People v. McVey ( 2018 )

  • Filed 6/12/18
    THE PEOPLE,                               B280966
    Plaintiff and Respondent,          (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BA432637)
    TROY T. McVEY,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Douglas W. Sortino and Henry J. Hall, Judges.
    Sally Patrone Brajevich, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Senior Assistant
    Attorney General, Margaret E. Maxwell and Scott A. Taryle,
    Supervising Deputy Attorneys General, and Gregory B. Wagner,
    Deputy Attorney General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Troy T. McVey appeals the judgment entered following
    three jury trials in which he was convicted of voluntary
    manslaughter (Pen. Code, § 192, subd. (a)) in count 1, and felony
    vandalism (Pen. Code, § 594, subd. (a)) in count 2.1 The jury
    found true the personal firearm use allegation. (Pen. Code,
    § 12022.5, subd. (a).) The trial court imposed an aggregate
    sentence of 16 years 8 months, consisting of the mid-term of
    6 years for the voluntary manslaughter conviction, plus 10 years
    for the firearm enhancement, and a consecutive 8-month term for
    the felony vandalism conviction.
    Appellant contends the trial court erroneously excluded
    evidence that the victim had been diagnosed with paranoid
    schizophrenia and had behaved aggressively in two
    confrontations with police officers 20 years earlier in Florida. We
    disagree and affirm the judgment of conviction. Appellant
    further seeks remand for reconsideration of his firearm
    enhancement pursuant to Senate Bill No. 620,2 which amended
    Penal Code section 12022.5, subdivision (c) to remove the
    1 Appellant was charged in count 1 with first degree
    murder, but the jury in the first trial reached a verdict only on
    count 2 while deadlocking on count 1. In a retrial of count 1, the
    jury found appellant not guilty of first and second degree murder,
    but guilty of voluntary manslaughter. Following the verdict, the
    trial court granted a motion for a new trial on the ground that the
    prosecution’s late disclosure of evidence had prejudiced appellant
    in the second trial. A third trial on count 1 along with the verdict
    on count 2 from the first trial resulted in the judgment and
    sentence appellant now appeals.
    2Senate Bill No. 620 (2017–2018 Reg. Sess.) Statutes 2017,
    chapter 682, section 1.
    prohibition on striking firearm enhancements. Because the trial
    court’s comments at sentencing unequivocally indicate that it
    would not exercise its new discretion under Penal Code section
    12022.5, subdivision (c) to dismiss the firearm enhancement in
    appellant’s case, we decline his remand request.
    In the late night hours of January 4, 2015, appellant and
    his friend, Coby, were walking on Cahuenga Boulevard in
    Hollywood. Appellant was carrying a semiautomatic .22-caliber
    handgun in his waistband behind his back. The magazine was
    fully loaded and there was a round in the chamber; the gun was
    cocked, and the safety was off. Outside an adult bookstore
    appellant and Coby were approached by two African-American
    men, who sold appellant what he believed to be cocaine for $40.
    Appellant and Coby crossed the street as the drug dealers drove
    away. When appellant and Coby examined the drugs they had
    just bought, appellant was upset to discover the substance was
    not cocaine, but powdered sugar.
    The two men went to their car and changed clothes. They
    then returned to the area where the drug deal had taken place,
    and appellant saw what he thought was the car belonging to the
    drug dealers. Still upset about the fake drugs, he smashed all of
    the car’s windows with the handle of a knife he was carrying.
    When an onlooker yelled at them, appellant stopped breaking the
    windows, and he and Coby walked away.
    About a block away, appellant and Coby encountered a
    homeless man named Richard Miller, who was panhandling.
    Miller extended his hand toward appellant and asked for money.
    An altercation ensued,3 and appellant fired a shot at Miller.
    After a few seconds, appellant fired multiple shots in rapid
    succession. Miller collapsed on the sidewalk, and appellant
    walked away. Miller suffered a total of seven gunshot wounds,
    two of which were fatal.
    Appellant and Miller stood between four and ten feet away
    from each other when appellant fired on Miller. According to
    seven eyewitnesses, Miller had made no aggressive moves toward
    appellant or threatened him before appellant fired his gun, but
    one witness reported seeing some pushing and shoving. None of
    the witnesses saw any weapon in Miller’s hands or in the area
    where he fell, nor did police find a weapon of any kind on or
    around Miller.
    Appellant testified that Miller approached him from
    behind, gesturing with his palm up and asking for money.
    Appellant felt Miller was pushing him toward a wall. Looking
    over his shoulder, appellant saw Miller reach into his pocket, and
    appellant took out his gun. Still with his back to Miller,
    appellant fired a warning shot into the ground. Appellant then
    turned around to face Miller, who had balled his hands into fists.
    The men were about six to eight feet apart. Appellant told Miller
    to get away, but Miller ignored him. Appellant noticed a knife in
    Miller’s right hand and shot Miller in the right leg out of fear.
    But the shot appeared to have no effect, and Miller continued to
    3Three eyewitnesses heard appellant say to Miller, “Give
    me back my money,” but one eyewitness testified that it was
    Miller who demanded money from appellant. Another eyewitness
    observed some pushing and shoving but could not hear what the
    men were saying.
    advance. Appellant fired another shot at Miller’s other leg to
    make him fall, but Miller lunged at appellant, leaving appellant
    no choice but to aim higher and fire again. Appellant shot Miller
    three more times before walking away.
    I.    The Trial Court Properly Excluded Medical
    Records and Police Reports Pertaining to the
    Victim, as Well as the Defense Expert’s
    Testimony Based on Those Records
    A. Procedural history
    1. The motion for a new trial
    Following appellant’s conviction for voluntary
    manslaughter in the second trial, appellant moved for a new trial.
    The basis for the motion was the prosecution’s delay until the end
    of trial in turning over evidence that Miller may have suffered
    from bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. (Brady v. Maryland
    373 U.S. 83
    , 87.) Attached as exhibits to the motion were
    Miller’s medical records and two police reports from Florida.
    The medical records contained observations of Miller
    between August and November 1995, while he was housed in
    Pinellas County jail. The observations included descriptions of
    Miller as “psychotic,” “delusional,” and “paranoid,” and
    documented “very bizarre behavior,” including urinating and
    smearing feces on the walls. Doctors diagnosed Miller with
    paranoid schizophrenia, and on November 14, 1995, he was
    transferred to Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee, Florida,
    after a Pinellas County court found him incompetent to stand
    trial. The medical records included a California subpoena
    directed to the custodian of records for the Pinellas County
    Sheriff’s Office. In support of the new trial motion, defense
    counsel also submitted a declaration with two additional exhibits
    which included doctors’ reports from Miller’s stay at Florida State
    Hospital from 1995 to 1997.
    One of the police reports was from the Tarpon Springs
    Police Department. It described an encounter with police on
    July 27, 1995, in which Miller put his hand in his pocket and told
    officers to shoot him. Miller threw something at police and
    struggled violently as an officer attempted to conduct a pat-down
    search. After two officers subdued him, Miller was arrested on
    suspicion of resisting arrest with violence. The second police
    report, titled, “Fort Lauderdale Police Department: Offense
    Incident Report,” described an incident on May 21, 1998, in which
    Miller reacted violently to officers who had awoken him when
    they found him sleeping on the beach. Miller resisted arrest, and
    police used pepper spray to bring him into custody.
    At the hearing on the motion for a new trial, the defense
    psychiatric expert, Dr. Stephen Wilson, testified that the Florida
    medical records and police reports showed Miller had been found
    incompetent four times between 1995 and 1996, and the
    prevailing diagnosis across all the medical records was that
    Miller suffered from schizophrenia. He stated that a person
    suffering from schizophrenia typically hears imaginary voices and
    displays aggressive behavior. Dr. Wilson explained that
    schizophrenia is a lifelong illness that can be controlled with
    medication, but never cured. The medical records described
    Miller’s behavior “as hostile, arrogant and delusional” throughout
    his commitment, but there was no indication that Miller acted out
    violently in the psychology ward or the state hospital. The police
    reports told a slightly different story, showing Miller behaving
    aggressively on two occasions in contacts with police.
    Dr. Wilson opined that Miller’s behavior in 2015 would
    likely be consistent with the behavior he exhibited in 1995 as
    documented in the medical records and police reports. However,
    the doctor acknowledged that it is not possible to predict behavior
    on a particular night in 2015 based on 20-year-old documents.
    The trial court (Judge Douglas W. Sortino) granted the new
    trial motion based on newly discovered evidence. In light of the
    jury’s acquittal on first and second degree murder, Judge Sortino
    found that the jury must have accepted the defense to some
    extent, and concluded that “this additional information . . . could
    have, likely might have, resulted in a different verdict at trial.”
    2. The trial court’s ruling on the admissibility of evidence of
    Miller’s mental illness and criminal history
    Prior to the third trial, the prosecution sought to exclude
    the medical records, police reports, and any testimony by the
    defense expert based on those documents. The court (Judge
    Henry J. Hall) reviewed Dr. Wilson’s testimony from the new trial
    motion along with the medical records and police reports. The
    court found the police reports were inadmissible hearsay under
    People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal. 4th 665
    (Sanchez). Noting the
    absence of any declaration or affidavit pursuant to Evidence Code
    section 15614 that would qualify the medical records under the
    business records exception, the court ruled the medical records
    inadmissible under Sanchez because they contained multiple
    layers of hearsay and did not fit under any hearsay exception.
    4   Undesignated statutory references are to the Evidence
    The court further declared that the defense expert could not
    testify about the medical records.
    During trial, defense counsel revisited the admissibility of
    the medical records. He advised the court that he had been
    unable to obtain a certification of the records because they had
    been purged from the hospital’s records and the medical facility
    where Miller was treated had since closed. Nevertheless, “in light
    of the totality of the circumstances,” which included Judge
    Sortino’s ruling on the new trial motion, counsel asked the court
    to apply the pre-Sanchez rules for expert testimony and allow the
    expert to testify about Miller’s mental illness based on the
    contents of the medical records.
    Finding the medical records to be case-specific hearsay,
    Judge Hall held the documents inadmissible under Sanchez.
    Judge Hall added that he had strong reservations about the
    records’ reliability and would likely have excluded them even
    under the pre-Sanchez rules. The court reaffirmed its previous
    ruling prohibiting Dr. Wilson from relying on the medical records
    under section 802.5
    B. Judge Sortino’s ruling granting the motion for a new
    trial had no bearing on the issue of whether the documents
    were admissible.
    Appellant argues that in granting the new trial motion,
    Judge Sortino implicitly found “the defense could introduce the
    evidence of mental illness and aggression at the third trial.”
    5  Under section 802, a court in its discretion may prohibit
    an expert from relying on case-specific hearsay to support her
    trial testimony. (See People v. Williams (2016) 1 Cal.5th 1166,
    Appellant is incorrect. The sole issue before the court in ruling on
    the new trial motion was whether the late disclosure of medical
    records and police reports prejudiced appellant by preventing him
    from fully investigating potentially material facts. The court’s
    decision on this issue was wholly separate from the question of
    whether particular records would be admissible in another trial.
    Indeed, as Judge Hall observed, there was nothing in the record
    of the new trial hearing “to suggest that Judge Sortino was
    making findings about the admissibility of these documents.”
    Furthermore, even if Judge Sortino had made findings
    about the admissibility of the medical records and police reports,
    those evidentiary rulings would not have been binding on Judge
    Sortino himself or any other judge in a subsequent trial, for the
    trial “judge is free, in the exercise of sound judicial discretion, to
    alter a previous in limine ruling.” (Luce v. United States (1984)
    469 U.S. 38
    , 41–42; Ohler v. United States (2000) 
    529 U.S. 753
    758, fn. 3 [“in limine rulings are not binding on the trial judge,
    and the judge may always change his mind during the course of a
    trial”]; see People v. Rodrigues (1994) 
    8 Cal. 4th 1060
    , 1174;
    Le Francois v. Goel (2005) 
    35 Cal. 4th 1094
    , 1096–1097, 1107.)
    C. The medical records and police reports were
    inadmissible hearsay, and under Sanchez, the defense
    expert could not testify about the contents of those records
    and reports.
    1. The business records hearsay exception
    Codified by section 1271, the business records exception to
    the hearsay rule permits admission of hearsay to prove an act,
    condition, or event if the following foundational requirements are
    met: “(a) The writing was made in the regular course of a
    business; [¶] (b) The writing was made at or near the time of the
    act, condition, or event; [¶] (c) The custodian or other qualified
    witness testifies to its identity and the mode of its preparation;
    and [¶] (d) The sources of information and method and time of
    preparation were such as to indicate its trustworthiness.”
    (§ 1271; People v. Zavala (2013) 
    216 Cal. App. 4th 242
    , 246.) It is
    the burden of the party offering the evidence to establish that
    these foundational requirements have been met. (People v.
    Hovarter (2008) 
    44 Cal. 4th 983
    , 1011.) The trial court is vested
    with broad discretion to determine whether a party has laid a
    proper foundation for admission of records under section 1271,
    and the court’s exercise of that discretion “ ‘will not be disturbed
    on appeal absent a showing of abuse.’ ” (Zavala, at pp. 245–246.)
    Hospital records and similar documents are often
    admissible as business records, assuming a custodian of records
    or other duly qualified witness provides proper authentication to
    meet the foundational requirements of the hearsay exception. (In
    re R.R. (2010) 
    187 Cal. App. 4th 1264
    , 1280; People v. Landau
    246 Cal. App. 4th 850
    , 872, fn. 7.) Compliance with a
    subpoena duces tecum may dispense with the need for a live
    witness to establish the business records exception if the records
    are produced by the custodian or other qualified witness, together
    with the affidavit described in section 1561. (§ 1560, subd. (b); In
    re R.R., at p. 1280; In re Troy D. (1989) 
    215 Cal. App. 3d 889
    , 903.)
    As relevant here, the affidavit must include “[a] description of the
    mode of preparation of the records” and a statement to the effect
    that “[t]he affiant is the duly authorized custodian of the records
    or other qualified witness and has authority to certify the
    records” and “[t]he records were prepared by the personnel of the
    business in the ordinary course of business at or near the time of
    the act, condition, or event.” (§ 1561, subd. (a)(1), (3), (5).)
    The medical records appellant sought to introduce in this
    case were not authenticated in any way and plainly did not meet
    the requirements for the business records exception. Defense
    counsel advised the trial court that the medical records had been
    destroyed by the Florida state hospital that had generated and
    maintained them, and counsel had obtained copies of the records
    pursuant to a subpoena directed to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s
    Office in Florida. But defense counsel admitted that obtaining
    the requisite certification from the hospital would be impossible.
    And contrary to appellant’s assertion, the mere fact that the
    medical records had been subpoenaed did not make them reliable
    or otherwise admissible as business records. (People v. Blagg
    267 Cal. App. 2d 598
    , 609–610 [in the absence of live
    testimony of a qualified witness, affidavit of an authenticating
    witness is required in order to lay a proper foundation for
    The record on appeal in this case demonstrates that the
    sources of the medical records were third party entities which
    could supply no information about who prepared the documents,
    the circumstances and method of preparation, how the records
    were maintained by the hospital, or even whether the copies
    provided were the complete records. There being no proper
    foundation for the admission of the medical records under the
    business records exception to the hearsay rule, the trial court
    properly exercised its discretion in excluding the documents.
    The police reports were similarly inadmissible. As a
    general rule, police reports do not fall under the business records
    exception. Our Supreme Court has explained: “Business records
    are defined as writings made in the regular course of business, at
    or near the time of the event, and created through sources of
    information and a method of preparation reflecting its
    trustworthiness. (§ 1271; see also § 1280 [record by public
    employee].) When a record is not made to facilitate business
    operations but, instead, is primarily created for later use at trial,
    it does not qualify as a business record.” 
    (Sanchez, supra
    , 63
    Cal.4th at p. 695, fn. 21; see Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts
    557 U.S. 305
    , 321 [certain documents kept in regular
    course of business—like police reports generated by law
    enforcement officials—not subject to business or official records
    hearsay exceptions because “the regularly conducted business
    activity is the production of evidence for use at trial”].)
    In any event, the absence of any affidavit or live testimony
    from an authenticating witness in this case is fatal to appellant’s
    claim that the police reports were admissible as business records.
    Because there is nothing about these documents to indicate any
    particular degree of trustworthiness, the trial court did not abuse
    its discretion in excluding them.
    2. Sanchez
    In Sanchez, our Supreme Court clarified the limits on the
    extent to which an expert witness can relate and rely upon
    hearsay in support of an opinion, based upon the distinction
    between “ ‘case-specific hearsay’ ” and hearsay which is “part of
    the ‘general background information’ acquired by the expert
    through out-of-court statements as part of the development of his
    or her expertise.” (People v. Stamps (2016) 3 Cal.App.5th 988,
    995 (Stamps); 
    Sanchez, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at pp. 678, 686.)
    Sanchez defined case-specific facts as “those relating to the
    particular events and participants alleged to have been involved
    in the case being tried,” and held that an expert is prohibited
    from testifying to such facts if they are outside the expert’s
    personal knowledge and do not fall under an exception to the
    hearsay rule or have not been independently established by
    competent evidence. (Sanchez, at pp. 676–677, 686.)
    Traditionally, an expert’s testimony concerning her general
    knowledge and background in her field of expertise, even if
    technically hearsay and offered for its truth, has not been subject
    to exclusion on hearsay grounds. 
    (Sanchez, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at
    pp. 676, 685.) But it falls to the trial court “to exclude expert
    testimony when necessary to prevent unreliable evidence and
    insupportable reasoning from coming before the jury.” 
    (Stamps, supra
    , 3 Cal.App.5th at p. 994; Sargon Enterprises, Inc. v.
    University of Southern California (2012) 
    55 Cal. 4th 747
    , 753.)
    Thus, “[w]here general background hearsay is concerned, the
    expert may testify about it so long as it is reliable and of a type
    generally relied upon by experts in the field, again subject to the
    court’s gatekeeping duty under Sargon.” (Stamps, at p. 996;
    Sanchez, at pp. 676–679.)
    Sanchez also explained that an “expert may still rely on
    hearsay in forming an opinion, and may tell the jury in general
    terms that he did so.” 
    (Sanchez, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at p. 685.)
    However, “[i]t has long been the rule that an expert may not
    ‘ “under the guise of reasons [for an opinion] bring before the jury
    incompetent hearsay evidence.” ’ ” (Id. at p. 679.) Thus, “[w]hat
    an expert cannot do is relate as true case-specific facts asserted in
    hearsay statements” about which the expert has no independent
    knowledge and for which there is no independent competent
    evidence, unless a hearsay exception applies. (Id. at p. 686.) In
    addition, an underlying fact that has not been proven by
    independent admissible evidence may not be included in a
    hypothetical question posed to the expert. (Id. at pp. 677, 686;
    Stamps, supra
    , 3 Cal.App.5th at p. 996.) “Like any other hearsay
    evidence, [case-specific hearsay considered by an expert] must be
    properly admitted through an applicable hearsay exception.
    Alternatively, the evidence can be admitted through an
    appropriate witness and the expert may assume its truth in a
    properly worded hypothetical question in the traditional manner.”
    (Sanchez, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at p. 684, fn. omitted; People v.
    Jeffrey G. (2017) 13 Cal.App.5th 501, 510 (Jeffrey G.).)
    Appellant maintains that Sanchez does not preclude expert
    testimony based on medical records and police reports showing
    Miller was schizophrenic and had been aggressive in contacts
    with Florida police 20 years earlier because “an expert may still
    rely on hearsay in forming an opinion and may tell the jury he did
    so in general terms, with a hypothetical including case specific
    facts.” What appellant proposes is not simply informing the jury
    “in general terms” what the expert relied on, however. Rather, by
    appellant’s reasoning, the exception would swallow the rule by
    allowing an expert to rely on case-specific hearsay under the
    fiction that it is not offered for its truth—precisely what Sanchez
    prohibits. As the high court explained, “There is a distinction to
    be made between allowing an expert to describe the type or
    source of the matter relied upon as opposed to presenting, as fact,
    case-specific hearsay that does not otherwise fall under a
    statutory exception.” 
    (Sanchez, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at p. 686.) The
    former properly allows the jury to evaluate the probative value of
    the expert’s testimony, while the latter purports to transform
    otherwise inadmissible hearsay into competent evidence offered
    for its truth. (Id. at pp. 683, 686.) In short, Sanchez precluded
    the defense expert from relating to the jury the contents of the
    medical records and police reports pertaining to the victim in this
    The trial court also properly excluded the defense expert’s
    testimony based on the documents, for without disclosure of the
    contents of the records, any opinion the expert might have offered
    would have been irrelevant. As Sanchez recognized, “When an
    expert relies on hearsay to provide case-specific facts, considers
    the statements as true, and relates them to the jury as a reliable
    basis for the expert’s opinion, it cannot logically be asserted that
    the hearsay content is not offered for its truth.” 
    (Sanchez, supra
    63 Cal.4th at p. 682.) Thus, the validity of the expert’s opinion
    depends entirely on the truth of the hearsay: “If the underlying
    hearsay is not true, the opinion is rendered irrelevant to the case
    at hand.” (Jeffrey 
    G., supra
    , 13 Cal.App.5th at p. 509; Sanchez, at
    pp. 682–683.)
    II. Remand Is Not Warranted for Reconsideration
    of the Firearm Enhancement
    Appellant contends the case must be remanded for
    reconsideration of his firearm enhancement pursuant to Senate
    Bill No. 620, which gave trial courts discretion to strike firearm
    enhancements when the law became effective on January 1, 2018.
    Respondent concedes that the new legislation applies
    retroactively to cases in which judgment is not yet final on
    appeal. (See In re Estrada (1965) 
    63 Cal. 2d 740
    , 748 [for a non-
    final conviction, “where the amendatory statute mitigates
    punishment and there is no saving clause, the rule is that the
    amendment will operate retroactively so that the lighter
    punishment is imposed”]; People v. Francis (1969) 
    71 Cal. 2d 66
    75–78 [where statute enacted during pending appeal gave trial
    court discretion to impose a lesser penalty, remand was required
    for resentencing].) Nevertheless, the Attorney General maintains
    that remand in this case is inappropriate because the trial court’s
    statements on the record affirmatively demonstrate that the trial
    court would not exercise its new discretion to strike appellant’s
    firearm enhancement. We agree.
    The People rely on People v. Gutierrez (1996) 
    48 Cal. App. 4th 1894
    (Gutierrez) to argue that no purpose would be
    served by a remand in this case. In Gutierrez, the Court of
    Appeal declined remand to allow the trial court to exercise its
    new discretion under Romero6 to strike a prior conviction under
    the “Three Strikes” law. The court held that Romero did not
    require remand where the sentencing court had unequivocally
    indicated that it would not have exercised its discretion to strike
    the Three Strikes prior even if it had believed it could have done
    so. (Gutierrez, at p. 1896.) Given that the trial court had
    properly exercised its sentencing discretion to impose the
    maximum term, the court concluded that “no purpose would be
    served in remanding for reconsideration.” (Ibid.) Also in the
    Romero context, our Supreme Court has unambiguously held that
    “remand is not required where the trial court’s comments indicate
    that even if it had authority to strike a prior felony conviction
    allegation, it would decline to do so.” (People v. Fuhrman (1997)
    16 Cal. 4th 930
    , 944; 
    Romero, supra
    , 13 Cal.4th at p. 530, fn. 13;
    see People v. Gamble (2008) 
    164 Cal. App. 4th 891
    , 901 [if “ ‘the
    record shows that the trial court would not have exercised its
    discretion even if it believed it could do so, then remand would be
    an idle act and is not required’ ”].)
    Under Penal Code section 12022.5, subdivision (a), the trial
    court in this case had discretion to impose a 3-, 4-, or 10-year
    prison term for the firearm enhancement in count 1. In choosing
    the 10-year enhancement, the trial court identified several
    aggravating factors, including the lack of significant provocation,
    appellant’s disposition for violence, his lack of any remorse, and
    his “callous reaction” after shooting an unarmed homeless man
    6   People v. Superior Court (Romero) (1996) 
    13 Cal. 4th 497
    six or seven times. These factors, the court said, far outweighed
    any mitigating factors. The court also noted that appellant “did
    not hesitate to shoot this unarmed homeless guy” multiple times,
    and described appellant’s attitude as “pretty haunting.” Thus,
    when it imposed the sentence enhancement under Penal Code
    section 12022.5, subdivision (a), the court declared, “[T]his is as
    aggravated as personal use of a firearm gets,” and “the high term
    of 10 years on the enhancement is the only appropriate sentence
    on the enhancement.”
    In light of the trial court’s express consideration of the
    factors in aggravation and mitigation, its pointed comments on
    the record, and its deliberate choice of the highest possible term
    for the firearm enhancement, there appears no possibility that, if
    the case were remanded, the trial court would exercise its
    discretion to strike the enhancement altogether. We therefore
    conclude that remand in these circumstances would serve no
    purpose but to squander scarce judicial resources. 
    (Fuhrman, supra
    , 16 Cal.4th at p. 946; 
    Gutierrez, supra
    , 48 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1896; cf. People v. McDaniels (2018) 22 Cal.App.5th 420, 423
    [remand proper where record contains no clear indication of trial
    court’s intent not to strike firearm enhancement].)
    The judgment is affirmed.
    LUI, P. J.
    We concur:
    CHAVEZ, J.