People v. Leelu ( 2019 )

  •        Filed: 12/3/19
    THE PEOPLE,                                      H045703
    (Santa Clara County
    Plaintiff and Respondent                  Super. Ct. Nos. B1795335, C1779663)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Appellant Charlete Leelu appeals an order committing her to the Department of
    State Hospitals based on a finding under Penal Code section 1368 et seq. that she was
    incompetent to stand trial on criminal charges. Although Leelu has subsequently been
    deemed restored to competency and has returned to the trial court for criminal
    proceedings, we conclude her appeal is not moot. We further determine that any error the
    trial court may have made in failing to appoint a second mental health expert to evaluate
    her competency was not prejudicial in light of the overwhelming evidence that Leelu was
    not competent to stand trial.
    The facts of Leelu’s alleged crimes are not relevant to this appeal. On December
    12, 2017, Leelu was charged by complaint with misdemeanor trespass, in violation of
    Penal Code section 602, subdivision (m) in docket B1795335.1 That same day, the trial
    court granted Leelu’s motion to represent herself.
    On December 15, 2017, in docket C1779663, Leelu was charged by complaint
    with stalking, in violation of section 646.9, subdivision (a). On December 28, 2017,
    Leelu made her first appearance in the case. Leelu told the public defender and the trial
    court that she wanted to represent herself. Leelu asserted to the court, “I know my rights.
    I can have jury trial representing myself. [¶] . . . [¶] All psychiatry. And they arrest me
    so many times in the past couple years, but now I want to be candidate of U.S. senator.
    We need to change to make a difference, as Donald Trump said.” The trial court stated,
    “I had some experience with Ms. Leelu [in another department]. She is scheduled to be
    in my department on Tuesday for trial. Based on her behavior here, which included a
    very aggressive and physical demeanor in terms of speaking to the Court and acting out
    at the podium, and the way she’s addressing the Court and talking about her case, I
    believe that I have a doubt, and so pursuant to [section] 1368, criminal proceedings are
    suspended.” Leelu stated, “I will let all 32 million people know this judge use police to
    harass me and my husband and always do things, keeping asking money from me, no jury
    trial at all. And the police chief right to hire and --.”
    On January 4, 2018, the trial court suspended proceedings against Leelu in docket
    B1795335 pursuant to section 1368. That same day, the trial court appointed a doctor to
    conduct a competency evaluation of Leelu.2
    Dr. D. Ashley Cohen filed a report with the trial court on February 6, 2018, after
    having interviewed Leelu. In the report, Dr. Cohen opined that Leelu was exhibiting
    symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and was not “able to comprehend the nature of the
    Unspecified statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    The trial court later added docket C1779663 to the order for a competency
    evaluation. The trial court also appears to have appointed the public defender to
    represent Leelu in both matters. The record does not contain a reporter’s transcript of the
    January 4, 2018 hearing.
    legal proceedings in which she is involved, and her psychiatric symptoms are present to
    such an extent that they render her incapable of assisting counsel in pursuing a defense in
    a rational manner.” Dr. Cohen stated, “[i]t is believed that [Leelu] has been exhibiting
    these disordered behaviors and thoughts for a lengthy time, and they have gradually
    grown worse, in the absence of any therapeutic intervention.”
    Dr. Cohen opined Leelu “is not rational or coherent in conversation, she cannot
    express herself such that others can understand her meaning, and she misperceives, or
    cannot comprehend what others are saying to her. She is confused and misinformed
    about her legal case, and gets facts intertwined with her delusions.” For example, Leelu
    “insists that her attorney is ‘The Senior Minister of the Interior,’ from Canada, and he
    would be defending her except he lost his Canadian driver’s license, and must return
    home to get a replacement.” Dr. Cohen observed Leelu “spoke in a rapid, pressured
    manner. . . . Much of her speech was repetitious, involving favored paranoid themes of
    individuals, government and religious organizations planning to harm her, the police
    harassing her, and her ability to discern ‘hidden’ meanings and messages that escaped the
    notice of everyone else. She was almost never able to speak in a manner that was
    rational, coherent, or logical. For example, when asked how she remembers things that
    may be important to her in the future, she replied, ‘I have a diamond ring with an iPad
    inside it.’ ” Leelu “strenuously denie[d] any present or past mental health symptoms or
    On February 15, 2018, the parties appeared before the trial court for a
    determination of competency. Leelu was apparently removed from the courtroom
    following statements she made to the court and her counsel.3 The court noted that Dr.
    Cohen had opined that Leelu was not competent to stand trial. The trial court stated,
    These statements are not reflected in the reporter’s transcript.
    “either side, of course, can request a second doctor or, if it’s submitted on the report of
    Dr. Cohen, I can refer it to the South Bay Conditional Release Program.”
    Leelu’s attorney stated that she had advised Leelu of Dr. Cohen’s opinion which,
    according to Leelu’s attorney, “prompted [Leelu] to address the Court in a loud, angry
    voice, which can be described as yelling. And her discourse was not linear to the
    conversation I was having or to any conversation that was happening in court. But as her
    appointed attorney, I do believe I have to equate that with an objection. But I do think
    the Court did see evidence before it to make a decision based on Dr. Cohen’s report. And
    I can submit on the report, preserve Ms. Leelu’s objection, and waive her right to have [a]
    jury trial, waive her right to confront and cross-examine her accusers, her right to present
    evidence in her defense, and submit the issues of competency to the Court.”
    The prosecutor stated, “the People are also willing to submit.” The prosecutor
    also asked the trial court to instruct Leelu at the next court appearance that she should not
    contact one of the victims. The trial court replied that it would “make a note.” The court
    said it had “no expectation that [Leelu] will listen or understand,” but it would “certainly
    The court stated “based on the submission, I’ll find—and my own observations—
    I’ll find that Ms. Leelu is not competent and she lacks capacity to make independent
    decisions regarding her medications.” The trial court referred the matter to the South Bay
    Conditional Release Program. On March 2, 2018, the South Bay Conditional Release
    Program submitted a report to the court stating, “there is significant evidence that
    suggests [Leelu] is inappropriate for community outpatient treatment to reach trial
    competency. Currently, Ms. Leelu is so severely decompensated that she would be
    unable to function and/or cooperate with any outpatient treatment.” The report
    recommended that Leelu be “committed to the Department of State Hospitals for
    placement in a trial competency program.” On March 8, 2018, the trial court conducted a
    hearing and ordered Leelu committed to the Department of State Hospitals (DSH).4
    Leelu filed in both dockets a timely notice of appeal of the March 8 commitment order.
    On July 24, 2019, Leelu’s appellate counsel filed a request for judicial notice with
    this court in which counsel requested we take judicial notice of records that show that
    Leelu was returned to the superior court from DSH in December 2018, and proceedings
    related to both cases are currently pending in the trial court.5
    Leelu argues the trial court erred in the competency hearing when it failed to
    appoint a second psychiatrist or psychologist pursuant to section 1369, subdivision (a)
    (hereafter section 1369(a)). Leelu acknowledges that she has completed restoration
    proceedings but argues this court should not dismiss her appeal as moot for two reasons.
    First, Leelu contends that her case presents a legal issue of continuing public interest,
    because the lengthy timeline of an appeal makes it difficult to address any trial court error
    before the end of a section 1368 commitment. In addition, Leelu argues her case is not
    moot because she will not receive “good time” credits under section 4019 for time during
    which she was committed to DSH, and she would have received such credits had she
    been confined in the county jail. (See §§ 1375.5, 4019.) Finally, Leelu maintains she
    suffered prejudice because “there is no way to be sure of the results of a second opinion,”
    and one can have a mental illness and still be competent to stand trial. Leelu requests that
    her case be reversed and remanded for a second evaluation to determine the accuracy of
    the “initial determination” that Leelu was incompetent.
    The Attorney General contends that, because Leelu has been restored to
    competency, any error the trial court may have committed in its competency
    determination “has no lingering consequences.” The Attorney General does not address
    On March 15, 2018, the trial court filed an order for transportation and placement
    and, on March 21, 2018, an order of commitment pursuant to section 1370, subdivision
    We grant the request for judicial notice.
    Leelu’s argument about custody credits. The Attorney General also argues that defense
    counsel’s statement with respect to Leelu’s objection “fell short of a statement that
    [Leelu] was not seeking a finding of mental incompetence” that would trigger the
    appointment of a second psychologist or psychiatrist. Finally, the Attorney General
    maintains that Leelu has not established prejudice under the standard set out in People v.
    Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    , 836 (Watson) but provides no authority or argument why
    Watson supplies the appropriate standard of prejudice.
    Leelu replies that Chapman v. California (1967) 
    386 U.S. 18
    (Chapman) sets out
    the appropriate prejudice standard because the trial court’s failure to appoint a second
    evaluator violated her due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United
    States Constitution. Leelu does not cite any authority for the application of the Chapman
    standard to error under section 1369, subdivision (a)(1).
    Turning first to the question of mootness, we agree that Leelu’s potential custody
    credits continue to be affected by her commitment to DHS. (§ 4019; People v. Sage
    26 Cal. 3d 498
    , 502–503 [“[S]ection 4019 . . . does not authorize credit for time in
    such nonpenal institutions such as state hospitals.”]; see also People v. Waterman (1986)
    42 Cal. 3d 565
    , 571, fn. 4 [finding no equal protection violation in the denial of “the
    limited work-and-conduct-credit system available to persons confined in jail prior to
    trial” to an individual serving “pretrial confinement for treatment of incompetence”].)
    Because Leelu’s criminal proceedings are ongoing, the trial court may impose a jail term
    upon her. “ ‘A case becomes moot when a court ruling can have no practical impact or
    cannot provide the parties with effective relief.’ ” (In re Stephon L. (2010) 
    181 Cal. App. 4th 1227
    , 1231.) At sentencing, the court will be required to calculate her
    custody credits, which will be affected by her commitment to DSH. (§§ 2900.5, 4019.)
    Because our consideration of Leelu’s appeal may have a “practical impact” in her case,
    her appeal is not moot. (See Stephon L., at p. 1231 [finding an appeal involving custody
    credit not moot].)
    We now turn to the merits of Leelu’s contention that the trial court erred in failing
    to appoint a second mental health evaluator. Section 1369(a) provides in relevant part “If
    the defendant or the defendant’s counsel informs the court that the defendant is not
    seeking a finding of mental incompetence, the court shall appoint two psychiatrists,
    licensed psychologists, or a combination thereof.” (§ 1369, subd. (a)(1).) “The
    appointment of two experts in such circumstances provides a minimum protection for the
    defendant against being incorrectly found incompetent to stand trial.” (People v. Harris
    14 Cal. App. 4th 984
    , 996 (Harris).)
    Leelu’s defense counsel “submit[ted] on the report” opining that Leelu was
    incompetent. However, Leelu’s counsel also stated that she believed she had to “equate”
    Leelu’s nonlinear statement upon being informed about the doctor’s opinion of Leelu’s
    incompetence to “an objection.” Defense counsel specifically noted that she was
    “preserv[ing] Ms. Leelu’s objection” to the finding in the report. Nevertheless, defense
    counsel did not object when the trial court found that Leelu was not competent without
    having appointed a second evaluator. The Attorney General argues “the court could
    reasonably conclude that [Leelu’s] non-linear statement did not evidence a claim by
    [Leelu] that she believed she was competent to stand trial.”
    Under section 1369(a), either a defendant or her or his counsel must “expressly
    inform[] the court during the competency hearing that [the] defendant [is] not seeking a
    finding of incompetence” to trigger the requirement that the trial court appoint a second
    mental health expert. (People v. D'Arcy (2010) 
    48 Cal. 4th 257
    , 281.) Although Leelu’s
    counsel did not request that the trial court appoint a second expert on Leelu’s behalf,
    counsel did communicate Leelu’s objection to the first evaluator’s finding that she was
    incompetent. In addition to the objection communicated by defense counsel, Dr. Cohen’s
    report noted that Leelu “strenuously denie[d] any present or past mental health symptoms
    or treatment.” On this record, it is difficult to conclude that Leelu herself was “seeking a
    finding of incompetence.” (Ibid.) Nevertheless, to the extent that the trial court erred in
    not appointing a second mental health evaluator under section 1369(a), we conclude for
    the reasons set out below that Leelu suffered no prejudice.
    The parties do not agree on the relevant standard. The Attorney General asserts,
    without any citation to supporting authority, that 
    Watson, supra
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    the appropriate analysis. Leelu counters that the error should be reviewed under
    Chapman, supra
    386 U.S. 18
    because she has a due process right “to be prosecuted in
    accordance with the state’s rules” and a “liberty interest against arbitrary deprivation by
    the State.” Leelu cites no case holding that the federal due process clause mandates
    section 1369(a)’s requirement that the trial court appoint a second mental health evaluator
    if the defendant asserts she is competent.
    It is true that the statutory scheme of section 1368 et seq. “implements the due
    process guarantee not to be tried while mentally incompetent.” (People v. Lightsey
    54 Cal. 4th 668
    , 705 (Lightsey).) Furthermore, some violations of the competency
    procedures, such as failing to appoint counsel for an incompetent defendant, can result in
    structural error requiring reversal, even under state law. (Id. at p. 699.) However, Leelu
    does not argue that the trial court’s failure to appoint a second expert constitutes
    structural error, and she fails to explain why the federal due process clause mandates the
    aspect of the competency procedures at issue here.
    The California Supreme Court has stated “[t]he federal Constitution requires the
    states to ‘observe procedures adequate to protect a defendant’s right not to be tried or
    convicted while incompetent to stand trial.’ ” (People v. Leonard (2007) 
    40 Cal. 4th 1370
    , 1391.) As the trial court found Leelu to be incompetent, her right “ ‘not to be tried
    or convicted while incompetent to stand trial’ ” was not threatened by the trial court’s
    Other elements of section 1369 reflect statutory rather than constitutional rights.
    For example, “[t]he right to a jury determination of competency is statutory . . . not
    constitutional; thus, counsel may effectively waive it without a personal waiver from the
    defendant.” (People v. Lawley (2002) 
    27 Cal. 4th 102
    , 131.) We see no reason to apply a
    different analysis to the right at issue here. We conclude that section 1369(a)’s
    requirement that the trial court appoint a second mental health evaluator when the
    defendant contests competency is a function of state law—not federal constitutional
    command. To show prejudicial error justifying reversal, Leelu must “demonstrate there
    is a reasonable probability that in the absence of the error he or she would have obtained
    a more favorable result.” 
    (Lightsey, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 699, citing 
    Watson, supra
    , 46
    Cal.2d at p. 836.)
    We turn now to whether Leelu has carried her burden of showing prejudice. The
    requirement in section 1369(a) that two experts be appointed when the defendant or her
    counsel asserts she is competent “provides a minimum protection for the defendant
    against being incorrectly found incompetent to stand trial.” 
    (Harris, supra
    , 14
    Cal.App.4th at p. 996.) The relevant question we confront is whether there is a
    reasonable probability that the trial court would have found Leelu competent to stand trial
    had the trial court appointed a second mental health expert.
    “As a matter of due process, ‘[a] defendant may not be put to trial unless he “ ‘has
    sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational
    understanding . . . [and] a rational as well as factual understanding of the proceedings
    against him.’ ” ’ ” (People v. Buenrostro (2018) 6 Cal.5th 367, 386.) “ ‘The applicable
    state statutes essentially parallel the state and federal constitutional directives.’
    [Citation.] Section 1367, subdivision (a), provides in pertinent part: ‘A person cannot be
    tried or adjudged to punishment . . . while that person is mentally incompetent. A
    defendant is mentally incompetent for purposes of this chapter if, as a result of mental
    disorder or developmental disability, the defendant is unable to understand the nature of
    the criminal proceedings or to assist counsel in the conduct of a defense in a rational
    manner.’ ” (Ibid.)
    We see no evidence in the record to support a conclusion that appointment of a
    second mental health expert would have affected the trial court’s finding that Leelu was
    not competent to stand trial. Leelu’s comments reflected at her arraignment in docket
    C1779663 were so disjointed that the trial court immediately suspended criminal
    proceedings against her. The mental health expert appointed by the trial court related that
    Leelu “insists that her attorney is ‘The Senior Minister of the Interior,’ from Canada, and
    he would be defending her except he lost his Canadian driver’s license, and must return
    home to get a replacement.” When informed about the expert’s opinion that she was
    incompetent to stand trial, Leelu had an outburst and had to be removed from the
    courtroom. Although Leelu’s own attorney could not understand what Leelu was telling
    her, counsel felt she should object on Leelu’s behalf to the expert’s opinion that Leelu
    was incompetent. The report from the South Bay Conditional Release Program described
    “significant evidence that suggests [Leelu] is inappropriate for community outpatient
    treatment to reach trial competency” because she “is so severely decompensated that she
    would be unable to function and/or cooperate with any outpatient treatment.”
    After reviewing the record, we conclude it is not reasonably probable that Leelu
    would have been found competent had the trial court appointed a second mental health
    expert to evaluate her. We therefore affirm the trial court’s order committing Leelu to the
    Department of State Hospitals.
    The March 8, 2018 order committing Leelu to the Department of State Hospitals is
    Danner, J.
    Elia, Acting P.J.
    Grover, J.
    People v. Leelu
    Trial court:                  Santa Clara County Superior Court
    Case Nos.: B1795335, C1779663
    Trial judge:                  Hon. Michele McKay McCoy
    Attorney for Defendant and    Gordon B. Scott
    Appellant                     under appointment by the Court of Appeal for
    CHARLETE LEELU:               Appellant
    Attorneys for Plaintiff and   Xavier Becerra
    Respondent                    Attorney General of California
    THE PEOPLE:                   Jeffrey M. Laurence
    Senior Assistant Attorney General
    Catherine A. Rivlin
    Supervising Deputy Attorney General
    Allan Yannow
    Deputy Attorney General
    People v. Leelu