Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  •                  OFFICE     OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL                   OF TEXAS
    AUSTIN 11
    lamorcrblo   1. b. Cukdo
    AarLta8t     8oorota
    tuar     Mat0 ?arb Lrd
    Awtl8,    Tual
    Tour noont        roqwrt
    roada,       in prt,      aI follarrr
    'Tbo flML       qttortion
    quert     an   opl8108    up00   ir
    010 927* ropoalr Artlclo
    -- doer npt
    IS Artlclo .- 9na
    ot rqmal    Artlclo      928b,
    ion8 oonrtltuto        ‘vatorr
    of b river   flovlng      through
    ‘(b)  A lake lying    vholly   vithin    a atate  park
    and     fomad   by impounding     the vatsr     of a stream  flov-
    ing     through a state   park.
    ltonorrblo       0. b. CuI4d0,        pago 2
    to ) Tbet             portion    of   l lake      lying vltbln         l
    o k to
    p a rlvoa
    k          though       tho kluioo         of tho tiko         Ir
    outoldo        of tho park.
    Act0 1945,       49tb kgIslatur0,   pgo 13, chptor    9, appoar-
    lag    +o Utlolo          927a,   Vvmon’o   Anaotatod Penal Codo o?.Toxao,   road8
    aa    ?ollovo    8
    1.            Tborr    oh11     bo no alomod          loaoon
    or porlod of tlmo vhoa it lb~ll k ualrvfU                            to take,
    eatoh ar retain frroh vator floh by tho wo                           o? ordl-
    rnw hook cad 1Ino o r lrtlflolel     luror.    Other, do-
    vlooo,  tho wo of vhlob IO pomlttod by lav, uy bo
    auod for tho purpooo    of takiag fnrh    vator flrh rt
    anr tlmo of the roar, but only In oapllanao         vltb
    ouah otbor rootrlotIoao    l8 lre plaood on tholr      uoo
    br the lava of thlr o&to.
    ‘860. 2. IL #till   bo ualwiul    for mr p4rron
    to kko fra   public fnoh   vaton    =d ~~,trIn, or plbco
    la w          eoakIaor,     bent,    orool,    llrobox        or   on ml        flmh-
    ltrlngor any large-mouth              black    bar,       Dull-mouth            black
    bror,        rpottod brro, OF UI~ rub-opocloo     of Urge-mouth
    black kro,         null-mouth    blmk  bar@, rpottod boa,     that
    Ia low         th&n I)OVOLI (7) lnohor in loagth.
    ‘8oc. 3. Xt oh11 bo wil~vhrl   for 8nr person In
    any ow der to catch and rokla,   or to plwo  on oc In
    w       dovloo or oontalnor   for holdlag  8~   vhllo   ho 18
    flohiag,    uir floh tht     IO t+ken ?r#   the public   fnoh
    vaton    or thlr stat0     la UOeM o? the ?ollovIag      1la1trr
    large-mouth     black bra,    rull-mouth   black Maa, opottod
    barr, or lny rub-opoclor        of tbo lUO, rIngly    or ln the
    lg g ng a to  ,
    ?l?tom          (15),  of vhlch not more than ten                         (10)
    oh11     be of gnator length        thbn   @loron (11) Incheat
    vhlto    barr, tventy-five      (25)~ blue catfish,      channel                    cat-
    flrh and yollov      oatfirh,    rfngly    or In the aggregate,
    tventy-flvo    (25); crappie       or vhltr   perch,  tventy-five
    %ction  4. Any person vho violate8       any provision8
    of thir Act, upon conviction      rhall  be fined   in a awn not
    lean than  Flvo ($5.00)  Dollare,     nor more than Fifty
    ($50 .OO) Dollars.
    Honorable      1.     b.    CuIado,    pago 3
    “800. 5. All lava or wrto of lavm, local,
    genolrl     or lpooIb1, insofar am they provldo a clooad
    ouscm     or porlcd of tI8o vhon It IO unlav?ul         to kko
    or catoh fish     or to uoo lrtl?IcIal     luno,    or insofar
    aa thor provide l llrm lImIt,        pomoemoIon 1IaIt or
    dally    catch lI8It,   or othwvIoo    oonfllot   vlth my
    provloIon     of this Act, shall    bo and the DUO are
    horobr n~olod;        lxcopt that nothing horoln con-
    klnod     oball npoal    Chapter 213, Houoo bill      lo. 654,
    Rogulrr boooIon, 48th kglmlatun,           or ngulati~no
    udo     thoroundor to govom the tokw          of flmh In I&ko
    TOXCU, vhloh IO tho body of vator irpoundod by the
    dem bt      ~nloon,        Toxam.   l
    hots 1941,          47th LogIolaturo,   pago 1416, ohaptor 652,
    paragraph      1, appearing          am Artlolo   928b, Vomon’o Annotated Polul
    Codo    of   Toxro,        roads   am ?ollovo~
    %hoevor mh~ll take, catch, lno nmo ,or tmp
    UJ fish by any ~oano vhtoomvor      In any vatoro vhlch
    are vlthln    tho con?Inoo of anr public park under the
    oontrol    of tho Tuao State Parks bard, vlthout   the
    ‘vanant any porooa found
    omlttIng   l violation                  of any provision of this Act.”
    (mphao IO rddod)
    It vi11 bo notod that   the bglolaturo        In tho noxt-abovo-
    quoted ltatuto   ham vemtod In the keopwo     , wrotakoro      or lupmrIntond-
    onto of public   parks tho solo dIoorotlorury       pcvor of maying vho may
    and vbo BET not fish Lo the vatorm thorvln        ispoundod.     In no ray
    domm the Leglolrturo   mot up ltanbardm or nmtrlctlonm          to be follov-
    ed by lald caretakers, but rather     It subjects      thooo cItIzonm dmmlr-
    Ing SImhIng prlvllegoo    to the vhlmm of an ldalnlmtratlve         officer.
    This being true,     ve deem It l.nomcapable that Article
    928b,    Vsrnon’m   Annotated Penal Cod., must first         be conmldered    In
    the light     of Its conmtItutIonalIt~     beion    any endeavor     to anmver
    your quemtionm      in the order In vhlch      they are propounded.       We ad-
    vance   this   proposition   for the self-evident      reamon that should
    Article    928b, Vernon’s    Annotated   Penal Code, fall      to meet the vell-
    deflncd    temtm of conmtltutlon6llty,       It vould    render moot your Inquiry
    concerning      its rmpmal by Article    927a, Vernon's Annotated        Penal Code,
    Honomblo       t.   b. Culrdo,          pqgo 4
    With this     pnUmo    In Bind, vo Invito               to rour        attention
    tho Solloving        portinont   luthorltleo  I
    SeatIcna5,   wgo 924, Volm•                     11 of tiorla        Jurlopru-
    denoe,     roads, in part, 80 ?oll~vot
    “On0 of tho moot Important to&to lm to vhothor
    pmrtloular    lwo uount to UI InvalId dole~tlon                of
    logIo~tIvo      povor IO found In the oaplotonooo            of
    the rktuto      lm It rppure      vhon It lo~vor tho hands
    of tho logIo~tun.          The gononlly        noog43Iood pria-
    clple    IO th a t l lw muat bo 00 oaplok            in all Its
    terns end pr~vIolonm vhon It lo~voo the logIo&tIvo
    brurch of the govomwnt           that- n0thl.u IO loft to
    the judmont       of tho lloctorm o r other lmolntoo           or
    aolorpto OS th0 loelml~turo.            oh     mt      d tl
    prlvllogom,     or OblIptIOnO       gr8ntfdror     &oo%     %t
    bo dofinitely      flxod or dotomInod,         or the rule-
    ba fix d U
    vhlob th
    clomrly ~d%?&t~l~
    IO mmood br tho loglolbturo
    l  dotrmlnod
    must be
    vhon the act
    and bpprovod by the
    govomor.         Th     lav   wmt    b8 porfoot, f-1,           and    do-
    cIolvo   in all of Its parts,   and the dIocntIon
    vhloh lo glvon must rolato only to lxooutlon.         One
    court ham hid dovn tho rule that       In oonoldorlng
    ~vhathmr a section    of a rt8tuto IO oaploto     or ia-
    srploto,    tho toot IO vhethor the prcvIoIon      IO ouf-
    ?IcIontl~ do?IaIto and aortain to enable ana mad-
    ing It to knw him rl       to and obl@tIanm     thorwn-
    dor.”    (~p&mIo    ourm r
    Sootion 234, paga 947, Volm•                    11,   of Amorlcan Jurlopru-
    demo,       r0Odo, in part, am ?oll~~o:
    ‘4 l l Any lav vhlch luthorlroo               th. ISSuing or
    vlthholdlng        of licenses,      pe~ltm,      or approvals       or
    sanctions       other adaInImtrrtIve          functlonm      in much a
    -mr       am    the drmlgnatcd       o?fIclalm     arbitrarily       choose,
    vlthout      rmfmnncm      to all    of the clams to vhlch           thm
    lav under conmlderatlon            vam intended       to apply and
    vlthout      being controlled         or guided by my defhiie
    rule or mpeclflod         conditions      to vhich     all    mimllar~~
    sltuatmd      may conform,       Is unconstitutional          and void.
    l   . .”     (Eimphaslm added)
    SectInn        420,    page   911,   Volume    12 of   Corpus    Jurlm,       mad8
    am follovm~
    iiononble    P. 0. Cmlado,        wgs    5
    “The legImlaturo    MJ authorize       a particular
    board of offlcorm       vho have charge      of a portion      of
    the a??aIrm     of the stat0 or a city,        much am a
    baard of hoelth,      of police,    or of oattlo      camatlo-
    olonorm,    to make reasonable      police    ~188 and regu-
    latlonr   . But It cannot 8bdIcato         Its ovn police
    povor    on any l ubJect and confer much paver on a
    board to be exercised       according     to the uncontrullod
    dImcretIon     of much board.’
    In conformity vlth  themo gonoral               oktoronto      of   the   lav,
    ve quoto from the cmme of Brovn vs. il\rmblo               011 b Reflnlmg       Coatpan~,
    83 S. V. (2d) 935, ae follovmr
    Iangever  v. M!ller   124 Tax.
    96 A. L
    . R. $36. and             l
    uth o rc ltlo
    Pan&&Re?.     Co. v. &n,    293 U. 9. 388, 55 8;
    Ct. 241, 79 L. Ed,         
    1 A. L
    . A. Schechter
    Poultfy  Corp. v.           5 9. Ct. 837, 79 L. Rd.
    -*        (Emphamlm  added
    Tho lmpetum giving
    .     rlmo to the creation       of the above -01 .ted
    authorltloo   stoma fzw   tho doclmlonm     aonmtrulng   Article  3, Section    1,
    of the Texas Constitution    vhlcb   provldom   am ?ollovor
    “Section   1.    The Leglol8tIve     pover of this
    Stat0    shall   be vemtod In a Senate lnd Houoo of Rep-
    resentatives,      vhlch   togethrr    shall  be styled   ‘The
    Le&mlatura       of the State     of Texas. I8
    In applying        theme veil-founded       prohibitions       and tests    to
    the instant     statute,      It 1~ apparent      that the Laglslature          has not
    only failed     to prescribe       standards     or remtrlctlonm        to vhlcb   the
    keeper   or caretaker       of public      parks must adhere,        but also t::am dale
    gatsd to an admlnlst~tlve             officer    the mole dlmcretlon         In leglalab-
    ing on the inherent         rldhtm of cltlcens;        1. a.,     to arbitrarily      legis
    late by declarln,:       vZ:o may and vho may not fish            :n vatcrm impounded
    in state    parks,   and thereby        render   tt!e vlolatgr      subject    to a fine    3,f
    One Hundred Dqllars         ($123).
    Honorable        t.   8.     Camlade,    page 6
    It therefore              loglcally  follovs  thnt ln     the opinion   of
    thlr    Department   Article              928b, V. A. P. C., vhollr       fall8 to aeet
    the required          teat     of oonrtItutIon8lIt~      and I8 thereby        void.
    In vIev      of thi8 holdlng,ve   feel it       I8   8elf-evident       that
    l   fur th e r   dircurrion        Of the quertlonr   mired       In JOUP bqUiry          18
    YOUr8    very    truly
    BY           ebw

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7180

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017