People v. Watts ( 2017 )

  • Filed 12/13/17 (unmodified opn. attached)
    THE PEOPLE,                                   B270324
    (Los Angeles County
    Plaintiff and Respondent,              Super. Ct. No. TA129035)
    v.                                     ORDER MODIFYING OPINION
    Defendant and Appellant.
    It is ordered that the opinion filed herein on November 14,
    2017, be modified as follows:
    1. On page 17, fifth full sentence of the first paragraph, the
    words “as the Attorney General notes” are to be inserted between
    the words “Although” and “the” so that the sentence reads:
    Although as the Attorney General notes the trial court did
    recount the gang evidence that had been presented to the
    jury, the court also made clear it would not “second guess”
    the jury’s finding.
    2. On page 17, the first sentence of the second full
    paragraph is deleted and the following sentence is inserted in its
    The trial court’s question to Watts—“There was enough for
    the jury to make the finding, true or false?”—does not
    demonstrate that the court understood the scope of its
    There is no change in the judgment.
    The petitions for rehearing are denied.
    ROTHSCHILD, P. J.           JOHNSON, J.               LUI, J.
    Filed 11/14/17 (unmodified version)
    THE PEOPLE,                                   B270324
    Plaintiff and Respondent,              (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. TA129035)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Allen J. Webster, Jr., Judge. Affirmed in
    part and reversed in part with directions.
    Randy S. Kravis, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 8.1105(b)
    and 8.1110, this opinion is certified for publication with the
    exception of parts III.A. and B of the Discussion.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler,
    Chief Assistant Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Senior
    Assistant Attorney General, Susan Sullivan Pithey,
    Supervising Deputy Attorney General, and Esther P. Kim,
    Deputy Attorney General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    A jury convicted Bobby Watts (Watts) of murder and
    found that Watts committed the offense for the benefit of, at
    the direction of, and in association with a criminal street
    gang. Watts then filed a motion for new trial, alleging the
    evidence was insufficient to sustain the jury’s true finding on
    the gang enhancement allegation and that his trial attorney
    had provided ineffective assistance of counsel. The trial
    court denied the motion. On appeal, Watts contends the
    trial court abused its discretion in denying the motion.
    Watts also contends the trial court erred by precluding him
    from introducing evidence of the victim’s blood alcohol level
    at the time of his death and that instructing the jury using
    CALCRIM No. 315 violated his due process rights. We hold
    that the trial court employed the incorrect test when
    reviewing Watts’s new trial motion with respect to the gang
    enhancement allegation. We thus reverse the trial court
    order denying the motion with respect to the gang allegation
    only. The order is affirmed in all other respects.
    I.     Overview of Charges
    The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
    charged Watts with one count of murder (Pen. Code, § 187,
    subd. (a); count 11), and one count of possession of a firearm
    by a felon (§ 29800, subd. (a)(1); count 2). The district
    attorney also alleged that Watts personally and intentionally
    discharged a firearm causing great bodily injury and death
    (§ 12022.53, subds. (b), (c) & (d)), and committed the offenses
    for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in association with
    a criminal street gang with the specific intent to promote,
    further, and assist in criminal conduct by gang members
    (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(C).) The district attorney further
    alleged that Watts had suffered a prior serious felony (§ 667,
    subd. (a)(1)), as well as a prior “strike” conviction (§§ 667,
    subds. (b)-(i) & 1170.12). Watts pleaded not guilty and
    denied the special allegations. A jury found Watts guilty as
    charged.2 After sentencing, Watts filed a notice of appeal.
    1 All further statutory references are to the Penal Code
    unless otherwise indicated.
    2  Watts waived his right to a jury trial with respect to
    the prior serious felony and prior strike convictions and the
    trial court found the allegations to be true. The trial court
    then sentenced Watts to 80 years to life in state prison as
    follows: 25 years to life, doubled to 50 years to life under the
    “Three Strikes” law, plus 25 years for the personal use of a
    firearm enhancement, plus five years for the prior serious
    felony enhancement. The court imposed a four-year
    sentence on count 2 but ordered it run concurrent to the
    sentence in count 1. The court also stayed the gang
    enhancement and remaining firearm enhancements
    pursuant to section 654. The court awarded Watts 953 days
    of presentence custody credits.
    II.   Prosecution Evidence
    A.    Floyd Videau’s Murder
    On June 23, 2013, at approximately 4:00 a.m., Michelle
    Howard, Floyd Videau, and another individual were at a
    playground in the Imperial Courts Housing Projects when a
    man nicknamed “Little Chris” and his girlfriend drove up to
    the group. Little Chris told them to watch out for a car that
    had been circling the area. Howard remembered seeing a
    car pass by a few times but did not think much of it. Little
    Chris continued to tell Howard and Videau that he had
    spotted someone walking around the housing project. At one
    point, he said to that person, “ ‘Oh, you think you’re trying to
    be slick. I see you.’ ”
    As Little Chris continued to talk with the group,
    Howard saw the same car barreling down the street. The
    car was a dark, two-door vehicle with only one taillight, and
    Howard saw that there were two individuals in the car. As
    the car passed by, Little Chris said, “Oh, there he go right
    there. That’s the car right there.” Little Chris ran after the
    car, but returned to say that the car had disappeared.
    Someone then said, “Who is that?” and Howard turned to see
    Watts, about three feet away, coming toward Videau.
    Watts’s right arm was beneath his left armpit. Little Chris
    started backing up and told everyone to watch out for Watts.
    Videau and Watts said something to each other. Howard
    then saw Watts pull out a gun, and saw a flash go off.
    Howard backed away and ran. As she ran away, she heard
    about five to seven gunshots. Howard later returned to the
    playground to see Videau’s lifeless body on the ground.3
    B.    Subsequent Investigation
    Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Detective Scott
    Teubert responded to the shooting. When he arrived at the
    Imperial Courts Housing Projects at 7:00 a.m. that same
    day, Detective Teubert saw Videau’s body on the ground
    with multiple gunshot wounds to his head, back, and right
    arm. The detective also saw three expended shell casings
    around Videau.
    A few days after the shooting, LAPD Officer James
    Shannon staked out Watts’s vehicle—a black 2003 Dodge
    Stratus coupe—as it sat parked next to El Camino College.
    A few hours after Officer Shannon began watching the
    vehicle, he saw the driver throw a piece of paper out the
    driver’s side window.4 Watts later got out of the vehicle and
    was arrested. Forensic print specialists analyzed the seven
    fingerprints lifted from Watts’s vehicle and one fingerprint
    from a cup found inside the vehicle. Six of the eight
    fingerprints matched Watts’s prints.
    3 Videau sustained a total of seven gunshot wounds.
    Two were fatal. The medical examiner who conducted
    Videau’s autopsy opined that the two fatal gunshot wounds
    were to Videau’s brain.
    4 Until this time, no one had walked to, entered, or
    exited the vehicle and police did not know anyone was in the
    vehicle during the two and half hour surveillance up to this
    LAPD Officer Darryl Danaher, who worked for the
    crime intelligence task force, monitored closed-circuit
    television systems for multiple housing developments. On
    the night of the shooting, cameras captured Watts’s vehicle
    multiple times around the area of the Imperial Courts
    Housing Projects. Dwight Nichelson, the custodian of
    records for Sprint Corporation, testified that, based on cell
    tower information, Watts was at the location of the shooting
    at the time it occurred.
    LAPD Detectives Nathan Kouri and Manuel Castaneda
    were assigned to investigate the circumstances of the
    shooting. Detective Kouri was aware that video surveillance
    cameras had been set up in the Imperial Courts Housing
    Projects and Nickerson Gardens to monitor activities within
    those housing projects. Detective Kouri was also aware that
    license plate recognition cameras were installed throughout
    the city.
    Review of the various surveillance camera video
    showed Watts’s vehicle leaving Nickerson Gardens at
    3:27 a.m. and driving towards the Imperial Courts Housing
    Projects. After circling the Imperial Courts Housing
    Projects, Watts’s car pulled into a laundromat next to the
    housing project at 4:00 a.m. Watts exited the passenger side
    of the vehicle, opened and rummaged through the trunk, and
    entered the driver’s side of the vehicle to change his clothing.
    Watts then exited the vehicle and walked in a northbound
    direction. The vehicle left the parking lot sometime later
    and started circling the Imperial Courts Housing Projects.
    At 4:15 a.m., the driver of the vehicle pulled up to Watts,
    who was on foot, and after talking briefly, drove away.
    Watts walked towards the housing project and was later
    seen getting into the vehicle at 4:20 a.m. At 4:22 a.m., the
    vehicle approached the intersection of the Imperial Courts
    Housing Projects. At 4:27 a.m., surveillance video from a
    nearby parking lot showed individuals running away from
    the playground.
    Detective Kouri interviewed Howard after the
    shooting. Howard identified Watts as the shooter from a six-
    pack photographic lineup. Howard said Watts was five feet
    six or seven inches, with a slim build, and was wearing a
    blue and white striped shirt, dark pants and a hat when he
    shot Videau.5
    5  Howard initially declined to describe the shooter
    beyond the clothes he was wearing when he shot Videau.
    When shown a six-pack with Watts’s photo a few days later,
    Howard focused on two photos, number 3 (Watts) and
    number 4. She told detectives that Watts’s complexion was
    similar to that of the gunman but that number 4 looked to be
    the same age as the gunman. When reminded that the
    lighting might be different, Howard chose Watts’s photo.
    Howard said Watts’s complexion, eyes, and narrow facial
    structure were consistent with that of the shooter. Howard
    also identified Watts at the subsequent preliminary hearing
    and trial. She based her identification on the features of
    Watts’s face, specifically, his “odd bone structure.”
    C.    Gang Expert Testimony
    LAPD Officer Francis Coughlin testified as the
    prosecution’s gang expert. Officer Coughlin was the senior
    lead officer for the Nickerson Gardens Housing Project and
    he had been investigating gang crimes within that
    neighborhood for 17 years. He had extensive gang training
    and had testified over a hundred times as a gang expert.
    Officer Coughlin explained that the gang culture
    involves “putting in work” for the gang. This means gang
    members must commit violent crimes for the benefit of the
    gang. Committing a violent crime shows allegiance to the
    gang and establishes trust with fellow gang members. It
    also enhances the reputation of the gang by instilling fear in
    the community. Fear is important in the gang culture
    because it deters members of the community from reporting
    gang activity and establishes gang territory.
    There are major gangs in South Central Watts. Each
    gang is located within a housing project. The Bounty Hunter
    Bloods are located in the Nickerson Gardens Housing
    Project, the Grape Street Crips are located in the Jordan
    Downs Housing Project, and the Project Watts Crips are
    located in the Imperial Courts Housing Projects. Officer
    Coughlin explained that the gangs in each housing project
    are rivals and members of each gang know not to cross into
    the rival housing projects. Gang members who cross into
    rival gang territory late at night or early in the morning are
    likely present to kill rival gang members.
    Officer Coughlin is familiar with the Bounty Hunters
    gang. The gang has over 2,000 documented members and
    identified themselves as “BHW” in the color red. Gang
    members have tattoos of “B” and “H” for Bounty Hunters.
    The Bounty Hunters are territorial in nature. They claim
    the Nickerson Gardens Housing Project as its territory,
    along with its surrounding blocks. The Bounty Hunters are
    a profitable gang, whose income mainly came from selling
    drugs. The gang identifies the Grape Street Crips and the
    Project Watts Crips as their rivals. The Bounty Hunters
    main activities include graffiti, robbery, drug sales, and
    According to Officer Coughlin, Watts is a member of
    the Bounty Hunters gang and is known as “Porky” or “GK
    Porky.” Watts has several tattoos that are affiliated with
    the Bounty Hunters gang. His email address
    ( also identified him as a
    Bounty Hunters gang member. Officer Coughlin explained
    that GK stood for “Grape Killer,” “Porky” was Watts’s
    nickname, “BHW” stood for Bounty Hunter Watts, and “115”
    was for 115th Street, which was a subset of Bounty Hunter
    Watts in the Nickerson Gardens Housing Projects. Multiple
    text messages and Facebook photos with Watts throwing up
    Bounty Hunters gang signs led Officer Coughlin to opine
    that Watts was a member of the Bounty Hunters gang.
    Officer Coughlin knew Videau to be a member of the rival
    Project Crips. Videau had tattoos showing his allegiance to
    the gang. Videau was also associated with Little Chris, who
    was a member of the Project Crips gang.
    With respect to Videau’s murder, Officer Coughlin
    opined that the killing was committed for the benefit of, at
    the direction of, or in association with the Bounty Hunters
    gang. The shooting benefited the gang because it reaffirmed
    the reputation of the gang as a violent gang. The shooting
    also reaffirmed the status of the gang to rival gang members,
    as well as the public, because it served as a warning to
    others not to encroach on their territory or to report crimes.
    Watts presented no evidence in his defense.
    I.    Watts’s Motion for a New Trial
    A.    Gang Enhancement Allegation
    Watts contends that trial court abused its discretion
    when denying his motion for a new trial on the ground that
    the evidence was insufficient to sustain the jury’s true
    finding on the gang enhancement allegation. Watts filed the
    new trial motion pro se. In the motion, Watts asked the trial
    court to “reweigh the evidence regarding the sufficiency of
    the evidence to support the gang enhancement.”6 Watts
    claimed the following findings were not supported by
    6  Watts’s motion also contended that the trial court
    erred in admitting Little Chris’ statements. Watts does not
    address that issue on appeal. Watts also argued that he had
    received ineffective assistance of counsel, identifying several
    alleged errors committed by his attorney. Watts does re-
    raise this issue on appeal and it is addressed below.
    substantial evidence—that it was Watts who sent the text
    messages found on his cell phone; that Watts was a gang
    member; that Videau’s murder was gang related; that the
    people in Watts’s car were Bounty Hunters gang members;
    that the Bounty Hunters and Project Watts Crips are rivals;
    and that Watts’s Facebook name was gang related.
    At the hearing on the motion, Watts again argued that
    the gang enhancement was not supported by sufficient
    evidence. The trial court said that although it understood
    Watts’s argument, it could not review the claim: “But that,
    again, is an evidentiary ruling. It goes to the merits of the
    case. That’s something that would go up on appeal.
    Whether this is a gang case or not is not a basis for a motion
    for new trial.” “Because I know where you are going with
    this. Is that these two particular groups were not at war,
    okay. I understand that. But that is not the basis for a
    motion for new trial, whether the Bloods and Crips were at
    war or not. That has nothing to do with a motion for new
    trial. That’s not one of the elements for [a] motion for new
    trial. That goes to the sufficiency of the merits of the case,
    which is something that will be taken up on appeal.”
    Throughout the hearing, the trial court continually
    maintained that Watts’s claim was not appropriate for a new
    trial motion. “I don’t understand why we are involving
    ourselves in this argument, because it doesn’t go to one [of]
    the factors for a motion for new trial. [¶] . . . [¶] Where does
    it say that in [section] 1181, that that’s one of the factors?”7
    Watts pointed the court’s attention specifically to
    subdivision 6 of section 1181. “Insufficiency of the evidence
    pursuant to [section 1181, subdivision (6)],” Watts answered.
    “The verdict or finding contrary to . . . the law or evidence,
    Penal Code [section 1181, subdivision (6)] requires that the
    trial judge independently reweigh the evidence. People
    versus Davis, 1985.”8 “It’s not for me to reweigh the
    7  Section 1181 prescribes the grounds upon which a
    trial court may grant a new trial after a verdict or finding
    has been made. Subdivision 6 of section 1181 provides that
    a trial court may grant a new trial when “the verdict or
    finding is contrary to law or evidence but if the evidence
    shows the defendant to be not guilty of the degree of the
    crime of which he was convicted, but guilty of a lesser degree
    thereof, or of a lesser crime included therein, the court may
    modify the verdict, finding or judgment accordingly without
    granting or ordering a new trial, and this power shall extend
    to any court to which the cause may be appealed.”
    8  Watts was referring to People v. Davis (1995) 
    10 Cal.4th 463
    , which articulated the standard of review a trial
    court must follow when faced with a new trial motion. “In
    reviewing a motion for a new trial, the trial court must
    weigh the evidence independently. [Citation.] It is,
    however, guided by a presumption in favor of the correctness
    of the verdict and proceedings supporting it. [Citation.] The
    trial court ‘should [not] disregard the verdict . . . but
    instead . . . should consider the proper weight to be accorded
    to the evidence and then decide whether or not, in its
    opinion, there is sufficient credible evidence to support the
    verdict.’ ” (Id. at pp. 523–524.) Although Watts did not
    evidence,” the trial court again insisted. “Because there was
    testimony that you were [a] Blood. You live in Nickerson
    Gardens, hang out in Nickerson Gardens. And this other
    person [who] was killed is a Crip, had on blue and was
    killed. So as far as the court is concerned, there was
    evidence to let the jury decide yes it was a gang case or no it
    wasn’t. . . . Now whether it was or it wasn’t, it’s not for me
    to second guess the jury.”
    After discussing another claim asserted by Watts in his
    motion, the trial court returned to Watts’s argument that
    insufficient evidence supported imposition of the gang
    enhancement. Watts reiterated that he was specifically
    asking the court to reweigh the evidence. The trial court
    informed Watts: “My job . . . is not to retry the case in my
    head and do whatever you want me to do because you think
    the evidence wasn’t sufficient enough for the jury. That’s
    what they do on appeal. That’s not what I do, okay.”
    On appeal, Watts contends that the trial court
    “completely misunderstood the scope of its authority and its
    duty to independently reweigh the evidence supporting the
    gang enhancement allegation.” For example, in People v.
    Dickens (2005) 
    130 Cal.App.4th 1245
    , the appellate court
    observed that “[t]he trial court’s duty is to review the
    evidence independently and satisfy itself that the evidence
    provide the full citation to Davis when arguing before the
    trial court during the hearing, he did cite the case correctly
    in his new trial motion.
    as a whole is sufficient to sustain the verdict.”9 (Id. at
    p. 1251.) “Although the trial court is to be ‘guided’ by a
    presumption in favor of the correctness of the jury’s verdict
    [citation], this means only that the court may not arbitrarily
    reject a verdict which is supported by substantial evidence.”
    (Ibid.) “The trial court is not bound by the jury’s
    determinations as to the credibility of witnesses or as to the
    weight or effect to be accorded to the evidence. [Citations.]
    Thus, the presumption that the verdict is correct does not
    affect the trial court’s duty to give the defendant the benefit
    of its independent determination as to the probative value of
    the evidence. [Citation.] If the court finds that the evidence
    is not sufficiently probative to sustain the verdict, it must
    order a new trial.”10 (Id. at pp. 1251–1252.)
    9 Indeed, appellate courts have repeatedly emphasized
    the discretion afforded trial courts in this respect as well as
    the courts’ duty to independently review the evidence. “It is
    the trial court’s function to determine independently
    whether it is satisfied that there is sufficient credible
    evidence to sustain the verdict. If the record contains any
    substantial evidence which supports a judgment contrary to
    that of the jury, the trial court’s ruling must be upheld, even
    if there is also legally sufficient evidence to support the jury’s
    verdict.” (People v. Dickens, supra, 130 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1254.)
    10 In contrast, a section 1118.1 motion seeks a
    judgment of acquittal for insufficient evidence. Thus, unlike
    when deciding a section 1181, subdivision (6) motion, the
    trial court “evaluates the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the prosecution.” (Porter v. Superior Court
    In short, the trial court “extends no evidentiary
    deference” when ruling on a new trial motion under
    section 1181, subdivision (6). (Porter v. Superior Court,
    supra, 47 Cal.4th at p. 133.) “Instead, it independently
    examines all the evidence to determine whether it is
    sufficient to prove each required element beyond a
    reasonable doubt to the judge, who sits, in effect, as a ‘13th
    juror.’ ”11 (Ibid.) Thus, the grant of a section 1181,
    subdivision (6) motion “is the equivalent of a mistrial caused
    by a hung jury” and “does not bar retrial on double jeopardy
    grounds.” (Ibid.) “This rule permits trial court oversight of
    47 Cal.4th 125
    , 132.) In considering this legal
    question, “a court does not ‘ “ask itself whether it believes
    that the evidence at the trial established guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt.” [Citation.] Instead, the relevant
    question is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact
    could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond
    a reasonable doubt.’ ” (People v. Lagunas (1994) 
    8 Cal.4th 1030
    , 1038, fn. 6.) This test is the same as that used by
    appellate courts in deciding whether evidence is legally
    sufficient to sustain a verdict. (Ibid.) Notably, in a
    section 1118.1 motion, “the question . . . is simply whether
    the prosecution has presented sufficient evidence to present
    the matter to the jury for its determination.” (People v.
    Ainsworth (1988) 
    45 Cal.3d 984
    , 1024.) This is the precise
    test erroneously employed by the trial court in Watts’s case.
    11 Despite this edict, the trial court explicitly stated,
    “I’m not going to be the jury” when refusing to “second guess
    what the jury had to say.”
    the verdict but ensures that the People, like the defendant,
    have the charges resolved by a jury.” (Ibid.)
    We agree that the trial court employed the incorrect
    test when reviewing Watts’s new trial motion, citing the
    legal standard used when ruling on a section 1118.1 motion
    rather than a section 1181, subdivision (6) motion. The
    Attorney General contends that Watts has focused only
    isolated comments made by the trial court. Not so. A review
    of the motion hearing transcript reveals that the court
    repeatedly informed Watts it could not reweigh the evidence
    and that its only concern was whether the prosecution had
    presented sufficient evidence to present the matter to the
    jury. Yet, “[w]hen a trial court rules on a motion for new
    trial based upon inadequacy of the evidence, it is vested with
    a ‘plenary’ power—and burdened with a correlative duty—to
    independently evaluate the evidence.” (Ryan v. Crown
    Castle NG Networks, Inc. (2016) 
    6 Cal.App.5th 775
    , 784.) As
    discussed above, however, the court incorrectly articulated
    both the scope of its discretion as well as the legal standard
    by which Watts’s new trial motion should be judged.
    The Attorney General also argues that Watts forfeited
    this claim because he did not inform the trial court during
    the hearing that it had employed the wrong legal standard.
    Again, we disagree. At the outset, we note that Watts was
    appearing pro se by this time, drafting both the new trial
    motion by hand and arguing directly before the trial court.
    Moreover, Watts repeatedly argued that the court had the
    ability to independently reweigh the evidence supporting the
    gang enhancement. Moving on to the merits, the Attorney
    General contends the court’s ruling “as a whole” shows that
    it understood and applied the appropriate legal principles.
    According to the Attorney General, the trial court expressly
    stated on numerous occasions that sufficient evidence was
    presented in support of the jury’s verdict. However, in the
    transcript pages cited by the Attorney General, the trial
    court explicitly told Watts: “I didn’t reweigh the evidence.
    That’s not my job to reweigh the evidence. [¶] . . . [¶] It’s
    not for me to reweigh the evidence.” Although the trial court
    did recount the gang evidence that had been presented to the
    jury, the court also made clear it would not “second guess”
    the jury’s finding. The court’s position was that “there was
    basically enough to go to the jury”—the standard a court
    employs under section 1118.1, not section 1181,
    subdivision (6). “This is not my decision,” the court
    emphasized, “It’s the jury’s decision.”
    By focusing on one stray question the trial court asked
    Watts during the hearing—“There was enough for the jury to
    make the finding, true or false?”—the Attorney General, not
    Watts, has relied upon isolated comments made by the court.
    While the trial court refused to reweigh evidence proffered
    by Watts at the hearing, but not admitted at trial, the court
    also refused to reweigh the evidence that had been received
    by the jury during the trial. The Attorney General’s
    theory—not Watts’s theory—is inconsistent with the record
    and the statements made by the trial court at the new trial
    hearing. Indeed, the overall tenor of the comments supports
    the interpretation that the trial court misperceived the
    applicable standard and denied the motion by erroneously
    applying a section 1118.1 standard rather than the proper
    independent judgment standard.12
    The Attorney General next contends that even if the
    trial court erred, the error was harmless because it is
    apparent the court would not have granted relief on the
    claim even if it had employed the correct legal standard.
    12  The Attorney General, perhaps recognizing the
    ambiguity inherent in the trial court’s explanation of its
    ruling, relies on People v. Davis, 
    10 Cal.4th 463
    , in
    which our Supreme Court stated that a trial court “has
    broad discretion in ruling on a motion for a new trial, and
    there is a strong presumption that it properly exercised that
    discretion.” (Id. at. p. 524.) However, Davis provides no
    assistance here. The Supreme Court in Davis noted the
    record before it “establishe[d] that, after considering the
    motion for a new trial, in which it expressly articulated the
    correct standard of review, the trial court independently
    determined the credibility of the witnesses and the probative
    value of the evidence. Although defendant isolates
    statements in which the trial court refers to the jury’s
    verdicts, it is clear from the record as a whole that it did not
    regard itself as bound by any of the jury's findings.” (Ibid.,
    italics added.) Although Davis indulged the “strong
    presumption” that the trial court’s ruling was within its
    discretion, that conclusion was based in part on the trial
    court’s express articulation of the correct standard and
    because the record as a whole showed the trial court knew it
    was not bound by the jury’s findings. Neither of those
    factors is present here.
    Thus, remand is not required. However, in cases with
    similar procedural postures, appellate courts have remanded
    to allow the trial court to exercise its discretion in the first
    instance. For example, in People v. Robarge (1953) 
    41 Cal.2d 628
    , the Supreme Court found an abuse of discretion when
    the trial court denied a motion for a new trial. The trial
    court had stated the jury was the sole judge of witness
    credibility, even if the court disbelieved what the witnesses
    said, so long as sufficient evidence existed to support the
    jury’s decision. (Id. at p. 634.) Robarge held “it is the
    province of the trial judge to see that the jury intelligently
    and justly performs its duty and, in the exercise of a proper
    legal discretion, to determine whether there is sufficient
    credible evidence to sustain the verdict.” (Ibid.) The
    Supreme Court reversed because the trial court made
    remarks which clearly showed it disbelieved a key witness
    but felt bound by the jury’s contrary conclusion. As a result,
    it determined that the trial court “failed to give defendant
    the benefit of its independent conclusion as to the sufficiency
    of credible evidence to support the verdict.” (Ibid.) The
    judgment and order denying the motion for a new trial were
    vacated with directions for the lower court to rehear the
    motion. If the trial court determined that a new trial should
    be granted, the defendant was entitled to a new trial on the
    merits. If it was determined that the new trial should be
    denied, then the trial court was directed to pronounce
    judgment again upon the defendant. (Id. at p. 635.)
    In Ryan v. Crown Castle NG Networks, Inc., supra,
    6 Cal.App.5th 775
    , “[n]othing in the record . . . suggest[ed]
    that the trial court evaluated the evidence.” (Id. at p. 786.)
    The trial court’s “refusal to exercise its power to
    independently evaluate the sufficiency of the award
    amounted to failure to exercise a discretion vested by law,
    which of course is error.”13 (Ibid.) Consequently, the Court
    of Appeal, Sixth District, reversed with directions to grant a
    new trial.” (Id. at p. 797.)
    We review the trial court’s denial of a motion for a new
    trial for abuse of discretion. (See People v. Knoller (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 139
    , 156.) “Such an abuse of discretion arises if the
    trial court based its decision on impermissible factors
    [citation] or on an incorrect legal standard.” (Ibid.) Here,
    the trial court’s comments suggest it did not independently
    review the evidence and decide the proper weight to accord
    it. The comment that “there was enough for the jury to
    make the finding” indicates deference to the jury’s weighing
    13 In so holding, the court cited Fletcher v. Superior
    Court (2002) 
    100 Cal.App.4th 386
    , 392 (failure to exercise
    discretion constitutes denial of fair hearing and deprivation
    of fundamental rights and requires reversal), Lippold v.
    Hart (1969) 
    274 Cal.App.2d 24
    , 26 (where trial judge
    misconceived duty at hearing on new trial motion, appellate
    court will not blindly affirm judgment) and see People v.
    Carter (2014) 
    227 Cal.App.4th 322
    , 328 (court abuses its
    discretion when it misconceives duty, applies incorrect legal
    standard, or fails to independently consider weight of
    of the evidence. In sum, the trial court did not articulate the
    correct standard of review, failed to act as a 13th juror to
    review and independently evaluate the evidence, and failed
    to give Watts the benefit of its independent assessment
    regarding the sufficiency of credible evidence to support the
    verdicts. As such, we reject the Attorney General’s
    contention that a rehearing is not required. Accordingly, the
    judgment and order denying the motion for a new trial are
    vacated and this matter is remanded for a new hearing
    consistent with this opinion.14
    B.     Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    Watts also contends that the trial court abused its
    discretion when it denied his motion for a new trial based on
    his trial attorney’s alleged ineffective assistance of counsel.
    Watts’s claim was based on counsel’s failure to call “Little
    Chris” as a trial witness, failure to object to the admission of
    prejudicial gang evidence, failure to object to the detective’s
    overly suggestive identification procedure, failure to object to
    the admission of Imperial Courts Housing Projects’ video
    footage as well as biblical verses found on Watts’s phone.
    In a proceeding that took place before the motion
    hearing, Watts emphasized counsel’s failure to call Little
    Chris as a witness as the basis for the motion. The trial
    court informed Watts that ineffective assistance of counsel
    14 Watts also contends the trial court miscalculated his
    pretrial credits. On remand, the trial court shall recalculate
    Watts’s custody time, using the correct date of arrest as the
    starting point for its calculation.
    was not a proper ground to raise in a new trial motion.
    “Ineffective assistance of counsel is not one of the ground for
    motion for new trial. [¶] Now, if in fact . . . it was ineffective
    assistance of counsel, that is something the appellate court
    would take up.” Watts attempted to correct the trial court.
    The court countered that ineffective assistance of counsel
    was an issue on direct appeal rather than a new trial motion
    under section 1181. “I don’t know why [Little Chris] didn’t
    testify. I have no idea. That’s between you and your lawyer.
    That is not for me to decide,” the court told Watts. “But that
    would be something that, assuming this matter goes to
    appeal, that would be something that the appellate court will
    deal with. So it will come up there.”
    The trial court reiterated its position at the motion
    hearing. Although the court acknowledged Watts had a due
    process right to a fair trial, the court maintained that
    ineffective assistance of counsel was not a cognizable basis
    for a new trial. “If you believe that your lawyer should have
    basically called [Little Chris] as a witness, maybe your
    lawyer should have. That’s ineffective assistance of counsel.
    That will come out on appeal. That is not basically within
    the grounds for a motion for new trial.” “Now I keep telling
    you over and over again this is not an appeal. Maybe
    [defense counsel] was incompetent, maybe he was
    ineffective. Maybe so. Maybe the gang [evidence] shouldn’t
    have come in, maybe so[.] I’m not suggesting it should or it
    shouldn’t. That is not what we’re here to decide, okay.
    We’re here to decide if the court made an error. . . . So the
    court is bound by the mandates of section 1181 in terms of
    making a decision.”
    Watts cited People v. Mayorga (1985) 
    171 Cal.App.3d 929
     in support of the court’s ability to review his ineffective
    assistance claim.15 Despite the court’s prior
    acknowledgment that a defendant could move for a new trial
    based on an alleged due process violation rather than the
    statutory grounds listed in section 1181, the court continued
    to maintain it had no authority to review Watts’s ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim. Watts asked the court, “Your
    honor, if I understand you correct[ly], basically you’re saying
    that . . . whether he’s incompetent or not, it’s . . . not for you
    to decide, correct?” The court answered, “That’s right.
    Exactly what I’m saying. That will be decided by a higher
    court. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
    However, the court also declined to address the claim
    because Watts had failed to present any admissible evidence
    to support his claim. On a motion for a new trial, the
    defendant has the burden of showing both the
    ineffectiveness of counsel and the prejudice it caused.
    15People v. Mayorga, supra, 171 Cal.App.3d at page
    940 held that “new trials may be ordered for nonstatutory
    reasons when an error has occurred resulting in the denial of
    defendant’s right to a fair trial, and the defendant has had
    no earlier opportunity to raise the issue.” (See People v.
    Fosselman (1983) 
    33 Cal.3d 572
    , 582–583; People v. Davis
    31 Cal.App.3d 106
    , 110; People v. Oliver (1975) 
    46 Cal.App.3d 747
    , 751–752.)
    (People v. Dennis (1986) 
    177 Cal.App.3d 863
    , 872.)
    Nevertheless, Watts did not submit a declaration or affidavit
    from defense counsel regarding his decision not to call Little
    Chris as a trial witness. Nor did Watts call counsel as a
    witness at the motion hearing.16 Although Watts had
    procured a declaration from Little Chris, which was then
    submitted to the trial court, Little Chris was not present at
    the hearing. “I can’t reweigh a piece of paper and decide it
    would have a good outcome based on a piece of paper rather
    than somebody coming to court to testify,” the court told
    Watts. “I can’t do it. I’m not going to do it.”17
    Although the trial court appears to have
    misunderstood its prerogative to review Watts’s claim, the
    error was also compounded by Watts’s failure to fully
    16  Conversely, however, the prosecutor offered some
    possible insight into defense counsel’s decision. The
    prosecutor noted that counsel had listened to Little Chris’
    recorded statement before trial and “there were specific
    aspects of [Little Chris’] statement that were inconsistent
    and undermined his credibility as a witness, as well as
    whatever was going on with [Little Chris’] prior history.” In
    short, the prosecutor said, counsel “listened to the recording,
    made assessments about the substance of it, and the
    declarant himself . . . and made a conclusion based upon his
    experience that this person was not going to assist the case
    for Mr. Watts.”
    17The trial court also noted that the declaration was
    hearsay, had been signed three months earlier, and
    contained inconsistent statements.
    present this particular claim to the trial court. “You have
    presented nothing that would suggest—other than you
    surmising or speculating or you believe that if somebody else
    had been called as a witness that would have made a
    difference. I respect that you believe that,” the court told
    Watts. “But there is no—there is nothing in evidence to
    basically support or substantiate that other than your
    Although section 1181 sets forth nine grounds for
    granting a motion for a new trial, ineffective assistance of
    counsel is not one of them. The California Supreme Court
    has explained, however, that “in appropriate circumstances,
    the trial court should consider a claim of ineffective
    assistance of counsel in a motion for new trial, because
    ‘justice is expedited when the issue of counsel’s effectiveness
    can be resolved promptly at the trial level.’ ” (People v.
    Cornwell (2005) 
    37 Cal.4th 50
    , 101.)
    “But our assumption has been that courts would decide
    such claims in the context of a motion for new trial when the
    court’s own observation of the trial would supply a basis for
    the court to act expeditiously on the motion.” (People v.
     37 Cal.4th at p. 101, italics added.) “It is
    undeniable that trial judges are particularly well suited to
    observe courtroom performance and to rule on the adequacy
    of counsel in criminal cases tried before them. [Citation.]
    Thus, in appropriate circumstances justice will be expedited
    by avoiding appellate review, or habeas corpus proceedings,
    in favor of presenting the issue of counsel’s effectiveness to
    the trial court as the basis of a motion for new trial. If the
    court is able to determine the effectiveness issue on such
    motion, it should do so.” (People v. Fosselman, supra, 33
    Cal.3d at pp. 582–583, italics added.)
    Here, Watts’s claim of ineffective assistance of counsel
    was not necessarily appropriate for resolution in a new trial
    motion because it involved defense counsel’s action, or
    inaction, outside the courtroom, in deciding whether to call
    Little Chris as a witness. As the trial court noted, “based on
    my observation of the way [defense counsel] conducted this
    trial . . . , there is no basis for me to decide he was basically
    ineffective as to how he basically tried the case.”
    Furthermore, ineffective assistance of counsel claims “must
    be supported by declarations or other proffered testimony
    establishing both the substance of the omitted evidence and
    its likelihood for exonerating the accused.” (People v. Cox
    (1991) 53 Cal.3d. 618, 662.) Thus, Watts’s failure to provide
    a declaration or affidavit from defense counsel to support his
    claim of deficient performance or prejudice, as well as
    Watts’s failure to call Little Chris to the stand at the motion
    hearing, left the trial court with little choice. (See People v.
    Jackson (1986) 
    187 Cal.App.3d 499
    , 507 [upholding denial of
    new trial motion based on ineffective assistance of counsel
    because defendant did not submit affidavits or testimony];
    People v. Dennis, supra, 177 Cal.App.3d at p. 873 [defendant
    must establish “by affidavit, oral testimony or reference to
    the trial record” that trial counsel was ineffective].)
    “Reviewing courts will reverse convictions on the
    ground of inadequate counsel only if the record on appeal
    affirmatively discloses that counsel had no rational tactical
    purpose for his act or omission. In all other cases the
    conviction will be affirmed and the defendant relegated to
    habeas corpus proceedings.” (People v. Fosselman, supra, 33
    Cal.3d at p. 581.) Whatever counsel’s motive for not calling
    Little Chris as a trial witness, the record does not establish
    that counsel had no reasonable basis for his decision. If
    Watts wishes to pursue the point, therefore, he may do so by
    petition for habeas corpus.18 (See id. at p. 582.)
    III. Watts’s Remaining Claims
    Watts also contends that the trial court erred when it
    precluded him from introducing evidence of Videau’s blood
    alcohol level at the time of the shooting and that instructing
    the jury using CALCRIM No. 315 violated his due process
    rights. Neither argument has merit.
    A.    Videau’s Blood Alcohol Level
    During trial, the prosecution moved to exclude Videau’s
    toxicology results under Evidence Code section 352, arguing
    they were irrelevant and that the prejudicial effect of the
    18 We reach the same conclusion with respect to
    counsel’s other alleged errors. Once again, Watts’s claims
    involved defense counsel’s action, or inaction, outside the
    courtroom and Watts failed to procure a declaration or
    affidavit from counsel that discussed these particular
    decisions. Thus, if Watts wishes to pursue the point, he may
    do so by petition for habeas corpus.
    evidence outweighed any probative value.19 The defense
    countered that the toxicology results were relevant when
    evaluating Michelle Howard’s credibility. Although Howard
    testified she had one or two beers with Videau, his blood
    alcohol content level was .32, nearly three times the legal
    limit. The defense argued that since Howard was with
    Videau for hours before the shooting, Videau’s level of
    intoxication was relevant to assess Howard’s credibility as
    well as her ability to perceive and relay accurate
    information. The prosecution responded that no evidence
    supported the defense claim that Howard was with Videau
    throughout the night, and it was possible Videau had
    consumed alcohol outside of Howard’s presence. The trial
    court agreed, noting that Howard’s testimony never
    established how long they were together. Indeed, Howard
    testified that there were times when she did not see Videau.
    The defense also argued that Videau’s blood alcohol
    level was relevant because “at least some circumstantial
    evidence” showed more drinking took place than what
    Howard had described. The trial court noted that many
    factors contribute to blood alcohol levels, including tolerance
    for alcohol, and the duration an individual had been
    19  Pursuant to Evidence Code section 352, “[t]he court
    in its discretion may exclude evidence if its probative value
    is substantially outweighed by the probability that its
    admission will (a) necessitate undue consumption of time or
    (b) create substantial danger of undue prejudice, of confusing
    the issues, or of misleading the jury.”
    drinking. In this case, Howard met Videau on the night of
    the shooting. She did not know how alcohol affected Videau
    and, to the extent the defense suggested otherwise, no
    evidence supported this argument. The trial court
    concluded that defense counsel’s arguments were “just
    speculation and conjecture” and that, without more,
    Videau’s blood alcohol level would be excluded.
    A trial court has discretion to admit or exclude
    evidence offered for impeachment. (People v. Brown (2003)
    31 Cal.4th 518
    , 534.) We review for abuse of discretion a
    trial court’s ruling to admit or exclude proffered evidence
    under Evidence Code section 352. (People v. Hamilton
    45 Cal.4th 863
    , 929–930.) A court abuses its
    discretion when its ruling “falls outside the bounds of
    reason.” (People v. Osband (1996) 
    13 Cal.4th 622
    , 666.) In
    other words, abuse of discretion is established by showing
    the trial court exercised its discretion in an “arbitrary,
    capricious, or patently absurd manner that resulted in a
    manifest miscarriage of justice.” (People v. Carrington
    47 Cal.4th 145
    , 195.)
    We agree with the trial court that the connection
    between the excluded evidence and the issues at this trial
    was unduly tenuous. Indeed, although the defense argued
    that Videau’s intoxication had some bearing on Howard’s
    credibility and her ability to perceive and relay accurate
    information, there was no evidence that Howard was with
    Videau throughout the night. While both attended a party
    before the shooting, they did not meet until after the party
    was over. Howard left the party by herself and then went to
    the Imperial Courts Housing Projects where she met
    Videau. She accompanied Videau for a few hours before the
    shooting took place. As the trial court recognized, Videau
    could have consumed alcohol at the party, outside of
    Howard’s presence or knowledge. Thus, there was no
    evidence that Howard knew how much alcohol Videau had
    consumed throughout the night.
    Even if Howard had somehow acquired this knowledge,
    there was no evidence she also knew Videau’s tolerance
    level for alcohol. As the trial court noted, tolerance varies
    with each individual and thus it was speculative to conclude
    that Howard had the ability to assess the effect of alcohol on
    Videau. This is especially true given that there was no
    testimony that Videau showed any visible signs of
    intoxication. Consequently, Videau’s blood alcohol results
    neither undercut Howard’s credibility nor called her ability
    to perceive events into question. Accordingly, the trial court
    did not abuse its discretion in excluding Videau’s toxicology
    Furthermore, evidence is prejudicial within the
    meaning of Evidence Code section 352 if it tends to evoke an
    emotional bias against a person or to cause the jury to
    prejudge a person or cause on the basis of extraneous
    factors. (People v. Cowan (2010) 
    50 Cal.4th 401
    , 475.) In
    short, a trial court “ ‘ “is not required to admit evidence that
    merely makes the victim of a crime look bad.” ’ ” (People v.
    Loker (2008) 
    44 Cal.4th 691
    , 736; see People v. Kelly (1992)
    1 Cal.4th 495
    , 523 [rejecting defendant’s attempted
    introduction of toxicology reports showing drugs and alcohol
    in victim’s blood where results were irrelevant to issues
    Finally, exclusion of this evidence did not interfere
    with Watts’s constitutional right to present a defense. “As a
    general matter, the ‘[a]pplication of the ordinary rules of
    evidence . . . does not impermissibly infringe on a
    defendant’s right to present a defense.’ ” (People v. Fudge
    7 Cal.4th 1075
    , 1102–1103.) “Although completely
    excluding evidence of an accused’s defense theoretically
    could rise to this level, excluding defense evidence on a
    minor or subsidiary point does not impair an accused’s due
    process right to present a defense.” (Id. at p. 1103.) In
    other words, a defendant has no constitutionally protected
    right to introduce evidence that is irrelevant or only
    remotely relevant. (People v. Hall (1986) 
    41 Cal.3d 826
    834–835.) The toxicology results, which had little probative
    value, were only remotely relevant.
    Nor did the trial court violate Watts’s confrontation
    clause rights. “ ‘[T]rial judges retain wide latitude insofar
    as the Confrontation Clause is concerned to impose
    reasonable limits on such cross-examination based on
    concerns about, among other things, harassment, prejudice,
    confusion of the issues, the witness’ safety, or interrogation
    that is repetitive or only marginally relevant.’ [Citations.]
    Exclusion of impeaching evidence on collateral matters
    which has only slight probative value on the issue of
    veracity does not infringe on the defendant’s right of
    confrontation.” (People v. Greenberger (1997) 
    58 Cal.App.4th 298
    , 350; see Delaware v. Van Arsdall (1986)
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679; People v. Cooper (1991) 
    53 Cal.3d 771
    817.) Because the toxicology results in this case had only
    slight or no probative value with respect to Howard’s
    veracity or observational abilities, their exclusion did not
    infringe on Watts’s right of confrontation.
    B.    CALCRIM No. 315
    CALCRIM No. 315 enumerates the factors a jury is to
    consider when evaluating identification testimony. The
    pattern jury instruction lists 14 different factors a jury may
    consider in evaluating that testimony. One of those factors
    is: “How certain was the witness when he or she made an
    identification?” Watts contends CALCRIM No. 315 is
    unconstitutional because it instructs the jury to consider a
    witness’s degree of certainty when evaluating eyewitness
    identification. However, a series of cases from the United
    States and California Supreme Courts, and California
    appellate courts, have repeatedly found that “certainty” is
    an appropriate factor to evaluate eyewitness identifications,
    and that CALCRIM No. 315, as well as its predecessor
    CALJIC No. 2.92, are correct statements of the law and
    20 CALJIC No. 2.92 instructed the jury that it should
    consider “[t]he extent to which the witness is either certain
    or uncertain of the identification.”
    For example, in Neil v. Biggers (1972) 
    409 U.S. 188
    , the
    United States Supreme Court identified several factors to
    consider when determining the reliability of an
    identification, including the level of certainty demonstrated
    by the witness at the confrontation. (Id. at pp. 199–200.) In
    Perry v. New Hampshire (2012) 
    565 U.S. 228
    , the United
    States Supreme Court addressed a defendant’s due process
    argument regarding the reliability of an identification. In
    so doing, Perry cited the factors set forth in Neil, including
    certainty, and held that these factors are properly
    considered when evaluating the reliability of eyewitness
    identifications. (Id. at pp. 239–241 & fn. 5.) In People v.
    Gaglione (1994) 
    26 Cal.App.4th 1291
    , the defendant argued
    that the certainty factor in CALJIC No. 2.92 was erroneous
    and should have been deleted. (Id. at pp. 1302–1303.)
    Gaglione held the instruction was proper because it did not
    take a position on the significance of the witness’s certainty,
    but merely called attention to certainty as a factor. (Ibid.)
    A similar result was reached in People v. Sullivan (2007)
    151 Cal.App.4th 524
    , which rejected the defendant’s
    argument that the trial court should have deleted the
    certainty factor from the instruction. (Id. at pp. 561–562.)
    Although Watts cites studies and out-of-state cases
    that have questioned the validity of certainty as a factor
    when evaluating eyewitness testimony, the California
    Supreme Court recently rejected an attack on the
    “certainty” factor, similar to the one which Watts has raised
    here. “Studies concluding there is, at best, a weak
    correlation between witness certainty and accuracy are
    nothing new. We cited some of them three decades ago to
    support our holding that the trial court has discretion to
    admit expert testimony regarding the reliability of
    eyewitness identification.” (People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 411
    , 462 (Sanchez).) Indeed, our Supreme Court
    noted it had “specifically approved” CALJIC No. 2.92,
    including its certainty factor and has “since reiterated the
    propriety of including this factor.” (Ibid.) Sanchez further
    held that the defendant did not suffer any prejudice from
    the court’s use of the instruction. “The instruction cited the
    certainty factor in a neutral manner, telling the jury only
    that it could consider it. It did not suggest that certainty
    equals accuracy. In this case, telling it to consider this
    factor could only benefit defendant when it came to the
    uncertain identifications, and it was unlikely to harm him
    regarding the certain ones.” (Ibid.)
    We are bound by the California Supreme Court ruling
    in Sanchez, supra, 
    63 Cal.4th 411
     as well as the United
    States Supreme Court’s continued approval of the
    “certainty” factor in Neil v. Biggers, 
    409 U.S. 188
    Perry v. New Hampshire, 
    565 U.S. 228
    . We hold the
    court correctly instructed the jury with CALCRIM No. 315.
    To that end, we also hold that defense counsel’s failure to
    object to the instruction was not ineffective assistance. As
    with the other attorney errors alleged by Watts, defense
    counsel was not given an opportunity to offer reasons for the
    inaction. Speculating that no reasonable tactical or
    strategic reason supported the failure to object does not
    establish ineffective assistance of counsel. (See People v.
    Mattson (1990) 
    50 Cal.3d 826
    , 876, 877.) Moreover, counsel
    was not required to make a meritless objection. (See People
    v. Ochoa (1998) 
    19 Cal.4th 353
    , 463.)
    The trial court’s order denying Watts’s new trial
    motion is affirmed in part and reversed in part. The order
    is reversed with respect to the gang enhancement allegation
    (Pen. Code, § 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(C)) only. The trial court is
    directed to conduct a limited rehearing as to whether the
    evidence was sufficient to sustain the jury’s true finding as
    to this allegation. The trial court shall also recalculate
    Watts’s pretrial custody credits at that time. In all other
    respects, the order is affirmed.
    We concur:
    LUI, J.