People v. Bates , 222 Cal. App. 4th 60 ( 2013 )

  • Filed: 12/12/13
    THE PEOPLE,                                        H037910
    (Santa Cruz County
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                  Super. Ct. No. F20171)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    In this appeal we conclude that the unlawfulness of a suspicionless vehicle
    detention is not retroactively cured when one of the passengers turns out to be a
    probationer with a search condition.
    Defendant Marcus Taylor Bates pleaded no contest to felony grand theft from a
    person (Penal Code, § 487, subd. (c)) after he unsuccessfully moved to suppress evidence
    resulting from a traffic stop.1 For the reasons stated herein, we will reverse the Superior
    Court’s denial of defendant’s motion.
    The following factual background is derived from the testimony of Deputies
    Russell Skelton and Robert Gidding at the hearing on defendant’s suppression motion.
    On December 13, 2010, at approximately 1:15 p.m., deputy sheriffs responded to a
    disturbance involving two males and one female near the corner of Soquel Drive and 41st
    Avenue in Soquel. Deputies Skelton and Gidding, as well as other deputies, arrived at
    Defendant also admitted a prior strike conviction. (Pen. Code, § 667, subd.
    (a)(1).) Pursuant to a plea agreement, he was sentenced to a 32-month prison term (the
    lower term doubled for the prior strike).
    the same time and interviewed the three people present. One of the individuals, Kyle
    Shelton, reported that his cellular phone had been taken from him. The theft occurred
    near the corner of Soquel Drive and Robertson Road, approximately 300 yards from the
    41st Avenue location.
    Shelton described the assailant to Deputy Skelton as a black male, just older than
    high school age, wearing a navy blue shirt, navy blue pants, and a navy blue jacket.
    Shelton also told the deputy he had seen the assailant around the area before, and that the
    assailant’s name might be “Marcus.” The other male present when the deputies arrived
    was Shelton’s uncle, Michael Lesui, who recited Shelton’s statements that the perpetrator
    threatened to shoot Shelton if he did not give up his phone and that the perpetrator drove
    a gold van.
    Deputy Fenster, who also responded to the disturbance call, learned that defendant
    was a felony probationer who matched the general description of the assailant and lived
    in a nearby apartment complex. After learning defendant’s probation terms included a
    warrantless search condition, Deputy Fenster directed Deputy Gidding to drive to the
    apartment complex where defendant lived and to stop the gold van used by defendant’s
    family if he saw it leave the complex.
    At approximately 3:00 p.m., deputy sheriffs, including Deputies Fenster and
    Skelton, arrived at the apartment complex to search defendant’s residence. Deputy
    Skelton testified that as he was walking toward the complex, he saw a black male adult
    between 5 feet 9 inches and 6 feet tall wearing a blue sweatshirt walking beside the fence
    separating the apartment complex from an adjacent mobile home park. After Deputy
    Skelton lost sight of the individual, he informed the other deputies over the radio that a
    person matching the assailant’s general description was walking west toward the mobile
    home park. Based on that information and a statement from another deputy that the
    person walking could be Marcus Bates, Deputy Gidding drove part way through the
    mobile home park and stopped his patrol car on the side of the park’s single access road.
    Within two minutes of Deputy Skelton’s radio broadcast, Deputy Gidding noticed
    a tan car driving toward the park’s exit. Deputy Gidding got out of his patrol car and
    signaled the car to stop.
    Deputy Gidding’s method of stopping the tan car is unclear from the record. The
    trial court indicated Deputy Gidding started to raise his hand when testifying in court
    about stopping the tan car, suggesting he made the same gesture when he pulled the car
    over. However, the trial court did not specifically make a finding on this point.
    According to Deputy Gidding’s testimony, the sole observation he made about the tan car
    was that there were people in it. Though the testimony is vague, it appears that when he
    stopped the car he could see a white female driver, a black male in the front passenger
    seat, and a third passenger in the back seat. Deputy Gidding testified that he had not seen
    a photograph of defendant and did not know what defendant looked like, beyond the
    general information given by the victim.
    When Deputy Gidding approached the tan car, he noticed the passenger in the
    back seat was also a black male. After he told the occupants he was investigating a crime
    and asked them for identification, the passenger in the back seat identified himself as
    “Marcus Bates.” He was wearing a blue zip-up hooded jacket, a blue shirt, and blue
    jeans. Deputy Gidding asked him to get out of the car and placed him in handcuffs.
    Defendant moved to suppress all evidence obtained as a result of Deputy
    Gidding’s stop of the tan car, arguing the stop violated the Fourth Amendment. The trial
    court denied the motion, finding no show of authority by the deputy and “[i]t may well be
    that [the driver of the tan car] stopped completely voluntarily.” Based on defendant’s
    probation search condition, the trial court determined the deputies were entitled to detain
    and search defendant when he identified himself. Alternatively, the court found that even
    if the stop was not voluntary, it was nonetheless a lawful investigatory detention.
    II.       DISCUSSION
    We divide our discussion into two parts: (1) whether Deputy Gidding’s stop of the
    tan car violated the Fourth Amendment; and, if so, (2) whether defendant’s probation
    search condition served to attenuate the taint of a Fourth Amendment violation.
    Rulings on suppression motions present mixed questions of law and fact. (People
    v. Hernandez (2008) 
    45 Cal. 4th 295
    , 298-299.) We review the trial court’s factual
    determinations for substantial evidence. However, we review de novo the trial court’s
    application of the law to the facts. (Id. at p. 299.) The constitutionality of the
    investigatory stop here depends on whether the tan car stopped in response to a show of
    authority by Deputy Gidding and, if so, whether the investigatory stop was a lawful
    1.     Deputy Gidding Stopped the Tan Car Under a Show of Authority
    Not all interactions between law enforcement and members of the public rise to
    the level of “seizures” implicating the Fourth Amendment. (People v. Zamudio (2008)
    43 Cal. 4th 327
    , 341.) For a seizure to occur, an officer must intentionally restrain an
    individual’s freedom of movement either physically or through a show of authority.
    (Ibid., citing Brendlin v. California (2007) 
    551 U.S. 249
    , 254.) A seizure through a show
    of authority occurs when a reasonable person would not believe he or she is free to leave
    or to decline an officer’s request. 
    (Zamudio, supra
    , at p. 341.) The reasonableness of an
    officer’s conduct must be viewed in light of all the circumstances surrounding the
    incident. (Ibid., citing Brendlin v. 
    California, supra
    , 551 U.S. at p. 255.)
    In making its factual findings, the trial court described that Deputy Gidding
    “started to put his hand up in court” when testifying about stopping the tan car,
    suggesting an inference that the deputy may have raised his hand when he actually
    stopped the car. However, the trial court determined that such a gesture was not a show
    of authority and that no other action by Deputy Gidding constituted a show of authority.
    On appeal, defendant argues the tan car stopped in response to the deputy’s show of
    authority. We agree.
    When Deputy Gidding stopped the car, he was in uniform and standing near a
    patrol car. Although not blocking the road, the patrol car was stopped along the route of
    the tan car’s only exit from the park. Further, Deputy Gidding himself described more
    than once at the suppression hearing, “I stopped the car.”
    Deferring to the trial court’s factual findings, we apply them in our analysis of the
    stop at issue here and conclude that a reasonable person would not have believed he or
    she was free to leave or not comply with the deputy’s directives. A reasonable driver
    would not feel free to ignore a uniformed officer standing next to a patrol car, possibly
    gesturing with a raised hand, and would feel compelled to stop. While not dispositive,
    Deputy Gidding’s repeated statement that he stopped the car shows he intended to stop
    the car and suggests that whatever gesture he may have made with his hand would lead a
    reasonable person under all circumstances to infer a show of authority. We conclude
    Deputy Gidding seized the tan car and its occupants for purposes of the Fourth
    Amendment, and we must therefore determine whether the seizure was lawful.
    2.     The Detention of the Tan Car was Unlawful
    The Fourth Amendment and the California Constitution protect individuals against
    unreasonable searches and seizures. 
    (Hernandez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th at p. 299; People v.
    Camacho (2000) 
    23 Cal. 4th 824
    , 830 [“since voter approval of Proposition 8 in June
    1982, state and federal claims relating to exclusion of evidence on grounds of
    unreasonable search and seizure are measured by the same standard”].) Detention of the
    tan car would be reasonable under the Fourth Amendment if there were “specific
    articulable facts that, considered in light of the totality of the circumstances, provide[d]
    some objective manifestation that the person [or vehicle] detained may be involved in
    criminal activity.” (People v. Souza (1994) 
    9 Cal. 4th 224
    , 231.) The requirement of
    particularized suspicion does not allow officers to detain individuals or vehicles based on
    “mere hunches” or to stop vehicles solely to check the validity of a driver’s license or car
    (Hernandez, supra
    , 45 Cal.4th at p. 299.)
    When he stopped the tan car shortly after 3:00 p.m., Deputy Gidding knew of the
    reported theft that had occurred some two hours earlier. He was aware that the suspect
    was a black male, slightly older than high school age, wearing a blue shirt, blue pants,
    and a blue jacket. Deputy Gidding also knew the suspect could be a man named Marcus
    Bates, a probationer living at a nearby apartment complex whose family drove a gold van
    which the deputy had been instructed to watch for. Deputy Gidding had heard Deputy
    Skelton’s report of someone matching the suspect’s general description walking away
    from defendant’s apartment complex and toward an adjacent mobile home park.
    Based on this information, Deputy Gidding immediately went to the mobile home
    park and stopped a tan car. When asked directly by the prosecutor at the suppression
    hearing why he stopped that car, the sole reason he gave was that “there were people in
    the car.” Deputy Gidding never testified that he stopped the car because any of its
    occupants matched the suspect’s description. He did not state that anything about the tan
    car or the way it was being driven gave rise to any suspicion of criminal activity. Nor did
    he testify that he knew a probationer named Marcus Bates was in the car, nor even that he
    knew what that probationer looked like.
    From these facts, and considering them in light of the totality of the circumstances,
    we conclude the deputy had no reasonably articulable suspicion that either the occupants
    of the tan car or the car itself may have been involved in criminal activity. Instead, it
    appears Deputy Gidding made the stop based solely on the possibility that the suspect
    might be riding in the vehicle. It is logical to assume that a suspect might get into a
    vehicle to leave the location of a crime and its investigation. Without more, however,
    that assumption does not rise to the particularized suspicion necessary to detain the
    vehicle and its occupants. Our conclusion is consistent with cases arising from detentions
    based solely on generalized suspicion. In People v. 
    Hernandez, supra
    45 Cal. 4th 295
    the Supreme Court rejected the stop of a vehicle with a temporary operating permit
    because the officer had only a generalized suspicion that temporary permits are often
    invalid. (Id. at p. 300-301.)
    Most of the authorities relied on by the People are distinguishable because they
    involved detentions where officers specifically recognized an individual or a vehicle as
    related to a crime. (United States v. Hensley (1985) 
    469 U.S. 221
    , 232 [traffic stop and
    detention lawful where officers recognized the individual from a wanted poster for a
    previous felony]; People v. Williams (1995) 
    33 Cal. App. 4th 467
    , 476-477 [traffic stop
    and detention lawful where vehicle’s license plate number was associated with
    outstanding traffic warrant]; People v. Lazanis (1989) 
    209 Cal. App. 3d 49
    , 54 [traffic stop
    of white car with three passengers lawful where it occurred immediately after another
    officer reported a white car with three passengers had just left location of suspected
    burglary]; In re William J. (1985) 
    171 Cal. App. 3d 72
    , 76-77 [traffic stop and detention
    lawful where police recognized a passenger and believed there was an outstanding arrest
    warrant for that passenger]; People v. Fields (1984) 
    159 Cal. App. 3d 555
    , 564 [detention
    lawful where defendant matched suspect description containing unique distinguishing
    features including sex, height, race, age, and attire]; People v. McCluskey (1981) 
    125 Cal. App. 3d 220
    , 226 [traffic stop and detention lawful where police observed passenger
    matching suspect’s description before stopping the vehicle]; United States v. Pagel (7th
    Cir. 1988) 
    854 F.2d 267
    , 271 [detention of vehicle lawful where it was known to be
    property of parolee subject to search condition].)
    In contrast, Deputy Gidding did not testify that any characteristic of the tan car or
    its passengers created a particularized suspicion they were associated with a crime. To
    the extent the People argue Deputy Gidding’s description of the vehicle’s front passenger
    as a black male created sufficient suspicion, the race of an occupant, without more, does
    not satisfy the detention standard. (People v. Bower (1979) 
    24 Cal. 3d 638
    , 644 [race
    alone cannot raise reasonable suspicion of criminal activity without additional identifying
    characteristics].) Similarly, the People’s argument that defendant’s probation search
    condition retroactively made the stop reasonable is without merit because Deputy
    Gidding did not know defendant was in the vehicle when he made the stop. (See People
    v. Robles (2000) 
    23 Cal. 4th 789
    , 800 [advance knowledge of probation search condition
    required to make search reasonable]; see also In re Marcellus L. (1991) 
    229 Cal. App. 3d 134
    , 149-150.)
    Two other cases cited by the People merit greater attention, but are nonetheless
    distinguishable because they involve circumstances not present here. In People v.
    Conway (1994) 
    25 Cal. App. 4th 385
    , an individual looked out his window just before 3:00
    a.m. and saw two men, one “dark” and one white, leaving his garage with some of his
    belongings. (Id. at p. 387.) While his wife called the police, the individual pursued the
    two burglars and saw them driving away in a small Chevrolet. Meanwhile, a patrol car
    responding to the dispatch of the burglary in progress saw a brown compact car leaving
    the area of the burglary with two male occupants, one white and one black. Seeing no
    other vehicles on the road at that hour, deputies stopped the brown compact car and
    detained the occupants. An occupant of the brown compact car, who was convicted of
    the residential burglary, challenged the detention on appeal, claiming the officer did not
    have a reasonably articulable suspicion of criminal activity. The appellate court affirmed
    the lawfulness of the traffic stop and detention. (Id. at pp. 387-389.)
    In finding a reasonably articulable suspicion of criminal activity, the Conway court
    focused on three details not present in the case before us. First, the traffic stop in
    Conway occurred less than two minutes after the officers received a dispatch of a
    burglary in progress. 
    (Conway, supra
    , 25 Cal.App.4th. at p. 390.) Deputy Gidding’s stop
    of the tan car took place shortly after defendant was seen near the mobile home park, but
    more than two hours after the theft occurred. Second, in Conway the deputy stopped the
    brown compact car as it was leaving the immediate area of the burglary. (Ibid.) The tan
    car, on the other hand, was leaving a nearby residential complex rather than the location
    of the reported crime. Third, the traffic stop in Conway happened in the middle of the
    night when no other vehicles or individuals were present. (Ibid.) Deputy Gidding’s mid-
    afternoon stop of the tan car is distinguishable because it is far more common for the
    general public to be driving in the afternoon than in the middle of the night.
    The People also rely on People v. 
    Souza, supra
    9 Cal. 4th 224
    . In Souza, police in
    a high crime area noticed the defendant standing in the dark late at night talking to
    someone in a parked car. (Id. at p. 228.) When the police turned on a spotlight, the
    defendant ran and was then apprehended. (Ibid.) In upholding the denial of his motion to
    suppress evidence of narcotics discovered when the defendant was frisked, the court
    found no Fourth Amendment violation because the detention occurred in a high crime
    area, late at night, after the defendant exhibited suspicious behavior by standing next to a
    car in the darkness and then running from police. (Id. at p. 242.) No such circumstances
    are present in this case.
    Having determined the investigatory stop was unlawful, evidence obtained as a
    result of the stop must be suppressed unless an intervening circumstance attenuated the
    Fourth Amendment violation. To determine if evidence is admissible despite a defect in
    the initial stop, we must decide “ ‘whether the chain of causation proceeding from the
    unlawful conduct has become so attenuated or has been interrupted by some intervening
    circumstance so as to remove the “taint” imposed upon that evidence by the original
    illegality.’ ” (People v. Brendlin (2008) 
    45 Cal. 4th 262
    , 269, quoting United States v.
    Crews (1980) 
    445 U.S. 463
    , 471.) Three factors are used to determine whether the taint
    of the illegal detention has been attenuated: (1) the temporal proximity of the Fourth
    Amendment violation to the procurement of the challenged evidence; (2) the presence of
    intervening circumstances; and (3) the flagrancy and purposefulness of the official
    misconduct. (Ibid., quoting People v. Boyer (2006) 
    38 Cal. 4th 412
    , 448.) In People v.
    Brendlin, police officers made an unlawful traffic stop of a car and, upon discovering that
    a passenger had an outstanding arrest warrant, conducted a search incident to arrest and
    found controlled substances. (Id. at pp. 265-266.) On remand from the United States
    Supreme Court,2 the California Supreme Court held that the discovery of the arrest
    warrant constituted an intervening circumstance that attenuated the taint of the unlawful
    traffic stop. (People v. 
    Brendlin, supra
    , at p. 271.)
    The People argue defendant’s probation search condition attenuated any taint
    associated with the illegal investigatory stop, relying on People v. Durant (2012) 
    205 Cal. App. 4th 57
    (Durant), whose reasoning we do not adopt. In Durant, police stopped
    the defendant’s car for making a left turn at a stop light without signaling. During the
    stop, police learned the defendant was on felony probation with a search condition,
    searched the defendant, and found a loaded handgun. The defendant moved
    unsuccessfully to suppress evidence of the handgun, arguing the traffic stop was unlawful
    because the defendant did not break any laws by turning without signaling. (Id. at pp. 61-
    On appeal, the court noted the defendant’s turn without signaling was not illegal,
    but the court did not reach the question of whether the traffic stop was unconstitutional.
    Instead, it decided that, even assuming the traffic stop was illegal, the defendant’s
    probation search condition attenuated any taint. 
    (Durant, supra
    , 205 Cal.App.4th at p.
    64.) The Durant court’s analysis followed the three factor test from People v. Brendlin,
    focusing particularly on the second factor-intervening circumstances-to find that the
    The United States Supreme Court, in Brendlin v. 
    California, supra
    551 U.S. 249
    , determined that Brendlin, as a passenger in the car the police stopped, was “seized”
    for Fourth Amendment purposes and had standing to challenge the constitutionality of the
    traffic stop, reversing a prior opinion by the California Supreme Court. (Brendlin v.
    California, supra
    , 551 U.S. at pp. 256-258.)
    probation search condition was sufficient to attenuate any taint from an unlawful stop.
    Applying the third factor from People v. Brendlin, the court also noted that the officer
    made the stop based on a good faith belief that the defendant’s conduct was illegal and
    not for any “arbitrary, capricious, or harassing” reason. 
    (Durant, supra
    , 205 Cal.App.4th
    at pp. 64-66.)
    The Durant court’s intervening circumstances analysis proceeds on the implicit
    assumption that a probation search condition is the same as the arrest warrant present in
    People v. Brendlin. In the case of an arrest warrant, officers essentially have a duty to
    arrest an individual once the outstanding warrant is confirmed. (See State v. Jones (Kan.
    17 P.3d 359
    , 361 [noting arrest warrant gives police “right and duty to arrest”
    person named in warrant]; cf. Arizona v. Evans (1995) 
    514 U.S. 1
    , 15 [quoting with
    approval trial court statement that officer would have been “derelict in his duty if he
    failed to arrest” individual subject to arrest warrant].) A probation search condition, on
    the other hand, is a discretionary enforcement tool and therefore a less compelling
    intervening circumstance than an arrest warrant.
    We do not read Durant to stand for the proposition that discovery after the fact of
    a probation search condition will sanitize any unlawful detention without regard to the
    circumstances surrounding that seizure. We are not comfortable with applying Durant to
    the facts here, as doing so would open the door to random vehicle detentions for the
    purpose of locating probationers having search conditions. We take no issue with the
    lawfulness of probation search conditions, nor with the ability of law enforcement to
    conduct suspicionless searches of known probationers. Our discomfort is in extending
    these concepts to situations where an individual’s probation status is wholly unknown to
    law enforcement at the time of the initial detention and is used only after the fact to
    justify an otherwise unlawful search.
    The third factor from People v. Brendlin, flagrancy and purposefulness of police
    misconduct, “is considered the most important because it is tied directly to the rationale
    underlying the exclusionary rule, deterrence of police misconduct.” (United States v.
    Reed (7th Cir. 2003) 
    349 F.3d 457
    , 464-465.) Bad faith need not be shown for police
    misconduct to be purposeful. Instead, this factor is met “when officers unlawfully seize a
    defendant ‘in the hope that something might turn up.’ ” (United States v. Williams (6th
    Cir. 2010) 
    615 F.3d 657
    , 670, quoting Brown v. Illinois (1975) 
    422 U.S. 590
    , 605.)3
    Unlike the officer in Durant, who stopped a car based on a perceived traffic violation,
    Deputy Gidding stopped the tan car without any observation of possible wrongdoing. As
    we discussed previously, Deputy Gidding’s conduct was based on a hunch that defendant
    might be in the vehicle. Though we do not suggest Deputy Gidding acted in bad faith,
    we find his suspicionless stop of the tan car nonetheless purposeful for our attenuation
    analysis. Based on this finding, together with our determination that defendant’s
    probation search condition was an insufficient attenuating circumstance, we conclude that
    the evidence obtained as a result of the detention and search should have been
    The judgment is reversed. The trial court shall vacate its order denying
    defendant’s suppression motion, enter a new order granting that motion, and permit
    defendant to withdraw his plea. Because we reverse the judgment based on the
    suppression issue, we do not reach defendant’s section 4019 conduct credits claim.
    The California Supreme Court’s Brendlin factors are based on those set forth by
    the United States Supreme Court in Brown v. Illinois. (People v. 
    Brendlin, supra
    , 45
    Cal.4th at pp. 268-269.)
    Grover, J.
    Premo, Acting P.J.
    Mihara, J.
    People v. Bates
    Trial Court:                          Santa Cruz County Superior Court,
    Case No.: F20171
    Trial Judge:                          Hon. Paul P. Burdick
    Attorneys for Plaintiff/Respondent:   Laurence K. Sullivan
    Office of the Attorney General
    The People
    John Michael Chamberlain
    Office of the Attorney General
    Attorneys for Defendant/Appellant:    Matthew T. Bogosian
    Law Office of Matthew T. Bogosian
    Marcus Taylor Bates
    Sixth District Appellate Program
    People v. Bates