s refusal of this special
    instruction does not constitute error, especially because “ ‘ “the penalty trial itself and the
    jury instructions given, particularly CALJIC No. 8.88, make clear that the state views
    death as the most extreme penalty.” ’ ” (People v. Contreras (2013) 
    58 Cal. 4th 123
    Mora and Rangel also requested the jury be instructed that drug or alcohol
    intoxication constitutes a mitigating factor only, not an aggravating factor. The court
    declined to give this proposed instruction to avoid confusing the jury. As Mora and
    Rangel acknowledge, there is no requirement to specify which factors are aggravating
    and which are mitigating. (People v. 
    Farnam, supra
    28 Cal. 4th 107
    , 191.) They contend
    that the issue was confused by the prosecution’s argument and court’s agreement, outside
    the presence of the jury, that intoxication could be considered as a circumstance of the
    offense in aggravation under section 190.3, subdivision (a). Even if this colloquy was
    ambiguous or incorrect, it did not occur before the jury and could not have created any
    misunderstanding. Furthermore, pursuant to section 190.3, subdivisions (a) and (h),
    respectively, the jury was instructed to consider in determining the appropriate penalty
    “[t]he circumstances of the crime” and “[w]hether or not at the time of the offense the
    capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminality of his conduct . . . was impaired as
    a result of . . . intoxication.” Although Mora and Rangel argue that reasonable jurors
    would have been unable to understand whether to consider intoxication as a mitigating or
    aggravating factor, there is no reason to believe this is so. We therefore conclude no
    error resulted from the court’s refusal to give the special instruction concerning
    intoxication. (See People v. Osband (1996) 
    13 Cal. 4th 622
    , 706 [no error found in
    court’s refusal to give special instruction that intoxication under section 190.3,
    subdivision (h) could only be considered in mitigation].)
    Next, Mora and Rangel contend that the court erred by refusing a special
    instruction that evidence of their backgrounds could only be considered in mitigation.
    This court has repeatedly rejected similar claims. (People v. 
    Hinton, supra
    , 37 Cal.4th at
    p. 912.) In particular, this court has rejected the notion that a jury instruction should
    identify particular aggravating or mitigating evidence. (Ibid.) As in People v. Hinton,
    because the jury was correctly instructed concerning factors in aggravation and
    mitigation, the court did not err by refusing the special instruction. (Ibid.)
    Mora and Rangel also argue that the trial court improperly rejected three proposed
    instructions that would have clarified the penalty weighing process. This court has
    repeatedly rejected similar arguments, as Mora and Rangel note, because CALJIC
    No. 8.8820 “ ‘accurately describes the individualized, normative nature of the sentencing
    determination, and properly guides the jury’s discretion in this regard.’ ” (People v. Cage
    62 Cal. 4th 256
    , 291, quoting People v. 
    Contreras, supra
    , 58 Cal.4th at p. 170.)
    Finally, Mora and Rangel contend that the court erred by declining to give special
    instructions limiting the jury’s consideration of victim impact evidence. 21 As Mora and
    Rangel acknowledge, this court has rejected similar challenges to a trial court’s rejection
    of the identical instructions22 proposed here. (People v. Zamudio (2008) 
    43 Cal. 4th 327
    368 [finding no error in trial court’s refusal to give instruction identical to the one Mora
    proposed].) Out of an abundance of caution, the court added a sentence to CALJIC
    20     On the court’s own motion, the jury was instructed pursuant to CALJIC No. 8.88.
    21     Mora raises this instructional error argument in the context of his numerous claims
    of similar error, while Rangel raises it in connection with his argument that the
    “circumstances of the crime” language in section 190.3, subdivision (a) is
    unconstitutionally vague and overbroad. The remainder of Rangel’s argument regarding
    the constitutionality of section 190.3, subdivision (a) is discussed in section II.B.4., post.
    22      Rangel’s requested special instruction stated, “Evidence has been introduced for
    the purpose of showing specific harm caused by the defendant’s crime. Such evidence, if
    believed, was not received and may not be considered by you to divert your attention
    from your proper role of deciding whether the defendant should live or die. You must
    face this obligation soberly and rationally, and you may not impose the ultimate sanction
    as a result of irrational, purely subjective response to emotional evidence and argument.”
    Mora’s requested special instruction added a sentence to the end of the foregoing, stating,
    “On the other hand, evidence and argument on emotional though relevant subjects may
    provide legitimate reasons to sway the jury to show mercy.”
    No. 8.84.1, instructing the jury that they “must face [their] obligation soberly and
    rationally and . . . not [sic] a purely subjective response to emotional evidence.” Neither
    Mora nor Rangel contend the addition of this language constituted error, but only that it
    was not sufficient to cure the error flowing from the court’s refusal to give the requested
    special instructions. We disagree. The substance of the proposed instruction was
    adequately conveyed by the modified version of CALJIC No. 8.84.1 given by the court.
    No error resulted from the court’s refusal to provide it. (Ibid.) Moreover, as we
    concluded in People v. 
    Zamudio, supra
    , “the requested instruction is misleading to the
    extent it indicates that emotions may play no part in a juror’s decision to opt for the death
    penalty.” (Ibid.) Because the proposed special instruction was redundant and
    misleading, the court’s refusal to give it did not constitute error. (Ibid.) With no error in
    need of cure, Mora and Rangel’s claims that the augmentation to CALJIC No. 8.84.1 was
    insufficient fails.
    3.     Continuance Request
    Rangel contends the trial court abused its discretion and violated his constitutional
    rights to due process, to a fair trial, to present a defense, to equal protection, to a reliable
    penalty phase, and to the effective assistance of counsel by denying a continuance. A
    continuance was essential, he argues, because it would have allowed him to determine
    whether to present a surrebuttal witness, and denying a continuance postponing closing
    argument. We conclude the court’s denials of these continuances were proper.
    a.      Background
    After the prosecution presented gang expert evidence, the court asked if Rangel
    intended to present a surrebuttal witness. Rangel sought a continuance to decide whether
    to do so, which the court denied. Rangel objected, and the court inquired if any witness
    was contemplated. Rangel replied, “Possible.” Upon the court’s request for greater
    specificity, Rangel indicated he “might” call his father, Ruben Gomez Rangel, who was
    not then present in court. The court provided Rangel two and one-half hours to contact
    Ruben and secure his presence at court, and to provide an offer of proof regarding
    Ruben’s testimony to ensure it would constitute appropriate surrebuttal material. The
    court noted it was “not making any promises.” Rangel did not contact Ruben during the
    two and one-half hours, but planned to contact Ruben that evening and requested a recess
    to do so. Over objection, the recess was denied.
    The court was ready to begin Rangel’s closing penalty phase argument at around
    3:50 p.m. that day. Noting the time, Rangel expressed concern that the jurors would be
    tired and the closing argument would be rushed. The court promised that there would be
    time enough to complete the argument, and agreed to stay in session past the 4:30 p.m.
    adjournment time if needed. When Rangel again balked because jurors would be
    fatigued and would likely wish to go home at that time, the court noted that the jurors had
    been attentive thus far and had had a relatively short court day in light of the many
    discussions that took place outside the presence of the jury. Over objection, the court
    declined to recess. Rangel’s closing argument began at 3:55 p.m.
    After a half-hour of argument, the court called the parties to the bench to discuss
    an improper line of discussion in Rangel’s closing. The court warned it would conclude
    Rangel’s closing if further improper argument leading to interruptions occurred, to which
    Rangel’s counsel responded, “It’s probably the end anyway because I don’t have enough
    time.” When counsel resumed argument, she spoke for less than a minute more and
    concluded her closing argument at 4:50 p.m.
    b.     Discussion
    A trial court has broad discretion to grant or deny continuances. 
    (Jenkins, supra
    22 Cal.4th at p. 1037; see Morris v. Slappy (1983) 
    461 U.S. 1
    , 11–12 [“Trial judges
    necessarily require a great deal of latitude in scheduling trials. Not the least of their
    problems is that of assembling the witnesses, lawyers, and jurors at the same place at the
    same time, and this burden counsels against continuances except for compelling reasons.
    Consequently, broad discretion must be granted trial courts on matters of continuances;
    only an unreasoning and arbitrary ‘insistence upon expeditiousness in the face of a
    justifiable request for delay’ violates the right to the assistance of counsel”].) We review
    a trial court’s denial of a continuance request for abuse of discretion. 
    (Jenkins, supra
    22 Cal.4th at p. 1037.) Rangel argues the trial court abused its broad discretion in
    denying two continuance requests made on the same day: the first, to contact a witness
    that had already testified to determine whether that witness could supply appropriate
    surrebuttal testimony, and the second, to wait until the following day to present closing
    argument in case the jurors were tired. The trial court acted within its discretion in
    denying both requests.
    Rangel bore the burden to demonstrate good cause for a continuance to secure a
    surrebuttal witness. 
    (Jenkins, supra
    , 22 Cal.4th at p. 1037.) Rangel must have — and did
    not — show he exercised due diligence in securing the witness’s presence, that the
    expected testimony was material, noncumulative, and could be secured within a
    reasonable period of time, and that the facts to which the witness was expected to testify
    could not otherwise be proven. (Ibid.) We accord substantial deference to a trial court’s
    determination of these issues. (People v. Howard (1992) 
    1 Cal. 4th 1132
    , 1172.)
    As Rangel conceded before the trial court, he was unable to show that Ruben’s
    expected testimony in surrebuttal would be material, noncumulative, or would concern
    facts not otherwise capable of proof. When the trial court asked if Rangel intended to
    present a surrebuttal witness, Rangel acknowledged only that it was “possible” he would
    do so. When called upon to be more specific, Rangel replied that he “might” call Ruben.
    Rangel was given an opportunity to contact Ruben and to make an offer of proof
    regarding the expected surrebuttal testimony; Rangel squandered that opportunity. Far
    from showing diligence in attempting to secure the witness’s testimony, Rangel informed
    the court that he made no effort whatever to contact the witness.
    In evaluating a continuance request, the trial court considers the benefit of the
    expected testimony as anticipated by the party seeking additional time, as well as the
    likelihood that the expected benefit will be realized, the burden caused to jurors and the
    court, and whether justice is better served by granting or denying a continuance.
    (Jenkins, supra
    , 22 Cal.4th at p. 1037.) Without being able to assess the benefit of the
    expected testimony, the court properly concluded that the burden on the jurors and court
    outweighed any possible advantage, and justice would be better served by denying the
    request. (Ibid.) Rangel argues the parties discussed jury instruction issues with the court
    during much of two and one-half hours provided to contact the witness. While true, this
    fact does not demonstrate why Rangel was unable to make an effort to contact Ruben or
    make an offer of proof concerning the witness’s testimony. Because Rangel offered the
    court nothing to evaluate, the court acted within its considerable discretion in denying
    Rangel’s requested continuance.
    Likewise, the court did not err in denying the request to continue closing argument
    until the following day. As section 1050 indicates, “[c]ontinuances shall be granted only
    upon a showing of good cause.” (§ 1050, subd. (e).) Convenience to a party does not
    constitute good cause. (Ibid.) Rangel argued the jurors were overtired and would be
    disinclined to attend carefully to the closing argument. The court weighed the burden to
    the court and jury against the convenience to counsel. The court determined the jurors
    were not overtired despite the time of day because the jurors had spent little time in court.
    Although Rangel argued he would be forced “to rush,” the court agreed that court could
    remain in session past the usual adjournment time of 4:30 p.m. to complete Rangel’s
    closing argument. Rejecting that compromise, Rangel insisted “the jurors will not be
    listening.” Although it is impossible to measure juror attentiveness on a cold record,
    several factors suggest the jurors were as rested and ready to receive argument as
    possible. Immediately before Rangel’s closing argument, the jurors had been given a
    fifteen-minute break. During the short closing argument, a juror requested and received a
    bathroom break, permitting the other jurors to return briefly to the jury room to “stretch
    their legs.” In light of these breaks and the relatively light day jurors spent in court, we
    find no fault with the court’s refusal to credit counsel’s baseless concern that the jurors
    would not be listening at 4:00 p.m. Accordingly, the trial court did not err by denying
    Rangel’s request for a continuance. 
    (Jenkins, supra
    , 22 Cal.4th at pp. 1037–1038.)
    Because we conclude there was no error, it necessarily follows that no prejudice resulted.
    (See Morris v. 
    Slappy, supra
    , 461 U.S. at pp. 11–12.)
    4.     Section 190.3
    Rangel argues that the “circumstances of the crime” language of section 190.3,
    subdivision (a) is unconstitutionally vague and overbroad because it permits the
    introduction of victim impact evidence with no limits. He also argues that introduction of
    victim impact evidence was erroneous and that the trial court erred by failing to instruct
    the jury concerning how to evaluate the victim impact evidence.23 We conclude these
    contentions lack merit. As Rangel acknowledges, this court has rejected identical
    challenges to the constitutionality of section 190.3, subdivision (a), and he presents us
    with no reason to reconsider our prior holdings here. (People v. Brady (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 547
    , 573–574.)
    Victim impact evidence concerning the effect of the murders on the family
    members “is relevant and admissible under section 190.3, factor (a) as a circumstance of
    the crime.” (People v. 
    Brady, supra
    , 50 Cal.4th at p. 574, see also Payne v. Tennessee
    501 U.S. 808
    , 825.) Such evidence is barred under the federal Constitution only if
    it is so extremely prejudicial that the whole of the trial is rendered fundamentally unfair.
    Here, Encinas’s two adult siblings and girlfriend (Beltran) provided testimony
    about Encinas’s childhood, their memories of him, and his goals of becoming a police
    23        Rangel’s claim of instructional error is addressed in section II.B.2., ante.
    officer and marrying Beltran. They testified about the difficulty their family was
    experiencing following Encinas’s death and their feelings of loss and sorrow. Several
    photographs depicting Encinas at various stages of his life were introduced, and Rangel
    claims the introduction of each photo (save the one of Encinas immediately prior to his
    death), as well as the testimony from Encinas’s siblings and girlfriend, constituted
    We disagree. The victim impact testimony of Encinas’s two siblings and fiancée
    comprised just 30 pages of the nearly 3,400-page record. In contrast, we held that
    “testimony span[ning] several hours over two days” from nine different witnesses,
    including a victim’s four siblings and fiancée, was not unduly prejudicial. (People
    Brady, supra
    , 50 Cal.4th at p. 573; 
    id. at pp.
    574–578.) Similarly, the introduction here
    of just a few photographs was not unduly prejudicial as we have in the past permitted the
    introduction of “numerous photographs.” (Id. at p. 573; 
    id. at pp.
    574–577.) When
    victim impact evidence briefly addresses a victim’s childhood to give context to
    testimony regarding their adult behavior, that testimony is not impermissibly
    inflammatory. (Id. at p. 577.) Rangel cites out of state authority to demonstrate that
    unduly prejudicial evidence was introduced here. Reliance on this extra-jurisdictional
    authority is unavailing. (Ibid.) As we explained in People v. Brady, “[t]hese cases are
    24      Rangel raises a single challenge with regard to victim impact evidence concerning
    Urrutia: he claims that the victim impact phase was too much like a memorial service, as
    evinced when the court permitted Urrutia’s sister to be recalled, over objection, to
    describe an event during which Urrutia dressed as a giant pancake. We conclude the trial
    court did not abuse its discretion in permitting the introduction of this testimony, which
    lasted just minutes. The court noted that while the victims’ family members experience
    benefit in talking about their loss, “it has to stop somewhere.” The prosecution agreed
    that this witness would be the last, and her testimony would be brief. Particularly when
    considered in contrast with People v. Brady, in which we affirmed the propriety of victim
    impact testimony comprised of nine witnesses providing hours of testimony over the
    course of two days, this single witness being recalled to provide a minutes-long anecdote
    did not render the penalty phase unconstitutional or fundamentally unfair. (People
    Brady, supra
    , 50 Cal.4th at pp. 573–578.)
    not binding on this court. The jury here heard traditional victim impact evidence: family
    members and friends extolled [the victim’s] virtues and demonstrated they missed him.
    Neither the type nor the amount of evidence warrants reversal.” (Ibid.)
    5.     Mitigating Evidence
    Mora argues that the trial court erred by failing to require that the prosecution
    disclose the identity of a rebuttal witness, depriving Mora of an opportunity to evaluate
    whether to present certain evidence in mitigation. We find no error, but conclude any
    would have been harmless in any event.
    a.     Background
    In addition to other mitigation evidence, Mora intended to present witnesses to
    testify that, during his incarceration following his arrest for these crimes, Mora served as
    a “module trustee,” in which capacity he served meals, cleaned, and otherwise followed
    orders. The prosecutor discussed her intention to present a possible rebuttal witness,
    Deputy Lucero, who would — depending upon what evidence Mora’s mitigation
    witnesses presented — testify that Mora was not a “trustee per se,” and was not housed
    with other module trustees. The mitigation witnesses Mora planned to present
    concerning his module trustee status were not anticipated to provide evidence of Mora’s
    good character. After presenting a number of other witnesses but before presenting
    testimony regarding Mora’s “module trustee” status, Mora asked the prosecution if there
    would be any rebuttal. The prosecution responded negatively, but explained that there
    would be a rebuttal witness available “just in case.” The prosecution elaborated, “I have
    no idea what they could rebut, since I haven’t heard any testimony. I have some idea it
    might have something to do with being a trustee, but I don’t have any statement.” Mora
    did not object to the prosecution’s plan to have a rebuttal witness available in case Mora
    presented mitigation evidence concerning his “module trustee” status, and no further
    argument on the subject occurred.
    The next court day began with an Evidence Code section 402 hearing regarding
    the nature of the mitigation evidence Mora expected to proffer. The prosecution argued
    that if Mora presented character evidence, “it’s fair game in rebuttal to me. I’m not
    saying what I have or don’t have, but if they put that in, I believe . . . rebuttal testimony
    in penalty phase is admissible to correct misleading impressions of the defense case.”
    The prosecution further asserted, “I’m not obligated to tell what I might have in store, or
    maybe I don’t have anything.” Again, Mora did not object, asserting simply that the
    witnesses were not expected to provide character testimony.
    The court ruled any mitigating evidence regarding Mora’s status as a “module
    trustee” was admissible, but expressly noted that it might open the door to rebuttal
    evidence. The prosecution would be restrained in how far to take that rebuttal, but
    evidence of “less than positive” “jail behavior” would be admissible. Mora decided
    against calling the witnesses who would have testified regarding his “module trustee”
    status, and Mora presented no further evidence in mitigation.
    b.     Discussion
    According to Mora, the prosecution’s failure to disclose the identity of the witness
    who would have rebutted testimony regarding Mora’s “module trustee” status constituted
    error, as did the trial court’s failure to provide a specific ruling regarding the scope of
    rebuttal evidence. We have held that “[t]he due process clause requires notice that the
    defendant will have the opportunity to discover the prosecutor’s rebuttal witnesses.”
    (Izazaga v. Superior Court (1991) 
    54 Cal. 3d 356
    , 375.) Even though the discovery
    statute does not specify that rebuttal witnesses must be disclosed, “the only reasonable
    interpretation of the requirement that the prosecution disclose ‘[t]he names and addresses
    of persons the prosecutor intends to call as witnesses at trial’ is that [section 1054.125]
    25     In its entirety, section 1054.1 provides, “The prosecuting attorney shall disclose to
    the defendant or his or her attorney all of the following materials and information, if it is
    includes both witnesses in the prosecution’s case-in-chief and rebuttal witnesses that the
    prosecution intends to call.” (Ibid.)
    Although the due process clause commands disclosure of known rebuttal
    witnesses, we conclude that no error occurred here. First, Mora raised no objection
    before the trial court regarding the prosecution’s failure to disclose its rebuttal witness’s
    identity. Accordingly, Mora’s claim of error arising from the failure to so disclose is
    forfeited. (See 
    Gutierrez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th at p. 819.) Even if the issue was preserved
    for our review, we would find no error. Before the penalty phase commenced, the
    prosecutor alerted Mora that a rebuttal witness could provide testimony that Mora’s
    “module trustee” status was controverted should Mora present testimony about that
    status. Mora ultimately decided against presenting evidence about his alleged trustee
    status, which the prosecution could not have known. Had the prosecution absolutely
    intended to call a witness to rebut the proposed mitigation evidence, the disclosure
    requirement may have been triggered. (Izazaga v. Superior 
    Court, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at
    p. 375.) That triggering would have depended on Mora’s disclosure of the witnesses he
    intended to call. Mora’s equivocation on the issue of whether to present evidence about
    his “module trustee” status rendered speculative the possibility of the prosecution’s intent
    to present a rebuttal witness. The due process clause does not command the disclosure of
    all possible witnesses, but only those anticipated. Accordingly, we hold no error resulted
    in the possession of the prosecuting attorney or if the prosecuting attorney knows it to be
    in the possession of the investigating agencies: [¶] (a) The names and addresses of
    persons the prosecutor intends to call as witnesses at trial. [¶] (b) Statements of all
    defendants. [¶] (c) All relevant real evidence seized or obtained as a part of the
    investigation of the offenses charged. [¶] (d) The existence of a felony conviction of any
    material witness whose credibility is likely to be critical to the outcome of the trial. [¶]
    (e) Any exculpatory evidence. [¶] (f) Relevant written or recorded statements of
    witnesses or reports of the statements of witnesses whom the prosecutor intends to call at
    the trial, including any reports or statements of experts made in conjunction with the case,
    including the results of physical or mental examinations, scientific tests, experiments, or
    comparisons which the prosecutor intends to offer in evidence at the trial.”
    from the prosecution’s lack of disclosure because the decision to call a rebuttal witness
    depended upon the testimony Mora would have presented, had he opted to do so. We
    also conclude the trial court did not err by failing to provide a more specific ruling
    regarding rebuttal testimony because it was unable to rule more certainly without
    knowing what evidence the witness Mora did not call might provide.
    Even if the prosecution’s failure to disclose its rebuttal witness was erroneous, any
    such error was harmless because there is no reasonable possibility that the error affected
    the verdict. (People v. Gonzalez (2006) 
    38 Cal. 4th 932
    , 960–961.) “[T]o find prejudice,
    we must find both (1) a reasonable possibility defense counsel would have presented the
    mitigating evidence . . . and (2) a reasonable possibility the verdict would have been
    different had defendant presented the mitigating evidence.” (Id. at p. 961.) The evidence
    would have shown, at most, that Mora adjusted well to a custodial setting, becoming a
    more rule-abiding person. That evidence would have been tempered by evidence
    presented in aggravation that Mora committed an assault in a different custodial setting.
    Because the jury may not have given evidence concerning Mora’s “module trustee” status
    significant weight in light of the contrasting aggravating evidence, and because in any
    event there is not a reasonable possibility that the verdict would have been different had
    the evidence been presented, we hold that error, if any, was harmless. (Id. at p. 961.)
    6.     CALJIC No. 8.85
    Mora and Rangel argue that the trial court erred by failing to instruct the jurors, in
    addition to CALJIC No. 8.85, with a requested further instruction stating, “However, you
    may not double count any ‘circumstances of the offense’ which are also ‘special
    circumstances.’ That is, you may not weigh the special circumstance[s] more than once
    in your sentencing determination.” Mora and Rangel acknowledge we have consistently
    found no prejudicial error in a trial court’s denial of identical requested instructions,
    holding that “ ‘in the absence of any misleading argument by the prosecutor or an event
    demonstrating the substantial likelihood of “double-counting” reversal is not required.’ ”
    (People v. Monterroso (2004) 
    34 Cal. 4th 743
    , 790, quoting People v. Proctor (1992)
    4 Cal. 4th 499
    , 550.) Although Mora and Rangel suggest the trial court’s and
    prosecution’s apparent confusion over applying the prohibition against double-counting
    itself demonstrates a substantial likelihood that jurors would misunderstand, they point to
    no argument by the prosecution or event that would have misled the jury. (People
    Monterroso, supra
    , 34 Cal.4th at p. 790.) Moreover, “[w]e presume that jurors are
    intelligent and capable of understanding and applying the court’s instructions.” (People
    v. Butler (2009) 
    46 Cal. 4th 847
    , 873.) Even if the prosecution and court misunderstood
    CALJIC No. 8.85, in light of our presumption that the jurors did not, and because no
    argument or event occurred misleading the jury, we need not disturb our long-standing
    rule that the trial court did not prejudicially err by refusing to modify CALJIC No. 8.85.
    7.     Multiple Murder Special Circumstance
    Mora and Rangel argue that the multiple murder special circumstance must be
    overturned because it violates the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. We have
    repeatedly rejected similar claims because the multiple murder special circumstance
    narrows the class of death-eligible defendants. (People v. Sapp (2003) 
    31 Cal. 4th 240
    286–287.) “For the multiple murder special circumstance, a defendant must, in the same
    proceeding, be convicted not only of first degree murder, but also of ‘more than one
    offense of murder in the first or second degree.’ (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(3).)” (People
    Sapp, supra
    , 31 Cal.4th at p. 286.) Mora and Rangel argue that the multiple murder
    special circumstance is unconstitutionally “wanton or freakish” because it permits a
    person who accidentally kills a woman and the nine-week-old fetus she did not know she
    was carrying to be given the death penalty, but that same penalty is not applied to a killer
    motivated by racial animus who murders several people. (See United States v. Cheely
    (9th Cir. 1994) 
    36 F.3d 1439
    , 1445.) We rejected this exact argument in People v. Sapp,
    which Mora and Rangel acknowledge, and they present no reason to disturb our
    longstanding conclusion. (People v. 
    Sapp, supra
    , 31 Cal.4th at p. 287.)
    8.     Alleged Juror Misconduct
    a.     Background
    Following the penalty verdict, Mora moved for a new penalty trial, arguing that
    postverdict discussions with jurors revealed information suggesting misconduct.
    According to a declaration executed by Mora’s attorney, those discussions revealed that
    Juror No. 2 “formed an opinion that this was an execution” “because the shot was to the
    head,” which opinion the juror “based on his military training and experience.” Mora’s
    attorney declared that Juror No. 2 “conclude[d] that since this was an execution, [Mora]
    should be executed. Once [Juror No. 2] decided this was an execution he did not
    consider any other factors.” Mora alleged Juror No. 7 “changed her decision” and voted
    in favor of death after learning that “Mora, unlike Rangel committed an execution.”
    Based on Juror Nos. 2 and 7’s comments, Mora moved for a new penalty trial. Rangel
    joined in the new trial motion.
    Mora and Rangel also jointly requested disclosure of juror contact information to
    further investigate claims of juror misconduct. Mora and Rangel sought and were
    granted a hearing to address disclosure of juror contact information, which was held on
    April 27, 1999. Prior to the hearing, the court contacted the jurors and informed them of
    Mora and Rangel’s wish for disclosure of their identifying information. Prior to or
    during the April 27, 1999, hearing, Juror Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 conveyed to the
    court their wishes that their identifying information not be shared with the defense. Juror
    Nos. 1, 2, 6, and 8 were present in court for the hearing; each confirmed their desire not
    to have his or her contact information disclosed. The court asked if Juror No. 2 wished to
    speak in court, and Juror No. 2 responded in the negative. Based on the jurors’ wish not
    to be contacted, the court denied Mora and Rangel access to contact information
    concerning those nine jurors.
    Juror Nos. 3, 11, and 12 did not respond to the court’s communication regarding
    the disclosure of their identifying information. The court provided Mora and Rangel with
    the names, addresses, and phone numbers of those three jurors. On May 17, 1999, Mora
    moved again for a new trial, and Mora’s attorney submitted a declaration in support
    thereof indicating that he spoke with one of the three jurors who permitted the disclosure
    of contact information. That juror “did not specifically remember any deliberation
    regarding military expertise.” Mora’s attorney declared that the juror also told him the
    jurors did not believe the murder would have happened had Mora not paged Rangel that
    night. Mora argued a new trial was warranted because improper evidence concerning
    Rangel was considered by the jury to permit imposition of the penalty with regard to
    Mora. Rangel separately moved for new trial, but did not argue that juror misconduct
    supported his request.
    The court heard Mora and Rangel’s updated new trial motions on May 27, 1999.
    Mora urged the court to grant a new penalty trial based in part on juror misconduct during
    penalty phase deliberations, and the inability to contact jurors thereafter. Following
    argument, the court denied both Mora and Rangel’s motions for new trial. The court
    ruled that Mora’s attorney’s declaration in support of the motion for new trial constituted
    inadmissible hearsay, but even if it was capable of consideration, the statement was not
    “in and of itself . . . sufficient to demonstrate any misconduct on the part of the jury.”
    The court explained that “jurors are not required to discuss or disclose their process . . . .
    [A]bsent a showing . . . to demonstrate jury misconduct, the court has to assume there
    was none.”
    b.     Discussion
    Mora and Rangel argue the court erred by denying their motion for new trial based
    on jury misconduct. More specifically, they argue the trial court was obliged to hold an
    evidentiary hearing once it learned of potential juror misconduct, and its failure to do so
    constituted error. We conclude the trial court was under no obligation to hold a hearing,
    and neither its failure to do so nor its denial of Mora and Rangel’s motions for new trial
    based on juror misconduct constituted error.
    “Hearsay evidence offered in support of a new trial motion that is based on alleged
    jury misconduct ordinarily is insufficient to establish an abuse of discretion in either
    denying the motion or declining to conduct an evidentiary hearing.” (People
    v. Manibusan (2013) 
    58 Cal. 4th 40
    , 55, citing People v. Dykes (2009) 
    46 Cal. 4th 731
    810.) Mora argued that the court should nevertheless have granted an evidentiary hearing
    because, without access to juror contact information and absent jurors’ willingness to
    speak to defense counsel, he was unable to fact-find regarding “representations that had
    been made by the jurors at the time of the verdict.”26 Mora and Rangel claim that, even
    if hearsay, the content of Mora’s attorney’s declarations made the trial court aware of
    potential juror misconduct, triggering a duty to conduct a reasonable inquiry — here, an
    evidentiary hearing — to resolve the matter.
    Of course, granting a new trial may be warranted if a jury engages in misconduct
    that prevents impartial consideration of the case. (People v. Hayes (1999) 
    21 Cal. 4th 1211
    , 1255.) Hayes does not, as Mora and Rangel assert, require that a trial court
    conduct an evidentiary hearing once the specter of misconduct is raised. “When
    26      We note that the People assert that Rangel forfeited any right to raise this issue on
    appeal because he did not raise juror misconduct in his motion for new trial or interpose
    an objection based on this ground at trial. Rangel did, however, join Mora’s initial new
    trial motion based on alleged juror misconduct. Because we conclude that the trial court
    did not err by declining to hold an evidentiary hearing or by denying the motions for new
    trial based on juror misconduct, there is no need to reach the issue of Rangel’s potential
    allegations of juror misconduct . . . raise a presumption of prejudice” a court may, but is
    not required to, conduct an evidentiary hearing. (Ibid.) In contrast, when a court
    becomes aware of the possibility of misconduct, its only obligation is to “ ‘ “make
    whatever inquiry is reasonably necessary” ’ to resolve the matter.” (Ibid., quoting People
    v. Hedgecock (1990) 
    51 Cal. 3d 395
    , 417.) This obligation is triggered only when the
    defense provides evidence strongly suggestive of prejudicial misconduct. 
    (Hayes, supra
    21 Cal.4th at p. 1255.) As we acknowledged in Hayes and have reiterated many times,
    hearsay is ordinarily “not sufficient to trigger the court’s duty to make further inquiries
    into a claim of juror misconduct.” (Id. at p. 1256.) In Hayes, because the only evidence
    of juror misconduct was the statement of counsel regarding purported out-of-court
    statements by a juror who did not herself provide any declaration, we concluded the trial
    court did not abuse its discretion in denying a motion for a new trial. (Ibid.)
    Here, too, the only support for the motion for a new trial based upon juror
    misconduct are defense counsel’s statements containing hearsay accountings of what
    jurors purportedly said. A trial court does not abuse its discretion in declining to hold an
    evidentiary hearing or denying a motion for a new trial when the only basis to grant such
    a hearing or trial is, as in this case, a defense attorney’s hearsay assertions. (People
    Manibusan, supra
    , 58 Cal.4th at p. 55.) Mora and Rangel’s arguments to the contrary
    are unavailing. They contend they had no access to jurors to obtain more reliable
    statements concerning misconduct, but the second declaration reveals that argument to be
    untrue. In support of the second new trial motion, Mora’s counsel stated that he spoke
    with one of the three jurors who consented to the disclosure of contact information. That
    admission alone is sufficient to undermine Mora and Rangel’s contention on appeal that
    they had no access to the jurors to probe the veracity of Juror Nos. 2 and 7’s purported
    statements. They had access to 25% of the jurors, but it appears those jurors — or the
    one with whom Mora’s attorney spoke — did not provide a statement in support of their
    assertion of juror misconduct. That juror apparently recalled nothing of the statements
    about execution-style murder or military affiliation allegedly made by Juror No. 2. The
    trial court thus reasonably concluded that the only basis for new trial was discountable
    hearsay, and that the content of those hearsay statements revealed no misconduct. The
    court was not obliged to conduct an evidentiary hearing when the only support for such a
    hearing was hearsay, and its denial of Mora and Rangel’s motion for a new trial did not
    constitute an abuse of discretion. (Ibid.)
    9.     Other Challenges to California’s Death Penalty Law
    Mora and Rangel raise a number of challenges to California’s death penalty law,
    each of which they acknowledge we have previously rejected. While Mora raises each
    claim for exhaustion purposes only, Rangel contends that even if each claim has been
    separately rejected, we have not considered these challenges cumulatively, and doing so
    reveals an overbroad sentencing scheme lacking in procedural safeguards. Not only is
    Rangel incorrect in this regard (see People v. Simon (2016) 1 Cal.5th 98, 150 (Simon)),
    but because we reject each challenge to California’s death penalty sentencing scheme, we
    also find no basis to conclude that the challenges collectively warrant invalidating the
    Section 190.2 is not impermissibly broad in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, or
    Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution for failing to narrow the class
    of death-eligible murders. 
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 149.) The 1978 death penalty
    law did not have the intended or practical effect of making essentially all murders death
    eligible. (People v. Jennings (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 616
    , 688.) As addressed previously,
    section 190.3, subdivision (a), permitting a jury to consider the circumstances of the
    offense in sentencing, does not result in arbitrary or capricious imposition of the death
    penalty in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, or Fourteenth Amendments to the United
    States Constitution. 
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 149.)
    The death penalty statutory scheme is not unconstitutional for failing to require the
    jury find beyond a reasonable doubt that aggravating factors outweigh mitigating factors.
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 149.) California’s death penalty statutory scheme does not
    run afoul of Apprendi and its progeny for failing to so require. 
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th
    at p. 149.) There is no federal constitutional requirement that the jury make written
    findings regarding factors in aggravation. (Ibid.)
    Neither section 190.3 nor the federal constitution require that a comparison
    between the instant case and similar cases be evaluated with respect to the proportionality
    of the sentence imposed. 
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 149.) “During the penalty phase,
    the jury may consider a defendant’s unadjudicated criminal activity and need not
    unanimously agree beyond a reasonable doubt that such criminal activity occurred.”
    (Id. at p. 150.)
    We have consistently concluded there is no burden of proof at the penalty phase.
    (People v. Gamache (2010) 
    48 Cal. 4th 347
    , 406.) The trial court is under no obligation
    to instruct the jury that neither party bears the burden of proof. (People v. 
    Leonard, supra
    40 Cal. 4th 1370
    , 1429.)
    The inclusion in the list of potential mitigating factors of the adjectives
    “ ‘extreme’ ” and “ ‘substantial’ ” does not serve as a barrier to the jury’s consideration
    of mitigating factors in violation of the federal constitution. (People v. 
    Leonard, supra
    40 Cal.4th at p. 1429, citing People v. 
    Boyer, supra
    , 38 Cal.4th at p. 484.) The jury need
    not be instructed that factors in mitigation may be considered only in mitigation. (People
    Leonard, supra
    , 40 Cal.4th at p. 1429.) No error flows from a failure to instruct the
    jury that if mitigating factors outweigh aggravating factors, life is the appropriate
    sentence. (People v. Jones (2017) 3 Cal.5th 583, 620.) Mora’s assertions to the contrary,
    as well as his argument that CALJIC Nos. 8.85 and 8.88 fail to provide the jury with the
    guidance necessary for imposition of the death penalty, are unavailing. (Id. at pp. 619–
    620.) Likewise, Mora’s claim that the jury should have received an instruction that there
    is a presumption in favor of life without parole is incorrect. (Id. at p. 620.) The court
    was not required to instruct that the jury’s findings in favor of any factor in mitigation be
    unanimous. (Ibid.)
    Finally, we have consistently rejected claims that international norms render the
    death penalty unconstitutional, and do so again here. 
    (Simon, supra
    , 1 Cal.5th at p. 150.)
    We have also consistently concluded that “California does not deny capital defendants
    equal protection of the law by providing certain procedural protections to noncapital
    defendants that are not afforded to capital defendants.” (Ibid.)
    10.    Cumulative Error
    Mora and Rangel contend reversal is warranted because of the cumulatively
    prejudicial effect of penalty phase errors. To the extent any errors occurred, none were
    prejudicial. We conclude no error or assumed error in the penalty phase, whether
    considered separately or collectively, merits reversal. (People v. Clark (2016) 
    63 Cal. 4th 522
    , 643.)
    We affirm the judgment.
    CHIN, J.
    KRUGER, J.
    DETJEN, J.*
    *      Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.
    I respectfully dissent from the conclusion that there was sufficient evidence
    to sustain the attempted robbery special circumstance. (Pen. Code, § 190.2,
    subd. (a)(17(A); see maj. opn., ante, at pp. 54–56.) “ ‘[T]o prove a felony-murder
    special-circumstance allegation, the prosecution must show that the defendant had
    an independent purpose for the commission of the felony, that is, the commission
    of the felony was not merely incidental to an intended murder.’ ” (People v.
    Horning (2004) 
    34 Cal. 4th 871
    , 907 (Horning).) As with the felony-murder rule,
    the purpose of this special circumstance is to make eligible for the most severe
    punishment those defendants who escalate a serious felony into a murder, thereby
    attempting to deter such escalation. Here the prosecution had to prove that the
    crime was “a murder in the commission of robbery” and not “a robbery in the
    commission of murder.” (Ibid., citing People v. Green (1980) 
    27 Cal. 3d 1
    (Green).) “The provision thus expressed a legislative belief that it was not
    unconstitutionally arbitrary to expose to the death penalty those defendants who
    killed in cold blood in order to advance an independent felonious purpose, e.g.,
    who carried out an execution-style slaying of the victim of or witness to a holdup,
    a kidnaping, or a rape.” (Green, at p. 61, italics added.)
    The facts do not support a finding that defendants murdered their victims
    “in order to advance” a robbery. 
    (Green, supra
    , 27 Cal.3d at p. 61; see maj. opn.,
    ante, at pp. 3–4, 55–56 [recounting details of the crime].) Although there is
    sufficient evidence to support the jury’s finding that defendants intended to rob the
    victims, there is no credible evidence from which the jury could conclude beyond
    a reasonable doubt that defendants murdered the victims in order to advance an
    independent felonious purpose of robbing them. Rangel’s initial contact with one
    of the victims announced his and Mora’s lethal intent: “Do you want to go to
    sleep?” Neither his further statement “check yourself, check yourself, give me
    your wallet” nor Mora’s similar request to the other victim suggests that their
    primary purpose in the encounter was to rob the victims. As the record shows, the
    victims attempted to comply with defendants’ demands for their wallets,
    defendants shot the victims before the victims could comply, and defendants then
    fled without the wallets. There is no evidence that some intervening event caused
    defendants to abandon their plan to rob the victims after murdering them, nor is
    there evidence that defendants’ motive to kill the victims sprang from the
    attempted robbery. The record here shows an attempted “robbery in the
    commission of murder.” 
    (Horning, supra
    , 34 Cal.4th at p. 907.) Viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict, there is no “ ‘ “ ‘evidence that
    is reasonable, credible, and of solid value such that a reasonable jury could
    find’ ” ’ ” beyond a reasonable doubt (People v. Smith (2018) 4 Cal.5th 1134,
    1174) that the murders were committed in order to advance the robberies.
    I would therefore reverse the attempted robbery special circumstance.
    Nonetheless, I agree that the death sentence must be affirmed. The jury made a
    valid finding on the multiple-murder special circumstance, and the jury was
    permitted to consider at the penalty phase all the facts and circumstances
    underlying the murders. Accordingly, the invalidation of one of the two special
    circumstances does not warrant reversal of the death sentence. (See People v.
    Hajek and Vo (2014) 
    58 Cal. 4th 1144
    , 1186–1187.)
    LIU, J.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion People v. Mora and Rangel
    Unpublished Opinion
    Original Appeal XXX
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S079925
    Date Filed: July 2, 2018
    Court: Superior
    County: Los Angeles
    Judge: Victoria M. Chavez
    Michael J. Hersek, State Public Defender, under appointment by the Supreme Court, and Peter R. Silten,
    Deputy State Public Defender, for Defendant and Appellant Joseph Adam Mora.
    Tara K. Hoveland, under appointment by the Supreme Court, for Defendant and Appellant Ruben Rangel.
    Kamala D. Harris and Xavier Becerra, Attorneys General, Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorney
    General, Pamela C. Hamanaka, Assistant Attorney General, Joseph P. Lee and John Yang, Deputy
    Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Peter R. Silten
    Deputy State Public Defender
    1111 Broadway, 10th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94607-4139
    (510) 267-3300
    Tara K. Hoveland
    1034 Emerald Bay Road, #235
    South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
    (530) 541-2505
    John Yang
    Deputy Attorney General
    1300 I Street, Suite 125
    Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
    (916) 445-9555

Document Info

Docket Number: S079925

Citation Numbers: 235 Cal. Rptr. 3d 92, 5 Cal. 5th 442, 420 P.3d 902

Filed Date: 7/2/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (56)

United States v. Scarborough , 128 F.3d 1373 ( 1997 )

United States v. Raymond D. Cheely, Jr. Douglas P. Gustafson , 36 F.3d 1439 ( 1994 )

People v. Brady , 50 Cal. 4th 547 ( 2010 )

People v. Danks , 8 Cal. Rptr. 3d 767 ( 2004 )

People v. Jenkins , 95 Cal. Rptr. 2d 377 ( 2000 )

People v. Loker , 44 Cal. 4th 691 ( 2008 )

People v. Horning , 22 Cal. Rptr. 3d 305 ( 2004 )

People v. Hedgecock , 51 Cal. 3d 395 ( 1990 )

People v. Holloway , 14 Cal. Rptr. 3d 212 ( 2004 )

People v. Zamudio , 75 Cal. Rptr. 3d 289 ( 2008 )

People v. Hartsch , 49 Cal. 4th 472 ( 2010 )

People v. Sapp , 2 Cal. Rptr. 3d 554 ( 2003 )

People v. Bolin , 75 Cal. Rptr. 2d 412 ( 1998 )

People v. Williams , 16 Cal. 4th 153 ( 1997 )

People v. Hovarter , 44 Cal. 4th 983 ( 2008 )

People v. Boyer , 42 Cal. Rptr. 3d 677 ( 2006 )

People v. Dykes , 46 Cal. 4th 731 ( 2009 )

People v. Keenan , 46 Cal. 3d 478 ( 1988 )

People v. Rogers , 48 Cal. Rptr. 3d 1 ( 2006 )

People v. Jennings , 50 Cal. 4th 616 ( 2010 )

View All Authorities »