People v. Landers ( 2019 )

  • Filed 2/7/19 (unmodified opn. attached)
    ADRIAN LANDERS,                                          (City & County of San Francisco
    Super. Ct. No. 221100)
    Objector and Appellant.
    It is ordered that the opinion filed herein on January 14, 2019, be modified as
    1.       On page 3, in subheading “B” entitled “Pretrial Investigation and
    Discovery by the Defense”, delete the words “and Discovery.”
    2.       On page 8, in the first sentence that starts with “Addressing specifically to
    the accusations of discovery default,” delete the word “to” so the phrase
    reads, “Addressing specifically the accusations of discovery default,”.
    3.       On page 13, in the first paragraph, in the sentence that starts,
    “Alternatively, an abuse of discretion will be found if the factual findings
    underlying the order under review are factually unsupported,” delete the
    word “factual.”
    The modifications effect no change in the judgment.
    Dated: February 7, 2019                 _______________________________ Acting P. J.
    A145037/People v. Landers (Raju)
    A145037/People v. Landers (Raju)
    Trial court:        San Francisco City & County Superior Court
    Trial judge:        Hon. Anne Bouliane
    Jeff Adachi, Public Defender (San Francisco), Matt Gonzalez, Chief Attorney, and
    Christopher F. Gauger, Deputy Public Defender for Objector and Appellant.
    Laura Arnold for California Public Defender’s Association as Amicus Curiae on
    behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    Brendon D. Woods, Public Defender (Alameda), and Brian Bloom, Assistant
    Public Defender as Amici Curiae on behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    Elizabeth K. Barker, Supervising Attorney and Garrick Byers, Special Assignment
    Attorney for Alternate Defender Office of Contra Costa County as Amici Curiae on
    behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    George Gascón, District Attorney (San Francisco), Louise Ogden, Assistant
    District Attorney, and Joseph Frislid, Assistant District Attorney for Plaintiff.
    Filed 1/14/19 (unmodified version)
    ADRIAN LANDERS,                                         (City & County of San Francisco
    Super. Ct. No. 221100)
    Objector and Appellant.
    The trial court imposed a $950 sanction on Deputy Public Defender Manohar
    Raju, counsel for defendant Adrian Landers in a two-defendant joint criminal trial, for
    violating a reciprocal discovery order. The court found that Raju failed to disclose to the
    People the name and statements taken from Talika Fletcher, a witness called by Landers’s
    co-defendant, Dylan Lemalie.
    Raju contends the sanction order was improper because he never intended to call
    Fletcher at trial, and in fact did not call her. Rather, he contends, he relied on a state-of-
    the evidence defense for Landers, putting on no affirmative defense case and eliciting
    what he needed through cross-examination of various witnesses, one of whom was
    Fletcher. We conclude Raju did not violate the reciprocal discovery order, and
    accordingly, shall reverse the sanctions order.
    A formal sanctions order of any kind necessarily tarnishes an attorney’s
    reputation, the most precious professional asset any member of the bar possesses. (Cooter
    & Gell v. Hartmarx Corp. (1990) 
    496 U.S. 384
    , 413 (conc. & dis. opn. of Stevens, J.)
    (Cooter & Gell).) Just as it is the duty of the court imposing sanctions to do so only
    when truly warranted, it is our duty on appeal to review the facts of such a case with great
    care to determine whether the sanctions were properly imposed. We thus recite the facts
    of this case in some detail.
    A.     Charges, Defenses, and Procedural History
    Raju represented Landers on charges he carried an illegal firearm and was an aider
    and abettor in the September 16, 2012 shotgun slaying of Jesus Solis by Lemalie. Both
    Lemalie and Landers were charged with murder under Penal Code section 187,
    subdivision (a).1 The murder charge against Landers was discharged at the preliminary
    hearing due to insufficient evidence, but was later re-filed by amended information in
    early February 2014. A section 995 motion seeking to strike the amendment was heard
    and denied, and a few weeks later, on March 4, 2014, the case was assigned to Judge
    Anne Bouliane for trial.
    Relying heavily on a collection of video surveillance clips taken on the afternoon
    of the shooting, the People argued at trial that Solis, his girlfriend Sara Herrera, and his
    friend Hugo Fuentes, encountered Lemalie and Landers on Kamille Court, near the
    Bernal Dwellings public housing complex. According to the People, both Landers and
    Lemalie were armed, Landers with a handgun and Lemalie with a shotgun. At first there
    was an exchange of threats at a distance between Fuentes and Landers, and then, in a
    “coordinated attack,” Landers chased Solis towards the corner of 26th and Treat, where a
    waiting Lemalie shot him to death.
    Lemalie argued self-defense. He contended that Solis and Fuentes, known to him
    as members of the Norteño street gang, arrived in the Bernal Dwellings neighborhood
    looking to stir up trouble; that they had threatened to “blow up” the neighborhood a few
    weeks before the shooting; that, watching Fuentes from a distance, Lemalie saw Fuentes
    Unless otherwise specified, all further statutory citations are to the Penal Code.
    put his hands in his waistband, appearing to grab a weapon, while yelling racially-
    charged taunts and beckoning nearby compatriots to back him up; that Lemalie was
    fearful, so he went in his house and grabbed a shotgun; that when he came out, Solis
    charged toward him at the corner of 26th and Treat, yelling threats and holding a metal
    object (Lemalie thought it was a gun, but it turned out to be a knife); and finally that, to
    save himself, Lemalie fired two shotgun blasts at Solis, killing him.
    Landers argued a variation on this defense, putting the exact locations of the
    events near Bernal Dwellings the afternoon of the shooting into sharp focus. He
    contended that the Norteños came into the neighborhood armed, and started trouble
    separately, in different places; that he was not present at the corner of 26th and Treat
    when Solis was shot; that he didn’t see or talk to Lemalie before the street confrontation
    with Solis and had no idea it even happened; that, when the shooting occurred, he was in
    a different location, involved in a confrontation with a gun-wielding Fuentes; that in the
    video clip of him running, he was fleeing from Fuentes, headed in a direction away from
    Solis; and that only after hearing shots fired did he go to 26th and Treat, where Lemalie
    handed him a shotgun, which he held for only few seconds before tossing it under a
    parked car.
    At the conclusion of trial, the jury returned a verdict convicting Landers of illegal
    possession of a firearm,2 but failed to reach any verdict on the remaining counts. The
    case subsequently resolved through a plea to accessory after the fact by Landers and a
    plea of manslaughter by Lemalie.
    B.     Pretrial Investigation and Discovery by the Defense
    In early January 2014, Raju’s investigator, Timothy Kingston, met with Fletcher
    and her mother Joyce Allen to talk about what they had seen on the day of the shooting.
    Both women indicated that they had been nearby but did not witness what happened.
    They went outside and saw some of the aftermath. Both stated that they had seen a
    Landers appealed his gun conviction, which we affirmed in an unpublished
    opinion. (People v. Landers (May 31, 2017, A142513) [nonpub. opn.].)
    Latino waving a gun around after the shooting. They also offered background
    information about people involved, “some relevant and some not.”
    On February 26, 2014, Kingston went back to interview Fletcher and Allen, this
    time accompanied by Raju. Fletcher and Allen reviewed the videotape of the shooting
    and identified themselves in it, as well as other individuals. Among those individuals
    was a person named “Wes” or “Wesley” who lived a few doors down from Fletcher.
    Also shown on the video tape, according to Fletcher, was Wesley’s brother, and a person
    known as Quis, to whom Landers tossed some keys. Kingston was of the opinion that
    neither Fletcher nor Joyce Allen would be particularly a good witness because each had a
    difficult time staying on topic. He described his interview with them as “long[,]
    winding[,] and convoluted.”
    Sometime “prior to March 2014,” according to a declaration filed by Mark
    Goldrosen, Lemalie’s attorney, Raju told Goldrosen that Fletcher had seen Fuentes
    brandishing a firearm shortly after the shooting. Goldrosen decided Fletcher was an
    important witness because her testimony corroborated the defense theory that Fuentes
    and Solis were both armed and posed threats to Lemalie before he shot Solis in self-
    defense. Although Goldrosen had not yet personally interviewed Fletcher, based on
    Raju’s representations he included her on his witness list, which was filed March 10.
    In “early March,” according to Goldrosen, he arranged for his investigator to
    subpoena Fletcher and to confirm that she had seen Fuentes with a gun. When
    Goldrosen’s investigator was unable to locate Fletcher, Raju arranged for one of his
    “neighborhood connections” to facilitate an interview. On March 13, 2014, Raju was
    present when Goldrosen’s investigator met with Fletcher. At this meeting, Fletcher
    confirmed she had seen Fuentes with a gun. After receiving a verbal report from his
    investigator the same day, Goldrosen emailed prosecutor Heather Trevisan a summary of
    Fletcher’s interview, along with her home address. On March 27, Goldrosen personally
    met with Fletcher and confirmed what she had seen on the date that Solis was shot. And
    on March 29, Goldrosen emailed these statements to Trevisan.
    C.      In Limine Motions and Discovery Order
    Because Trevisan had received virtually no discovery from Raju by March 2014
    even though the case was filed in September 2012, she was suspicious. To that point, the
    only discovery she had received from Raju were disclosures of a potential expert witness
    and a witness who might testify that he picked up Landers on the day of the murder for a
    49ers football game. Concerned that “this specific attorney regularly failed to disclose
    evidence admitted at trial,” Trevisan included in her trial brief a written motion in limine
    for compelled defense disclosures under section 1054.3.
    On March 13, 2014, a week before trial, Judge Bouliane orally granted Trevisan’s
    discovery motion, compelling each defendant to disclose the following: “(1) The names
    and addresses of all persons defendant intends to call during trial . . . [¶] (2) Witness
    statements or reports of statements, no matter how recorded or by whom recorded of all
    witnesses the defense intends to call at trial . . . [¶] (3) Expert reports including the results
    of physical or mental exams . . . [¶] (4) Unrecorded statements of witnesses.” The fourth
    prong of the order, as framed in the motion, and as granted, was a catchall, without
    anything limiting it to witnesses the disclosing defendant intended to call.3
    Upon issuing this reciprocal discovery order, Judge Bouliane emphasized that
    counsel should produce all witness statements of which they were aware, whether written
    or not, and prefaced the announcement of her ruling with the cautionary statement, “I
    don’t think I need to say this to you, folks, but something happened in another trial. I
    was very distressed by it. If something new comes up, do not bring it up in front of the
    jury the first time before mentioning it to the court.”
    As authority for these discovery orders, Trevisan cited, respectively, for no. 1,
    section 1054.3, subdivision (a); for no. 2, section 1054.3,subdivision (a), Thompson v.
    Superior Court (1997) 
    53 Cal. App. 4th 480
    , 482, and In re Littlefield (1993) 
    5 Cal. 4th 122
    (Littlefield); for no. 3, section 1054.3, subdivision (a), People v. Lamb (2006) 
    136 Cal. App. 4th 575
    (Lamb); Roland v. Superior Court (2004) 
    124 Cal. App. 4th 154
    and for no. 4, 
    Lamb, supra
    , 136 Cal.App.4th at p. 580, and 
    Roland, supra
    , 124
    Cal.App.4th at p. 165.
    D.     The Dispute Among Counsel Following Opening Statements
    Opening statements commenced March 20, 2014, and “something new” did come
    up that had not been mentioned to the court. Whether Raju was responsible for the
    ensuing dispute, or Trevisan was, became a matter of intense debate centering on
    surveillance video clips shown by Trevisan during her opening, and Raju’s response in
    his opening.
    In one clip shown by Trevisan, Lemalie could be seen shooting Solis with a
    shotgun. Using a different clip, taken from a different camera, at a different angle,
    Trevisan told the jury that prior to the shooting Landers could be seen running towards
    Solis and pointing a gun at him. After Landers “spots” Solis, she contended, he “chase[s]
    him back into the path of Lemalie,” who then shoots him.
    Raju, on behalf of Landers, embraced Goldrosen’s self-defense theory—since that
    defense, if successful would eliminate any aiding and abetting exposure Landers might
    have—but also contended that the full, uncut version of the video clip shown by Trevisan
    would disprove Trevisan’s claim of Landers’s role in the shooting. Pointing out that
    Trevisan had mischaracterized the video, Raju took the position Landers did not herd
    anyone towards Lemalie. Interpreted correctly, Raju contended, the video showed
    Landers was not chasing Solis, but was himself being chased by Fuentes.
    While fleeing Fuentes, Raju told the jury, Landers ran past a person wearing an
    Alex Smith 49ers jersey. Drawing upon details learned in the February 26th interview of
    Fletcher, including the detail that Landers at one point threw keys to Quis, Raju claimed
    Trevisan was wrong about the people depicted in the video clips she showed. The person
    in the Alex Smith jersey, according to Raju, was not Solis, who was wearing a Jerry Rice
    jersey. He was the brother of another individual who was also at the scene, someone
    identified only as “Wesley.”
    In addition, Raju devoted some of his opening to discussing Landers’ ties to the
    community and his extensive family in the area of the Bernal Dwellings. Landers was
    familiar with the neighborhood, Raju claimed, and often took his little brothers to play
    soccer in Garfield Park. According to Raju, the evidence would also show that Landers
    knew store owners, including Omar Nadel, and had a friend, Luis Morales, who was
    mentoring Landers in auto mechanics in the neighborhood.
    Raju turned out to be right about the identification of who could be seen on the
    video, and the People make no attempt here on appeal to argue the point, referring in their
    responding brief to “the People’s mistake” and Raju’s knowledge of “exactly who the
    People were misidentifying.” The mystery man in the video clip that sparked the dispute
    among counsel during opening statements would later be identified at trial as Eric Jones,
    Wesley’s brother, who Raju had personally represented years before Lemalie and
    Landers were tried. Wesley, who was called by Goldrosen as a witness for Lemalie, gave
    the identifying testimony under direct examination by Goldrosen.
    But all of this had yet to occur when opening statements were given, and what
    started as a kerfuffle over remarks to the jury about the video evidence during openings
    eventually led to the post-trial sanctions order now under review. Based on the level of
    detail in Raju’s remarks, Trevisan lodged repeated objections throughout his opening,
    largely based on lack of discovery. At a sidebar, Raju explained he had been surprised by
    Trevisan’s theory that Landers had herded Solis toward Lemalie. The discussion
    devolved into finger-pointing, with Raju claiming Trevisan had misrepresented the
    evidence, and Trevisan claiming Raju had failed to provide discovery concerning any of
    the individuals he mentioned during his opening and must be planning an ambush.
    Raju admitted he had seen the video before, but after talking to people in the
    community he had figured out the identity of those shown in it. He claimed he had been
    telling the prosecution for months there was no evidence that Landers had chased Solis.
    To prove the misidentification, he insisted he could use a witness “[w]ho’s already been
    disclosed” to testify. According to Raju, Trevisan relied on a different video clip in her
    opening statement than the one the People used at the preliminary hearing, saying “out of
    thin air that [Solis] is the person . . . Landers is chasing.” Faced with a new spin on the
    video evidence, Raju contended, he decided he had to prove who was who on the clip
    used by Trevisan in opening, so he responded in kind with specific facts he thought he
    could elicit on cross-examination.
    Addressing specifically to the accusations of discovery default, Raju argued he
    had no duty to disclose what he knew about who was shown on the video, and for
    emphasis, he added in any event that the video was evidence belonging to the
    prosecution, not the defense. At this point, Judge Bouliane halted the discussion,
    advising Raju, “this is a little disingenuous. Okay. We’re stopping now. I want you to
    know that I’m aware. I have some concerns.” She admonished Raju that if and when he
    had any witnesses who were not previously disclosed, he would have to talk to the court
    prior to calling them before the jury.4
    E.     Post-Trial Contempt and Sanctions Proceedings
    Following trial, the People filed a motion seeking a contempt finding and
    imposition of monetary sanctions against Raju for 19 separate discovery violations,
    including that he allegedly failed to disclose the identity and statements of Fletcher. The
    motion sought a wide range of remedies, starting with a fine of up to $1,000 for each
    The same accusations of discovery non-compliance by Raju surfaced again at
    later points in the trial, most concretely during Fletcher’s testimony. But before Fletcher
    took the stand, one other instance is particularly notable. On March 26, in a colloquy
    outside the presence of the jury, Judge Bouliane inquired of counsel, “Let me just ask you
    where are we on the witness issues?” That led to a lengthy discussion in which Trevisan
    repeated her lack-of-discovery objections and suggested Raju was planning to present
    “surprise witness[es].” In further discussions with counsel outside the presence of the
    jury on March 28, Judge Bouliane indicated “I reviewed again the opening statements,
    and I have some concerns that some specific witnesses were mentioned, in particular
    Jones, the previous client, Mr. Raju, of yours in your opening statement without any
    discovery being given over.” Raju and Goldrosen then made confidential in camera
    proffers to try to explain the circumstances under which Raju had relayed information
    about Fletcher and the Jones brothers to Goldrosen, which both defense attorneys told the
    court arose as a result of late-breaking investigative developments and involved no
    coordinated plan between them. These in camera proffer sessions were purely record-
    making exercises. The court made no ruling following their completion. And because
    they took place at counsel’s request for the express purpose of sharing core work product
    information with the court (see section 1054.7), the transcripts were sealed.
    contempt, a jail sentence of up to five days, and a disciplinary report to the State Bar.5
    On the showing made by the People, Judge Bouliane issued an order to show cause
    (OSC) why Raju should not be found to have willfully violated a court order under Code
    of Civil Procedure sections 1209 and 1211, and, or in the alternative, sanctioned under
    Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5.6
    Proceeding in two steps on the OSC, the court first heard arguments from the
    parties, and then heard testimony from defense expert witness Peter Keane. Keane
    opined that Raju did not do anything unethical or otherwise engage in discovery abuse.
    In Keane’s opinion, turning over a statement of a witness, when there is no intent to call
    the witness, is a violation of an attorney’s statutory duty of loyalty to his client. It would
    also have been a violation of the ethical responsibility of an attorney to “protect the
    secrets of his client.” According to Keane, there is also no rule that requires an attorney
    to turn over statements of a witness that their codefendant intends to call or does call.
    Keane thought Raju engaged in “good advocacy,” explaining that “if you can
    convince or cajole or in some way influence a co-counsel to go ahead and put on material
    that you want that’s going to help, there’s nothing unethical about that. I think that’s
    The motion pulled no punches. The People contended that “Mr. Raju’s abuse of
    the discovery process could not be more egregious. At a minimum,” they claimed, “he
    failed to [disclose] any of the evidence discussed in his opening statement prior to March
    20, 2014. Mr. Raju violated both the self-executing obligation of reciprocal discovery
    under California law, and under the Court’s express order to produce any and all
    discovery Mr. Raju would rely on for trial, entered on March 13, 2014.” Despite the
    March 13, 2014 discussion Judge Bouliane had with all counsel about the importance of
    pretrial disclosures, the People argued, “Raju never produced any evidence prior to trial.”
    The People contended that Mr. Raju must have known how he would respond to the
    People’s herding theory “long before” entry of the March 13, 2014 reciprocal discovery
    order. But “even assuming Defendant [sic.] argues that he did not ‘reasonably intend’ to
    introduce the evidence prior to opening statement, which is laughable, Defendant [sic.]
    never even produced the evidence until defense witnesses were testifying, if at all.”
    Before submitting his opposition to the OSC, Raju moved to unseal the
    confidential in camera proffers he and Goldrosen made to the court on March 28. That
    motion was granted.
    good, clever in no negative sense. That’s good, clever, effective, artful advocacy.” Keane
    pointed out that Raju did, in fact, turn over the witness statement when directly ordered to
    do so by the court. He pointed out that Raju also followed the advice of his supervisor,
    Robert Dunlap, a very experienced trial attorney, who had encouraged Raju to undertake
    a minimal defense in the case and advised him not to call Fletcher as a witness.
    Following this bifurcated set of hearings, Judge Bouliane ultimately issued a
    detailed 19-page order addressing only the issue of sanctions, without reaching contempt
    and without addressing 18 of the 19 alleged violations of its March 13, 2014 reciprocal
    discovery order. Under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5, she found Raju violated
    the order in one respect, a violation she characterized as “the most obvious.” That single
    violation was for failing to identify Fletcher as a witness as required by section 1054.3.
    Judge Bouliane acknowledged Raju’s argument that Goldrosen called Fletcher as
    Lemalie’s witness, but based on the test enumerated in Izazaga v. Superior Court (1991)
    54 Cal. 3d 356
    , 376, fn. 11 (Izazaga), she rejected his contention, finding that Raju
    “reasonably anticipate[d]” calling Fletcher as his witness, that Raju’s intent to call
    Fletcher was formulated at the time of opening statements, and that “this omission was
    designed to gain a tactical advantage over the People and was done without good cause or
    substantial justification.”
    In support of her order, Judge Bouliane specifically found as follows: 1) Raju
    repeatedly stated that he did not intend to call any witnesses during the trial and would
    elicit any information through cross-examination; 2) Raju’s cross-examination of
    Fletcher, a witness called by Goldrosen, was outside the scope of her direct examination;
    3) Raju knew Fletcher had potentially “exculpatory” evidence for Landers (she could
    identify Eric Jones as the person in the 49ers jersey running by Landers, she saw Fuentes
    waving a gun around after the shooting, and she could legitimize Lander’s presence in the
    neighborhood); 4) Raju could not be certain that Goldrosen would call Fletcher as a
    witness; 5) Raju referred to the “exculpatory evidence” in his opening statement; 6) Raju
    knew that Fletcher had this information before the trial began based on previous
    interviews with her and recognized the importance of the information to his case; and 7)
    Raju hoped to avoid his discovery obligation by first persuading Goldrosen to call
    Fletcher as his witness and then relying on Goldrosen’s assertion that he was going to call
    her as his witness at trial.
    Raju timely appealed.7
    A.     Standard of Review
    Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 provides in relevant part, “A judicial officer
    shall have the power to impose reasonable money sanctions, not to exceed fifteen
    hundred dollars ($1,500), notwithstanding any other provision of law, payable to the
    court, for any violation of a lawful court order by a person, done without good cause or
    substantial justification.” Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 “is fully applicable to
    both criminal and civil matters.” (People v. Tabb (1991) 
    228 Cal. App. 3d 1300
    , 1310
    (Tabb); see People v. Muhammad (2003) 
    108 Cal. App. 4th 313
    , 323–324.) A court is
    equally harmed “by the failure of a public entity’s representative (such as a prosecutor or
    public defender) to comply with court orders as by any privately retained counsel’s
    failure to do so.” 
    (Tabb, supra
    , at p. 1309.) The evident purpose of Code of Civil
    Procedure section 177.5 is to punish and deter violations of lawful court orders (In re
    Woodham (2001) 
    95 Cal. App. 4th 438
    , 443-444 (Woodham), and to compensate the
    judicial system for the cost of unnecessary hearings (Moyal v. Lanphear (1989) 
    208 Cal. App. 3d 491
    , 499 (Moyal)).8
    We granted the requests of the Alameda County Public Defender, the Alternate
    Defender of Contra Costa County, and the California Public Defender’s Association to
    file amicus curiae briefs. Each filed a brief, and the District Attorney filed a separate
    response to each amicus.
    Code of Civil Procedure “[s]ection 177.5 was enacted in 1982 at the request of
    the superior courts of Los Angeles and San Diego Counties. (Enrolled Bill Mem. Assem.
    Bill No. 3573, dated September 23, 1982.) According to the author of the bill and its
    proponents, [the statute] was enacted to ‘insure all parties are present and prepared for
    court appearances’ and ‘to help eliminate unnecessary delays in civil proceedings.’
    (Enrolled Bill Report, AB 3573).” (Seykora v. Superior Court (1991) 
    232 Cal. App. 3d 11
           “The proper approach for evaluating” the appeal of a sanctions order entered
    against an attorney under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 is to apply its
    “requirements for knowing violations of valid court orders, together with the applicable
    Rules of Professional Conduct” and the rules of practice or procedure the sanctions order
    seeks to enforce. (Conservatorship of Becerra (2009) 
    175 Cal. App. 4th 1474
    , 1481
    (Becerra).) “ ‘[A] trial court's exercise of discretion will not be disturbed unless the
    record establishes it exceeded the bounds of reason or contravened the uncontradicted
    evidence [citation], failed to follow proper procedure in reaching its decision [citation], or
    applied the wrong legal standard to the determination [citation].’ [Citation.] A
    discretionary ruling will not be reversed merely because of a difference of opinion
    between the appellate tribunal and the trial judge. [Citation.] ‘Inherent in our review of
    the exercise of discretion in imposing monetary sanctions is a consideration of whether
    the court’s imposition of sanctions was a violation of due process. [Citation.]’ ” 
    (Becerra, supra
    , at p. 1482.)9
    1075, 1080.) Although the legislative history suggests a purpose aimed specifically at
    courtroom administration and efficiency, and the statute has typically been invoked in
    that context (e.g., People v. Whitus (2012) 209 Cal.App.4th Supp. 1 [repeated failure to
    appear at trial readiness conferences]), its language in plain terms—referring to the
    violation of “any lawful court order”—is much broader. As a consequence, Code of Civil
    Procedure section 177.5 has been used to redress the violation of many types of court
    orders, by attorneys (see, e.g., Scott C. Moody, Inc. v. Staar Surgical Co. (2011) 
    195 Cal. App. 4th 1043
    , 1048 [willful disobedience of court order directing attorney not to
    question witness about particular issue]; People v. Ward (2009) 
    173 Cal. App. 4th 1518
    1529-1531 [repeated violation by attorney of court order barring use of phrase
    “prosecutorial misconduct” before the jury]), and by other “persons” 
    (Woodham, supra
    95 Cal.App.4th at pp. 446-447 [failure of prison warden to comply with directive issued
    in habeas proceeding requiring timely response to inmate’s administrative appeal]).
    The idea that a mere difference of opinion between the appellate and trial courts
    will not justify reversal of a sanctions order under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5
    reflects the practical reality that sanctions determinations often involve “ ‘fact-intensive,
    close calls.’ ” (Cooter & 
    Gell, supra
    , 496 U.S. at p. 404; see 
    Woodham, supra
    , 95
    Cal.App.4th at p. 447 [prison warden’s excuse for failure to comply with court order
    requiring timely processing of inmate’s administrative appeal presented nothing more
    While this standard of review is highly deferential to the trial court’s wide
    discretion in determining the facts, choosing from the array of available sanctions, and
    deciding the severity of any sanction chosen, an abuse of discretion will be found on
    appeal if a sanctions order rests on incorrect legal premises (Fox v. Superior Court (2018)
    21 Cal.App.5th 529, 533) or violates due process, matters we decide exercising our
    independent review. Alternatively, an abuse of discretion will be found if the factual
    findings underlying the order under review are factually unsupported 
    (Becerra, supra
    175 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1481–1482), which requires us to “assess[] the record for
    substantial evidence to support the court’s express or implied findings.” (Id. at p. 1482.)
    Applying these principles of review to the unusual factual record before us, our task is to
    determine whether the trial court’s exercise of discretion exceeded the bounds of reason.
    We conclude that it did. The findings underlying the sanctions order at issue here rest on
    legal error in several respects and are unsupported by substantial evidence.
    B.     Reciprocal Discovery in Criminal Cases
    The statutory scheme governing reciprocal discovery in criminal cases was added
    to the Penal Code by Proposition 115 in 1990 and may be found at Penal Code, Title 6,
    Chapter 10 (§ 1054 et seq.) (Chapter 10). “The purpose of [Chapter 10] is to promote
    ascertainment of truth by liberal discovery rules which allow parties to obtain information
    in order to prepare their cases and reduce the chance of surprise at trial. [Citation.]
    Reciprocal discovery is intended to protect the public interest in a full and truthful
    disclosure of critical facts, to promote the People’s interest in preventing a last minute
    defense, and to reduce the risk of judgments based on incomplete testimony.” (People v.
    Jackson (1993) 
    15 Cal. App. 4th 1197
    , 1201 (Jackson).) “These objectives reflect, and are
    than “facts that, at most, merely afforded ‘an opportunity for difference of opinion’ ”],
    italics added.) And on appeal, we always give deference to trial court decision-making
    “rooted in factual determinations[,]” (Cooter & 
    Gell, supra
    , 496 U.S. at p. 401),
    consistent with a recognition that “ ‘ “as a matter of the sound administration of
    justice,” ’ deference [is] owed to the ‘ “judicial actor . . . better positioned than another to
    decide the issue in question.” ’ ” (Id. at p. 403.)
    consistent with, the judicially recognized principle that timely pretrial disclosure of all
    relevant and reasonably accessible information, to the extent constitutionally permitted,
    facilitates ‘the true purpose of a criminal trial, the ascertainment of the facts.’ ”
    (Littlefield, supra
    , 5 Cal.4th at pp. 130–131.)
    Chapter 10 is designed to be an exclusive statutory vehicle for discovery in
    criminal cases. (See § 1054, subd. (e) [“no discovery shall occur in criminal cases except
    as provided by this chapter, other express statutory provisions, or as mandated by the
    Constitution of the United States”]; § 1054.5 [“[n]o order requiring discovery shall be
    made in criminal cases except as provided in this chapter”].) Thus, courts are
    “preclude[d] . . . from broadening the scope of discovery beyond that provided in the
    chapter or other express statutory provisions, or as mandated by the federal Constitution.
    . . . [I]f none of those authorities requires disclosure of a particular item of evidence,
    [courts] are not at liberty to create a rule imposing such a duty.” (People v. Tillis (1998)
    18 Cal. 4th 284
    , 294 (Tillis).) Construing the statutory language strictly in accord with
    section 1054, subdivision (e), our Supreme Court has repeatedly confined discovery
    obligations under Chapter 10 to those expressly set forth in the statutory language.10 We
    understand this preference for narrow construction to arise not just from section 1054,
    subdivision (e), but from the exemptions built into Chapter 10. (See § 1054.6.)11 These
    exemptions reflect a careful balance struck by the Legislature.
    People v. Thompson (2016) 1 Cal.5th 1043, 1095 (no discovery violation when
    state arranged not to obtain from one defendant impeachment evidence it intended to use
    against co-defendant because there is no reciprocal discovery obligation as between
    codefendants being jointly tried); People v. Ervin (2000) 
    22 Cal. 4th 48
    , 101 (“no
    statutory basis exists for the discovery [by capital defendant] of codefendants’ penalty
    phase witnesses”); 
    Tillis, supra
    , 18 Cal.4th at pages 289–294 (no discovery violation
    when the state failed to disclose in advance evidence it planned to use to impeach defense
    expert); People v. Wilson (2005) 
    36 Cal. 4th 309
    , 333 (section 1054.1 does not require
    prosecution to disclose information about a witness whom the defense intends to present).
    Section 1054.6 provides,“[n]either the defendant nor the prosecuting attorney is
    required to disclose any materials or information which are work product as defined in
    subdivision (a) of Section 2018.030 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or . . . are privileged
    Section 1054.1 sets forth the prosecutor’s discovery obligations, while section
    1054.3, subdivision (a) sets forth those of the defense. Under section 1054.3, subdivision
    (a)(1), the defense shall disclose: “[t]he names and addresses of persons, other than the
    defendant, he or she intends to call as witnesses at trial, together with any relevant written
    or recorded statements of those persons, or reports of the statements of those persons
    . . . .” These disclosures are due “at least 30 days prior to trial[.]” (§ 1054.7.) But in
    some cases, as is alleged here, the obligation to disclose may arise later. Where
    disclosable “material and information becomes known to, or comes into the possession
    of, a party within 30 days of trial, disclosure shall be made immediately[.]” (Ibid.) This
    timing regime, in effect, creates a continuing duty of disclosure beginning 30 days prior
    to trial and running through trial to its conclusion. An order enforcing reciprocal
    discovery obligations under Chapter 10 may be sought under section 1054.5,
    subdivision (a).12
    C.     The Trial Court Had Post-Judgment Jurisdiction to Impose Sanctions Under
    Code of Civil Procedure Section 177.5
    Before turning to the application of section 1054.3 in this case, we address a
    pursuant to an express statutory provision, or are privileged as provided by the
    Constitution of the United States.” (See 
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at pp. 381–382 & fn.
    19 [“Prior to the enactment of Proposition 115, we held that the work product doctrine
    also applies to criminal cases. (People v. Collie [(1981)] 
    30 Cal. 3d 43
    , 59.) The new
    discovery chapter recognizes this.”].)
    Section 1054.5, subdivision (a) was not cited by the People in their pretrial
    motion to compel discovery, or by the trial court when it granted the motion orally, but
    given the exclusivity of the statutory scheme, this specific provision was necessarily the
    source of the court’s statutory authority to issue an order a week before trial enforcing the
    defendants’ discovery obligations. Whether that order was properly entered under
    section 1054.5, subdivision (a), has not been raised as an issue in this appeal. We assume
    that it was, all procedural objections to its entry having been waived. We note, however,
    that nowhere in the record is there any indication that, prior to seeking it, the People
    made an “informal request” for the section 1054.3 disclosures they now claim were never
    made. (See § 1054.5, subd. (b) [“Before a party may seek court enforcement of any of
    the disclosures required by this chapter, the party shall make an informal request of
    opposing counsel for the desired materials and information.”].)
    threshold issue concerning the availability of post-trial sanctions to address discovery
    violations alleged to have occurred at trial or earlier. Citing People v. Bohannon (2000)
    82 Cal. App. 4th 798
    , 806 (Bohannon), disapproved of on other grounds by People v.
    Zambrano (2007) 
    41 Cal. 4th 1082
    , 1135, fn. 13, the Public Defender of Alameda County,
    as amicus for Landers, argues that the trial court lacked power to order monetary
    sanctions for a violation of section 1054.3, subdivision (a), after judgment became final.
    We disagree.
    Bohannon addressed only the remedies “necessary to enforce the provisions of”
    Chapter 10, which include “immediate disclosure, contempt proceedings, delaying or
    prohibiting the testimony of a witness or the presentation of real evidence, continuance of
    the matter, or any other lawful order,” all of which are directed to rectifying a discovery
    default prior to or during trial. (§ 1054.5, subd. (b), italics added; see 
    Bohannon, supra
    at p. 805, fn. 8.) While the regime of affirmative disclosures imposed on both
    prosecution and defense under Chapter 10 is the exclusive statutory authority for
    discovery in criminal cases, the remedies for non-compliance, by the plain terms of
    section 1054.5, are not exclusive. And in Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5, the
    Legislature separately authorized the imposition of monetary sanctions for violation of a
    court order, civil or criminal.
    Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 confers on trial courts a limited but
    important reservoir of power to address affronts to the court’s authority, one carrying less
    wallop but more freely available than the power of contempt. Sanctions under Code of
    Civil Procedure section 177.5 may be used as a deterrent and imposed for punitive
    purposes, not simply for prospective enforcement. 
    (Woodham, supra
    , 95 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 444.) We see no reason why jurisdiction to invoke Code of Civil Procedure section
    177.5 ought not to continue post-trial. Quite the contrary, there are good reasons why it
    should, since disabling the power to impose monetary sanctions post-trial might have the
    unintended consequence—as the able and experienced trial judge here clearly
    recognized—of allowing mid-trial sanctions issues to distract from the more important
    work at hand during trial, which runs contrary to one of the stated objectives of Chapter
    10—“[t]o save court time in trial and avoid the necessity for frequent interruptions and
    postponements” (§ 1054, subd. (c).) If accountability should run to the attorney and not
    the client, as is often the case with matters of discovery, trial is not the optimum time to
    hold the inquiry.
    D.     The Sanctions Order Was An Abuse of Discretion
    Reciprocal discovery is simple in concept, but far from simple in application.
    “Prosecutorial discovery,” in particular, “often raises complex and serious constitutional
    questions.” (Hubbard v. Superior Court (1997) 
    66 Cal. App. 4th 1163
    , 1167 (Hubbard).)
    While the defense obligation to provide discovery “is a pure creature of statute, in the
    absence of which, there can be no discovery” (ibid.), the corresponding prosecutorial
    obligation to disclose goes beyond Chapter 10 under Brady v. Maryland (1963) 
    373 U.S. 83
    . It must also be kept in mind that “[l]aw enforcement officers have the obligation to
    convict the guilty and to make sure they do not convict the innocent. They must be
    dedicated to making the criminal trial a procedure for the ascertainment of the true facts
    surrounding the commission of the crime . . . [, while d]efense counsel has no comparable
    obligation to ascertain or present the truth.” (United States v. Wade (1967) 
    388 U.S. 218
    256 (conc. & dis. opn. of White, J.) (Wade).)
    Obviously, this does not mean defense counsel is licensed to put forward false
    facts or tell “half-truth[s]” (U.S. v. Nobles (1975) 
    422 U.S. 225
    , 241), but what it does
    mean is that the defense always has the option of standing mute and putting the state to
    its proof. 
    (Wade, supra
    , 388 U.S. at p. 257 [“Defense counsel need present nothing, even
    if he knows what the truth is.”].) As a practical matter, therefore, section 1054.3 “does
    not create a symmetrical scheme of discovery” 
    (Hubbard, supra
    , 66 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1170), at least not in the sense of an exact match on both sides. Chapter 10 “creates a
    nearly symmetrical scheme of discovery . . . , with any imbalance favoring the defendant
    as required by reciprocity under the due process clause.” (
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at
    p. 377, italics added.) For the defense, unless a claimed item of discovery falls within the
    express terms of section 1054.3, “there is no statutory or constitutional duty on the part of
    the defendant to disclose anything to the prosecution.” (Andrade v. Superior Court
    46 Cal. App. 4th 1609
    , 1613 (Andrade).) “This result is unavoidable when sections
    1054.3 and 1054.6 are read together.” (Ibid.)
    The foundational case governing the duty of witness disclosure is 
    Izazaga, supra
    54 Cal. 3d 356
    . There, our Supreme Court held that “the prosecution's right to discover
    defendant's witnesses under section 1054.3 is triggered by the intent of the defense to call
    that witness. Thus, the disclosure by the defense of its witnesses under section 1054.3
    signals to the prosecution that the defense ‘intends’ to call those witnesses at trial.” (54
    Cal.3d at p. 375, original italics.) The Izazaga Court had no occasion to apply the
    pertinent statutory language—it was only called upon to address the facial constitutional
    validity of Chapter 10—but it did enunciate a governing standard: For both the defense
    (§ 1054.3, subd. (a)(1)) and the prosecution (§ 1054.1, subd. (a)), the Court announced,
    “ ‘inten[t] to call’ ” means that “ ‘all witnesses [a party] reasonably anticipates it is likely
    to call’ ” must be disclosed. (
    Izazaga, supra
    , at p. 375 & fn. 11.)13
    1.       Raju’s Legal Position That He Had No Duty Under Section 1054.3 To
    Disclose to the People Fletcher’s Identity Or Statements Taken From Her
    Was Not Taken Without Good Cause Or Substantial Justification
    Until our decision today, no case has addressed whether a criminal defense lawyer
    in a multidefendant case is duty bound to disclose under section 1054.3 a witness he
    claims he does not intend to call, but reasonably anticipates a codefendant is likely to
    call. The trial court first addressed this issue on April 4, during Fletcher’s testimony. On
    March 10, Goldrosen had disclosed Fletcher as his witness, and he later provided
    discovery concerning interview statements he and his investigator took from her. On
    “Although Izazaga . . . involved the requirements for disclosure by the defense
    under section 1054.3, rather than . . . by the prosecution under section 1054.1, the
    relevant language of both sections is identical. Given the ‘manifest intent’ of the
    electorate to create a reciprocal system of obligations . . . [the Court interpret[s] this
    aspect of the two statutes identically.” (
    Tillis, supra
    ,18 Cal.4th at p. 290, fn. 3, citation
    omitted; see 
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at p. 375 [“the same definition [of ‘intends’]
    applies to both the prosecution and the defense”].)
    cross-examination by Trevisan, Fletcher testified that Raju and his investigator had
    interviewed her long before trial, and when she described her recollection of seeing a
    man wielding a gun running around immediately after the shooting, they “wrote it down.”
    At a break in Fletcher’s testimony on April 4, there ensued a colloquy outside the
    presence of the jury as to whether any notes from Raju’s interview of her were
    discoverable under section 1054.3, even though he did not call her as a witness and
    disclaimed ever having any intention to do so.
    With no clear guidance on the discovery obligations of defense disclosure in co-
    defendant cases, Raju took the position he had no independent obligation to disclose a
    witness statement taken by his investigator from Fletcher, a witness called by Lemalie,
    until she gave testimony inconsistent with that statement, thus requiring him to call his
    investigator for impeachment. Citing Tillis, Hubbard, Andrade, Wade, and Izazaga, Raju
    insisted that any obligation he had to make disclosures about Fletcher would not ripen
    until he announced an intent to call her as his own witness or cross-examined in the same
    area that Trevisan had covered. Until then, he contended, his duty of loyalty to his client
    obligated him not to make any disclosures about Fletcher.
    The trial court rejected this position, citing the general discussion of relevance in a
    criminal discovery treatise, the overall purpose of Chapter 10 to promote the truth-
    seeking process, and specifically relying on Littlefield as it ultimately did again in its
    post-trial sanctions order. Over a work product objection from Raju, the court ordered
    him to produce the notes, explaining its ruling as follows: “I think those notes should be
    given over . . . . [¶] . . . [¶] It’s not Ms. Trevisan’s witness. It, candidly, is your witness,
    although Mr. Goldrosen happened to call your witness. [¶] . . . [¶] Quite frankly, you’re
    the one that first came up with this witness months ago. [¶] . . . [¶] This has been your
    witness until Mr. Goldrosen got wind of it. [¶] . . . [¶] Mr. Raju, what I don’t think you
    get to do is witness after witness have them and hope that Mr. Goldrosen is going to call
    them, and then you can ‘cross examine,’ and I’m saying that in quotation marks[,] [¶] . . .
    [¶] and not be required to give over your discovery that I think you’re required to give
    over by the statute. [¶] . . . [¶] I’ve made my record, and I’m just going down looking at
    the purpose of the statute, looking at what happened. I re-read the questioning of the
    witness, and that’s where I am.”
    For purposes of criminal discovery under Chapter 10, core “thoughts and
    impressions” work product is exempt from section 1054.3 disclosure. (
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54
    Cal.3d at p. 382 & fn. 19), just as it is in civil discovery. (Coito v. Superior Court (2012)
    54 Cal. 4th 480
    , 496 (Coito); Code Civ. Proc. § 2018.030, subd. (a).)14 Although some
    redactions to Kingston’s interview notes appear to have been made to protect core work
    product from disclosure, we have serious doubts whether the court was right to order the
    notes turned over. Absent proof that Raju reasonably anticipated a likelihood of calling
    Fletcher (
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at p. 375), he was no more obliged to turn over these
    notes than he was to disclose investigative notes summarizing the interview statement of
    a prosecution witness taken by a defense investigator for impeachment purposes.
    (Hubbard, supra
    , 66 Cal.App.4th at p. 1170 [“[t]here is no rule of law that would require
    the defense to disclose evidence gathered by an investigator who may tentatively be
    called by the defense for impeachment purposes”]; see 
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at p.
    377, fn. 14.) Simple relevance, which was the focus of court’s reasoning, with its
    emphasis on the fact Fletcher’s credibility was in issue once she took the stand, was not
    enough to justify compelled disclosure. While, to be sure, the order compelling turnover
    The key difference is that the weaker form of protection, the qualified work
    product privilege, Code of Civil Procedure section 2018.030, subdivision (b), is not
    available in the criminal setting. “[S]ection 1054.6 expressly limits the definition of
    ‘work product’ in criminal cases to ‘core’ work product; that is, any writing reflecting
    ‘an attorney's impressions, conclusions, opinions, or legal research or theories.’ Thus, the
    qualified protection of certain materials under [former] Code of Civil Procedure section
    2018, subdivision (b) [now § 2018.030, subd. (b)], applicable in civil cases, is no longer
    available in criminal cases. The more recent statute limiting the definition of work
    product in criminal cases carves out an exception to the older work product rule
    applicable to civil and criminal cases alike.” (
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at p. 382, fn. 19.)
    of the investigator’s notes on April 4 is not directly at issue on this appeal,15 the
    underlying rationale for the court’s ruling on the notes—whether Fletcher was, in reality,
    Raju’s witness—is presented. The same reasoning underlies the sanctions order.
    Because we reject that reasoning as flawed, as we explain in more detail below (see
    Section II.D.1-4., post), a fortiori we cannot say the position Raju advocated against it
    was so significant a departure from existing law that it may be deemed “without good
    cause or substantial justification” under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5.
    The concluding paragraph of the sanctions order recites the phrase “without good
    cause or substantial justification,” but never examines what those words mean. Giving
    content to the phrase “without good cause or justification” in the criminal discovery
    context requires us to bear closely in mind, as the Supreme Court cautioned in its seminal
    decision in In re Marriage of Flaherty (1982) 
    31 Cal. 3d 637
    (Marriage of Flaherty), that
    a balance must be struck “that will ensure both that indefensible conduct does not occur
    and that attorneys are not deterred from the vigorous assertion of clients’ rights.” (Id. at
    p. 648.) If courts are too quick on the trigger with money sanctions against advocates, as
    the Court cautioned in Marriage of Flaherty, it “would inject undesirable self-protective
    reservations into the attorney’s counselling role,” and prevent counsel from devoting their
    entire energies to their clients’ interests.” (Id. at p. 647.) The Legislature signaled a
    sensitivity to these concerns by including an “advocacy” exception to Code of Civil
    Procedure section 177.5.16 It seems to us that the balance struck in Marriage of Flaherty,
    though expressed in the civil context, is even more important in the criminal arena, where
    The OSC does not cite failure to comply with the April 4 order to turn over
    Kingston’s notes as a basis for potential contempt or sanctions. Nor does the sanctions
    order rely on failure to comply with that order as a basis for imposing sanctions.
    “This power shall not apply to advocacy of counsel before the court.” (Code
    Civ. Proc. § 177.5.)
    the duties of counsel, on both sides—prosecution and defense—go beyond mere pursuit
    of private interests, and often involve adherence to constitutionally imposed duties.17
    For help in interpreting the phrase “without good cause or substantial
    justification,” Marriage of Flaherty is perhaps the most important guidepost, but there is
    additional, more specifically pertinent civil authority to draw upon as well. A number of
    civil statutes use the language “without substantial justification” as a trigger for fee
    awards against counsel (see Tetra Pak, Inc. v. State Bd. of Equalization (1991) 
    234 Cal. App. 3d 1751
    , 1763, fn. 5 [“[t]he phrase is enjoying quite a vogue as the benchmark
    for sanctions”]),18 and under those statutes courts have consistently held that the term
    “ ‘[s]ubstantially justified’ ” means “ ‘not necessarily a prevailing position’ but one
    which is ‘justified to a degree that would satisfy a reasonable person’ or . . . has a
    ‘ “reasonable basis both in law and in fact.” ’ ” 
    (Lennane, supra
    , 51 Cal.App.4th at pp.
    1188–1189.) Indeed, where “reasonable minds could . . . differ,” an accused attorney’s
    Cf. Strickland v. Washington (1984) 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 689 (“Judicial scrutiny of
    counsel’s performance must be highly deferential. It is all too tempting for a defendant to
    second-guess counsel’s assistance after conviction or adverse sentence, and it is all too
    easy for a court, examining counsel’s defense after it has proved unsuccessful, to
    conclude that a particular act or omission of counsel was unreasonable.”); see People v.
    Ledesma (1987) 
    43 Cal. 3d 171
    , 215.
    Code of Civil Procedure sections 2023.030, subdivision (a) and 2023.010,
    subdivisions (g) and (h) (sanctions for discovery misuse under Civil Discovery Act); see
    Doe v. United States Swimming, Inc. (2011) 
    200 Cal. App. 4th 1424
    , 1434; Code of Civil
    Procedure section 1028.5 (prevailing party attorney fee awards to small businesses in
    litigation with state regulatory agencies); see Al-Shaikh v. State Dept. of Health Care
    Services (2018) 21 Cal.App.5th 918, 930–931 (Al-Shaikh); Vehicle Code section 3050,
    subdivision (b) (sanctions for discovery noncompliance in administrative proceedings
    before Motor Vehicle Board); see Nader Automotive Group, LLC v. New Motor Vehicle
    Bd. (2009) 
    178 Cal. App. 4th 1478
    , 1483; Revenue & Taxation Code section 19717
    (standard establishing unavailability of cost award in tax litigation against State of
    California); see Lennane v. Franchise Tax Bd. (1996) 
    51 Cal. App. 4th 1180
    , 1189
    (Lennane); 28 United States Code section 2412(d)(1)(A)) (federal Equal Access to
    Justice Act standard for fee awards against the United States); see Pierce v. Underwood
    487 U.S. 552
    , 556.
    position will be deemed to be substantially justified. (Id. at p. 1189.) We adopt that
    standard here.
    We have no trouble concluding that reasonable minds could have differed about
    whether, in this multiple defendant case, Raju had an obligation to disclose Fletcher
    under section 1054.3, at the time he delivered his opening statement or at any other point
    in this trial. In the face of considerable uncertainty in the law,19 Raju took a legal
    position that was fully consistent with Rule 3.1 of the Rules of Professional Conduct of
    the State Bar of California. That rule has always permitted attorneys to urge a good faith
    extension of existing law, and, indeed, has recently been revised to recognize expressly
    the ethical propriety of positions taken by a criminal defense lawyer in service of an
    effort to “defend the proceeding by requiring that every element of the case be
    established”—which is precisely what the record shows Raju was attempting to do here
    in his pursuit of what he called a minimalist strategy, without putting on an affirmative
    2.     The Trial Court Failed to Apply Izazaga Correctly
    The second problem we see with the sanctions order is that the trial court, while
    quoting the relevant language from Izazaga in a recitation of applicable law, and
    reiterating the Izazaga standard in its conclusion, did not apply the standard correctly.
    This is evident from the court’s repeated paraphrase of Izazaga in the body of its analysis
    applying the law to the facts before it. Three times, it states that Raju’s duty to disclose
    was triggered because he “reasonably anticipated” calling Fletcher, omitting any mention
    of whether it was “likely” he would call her. It is also evident in several of the factors
    Diepenbrock v. Brown (2012) 
    208 Cal. App. 4th 743
    , 749 (error to impose
    monetary sanction against personal injury plaintiff for opposing requested protective
    order because, “while the court may properly have [found her opposition lacking in
    merit] . . . , the conflicting legal authority on an unsettled issue provided substantial
    justification for [her] position, negating the basis for the sanction order”); cf. 
    Al-Shaikh, supra
    , 21 Cal.App.5th at pages 930–931 (rejecting contention that agency’s position was
    taken with substantial justification and observing “this is not a case where the applicable
    regulatory law was unsettled or unclear”).
    the court took into account in drawing the conclusion Raju’s duty to disclose had been
    triggered. Whether, for example, Raju knew that Fletcher had information that was
    potentially helpful to his client or could not be certain Goldrosen would call her says
    nothing about the likelihood he would need to call her. These things identify uncertainty,
    but do not go to likelihood. The difference between “possible” and “likely” is more than
    a nuance,20 especially in a case where, as here, multiple witnesses might supply some or
    all of the critical facts a defendant needs. The level of uncertainty only rises in a
    multidefendant case with overlapping defenses, since, as here, each defendant will likely
    be interested in inquiring about different topics for different reasons, making it a practical
    impossibility to parse out the likely scope of an expected witness’s testimony—and the
    range of permissible cross-examination—until the witness testifies.
    In our view, the seven factors cited by the trial court in support of its sanctions
    order, singly and together, suggest at most that Raju knew it was possible his strategy of
    lying low and pointing Goldrosen to witnesses he knew possessed exculpatory
    information for Landers could fail, which might, at some point in the course of trial,
    depending on how the evidence came in, force him to call someone from Goldrosen’s
    witness list. But what might occur at trial was not the issue here. Under Izazaga, the
    issue was whether, when Raju delivered his opening statement, Raju reasonably
    It is not an overstatement to say that the Izazaga “intent to call” standard marks
    a constitutional boundary. In that case, Chapter 10 was attacked as facially
    unconstitutional on the ground, among others, that its scheme of mandatory witness
    disclosure violates the Sixth Amendment because it has the effect of “chilling defense
    counsel’s trial preparation.” (
    Izazaga, supra
    , 54 Cal.3d at p. 379.) The challengers in
    Izazaga argued that “such discovery penalizes the defendant whose attorney is most
    vigilant in preparing the defense.” (Ibid.) In rejecting that argument, the linchpin point
    the Supreme Court made was that “[u]nder the new discovery chapter, discovery is
    limited to relevant statements and reports of statements of defense witnesses and
    conditioned upon the defendant's intent to call the witnesses at trial. . . . The new
    discovery provisions [therefore] do not give the prosecution free reign over all defense
    files.” (Id. at p. 380, original italics & italics added.) Because the Court’s rationale turns
    on the “intent to call” standard, any dilution of the standard potentially raises anew the
    Sixth Amendment questions resolved in that case.
    anticipated it was likely he would be calling Fletcher, someone who it is undisputed he
    evaluated as a problematic witness and his supervisor advised him not to call. By
    conflating “possibility” with “likelihood,” the trial court determined, essentially, that
    Raju’s claimed minimalist defense strategy was a sham designed to evade his discovery
    obligations. We cannot agree that it was.
    As things played out at trial, Raju not only executed the strategy he claimed to be
    following, he was successful with it. The trial court seems to have interpreted what Raju
    did as an elaborate ruse designed to disadvantage the People by hiding Fletcher, but we
    fail to see how. Fletcher had already been disclosed as a trial witness before the Court
    entered its March 13 discovery order. And at trial, the thrust of Landers’s defense—the
    most critical piece of which was that Eric Jones, not Solis, was the person running next to
    Landers in the video—came in through witnesses called by Goldrosen other than
    Fletcher. Thus, when, during the course of trial, Raju briefly called Fletcher as “his”
    witness at the court’s invitation after it sustained a single objection for exceeding the
    scope of cross-examination during a brief re-cross—an episode discussed in more depth
    below (see Section II.D.3.c., post)—Raju’s primary mission for Landers had already been
    accomplished. The handful of questions Raju posed to Fletcher at that point explored
    areas of detail relevant to the strand of his defense that was supportive of Lemalie’s
    theory of provocation, but that added nothing material to his effort to expose Trevisan’s
    interpretation of the video as flawed.21
    To be sure, the trial court found that Raju cross-examined Fletcher on certain
    background points he could not have known Goldrosen would ask about (such as
    Landers’s age, his reason for being in the neighborhood, and his relationships with people
    in the neighborhood), all of which were apparently designed to humanize him and
    inoculate himself against any suggestion by the People that he too was a gang member.
    But the issue for Raju was not whether Goldrosen would ask Fletcher the questions Raju
    would ask on Landers’s behalf. Rather, the issue was whether the subject matter opened
    for Raju’s cross-examination—by Goldrosen’s direct examination, and by Trevisan’s
    cross-examination, collectively—would be broad enough to allow inquiry on Landers’
    behalf into these background matters. It is far from clear on this record how predictable
    that was in advance, as illustrated by the fact that, when Raju did explore them, Trevisan
    3.     The Trial Court’s Sham Cross Examination Theory Is Not Legally Viable
    on This Record
    A third problem with the sanctions order is that it relies on the novel theory that a
    defense attorney’s professed strategy of calling no witnesses and relying solely on cross-
    examination may be declared a fraud after the fact, thereby justifying the inference post-
    trial in a sanctions proceeding that any witness who was subjected to the attorney’s
    “faux” cross-examination was “really” his witness for purposes of section 1054.3 all
    along, regardless of who called the witness to the stand, thus triggering exposure to
    sanctions. As applied here, the notion is that Raju’s “in-court conduct” (cross-examining
    Fletcher beyond the scope of direct in one instance) combined with his “statements”
    (repeated insistence that he, in fact, intended to elicit exculpatory evidence on cross
    examination), and the state of his pretrial knowledge (he had long known Fletcher had
    exculpatory information), provide a basis to infer that he must have intended to call
    Fletcher from the outset of trial. Whatever viability this theory may have on some other
    record, we conclude that the findings the trial court made in support of it here, as a matter
    of law, do not make out a violation of section 1054.3.
    a. The Cases on Which the Trial Court Relied: In Re Littlefield and People
    v. Jackson
    The trial court cites 
    Littlefield, supra
    , 5 Cal.4th at page 136, a single-defendant
    case, where our Supreme Court found that a defense attorney’s in-court conduct revealed
    his intention to call a witness, despite his protestations of uncertainty. (Ibid.) The
    witness in question, the only “person . . . whom the defense possibly would call as a
    witness at trial” (id. at p. 127), had appeared in court on the day set for trial. When the
    trial was continued, defense counsel asked the court to order her back to court. (Id. at
    p. 126.) While constitutional challenges to Chapter 10 were still pending in the Supreme
    did not view the inquiry as particularly material, because she made no motion to strike,
    and, except for a single instance, failed to object on exceeding the scope grounds. In fact,
    her failure to object on scope grounds points to a separate defect in the sanctions order,
    which we discuss below. (See Section II.D.3.c., post.)
    Court, and without the guidance ultimately provided by that case (id. at p. 126), attorney
    Littlefield took the position that he had no obligation to acquire and disclose to the
    prosecution this witness’s address. No such issue is presented here. Unlike the defendant
    in Littlefield, Landers was not forced to call any particular witness or go without a
    defense. He could reasonably expect an array of witnesses to be called, each presenting
    him with an opportunity to elicit favorable testimony by cross-examination. Nor is this a
    case in which defense counsel temporized about his intention. Raju was always
    definitive that he did not intend to call Fletcher, which was fully consistent with the
    objective circumstances at trial, since Goldrosen, in fact, subpoenaed her, and Goldrosen,
    in fact, called her.
    The court also cites 
    Jackson, supra
    15 Cal. App. 4th 1197
    , another single
    defendant case, but overreads it. In Jackson, the defense in a drug possession case tried
    to call a previously undisclosed investigator to testify to a hearsay statement taken from a
    witness who claimed the drugs were hers, not the defendant’s. The scenario there was a
    true ambush situation, since the defense had known about the witness statement for three
    months and the witness was called by surprise after the prosecution had rested. (Id. at
    p. 1200.) Presented on appeal was the trial court’s decision to preclude the proffered
    witness under section 1054.5, subdivision (a), an issue the appellate court reviewed for
    abuse of discretion, but also for whether it violated the compulsory process clause of the
    Sixth Amendment. These two issues were discussed in separate sections of the opinion.
    Jackson, supra
    , 15 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1203–1204.) The fact defense counsel knew well
    before trial that his surprise witness had exculpatory evidence—the aspect of the opinion
    the sanctions order relies upon—was central to the Jackson court’s rejection of the
    defendant’s compulsory process argument, but was nowhere mentioned in its statutory
    abuse of discretion discussion. (Id. at p. 1204.)
    In the abuse of discretion section of the opinion, the appellate panel framed two
    issues, either one of which would have been sufficient for affirmance. First, was the
    omission willful, thus justifying preclusion of the proffered testimony as a sanction for
    nondisclosure? Second, did the state face such severe prejudice from surprise that no
    remedy other than preclusion would suffice? (
    Jackson, supra
    , 15 Cal.App.4th at p. 1203.)
    The trial court in Jackson based its ruling on willfulness.22 Passing that issue, the
    appellate court grounded its affirmance on the alternative ground of prejudice. (Ibid.
    [“Even if withholding the identity of the witness were not willful, lesser sanctions would
    not have been adequate. . . . The People would have been unduly prejudiced by admitting
    the testimony without an opportunity for cross-examination, and the integrity of the
    adversary process would have been compromised[.]”.) While acknowledging that “the
    factual scenario of this case is distinguishable from Jackson,” the trial court in this case
    read Jackson as “persuasive in establishing that objective factors, such as the exculpatory
    nature of the evidence, can determine whether an attorney was intending to call a
    particular witness.” Suffice it to say that that is not what Jackson holds. If anything,
    Jackson illustrates what is missing from the sanctions case made against Raju—any
    discernible prejudice to the People.
    We fail to see what tactical advantage Raju stood to gain here, or did gain, by
    attempting to evade any discovery obligation to disclose Fletcher under the reciprocal
    discovery order, given the fact that, by March 13, Fletcher had already been disclosed as
    a trial witness for Lemalie. The People could not have suffered any disadvantage simply
    because Raju failed to disclose her again. In the weeks before trial, Trevisan knew
    Fletcher would likely testify and nothing stopped her from tracking Fletcher down or
    doing whatever else she needed to do to prepare for Fletcher’s testimony. This is not a
    case, as Littlefield was, involving a defense lawyer’s willed ignorance of a witness’s
    whereabouts, employed as a calculated means of blocking the People’s pretrial access to
    the witness. Nor did the way Raju handled the issue of disclosure suggest anything
    Jackson, supra
    , 15 Cal.App.4th at p. 1203 [“because the testimony was
    allegedly exculpatory, the trial court refused to believe defense counsel did not seriously
    consider calling the witness until moments before he did”], italics added.) Notably,
    whether counsel “seriously considered” calling a witness at trial is a significantly diluted
    formulation of the proper test under Izazaga—whether counsel reasonably anticipated the
    likelihood of calling a witness.
    deceptive or untoward. He chose to inform Goldrosen of the existence of Fletcher (and
    subsequently of Wesley and Eric Jones) and helped locate these witnesses in order to
    further Landers’s interests, knowing if he successfully steered Goldrosen toward calling
    them, they would be disclosed to Trevisan, which is in fact what happened.
    There may have been considerable unpredictability to this type of defense strategy,
    since, if Goldrosen did not go along, Landers might be left with no choice but to call one
    or more of these witnesses for the critical fact, unique to his defense, that Solis was not
    the person seen running on the video tape, and he might be precluded from calling any of
    them. But based on the circumstances known to Raju when he gave his opening—with
    Fletcher having been disclosed by Goldrosen, and with the chance Goldrosen could be
    convinced to disclose one or both of the Jones brothers as well—it is unreasonable to
    conclude he thought it was likely he would have to call any of these witnesses. Both
    Littlefield and Jackson involved witnesses about whom, if the lone defendants in those
    cases did not call them at trial, there was no reason to expect anyone would. It is an
    unexceptional proposition that a defendant with no recourse but to call a particular
    witness violates 1054.3 by delaying disclosure and unveiling the witness by surprise at
    trial (Jackson) or concealing the witness’s whereabouts prior to trial (Littlefield). But that
    rule has no applicability on the unusual facts of this multidefendant case.
    b. The Cases the Trial Court Overlooked: Sandeffer v. Superior Court and
    People v. Tillis
    More pertinent than Littlefield or Jackson, in our view, are two other cases—
    Sandeffer v. Superior Court (1993) 
    18 Cal. App. 4th 672
    (Sandeffer) and 
    Tillis, supra
    18 Cal. 4th 284
    . The sanctions order does not consider Sandeffer, and cites Tillis only in
    passing, without discussion. In Sandeffer, a Fourth District panel reversed an order
    compelling the production of information and reports of an expert before she was
    identified by defense counsel as a trial witness. (Id. at pp. 674–675.) Citing Littlefield,
    the Sandeffer court began from the premise that a trial court “may order defense counsel
    to produce information or materials the court reasonably finds have been improperly
    withheld, notwithstanding counsel's protestations to the contrary,” but then emphasized
    that “the determination whether to call a witness is peculiarly within the discretion of
    (Sandeffer, supra
    , 18 Cal.App.4th at p. 678.) “Even when counsel appears to
    the court to be unreasonably delaying the publication of his decision to call a witness,”
    the court explained, “it cannot be within the province of the trial judge to step into his
    shoes,” even where “the court… suffer[s] understandable annoyance at perceived
    violation by defense counsel of the discovery provisions of the act[.]” (Ibid.)
    Sandeffer would be enough to justify reversal here on its own terms, since it calls
    for a degree of deference to defense counsel’s discretionary judgment about whether to
    call witnesses. But even if we took a different view, we could not simply disagree with
    it, or look past it, as the trial court did. The Supreme Court embraced Sandeffer in 
    Tillis, supra
    , 18 Cal.4th at page 293, upgrading it as precedent and adding another independent
    reason to reverse. Tillis involved a situation in which Stephen Pittel, a defense expert in a
    drug case, was confronted on cross examination with a prior arrest for drug usage. (Id. at
    pp. 288-289.) Defense counsel did not know about the arrest, claimed surprise, and took
    the position that the prosecutor breached his duty under section 1054.1 to disclose it as
    reciprocal discovery. (Id. at p. 289.) The Court of Appeal held that the prosecutor’s
    mode of cross examining Pittel—which was so detailed it suggested a classic a setup for
    impeachment—was an objective circumstance allowing an inference that the prosecutor
    must have had “ ‘witnesses or statements of witnesses concerning the arrest’ ” that he
    was prepared to use in the event the Pittel denied it. (Id. at p. 291.) Reversing, the
    Supreme Court held that was conjecture, insufficient to warrant inferring from it that the
    prosecutor reasonably anticipated the likelihood of calling an impeachment witness. (Id.
    at p. 292.)
    Central to the Tillis Court’s reasoning was the holding in Standeffer, which it
    adopted as an appropriate rule of appellate review. The Court explained that “[t]o
    establish on appeal a violation of section 1054.1, subdivision (a), in failing to disclose a
    witness, the record must affirmatively demonstrate that a specific witness or witnesses
    were known to and intended to be called by the prosecutor, but were undisclosed to the
    defense as required by the discovery chapter.” (
    Tillis, supra
    , 18 Cal.4th at p. 293.)
    “Appellate courts should not engage in speculation about witnesses whose identity or
    existence is not demonstrated on the face of the record,” the Court explained, “as any
    other conclusion threatens to invade counsel’s discretion whether to call a witness.”
    (Ibid.) Because Raju did not in fact call Fletcher as his witness and always maintained he
    never intended to do so, under Tillis his mode of cross-examining is insufficient to
    warrant the inference that he intended the opposite.23 Even where it can be established
    that an examining attorney has valuable information that he may use at trial, speculation
    about how he might use it does not justify the conclusion that he reasonably anticipates
    the likelihood of calling any particular witness.
    The circumstances here provide a good illustration why it is perilous to try to
    reverse-engineer what a defense attorney “must have intended” with respect the calling of
    witnesses based on exculpatory information the attorney knew at some specific point in
    time prior to trial. Raju’s interest in proving facts he knew Fletcher had tells us very little
    about whether he intended to call her, or anyone else, to prove those facts. To assess that
    issue on this record, Raju’s declared intent at the time he was alleged to have violated his
    obligations under section 1054.3 must receive the most weight under Izazaga, and to the
    extent Littlefield permits declared intent to be overridden, the compressed timeline and
    the unique contingencies Raju faced in this multidefendant case should be kept
    uppermost in mind. There was no murder charge against Landers and there was no
    herding theory to be dealt with at trial until early February 2014, when the People added
    it by amendment, after Kingston’s interview of Fletcher in January 2014. As a result, to
    meet a theory he did not know was going to be tried until six weeks before trial
    The sanctions order in this case quotes a cautionary comment from the Tillis that
    “[t]he rule of appellate review we announce today does not license counsel to temporize
    about his or her intentions in the face of clear indications on the record that counsel in
    fact intends to call a particular witness.” (
    Tillis, supra
    , 18 Cal.4th at p. 293.) What trial
    court overlooks, however, is that the affirmative holding in Tillis directly undercuts its
    theory that Raju’s mode of cross examining may be used as evidence of his intent to call
    commenced, Raju was required to undertake a rapid investigation of who was who in the
    surveillance video. While he was assessing the situation in the run-up to trial, Raju and
    his investigator met with Fletcher on February 26th and determined she could identify
    some of the people on the video, but found that she had difficulty staying focused.
    In the end, Raju claims, he thought Fletcher was more helpful to Lemalie than to
    Landers. That gave him options. He could call Fletcher, or he could try to persuade
    Goldrosen to call her while continuing to investigate other leads. He chose the latter
    course, risky though it was. Ultimately, the call he made bore fruit when he found and
    relayed information to Goldrosen about the Joneses as well. Raju’s pursuit of this
    strategy helped Goldrosen’s client, and his own—the crucial evidence for Landers,
    unique to Landers’ defense, came in through Wesley Jones under direct examination by
    Goldrosen—while at the same time ensuring that all witnesses with potentially
    exculpatory information on the misidentification issue were disclosed to the People as
    soon as a decision to call them was made. We see nothing nefarious here. Instead, what
    we see is a typically fast-moving, fluid series of investigative events, requiring close
    judgment calls on less than full information in the weeks before trial and continuing
    during trial itself. The Sandeffer rule wisely accommodates this type of situation.
    c. The Sham Cross-Examination Theory Relied On By The Trial Court Is
    Unsupported by Substantial Evidence, And As Applied Here, Violates
    Due Process
    Not only is the trial court’s theory of sham cross-examination inconsistent with
    Sandeffer and Tillis, it is unsupported by substantial evidence on this record. Save for a
    single occasion near the end of Fletcher’s testimony, the People interposed no objections
    to the form of any of Raju’s cross-examinations of any witness; nor did the trial court
    make any sua sponte rulings or give any admonitions warning Raju that his approach to
    cross-examination was improper. Given the total absence of any objective evidence to
    support the charge that Raju’s claimed strategy of eliciting facts favorable to Landers on
    cross-examination was feigned, we must conclude that the one instance the court does
    rely upon is too slim a reed to support the conclusion that that Raju recognized the need
    to call her from the outset.
    Citing Evidence Code section 773, subdivision (b), the court found that “[a]ll of
    [Raju’s] questioning of [Fletcher] was outside the scope of direct.” We see nothing in the
    record to support that finding. Goldrosen, on direct, elicited from Fletcher that she lived
    at the intersection of Treat Way and Kamille Court, near 26th Street; that she recognized
    images on the video as having been taken in the area of that intersection; that she and
    Lemalie had grown up together in the neighborhood; that she recognized herself talking
    to her “God Auntie” on the video; and that there was a nearby park where, on the day of
    the shooting, she saw a “boy” who was always starting trouble, pointing a gun at “my
    mom and Dylan’s grandmother.” Trevisan, on cross, brought out that Fletcher had seen
    Landers “chilling” in the area that day, and that Landers, her nephew, who considered her
    his “favorite auntie[,]” had come to her house after the shooting.
    Following up on various topics opened up by Goldrosen and Trevisan, Raju’s
    cross-examination and re-cross examinations touched on the relationships with one
    another of various people living in the area (including Landers); how much Fletcher
    knew about Landers’s personal background (such as his age, his job in the area, people he
    knew); the gun-pointing incident in a neighborhood park; whether Landers ever took “his
    little brothers” to the park where Fletcher’s mother and grandmother were threatened;
    and, after showing Fletcher some photographs, whether she recognized the area in which
    the photos were taken as Kamille Court and Treat. He did not ask Fletcher about who
    was depicted running on the video tape.
    For most of Raju’s cross-examination, neither Trevisan nor Goldrosen objected on
    grounds that Raju’s questions went beyond the scope of direct, and Goldrosen never did.
    The first and only such objection, by Trevisan, came near the end of the final round of
    cross examination and re-cross examination of Fletcher on April 9. During this final
    round of questions, Trevisan elicited details about the gun-pointing threat to Fletcher’s
    mother and Grandmother, a threat which was carried out by a man dressed in a white
    sweater and a hood. At that point, Raju conducted a third round of re-cross examination,
    which he began by drawing Fletcher’s attention to her prior testimony about “the person
    that you identified with what you described as a white sweater with a hoodie [who]
    pointed a gun at your mom and grandmother.” Then, referring Fletcher to a photograph,
    he asked “Do you know what Dylan’s grandmother looks like?”24 It was here that
    Trevisan objected for the first time on scope grounds, arguing that “[t]his is far beyond
    the scope of direct or cross,” despite the fact that, quite plainly, Raju was following up on
    a topic that had just been explored by her that day in completing her cross-examination.
    Even if it were clear, contrary to what the record shows, that “[a]ll of [Raju’s
    questioning of [Fletcher] was outside the scope of direct,” as the trial court found—
    without reference to any particular questions—Evidence Code section 773, subdivision
    (b), cited by the court, does not address the crucial issue here. While it is true that Raju’s
    interest in Fletcher was not adverse to Goldrosen’s, establishing an adverse relationship
    only governs the form of questioning (i.e., instead of being able to ask leading questions
    of the witness during cross, counsel may be required to observe the same rules that are
    applicable to a direct). (See Evid. Code, § 773, subd. (b).) The purpose of Evidence Code
    section 773 is to regulate the manner in which examination proceeds. A single, isolated
    violation of its strictures as to form tells us nothing whatsoever about whether, at some
    previous point in a trial, or before trial, the examining attorney may be said to have
    “intend[ed] to call” the witness as his own within the meaning of section 1054.3.
    Nor is it correct to say that because Raju accepted the court’s invitation to call
    Fletcher on re-cross, he therefore called her in the sense of sponsoring her as a witness in
    support of an affirmative case for Landers. Fletcher was physically still on the witness
    The significance of Raju’s follow-up questioning about the issue of threats
    against Fletcher’s mother and Dylan’s grandmother at gun-point in the park had nothing
    to do with the issue of Trevisan’s having mistaken the identities of the runners on the
    videotape, but instead lent further support to Goldrosen’s theory of armed provocation.
    A subtheme Goldrosen’s self-defense case, elicited by him from Fletcher and a number of
    other witnesses, was to portray Fuentes as someone who was known for indiscriminately
    threatening people in the neighborhood with a gun. To Goldrosen, it didn’t matter
    whether the jury thought Lemalie felt threatened by Solis or Fuentes. They were both
    dangerous and potentially lethal, in his view of the facts for Lemalie.
    stand, under circumstances where she had been called originally by Goldrosen, and she
    remained on the witness stand appearing to the jury as Goldrosen’s witness during his
    brief direct. When Trevisan objected on scope grounds, there could have been many
    reasons why Raju felt compelled, at that moment, to say yes to the court’s invitation.
    Raju may have believed, for example, it was more prudent to accede to the court’s
    prompting rather than decline or engage in argument in in front of the jury. But to
    conclude that he saw this moment coming from the outset of trial, or at any point in time
    before his final re-cross of Fletcher, is an unsustainable proposition. That he had no need
    to ask about the single topic he saw as essential to his defense—the issue of who was
    depicted running on the video tape—by itself, is enough to refute the idea that he
    intended to call Fletcher for purposes of section 1054.3.
    Though nearly eight decades old, People v. Melone (1945) 
    71 Cal. App. 2d 291
    , the
    case cited by the trial court to support its sweeping, after-the-fact finding that Raju
    violated Evidence Code section 773, subdivision (b), is instructive. There, the trial court
    excluded testimony of a witness who was being cross-examined by the appellant upon
    finding that the testimony was collateral and not related to the direct examination, after
    opposing counsel lodged a vigorous objection on exceeding-the-scope grounds. (Id at
    p. 298.) In excluding the witness from testifying further, the court found the attorney was
    seeking to elicit, through the cross-examination of the witness, evidence that had no
    bearing on the real issue in the case. (Ibid.) None of the cross-examination questions at
    issue, the Court of Appeal held, went to “matters [that] were referred to on direct
    examination.” (Id. at p. 299.) “ ‘A party who has not opened his case is not permitted to
    do so by propounding, under the guise of cross-examination, questions which relate,
    neither directly nor collaterally, to the subject matter of the original examination; if he
    wishes to propound such questions, he should, when permitted, call the witness as his
    own[,]’ ” subject to “ ‘the same rules as a direct examination.’ ” (Ibid.)
    The trial court found that “[a]s in Melone, Mr. Raju tried to substantiate his case,
    under the guise of cross-examination [of Fletcher], with questions that did not relate to
    Mr. Goldrosen’s direct examination.” But unlike that case, when Trevisan finally
    interposed a beyond-the-scope objection here, she did not seek an order barring further
    cross-examination, the remedy invoked in Melone. Rather, Raju chose the unremarkable
    course not to debate the matter and instead concluded his re-cross with a handful of
    questions in the form of direct examination, an option any experienced cross-examiner
    knows is an accepted way of meeting a scope objection—if it is permitted by the court,
    which it was here. The bottom line is this: We do not think it fair to infer from this
    fleeting episode that Raju intended all along to call Fletcher on direct, but we do think it
    fair to infer that, had there been a genuine basis to invoke the remedy of preclusion on
    grounds of prejudicial surprise, Trevisan would have requested it. She never did.
    We hardly need point out that objections to the form of examination are forfeited
    unless asserted contemporaneously, which serves the salutary purpose of giving the court
    the opportunity to rule question-by-question—thereby producing a meaningful record for
    review—while giving the questioner notice of any defects in the mode of questioning,
    and an opportunity to cure. Arbitrarily bypassing this basic rule of forfeiture so that, after
    the fact, and without warning, the examining attorney may be sanctioned for failing to
    disclose a witness he claims he never intended to call, and did not call, goes beyond the
    accepted norms of trial practice Raju may be charged with knowing. It also produced
    effectively unreviewable findings, since we have nothing but a sweeping conclusion that
    we cannot test against anything in the record, except by guess. In addition to all of the
    other flaws identified above, we must therefore conclude not only that the sham cross-
    examination theory lacks support in the record, but as applied here it violates due process.
    (See Marriage of 
    Flaherty, supra
    , 31 Cal.3d at p. 654 [“Due process, fundamental
    fairness and the integrity of our judicial system all require that counsel be permitted to
    pursue their clients’ interests with the confidence that they will not be singled out at
    random for sanctions.”].) Levying sanctions on this ground may not have been as random
    as the proverbial bolt from the blue, but it was close.
    4.      Raju Had No General Obligation to Disclose Exculpatory Information He
    Expected to Come From Witnesses Called by Lemalie.
    The final link in the chain of reasoning on which the sanctions order rests is the
    trial court’s finding that “Raju hoped to circumvent the court’s [reciprocal discovery]
    order by arranging for Goldrosen to contact Ms. Fletcher and include her on his witness
    and list. This, he believed, enabled him to thwart his discovery obligations and elicit
    evidence under the guise of cross-examination.” To support its conclusion that Raju’s
    efforts to have Goldrosen call Fletcher amount to sanctionable discovery abuse, the court
    relied heavily on findings concerning what Raju knew about Fletcher prior to trial, how
    he knew it, when he learned it, his assessment of its importance to his defense of Landers,
    and the steps he took to facilitate Goldrosen’s interview of Fletcher, which were the very
    circumstances Raju and Goldrosen shared with the court on a confidential basis, in
    camera, on March 28.
    At the time Raju delivered his opening statement—and at the time the court first
    adopted its sham cross-examination theory, on April 4 (see ante, pp. 19–20)—what he
    knew about Fletcher, his view of her as a witness, and his communications with
    Goldrosen about her, all constituted core “thoughts and impressions” work product,
    protected from discovery under section 1054.6 and Code of Civil Procedure section
    2018.030, subdivision (a). During trial, well before Raju sought the unsealing of the
    March 28 in camera transcript and filed declarations revealing his strategic thinking in
    great detail, thus waiving any confidentiality protection at that point, the court expressed
    concern about Raju’s failure to disclose to the People exculpatory information his
    opening statement revealed he knew, telling him “it’s absolutely clear that you never
    provided possibly exculpatory information that you had[.]”
    To the extent the court’s March 13 discovery order purported to compel Raju to
    disclose to Trevisan all exculpatory information he knew Fletcher possessed, whether or
    not he had any intent to call her—which is what prong 4 of that order does, on its face—
    the sanctions imposed here under Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5 cannot stand
    because the underlying order went beyond the court’s statutory authority, invading core
    work product. The cases cited by the People as support of prong 4 of the reciprocal
    discovery order (
    Lamb, supra
    , 136 Cal.App.4th at p. 580, 
    Roland, supra
    , 124
    Cal.App.4th at p. 165) do not support the order in the breadth it was entered. It was
    undisputed in Lamb and Roland that the defense intended to call the witnesses at issue
    there. The question presented was whether the obligation to disclose statements taken
    from those witnesses could be evaded by the simple expedient of not writing anything
    down, an issue not presented in this case. Both courts, unsurprisingly, held that such
    gamesmanship violates the rule in 
    Littlefield, supra
    5 Cal. 4th 122
    , since it is
    indistinguishable from the ostrich-like posture taken in that case by attorney Littlefield
    toward a witness his client had no choice but to call.
    It may well be the case, indeed we have no doubt it is the case, that Trevisan was
    intensely curious about how and why in opening statement Raju displayed such a detailed
    knowledge of the evidence to come. But her felt need to know what Raju knew provided
    no basis to expect the disclosure of his storehouse of investigative knowledge. (Code of
    Civ. Proc. § 2018.020, subds. (a), (b); 
    Coito, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 496.) The reason
    Raju was so confident Solis was not to be seen on the video clip Trevisan showed the
    jury in her opening statement may have been simply that he was a 49ers fan and knew the
    numbers of the jerseys he saw, while she did not; or perhaps it was due to Raju’s
    investigative industry and effort; or maybe he had prior relationships with people in the
    neighborhood from past cases, even a past client. In the end it does not matter how he
    came to know what he knew. On this record, he had not obligation to disclose any of it,
    since there was no legally or factually supportable basis on which to conclude he
    reasonably anticipated a likelihood of calling Fletcher at trial.
    E.     Raju’s Omissions During the In Camera Hearing
    A major theme in the People’s defense of the sanctions order against Raju is that
    Judge Bouliane simply found his repeated claims that he had no intention to call Fletcher
    unworthy of belief. At the in camera hearing, Raju represented that all he knew about the
    Jones brothers came from someone named Talika, one of Goldrosen’s witnesses; Raju
    further stated he did not even know Talika’s last name,25 that Talika identified Wesley in
    the video, and that she knew the person next to him was his brother. Raju stated, “That’s
    all the information she had, and that’s all the information I have, so it’s something I’m
    getting through cross-examination.” Raju told the court he had “no interest” in calling
    these individuals as witnesses and that any information he needed he would get through
    Commenting pointedly on these statements, Judge Bouliane found in her sanctions
    order that what Raju represented was all he knew, in fact, was not “all the information he
    had.” While making this representation, Raju did not disclose that following opening
    statements, his investigator had determined the identities of Wesley and Eric Jones from
    the license plate in one of the surveillance videos. Raju also did not disclose that he had
    met with Wesley on March 21 and that Wesley said that he and his brother had been
    threatened by Solis, who was armed, just before Solis ran toward Lemalie and was shot.
    Nor did Raju disclose that he had personally met with Talika on at least two prior
    occasions (implying he must have known she was named Fletcher); and that she told him
    that she saw a Latino, later identified as Fuentes, brandishing a gun shortly after the
    These are troubling omissions. Any misrepresentation to a court by an attorney,
    affirmatively or by material omission, is wholly unacceptable, especially where it occurs
    in camera. But we have no occasion to address that issue here. Because we find the
    sanctions order is flawed on multiple grounds, legal and factual, we need not reach the
    question whether any statements or omissions by Raju during the in camera hearing
    violated his duty of candor to the court. Under section 1054.3, we have concluded Raju
    did not have a duty to disclose all he knew about Fletcher to the prosecutor because, at
    the time of his opening statement, and at all points thereafter in the course of the trial, he
    Talika Fletcher is sometimes referred to as Talika Jones, her birth name, and
    sometimes as Talika Fletcher, since Fletcher is the surname of her late father. Her mother
    is Joyce Allen. She identified herself as Talika Fletcher at trial.
    did not intend to call her, he did not reasonably anticipate any likelihood of calling her,
    and he did not have a general duty to disclose exculpatory information.
    An adverse credibility finding based on the specific omissions the court
    highlighted in its sanctions order would not fill the legal and factual gaps in the rationale
    for imposing sanctions on this record. Without minimizing in any way the seriousness of
    the issue the People raise about the incomplete story Raju appears to have told the court
    in camera—an issue that potentially raises ethical concerns that are more serious in kind
    than simple discovery abuse—all we need say is that lack of candor with the court, at the
    in camera hearing or on any other occasion, was not the basis of the OSC or the sanctions
    The order imposing sanctions against Manohar Raju in the amount of $950 is
    Streeter, Acting P.J.
    We concur:
    Reardon, J.*
    Lee, J.**
    A145037/People v. Landers (Raju)
    Retired Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, First Appellate District,
    assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California
    Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.
    A145037/People v. Landers (Raju)
    Trial court:        San Francisco City & County Superior Court
    Trial judge:        Hon. Anne Bouliane
    Jeff Adachi, Public Defender (San Francisco), Matt Gonzalez, Chief Attorney, and
    Christopher F. Gauger, Deputy Public Defender for Objector and Appellant.
    Laura Arnold for California Public Defender’s Association as Amicus Curiae on
    behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    Brendon D. Woods, Public Defender (Alameda), and Brian Bloom, Assistant
    Public Defender as Amici Curiae on behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    Elizabeth K. Barker, Supervising Attorney and Garrick Byers, Special Assignment
    Attorney for Alternate Defender Office of Contra Costa County as Amici Curiae on
    behalf of Objector and Appellant.
    George Gascón, District Attorney (San Francisco), Louise Ogden, Assistant
    District Attorney, and Joseph Frislid, Assistant District Attorney for Plaintiff.