People v. Reed CA3 ( 2023 )

  • Filed 1/13/23 P. v. Reed CA3
    Opinion following transfer from Supreme Court
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    THE PEOPLE,                                                                                C093055
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                      (Super. Ct. No. 10F05764)
    v.                                                                     OPINION ON TRANSFER
    Defendant and Appellant.
    A jury found petitioner Bernard Krunggerund Reed guilty of first degree murder
    occurring during a robbery in 2010. The jury also found true robbery-murder special
    circumstances for the murder. Petitioner petitioned the trial court for resentencing under
    Penal Code1 section 1172.62 based on changes made to the felony-murder rule by Senate
    1        Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    2      Effective June 30, 2022, the Legislature renumbered former section 1170.95 as
    section 1172.6. (Stats. 2022, ch. 58, § 10.) There were no substantive changes to the
    Bill No. 1437 (2017-2018 Reg. Sess.). The trial court denied the petition, finding
    evidence from petitioner’s trial established petitioner was ineligible for resentencing. On
    appeal, petitioner argued the trial court erred in conducting a factual analysis of the
    special-circumstance finding to disqualify him for relief. We disagreed and affirmed the
    trial court’s order. (People v. Reed (Dec. 15, 2021, C093055) [nonpub. opn.].)
    Our Supreme Court granted review but deferred further action pending the
    disposition in People v. Strong (2022) 
    13 Cal.5th 698
     (Strong). Following its decision,
    our Supreme Court transferred this matter back to us with directions to vacate our
    decision and reconsider in light of Strong.
    We now conclude the trial court’s denial of the petition is inconsistent with section
    1172.6 and Strong. Accordingly, we reverse and remand for further proceedings.
    We take the basic facts of petitioner’s case from our opinion in his original appeal.
    (People v. Reed (Mar. 18, 2015, C071276) [nonpub. opn.] (Reed).)3 On September 2,
    2010, petitioner and Kelvin Arnell Peterson robbed a pharmacy that Peterson had robbed
    by himself three weeks prior. Peterson handed a note to a pharmacy technician reading,
    “We want all 800 Oxycontin. We will kill you.” As the technician went to the back, the
    owner of the store activated the silent alarm while petitioner took cash from one of the
    registers. When the owner handed Peterson the store’s supply of Oxycontin, Peterson
    pointed a gun at the owner’s head and said, “I want more.” The owner’s son, who also
    worked at the pharmacy, feared for his father’s life and pulled out a gun but it failed to
    statute. Although petitioner filed his petition under former section 1170.95, we cite to
    section 1172.6 throughout this opinion.
    3      On our own motion, we take judicial notice of this prior decision. (Evid. Code,
    § 452, subd. (d).) We provide this summary of facts from the prior opinion in
    defendant’s direct appeal solely for context and do not rely on these facts for our analysis
    or disposition here. (See § 1172.6, subd. (d)(3).)
    fire. After retreating to the back of the store, the son was able to fire at Peterson and a
    gunfight ensued. Tania Gurskiy, a pharmacy clerk, was shot in the head and died as a
    result, and another employee was shot in the foot. Petitioner was arrested a week later at
    a Reno motel. (Ibid.)
    The jury found petitioner guilty of first degree murder and robbery, found true the
    special circumstance Gurskiy’s murder occurred during the commission of a robbery, and
    found true the allegation he was vicariously armed with a firearm during the commission
    of the robbery/murder. The trial court also found true the allegation petitioner had one
    prior serious felony conviction within the meaning of sections 667, subdivisions (b)
    through (i), and 1170.12. (Reed, supra, C071276.)
    Petitioner appealed, arguing, among other issues, that there was insufficient
    evidence to support the robbery-murder special-circumstance finding as to him,
    specifically that he acted with reckless indifference to human life. After reviewing the
    evidence, we concluded, “Substantial evidence supports the jury’s finding [petitioner]
    acted with reckless indifference to human life.” (Reed, supra, C071276.) We dismissed
    petitioner’s other claims and affirmed the judgment. (Ibid.)
    On April 3, 2019, petitioner filed a petition for resentencing under section 1172.6
    alleging he could not now be convicted of murder because of the changes made to
    sections 188 and 189. The petition alleged he was not the actual killer, did not aid or abet
    the murder with the intent to kill, and was not a major participant in the felony or acted
    with reckless indifference to human life. The prosecution filed a response and a motion
    to dismiss and petitioner’s counsel filed an opposition.
    On October 22, 2020, the trial court issued a written order denying the petition.
    The court found petitioner had not made a prima facie showing because the “facts and
    reasonable inferences” drawn from the trial evidence show petitioner was “a major
    participant in the underlying felony and acted with reckless indifference to human life.”
    The trial court then detailed the relevant facts elicited from petitioner’s trial that
    demonstrated his ineligibility for resentencing under section 1172.6. The opinion also
    noted our finding in petitioner’s direct appeal that substantial evidence supported the
    jury’s determination that petitioner acted with reckless indifference to human life.
    Applicable Law
    Senate Bill No. 1437 (2017-2018 Reg. Sess.), effective January 1, 2019, revised
    the felony-murder rule in California “to ensure that murder liability is not imposed on a
    person who is not the actual killer, did not act with the intent to kill, or was not a major
    participant in the underlying felony who acted with reckless indifference to human life.”
    (Stats. 2018, ch. 1015, § 1, subd. (f).) The bill amended the definition of malice in
    section 188, revised the definition of the degrees of murder to address felony-murder
    liability in section 189, and added section 1172.6, “which provides a procedure by which
    those convicted of murder can seek retroactive relief if the changes in the law would
    affect their previously sustained convictions.” (People v. Gutierrez-Salazar (2019)
    38 Cal.App.5th 411
    , 417, citing Stats. 2018, ch. 1015, §§ 2-4.)
    Section 1172.6, subdivision (a) states a person convicted of felony murder or
    murder under a natural and probable consequences theory may file a petition with the
    court for resentencing “when all of the following conditions apply: [¶] (1) A complaint,
    information, or indictment was filed against the petitioner that allowed the prosecution to
    proceed under a theory of felony murder or murder under the natural and probable
    consequences doctrine or other theory under which malice is imputed to a person based
    solely on that person’s participation in a crime, or attempted murder under the natural and
    probable consequences doctrine. [¶] (2) The petitioner was convicted of murder,
    attempted murder, or manslaughter following a trial or accepted a plea offer in lieu of a
    trial at which the petitioner could have been convicted of murder or attempted murder.
    [¶] (3) The petitioner could not presently be convicted of murder or attempted murder
    because of changes to Section 188 or 189 made effective January 1, 2019.”
    Section 1172.6, subdivision (b) requires the petitioner to submit a declaration that
    avers eligibility for relief under the statute (based on the requirements of subdivision (a))
    and states the superior court case number, the year of conviction, and whether the
    petitioner requests appointment of counsel. (§ 1172.6, subd. (b).) Section 1172.6,
    subdivision (c), which dictates how the court must handle the petition, reads: “Within 60
    days after service of a petition that meets the requirements set forth in subdivision (b), the
    prosecutor shall file and serve a response. The petitioner may file and serve a reply
    within 30 days after the prosecutor’s response is served. These deadlines shall be
    extended for good cause. After the parties have had an opportunity to submit briefings,
    the court shall hold a hearing to determine whether the petitioner has made a prima facie
    case for relief. If the petitioner makes a prima facie showing that the petitioner is entitled
    to relief, the court shall issue an order to show cause. If the court declines to make an
    order to show cause, it shall provide a statement fully setting forth its reasons for doing
    Section 1172.6, subdivision (d)(1) provides that a hearing to determine whether to
    vacate the murder conviction, recall the sentence, and resentence the petitioner as needed
    should be held within 60 days after the order to show cause. The prosecution bears the
    burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the petitioner is ineligible for
    resentencing. (§ 1172.6, subd. (d)(3).) At the hearing, “[t]he admission of evidence in
    the hearing shall be governed by the Evidence Code, except that the court may consider
    evidence previously admitted at any prior hearing or trial that is admissible under current
    law, including witness testimony, stipulated evidence, and matters judicially noticed.
    The court may also consider the procedural history of the case recited in any prior
    appellate opinion. However, hearsay evidence that was admitted in a preliminary hearing
    pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 872 shall be excluded from the hearing as hearsay,
    unless the evidence is admissible pursuant to another exception to the hearsay rule.”
    Special Circumstances After Banks and Clark
    Section 190.2, subdivision (d) provides that special-circumstance findings based
    on the enumerated felonies in paragraph (17) of subdivision (a)⸺which includes
    robbery⸺require that an aiding and abetting defendant must have been a “major
    participant” and have acted “with reckless indifference to human life.” (§ 190.2,
    subd. (d); see People v. Banks (2015) 
    61 Cal.4th 788
    .) Thus, on its face, a special-
    circumstance finding satisfies the requirements for accomplice murder liability even after
    Senate Bill No. 1437. (See § 189, subd. (e) [providing where “[a] participant in the
    perpetration” of a robbery “in which a death occurs is liable for murder” if proven to have
    been “a major participant in the underlying felony and acted with reckless indifference to
    human life, as described in subdivision (d) of Section 190.2”].) Since petitioner’s
    conviction, however, our Supreme Court has refined the analysis for determining who
    qualifies as a major participant acting with reckless indifference to human life in Banks
    and People v. Clark (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 522
    In People v. Banks, 
     61 Cal.4th at page 803, our Supreme Court identified a
    series of considerations, none of which are “necessary, nor is any one of them necessarily
    sufficient,” for determining whether a defendant was a major participant. These include
    the defendant’s role in planning the crime and in “supplying or using lethal weapons”; the
    defendant’s awareness of “particular dangers posed by the nature of the crime”; whether
    the defendant was “present at the scene of the killing, in a position to facilitate or prevent
    the actual murder”; whether the defendant’s own “actions or inaction play[ed] a particular
    role in the death,” and what the defendant did “after lethal force was used.” (Ibid.)
    Similarly, in People v. Clark, 
     63 Cal.4th at page 617, our Supreme Court
    found reckless indifference to “encompass[] a willingness to kill (or to assist in another
    killing) to achieve a distinct aim.” It provided a nonexhaustive list of factors to consider
    in making this determination, including use or awareness of the presence of a weapon or
    weapons, physical presence at the scene and opportunity to restrain confederates or aid
    victims, duration of the crime, knowledge of any threat the confederates might represent,
    and efforts taken to minimize risks. (Id. at pp. 618-623.)
    In Strong, supra, 
    13 Cal.5th 698
    , our Supreme Court addressed the impact of
    Banks and Clark on section 1172.6 petitions for defendants with special-circumstance
    findings. The Court found “Banks and Clark both substantially clarified the law
    governing findings under Penal Code section 190.2, subdivision (d)” as they “represent
    the sort of significant change that has traditionally been thought to warrant reexamination
    of an earlier-litigated issue.” (Strong, at pp. 706, 717.) Thus, prior special-circumstance
    findings made “before Banks and Clark do not preclude a defendant from making out a
    prima facie case for relief under Senate Bill [No.] 1437. This is true even if the trial
    evidence would have been sufficient to support the findings under Banks and Clark.” (Id.
    at p. 710.) A defendant with a special-circumstance finding who files a section 1172.6
    petition may ultimately be found to be ineligible for relief, but it must be determined
    beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant was a major participant who acted with reckless
    indifference to human life under the Banks/Clark analyses. (Strong, at p. 720.) Though a
    special-circumstance finding may be challenged through a habeas corpus petition,
    “nothing in section 1172.6 says that a defendant must always do so before seeking
    resentencing.” (Id. at p. 713, italics omitted.)
    Petitioner Is Not Barred From Relief As A Matter Of Law
    Petitioner argues that the special-circumstance finding did not establish by law
    that he was ineligible for relief under section 1172.6. Petitioner concedes the “jury
    necessarily determined that [petitioner] acted with reckless indifference to human life,
    and was a major participant in the robbery.” But he argues these findings are not fatal to
    his appeal because our Supreme Court clarified the special circumstance analysis after his
    conviction in Banks and Clark. The People concede in supplemental briefing that the
    order denying petitioner’s petition must be reversed and the matter remanded to the
    superior court for further proceedings.
    We originally concluded petitioner failed to make a prima facie showing and
    failed to demonstrate error in the trial court’s reliance on the jury’s special-circumstance
    findings. We also found that the trial court’s analysis based on the “facts and reasonable
    inferences” from petitioner’s trial was improper but not prejudicial given the validity of
    the special-circumstance finding. In light of Strong, these conclusions are no longer
    Although the requirements for the felony-murder special circumstance did not
    change as a part of Senate Bill No. 1437, and are identical to the new requirements for
    felony murder following the enactment of Senate Bill No. 1437, petitioner is not barred
    from making a prima facie case for relief based on the pre-Banks/Clark special-
    circumstance finding and was not required to first challenge the finding via habeas corpus
    proceedings. (Strong, supra, 13 Cal.5th at pp. 710, 713.) The trial court’s statements to
    the contrary are inconsistent with section 1172.6 as clarified by Strong. And the factual
    analysis it performed did not properly consider the analysis under Banks and Clark, nor
    did it adhere to the evidentiary hearing procedural requirements of section 1172.6,
    subdivision (d). These deficiencies cannot be overcome by the special-circumstance
    finding, as we originally found. It was thus error to deny the petition without issuing an
    order to show cause.4
    4      The trial court relied, in part, on our conclusion in petitioner’s direct appeal that
    there was substantial evidence supporting the jury’s special-circumstance finding. As
    that opinion was filed before Banks, Clark, and Strong, its findings are no longer binding
    on this point. (Morohoshi v. Pacific Home (2004) 
    34 Cal.4th 482
    , 491-492 [law of the
    case doctrine is not applied “where the controlling rules of law have been altered or
    Having made a prima facie case for relief, petitioner now is entitled to an
    evidentiary hearing under section 1172.6, subdivision (d)(3). We shall, therefore, remand
    this matter to the trial court with instructions to issue an order to show cause and hold an
    evidentiary hearing on the petition.
    The order denying the petition is reversed. The case is remanded to the trial court
    for issuance of an order to show cause and to hold an evidentiary hearing on the petition.
    Robie, Acting P. J.
    We concur:
    Hull, J.
    Duarte, J.
    clarified by a decision intervening between the first and second appellate

Document Info

Docket Number: C093055A

Filed Date: 1/13/2023

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023