Doe v. Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation ( 2019 )

  • Filed 11/27/19; Certified for Publication 12/19/19 (order attached)
    Plaintiff and Appellant,                                    E071224
    v.                                                                   (Super.Ct.No. BLC1600160)
    DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS                                            OPINION
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from the Superior Court of Riverside County. Burke Strunsky, Judge.
    Law Offices of Frank S. Moore and Frank S. Moore for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Chris A. Knudsen, Assistant Attorney General,
    Celine M. Cooper and Michael J. Early, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and
    John Doe, who used to work as a psychologist at Ironwood State Prison
    (Ironwood), sued his former employer, the California Department of Corrections and
    Rehabilitation (CDCR), under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
    (Gov. Code, § 12900 et seq.),1 alleging discrimination, retaliation, and harassment based
    on disability. Doe also alleged CDCR violated FEHA by failing to accommodate his two
    disabilities, asthma and dyslexia, by relocating him to a cleaner and quieter office and
    providing him with requested computer equipment. Finding no triable issues of material
    fact, the trial court granted summary judgment in favor of CDCR. We affirm.
    The parties submitted the following evidence in support of their arguments at the
    summary judgment stage.
    In August 2007, Doe submitted an employment application with CDCR for a
    permanent psychologist position. The application asks applicants to check the boxes that
    apply to them, one of which is for disabled individuals, and states, “DISABLED—A
    person with a disability is an individual who . . . has a physical or mental impairment or
    medical condition that limits one or more life activities, such as . . . learning . . . or
    working; . . . has a record or history of such impairment or medical condition; . . . or is
    regarded as having such an impairment or medical condition.” Doe did not check the
    1   Unlabeled statutory citations refer to the Government Code.
    disabled box, and, at his deposition in this case, acknowledged he had signed the
    application under penalty of perjury.
    Doe began working as a psychologist at Ironwood in 2012. In 2013, he submitted
    an accommodation request using CDCR’s standard form. He requested “Time to read and
    write in a work space that’s quiet to help w/focus and concentration.” In response to the
    form’s question, “What are your limitations?” he wrote, “(LD NOS) reading, written
    expression.” The parties agree that LD NOS stands for “learning disorder not otherwise
    On January 9, 2013, Doe met with a staff member of CDCR’s “Return to Work,”
    the department that handles accommodation requests. They requested Doe provide
    medical documentation of the nature and extent of his limitations in order for CDCR to
    determine which accommodations, if any, it could provide. Doe received a memo dated
    January 16, 2013 from Return to Work stating his request remained pending “due to lack
    of medical substantiation.” Doe submitted a note from his physician, Dr. Kim, dated
    January 24, 2013, which said: “Please provide [Doe] with a quite [sic] workplace that
    will help with attention and concentration. He is easily distracted and, under stress, can
    become disorganized. Extended time should also help him by reducing the pressure and
    allowing him to successfully complete assignments.”
    Dr. Bresee, Doe’s supervisor at the time, submitted a written response to Doe’s
    accommodation request on March 7, 2013. The response says, “By the time I met with
    [Doe] in early February [2013], we had already done all that we were able to do . . . to
    provide an appropriate work space that was as free from distraction as was possible.” Dr.
    Bresee explained that all mental health offices had two work stations and all clinicians
    had to share their offices with another clinician. He said Doe’s office mate had agreed to
    switch desks so Doe could have the desk he found less distracting. But Doe was not
    satisfied after the switch and complained to Dr. Bresee that he felt like he was the only
    psychologist who didn’t have a private office.
    Dr. Bresee added, “Ideally, as we move forward, [Doe] will be able to spend more
    of his time doing almost all of his work in the Mental Health offices on the yards. We are
    temporarily sharing them, but that should be ending soon. That is what we are moving to.
    In this way he will see an inmate and when that is done he can use the office as a solo
    office to finish his paperwork.” Dr. Bresee’s remark about private offices “on the yards”
    was a reference to Ironwood’s upcoming transition to the “complete care model,” a way
    of organizing the prison’s work spaces so its various healthcare professionals (e.g.,
    psychologists, nurses, and dental practitioners) are located closer to the inmates they
    According to Doe, switching desks with his office mate did not solve the
    distraction problem and, at his doctor’s direction, he took a three-month medical leave
    “due to stress.” Doe said when he returned to work, he was given a quieter, less
    distracting office but, because he knew the arrangement was temporary, that “made it
    very hard for me to organize my work.” He said it was still taking him too long to
    complete his assignments because he wasn’t allowed to have a thumb drive and he hadn’t
    been trained to use Ironwood’s shared server. He said that in order to get access to his
    patients’ records he had to ask the psychologist who worked next to him for copies. Doe
    said he felt he was being “discriminated against” because other Ironwood clinicians were
    using thumb drives at work.
    In October 2013, Doe settled a different harassment lawsuit he had brought against
    CDCR. In exchange for a payment of $120,000, Doe dismissed the suit and released any
    claims he may have had against CDCR at the time, including FEHA claims.
    According to Doe, the retaliation and harassment began in 2014 and was
    perpetrated by his supervisor at the time, Dr. Castro. Doe identified the following
    incidents as support for his discrimination, retaliation, and harassment claims.
    On February 11, 2014, Dr. Castro had an hour-long meeting with Doe about his
    job performance that “felt . . . like an interrogation” because he was criticizing Doe’s
    work. Doe said Dr. Castro got “angry and hostile” when Doe couldn’t understand his
    “heavy accent.” Doe said the meeting made him feel anxious and caused his asthma
    symptoms to increase. An Ironwood employee who transcribed the meeting said Dr.
    Castro criticized two progress report notes Doe had submitted, saying the notes appeared
    to be “cut and pasted” and incomplete.
    On February 19, 2014, Doe did not come into work, and CDCR called to check on
    him. A watch commander at CDCR left a message saying if they didn’t hear back from
    him they would send the police to his house for a “wellness check.” At his deposition,
    Doe said he had sent a text message notifying CDCR he would be out that day, but
    learned later the text had not been received. Although he was home that day and no one
    ever knocked on his door, Doe believed the police had come to his property and that Dr.
    Castro had sent them.
    On May 20, 2014, Doe wrote Dr. Castro an email asking for permission to leave
    work early because he was feeling ill. They had the following email exchange:
    “[Doe:] Dr. Castro, I may have to leave early to see a doctor. I am anticipating
    leaving at 12 noon to go to the appointment.
    [Castro:] You are not approved to leave. You are the only clinician available all
    day for [Ironwood] and as such designated PRN(1).
    [Doe:] I am not feeling well and have already scheduled an appointment with a
    doctor for this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. What if it is contagious?
    [Castro:] Only you know if this is a medical emergency.
    [Doe:] I would like to go now.”
    Doe said he ended up leaving work to go to urgent care after he contacted a union
    representative for assistance.
    On May 28, 2014, Dr. Castro believed Doe may have brought his personal cell
    phone into Ironwood (a serious rule violation) and had a watch commander escort Doe to
    his car. When Doe showed the watch commander that his phone was inside the car, he
    was allowed to go back to work.
    On another occasion, Doe was assigned to be the “primary crisis person” even
    though he had given his supervisors advanced notice that he planned to attend a union
    meeting in Oakland that day. The primary crisis person is a position that rotates among
    Ironwood’s clinicians. It entails monitoring and assessing high-risk inmates. Doe
    acknowledged at his deposition that all clinicians are expected to serve as a primary crisis
    person from time to time, but he felt work was intentionally “being piled on [him]” that
    day so he would have to miss his meeting. He admitted he had been able to attend the
    union meeting, but said he had to rush to the airport, and it had been a close call.
    Around July 2014, Dr. Stoner became Doe’s supervisor. In August 2014,
    Ironwood implemented the complete care model, and, as part of the reorganization, Doe
    was assigned to an office in the Bravo yard. When asked at his deposition if he had
    consulted with Doe before the move to see if it would pose a problem for him “in any
    respect,” Dr. Stoner replied, “No, because actually it’s not an option. I was assigning
    every clinician to be out on the yard.” He said not only was Doe’s reassignment part of
    the transition to the complete care model, but because Ironwood is considered a “heat
    institution” (it is located in Blythe), it “made sense for psychologists and all healthcare
    employers to be assigned to a particular space so they’re not having to walk all over the
    place in the heat.”
    Dr. Stoner said that after Doe learned he was being transferred to the Bravo yard,
    he asked if he could remain in his current office, the one he had been using since his
    return from medical leave. He told Dr. Stoner he didn’t like the Bravo yard office
    because it was too “noisy.” Dr. Stoner referred Doe to the Return to Work department.
    On August 12, 2014, Doe submitted a second accommodation form, this time
    requesting: (1) permission to stay in his current office; (2) a thumb drive; (3) a small
    recorder; and (4) the Dragon Naturally Speaking voice-activated computer software.
    Once again, he described his limitations as “LD-NOS.” In his declaration submitted with
    his opposition to summary judgment, Doe said the move to the Bravo yard office had
    triggered his asthma and he “reached a level of stress . . . that severely impacted my
    health.” He said he sent emails in September 2014 to Dr. Stoner and Return to Work
    regarding his “frequent allergy and asthma attacks” and told them they should follow up
    with his physician, Dr. Kim, if they needed “further medical information.”
    At his deposition, Dr. Stoner said he later learned from the Return to Work
    coordinator that Doe had not provided sufficient information regarding his August 2014
    request. “He did not provide medical substantiation documentation to the return-to-work
    coordinator, and that is a big piece of deciding if an employee needs a reasonable
    accommodation, knowing what the medical issue is. So if they don’t have that important
    piece of information, they can’t decide what the accommodation would be.”
    Dr. Stoner said Doe’s requests for a thumb drive and a small recorder would never
    have been granted because both items were considered contraband at Ironwood. He said
    Ironwood’s shared network, which Doe had access to, was “actually better than a thumb
    drive” anyway. As for the voice dictation software, Dr. Stoner later learned from the IT
    department that Doe ended up deciding he didn’t want it because he was able to type fast
    enough for his purposes. At his deposition, Doe said the IT department had installed
    Dragon on his computer, but because it was a different version from the one he had on his
    home computer he “couldn’t figure out how to use it.” He added, “And so it wasn’t that I
    wasn’t grateful for that, it’s just that I couldn’t use it.”
    In October 2014, Doe took a second medical leave. He provided CDCR a note
    from Dr. Kim, dated October 7, 2014, which states: “Due to acute medical condition
    patient has been advised by specialist that [he] should take medical leave for 12 weeks
    beginning 10/8/2014.”
    In September 2015, the Return to Work coordinator asked Doe to sign a release of
    his medical records so she could obtain information about the nature and extent of his
    limitations. Doe refused to sign the release and directed her to speak to Dr. Kim if she
    needed more information.
    On February 19, 2016, Doe submitted another accommodation form, requesting a
    “flashdrive” and the “use of a quieter room to read and complete job assignments.” He
    described his limitations as “learning disability, reading written expression.”
    The record contains the following additional notes from Dr. Kim (which
    presumably Doe submitted to Return to Work, although nothing in the record
    demonstrates he did). An August 31, 2015 note states: “Please provide patient reasonable
    accommodation to use quiet room to complete work because of underlying medical
    condition. [Doe] states that central health has an office that has been helpful to complete
    his paperwork.” A note from September 22, 2015 says: “[Doe] has a physical disability
    which does not impair the performance of his essential job functions. A reasonable
    adjustment, to a more conducive work environment, will permit him to better perform his
    duties and responsibilities. I recommend, as [Doe] has requested, a change of location
    that will provide him with some measure of privacy and freedom from the constant
    distraction coming activities near his current work area.”
    An October 30, 2015 note says: “My patient has been experiencing more frequent
    migraine headaches that begin at work. They have been limiting and restricting patient’s
    ability to function during work and subsequently when he returns home. Since they seem
    to be triggered by his work space environment he will need accommodations to hopefully
    avoid his triggers or at the least minimize their affects.” A note from December 4, 2015
    says: “[Doe] will require the same type of space accommodation that was provided to
    him before, for an ongoing condition that I have been treating.”
    Finally, a note from Dr. Kim dated March 11, 2016 states: “Patient was seen and
    evaluated today for chronic work related medical condition. He would normally be able
    to complete the essential job functions however because of the current work environment
    that he [sic] is provided to him he is not able to complete these essential job functions.
    This is because he develops symptoms that interfere with his ability to complete essential
    job functions that he is normally able to complete.”
    During his deposition, Doe acknowledged that not everyone who suffers from
    asthma would qualify as being disabled. He said his asthma rose to the level of disability
    when he “was made to work in a moldy office.” When asked if a qualified professional
    had ever told him that his learning disability rendered him disabled, Doe responded, “I
    was told that I had a learning disability and from the literature I understand it to be a
    disability.” When asked about the nature and extent of his disabilities, he said, “Well, I
    was looking through the psychologist’s job description and I actually could do all of
    those [tasks] without any restrictions. It wasn’t until I had asthma attacks and was falling
    behind with my work because of my dyslexia that was causing me, you know, to have
    headaches, . . . [that I was] just unable to do my work.”
    In April 2016, Doe received a report of separation from CDCR. He was on an
    extended leave at the time. According to Doe, he had asked for a two-year leave of
    absence to work for an organization called Med Alliance in New York and had been
    granted leave, but not for the entire period he had requested. The separation report
    advised Doe he should return to his position or be considered absent without leave. Doe
    submitted his resignation on May 10, 2016.
    In July 2016, Doe filed this lawsuit against CDCR. His complaint asserts five
    causes of action under FEHA—(1) disability discrimination; (2) failure to engage in the
    interactive process; (3) failure to provide reasonable accommodations; (4) retaliation; and
    (5) harassment—plus a sixth cause of action for defamation.2 After the parties submitted
    their evidence and argument, the trial court granted CDCR’s motion for summary
    judgment and entered judgment in their favor.
    Doe argues the court erred by summarily adjudicating his FEHA claims because
    they involved triable issues of material fact. We disagree.
    A.     Standard of Review
    A trial court properly grants summary judgment when there are no triable issues of
    material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. (Code Civ.
    Proc., § 437c, subd. (c).) A defendant who moves for summary judgment bears the initial
    burden to show the action has no merit—that is, “one or more elements of the cause of
    action, even if not separately pleaded, cannot be established, or that there is a complete
    defense to that cause of action.” (Id., subds. (a), (p)(2).) Once the defendant clears this
    initial hurdle, the burden shifts to the plaintiff to demonstrate a triable issue of material
    fact. (Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 826
    , 850-851.)
    2Doe does not challenge the trial court’s dismissal of his defamation claim, so we
    do not discuss it.
    We review the trial court’s ruling on a summary judgment motion de novo,
    liberally construing the evidence in favor of the party opposing the motion and resolving
    all doubts about the evidence in favor of the opponent. (Miller v. Department of
    Corrections (2005) 
    36 Cal.4th 446
    , 460.) We independently examine the record to
    determine whether there are triable issues of material fact and whether the moving party
    is entitled to summary adjudication as a matter of law. (Wiener v. Southcoast Childcare
    Centers, Inc. (2004) 32 Ca1.4th 1138, 1142.) “While we must liberally construe
    plaintiff’s showing and resolve any doubts about the propriety of a summary judgment in
    plaintiff’s favor, plaintiff’s evidence remains subject to careful scrutiny. [Citation.] . . .
    [P]laintiff’s subjective beliefs in an employment discrimination case do not create a
    genuine issue of fact; nor do uncorroborated and self-serving declarations.” (King v.
    United Parcel Service, Inc. (2007) 
    152 Cal.App.4th 426
    , 433 (King).)
    B.     Overview of FEHA
    Discrimination: FEHA makes it an unlawful employment practice to discharge an
    employee or discriminate against them in the “terms, conditions, or privileges” of
    employment because of a physical or mental disability or medical condition. (§ 12940,
    subd. (a).) FEHA defines “disability” as a physical or mental condition that “limits a
    major life activity,” such as working. (§ 12926, subd. (j).) “Limits” is synonymous with
    making the achievement of a major life activity “difficult.” (Id., subd. (m)(1)(B)(ii).)
    FEHA proscribes two types of disability discrimination: (1) the kind arising from
    an employer’s intentionally discriminatory act against an employee because of their
    disability (disparate treatment discrimination), and (2) the kind resulting from an
    employer’s facially neutral practice or policy that has a disproportionate effect on
    employees suffering from a disability (disparate impact discrimination). (Knight v.
    Hayward Unified School Dist. (2005) 
    132 Cal.App.4th 121
    , 128-129.) In this case, Doe
    asserted disparate treatment discrimination.
    Reasonable accommodation: FEHA requires employers to make reasonable
    accommodations for employees with disabilities. “It is an unlawful employment practice,
    unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, or, except where based upon
    applicable security regulations established by the United States or the State of California:
    [¶] . . . [¶] . . . For an employer or other entity covered by this part to fail to make
    reasonable accommodation for the known physical or mental disability of an applicant or
    employee.” (§ 12940, subd. (m)(1).)
    The interactive process: FEHA makes it unlawful for an employer “to fail to
    engage in a timely, good faith, interactive process with the employee or applicant to
    determine effective reasonable accommodations, if any, in response to a request for
    reasonable accommodation by an employee or applicant with a known physical or mental
    disability or known medical condition.” (§ 12940, subd. (n).)
    Retaliation: It is also unlawful for an employer to discharge or otherwise
    discriminate against any person “because the person has opposed any practices forbidden
    under this part or because the person has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted in any
    proceeding under this part.” (§ 12940, subd. (h).)
    C.     The Court Properly Granted Summary Judgment
    1. The discrimination and retaliation claims fail
    One reason Doe’s discrimination and retaliation claims fail is he presented no
    evidence that he was subjected to an adverse employment action, which is an essential
    element of both claims. “A prima facie case for discrimination ‘on grounds of physical
    disability under the FEHA requires [a] plaintiff to show: (1) he suffers from a disability;
    (2) he is otherwise qualified to do his job; and, (3) he was subjected to adverse
    employment action because of his disability.’” (Arteaga v. Brink’s, Inc. (2008) 
    163 Cal.App.4th 327
    , 344-345 (Arteaga).) “[T]o establish a prima facie case of retaliation
    under the FEHA, a plaintiff must show (1) he or she engaged in a ‘protected activity,’ (2)
    the employer subjected the employee to an adverse employment action, and (3) a causal
    link existed between the protected activity and the employer’s action.” (Yanowitz v.
    L’Oreal USA, Inc. (2005) 
    36 Cal.4th 1028
    , 1042 (Yanowitz).)
    An “adverse employment action” is one that “materially affects the terms,
    conditions, or privileges of employment.” (Yanowitz, 
     36 Cal.4th at pp. 1036,
    1051.) “In the case of an institutional or corporate employer, the institution or
    corporation itself must have taken some official action with respect to the employee, such
    as hiring, firing, failing to promote, adverse job assignment, significant change in
    compensation or benefits, or official disciplinary action.” (Roby v. McKesson Corp.
    47 Cal.4th 686
    , 706, 708 (Roby) [demoting employee to answering the office
    telephones during office parties and firing employee constituted adverse employment
    actions].) An adverse employment action refers not only to “ultimate employment actions
    such as termination or demotion, but also . . . actions that are reasonably likely to
    adversely and materially affect an employee’s job performance or opportunity for
    advancement.” (Yanowitz, at p. 1054.) That said, “[m]inor or relatively trivial adverse
    actions or conduct by employers or fellow employees that, from an objective perspective,
    are reasonably likely to do no more than anger or upset an employee cannot properly be
    viewed as materially affecting the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment and are
    not actionable.” (Ibid.)
    The record contains no evidence CDCR subjected Doe to an adverse employment
    action. In his opposition to summary judgment, Doe argued Dr. Castro subjected him to
    adverse employment actions by criticizing his work during the interrogation-like meeting,
    ordering a wellness check on him when he was out sick, suspecting him of bringing a cell
    phone into work, and assigning him the primary crisis person on the same day as a union
    meeting. The problem is, even if we assume Dr. Castro did everything Doe accuses him
    of and did so maliciously, Dr. Castro’s actions fall squarely into the category of relatively
    minor conduct that while potentially angering or upsetting to Doe, did not threaten to
    materially affect the terms, conditions, or privileges of his job. None of Dr. Castro’s
    actions resulted in any sort of formal or informal discipline or demotion in job
    responsibilities.3 (Yanowitz, 
     36 Cal.4th at p. 1054 [“offensive utterance[s] or even
    a pattern of social slights by either the employer or coemployees cannot properly be
    viewed as materially affecting the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment”].)
    FEHA prohibits discrimination based on an employee’s disability or perceived
    disability, but it “does ‘not guarantee employees “a stress-free working environment.”’”
    (Arteaga, supra, 163 Cal.App.4th at p. 344.) FEHA “‘does not take away an employer’s
    right to interpret its rules as it chooses, and to make determinations as it sees fit under
    those rules. ‘[The FEHA] addresses discrimination.’ . . . ‘[It] is not a shield against harsh
    treatment at the workplace.’”’ (Ibid.) “‘Work places are rarely idyllic retreats, and the
    mere fact that an employee is displeased by an employer’s act or omission does not
    elevate that act or omission to the level of a materially adverse employment action.’”
    (Thomas v. Department of Corrections (2000) 
    77 Cal.App.4th 507
    , 511.)
    On appeal, Doe argues the fact he twice took medical leave when he didn’t receive
    his requested accommodations constitutes an adverse employment action. This argument
    fails for the simple reason that the leave was Doe’s action, not CDCR’s. Doe requested
    and obtained permission to take two medical leaves. Nothing in the record suggests
    CDCR forced him to do so, or refused to pay him during his leaves. The cases Doe cites
    to support his position are unavailing. They involve situations where the employer placed
    the employee on unpaid, involuntary leave (Wallace v. County of Stanislaus (2016) 245
    3Doe has not argued that his resignation in May 2016 was actually a constructive
    17 Cal.App.4th 109
    , 118; Bostean v. Los Angeles Unified School Dist. (1998) 
    63 Cal.App.4th 95
    , 102, 110) or accused the employee for what it regarded as abuse of sick
    leave (Gonzales v. City of Martinez (N.D.Cal. 2009) 
    638 F.Supp.2d 1147
    , 1153, 1159-
    We also reject Doe’s argument that CDCR’s rejection of his accommodation
    requests constitutes as an adverse employment act. No court has ever held that a failure to
    reasonably accommodate an employee’s disability—which is a separate cause of action
    under FEHA (§12940, subd. (m))—can qualify as the adverse action underlying a
    discrimination or retaliation claim. “Were the law otherwise, every time an employee was
    denied a requested accommodation, he would be able to ‘double dip’ by asserting both
    . . . failure-to-accommodate and . . . retaliation claims.” (McClain v. Tenax Corp.
    (S.D.Ala. 2018) 
    304 F.Supp.3d 1195
    , 1206 [holding in the context of the ADA that “the
    mere denial of a request for a reasonable accommodation cannot be an adverse
    employment action giving rise to a separate . . . retaliation claim”].)
    There is simply no evidence CDCR materially changed the terms or conditions of
    Doe’s employment by, for example, firing him or reducing his position, salary, benefits,
    or work hours. Without any evidence of an adverse employment action, the trial court
    was correct to grant summary judgment in favor of CDCR on the discrimination and
    retaliation claims.
    2. The harassment claim fails
    Doe’s harassment claim fails for a similar reason—the record contains no
    evidence of conduct that rises to the level of harassment. To prevail on a harassment
    claim under FEHA, a plaintiff must produce evidence they were subjected to “offensive
    comments or other abusive conduct” that is (1) based on a “protected characteristic”
    (here, a claimed disability) and (2) “sufficiently severe or pervasive as to alter the
    conditions of [his] employment.” (Serri v. Santa Clara University (2014) 
    226 Cal.App.4th 830
    , 871 (Serri).) To constitute harassment, the conduct must be so
    objectively severe or pervasive as “‘to create a hostile or abusive working environment.’”
    (Id. at p. 870.) Factors to consider in this context include the frequency of the conduct, its
    severity, whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, and whether it unreasonably
    interferes with the employee’s work performance. (Ibid.)
    In addition, disability harassment is distinguishable from discrimination. (Serri,
    supra, 226 Cal.App.4th at p. 869.) “[D]iscrimination refers to bias in the exercise of
    official actions on behalf of the employer, and harassment refers to bias that is expressed
    or communicated through interpersonal relations in the workplace.” (Ibid., italics added.)
    “[H]arassment focuses on situations in which the social environment of the workplace
    becomes intolerable because the harassment (whether verbal, physical, or visual)
    communicates an offensive message to the harassed employee.” (Roby, supra, 47 Cal.4th
    at p. 706.) Put differently, “[h]arassment claims are based on a type of conduct that is
    avoidable and unnecessary to job performance. No supervisory employee needs to use
    slurs or derogatory drawings, to physically interfere with freedom of movement, to
    engage in unwanted sexual advances, etc., in order to carry out the legitimate objectives
    of personnel management. Every supervisory employee can insulate himself or herself
    from claims of harassment by refraining from such conduct. An individual supervisory
    employee cannot, however, refrain from engaging in the type of conduct which could
    later give rise to a discrimination claim. Making personnel decisions is an inherent and
    unavoidable part of the supervisory function.” (Reno v. Baird (1998) 
    18 Cal.4th 640
    646.) “When the harasser is a supervisor, the employer is strictly liable for the
    supervisor’s actions. (Roby, at p. 707.)
    As with the discrimination and retaliation claims, Doe cites Dr. Castro’s behavior
    towards him as the basis for his harassment claim. He argues the evidence of Dr. Castro
    criticizing his work during an uncomfortable meeting, suspecting him of bringing a cell
    phone into work, ordering a wellness check on him, piling work on him when he was
    supposed to attend a union conference, and withholding permission to leave early to
    make a doctor’s appointment constitutes a pervasive pattern of abusive conduct that
    meets the definition of harassment. We disagree.
    First of all, though Doe may have understandably found the incidents frustrating
    or upsetting, they were not so severe as to “alter the conditions of [his] employment” or
    create an “‘abusive working environment.’” (Serri, supra, 226 Cal.App.4th at pp. 869-
    871.) This is objectively so. Workplaces can be stressful and relationships between
    supervisors and their subordinates can often be contentious. But FEHA was not designed
    to make workplaces more collegial; its purpose is to eliminate more insidious behavior
    like discrimination and harassment based on protected characteristics. (Arteaga, supra,
    163 Cal.App.4th at p. 344.)
    Secondly, even if the incidents Doe cites did qualify as objectively severe and
    abusive, they still wouldn’t constitute harassment because each one involved a personnel
    decision by Dr. Castro within the scope of his duties as Doe’s supervisor. Assigning and
    reviewing work, approving time-off requests, and enforcing workplace rules all fall
    within the duties of a manager. In other words, the behavior Doe identifies is not
    harassment because it was not avoidable conduct superfluous to Dr. Castro’s job
    description. That Doe felt his supervisor performed his duties in a negative or malicious
    way does not transform his conduct into disability harassment.
    Doe’s attempt to liken his negative experiences with Dr. Castro to the supervisor’s
    treatment of the employee in Roby is unavailing. In that case, Roby’s supervisor made
    demeaning comments about her body odor and arm sores, refused to respond to her
    greetings, and frequently made demeaning facial expressions and gestures toward her.
    The Court concluded this conduct constituted harassment because none of it could “fairly
    be characterized as an official employment action . . ., [r]ather, these were events that
    were unrelated to [the supervisor’s] managerial role, engaged in for her own purposes.”
     47 Cal.4th at p. 709.) Here, in contrast, each of Dr. Castro’s challenged acts
    fell within his job duties and—unlike Roby’s supervisor’s behavior, which centered on
    Roby’s physical appearance—there is no evidence of a nexus between Dr. Castro’s
    conduct and Doe’s asthma or dyslexia.
    For the reasons just discussed, we also reject Doe’s argument that CDCR’s denial
    of his accommodation requests created a triable issue of harassment. The processing of
    such requests is an official action and CDCR had an objectively nonhostile, nonabusive
    reason for denying Doe’s requests—lack of medical substantiation.
    3. The interactive process and accommodation claims fail
    The trial court properly granted summary adjudication of the interactive process
    and accommodation claims because CDCR presented evidence that Doe was responsible
    for the breakdown in accommodation discussions and Doe failed to present any evidence
    to the contrary that would place the issue in dispute.
    Under section 12940, subdivision (m), it is an unlawful employment practice
    ‘“[f]or an employer or other entity covered by this part to fail to make reasonable
    accommodation for the known physical or mental disability of an applicant or
    employee.”’ “‘Two principles underlie a cause of action for failure to provide a
    reasonable accommodation. First, the employee must request an accommodation.
    [Citation.] Second, the parties must engage in an interactive process regarding the
    requested accommodation and, if the process fails, responsibility for the failure rests with
    the party who failed to participate in good faith.’” (Avila v. Continental Airlines, Inc.
    165 Cal.App.4th 1237
    , 1252 (Avila).)
    Section 12940, subdivision (m) requires an employer to accommodate only a
    “known” disability. (Italics added.) Thus, ““‘the duty of an employer reasonably to
    accommodate an employee’s handicap does not arise until the employer is ‘aware of
    respondent’s disability and physical limitations.’”’” (Avila, supra, 165 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1252.) “The employee bears the burden of giving the employer notice of his or her
    disability.” (Ibid.)
    “An employee cannot demand clairvoyance of his employer.” (King, supra, 152
    Cal.App.4th at p. 443.) “‘Where the disability, resulting limitations, and necessary
    reasonable accommodations, are not open, obvious, and apparent to the employer,” . . .
    the employee bears the burden “to specifically identify the disability and resulting
    limitations, and to suggest the reasonable accommodations.”’ (Scotch v. Art Institute of
    California (2009) 
    173 Cal.App.4th 986
    , 1013, italics added.) Additionally, “[a]n
    employer does not have to accept an employee’s subjective belief that he is disabled and
    may rely on medical information in that respect.” (Arteaga, supra, 163 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 347 [finding the employee’s description of pain and numbness were subjective and the
    employer was entitled to rely on the fact that the physician returned the employee to work
    without any restrictions].) “Reliance on medical opinion and an individualized
    assessment is especially important when the symptoms are subjective and the disease is
    of a type that varies widely between people.” (Leatherbury v. C&H Sugar Co., Inc.
    (N.D.Cal. 2012) 
    911 F.Supp.2d 872
    , 880; Arteaga, at p. 349 [“An individualized
    assessment of the effect of an impairment is particularly necessary when the impairment
    is one whose symptoms vary widely from person to person”].)
    Here, the information Doe included in his accommodation request and the notes
    from Dr. Kim he submitted to Return to Work were not sufficient to place CDCR on
    notice he suffered from a disability covered by FEHA or to inform CDCR of the extent of
    the limitations his disability caused. First, the information Doe provided to CDCR’s
    Return to Work department did not indicate that he suffered from asthma or dyslexia. The
    closest Doe came to identifying his disabilities or specifying a diagnosis was to describe
    his limitations as “LD-NOS.” Dr. Kim’s notes make only vague and generalized
    references to an “underlying medical condition,” a “chronic work related medical
    condition,” a “physical disability,” and “migraine headaches.” Second, and more
    importantly, Doe provided no information describing the extent of his disabilities—that
    is, what kind of work limitations his asthma and dyslexia caused. The most information
    Dr. Kim ever provided about Doe’s limitations is his statement that Doe is “easily
    distracted and, under stress, can become disorganized.” But that is true of many people,
    whether or not they suffer from a learning disability. Doe gave CDCR no evidence that
    this distraction or disorganization makes him more limited than an average baseline. (Cf.
    Brown v. Bd. of Trustees Sealy Indep. Sch. Dist. (S.D.Tex. 2012) 
    871 F.Supp.2d 581
    , 605
    [evidence that plaintiff’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adversely affected her
    ability to remember and concentrate on one task at a time was insufficient evidence of a
    disability under the ADA because it did not speak to the severity of her condition or the
    specific impact on her work].) Similarly, there is no evidence that Doe gave CDCR any
    information about how his asthma limited his ability to work. Significantly, when the
    Return to Work department made an effort to obtain the information themselves, Doe
    refused to sign the medical release.
    Information about the nature and extent of Doe’s claimed disabilities was crucial
    to CDCR’s ability to determine whether it was able to reasonably accommodate those
    disabilities. The lack of any evidence indicating Doe provided such information to CDCR
    is fatal to his interactive process and accommodation claims.
    We affirm the judgment. CDCR shall recover its costs of appeal.
    We concur:
    Acting P. J.
    Filed 12/19/19
    JOHN DOE,                                                          E071224
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    v.                                                        (Super.Ct.No. BLC1600160)
    AND REHABILITATION,                                                The County of Riverside
    Defendant and Respondent.
    The request for publication of the opinion filed on November 27, 2019 is GRANTED.
    The opinion meets the standard for publication as specified in California Rules of Court, rule
    8.1105(c). It is ORDERED that the opinion filed in this matter on November 27, 2019, be
    certified for publication.
    We concur:
    Acting P. J.