Hernandez v. First Student, Inc. ( 2019 )

  • Filed 6/11/19; Certified for Publication 7/9/19 (order attached)
    KAREN HERNANDEZ et al.,                                      B281161
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,                           (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. Nos. BC513802,
    v.                                                   BC514509)
    FIRST STUDENT, INC., et al.,
    Defendants and Respondents.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, Ruth Ann Kwan, Judge. Affirmed.
    Carpenter, Zuckerman & Rowley, Nicholas Rowley; The
    Rowley Law Firm and Courtney Rowley for Plaintiff and
    Appellant Karen Hernandez.
    Shegerian & Associates, Carney Shegerian, Anthony
    Nguyen; Doumanian & Associates and Nancy P. Doumanian for
    Plaintiff and Appellant Sergio Saravia.
    Horvitz & Levy, Karen M. Bray, Scott P. Dixler; Wesierski
    & Zurek, Thomas G. Wianecki and David M. Ferrante for
    Defendants and Respondents.
    This appeal arises from a wrongful death action brought by
    Karen Hernandez and Sergio Saravia (appellants), the parents of
    13-year-old Jonathan Hernandez, after Jonathan was struck and
    killed by a school bus while riding his bicycle in Glendale. The
    school bus was owned by defendant and respondent First
    Student, Inc., and driven by defendant and respondent Barbara
    Calderon. The jury found Jonathan 80 percent liable for the
    accident, and awarded $250,000 in damages. Jonathan’s parents
    filed a lengthy and detailed motion for a new trial on the grounds
    of juror misconduct, erroneous evidentiary and instructional
    rulings and attorney misconduct. The trial court issued a 25-
    page ruling denying the motion. This appeal followed.
    Appellants make numerous claims of error in their
    voluminous opening brief, but they have forfeited almost all those
    claims. Appellants’ primary claim is that the trial court erred in
    denying their motion for a new trial. While it is the duty of the
    appellate court in reviewing the denial of a new trial motion to
    review the entire record, it is the appellants’ duty to make a
    cognizable argument on appeal as to why the trial court abused
    its discretion in denying the motion and to support their
    arguments with accurate and relevant record citations.
    Appellants have not done so.
    Assuming for the sake of argument that appellants
    intended to raise the claims of error directly on appeal, we would
    find almost all those claims forfeited as well, for similar reasons.
    We consider only the following claims: (1) the trial court abused
    its discretion in admitting evidence in the damages phase of
    Hernandez’s use of crystal methamphetamine; (2) the trial court
    abused its discretion in permitting retired police officer Charles
    Smith to testify as an expert; (3) the trial court erred
    prejudicially in limiting appellants to showing 10 photographs of
    Jonathan to the jury; (4) the court erred in giving the jury special
    instructions on the lawful operation of a bicycle in Glendale; (5)
    defense counsel made a prejudicial personal attack on appellants’
    trial counsel by referring to her as a card shark; (6) defense
    counsel violated the trial court’s in limine rulings precluding
    evidence about Hernandez’s immigration status and a witness’s
    cancer treatment; and (7) defense counsel permitted Calderon to
    commit perjury. We find no merit to these claims. We affirm the
    It was essentially undisputed at trial that Jonathan was
    riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, and that he was hit by the bus
    when he rode his bicycle into the street without stopping. The
    accident occurred at the intersection of Columbus Avenue and
    Riverdale Drive in Glendale. The intersection is a roundabout or
    rotary: there is a raised circle in its center. All four approaches
    to the intersection have stop signs.
    About 2:00 p.m. on May 2, 2013, when the accident
    occurred, Calderon had dropped off her last student and was
    returning to the First Student lot. Michael Kennedy, an aide who
    helped with the special needs students who rode the bus, was still
    on board. Calderon stopped before proceeding into the
    intersection. As she proceeded, she heard and felt her vehicle
    collide with something. Calderon pushed on the brakes but took
    her hands off the steering wheel.
    Kennedy ran to the front of the bus and put the bus, which
    had not yet stopped, into park. Thus, the bus travelled some
    distance after hitting Jonathan.
    Police soon arrived at the scene. Calderon spoke with
    them. Among other things, she told police that she had seen
    Jonathan riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, but did not see him
    in the street before she hit him.
    Officer Duncan believed Calderon was impaired, and
    requested Calderon be evaluated. Calderon was taken to the
    hospital. Certified Drug Recognition Expert Marc Tarzia arrived
    at the hospital about 3:28 p.m. He performed a series of
    assessment tests on Calderon, such as requesting her to stand on
    one leg. She failed all the tests.
    An emergency room doctor examined Calderon and
    concluded she was not impaired.
    The hospital took a blood sample. The initial blood screen
    tested positive for the presence of benzodiazepines. The final test
    results showed that Calderon had tramadol, alprazolam,
    oxazepam and temazepam in her system. These are all
    prescription medications.
    Based on his field sobriety test and the blood test result,
    Detective Tarzia concluded that Calderon was impaired by the
    medications she was taking. Tarzia acknowledged that some of
    Calderon’s difficulties with the sobriety tests may have been due
    to Calderon’s obesity and knee problems; he still concluded she
    was impaired by her medications.
    Police searched Calderon’s home the night of the accident
    because she could not remember what medications she was
    taking. As the investigation into Jonathan’s death and discovery
    in this civil action revealed, Calderon took more prescription
    medications than the ones identified by the blood test. She did
    not take them as prescribed.
    For reasons that were disputed at trial, Calderon was
    sleepy throughout the day of May 2. She returned home after her
    first trip of the day about 8:30 a.m. and took a nap before
    returning to work around noon. The morning nap was a habit of
    hers. Calderon admitted to police that her medications could
    make her groggy.
    Jonathan’s mother and father, who were estranged from
    each other, brought this wrongful death action against First
    Student and Calderon. Trial of this matter was bifurcated.
    During the liability phase, the parties presented conflicting
    evidence and experts about whether Calderon was impaired at
    the time of the accident. The parties also presented conflicting
    evidence concerning whether Calderon could have avoided hitting
    Jonathan, including the testimony of accident reconstruction
    The jury found both Jonathan and Calderon negligent and
    found that their negligence was a substantial factor in causing
    Jonathan’s death.
    In the damages phase of the trial, the jury learned that
    Jonathan’s father had a limited relationship with him. Saravia
    lived with Jonathan for only the first two years of the boy’s life.
    He moved to Washington state when Jonathan was six years old.
    Thereafter he saw Jonathon about twice a year. He spoke with
    Jonathan about once a week in the six months before Jonathan’s
    The jury also learned Hernandez had been incarcerated six
    times during Jonathan’s life. Hernandez acknowledged she has
    used crystal methamphetamine since Jonathan was about a year
    old; she maintained she did not consume the drugs in Jonathan’s
    presence. There was evidence Hernandez’s drug use affected her
    behavior when she was in Jonathan’s presence.
    The jury awarded Jonathan’s parents $250,000 in damages.
    This amount was adjusted to reflect Jonathan’s comparative
    Jonathan’s parents moved for a new trial, which was
    denied. This appeal followed.
    I. New Trial Motion
    Appellants’ brought a motion for a new trial based on (1)
    jury misconduct and gross irregularities in jury proceedings; (2)
    misconduct by defense counsel; and (3) erroneous orders of the
    court concerning evidence and instructions which prevented
    appellants from having a fair trial. The trial court denied this
    Appellants have organized the argument in their opening
    brief around these three areas, and mention that their claims of
    juror and attorney misconduct and errors in the trial court’s
    evidentiary and instructional rulings are grounds for granting a
    new trial. They set forth various standards of review related to
    the denial of a new trial motion. They do not, however, cite to or
    quote the trial court’s written ruling on their motion or explain
    why the trial court abused its discretion in making those rulings.
    They do not cite to their memorandum of points and authorities
    in support of their new trial motion. They frequently provide no
    record or legal citations to support their claims of error.
    “While it is the duty of the appellate court in reviewing the
    denial of a new trial motion to review the entire record, on appeal
    it is manifestly ‘the duty of a party to support the arguments in
    its briefs by appropriate reference to the record, which includes
    providing exact page citations. [Citations.]’ [Citations.]” (Nazari
    v. Ayrapetyan (2009) 
    171 Cal. App. 4th 690
    , 694, fn 1.) A party’s
    inaccurate or missing record citations “frustrates this court’s
    ability to evaluate which facts a party believes support his
    position.” (Ibid.)
    Further, an appellant has a duty to make a “cognizable
    argument on appeal as to why the trial court abused its
    discretion in denying the motions.” (Hearn v. Howard (2009)
    177 Cal. App. 4th 1193
    , 1207.) Mere repetition of the arguments
    made in support of the motion in the trial court is not sufficient.
    (Ibid.) “ ‘[A]n appealed judgment is presumed correct, and
    appellant bears the burden of overcoming the presumption of
    correctness.’ [Citation.] As a result, on appeal ‘the party
    asserting trial court error may not . . . rest on the bare assertion
    of error but must present argument and legal authority on each
    point raised. [Citation.]’ [Citations.] When an appellant raises
    an issue ‘but fails to support it with reasoned argument and
    citations to authority, we treat the point as waived. [Citations.]’
    [Citation.]” (Ibid.) By failing to provide adequate record
    citations or make any cognizable claims of error concerning the
    new trial motion, appellants have waived any challenge to the
    denial of their motion for a new trial. (Ibid.)
    Assuming for the sake of argument that appellants
    intended to raise the claims of error directly on appeal, we would
    find almost all those claims forfeited as well, for similar reasons.
    “[T]o demonstrate error, an appellant must supply the
    reviewing court with some cogent argument supported by legal
    analysis and citation to the record.” (City of Santa Maria v.
    Adam (2012) 
    211 Cal. App. 4th 266
    , 286–287.) “We are not obliged
    to make other arguments for [appellant] [citation], nor are we
    obliged to speculate about which issues counsel intend to raise.”
    (Opdyk v. California Horse Racing Bd. (1995) 
    34 Cal. App. 4th 1826
    , 1830-1831, fn. 4; In re Marriage of Falcone & Fyke (2008)
    164 Cal. App. 4th 814
    , 830 [“We are not bound to develop
    appellants’ arguments for them.”].) We may and do “disregard
    conclusory arguments that are not supported by pertinent legal
    authority or fail to disclose the reasoning by which the appellant
    reached the conclusions he wants us to adopt.” (City of Santa
    Maria v. 
    Adam, supra
    , at p. 287.)
    Finally, “[w]e will not ordinarily consider issues raised for
    the first time in a reply brief. [Citation.] An issue is new if it
    does more than elaborate on issues raised in the opening brief or
    rebut arguments made by the respondent in respondent's brief.
    Fairness militates against allowing an appellant to raise an issue
    for the first time in a reply brief because consideration of the
    issue deprives the respondent of the opportunity to counter the
    appellant by raising opposing arguments about the new issue.
    [Citation.]” (American Indian Model Schools v. Oakland Unified
    School Dist. (2014) 
    227 Cal. App. 4th 258
    , 275–276.)
    II. Juror Misconduct
    A trial court undertakes a three-step process to evaluate a
    motion for new trial based on juror misconduct. (Barboni v.
    Tuomi (2012) 
    210 Cal. App. 4th 340
    , 345.) The trial court must
    first determine whether the declarations supporting the motion
    are admissible under Evidence Code section 1150. Second, if all
    or part of the declarations are admissible, the trial court
    determines whether the facts establish misconduct. If the trial
    court finds misconduct occurred the trial court then determines
    whether the misconduct was prejudicial. (Barboni, at p. 345.)
    On review from a trial court’s denial of a new trial motion
    based on juror misconduct on the ground no misconduct occurred,
    “ ‘ “[w]e accept the trial court’s credibility determinations and
    findings on questions of historical fact if supported by substantial
    evidence.” ’ ” (Barboni v. 
    Tuomi, supra
    , 210 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 345.)
    While appellants provide record citations to the conduct or
    statements which they contend constitute juror misconduct, they
    ignore both the requirement that those declarations be
    admissible and the trial court’s ruling sustaining objections to
    significant portions of the juror declarations offered by
    appellants. They also ignore the trial court’s rulings on juror
    credibility, and this court’s obligation to defer to such credibility
    findings when support by substantial evidence.1 Finally, they
    1     For example, appellants contend Juror Rogers intentionally
    concealed during voir dire the fact that he was involved in a
    (second) work related traffic accident. Juror Rogers later brought
    his omission to the court’s attention. The trial court conducted
    an inquiry during trial and determined Juror Rogers was credible
    when he stated that the reason he did not mention a traffic
    accident during voir dire was that he forgot about the accident
    until he received a text from his supervisor during trial.
    Appellants in no way address the court’s credibility
    determination or explain why it lacked substantial evidence.
    ignore the trial court’s rulings applying the law to the facts as
    found by the jury. Accordingly, they have forfeited their claim
    the trial court erred in denying the new trial motion on the
    ground of juror misconduct.
    To the extent appellants are attempting to raise their
    claims of juror misconduct directly on appeal, those claims would
    suffer from the same inadequacies. Juror misconduct claims,
    however raised, are almost invariably dependent on the
    admissibility of juror declarations under Evidence Code section
    1150 and the trial court’s credibility determinations. The claims
    are forfeited.
    III. Evidentiary Rulings
    Appellants identify 12 “flawed evidentiary rulings” by the
    trial court which they contend prevented a fair trial and resulted
    in a miscarriage of justice. We consider the evidentiary issues
    related to appellants’ claim of instructional error separately, in
    section IV below. Appellants have forfeited eight of the
    remaining 11 claims.
    A. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim That The Trial
    Court Erred In Delaying Its Rulings On Bifurcation And
    The Admissibility Of Hernandez’s Drug Use
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in deferring its
    ruling on bifurcation of liability and damages until after voir dire
    was completed and its ruling on the admissibility of Hernandez’s
    drug use until shortly before the damages phase of the trial.
    Appellants have not cited any legal authority to show the trial
    court was required to decide such issues earlier and have not
    provided any record citations to show that they were unaware the
    court intended to delay the rulings. Appellants assert they were
    prejudiced by the delay, do not explain the nature of the prejudice
    which arose from the timing of the court’s decision. They have
    forfeited these claims.
    To the extent appellants are attempting to insert a claim
    that the trial court erred in admitting domestic violence and
    incarceration evidence related to Hernandez in the liability phase
    of the trial, that claim is forfeited by appellants’ failure to provide
    record or legal citations or develop supporting legal authority and
    by their failure to include this claim in the heading of their brief.
    (See Pizarro v. Reynoso (2017) 10 Cal.App.5th 172, 179 [“Failure
    to provide proper headings forfeits issues that may be discussed
    in the brief but are not clearly identified by a heading.”].)
    B. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claims That The Trial
    Court Erred In Not Allowing Them To Call Calderon In
    Their Case-In-Chief Or In Rebuttal
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in refusing to allow
    them to call bus driver Calderon live in their case-in-chief or in
    rebuttal and then telling the jury that appellant Saravia had
    chosen not to call her as a live witness. Appellants contend the
    trial court also erred in refusing to allow them to play police
    audio recordings of Calderon to impeach her.
    Appellants do not provide a single citation to the record or
    legal authority to support their claims. They have forfeited these
    C. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claims That The Trial
    Court Erred In Limiting Discovery And Trial Testimony
    Concerning Calderon’s Medical And Prescription Drug
    Appellants’ claim of error here is two-fold: (1) the trial
    court should not have limited discovery of Calderon’s medical
    history to 30 days prior to the accident and her prescription
    history to 90 days before the accident; and (2) the trial court
    erred in permitting defense counsel to argue that Calderon had
    “ ‘years and years of safe driving’ ” while taking her medications,
    and so she was not impaired by the medication. Appellants
    assert this information was false and was based on medical
    records which the court had ordered be returned to the medical
    Appellants offer no argument or legal authority to support
    their claim that the trial court abused its discretion in limiting
    the scope of medical discovery. The relevant inquiry was
    Calderon’s condition and medication usage at the time of the
    accident. While some limited history was needed to give context
    to those facts, appellants do not explain how medical information
    from a year before the accident would have had the potential to
    help their case. This claim is forfeited.
    To the extent appellants are attempting to insert a claim
    that defense counsel violated the trial court’s in limine order by
    claiming in closing argument that Calderon had been taking
    medication “for ‘years and years’ ” and/or committed misconduct
    by making that argument without evidentiary support,
    appellants have forfeited those claims by failing to identify them
    in their heading, which asserts only that the trial court erred in
    limiting discovery and evidence concerning Calderon’s medical
    and prescription history. (See Pizarro v. 
    Reynoso, supra
    10 Cal.App.5th at p. 179 [“Failure to provide proper headings
    forfeits issues that may be discussed in the brief but are not
    clearly identified by a heading.”].)
    In light of appellants’ repetition of this claim in their
    misconduct arguments, we will exercise our discretion to consider
    it here in a more helpful context.
    First, appellants have forfeited the claim that the
    argument lacks evidentiary support by failing to object to the
    argument in the trial court. This is a separate and distinct
    argument from their assertion respondents violated an in limine
    order by mentioning Calderon’s medical and/or prescription
    history outside the temporal restrictions imposed by the court.
    Second, appellants have forfeited their claim that the
    argument violates the court’s in limine ruling by failing to
    provide record citations to support their claims and by failing to
    object in the trial court.
    A pretrial motion in limine may eliminate the need for a
    subsequent objection, but this is not an invariable rule. (See
    People v. Rodrigues (1994) 
    8 Cal. 4th 1060
    , 1174 [in limine ruling
    is necessarily tentative because trial court retains discretion to
    make a different ruling as the evidence unfolds]; see also Rufo v.
    Simpson (2001) 
    86 Cal. App. 4th 573
    , 608 [noting that events at
    trial may change the context of the ruling and require a renewed
    Here, appellants’ arguments suggest there was some
    change in the evidentiary context as trial unfolded. Appellants
    mention arguing that defense counsel “ ‘opened the door’ ” on the
    subject of Calderon’s medical history, a position the court
    rejected. If appellants had objected to closing argument on the
    ground it violated the court’s in limine ruling, and if the court
    agreed, defense counsel’ argument could have been stricken. If
    the trial court did not agree that the argument violated its ruling
    in light of developments at trial, this would have been clarified
    for the record. They did not make a renewed objection and so
    have forfeited this claim.
    D. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim The Trial Court
    Erred In Allowing Hearsay News Reports
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in allowing the
    defense to read portions of the transcript of news footage of
    eyewitness Amanda Arista, which they contend was hearsay.
    Appellants do not provide cites to the pages of the reporter’s
    transcript where this reading took place or show that the
    portions used fell outside their stipulation that some portions of
    the interview could be played in front of the jury.2 Further,
    appellants have provided no legal authority beyond a bare
    citation to Evidence Code section 352. Not every out-of-court
    statement is inadmissible hearsay. Appellants have forfeited
    their claim.
    E. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim That The Trial
    Court Erred In Not Compelling The Defense To Produce
    Stephen Zieder
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in not compelling
    defendants to produce Stephen Zieder, a former employee of First
    Student. They complain attorney Ferrante represented Zieder at
    his deposition and agreed to make him available at trial.3 They
    2     Appellants also contend respondents did not “identify” the
    news footage in discovery or before trial; respondents reply they
    provided appellants with the full video clip. This factual dispute
    should have been raised and resolved in the trial court.
    Appellants provide no record citation for such a claim and
    resolution, yet another reason appellants have forfeited this
    3     We note in the interval between the deposition and trial
    Zieder retired and was no longer a client of Ferrante.
    contend “[t]o avoid trial delays Appellants were unable to call
    this witness.”
    The record shows Zieder appeared at the courthouse on
    November 21 in response to a subpoena from appellants.
    Appellants’ trial counsel announced she would not call Zieder
    “right now” but acknowledged the court had ordered him to
    remain under subpoena in case he was needed. Appellants point
    to nothing in the record showing this date was “too late” to use
    Zieder as a witness or that they tried but were unable to recall
    Zieder at a later date. Accordingly, appellants have forfeited this
    F. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim That The Trial
    Court Erred In Allowing The Defense To Play Videotape
    Excerpts Of Hernandez’s And Rios’s Depositions
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in allowing the
    defense to play video clips from the depositions of Saravia,
    Hernandez, and Hernandez’s ex-boyfriend Rios about Jonathan’s
    training in riding a bicycle. They contend the court had
    previously ruled the evidence was irrelevant to liability, the
    mother and Rios “came across as undesirable gang members,”
    and the mother’s deposition was taken in prison.
    Appellants have not provided any record citations to
    support this claims, cited any legal authority or developed any
    legal argument to support their claims of error. They have
    forfeited this claim.
    G. The Trial Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion In
    Permitting Evidence Of Hernandez’s Drug Abuse During
    The Damages Phase
    Appellants contend evidence of Hernandez’s use of crystal
    meth had little evidentiary value, but enormous potential to
    create an emotional bias among the jury members and so the
    trial court abused its discretion in failing to exclude the evidence
    under Evidence Code section 352.
    We agree Hernandez’s use of crystal meth had potential to
    be prejudicial, but it was also quite relevant to her wrongful
    death damages claim. Factors such as the closeness of a family
    unit, the depth of their love and affections, and the nature of the
    personal relationship between decedent and the survivors are
    proper considerations for a jury assessing noneconomic damages.
    (See, e.g., Soto v. BorgWarner Morse TEC Inc. (2015)
    239 Cal. App. 4th 165
    , 201; Benwell v. Dean (1967) 
    249 Cal. App. 2d 345
    , 349.)
    While a survivor’s drug use or abuse may not be a factor in
    every case, it was here. Although Hernandez testified that she
    never used crystal meth in Jonathan’s presence, she
    acknowledged she remained under its influence for days, and was
    under its influence while parenting Jonathan. The drug
    sometimes cause her to stay awake for 72 hours straight.
    Hernandez acknowledged the drug could make her ”aggressive”
    and she was imprisoned for assaulting Rios in Jonathan’s
    presence with a pair of scissors and for making physical threats.
    Appellants are correct the evidence showed Hernandez’s
    parental rights were never terminated and Jonathan was a
    successful student. This favorable evidence was relevant, but it
    does not preclude the jury from hearing unfavorable evidence as
    well. It is a jury’s task to weigh all the evidence and make a
    decision, in this case on the amount of damages.
    Appellants’ reliance on Hernandez v. County of Los Angeles
    226 Cal. App. 4th 1599
    and Winfred D. v. Michelin North
    America, Inc. (2008) 
    165 Cal. App. 4th 1011
    to show prejudicial
    error is misplaced. In both cases the trial court admitted
    evidence with substantial potential for undue prejudice but no
    probative value at all. In Hernandez, the trial court erred in
    admitting evidence of marijuana use because “the experts could
    not identify any manner in which marijuana use contributed to
    the accident that injured Randy or his decision to exit the Land
    Rover, [and so] the evidence was not relevant to the issues and
    had no probative value.” 
    (Hernandez, supra
    , at p. 1615.) In
    Winfred, the trial court erred in admitting evidence of the
    plaintiff’s extramarital affairs because it had no bearing on
    plaintiff’s personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer of an
    allegedly defective product. 
    (Winfred, supra
    , at p. 1038.) As we
    have explained, Hernandez’s drug use was relevant to damages
    As for the potential prejudicial effect of the evidence, the
    trial court instructed the jury that the evidence of Hernandez’s
    drug use was admitted for the limited purpose of “determining
    the quality of her relationship with Jonathan Hernandez with
    respect to damages. You are not to consider it for any other
    purpose.” We presume the jury followed this instruction.
    (Cassim v. Allstate Ins. Co. (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 780
    , 803-804.) The
    trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting the drug use
    H. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claims That The Trial
    Court Erred In Not Allowing them to Impeach Calderon
    With Recordings Of Her Statements To Police
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in not allowing
    playback of portions of police audio recordings of Calderon’s
    statements to police. Appellants’ counsel appears to have agreed
    with this ruling in the trial court. In addition, appellants provide
    no record citations or legal authorities and do not make any legal
    argument. Appellants have forfeited this claim.
    I. The Trial Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion In
    Permitting Retired Police Officer Charles Smith To Testify
    As An Expert Witness
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in allowing defense
    witness Charles Smith to testify as an expert on whether
    Calderon was impaired, medication management, and medication
    side effects -- “a host of topics about which he had no foundation
    or knowledge.” They complain Smith did not have a college
    degree or medical training and had never been certified as a drug
    recognition expert. We see no error in the trial court’s decision.
    “A person is qualified to testify as an expert if he has
    special knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education
    sufficient to qualify him as an expert on the subject to which his
    testimony relates.” (Evid. Code, § 720, subd. (a).)
    “The trial court's determination of whether a witness
    qualifies as an expert is a matter of discretion and will not be
    disturbed absent a showing of manifest abuse. [Citation.]
    ‘ “Where a witness has disclosed sufficient knowledge of the
    subject to entitle his opinion to go to the jury, the question of the
    degree of his knowledge goes more to the weight of the evidence
    than its admissibility.” ’ [Citation.]” (People v. Bolin (1998)
    18 Cal. 4th 297
    , 321–322.) “ ‘[N]o hard and fast rule can be laid
    down which would be applicable in every circumstances.’ ”
    (Mann v, Cracchiolo (1985) 
    38 Cal. 3d 18
    , 38 overruled on other
    grounds by Perry v. Bakewell Hawthorne, LLC (2017) 2 Cal.5th
    536, 543.)
    Smith had 25 years of experience and extensive training as
    a former police officer in Florida. He was certified and recertified
    multiple times throughout his career in standard field sobriety
    tests and the drug recognition program. Smith worked for
    several years on a multiple agency DUI task force. He taught the
    standard field sobriety test, breath test, and DRE program at the
    Dade County Police Academy. Although Smith was not certified
    in California, he testified there were national standards for field
    sobriety tests and he applied those standards in his opinion
    testimony in this case.
    Smith was clearly qualified to opine about Detective
    Tarzia’s DRE evaluation and why he formed the opinion that
    Calderon was not impaired. Smith’s testimony about drugs was
    limited: he testified about how long impairing drugs had an
    effect after they were ingested and whether tests showing the
    presence of drugs in a person’s system always indicated
    impairment. These topics were well within his area of expertise.
    J. The Trial Court Did Not Err In Limiting To 10 The
    Number Of Photographs Of Jonathan Appellants Could
    Admit Into Evidence.
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in limiting
    appellants to 10 photographs of Jonathan during the damages
    phase of the trial. While this could be considered a small number
    of photographs, appellants do not provide any legal authority
    showing this number is unreasonably small. They speculate the
    small number of photographs encouraged the jury to believe
    Hernandez did not take very many photographs of Jonathan and
    was therefore an unfit mother who did not care about her child.
    Appellants point to nothing in the record to support such a
    reaction by jurors. Their claim fails.
    K. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim The Trial Court
    Erred In Permitting Detective Tarzia To Be Impeached
    With “Rolling Logs”
    Appellants make a one sentence claim that the trial court
    erred in allowing Detective Tarzia to be impeached by “ ‘Rolling
    Log’ ” which merely house statistical information on DUI arrests.
    Appellants have forfeited this claim by failing to develop an
    argument on this point, cite any legal authorities, or explain how
    they were prejudiced by this ruling.
    IV. Instructional Error
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in giving the jury
    special instructions 1 through 5 about the proper operation of a
    bicycle. Appellants argument focuses on Instruction No.4, which
    “Glendale Municipal Code, Section 10.64.025 ‘No person
    shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any public sidewalk in
    any business district within the city . . .’
    “California Vehicle Code Section 235 states: A ‘business
    district’ is that portion of a highway and the property
    contiguous thereto (a) upon one side of which highway, for
    a distance of 600 feet, 50 percent or more of the contiguous
    property fronting thereon is occupied by buildings in use for
    business, or (b) upon both sides of which highway,
    collectively, for a distance of 300 feet, 50 percent or more of
    the contiguous property fronting thereon is so occupied.’
    “In determining whether a highway is within a business
    district under California Vehicle Code 235, all churches,
    apartments, hotels, multiple dwelling houses, clubs, and
    public buildings, other than schools, shall be deemed to be
    business structures.
    “If a cyclist is prohibited from riding on the sidewalk he
    must ride on a roadway in the direction of traffic and must
    use the bike lane if one is provided.”
    Appellants contend the applicability of the instruction was
    disputed, it contained ambiguous terms, and respondents did not
    offer any expert testimony on zoning or the meaning of “business
    We see no ambiguity in the instruction, although the
    excerpt from Vehicle Code section 235 requires a careful reading.
    Respondents offered the testimony of Officer Fernandez that
    more than 70 percent of the buildings in the area abutting the
    accident intersection were apartment buildings and multi-unit
    residences which extended more than 600 feet from the
    intersection. This is ample evidence to support the instruction.
    There was no need for a zoning expert. The trial court did not err
    in giving this instruction.
    V. Attorney Misconduct
    “A party ordinarily cannot complain on appeal of attorney
    misconduct at trial unless the party timely objected to the
    misconduct and requested that the jury be admonished.
    [Citation.] The purpose of these requirements is to allow the trial
    court an opportunity to remedy the misconduct and avoid the
    necessity of a retrial; a timely objection may prevent further
    misconduct, and an admonition to the jury to disregard the
    offending matter may eliminate the potential prejudice.
    [Citations.] The failure to timely object and request an
    admonition waives a claim of error unless the misconduct was so
    prejudicial that it could not be cured by an admonition [citations],
    an objection or request for admonition would have been futile
    [citation] or the court promptly overruled an objection and the
    objecting party had no opportunity to request an admonition
    [citation]. Attorney misconduct is incurable only in extreme
    cases. [Citations.]” (Rayii v. Gatica (2013) 
    218 Cal. App. 4th 1402
    Attorney misconduct can justify a new trial only if it is
    reasonably probable that the party moving for a new trial would
    have obtained a more favorable result absent the misconduct.
    (Cassim v. Allstate Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 33 Cal.4th at pp. 801-802.)
    A. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim Defense Counsel
    Committed Misconduct During Opening Statement
    Appellants contend defense counsel committed misconduct
    when he made remarks in opening statements concerning the
    training, screening and supervision of Calderon. Appellants
    claim defense counsel knew such statements could not be proven
    at trial because appellants had dismissed their negligent hiring,
    training and supervision claims before trial.4
    Appellants neither objected to these statements nor
    requested the jury be admonished; they have forfeited the claim.
    (Rayii v. 
    Gatica, supra
    , 218 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1411–1412.)
    Although appellants contend generally all their attorney
    4      We note appellants also make a passing reference in this
    section to defense counsel “repeatedly” commenting on Calderon’s
    “ ‘years and years of taking medication’ ” in violation of the
    court’s ruling. We considered this claim in section III.C, ante,
    and found it to be forfeited.
    misconduct claims fall under some exception to the forfeiture
    rule, they do not apply the general rule to the specifics of this
    claim. Accordingly, the claim is forfeited
    Even if the claim were not forfeited for this reason, it would
    be forfeited due to appellants’ failure to provide adequate record
    citations to support their claims. They provide only one record
    citation; the cited pages support only some of appellants’
    assertions about defense counsel statements. Relying on the
    summary provided by appellants in their opening brief, evidence
    of training and supervision are not the sort of topics which arouse
    the passions and prejudices of a jury. A timely objection would
    have limited the remarks and an admonishment would have
    cured any harm.
    Appellants raise a similar claim of error in “discussing” bus
    driver training in another section of their opening brief entitled
    “G. Misconduct by defense counsel in discussing bus driver
    training when such a claim was not at issue.” Appellants provide
    different statements about training in this section. Judging by
    the tense of those statements, they were made in closing
    argument. They fail to provide specific record cites for the
    statements or even to indicate generally when such statements
    were made. Appellants have forfeited any claim of misconduct
    based on these statements.
    B. Appellants Have Forfeited Three Of Their Four Claims
    That Defense Counsel Personally Attacked Appellants’
    Trial Counsel; They Have Not Shown Prejudice In The
    Fourth Claim
    Appellants contend defense counsel Wianecki’s personal
    attacks on appellants’ trial counsel Rowley consisted of both
    statements and non-verbal conduct.
    Appellants first claim defense counsel disparaged Rowley,
    “throughout trial by rolling his eyes when counsel spoke, by
    making speaking objections, by making aggressive prefatory
    comments that were not legal objections when counsel was
    examining a witness, and by filing unorthodox in limine motions
    personally attacking Mr. Rowley and impugning his integrity and
    skill in the presence of a trial judge with which he was
    unfamiliar” Appellants have not provided any record citations to
    support these claims and so they are forfeited.
    Appellants next identify three specific instances where they
    claim personal attacks occurred. They can be summarized as the
    lottery, circus, and card shark remarks. Appellants’ objected to
    only one such instance, which involves the “card shark” remarks.
    The full statement is “You know, Plaintiff’s tactics in this
    case have been entirely theatrical and these theatrical tactics
    need to be called and recognized for what they are. We are being
    played. The attempt is being made that we are being played like
    pawns in a chess game. This is a gigantic game, much the way
    you would have a card shark at the poker table.” Appellants’
    trial counsel Rowley objected that the remarks were “impugning
    the integrity of an officer of the court.” The trial court
    admonished counsel not to personalize the argument.
    Even assuming this remark amounts to a personal attack,
    it is not likely to inspire strong emotions in a listener or prejudice
    the jury against appellants’ trial counsel or appellants
    themselves. Appellants contend the fact that the jury returned
    the amount of damages suggested by defense counsel establishes
    prejudice. It does not. This was a lengthy trial with many
    contested issues.
    Appellants did not object to the lottery and circus remarks
    and so have forfeited the claims. Appellants contend generally
    they were not required to object to the misconduct because no
    admonition could cure the prejudice generated by the remarks.
    We do not find the lottery and circus remarks so prejudicial
    they could not have been cured by an admonition. Neither were
    direct attacks on appellants’ trial counsel. In context, the lottery
    reference was tied to a reminder that damages must be based on
    appellants’ relationship with their son, referring to the measure
    of damages, not anyone’s character. The circus remark was
    coupled with a unicorn reference and in context was primarily a
    colorful way of saying appellants’ assessment of their relationship
    with their son was not realistic.
    Appellants’ claim that defense counsel displayed improper
    PowerPoint images is not supported by their record citations.
    That claim is forfeited for that reason as well. Given this second
    forfeiture, we are unable to consider whether an admonition
    could have cured any harm.
    C. Defense Counsel Did Not Violate The Motions In Limine
    Concerning Hernandez’s Immigration Status Or A
    Witness’s Cancer
    Appellants contend defense counsel committed misconduct
    by deliberately violating two of the court’s in limine motions, both
    precluding references to Hernandez’s immigration status and to
    bus attendant Michael Kennedy’s cancer treatment. Appellants
    contend specifically: (1) defense counsel asked Hernandez
    questions “intended to elicit her testimony that she was on an
    immigration hold”; and (2) defense counsel failed to tell Kennedy
    not to discuss his health and Kennedy later “blurted out” this
    Defense counsel asked Hernandez if she had “just been
    released” in December. We see no misconduct in asking this
    straightforward question, which was part of a series of questions
    concerning Hernandez’s relationship with her children.
    Hernandez replied that she was released in May, but picked up
    by immigration and held for six months. Hernandez could have
    simply answered no, or stated that she was released from “CIW”
    in May.
    As for Kennedy’s cancer, appellants’ counsel asked the trial
    court to exclude the evidence. The trial court agreed and asked
    appellants’ counsel to tell Kennedy of the ruling. Counsel agreed
    to do so. Thus, if any blame attaches to Kennedy’s volunteered
    statement, it would attach to appellants’ counsel, not defense
    D. Appellants Have Forfeited Their Claim Defense Counsel
    Argued Matters Not In Evidence
    Appellants contend defense counsel argued matters not in
    evidence and unsupported by the evidence in closing argument in
    the liability phase. Appellants have provided a record citation for
    only one instance of such conduct. They did not object and
    request an admonition and so have forfeited this claim. To the
    extent they contend an objection would have been ineffective, we
    do not agree.
    The complained argument is: “You know, there’s only one
    witness who actually measured whether or not Barbara Calderon
    was impaired by those drugs. Those medications that she was
    taking. We acknowledge that they were in her system. Of course
    they were in her system. But the issue was, was she impaired.
    And only Dr. Clardy measured individually, as well as
    collectively, what those concentrations were. Dr. Mcintyre didn't
    do that work. The toxicologist from the hospital didn't do that.
    Dr. Ohanian didn't do that.” This is only part of defense counsel’s
    description of Dr. Clardy’s testimony. We question whether a
    reasonable jury would have understood the quoted comments as
    asserting that Dr. Clardy actually tested Calderon’s blood and
    determined the levels of drug concentrations in that blood.
    Defense counsel’s argument describes Dr. Clardy as calculating
    the drug levels based on the half-life of the drugs.
    Regardless of how this argument is understood, statements
    related to Dr. Clardy’s measurement of drug concentration levels
    is not the sort of topic which arouses the passions and prejudices
    of a jury. A timely objection and admonishment cured any
    possible harm.
    E. There Is No Evidence Defense Counsel Suborned
    Appellants contend defense counsel engaged in misconduct
    by allowing their client Calderon to deceive the jury about
    whether she spoke with police at the scene of the accident.
    An attorney has a duty to attempt to dissuade a client from
    committing perjury. (People v. Johnson (1998) 
    62 Cal. App. 4th 608
    , 621.) Further, if an attorney “knowingly present[s] lies to a
    jury,” he may not “then sit idly by while opposing counsel
    struggles to contain this pollution of the trial.” (U.S. v. LaPage
    (9th Cir. 2000) 
    231 F.3d 488
    , 492.)
    Calderon denied speaking to police in response to a
    question on cross-examination by appellants’ counsel. Counsel
    immediately followed up, asking “to be clear, at the scene . . . you
    never spoke to the police . . . is that your testimony?” Calderon
    replied, “I do not remember.”
    Appellants point to no evidence which would support an
    inference that defense counsel knew Calderon would testify she
    did not speak with police. Calderon’s next answer suggests she
    herself did not mean to make such a claim. Further, soon after
    this testimony, defense counsel stipulated Calderon gave a
    statement to police at the scene of the accident.
    The judgment is affirmed. Respondents to recover their
    costs on appeal.
    We concur:
    BIGELOW, P. J.
    GRIMES, J.
    Filed 7/9/19
    KAREN HERNANDEZ et al.,                       B281161
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,             (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. Nos. BC513802,
    v.                                     BC514509)
    FIRST STUDENT, INC., et al.,                  ORDER CERTIFYING
    Defendants and Respondents.            [NO CHANGE IN JUDGMENT]
    The opinion in the above-entitled matter filed on June 11,
    2019, was not certified for publication in the Official Reports. For
    good cause it now appears that the opinion should be published in
    the Official Reports and it is so ordered.
    [There is no change in the Judgment.]
    BIGELOW, P. J.         GRIMES, J.           STRATTON, J.