Santa Clara Waste Water Co. v. Allied World Nat'l. Assur. Co. ( 2017 )

  • Filed 12/20/17
    SANTA CLARA WASTE                   2d Civil No. B279679
    WATER COMPANY,                    (Super. Ct. No. 56-2014-
    Plaintiff, Cross-defendant          (Ventura County)
    and Appellant,
    Defendant, Cross-
    complainant and Respondent;
    Cross-defendant and
    Santa Clara Waste Water Company (SCWW) and
    Green Compass Environmental Solutions, LLC (GCES) appeal an
    order granting Allied World National Assurance Company’s
    applications for prejudgment attachment. SCWW and GCES
    seek reversal of the order on the ground that Allied did not show
    the probable validity of its claims as required by Code of Civil
    Procedure section 484.090, subdivision (a).1 We affirm.
    SCWW owned a wastewater treatment facility in
    Santa Paula. GCES, a subsidiary company owned by SCWW,
    operated a trucking unit that transported wastewater. SCWW
    and GCES applied for insurance coverage with Allied. In their
    insurance application and related correspondence, SCWW and
    GCES represented that they did not accept, process, transport, or
    discharge hazardous waste.
    Allied issued a $2 million “Primary Environmental
    Liability Policy” and a $5 million umbrella policy. The policy
    covered “‘environmental damage’” or “‘emergency response
    expenses’” arising out of a “‘pollution incident.’” The policy also
    contained an “intentional noncompliance” provision, which
    excluded coverage for damages resulting from the “intentional
    disregard of or deliberate willful or dishonest noncompliance”
    with law or regulations.
    After obtaining coverage, a GCES vacuum truck
    exploded at the SCWW facility when a truck driver mixed
    wastewater with a chemical (sodium chlorite). Chemical spillage
    from the explosion spontaneously combusted and caused a fire.
    SCWW submitted a claim to Allied to cover the cleanup costs.
    Allied did not pay the claim.
    The parties entered mediation and reached a partial
    settlement including a “Payment Term Sheet.” The Payment
    Term Sheet provided that Allied would pay $2.5 million to
    1 Further unspecified statutory references are to the Code
    of Civil Procedure.
    SCWW, but if Allied obtained a judgment that it was not
    obligated to pay SCWW’s damages under its policy, then SCWW
    would reimburse Allied. Allied paid the $2.5 million.
    SCWW sued Allied for failing to pay damages up to
    the policy limit. Allied filed a first amended cross-complaint
    against SCWW and GCES for declaratory relief, reimbursement
    of defense costs and expenses, unjust enrichment, fraud,
    rescission, and unlawful business practices.
    Allied filed applications for a right to attach order
    and writ of attachment against both SCWW and GCES for $2.5
    million plus costs and interest based on an express contract (the
    Payment Term Sheet) and implied contract theories of unjust
    enrichment and rescission.2 In support of its applications, Allied
    presented evidence showing that the intentional noncompliance
    policy exclusion applied because SCWW and GCES violated laws
    and regulations when they stored and concealed the presence of
    sodium chlorite at the facility. Allied also presented evidence
    showing that the policy should be rescinded because SCWW and
    GCES misrepresented that they did not accept, process,
    transport, or discharge hazardous waste.
    2  Although GCES is not a party to the Payment Term
    Sheet, GCES raises the issue of its nonsignatory status for the
    first time in its reply brief on appeal. Failure to raise a timely
    objection forfeits the argument. (Tudor Ranches, Inc. v. State
    Comp. Ins. Fund (1998) 
    65 Cal. App. 4th 1422
    , 1433 (Tudor
    Ranches) [failure to object and give the trial court an opportunity
    to consider an issue forfeits the issue on appeal]; Telish v. State
    Personnel Bd. (2015) 
    234 Cal. App. 4th 1479
    , 1487, fn. 4 [failure to
    raise an argument in the opening brief waives the issue on
    The trial court granted the applications, finding that
    Allied “established the probable validity of its implied contract
    and rescission claims.” Specifically, it found the evidence
    supported the “applicability of the ‘intentional noncompliance’
    policy exclusion, and the existence of hazardous waste discharge
    prior to the policy application.” The court issued writs of
    attachment against both SCWW and GCES.
    Prejudgment Attachment
    SCWW and GCES contend the trial court erred in
    granting the applications for prejudgment attachment because
    Allied did not establish the probable validity of its claims. We
    A party seeking a prejudgment attachment must
    demonstrate the probable validity of its claim. (§ 484.090, subd.
    (a).) Probable validity means that “more likely than not” the
    plaintiff will obtain a judgment on that claim. (§ 481.190.) An
    order granting an application for a prejudgment attachment is
    directly appealable. (§ 904.1, subd. (a)(5).) A trial court’s finding
    on whether a plaintiff established probable validity is reviewed
    for substantial evidence. (Lorber Industries v. Turbulence, Inc.
    175 Cal. App. 3d 532
    , 535.)
    Unjust Enrichment
    Allied established the probable validity of its unjust
    enrichment claim. Where an insurer pays an amount not covered
    under its policy, it has a right of reimbursement that is implied-
    in-law under an unjust enrichment theory. (Buss v. Superior
    Court (1997) 
    16 Cal. 4th 35
    , 51.)
    Allied had a right of reimbursement because the
    intentional noncompliance policy exclusion applied. Under this
    exclusion, if the damages (i.e., cleanup costs) resulted from
    SCWW and GCES’s intentional noncompliance with law and
    regulations, then Allied was not obligated to pay damages.
    SCWW and GCES failed to comply with law and
    regulations when they stored sodium chlorite at the facility.
    They were required to report and update a “Hazardous Materials
    Business Plan” within 30 days of receiving a 275-gallon container
    of sodium chlorite. (Health & Saf. Code, § 25508.1.) They did not
    do so.
    Moreover, SCWW and GCES failed to comply with
    law when they concealed chemicals from inspectors. Employees
    testified that they consolidated and cleaned chemical totes before
    inspections to hide the presence of unreported chemicals at the
    facility. Employees removed labels from chemical totes that
    identified their contents or indicated they were hazardous
    materials. SCWW’s environmental compliance manager
    admitted that he ordered employees to move unreported
    chemicals to a trucking yard before an inspection in order to hide
    them from the inspectors. The storage of these chemicals at the
    trucking yard violated SCWW’s lease with the City of Santa
    The cleanup costs resulted from SCWW and GCES’s
    intentional noncompliance with law and regulations. Moments
    before the explosion, a truck driver was cleaning sodium chlorite
    totes to prepare for an inspection the next day. Because the
    presence of sodium chlorite was unreported, it was illegally
    stored at the facility and should not have been present. The
    explosion and fire occurred when wastewater mixed with sodium
    chlorite. Thus, the unreported presence of sodium chlorite was
    the cause of the explosion and fire.
    Because the evidence supports the trial court’s
    finding that the intentional noncompliance exclusion applies, the
    trial court properly found that Allied established the probable
    validity of prevailing on its unjust enrichment claim.
    Although the unjust enrichment claim alone is
    sufficient to support an order for prejudgment attachments,
    Allied also established the probable validity of its rescission
    claim. Misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact in
    connection with an insurance application is grounds for rescission
    of the policy. (Ins. Code, § 359; Superior Dispatch, Inc. v.
    Insurance Corp. of New York (2010) 
    181 Cal. App. 4th 175
    , 191.)
    “Each party to a contract of insurance shall communicate to the
    other, in good faith, all facts within his knowledge which are or
    which he believes to be material to the contract.” (Ins. Code, §
    332.) In determining whether a fact is material, we consider the
    “probable and reasonable” effect a misrepresentation of that fact
    has on the insurer. (Ins. Code, § 334.)
    Here, SCWW and GCES’s representation that they
    did not accept, process, transport or discharge hazardous waste
    was a material fact because Allied asked questions regarding
    hazardous waste in its application and related correspondence,
    including whether SCWW and GCES transported hazardous
    waste, the type of waste they disposed of, and several questions
    regarding their history of hazardous waste discharge. An Allied
    executive declared that Allied would not have issued a policy
    under the same terms if SCWW had represented that “it
    accepted, stored, or disposed of hazardous waste at any of its
    facilities,” and that Allied would not have added GCES under an
    umbrella policy if Allied knew GCES transported any hazardous
    Substantial evidence supports the finding that
    SCWW and GCES misrepresented and concealed this material
    fact. The evidence showed that SCWW and GCES accepted,
    processed, and transported wastewater regardless of whether it
    tested positive as hazardous. For instance, before Allied’s policy
    was in effect, SCWW ordered a wastewater sample to be retested
    after it tested positive for “corrosivity.” The proper action was to
    identify the wastewater as hazardous and reject it, but SCWW
    ordered the sample to be retested. In another instance, when
    SCWW retained a lab to produce reports to send to regulatory
    agencies, it ordered the lab not to send any reports of wastewater
    samples with a pH level above 12.5 (which indicated
    hazardousness). Other evidence shows that SCWW accepted and
    transported wastewater knowing that it exceeded a pH of 12.5.
    Additionally, the evidence shows that SCWW
    discharged wastewater that it knew was hazardous. SCWW’s
    environmental compliance manager admitted that he altered lab
    results of wastewater that was discharged into pipelines
    connected to the Oxnard water treatment facility to reflect levels
    of pollutants below the pollutant discharge limit.
    The evidence shows that SCWW and GCES’s
    misrepresentations both preceded and followed the effective date
    of coverage. The dates on the lab results reflect that SCWW
    altered results even before Allied’s policy was in effect. After the
    policy went into effect, but before the explosion incident, the City
    of Oxnard sent SCWW a cease and desist letter because tests
    revealed that wastewater being discharged into pipelines violated
    the discharge limits under SCWW’s Industrial Wastewater
    Discharge Permit.
    SCWW and GCES claim the trial court erred in its
    ruling on the rescission claim because Allied did not assert a
    separate claim of rescission in its applications for an attachment.
    But Allied expressly stated that it based its applications for
    prejudgment attachment “under two implied contract theories:
    unjust enrichment and rescission.”
    SCWW and GCES also argue that Allied cannot
    prevail on its rescission claim because it was required but failed
    to give proper notice and to offer to restore premiums prior to
    bringing its rescission claim. (Village Northridge Homeowners
    Assn. v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 913
    921; Joshua Tree Townsite Co. v. Joshua Tree Land Co. (1950)
    100 Cal. App. 2d 590
    , 596.) But filing the action was sufficient to
    meet those requirements here. (Resure, Inc. v. Superior Court
    42 Cal. App. 4th 156
    , 164, 166-167.) “When notice of
    rescission has not otherwise been given or an offer to restore the
    benefits received under the contract has not otherwise been
    made, the service of a pleading in an action or proceeding that
    seeks relief based on rescission shall be deemed to be such notice
    or offer or both.” (Civ. Code, § 1691.)
    We also reject SCWW and GCES’s claim that the
    trial court erred in finding they discharged hazardous waste
    because there was insufficient evidence that wastewater was in
    fact hazardous. This claim is forfeited because it was not raised
    in the trial court. (Tudor 
    Ranches, supra
    , 65 Cal.App.4th at p.
    1433.) But, this claim also fails on the merits based on the lab
    results and the cease and desist letter showing that the
    discharged wastewater exceeded pollutant discharge limits.
    No Express Contract or Condition Precedent
    SCWW argues that Allied cannot prevail on implied
    contract theories because the same subject matter is addressed in
    an express contract (i.e., the Payment Term Sheet). (Wal-Noon
    Corp. v. Hill (1975) 
    45 Cal. App. 3d 605
    , 613.) SCWW forfeited
    this argument because it was raised for the first time on appeal.
    Ranches, supra
    , 65 Cal.App.4th at p. 1433.) It also fails
    on the merits.
    The trial court did not err in granting the
    applications for prejudgment attachment based on implied
    contract theories even if an express contract covers the same
    subject. First, SCWW and GCES cannot assert the existence of
    an express contract when they successfully argued for the
    exclusion of that contract from evidence. Under the invited error
    doctrine, a party cannot challenge a court’s finding made at its
    insistence. (Jentick v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (1941) 
    18 Cal. 2d 117
    , 121.) Here, SCWW and GCES argued that the Payment
    Term Sheet was inadmissible and was not an express contract on
    which the applications for prejudgment attachment can be based.
    They raised an evidentiary objection to the Payment Term Sheet,
    which the trial court sustained. Because the court excluded the
    Payment Term Sheet at their request, they are barred on appeal
    from asserting that the trial court failed to consider the Payment
    Term Sheet.
    Moreover, even if the Payment Term Sheet is a valid
    express contract, the court properly granted the applications for
    prejudgment attachment based on implied contract theories. An
    attachment may be granted if a party shows the probable validity
    of the claim on a contract that is either express or implied. (§
    483.010, subd. (a).) All that is required is proof that the amount
    is due based on a contract. (Eaton v. Queen (1947) 
    78 Cal. App. 2d 571
    , 574.) Where there is both an express and implied contract,
    relief is available under an implied contract if the material terms
    do not conflict with the express contract. (Hartford Casualty Ins.
    Co. v. J.R. Marketing, L.L.C. (2015) 
    61 Cal. 4th 988
    , 1001.) Here,
    the material terms of the Payment Term Sheet and the implied
    contract are the same—that the $2.5 million Allied paid would be
    reimbursed if the policy did not cover SCWW and GCES’s
    cleanup costs.
    SCWW and GCES also claim that the order granting
    the applications for prejudgment attachment was improper
    because a judgment of noncoverage was a condition precedent.
    This claim lacks merit. The purpose of a writ of attachment is to
    ensure payment will be recovered if judgment is entered. Allied
    is only required to establish the “probable validity” of its claims.
    Whether Allied’s claims are “actually valid” is determined in a
    subsequent proceeding and not affected by the court’s order on
    the applications for prejudgment attachment. (§ 484.050, subd.
    (b).) An attachment remedy would be useless if it required the
    court to first decide the merits and issue a judgment.
    SCWW and GCES’s reliance on Robinson v. Varela
    67 Cal. App. 3d 611
    is misplaced. In Robinson, the trial
    court dissolved a writ attachment that was previously granted to
    a plaintiff, who claimed the defendant failed to pay rent on a
    sublease. (Id. at p. 618.) The court dissolved the writ attachment
    when the defendant successfully argued that no rent was due
    because the plaintiff failed to satisfy a condition precedent—
    obtaining a lease extension from the owner. (Ibid.) But here, all
    that Allied had to establish was the probability that their policy
    did not cover the damages. Allied did so by showing that the
    noncompliance policy exclusion applied and that SCWW and
    GCES misrepresented and concealed material facts. The trial
    court properly granted Allied’s applications for prejudgment
    attachment based on these claims against SCWW and GCES.
    Prejudgment Interest
    SCWW and GCES contend that prejudgment interest
    should be calculated from the date of the judgment awarding
    reimbursement, and not from the date Allied paid $2.5 million.
    This claim is forfeited, because no objection to prejudgment
    interest was made below. (Tudor 
    Ranches, supra
    , 65 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 1433.)
    Even if we address the claim on its merits, there was
    no error. Prejudgment interest begins to accrue from the date
    Allied paid the $2.5 million because interest is owed from the
    time the obligation to pay money begins, even if judgment
    awarding the reimbursement is decided on a later date. (See
    Ohio Casualty Ins. Co. v. Garamendi (2006) 
    137 Cal. App. 4th 64
    84 [“prejudgment interest should accrue from the date the
    assessments were due, not the date of the Commissioner’s order
    directing petitioners to pay the assessments”].) The trial court
    properly calculated prejudgment interest from the date Allied
    paid $2.5 million.
    The order is affirmed. Allied shall recover its costs
    on appeal.
    We concur:
    GILBERT, P. J.                     YEGAN, J.
    Vincent J. O’Neill, Jr., Judge
    Superior Court County of Ventura
    Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin, Andrew
    M. Gilford and Jessica R. Corpuz, for Plaintiff, Cross-defendant
    and Appellant Santa Clara Waste Water Company and Cross-
    defendant and Appellant Green Compass Environmental
    Solutions, LLC.
    Cozen O’Connor, Maria Louise Cousineau; McCurdy
    & Fuller, Mary P. McCurdy and Rosemary J. Springer, for
    Defendant, Cross-complainant and Respondent.

Document Info

Docket Number: B279679

Filed Date: 12/20/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/20/2017