People v. Juarez CA2/2 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 4/23/21 P. v. Juarez CA2/2
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions
    not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion
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    THE PEOPLE,                                                            B304377
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                    (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BA469086)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Craig J. Mitchell, Judge. Affirmed and
    remanded with directions.
    Jean Ballantine, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Susan Sullivan Pithey, Senior
    Assistant Attorney General, Steven D. Matthews and
    Michael J. Wise, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and
    Osman Rolando Galicia Juarez appeals the judgment
    entered following a jury trial in which he was convicted of two
    counts of sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child 10 years old
    or younger (Pen. Code,1 § 288.7, subd. (a); counts 4 & 7), two
    counts of oral copulation or sexual penetration with a child 10
    years old or younger (§ 288.7, subd. (b); counts 5 & 8), and three
    counts of a lewd act upon a child under the age of 14 (§ 288,
    subd. (a); counts 3, 6, & 9).2 The trial court sentenced appellant
    to two consecutive terms of 25 years to life on counts 4 and 7,
    plus concurrent terms on the remaining counts of conviction, for a
    total term of 50 years to life in state prison.
    Appellant was 18 years old when he committed multiple
    nonviolent sex offenses against his half-sister beginning when
    she was nine. At sentencing, the trial court ruled that because of
    the nature of his offenses, appellant is ineligible for a youth
    offender parole hearing under section 3051. Appellant contends
    the court incorrectly determined that appellant is excluded from
    early parole consideration based on his youth at the time of his
    offenses, and the error requires remand for a hearing under
    People v. Franklin (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 261
     (Franklin) to preserve
    evidence for a future youth offender parole hearing in accordance
    with section 3051, subdivisions (d) through (f). We agree and
    remand the matter to the trial court for a full hearing for the
    purpose of affording both parties the opportunity to make a
    1   Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    2 The jury acquitted appellant on counts 1 (sexual
    intercourse or sodomy with a child 10 years old or younger,
    § 288.7, subd. (a)) and 2 (oral copulation or sexual penetration
    with a child 10 years old or younger (§ 288.7, subd. (b)).
    record of information relevant to appellant’s future youth
    offender parole hearing.
    Appellant further contends that his 50-year-to-life sentence
    constitutes cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth
    Amendment and the California Constitution and therefore must
    be reversed. We reject the claim based on our Supreme Court’s
    holding in Franklin that sections 3051 and 4801, enacted by the
    Legislature to bring juvenile sentencing in conformity with
    Miller, Graham, and Caballero,3 render the constitutional
    challenge raised by appellant moot. (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th
    at p. 268; People v. Rodriguez (2018) 
    4 Cal.5th 1123
    , 1126
    (Rodriguez); People v. Lipptrapp (2021) 
    59 Cal.App.5th 886
    , 891.)
    Appellant’s mother, Maria, left Guatemala for the United
    States around 2003, leaving appellant with his grandparents.
    Appellant was three years old. When he was 17, appellant moved
    to Los Angeles from Guatemala to live with his mother, Maria’s
    partner, and Maria’s two younger children⎯appellant’s half-
    brother, H.L. (born in April 2010), and his half-sister, S.L. (born
    in March 2008). Appellant shared a bedroom with H.L. and S.L.
    H.L. and S.L. shared a bunk bed, and appellant had his own bed
    across the room.
    Appellant admitted touching S.L.’s whole body, including
    her chest, her anus, and her vagina, every two to three weeks
    starting in December 2017. On the first occasion, appellant, S.L.,
    and H.L. were watching television. According to appellant, S.L.
    3 Miller v. Alabama (2012) 
    567 U.S. 460
     (Miller); Graham
    v. Florida (2010) 
    560 U.S. 48
     (Graham); People v. Caballero
    55 Cal.4th 262
    lay down next to appellant, and he began to touch her chest and
    her back. In February 2018, appellant and S.L. were lying on
    appellant’s bed when he touched her vagina with his hand for the
    first time, and then penetrated her vagina with his penis.
    The next incident occurred a few weeks later when
    appellant returned from a trip to Atlanta. According to
    appellant, S.L. lay down next to appellant on his bed, and he
    began touching her and inserted his penis into her vagina. The
    third time appellant penetrated S.L.’s vagina occurred on
    Mother’s Day in May 2018. On the night of June 21, 2018,
    appellant penetrated S.L.’s vagina with his penis a fourth time.
    Maria had noticed that appellant and S.L. had a very close
    sibling relationship, but by June 22, 2018, she had become
    concerned that something was going on between them. The night
    before, Maria had heard a noise from the children’s bedroom, but
    when she went into the room they appeared to be asleep in their
    own beds. The next morning, Maria asked S.L. if she had gotten
    up in the night. S.L. was reluctant to answer, but said no and
    seemed nervous. Despite her concerns, Maria drove S.L. to school
    at 8:00 a.m., but returned to pick her up at 9:00 a.m. to take her
    to the hospital for tests. At the hospital, S.L. revealed to her
    mother that appellant had touched her inappropriately.
    S.L. told a forensic examiner that as she was returning to
    bed from the bathroom, appellant had grabbed her leg, drew her
    toward him, and started touching her “private part.” She tried to
    get away, but he pulled her back, took her shorts off, and
    removed his own shorts and underwear. S.L. continued to
    struggle and told him to stop, but appellant hugged her and held
    her “hard” on her arm as he touched her chest, vagina, and anus.
    Appellant grabbed S.L.’s shoulders, trying to make her face him.
    He lay on top of S.L. and licked her chest. He put his finger in
    her vagina, scratching her with his fingernail, and he put his
    penis in her vagina, which was painful. S.L. remembered that
    the first time appellant licked her chest was around Christmas
    when she was nine years old, and she was still nine the first time
    appellant touched her vagina and put his “middle part” in her
    “middle part.”
    At trial, S.L. testified that appellant touched her in ways
    she did not like. She stated that appellant touched her “private
    part.” But when she was asked for details, she repeatedly said
    she did not remember because she did not want to get her brother
    into trouble.
    I. Appellant Is Entitled to a Franklin Proceeding
    Before imposing a sentence of two consecutive 25-year-to-
    life terms, the trial court recognized that a youthful offender
    sentenced to a life term would “normally” have a right to early
    parole consideration “at the 25-year mark.” However, in this
    case, the trial court believed that “an exception [was] carved out”
    for “these type[s] of offenses,” and appellant would not qualify for
    a youth offender parole hearing under section 3051. To the
    contrary, section 3051 applies to appellant without exception.
    Section 3051 provides for a youth offender parole hearing to
    be conducted in the 25th year of incarceration by “the Board of
    Parole Hearings [(the Board)] for the purpose of reviewing the
    parole suitability of any prisoner who was 25 years of age or
    younger . . . at the time of the controlling offense.” (§ 3051, subd.
    (a)(1).) The “controlling offense” is the offense for which the
    longest term of imprisonment was imposed (§ 3051, subd.
    (a)(2)(B)), which in this case is either count 4 or count 7, based on
    the 25-year-to-life sentence imposed for each of those counts
    (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 279). A prisoner eligible for
    release on parole at a youth offender parole hearing is entitled to
    such a hearing on the first day of the prisoner’s 25th year of
    incarceration. (§ 3051, subd. (b)(3).)
    Early parole consideration under section 3051 is not
    available to every youth offender. Section 3051, subdivision (h)
    specifically excludes those offenders sentenced under the Three
    Strikes law (§§ 1170.12, subds. (b)–(i), 667), the One Strike law
    (§ 667.61, mandating a life sentence for certain sex offenses
    committed under specified circumstances), or to life in prison
    without the possibility of parole for a controlling offense that was
    committed after the person reached the age of 18.4 (People v.
    Contreras (2018) 
    4 Cal.5th 349
    , 359, 382; In re Bolton (2019) 
    40 Cal.App.5th 611
    , 617; People v. Phung (2018) 
    25 Cal.App.5th 741
    None of these exclusions applies to appellant. Appellant
    has no prior serious or violent felony convictions, and was not
    sentenced under the Three Strikes law. Nor do appellant’s
    counts of conviction qualify for One Strike sentencing under
    4 The constitutionality of subdivision (h) is an issue currently being
    debated by Courts of Appeal (see, e.g., People v. Edwards (2019)
    34 Cal.App.5th 183
    , 197; In re Woods (Apr. 2, 2021, B301891) ___
    Cal.App.5th ___) and is currently under review in the California Supreme
    Court (see People v. Williams (2020) 
    47 Cal.App.5th 475
    , rev. granted
    July 22, 2020, S262229; People v. Moseley (2021) 
    59 Cal.App.5th 1160
    rev. granted Apr. 14, 2021, S267309).
    section 667.61,5 and he was not sentenced under that statute.
    Further, appellant was not sentenced to life without the
    possibility of parole.
    While conceding that appellant will be entitled to a youth
    offender parole hearing under section 3051, respondent asserts
    that remand is unnecessary because appellant already had an
    opportunity at his sentencing hearing to make a record of
    information pertaining to his youth-related characteristics and
    circumstances at the time of the offense to be considered at his
    eventual parole hearing. To the contrary, although appellant’s
    trial counsel argued for sentencing leniency based on appellant’s
    youth, no evidence of any youth-related factors specific to
    appellant was presented to preserve a record for a youth offender
    parole hearing 25 years in the future.
    “The Legislature has declared that ‘[t]he youth offender
    parole hearing to consider release shall provide for a meaningful
    opportunity to obtain release’ (§ 3051, subd. (e)) and that in order
    to provide such a meaningful opportunity, the Board ‘shall give
    great weight to the diminished culpability of juveniles as
    compared to adults, the hallmark features of youth, and any
    subsequent growth and increased maturity’ (§ 4801, subd. (c)).”
    (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 283.) In order to allow the
    5  Section 667.61 provides that any person who is convicted
    of committing a lewd or lascivious act in violation of section 288,
    subdivision (a) or (b), under one or more of the circumstances
    specified in section 667.61, subdivision (d) or under two or more
    of the circumstances specified in section 667.61, subdivision (e)
    shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for 25
    years to life. None of the circumstances enumerated in section
    667.61, subdivision (d) or (e) is present in this case.
    Board to fulfill its mandate, our Supreme Court requires that
    youth offenders like appellant be given an opportunity to
    preserve evidence of youth-related factors to be considered in
    their eventual parole hearing. (Id. at p. 284.)
    As Franklin observed, the statutory scheme specifically
    “contemplate[s] that information regarding the juvenile offender’s
    characteristics and circumstances at the time of the offense will
    be available at a youth offender parole hearing to facilitate the
    Board’s consideration. For example, section 3051, subdivision
    (f)(2) provides that ‘[f]amily members, friends, school personnel,
    faith leaders, and representatives from community-based
    organizations with knowledge about the individual before the
    crime . . . may submit statements for review by the board.’
    Assembling such statements ‘about the individual before the
    crime’ is typically a task more easily done at or near the time of
    the juvenile’s offense rather than decades later when memories
    have faded, records may have been lost or destroyed, or family or
    community members may have relocated or passed away.
    [Citation.] In addition, section 3051, subdivision (f)(1) provides
    that any ‘psychological evaluations and risk assessment
    instruments’ used by the Board in assessing growth and maturity
    ‘shall take into consideration . . . any subsequent growth and
    increased maturity of the individual.’ Consideration of
    ‘subsequent growth and increased maturity’ implies the
    availability of information about the offender when he was a
    juvenile.” (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at pp. 283–284.)
    Almost none of the youth-related information envisioned by
    the court in Franklin was presented at appellant’s sentencing
    hearing in this case. The defense submitted no sentencing
    memorandum, and the People’s sentencing memorandum
    contained no mitigating youth-related evidence. Appellant’s
    probation report contains no discussion of any youth-related
    factors and states there were no circumstances in mitigation.
    Further, although defense counsel brought the court’s attention
    to appellant’s recent immigration from a very small town in
    Guatemala with different social norms, counsel presented no
    evidence about any other environmental, social, or psychological
    factors affecting appellant prior to or at the time of the offenses.
    The goal of the proceeding envisioned by Franklin “is to
    provide an opportunity for the parties to make an accurate record
    of the juvenile offender’s characteristics and circumstances at the
    time of the offense so that the Board, years later, may properly
    discharge its obligation to ‘give great weight to’ youth-related
    factors (§ 4801, subd. (c)) in determining whether the offender is
    ‘fit to rejoin society’ despite having committed a serious crime
    ‘while he was a child in the eyes of the law.’ ” (Franklin, supra,
    63 Cal.4th at p. 284.) Appellant’s sentencing hearing did not
    meet this goal. Accordingly, appellant is entitled to a remand for
    a full Franklin evidentiary hearing to enable the parties to make
    a record of the information contemplated under section 3051.
    II. The Availability of Early Parole Consideration
    Under Section 3051 Renders Appellant’s
    Constitutional Challenge to His Sentence Moot
    Appellant seeks reversal of his 50-year-to-life sentence on
    the ground that it is cruel and unusual in violation of the Eighth
    Amendment and the California Constitution. In Franklin, our
    Supreme Court “held that a juvenile offender’s Eighth
    Amendment challenge to his 50-year-to-life sentence was
    rendered moot” by the enactment of sections 3046,
    subdivision (c), 3051, and 4801,6 which instituted youth offender
    parole hearings and made youth offenders like Franklin eligible
    for such a hearing during their 25th year of incarceration.
    (Rodriguez, supra, 4 Cal.5th at p. 1130; Franklin, supra, 63
    Cal.4th at p. 280.) In accordance with Franklin’s holding on this
    issue, we reject appellant’s claim.
    Franklin began its analysis of the Eighth Amendment
    claim with the recognition that the Legislature enacted these
    statutes with the express purpose of bringing juvenile sentencing
    into conformity with Graham, Miller, and Caballero by
    establishing a mechanism by which a person serving a sentence
    for crimes committed as a juvenile would have an opportunity to
    obtain release upon showing growth, rehabilitation, and
    maturity. (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 277; Stats. 2013,
    ch. 312, § 1.) But the means for obtaining early release upon the
    requisite showing does not invalidate the original sentence. As
    Franklin explained: “The Legislature did not envision that the
    original sentences of eligible youth offenders would be vacated
    and that new sentences would be imposed to reflect parole
    6  As mentioned, section 4801, subdivision (c) specifies that
    in its review of a youth offender’s suitability for parole in the
    context of a section 3051 hearing, the Board of Parole Hearings
    “shall give great weight to the diminished culpability of juveniles
    as compared to adults, the hallmark features of youth, and any
    subsequent growth and increased maturity of the prisoner in
    accordance with relevant case law.”
    Subdivision (c) of section 3046 requires that an inmate
    found suitable for parole pursuant to a youth offender parole
    hearing under section 3051 be released regardless of the manner
    in which the Board of Parole Hearings set release dates pursuant
    to section 3041, subdivision (a).
    eligibility during the 15th, 20th, or 25th year of incarceration.
    The continued operation of the original sentence is evident from
    the fact that an inmate remains bound by that sentence, with no
    eligibility for a youth offender parole hearing, if ‘subsequent to
    attaining 23 years of age’ the inmate ‘commits an additional
    crime for which malice aforethought is a necessary element . . . or
    for which the individual is sentenced to life in prison.’ (§ 3051,
    subd. (h); Stats. 2015, ch. 471.) But section 3051 has changed the
    manner in which the juvenile offender’s original sentence
    operates by capping the number of years that he or she may be
    imprisoned before becoming eligible for release on parole. The
    Legislature has effected this change by operation of law, with no
    additional resentencing procedure required.” (Franklin, at
    pp. 278–279.)
    Appellant nevertheless contends that because his 50-year-
    to-life sentence was unconstitutional ab initio, the “existence of a
    potential mechanism for being paroled 25 years into the future”
    under section 3051 does not moot the Eighth Amendment
    violation in this case. Our Supreme Court rejected a similar
    argument in Franklin. While an adult offender sentenced to two
    consecutive 25-year-to-life terms would not be eligible for parole
    consideration until he or she had served 50 years (§ 3046, subd.
    (b); Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 273), a youth offender
    sentenced in the same manner (who is not otherwise excluded
    from early parole consideration under section 3051,
    subdivision (h)) is eligible for parole consideration and a
    meaningful opportunity for release as though the original
    sentence were 25 years to life. (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th at
    pp. 279–280.) As Franklin observed, such a sentence is therefore
    neither LWOP nor its functional equivalent. (Franklin, supra, 63
    Cal.4th at p. 280.) Indeed, it is tantamount to a sentence of 25
    years to life. Accordingly, by operation of section 3051, section
    3046, subdivision (c), and section 4801, appellant’s constitutional
    challenge to his sentence is moot.7
    Finally, appellant asserts that “[p]ushing a first
    opportunity for parole so far into the future” leaves “no reliable
    way to measure his cognitive abilities, maturity, and other youth
    factors when the offense was committed more than 25 years
    prior.” We reject the claim in light of our decision to remand the
    matter for a “Franklin” hearing, at which appellant “may place
    on the record any documents, evaluations, or testimony (subject
    to cross-examination) that may be relevant at his eventual youth
    offender parole hearing, and the prosecution likewise may put on
    the record any evidence that demonstrates [appellant’s]
    culpability or cognitive maturity, or otherwise bears on the
    influence of youth-related factors.” (Franklin, supra, 63 Cal.4th
    at p. 284.)
    7  Appellant does not argue that a sentence of 25 years to
    life is unconstitutional or would not be an appropriate sentence
    under the circumstances of this case, conceding that “[t]he crimes
    committed in this case were no doubt serious and deserving of a
    lengthy sentence.”
    The judgment is affirmed. The matter is remanded to the
    trial court to afford both parties the opportunity to make a record
    of information relevant to appellant’s eventual youth offender
    parole hearing under Penal Code section 3051, as set forth in
    People v. Franklin (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 261
    LUI, P. J.
    We concur:

Document Info

Docket Number: B304377

Filed Date: 4/23/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/23/2021