People v. Bona ( 2017 )

  • Filed 10/19/17 (unmodified opn. attached)
    THE PEOPLE,                                    2d Crim. No. B277751
    (Super. Ct. No. 16PT-00428)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,               (San Luis Obispo County)
    v.                                             ORDER MODIFYING
    THOMAS D. BONA,                             REHEARING; NO CHANGE
    Defendant and Appellant.
    It is ordered that the opinion filed on September 20, 2017,
    be modified as follows:
    On page 9, at the end of the first paragraph, the following
    is added as footnote 6:
    For the first time on appeal, appellant contends the People
    failed to comply with rule 3.1332 of the California Rules of Court
    (rule 3.1332), which governs the granting of continuances in “civil
    cases” in which a date has been “set for trial.” This contention is
    forfeited because it was not raised below. In any event, appellant
    fails to demonstrate that rule 3.1332 applies to MDO
    proceedings, which are brought under the Penal Code. His
    objections to the continuances were expressly based upon his
    right to have his petition heard within 60 days of its filing, as
    provided in section 2996(b). Moreover, he was only aggrieved by
    the continuances to the extent they violated that right.
    Because a new footnote 6 is being added, all subsequent
    footnotes in the opinion must be renumbered accordingly.
    There is no change in the judgment. Appellant’s petition
    for rehearing is denied.
    Filed 9/20/17 (unmodified version)
    THE PEOPLE,                                2d Crim. No. B277751
    (Super. Ct. No. 16PT-00428)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,           (San Luis Obispo County)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    As a condition of his parole, Thomas D. Bona was
    committed to the State Department of Hospitals for treatment as
    a mentally disordered offender (MDO) (Pen. Code,1 § 2962). The
    trial court ordered the commitment after it denied Bona’s petition
    challenging the Board of Parole Hearings’ (BPH) determination
    that he met the MDO criteria. (§ 2966, subd. (b), hereinafter
    § 2966(b).) Bona appeals, contending that (1) the court abused its
    discretion in continuing the hearing on his petition beyond the
    60-day period set forth in section 2966(b); and (2) his trial
    1 All statutory references are to the Penal Code unless
    stated otherwise.
    attorney provided ineffective assistance of counsel by failing to
    (a) seek writ review from the orders granting the continuances,
    and (b) raise a Sanchez2 objection to case-specific hearsay expert
    testimony offered at the hearing.
    We conclude that the 60-day timeline set forth in section
    2966(b) is directory rather than mandatory and that Bona was
    not prejudiced by the continuance of his hearing a week beyond
    that timeline. We also reject Bona’s claims of ineffective
    assistance of counsel. His first claim is forfeited and in any event
    fails for lack of prejudice. Although Sanchez applies in MDO
    proceedings to the extent it clarifies the admissibility of expert
    testimony under the Evidence Code, Bona fails to show that his
    attorney could have had no legitimate tactical reason for
    declining to make a Sanchez objection here. He also fails to show
    it is reasonably probable that such an objection would have led to
    a more favorable result. Accordingly, we affirm.
    Bona was convicted of elder abuse (§ 368, subd. (b)(1)) and
    sentenced to four years in state prison. In February 2016, the
    BPH determined that Bona met the MDO criteria and sustained
    the requirement of treatment as a condition of his parole. Bona
    petitioned for the appointment of counsel and a hearing
    (§ 2966(b)) and waived his right to a jury.
    Psychologist Meghan Brannick testified as the
    prosecution’s expert at the hearing. Dr. Brannick interviewed
    Bona, reviewed his medical records and legal history, and spoke
    to his treating psychologist and psychiatrist. Based on this
    information, Dr. Brannick concluded that Bona suffers from a
    2 People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 665
    severe mental disorder, i.e., schizophrenia. His symptoms of the
    disorder included auditory hallucinations, paranoia, delusional
    and disorganized thought processes, depressed mood, flat affect,
    sleep disturbance, and agitation.
    Dr. Brannick opined that Bona’s schizophrenia was an
    aggravating factor in his commitment offense, was not in
    remission as of the date of the BPH hearing, and could not be
    kept in remission without treatment. At the time of the offense,
    Bona had a longstanding history of psychotic behavior and had
    not taken his prescribed medications for about a month. Shortly
    before the offense, he was heard talking to himself about killing;
    after the offense, he could not recall what he had done. He
    exhibited multiple psychotic symptoms during the months
    preceding the BPH hearing and required an involuntary
    medication order.
    Dr. Brannick also opined that Bona represented a
    substantial danger of physical harm to others by reason of his
    mental disorder. The doctor noted Bona’s history of violent
    behavior when he is symptomatic, a prior incident when he
    discharged a firearm while he was not taking his medication, two
    prison rules violations that were related to his mental disorder,
    his lack of an acceptable discharge plan, and his lack of insight
    into his disorder.
    Chico Police Sergeant Scott Harris testified regarding the
    facts of Bona’s commitment offense. On August 27, 2012,
    Sergeant Harris responded to a report of an assault at a store.
    The sergeant spoke with the victim, who had a laceration under
    one of his eyes and a bruised nose. The victim subsequently
    identified Bona as his assailant. Bona told Sergeant Harris that
    he went to the store to buy a CD and that he recalled “punching”
    a CD rather than a person.
    Over Bona’s objection, the trial court continued his MDO
    hearing one day beyond the 60-day period set forth in section
    2966(b).3 The court subsequently granted an additional six-day
    continuance. The prosecutor purported to show good cause for
    the continuances by offering that she needed the additional time
    to present Sergeant Harris’s testimony regarding the facts of
    Bona’s commitment offense, as contemplated in People v. Stevens
    62 Cal.4th 325
     (Stevens).4 Bona contends that both
    continuances were an abuse of discretion. In a supplemental
    3 Section 2966(b) states in pertinent part: “A prisoner who
    disagrees with the determination of the [BPH] that he or she
    meets the criteria of Section 2962, may file in the superior court
    . . . a petition for a hearing on whether he or she, as of the date of
    the [BPH] hearing, met the criteria of Section 2962. The court
    shall conduct a hearing on the petition within 60 calendar days
    after the petition is filed, unless either time is waived by the
    petitioner or his or her counsel, or good cause is shown[.]”
    4 In Stevens, our Supreme Court held that “proof of a
    qualifying conviction under the MDO Act is based on facts rather
    than on defendant’s psychological condition, and thus does not
    call for a mental health expert’s opinion testimony.” (Stevens,
    supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 336.) In light of this holding, the
    prosecution must now offer eyewitness testimony or other
    admissible documentary evidence to prove a commitment offense
    involved the actual or implied force or violence, as contemplated
    in section 2962, subdivisions (e)(2)(P) and (e)(2)(Q). (Ibid.)
    brief, he further contends that his trial counsel provided
    ineffective assistance by failing to seek writ relief from the
    challenged continuances.
    Bona’s ineffective assistance claim is forfeited because it
    was not raised in the opening brief. (People v. Rangel (2016) 
    62 Cal.4th 1192
    , 1218-1219.) In any event, the claim lacks merit.
    “When challenging a conviction on grounds of ineffective
    assistance, the defendant must demonstrate counsel’s
    inadequacy. To satisfy this burden, the defendant must first
    show counsel’s performance was deficient, in that it fell below an
    objective standard of reasonableness under prevailing
    professional norms. Second, the defendant must show resulting
    prejudice, i.e., a reasonable probability that, but for counsel’s
    deficient performance, the outcome of the proceeding would have
    been different. When examining an ineffective assistance claim,
    a reviewing court defers to counsel’s reasonable tactical decisions,
    and there is a presumption counsel acted within the wide range
    of reasonable professional assistance.” (People v. Hung Thanh
    Mai (2013) 
    57 Cal.4th 986
    , 1009 (Hung Thanh Mai).)
    “[I]t is particularly difficult to prevail on an appellate claim
    of ineffective assistance. On direct appeal, a conviction will be
    reversed for ineffective assistance only if (1) the record
    affirmatively discloses counsel had no rational tactical purpose
    for the challenged act or omission, (2) counsel was asked for a
    reason and failed to provide one, or (3) there simply could be no
    satisfactory explanation. All other claims of ineffective
    assistance are more appropriately resolved in a habeas corpus
    proceeding. [Citations.]” (Hung Thanh Mai, supra, 57 Cal.4th at
    p. 1009.)
    Bona’s claim of ineffective assistance is based on the
    premise that the standard of review would have been more
    favorable to him—i.e., no showing of prejudice would have been
    necessary—had counsel sought pretrial writ relief from the
    challenged continuances. The case he offers as support for this
    premise analogizes the “speedy trial” rights of a minor who is the
    subject of a wardship petition under Welfare and Institutions
    Code section 601 or 602 with a criminal defendant’s statutory
    right to a speedy trial under section 1382. (In re Chuong D.
    135 Cal.App.4th 1303
    , 1309-1310 (Chuong D.)5
    An analogy to section 1382 is inapt here. That section
    states that a felony case “shall . . . be dismissed” when the
    defendant has not been brought to trial within 60 days of
    arraignment. (Id., subd. (a)(1)(2).) Because the statute provides
    a penalty of dismissal for noncompliance, the 60-day timeline is
    mandatory. Accordingly, a defendant seeking pretrial writ
    5 The court in Chuong D. held that “[b]ecause Chuong
    waited until after the jurisdictional hearing had been completed,
    and the court found against him, before bringing his speedy trial
    claim to the appellate court, he must affirmatively demonstrate
    he was prejudiced by the delay. ‘Prejudice becomes an issue for a
    statutory speedy trial claim only when the defendant waits until
    after the judgment to obtain appellate review. “[O]nce a
    defendant has been tried and convicted, the state Constitution
    . . . forbids reversal for nonprejudicial error,” and so on appeal
    from a judgment of conviction a defendant asserting a statutory
    speedy trial claim must show that the delay caused prejudice,
    even though the defendant would not be required to show
    prejudice on pretrial appellate review.’ [Citations.]” (Chuong D.,
    supra, 135 Cal.App.4th at p. 1311, quoting People v. Martinez
    22 Cal.4th 750
    , 769 (Martinez).)
    review of an order denying a motion to dismiss under section
    1382 need only demonstrate that the motion was erroneously
    denied, i.e., no showing of prejudice is necessary. (See Martinez,
     22 Cal.4th at p. 769; People v. Johnson (1980) 
    26 Cal.3d 557
    , 575.)
    Section 2996(b), however, does not provide any penalty,
    sanction, or other consequence for noncompliance with its 60-day
    requirement. Accordingly, this timeline is merely directory. (See
    People v. Williams (1999) 
    77 Cal.App.4th 436
    , 451 [section 2972,
    subdivision (a)’s requirement that the trial on an MDO
    recommitment petition “shall commence no later than 30
    calendar days prior to the time the person would otherwise have
    been released, unless the time is waived by the person or unless
    good cause is shown” is directory rather than mandatory]; see
    also People v. Tatum (2008) 
    161 Cal.App.4th 41
    , 57, disapproved
    on another ground in People v. Lara (2010) 
    48 Cal.4th 216
    , 225,
    fn. 26 [“[A]part from the requirement that a [recommitment]
    petition be filed prior to the offender’s release date (§ 2972, subd.
    (e)), the statutory time limits contained in the MDO Act are not
    ‘mandatory’ or ‘jurisdictional,’ but ‘directory’”].)
    Because the 60-day timeline in section 2966(b) is directory
    rather than mandatory, any violation of that timeline does not
    render the proceeding invalid unless it amounts to a due process
    violation. (People v. Tatum, supra, 161 Cal.App.4th at p. 57.)
    The determination whether such a violation has occurred
    “requires consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case
    and a subsequent ‘balancing of any prejudicial effect of the delay
    against the justification for the delay.’ [Citations.]” (Ibid.)
    “Except where there has been an extended delay, prejudice will
    not be presumed, and it will be incumbent upon the defendant to
    demonstrate actual prejudice. [Citations.] If the defendant fails
    to demonstrate prejudice, the court need not consider the reasons
    for the delay. [Citations.]” (People v. Fernandez (1999) 
    70 Cal.App.4th 117
    , 131.) Because prejudice is an essential
    component of Bona’s claim, he cannot demonstrate that counsel’s
    failure to seek writ review constitutes ineffective assistance.
    (Hung Thanh Mai, supra, 57 Cal.4th at p. 1009; see also
     22 Cal.4th at p. 769 [for constitutional speedy
    trial claims that are not based on section 1382, “a demonstration
    of prejudice is required whether the trial court determines the
    issue before or after trial or verdict, and the standard of review
    for a ruling on such a claim is the same whether appellate review
    occurs before or after judgment”].)
    Bona also fails to demonstrate that he suffered any
    prejudice as a result of the challenged continuances. He asserts
    that prejudice is “plain” because the prosecution would have been
    unable to prove its case had the continuances been denied and
    Bona “would not have been committed as an MDO.” This theory
    of prejudice is legally unsound. “[T]he mere fact that evidence
    sufficient to establish a prosecutor’s case was introduced against
    the defendant only after his speedy trial rights were violated
    could never be considered the requisite prejudice to justify
    reversal of the judgment. Such a rule would nullify the
    requirement of ‘prejudice’ as a separate element[.]” (Chuong D.,
    supra, 135 Cal.App.4th at p. 1312.) To establish prejudice in this
    context, Bona must show that the continuances impaired his
    ability to present his defense “because, for instance, a witness has
    become unavailable, evidence has disappeared, or the memory of
    a potential witness has faded.” (People v. Lowe (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 937
    , 946, fn. omitted.)
    As the People correctly note, “[a]ppellant has not even tried
    to establish that any of these considerations were present here.”
    He cannot establish that he suffered any prejudice as a result of
    the one-day continuance because he had previously waived time
    to that date. Moreover, the combined continuances were
    relatively brief and the hearing was completed well within his
    initial one-year period of parole. Bona “does not claim surprise as
    to the content of [Sergeant Harris’s] testimony, or suggest that
    his ability to counter that evidence was somehow diminished
    because of the additional brief delay in the hearing.” (Chuong D.,
    supra, 135 Cal.App.4th at p. 1312, fn. omitted.) Because Bona
    fails to demonstrate that he suffered prejudice due to the brief
    delay in completing his hearing, his claim fails regardless of
    whether there was good cause for the delay. (People v.
    Fernandez, supra, 70 Cal.App.4th at p. 131.)
    Bona contends his trial counsel provided ineffective
    assistance by failing to object when Dr. Brannick testified to case-
    specific hearsay. He asserts that this evidence was inadmissible
    under Sanchez, supra, 
    63 Cal.4th 665
    , which was decided less
    than two months prior to his trial. Bona claims “it is readily
    apparent from the record in this case” that as of the date of his
    trial Sanchez “had not yet worked its way down to the San Luis
    Obispo Superior Court—at least in [MDO] cases.” Alternatively
    assuming that his trial attorney was aware of Sanchez, Bona
    asserts that counsel could have had “no valid tactical reasons for
    failing to make at least some Sanchez objections.” We are not
    In Sanchez, our Supreme Court held that “[w]hen any
    expert relates to the jury case-specific out-of-court statements,
    and treats the content of those statements as true and accurate
    to support the expert’s opinion, the statements are hearsay.”
    (Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 686.) Accordingly, the
    statements must either be independently proven or fall under a
    hearsay exception in order to be admissible. (Ibid.) “Case-
    specific facts are those relating to the particular events and
    participants alleged to have been involved in the case being
    tried.” (Id. at p. 676.) When a prosecution expert in a criminal
    case seeks to relate testimonial hearsay, as contemplated in
    Crawford v. Washington (2004) 
    541 U.S. 36
    , there is a
    confrontation clause violation unless (1) the declarant is
    unavailable, or (2) the defendant either “had a prior opportunity
    for cross-examination, or forfeited that right by wrongdoing.”
    (Sanchez, at p. 686.)
    Although Sanchez is a criminal case, it also applies to civil
    cases—such as this one—to the extent it addresses the
    admissibility of expert testimony under Evidence Code sections
    801 and 802. (Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 670; People v.
    Burroughs (2016) 
    6 Cal.App.5th 378
    , 405.) Bona acknowledges
    that Sanchez does not apply here to the extent it addresses a
    criminal defendant’s rights under the state and federal
    confrontation clauses because those rights are not implicated in
    MDO proceedings. (People v. Otto (2001) 
    26 Cal.4th 200
    , 214;
    People v. Nelson (2012) 
    209 Cal.App.4th 698
    , 712.)
    Although parties in civil proceedings have a right to
    confrontation under the due process clause, “[t]he Sixth
    Amendment and due process confrontation rights are not
    coextensive. [Citation.] Due process in a civil proceeding ‘is not
    measured by the rights accorded a defendant in criminal
    proceedings, but by the standard applicable to civil proceedings.’
    [Citation.]” (People v. Nelson, supra, 209 Cal.App.4th at p. 712.)
    In civil proceedings such as this one, “‘“[d]ue process requires
    only that the procedure adopted comport with fundamental
    principles of fairness and decency. The due process clause of the
    Fourteenth Amendment does not guarantee to the citizen of a
    state any particular form or method of procedure.”’ [Citation.]”
    Bona asserts “that the sheer mass of the hearsay involved
    in this case meant that his due process right to confront
    witnesses was violated and the case should be analyzed
    accordingly.” This assertion begs the question whether trial
    counsel’s failure to object to the evidence amounts to
    constitutionally ineffective assistance. As we have noted, “it is
    particularly difficult to prevail on an appellate claim of ineffective
    assistance.” (Hung Thanh Mai, supra, 57 Cal.4th at p. 1009,
    italics omitted.) Deficient performance cannot be established on
    direct appeal unless “(1) the record affirmatively discloses counsel
    had no rational tactical purpose for the challenged act or
    omission, (2) counsel was asked for a reason and failed to provide
    one, or (3) there simply could be no satisfactory explanation.”
    (Ibid.) Bona must also overcome the “presumption [that] counsel
    acted within the wide range of reasonable professional
    assistance.” (Ibid.; see also People v. Castaneda (2011) 
    51 Cal.4th 1292
    , 1335 [“The decision whether to object to the admission of
    evidence is ‘inherently tactical,’ and a failure to object will rarely
    reflect deficient performance by counsel”]; People v. Riel (2000)
    22 Cal.4th 1153
    , 1185 [“‘Generally, failure to object is a matter of
    trial tactics as to which we will not exercise judicial hindsight[.]
    A reviewing court will not second-guess trial counsel’s reasonable
    tactical decisions’”].) Finally, he must show it is reasonably
    probable that he would have achieved a more favorable result
    had counsel raised a Sanchez objection. (Hung Thanh Mai, at p.
    Bona fails to establish either prong of his ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim. He merely speculates that counsel
    was unaware of the Sanchez decision.6 Moreover, on the record
    before us, there is no basis to conclude that counsel could have
    had no legitimate tactical reason for failing to raise a Sanchez
    objection to Dr. Brannick’s testimony. The People posit that
    “counsel strategically chose only to challenge the sufficiency of
    the evidence as to whether [Bona] suffered a qualifying
    conviction. In support of this argument, counsel utilized the
    prosecution’s evidence to show that the criterion was not met
    because the evidence did not establish that [Bona] caused the
    injuries the victim suffered.” Defense counsel also exploited one
    6 Appellate counsel requests that we take judicial notice of
    three other pending MDO appeals in which he is also counsel of
    record. He offers that “these cases were litigated by three
    different defense attorneys, two different deputy district
    attorneys, and three different trial judges. Yet, there was no
    mention of Sanchez.” He claims “[t]he possibility that any one
    trial attorney in any one case might have had no reason to make
    a case-specific hearsay objection is small but, perhaps, not
    nonexistent[,]” while “[t]he chance that there would be no
    objections in the only four post-Sanchez . . . cases assigned to this
    specific appellate attorney is pretty close to zero.” These
    oddsmaker assertions are nothing more than speculation.
    Accordingly, the request for judicial notice is denied.
    of Dr. Brannick’s hearsay statements to Bona’s advantage during
    Counsel may also have reasonably concluded that Dr.
    Brannick’s testimony regarding the MDO criteria was less
    damaging to Bona than the detailed account that would have
    resulted had counsel raised Sanchez objections. Moreover, some
    of the statements Bona identifies as inadmissible hearsay were
    based at least in part upon Dr. Brannick’s personal observations
    of Bona when she interviewed him, or upon information he
    conveyed to her during that interview.8 In addition, one of the
    doctor’s challenged statements—in which she conveyed Bona’s
    statement to the police that he “had only punched a CD”—was
    cumulative of other properly-admitted evidence. In light of these
    considerations, there is no basis for us to conclude this is one of
    7 In offering her opinion that Bona’s mental disorder
    could not be kept in remission without treatment, Dr. Brannick
    offered among other things that Bona had been subject to an
    involuntary medication order while he was in prison. During
    cross-examination, defense counsel elicited the doctor’s testimony
    that the medication order had expired well before Bona’s BPH
    hearing and that he had thereafter voluntarily taken his
    medication. Counsel also elicited testimony that Dr. Brannick
    had interviewed Bona only once and conducted the interview over
    a month after his BPH hearing.
    8 For example, Bona contends counsel should have objected
    to Dr. Brannick’s testimony that he had not been taking his
    medication for approximately one month prior to his commitment
    offense. Dr. Brannick made clear, however, that this statement
    was based upon “[Bona’s] consistent report, noted in other
    evaluations and based on his interview with me[.]”
    those “rare” cases in which counsel’s failure to object amounts to
    constitutionally deficient performance. (Hung Thanh Mai, supra,
    57 Cal.4th at p. 1009; People v. Castaneda, supra, 51 Cal.4th at p.
    1335; People v. Riel, 
     22 Cal.4th at p. 1185.)
    Bona also fails to demonstrate the requisite prejudice. In
    purporting to make this showing, he offers that had counsel
    objected “the state would not have been able to prove its case—at
    least not with the evidence available at this trial.” He goes on to
    acknowledge that if counsel had raised a Sanchez objection “there
    might have been a way that the government could have
    presented some of the inadmissible case-specific hearsay in an
    admissible fashion.” Indeed, exclusion of the challenged evidence
    would not have precluded Dr. Brannick from stating the opinions
    upon which that evidence was based. As Sanchez makes clear,
    “[a]ny expert may still rely on hearsay in forming an opinion, and
    may tell the [trier of fact] in general terms that he did so.”
    (Sanchez, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. 685.)9 It is also clear from Dr.
    Brannick’s testimony that most of her opinions were based at
    least in part on her observations of Bona and the information
    9 Bona cites People v. Wright (2016) 
    4 Cal.App.5th 537
    , for
    the proposition that expert opinion testimony is not substantial
    evidence unless it is supported by evidence in the record. But Dr.
    Brannick had evidentiary support for her opinions. She
    interviewed Bona, reviewed his records and conferred with his
    treating doctors. Our Supreme Court has recently reiterated that
    an expert testifying on the relevant MDO criteria “may rely on
    hearsay documents that are ‘of a type that reasonably may be
    relied upon by an expert in forming an opinion upon the subject
    to which his testimony relates.’ (Evid. Code, § 801, subd. (b).)”
    (Stevens, supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 336.)
    directly conveyed to her. Because it is not reasonably probable
    that a Sanchez objection would have led to a more favorable
    result, Bona’s claim of ineffective assistance of counsel fails.
    (Hung Thanh Mai, supra, 57 Cal.4th at p. 1009.)
    The judgment (MDO commitment order) is affirmed.
    PERREN, J.
    We concur:
    GILBERT, P. J.
    Jacquelyn H. Duffy, Judge
    Superior Court County of San Luis Obispo
    Rudy Kraft, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Senior Assistant
    Attorney General, Steven E. Mercer, Acting Supervising Deputy
    Attorney General, Eric J. Kohm, Deputy Attorney General, for
    Plaintiff and Respondent.