Martinez v. Cot'n Wash, Inc. ( 2022 )

  • Filed 8/1/22
    ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ,                      B314476
    Plaintiff and Appellant,         (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. 20STCV33139)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from the judgment of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, Rupert A. Byrdsong, Judge. Affirmed.
    Pacific Trial Attorneys, Scott J. Ferrell, Victoria C. Knowles
    and Richard H. Hikida for Plaintiff and Appellant Alejandro
    Lahti Helfgott, Brian E. Lahti and Jonathan A. Helfgott for
    Defendant and Respondent Cot’n Wash, Inc.
    Alejandro Martinez, as successor in interest to his brother
    Abelardo Martinez, Jr., seeks reversal of a judgment of dismissal
    following the successful demurrer of Cot’n Wash, Inc. (CW) to a
    complaint against CW alleging a single violation of the Unruh Civil
    Rights Act (Civ. Code, § 51 et seq.) (the Unruh Act). The operative
    complaint alleged CW violated the Unruh Act by intentionally
    maintaining a retail website that was inaccessible to the visually
    impaired because it was not fully compatible with screen reading
    software. On appeal, Martinez argues that the trial court erred in
    concluding (1) the alleged inaccessibility of CW’s website did not
    violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    et seq.) (the ADA), specifically Title III of the ADA (
    42 U.S.C. §§ 12181
    −12189) (Title III) and (2) the complaint did not allege
    sufficient facts to establish CW’s discriminatory intent, which the
    Unruh Act requires in the absence of an ADA violation.
    We hold that the trial court was correct on both points. As to
    intentional discrimination, the California Supreme Court has held
    that the discriminatory effect of a facially neutral policy or action
    is not alone a basis for inferring intentional discrimination under
    the Unruh Act. (See Koebke v. Bernardo Heights Country Club
    36 Cal.4th 824
    , 854 (Koebke).) It follows that we cannot
    infer intentional discrimination from Martinez’s alleged facts that
    he made CW aware of the discriminatory effect of CW’s facially
    neutral website, and that CW did not ameliorate these effects.
    As to the ADA violation theory, Martinez has not alleged,
    as he must in order for Title III of the ADA to apply, that CW’s
    website constitutes a “place of public accommodation.” (
    42 U.S.C. § 12182
    (a).) Under current law, we cannot read this phrase as
    including retail websites without any connection to a physical
    space. The statutory language does not include a category that
    encompasses such websites, and Congress has chosen not to amend
    the ADA to clarify whether and under what circumstances a
    website can constitute a “place of public accommodation”—despite
    Congress recognizing over 20 years ago the lack of clarity on this
    point and the resulting federal circuit split that persists today.
    We cannot rely, as Martinez encourages us to, on the policy goals
    of the ADA as a basis for ignoring the plain language of the statute
    and doing what Congress has for decades declined to do. Nor do
    we find persuasive that the United States Department of Justice
    (DOJ), the regulatory agency charged with implementing the ADA,
    has unofficially endorsed a view that all retail websites constitute
    “place[s] of public accommodation” for purposes of the ADA.
    Regardless of what the DOJ has said in amicus briefs, it has opted
    not to issue any regulations or formal guidance to this effect, even
    after repeated requests from Congress that the DOJ do so. This
    weighs against, not in favor, of Martinez’s proposed interpretation.
    We do not disagree that facilitating access to retail websites
    would serve the goals of the ADA. Nonetheless, compatibility with
    the goals of legislation is not the only consideration in interpreting
    it. We cannot ignore the canons of statutory interpretation to
    achieve the goal Martinez identifies. Nor may we act to expand
    the scope of a law when Congress has chosen not to do so.
    Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of dismissal.
    In the operative first amended complaint (FAC), Abelardo
    Martinez, Jr. 1 alleges a single cause of action against CW for
    violation of the Unruh Act, which provides that “[a]ll persons
    within the jurisdiction of this state . . . no matter what their . . .
    disability . . . are entitled to the full and equal accommodations,
    advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business
    establishments of every kind whatsoever.” (Civ. Code, § 51,
    subd. (b).) 2
    A.     Allegations of the FAC
    The FAC alleges the following facts: CW “owns, operates
    and provides to the public” a website that “provides access to
    [CW’s] array of products and services, including descriptions of its
    products, . . . [and an] online shop.” CW is not alleged to offer any
    products and services at any physical location, or in any manner
    other than through its website.
    Martinez is “permanently blind and uses screen readers
    in order to access the internet and read website content.” There
    are “well-established, industry standard guidelines for ensuring
    1 Abelardo Martinez, Jr. died during the pendency of this
    appeal. We subsequently granted a joint motion to substitute
    Martinez’s brother, Alejandro Martinez, as his successor in
    interest pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 377.31,
    377.32, and 903. We will use the surname “Martinez” to refer
    both to the individual described in the FAC and the current
    2 CW filed a demurrer to Martinez’s original complaint,
    which the court sustained with leave to amend, based on
    insufficiency of the allegations to support intentional
    discrimination, either by establishing actual intent or an
    ADA violation. On March 22, 2021, Martinez filed the FAC.
    websites are accessible to blind and visually-impaired people”
    using screen reading software. “[The] guidelines recommend
    several basic components for making websites accessible” including
    “adding invisible alternative text to graphics, ensuring that all
    functions can be performed using a keyboard and not just a mouse;
    ensuring that image maps are accessible, and adding headings
    so that blind people can easily navigate websites. Without these
    very basic components, a website will be inaccessible to a blind or
    visually-impaired person using a screen reader.”
    The FAC alleged that “at all relevant times, it was [CW’s]
    policy and practice to deny blind users, including [Martinez],
    equal enjoyment of and access to the website” by “fail[ing] and
    refus[ing] to remove access barriers on the website” “that prevent
    free and full use by [Martinez] and other blind persons using
    screen reading software.”
    The FAC further alleges CW “failed to take adequate
    action to correct these barriers even after being notified of the
    discrimination that such barriers cause,” and lays out the manner
    in which Martinez so notified CW. Specifically, on August 13,
    2020, Martinez’s counsel sent CW a letter via overnight mail. The
    letter provided: “In short, your website (
    is not fully accessible to visually-impaired individuals. Indeed,
    the California Supreme Court recently confirmed that anti-
    discrimination laws apply to commercial websites. We urge you to
    consult your own counsel about your rights and obligations in this
    emerging area of law. [¶] We plan to file suit in the near future.
    If you wish to discuss this matter, your counsel should promptly
    contact me.” (Fn. omitted.) The letter did not identify any specific
    features of the website that were not accessible to Martinez or the
    method by which CW could make it compliant.
    On August 20, 2020 (a week later), CW’s counsel responded
    with an email indicating that CW’s website “conformed with ‘Level
    2’ of version 2.1 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines . . .
    and invited [Martinez] to identify ‘a particular issue’ to which
    [Martinez’s] letter had referenced.”
    On August 24, 2020, Martinez’s counsel sent CW’s counsel
    “an email that, inter alia, offered to provide, upon reasonable
    request, a courtesy copy of [Martinez’s] audit report documenting
    the communication barriers existing on the website, and a pre-
    filing settlement demand.” CW’s counsel requested the report on
    August 25, 2020, which Martinez’s counsel sent later that same
    day. Martinez had performed the audit “of four specific webpages
    on the website” using “the well-known, free, automated web
    accessibility evaluation tool known as WAVE,” “one of 162 web
    accessibility evaluation tools” identified on a public webpage.
    On Sunday, August 30, 2020, Martinez’s counsel sent
    CW’s counsel an email “expressing [Martinez’s] intention to file
    a complaint against [CW] during that week in light of the fact
    that [Martinez’s] counsel had received no substantive response
    to [Martinez’s] settlement demand of August 24, 2020.” The next
    day (August 31, 2020), CW’s counsel sent Martinez an email that
    confirmed that CW had reviewed the audit report, but “questioned
    [its] ‘meaning’ and asserted that ‘it does not answer any of our
    questions.’ ” The email also reiterated CW’s view that it complied
    with applicable guidelines and “stated for the first time that [CW]
    ‘ha[d] also engaged a consultant to ensure ongoing compliance.’ ”
    CW provided no further details about the consultant.
    Martinez filed suit that same day.
    B.     Relevant Procedural History
    In June 2021, the court sustained CW’s demurrer to the
    FAC, without leave to amend, and thereafter entered a judgment
    of dismissal. Although the court’s order does not explain its
    reasoning, the parties’ arguments at the hearing focused on the
    two issues that had been the subject of the court’s written ruling
    sustaining CW’s demurrer to the original complaint, namely:
    (1) Whether Martinez had alleged facts establishing intentional
    discrimination, and (2) Whether CW’s website constituted a “place
    of public accommodation” for purposes of the ADA. Martinez
    timely appealed.
    The Unruh Act provides: “All persons within the jurisdiction
    of this state . . . no matter what their . . . disability . . . are entitled
    to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities,
    privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind
    whatsoever.” (Civ. Code, § 51, subd. (b).) “A plaintiff can recover
    under the [Unruh Act] on two alternate theories: (1) a violation
    of the ADA (Civ. Code, § 51, subd. (f)); or (2) denial of access to
    a business establishment based on intentional discrimination.”
    (Martinez v. San Diego County Credit Union (2020) 
    50 Cal.App.5th 1048
    , 1059 (SDCCU).)
    On appeal, Martinez contends the FAC alleges facts
    sufficient to establish an Unruh Act claim under both theories.
    As to Martinez’s first Unruh Act theory, we disagree that CW’s
    response to Martinez’s complaints about discriminatory effects
    of the facially neutral structure of CW’s website is sufficient to
    establish intentional discrimination. As to Martinez’s second
    Unruh Act theory, we conclude CW’s website is not a “place of
    public accommodation” for the purposes of the ADA, and that the
    FAC therefore fails to allege a violation of the ADA.
    I.    The FAC Does Not Allege Facts Establishing
    Intentional Discrimination
    Unless an Unruh Act claim is based on an ADA violation,
    the act requires a claimant to prove “ ‘intentional discrimination.’ ”
    (Koebke, supra, 36 Cal.4th at p. 854.) A claimant may not “rel[y]
    on the effects of a facially neutral policy on a particular group . . .
    to infer solely from such effects a discriminatory intent.” (Ibid.;
    see also ibid. [“ ‘[a] disparate impact analysis or test does not
    apply to Unruh Act claims’ ”].) Thus, absent an ADA violation, the
    Unruh Act requires allegations supporting “ ‘willful, affirmative
    misconduct’ ” (id. at p. 853) with the specific intent “to accomplish
    discrimination on the basis of [a protected trait].” (Id. at p. 854.)
    Although “evidence of disparate impact [may] be probative of
    intentional discrimination in some cases” under the Unruh Act,
    it cannot alone establish such intent. (Ibid, italics omitted.)
    Martinez argues that the FAC alleges such “ ‘willful,
    affirmative misconduct’ ” (Koebke, supra, 36 Cal.4th at p. 853)
    sufficient to establish intentional discrimination and thus states
    a cause of action under the Unruh Act on that independent basis.
    Specifically, he argues the FAC allegations establish CW “ ‘failed
    to take adequate actions to correct’ ” accessibility barriers in its
    website “ ‘even after being notified’ ” of them in correspondence
    from Martinez’s counsel. (Boldface and italics omitted.) But if,
    under the reasoning of Koebke, Martinez cannot establish CW’s
    intent to discriminate by showing only that its website does not
    allow visually impaired individuals the same access available
    to those who are not visually impaired (i.e., a disparate effect
    of a neutral structure), it follows that CW’s failure to address
    this disparate effect likewise cannot establish CW’s intent to
    discriminate. (Koebke, supra, at p. 854; see Belton v. Comcast
    Cable Holdings, LLC (2007) 
    151 Cal.App.4th 1224
    , 1237−1239
    (Belton); see 
     at pp. 1229−1230 & 1237 [defendant’s practice of
    offering music services and television programming as a package
    without an option for consumers to buy only music services alone
    “applied equally to sighted and blind subscribers” was neutral on
    its face and thus not actionable despite alleged disproportionate
    impact on blind people]; see also Greater Los Angeles Agency on
    Deafness, Inc. v. Cable News Network, Inc. (9th Cir. 2014) 
    742 F.3d 414
    , 426−427 (GLAAD) [rejecting as part of a “misguided effort
    to import [a] ‘deliberate indifference’ standard into the Unruh Act
    context” plaintiff ’s attempt to prove intentional discrimination
    under the Unruh Act based in part on defendant’s refusing
    plaintiff ’s request that defendant provide captioning for its videos
    on when defendant’s “policy of displaying online video
    programming without closed captioning applied equally to all visitors, hearing-impaired or not”].)
    Martinez attempts to distinguish federal cases reaching
    a similar result on the basis that the defendants in those cases
    took more corrective action than did CW after being informed that
    a facially neutral general policy was having a disparate impact on
    disabled individuals. (See, e.g., GLAAD, supra, 742 F.3d at p. 426
    [noting in connection with intentional discrimination analysis
    that defendant had “respon[ded] to [plaintiff ’s] captioning request”
    by “stat[ing] that it offered a number of text-based services and
    explain[ing] that it would be ‘ready to provide whatever web
    access is ultimately required’ by the [Federal Communications
    Commission’s] then-pending captioning rules”]; Cullen v. Netflix,
    Inc. (N.D.Cal. 2012) 
    880 F.Supp.2d 1017
    , 1024 [“allegations
    demonstrating [defendant’s] efforts to improve access for hearing-
    impaired customers” such as that “the rate at which [defendant]
    is captioning content has continued to increase since 2008”
    prevented an inference of intentional discrimination under
    the Unruh Act]; see also Wilkins-Jones v. County of Alameda
    (N.D.Cal. 2012) 
    859 F.Supp.2d 1039
    , 1052–1053 [plaintiff ’s
    “alleg[ations] that [d]efendants did not fully and timely comply
    with, e.g., her requests for medication (some were provided)”
    and that her requests for a wheelchair were refused “based on
    the inadequate assessments performed by [d]efendants” were
    “insufficient to reasonably infer discriminatory intent” under the
    Unruh Act].) To the extent those federal cases suggest an Unruh
    Act plaintiff can prove intentional discrimination solely through
    a defendant’s failure to adequately respond to complaints about
    discriminatory effects of a neutral policy or action—and we are not
    convinced that they all do—we disagree with them as inconsistent
    with Koebke.
    Martinez cites Ruiz v. Musclewood Property Investments,
    LLC (2018) 
    28 Cal.App.5th 15
     (Ruiz) for the proposition that,
    Koebke notwithstanding, a defendant’s failure to correct a known
    accessibility problem resulting from an individual’s disability
    can support an inference that the defendant is intentionally
    discriminating against that individual based on his disability.
    (Id. at p. 22.) Ruiz involved a claim under the Disabled Persons
    Act, Civil Code section 54 et seq. (the DPA), not the Unruh Act.
    (Ruiz, supra, 28 Cal.App.5th at p. 21; see Civ. Code, § 54.3,
    subd. (a) [providing cause of action against “[a]ny person or
    persons, firm or corporation who denies or interferes with
    admittance to or enjoyment of the public facilities . . . or otherwise
    interferes with the rights of an individual with a disability under
    Sections 54, 54.1 and 54.2”].) The court in Ruiz concluded that
    the “[d]efendants’ guard dog’s repeated attacks on plaintiff ’s guide
    dog and defendants’ alleged knowledge of those attacks” over the
    course of almost six months “permit[ted] a reasonable inference of
    intent” to discriminate against the plaintiff, who was blind. (Ruiz,
    supra, at p. 22.) Because the DPA does not require intent, however
    (see Civ. Code, § 54.3, subd. (a)), the court’s conclusion regarding
    intent is dictum, even as it applies to the DPA. (Ruiz, supra, at p.
    21.) In any case, applying Ruiz’s DPA-related dictum to an Unruh
    Act claim would be inconsistent with Koebke. Ruiz does not
    conclude otherwise. Indeed, Ruiz does not even mention Koebke or
    the Unruh Act. We thus disagree that Ruiz allows Martinez to
    prove intentional discrimination under the Unruh Act based on
    CW’s failure to change a facially neutral policy or action—here,
    the structure of the CW website—in response to Martinez’s
    Because Koebke is a Supreme Court decision contrary to
    Ruiz’s dictum related to intent, it is not surprising that Martinez
    has not cited (nor are we aware of) any California case applying
    the intent-related dictum in Ruiz to an Unruh Act claim. Nor
    are we persuaded by the unpublished federal cases Martinez
    cites to support applying this concept in the Unruh Act context.
    (See Martinez v. Adidas America, Inc. (C.D.Cal. July 9, 2019,
    No. EDCV 19-841) 
    2019 WL 3002864
    ; Thurston v. ClearPath
    Lending, Inc. (C.D.Cal. Jan. 28, 2019, No. SACV 18-2094) 
    2019 WL 366405
    .) Not only are these cases not binding on this court,
    they also assess federal question jurisdiction, and therefore
    deal only indirectly with the viability of a particular Unruh
    Act claim. (See Martinez v. Adidas America, Inc., supra, 
    2019 WL 3002864
     at p. *4 [concluding Unruh Act complaint plausibly
    alleged a theory of intentional discrimination under a non-ADA
    legal theory]; Thurston v. ClearPath Lending, Inc., supra, 
    2019 WL 366405
     at p. *3 [same].) Indeed, neither of these cases
    analyzes the intent issue in any depth, and thus neither is helpful
    on this point. (See Martinez v. Adidas America, Inc., supra, 
    2019 WL 3002864
     at p. *4; Thurston v. ClearPath Lending, Inc., supra,
    2019 WL 366405
     at p. *3.)
    For these reasons, we do not recognize a failure to address
    known discriminatory effects of a policy as alone sufficient to
    establish intentional discrimination under the Unruh Act, and the
    FAC could not have stated a cognizable Unruh Act claim on this
    II.   The FAC Does Not Allege Facts Establishing
    a Violation of the ADA, Because CW’s Website
    Is Not a “Place of Public Accommodation”
    We next turn to the issue of whether the FAC states an
    Unruh Act cause of action based on a violation of the ADA, which
    does not require proof of intentional discrimination. (See Munson
    v. Del Taco, Inc. (2009) 
    46 Cal.4th 661
    , 673 [need not prove intent
    to establish Unruh Act claim based on ADA violation].) Title III
    “prohibits discrimination against disabled individuals by private
    entities.” (SDCCU, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 1059.) It provides:
    “No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of
    disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services,
    facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place
    of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases (or
    leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation.” (
    42 U.S.C. § 12182
    (a), italics added.) To establish a Title III violation, a
    plaintiff must show: (1) a covered disability; (2) that “the
    defendant is a private entity that owns, leases, or operates a place
    of public accommodation; and (3) the plaintiff was denied public
    accommodations by the defendant because of [the] disability.”
    (Molski v. M.J. Cable, Inc. (9th Cir. 2007) 
    481 F.3d 724
    , 730, italics
    added; accord, SDCCU, supra, at p. 1060.)
    A.    Case Law Is Inconsistent Regarding When a
    Website Constitutes a “Place of Public
    Accommodation” for Purposes of a Title III
    The question before us is whether CW’s website constitutes
    a “place of public accommodation” for the purposes of Title III.
    42 U.S.C. § 12182
    (a).) “The ADA defines the phrase ‘. . . public
    accommodation’ by enumerating 12 categories of covered ‘places’
    and ‘establishments,’ giving nonexclusive examples of types of
    enterprises falling into each category. [Citations.] The listed
    examples mainly reference physical locations. The implementing
    regulations similarly define a public accommodation by referring
    to a ‘facility,’ which is in turn defined as ‘all or any portion of
    buildings, structures, sites, complexes, equipment, rolling stock . . .
    or other real or personal property, including the site where the
    building, property, structure, or equipment is located.’ ” 3 (SDCCU,
    supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1060−1061, fn. omitted, quoting
    42 U.S.C. § 12181
    (7)(A)−(L) & 
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
     (2022).) “A
    website is not identified in any of the statutory categories. This
    is not surprising as there were no commercial websites when the
    ADA was enacted in 1990. But in the 30 years since, websites
    have become central to American life. They are widely used by
    3  Recently (in June 2020) the Court of Appeal for the Fourth
    Appellate District thoughtfully and thoroughly summarized the
    state of the law in this area, which has not significantly changed
    in the two years since then. (SDCCU, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th
    at pp. 1060−1064.) In the interest of efficiency, rather than
    reinventing the proverbial wheel, we draw heavily from the court’s
    summary in describing the legal landscape that informs the issue
    on appeal here, which SDCCU did not have occasion to reach. (See
    id. at p. 1071 [“we do not reach the legal issue whether the ADA
    applies to websites even without a nexus to a physical place”].)
    both consumers and businesses to communicate information and
    conduct transactions, and are now essential tools in conducting
    daily affairs. Thus, the issue whether websites are subject to
    ADA requirements has been the subject of a growing number
    of lawsuits, judicial attention, and academic commentary.
    [Citations]. [¶] The regulatory agency charged with implementing
    the ADA [(the DOJ)] has previously endorsed the applicability of
    Title III to ‘ “[w]eb sites of public accommodations,” ’ but has not
    provided specific regulatory guidance.” 4 (SDCCU, supra, at
    p. 1061.)
    1.    Conflicting Views of Federal Courts
    “[T]he courts have reached different conclusions on the
    issue whether a website is a public accommodation. The federal
    courts have expressed two main views.” (SDCCU, supra, 50
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1061.) One view “is that websites are ‘public
    accommodations’ within the meaning of the ADA. This approach
    has been adopted by courts in the First, Second, and Seventh
    Circuits. (National Assn. of the Deaf v. Harvard University
    (D.Mass. 2019) 
    377 F.Supp.3d 49
    , 57−59 . . . ; Gil [v. Winn Dixie
    Stores, Inc. (S.D.Fla. 2017)] 242 F.Supp.3d [1315,] 1318−1319
    [(Gil)]; see Carparts Distribution Center v. Automotive Wholesaler’s
    Assn. (1st Cir. 1994) 
    37 F.3d 12
    , 19−20 (Carparts); [National Assn.
    of the Deaf v.] Netflix, Inc. [(D.Mass. 2012)] 869 F.Supp.2d [196,]
    201−203 [(Netflix)]; Doe v. Mutual of Omaha Ins. Co. (7th Cir.
    179 F.3d 557
    , 559 [(Mutual of Omaha)]; Access Living of
    Metropolitan Chicago v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (N.D.Ill. 2018)
    351 F.Supp.3d 1141
    , 1155−1156; Pallozzi v. Allstate Life Ins. Co.
    4The DOJ’s stated views on this issue and their role in our
    analysis are addressed in more detail in Discussion part II.C, post.
    (2d Cir. 1999) 
    198 F.3d 28
    , 32 [(Pallozzi)]; Andrews v. Blick Art
    Materials, LLC (E.D.N.Y. 2017) 
    268 F.Supp.3d 381
    , 390−393 . . . ;
    National Federation of the Blind v. Scribd Inc. (D.Vt. 2015) 
    97 F.Supp.3d 565
    , 567−576 . . . .) [¶] Courts adopting this view
    have relied on the ‘service establishment[s]’ category of the
    statutory definition, and particularly the fact that ‘travel service’
    is contained in the illustrative list of these establishments ([42
    U.S.C.] § 12181(7)(F) . . . ), suggesting that Congress must have
    contemplated a public accommodation would ‘include providers of
    services which do not require a person to physically enter an actual
    physical structure.’ (Carparts, 
     37 F.3d at p. 19; see Scribd,
     97 F.Supp.3d at p. 572.) The Carparts court observed, ‘It
    would be irrational to conclude that persons who enter an office
    to purchase services are protected by the ADA, but persons who
    purchase the same services over the telephone or by mail are
    not. . . .’ (Carparts, 
    [supra,] at p. 19
    ; see Andrews, supra, 268
    F.Supp.3d at p. 396; Scribd, 
     at pp. 572−573.) [¶] These
    courts have also emphasized the critical nature of websites for
    transacting business in one’s daily life, and that Congress made
    clear its intention that the ADA adapt to changes in technology.”
    (SDCCU, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 1062.)
    The second view of the issue taken by federal courts “is
    that websites are not ‘public accommodations’ under the ADA,
    but a denial of equal access to a website can support an ADA
    claim if the denial has prevented or impeded a disabled plaintiff
    from equal access to, or enjoyment of, the goods and services
    offered at the defendant’s physical facilities. This view has
    been adopted by courts in the Third, Sixth, Ninth, and Eleventh
    Circuits. (Gil, supra, 242 F.Supp.3d at p. 1319; see Robles [v.
    Domino’s Pizza, LLC (9th Cir. 2019)] 913 F.3d [898,] 905−906
    [(Robles)]; Menkowitz v. Pottstown Memorial Medical Ctr. (3d Cir.
    154 F.3d 113
    , 122 . . . ; Mahoney v. Bittrex, Inc. (E.D.Pa.
    Jan. 14, 2020, No. CV 19-3836) 
    2020 WL 212010
    , p. *2 . . . ;
    Parker v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. (6th Cir. 1997) 
    121 F.3d 1006
    1010−1014 . . . ; Castillo v. Jo-Ann Stores, LLC (N.D.Ohio 2018)
    286 F.Supp.3d 870
    , 876−881 . . . ; Haynes v. Dunkin’ Donuts, LLC
    (11th Cir. 2018) 
    741 Fed. Appx. 752
    , 754 . . . ; Gomez v. General
    Nutrition Corp. (S.D.Fla. 2018) 
    323 F.Supp.3d 1368
    , 1375 . . . ;
    see also Rendon v. Valleycrest Productions, Ltd. (11th Cir. 2002)
    294 F.3d 1279
    , 1284−1286.)” (SDCCU, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 1063.)
    “ The courts adopting this narrower . . . definition of a
    ‘public accommodation’ have relied on Congress’s explicit listing
    of the type of places considered to be ‘public accommodations,’ and
    have emphasized that essentially all of these categories describe
    a physical location. [Citations.] With respect to [42 U.S.C.]
    section 12181(7)(F)’s identification of ‘service establishment[s]’
    such as a ‘travel service,’ these courts have noted that under the
    statutory construction canon ‘noscitur a sociis,’ a statutory term
    must be construed in the context of the accompanying words,
    thus supporting that a ‘travel service’ also identifies a physical
    place. [Citations.] [¶] But these courts also recognize that a
    website can be important to providing access to a defendant’s
    public accommodation (physical premises) and to a disabled
    person’s ability to use and enjoy services provided at those places,
    and thus to the extent barriers on the website impinges on the
    plaintiff ’s ability to access such benefits at a physical premises, the
    claim can be actionable under a nexus theory. (See Robles, supra,
    913 F.3d at pp. 904−906; [citations].) The rationale underlying
    the adoption of this nexus standard mirrors many of the public
    policies discussed by the courts in adopting the broader view that
    all websites are directly subject to the ADA, e.g., that Congress
    would have intended this result given the growing importance of
    websites for consumers and businesses. [Citation.]” (SDCCU,
    supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1063–1064, fn. & italics omitted.)
    2.    Relevant California Precedent
    The limited California case law on this topic offers little
    guidance in navigating this federal circuit split. At least two
    California Courts of Appeal have applied the nexus analytical
    framework in assessing whether a website is a place of public
    accommodation. (See SDCCU, supra, 
    50 Cal.App.5th 1048
    Thurston v. Midvale Corp. (2019) 
    39 Cal.App.5th 634
    Because both these cases determined the requisite nexus existed,
    however, neither provided an occasion for the court to consider
    under what circumstances, if any, a standalone website can meet
    this definition.
    In Thurston, a blind woman sued a restaurant for disability
    discrimination under the Unruh Act for maintaining a website that
    was incompatible with her screen reading software. (Thurston,
    supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at pp. 636−638.) Thurston applied a nexus-
    based approach and upheld summary judgment in the plaintiff ’s
    favor on a theory that the restaurant had violated the ADA.
    (Thurston, supra, at pp. 642−646.) In so doing, Division Eight
    of this court explained that “including websites connected to
    a physical place of public accommodation is not only consistent
    with the plain language of Title III, but it is also consistent
    with Congress’s mandate that the ADA keep pace with changing
    technology to effectuate the intent of the statute.” (Thurston,
    supra, at p. 644.) It further noted, however, that because
    the restaurant had a physical presence, the court “need not
    consider . . . the wholly hypothetical question whether Title III
    governs a website unconnected to a physical place of public
    accommodation offering only purely Internet-based services or
    products.” (Ibid.)
    SDCCU similarly applied the nexus standard to an
    ADA-based Unruh Act claim regarding the accessibility of a
    website of a bank that maintained physical facilities. (SDCCU,
    supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1053 & 1070−1071.) “Because [the
    court] . . . concluded [the plaintiff ’s] allegations were sufficient
    to satisfy the nexus standard, [the court] [did] not reach the legal
    issue whether the ADA applies to websites even without a nexus
    to a physical place.” (SDCCU, supra, at p. 1071.)
    Belton, supra, 
    151 Cal.App.4th 1224
     addresses the related
    issue of whether a digital cable service constitutes a place of public
    accommodation for the purposes of the ADA. In Belton, cable
    subscribers brought an action against a cable service provider,
    challenging the provider’s practice of offering radio and music
    service only when bundled together with television service. The
    plaintiff ’s claim was that “the [television] programming provided
    in the basic cable tier is ‘inaccessible’ to blind people, and therefore
    [the cable provider] must accommodate blind individuals by
    providing FM or music services á la carte.” (Belton, supra, 151
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1238.) The court affirmed summary judgment
    for the cable provider on that basis that, in order “to state a claim
    under the ADA, plaintiffs must show that they have been denied
    access to a place of public accommodation and, as a matter of law,
    cable services are not such a place.” (Belton, supra, at p. 1238,
    italics omitted.) In so holding, Belton relied heavily on and
    adopted the reasoning of Torres v. AT&T Broadband, LLC (2001)
    158 F.Supp.2d 1035
    , which held that a digital cable service was
    not a place of public accommodation. (Belton, supra, at p. 1238,
    citing Torres, supra, at p. 1037.) In the language Belton quotes
    from Torres, the court explained that “ ‘[t]he ADA includes
    an exhaustive list of private entities that constitute a public
    accommodation, and a digital cable system is not one of them.’ ”
    (Belton, supra, at p. 1238, quoting Torres, supra, at p. 1037.)
    Belton also relies on Torres’s further “reject[ion] [of] the plaintiff ’s
    argument that ‘when he uses the defendants’ digital cable
    channel menu, his television set becomes a place of exhibition
    or entertainment. [T]he plaintiff ’s home cannot reasonably be
    classified as a place of public exhibition or entertainment. Thus,
    neither the digital cable system nor its on-screen channel menu
    can be considered a place of public accommodation within the
    meaning of the ADA.’ ” (Belton, supra, at p. 1238−1239, italics
    omitted, quoting Torres, supra, at pp. 1037–1038.)
    CW argues that Belton is dispositive on the public
    accommodation issue and requires us to reject an interpretation
    of “place of public accommodation” that encompasses websites
    without any connection to a physical space. But Belton is
    distinguishable in terms of its facts and reasoning, and thus
    does not dictate our analysis in the instant appeal. Namely,
    Belton involved a very different type of digital “place” than the
    one at issue here. The fact that one type of digital place (a digital
    cable menu or system) does not constitute any of the “public
    accommodation” listed in Title III does not mean another type of
    digital place (a retail website) also does not. Belton concluded that
    a digital cable platform is not a modern-day version of “a motion
    picture house” (or any other statutorily enumerated type of public
    accommodation). (
    42 U.S.C. § 12181
    (7)(C).) We do not necessarily
    disagree. But that does not preclude us from concluding that
    a different category referenced in the relevant statute (“sales
    and rental establishment[s]”) includes a different digital place
    (a retail website like CW’s). And Belton does not expressly rely
    on the reasoning in Torres regarding the definition of “facility”
    in the implementing regulations of the ADA. Belton thus does not
    answer the question posed by this appeal. 5
    B.    Considered Together, the Plain Language of
    the Statute, Maxims of Statutory Construction,
    and Legislative History Pre-dating the Passage
    of Title III Do Not Establish That Purely
    Digital Retail Websites Are “Places of Public
    “[T]he fundamental goal of statutory interpretation is to
    ascertain and carry out the intent of the Legislature.” (People v.
    Cruz (1996) 
    13 Cal.4th 764
    , 782.) “ ‘To determine legislative
    intent, a court begins with the words of the statute, because
    they generally provide the most reliable indicator of legislative
    intent.’ [Citation.] . . . [Citation.] ‘If there is no ambiguity in
    the language, we presume the Legislature meant what it said
    and the plain meaning of the statute governs.’ ” (Diamond
    Multimedia Systems, Inc. v. Superior Court (1999) 
    19 Cal.4th 1036
    , 1047.) We will not follow the plain meaning of the statute
    if to do so “would inevitably frustrate the manifest purposes of
    the legislation as a whole or lead to absurd results.” (In re Ge M.
    226 Cal.App.3d 1519
    , 1523.)
    Martinez argues that the plain meaning of “place of public
    accommodation” is alone sufficient for us to adopt the broader
    view taken by several federal courts—namely, that a physical
    place is not a necessary component of the ADA’s definition of a
    place of public accommodation. (See, e.g., Carparts, 
     37 F.3d
    at pp. 19−20; Netflix, supra, 869 F.Supp.2d at pp. 201−203; Mutual
    5Nor, for that matter, do the other California decisions noted
    above, Thurston and SDCCU, as both expressly disclaim that they
    reach this issue. (SDCCU, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 1071;
    Thurston, supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 644.)
    of Omaha, 
     179 F.3d at p. 559; Pallozzi, 
     198 F.3d
    at p. 32.)
    We disagree that the plain language of the statute is
    alone sufficient to decide the issue—let alone sufficient to decide
    the issue in Martinez’s favor. First, the plain meaning of the
    term “place” weighs against adopting Martinez’s proposed
    interpretation. Dictionaries “overwhelmingly” define “place”
    as involving a physical location. 6 (Winegard, supra, 556 F.Supp.3d
    at p. 179.) Neither Title III nor any implementing regulations
    provide a different definition of the word for the purposes of
    Title III. Nor does the state of technology when the ADA was
    passed in 1990 suggest that Congress was unaware that the term
    carried a connotation of physical space and thus could exclude
    certain “sales and retail establishments” from the scope of Title III
    based on a lack of connection to a physical space. “[T]here were
    countless . . . businesses operating outside of brick-and-mortar
    premises in 1990, including some that had been in operation for
    decades,” such as mail order catalogs. (Winegard, supra, 556
    F.Supp.3d at pp. 177−178.) Congress’s decision to nevertheless use
    the phrase “place,” the plain meaning of which involves physical
    space, could easily be understood as an intentional exclusion
    6  “Webster’s Third [New International Dictionary], for
    example, begins with the following definitions: ‘1. open space in
    a city, space, locality’; ‘1.a. a way for admission or transit’; ‘1.b.
    physical environment’; ‘1.c. physical surroundings.’ (Webster’s
    Third New International Dictionary 1727 (2002).) Webster’s
    Second [New International Dictionary], similarly, begins with:
    ‘An open space, or square, in a city or town.’ (Webster’s Second
    New International Dictionary 1877 (1945).)” (Winegard v.
    Newsday LLC (E.D.N.Y. 2021) 
    556 F.Supp.3d 173
    , 179
    of businesses without any physical presence from the scope
    of Title III—even if they might constitute “sales and retail
    establishments” under section 12181(7) of title 42 of the United
    States Code. Finally, the United States Supreme Court has
    recently noted “place” connotes a physical space, at least in the
    context of a New Jersey law protecting against discrimination in
    “places of public accommodation.” (See Boy Scouts of America v.
    Dale (2000) 
    530 U.S. 640
    , 657.) Specifically, the court reversed
    a summary judgment ruling that treated the Boy Scouts
    organization as a “place of public accommodation” under
    New Jersey law, noting that, although such laws have been
    interpreted broadly, “the New Jersey Supreme Court went a step
    further and applied its public accommodations law to a private
    entity without even attempting to tie the term ‘place’ to a physical
    location.” (Ibid.) Both the plain meaning of the word, and its
    meaning considered in historical context, do not support Martinez’s
    proposed interpretation of “place of public accommodation.”
    Turning to the entire phrase, “place of public
    accommodation,” the plain meaning of the statute’s language is
    not dispositive, because there is no “plain meaning” of this phrase.
    Decades of conflicting federal case law interpreting it establishes
    that, instead, the term is ambiguous.
    The term “facility”—a necessary component of the definition
    of “place of public accommodation” under the Code of Federal
    Regulations (
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
     (2022))—is ambiguous for largely
    the same reason.
    “When the statutory text is ambiguous, or it otherwise fails
    to resolve the question of its intended meaning,” we proceed to the
    second step, and “look to the statute’s legislative history and the
    historical circumstances behind its enactment.” (Klein v. United
    States of America (2010) 
    50 Cal.4th 68
    , 77.) “In this step, courts
    may ‘turn to secondary rules of interpretation, such as maxims
    of construction, “which serve as aids in the sense that they express
    familiar insights about conventional language usage.” ’ ” (Alejo v.
    Torlakson (2013) 
    212 Cal.App.4th 768
    , 787 (Alejo), quoting Katz v.
    Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School Dist. (2004) 
    117 Cal.App.4th 47
    , 55.) Martinez argues that these tools of statutory
    interpretation—in particular legislative history—support his
    proposed construction of Title III. For reasons we discuss below,
    on balance, these interpretative tools do not provide a basis on
    which we can adopt Martinez’s proposed interpretation. Rather,
    they lead us to the opposite conclusion.
    Maxims of statutory construction support adopting a narrow
    interpretation of “place of public accommodation.” As previously
    noted, regulations define “place of public accommodation” as
    “a facility operated by a private entity whose operations affect
    commerce and fall within at least one of ” the 12 categories
    specifically listed in section 12181(7) of title 42 of the United
    States Code. (
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
     (2022).) Regulations further
    define “facility” under Title III as “all or any portion of buildings,
    structures, sites, complexes, equipment, rolling stock or other
    conveyances, roads, walks, passageways, parking lots, or other real
    or personal property, including the site where the building,
    property, structure, or equipment is located.” (
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
    (2022).) “[T]he expression of certain things in a statute necessarily
    involves exclusion of other things not expressed—expressio unius
    est exclusio alterius.” (Henderson v. Mann Theatres Corp. (1976)
    65 Cal.App.3d 397
    , 403.) Thus, the only way a website might
    constitute a “facility” is if it qualifies as one of these items in the
    definition of “facility.”
    Martinez urges that a website qualifies as “other personal
    property” and therefore constitutes a “facility.” But “a word
    is known by the company it keeps” and should not be given “a
    meaning so broad that it is inconsistent with its accompanying
    words.” (Yates v. United States (2015) 
    574 U.S. 528
    , 543; see
    also People v. Garcia (2016) 
    62 Cal.4th 1116
    , 1124 [recognizing
    and applying the principle of noscitur a sociis].) The term
    “other . . . personal property” appears at the end of a list of
    exclusively physical spaces and, as to “equipment” or other
    “personal property,” presupposes the existence of a “site where
    the . . . property . . . is located.” (
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
     (2022).) Under
    the principles of noscitur a sociis and expressio unius est exclusio
    alterius, it would seem that a website cannot constitute a “facility”
    and thus, cannot constitute a “place of public accommodation.”
    Martinez argues that we must nevertheless interpret the
    terms “facility” and “place of public accommodation” broadly
    enough to include all retail websites, because to do otherwise
    would lead to an absurd result. Specifically, he argues it would
    be absurd for Title III to treat a sales transaction differently,
    depending on the venue through which it occurs. The First Circuit
    Court of Appeals found this principle persuasive in holding a
    “place of public accommodation” does not require any kind of a
    physical presence. It concluded that “[i]t would be irrational to
    conclude that persons who enter an office to purchase services are
    protected by the ADA, but persons who purchase the same services
    over the telephone or by mail are not. Congress could not have
    intended such an absurd result.” (See Carparts, 
     37 F.3d
    at p. 19.)
    We disagree. Although treating retail websites like other
    retailers in 2022 does make sense, it does not follow that treating
    them differently from brick and mortar retailers cannot also make
    sense. We do not view it as absurd or irrational for Congress to
    address discrimination by online retailers in a different manner
    than it addresses discrimination by brick and mortar retailers.
    These are, after all, two distinct types of retailers, each subject
    to a disparate bundle of economic and business concerns. The
    central role websites play in modern commerce cannot change
    that they are their own animal, a creature unlike brick and
    mortar establishments.
    Because brick and mortar stores conduct business differently
    than do retail websites, the type and extent of the burdens anti-
    discrimination measures impose on a business will necessarily
    differ depending on whether the business is operating through
    a physical storefront or a purely digital one. Given the different
    burden-benefit calculus that would apply in determining how to
    impose accessibility requirements on these two different types of
    retailers, it would not be an absurd result that Title III addresses
    only physical retailers, and that the question of how to properly
    balance the benefits and burdens of imposing similar requirements
    on purely digital retailers remains for Congress to separately
    consider. We thus conclude that it would not be an absurd result
    to interpret Title III as treating transactions differently depending
    on whether they are purely digital or have a physical component,
    and that avoiding an absurd result therefore cannot drive our
    interpretation of the language at issue.
    Martinez further argues that we must interpret the terms
    “place of public accommodation,” “other personal property,” and
    “facility” broadly enough to include digital-only websites, because
    doing otherwise would be inconsistent with the purpose of Title III,
    and inconsistent with the edict that we are to interpret the ADA
    broadly and with its purpose in mind. The purpose of Title III
    is “ ‘to bring individuals with disabilities into the economic and
    social mainstream of American life . . . in a clear, balanced, and
    reasonable manner’ ” and afford “people with disabilities . . .
    equal access to the array of goods and services offered by private
    establishments and made available to those who do not have
    disabilities.” (Gniewkowski v. Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises,
    Inc. (W.D.Pa. 2017) 
    251 F.Supp.3d 908
    , 916; accord, PGA Tour,
    Inc. v. Martin (2001) 
    532 U.S. 661
    , 674−675.) Today, the “economic
    and social mainstream of American life” takes place in large part
    on the internet; websites are one of the primary ways the public
    may gain “access to the array of goods and services offered by
    private establishments.” (Gniewkowski, supra, at p. 916; see
    Packingham v. North Carolina (2017) 
    582 U.S. __
    198 L.Ed.2d 273
    137 S.Ct. 1730
    , 1735] [referring to “cyberspace” as the most
    important “place[ ]” for the exchange of views]; see also Thurston,
    supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 643 [noting the internet’s “ ‘prevalence
    and power have changed the dynamics of the national economy’ ”],
    quoting South Dakota v. Wayfair (2018) 
    585 U.S. __
    201 L.Ed.2d 403
    138 S.Ct. 2080
    , 2097].) Martinez also stresses that legislative
    history supports “that Congress intended the ADA to adapt to
    changes in technology.” (Netflix, supra, 869 F.Supp.2d at
    pp. 200−201, citing H.R.Rep. No. 101-485, 2d Sess., p. 108
    (1990), reprinted in 1990 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News,
    pp. 303, 391.) Specifically, the Legislature “intend[ed] that the
    types of accommodation and services provided to individuals
    with disabilities, under all of the titles of this bill, should keep
    pace with the rapidly changing technology of the times”—in this
    instance, with technology that permits a company to offer wide
    ranges of goods or services for sale without having any physical
    storefront. (H.R.Rep. No. 101-485, 2d Sess., p. 108 (1990),
    reprinted in 1990 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News, pp. 303, 391.)
    We agree with Martinez that reaching his desired result—
    lessening barriers to accessing electronic commerce faced by
    disabled individuals—would be consistent with the general, overall
    goal of Title III. But not everything that is consistent with
    the goal of Title III can be found in the language of that statute.
    And simply because one interpretation would be consistent with
    the overall goal of the statute does not necessarily mean that a
    different interpretation “would inevitably frustrate the manifest
    purposes of the legislation as a whole” (In re Ge M., supra, 226
    Cal.App.3d at p. 1523)—particularly when, as here, the law
    inherently involves a balancing of benefits and burdens to different
    Nor is the mandate to interpret that language broadly,
    and in a manner that takes into account changes in technology,
    a blanket authorization to require anything that would achieve
    the ADA’s overall goal of equal access. Congress chose specific
    language. Given the lack of support for interpreting “place” or
    “place of public accommodation” as including digital websites
    under the plain meaning of these terms and the canons of
    statutory construction, we are loathe to rely entirely on the broad
    goals of the statute as a sufficient basis for doing so. Based on
    the language Congress (and the DOJ in implementing regulations)
    chose, even considered in the context of Title III policy goals
    and a need to interpret the law expansively, it is not clear that
    Congress intended this result in drafting Title III.
    Thus, even after examining the language of the statute and
    considering maxims of statutory interpretation and legislative
    history pre-dating passage of the law, we remain without a clear
    answer as to whether a purely digital retail website can constitute
    a “place of public accommodation” in the context of Title III.
    C.    Based on Legislative History Since Congress
    Passed Title III, This Court May Not Interpret
    Title III As Covering Digital-Only Websites
    “ ‘If ambiguity remains after resort to secondary rules
    of construction and to the statute’s legislative history, then we
    must cautiously take the third and final step in the interpretive
    process. [Citation.] In this phase of the process, we apply
    “reason, practicality, and common sense to the language at hand.”
    [Citation.] Where an uncertainty exists, we must consider the
    consequences that will flow from a particular interpretation.’ ”
    (Alejo, supra, 212 Cal.App.4th at p. 788.) Based on such an
    analysis, we ultimately find dispositive that adopting Martinez’s
    proposed interpretation of “place of public accommodation” would
    mean embracing a view that Congress (through its inaction since
    the enactment of the ADA) and the DOJ (through its unwillingness
    to draft regulations) have both tacitly rejected.
    Congress and the DOJ have long been aware of the confusion
    in the courts regarding whether and when a website can be
    considered a “place of public accommodation,” but have chosen
    not to clarify the issue through amendments to the statute or
    additional rulemaking. The federal circuit split began in the
    1990’s, and resolving it—be it through judicial or legislative
    means—has been the topic of legal scholarship ever since then.
    In addition, as early as 2000, Congress began holding
    hearings to discuss the significance, for purposes of interpreting
    the ADA, of the fact that commerce was increasingly occurring
    online. At a February 9, 2000 oversight hearing before the
    Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the
    Judiciary on the “Applicability of the Americans with Disabilities
    Act (ADA) to Private Internet Sites,” the committee noted that
    the “[f]ederal government is scheduled to promulgate handicapped
    accessibility requirements that will apply to [f]ederal department
    and agency Internet sites” which would “likely be used as a model
    for Internet accessibility requirements by litigants suing private
    providers of Internet web sites and services under the [ADA].”
    (H.R.Rep. No. 106-1048, 2d Sess., p. 275 (2001).) It further
    heard from the DOJ, which was of the opinion “that the ADA’s
    accessibility requirements do apply to private Internet web sites
    and services.” (Ibid.) The committee recognized that the changing
    role of internet commerce “raise[d] issues related to the new
    significance of the Internet economy to recent economic growth,
    the costs that application of the ADA would impose on that rapidly
    expanding segment of the economy, and the substantial First
    Amendment implications of applying the ADA to private Internet
    web sites and services.” (Ibid.) These same issues were again
    discussed at a September 13, 2006 hearing before the same
    committee. (See, e.g., Hearing before House Com. on Judiciary,
    Subcom. on Constitution, 109th Cong., 2d Sess., at pp. 924−925
    (Sept. 13, 2006) [testimony that 98 percent of websites are
    inaccessible to disabled individuals and that access to the internet
    is crucial in modern society]; id., p. 105 [statement advocating for
    interpreting Title III to cover websites]; id., p. 97 [testimony
    suggesting congress intended ADA to expand to account for
    changes in technology like those related to internet commerce].)
    Nevertheless, when Congress amended the ADA in 2008,
    it did so to clarify a different area of judicial confusion interpreting
    the scope of the act related to the definition of “disability.” (See
    Pub.L. No. 110-325 (Sept. 25, 2008) 
    122 Stat. 3553
    ; Hearing before
    House Com. on Judiciary, Subcom. on Constitution, Civil Rights
    and Civil Liberties, 111th Cong., 2d Sess., at p. 2 (Apr. 22, 2010).)
    It took no similar legislative action to clarify “place of public
    accommodation.” Thereafter, in 2010, a congressional committee
    expressly acknowledged the need for clarification in this area in
    order to realize the goals of the ADA, and called upon the DOJ
    to act. Specifically, at an April 22, 2010 congressional committee
    hearing on “Achieving the Promises of the Americans with
    Disabilities Act in the Digital Age,” the introductory remarks of the
    congressional committee chairman noted that “[t]hrough informal
    guidance, the [DOJ] consistently has taken the position that public
    and private entities must ensure that individuals with disabilities
    have equal access when the goods or services are provided over
    the Internet or through other evolving technologies. But the [DOJ]
    has yet to modernize its regulations to make that clear, and the
    courts have struggled to articulate a consistent approach. [¶] This
    lack of clarity is harmful and places individuals with disabilities at
    great risk of being left behind. It also leaves public and private
    entities uncertain as to whether they are subject to and, for that
    matter, in compliance with ADA requirements. I therefore urge
    the [DOJ] to update its regulations and hope to hear today about
    its plans to issue guidance that clarifies application of the law and
    provides meaningful resources for entities seeking to comply. [¶]
    With this additional clarity and guidance, I am hopeful that we
    will avoid a repeat of the problems that we encountered with the
    court’s misinterpretation of the definition of the word ‘disability’ in
    the ADA. In correcting the courts unduly restrictive interpretation
    of this term, we made clear that we will not tolerate a narrow
    reading of the ADA. [¶] That same message should apply with
    full force as the courts interpret and apply key phrases like ‘place
    of public accommodation’ in Title III of the Act. The notion that
    Congress prohibited discrimination only when it occurs in a
    physical place or required structural changes only to physical
    places is not consistent with the spirit and the plain language
    of the law.” (Hearing before House Com. on Judiciary, Subcom.
    on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, 111th Cong.,
    2d Sess., at p. 2 (Apr. 22, 2010).)
    In response, the DOJ representative at the hearing indicated
    in no uncertain terms that the DOJ viewed websites, whether
    or not associated with a physical place, as places of public
    accommodation under Title III. (See, e.g., Hearing before House
    Com. on Judiciary, Subcom. on Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil
    Liberties, 111th Cong., 2d Sess., at pp. 6 & 16 (Apr. 22, 2010).)
    The DOJ has offered the same view in amicus briefs filed in
    various federal courts for over 20 years. 7 Yet the DOJ has chosen
    not to exercise its rulemaking power and issue any regulations on
    this topic. Instead, it continues to file amicus briefs, and earlier
    this year issued guidance that—unlike those amicus brief
    submissions—is ambiguous as to whether a brick and mortar
    presence is necessary for a website to constitute a “place of public
    accommodation.” Namely, the 2022 guidance provides: “A website
    with inaccessible features can limit the ability of people with
    disabilities to access a public accommodation’s goods, services, and
    privileges available through that website—for example, a veterans’
    service organization event registration form. [¶] For these
    reasons, the [DOJ] has consistently taken the position that the
    7   Martinez has requested that this court take judicial notice
    of these and other DOJ-related documents, including DOJ consent
    decrees taking a similar position. CW has filed a request for
    judicial notice of other DOJ-related materials as well. We hereby
    grant these requests. (See Evid. Code, §§ 459, subd. (a), 452,
    subds. (c) & (d) [permitting judicial notice of “[o]fficial acts of
    the . . . executive . . . departments of the United States” and
    “[r]ecords of . . . any court of record of the United States”]; People v.
    Morales (2018) 
    25 Cal.App.5th 502
    , 511, fn. 7 [“courts may take
    judicial notice of information published on official government
    ADA’s requirements apply to all the goods, services, privileges, or
    activities offered by public accommodations, including those offered
    on the web.” (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Guidance on Web Accessibility,
    and the ADA (Mar. 18, 2022)  [as of July 29, 2022], boldface omitted.)
    It thus appears that, no later than 2010, Congress and the
    DOJ (1) both recognized the need to clarify whether and under
    what circumstances a website might constitute a “place of public
    accommodation,” and (2) agreed that such clarification should take
    a broad and inclusive approach. The only conclusion we can draw
    from their failure in the 12 years that followed to provide any such
    clarification through regulation or statute is that neither officially
    endorses this approach. We cannot attribute this inaction to
    Congress’s difficulty with or reluctance to draft laws specifically
    addressing websites, given that the ADA expressly addresses
    accessibility of some websites for disabled individuals—it just
    does not do so in the context of Title III. Specifically, federal
    departments and agencies must provide individuals with
    disabilities the same level of access to electronic and information
    technology—including through websites—as that enjoyed by
    individuals without disabilities. (29 U.S.C. § 794d(a)(1)(A).)
    Congress’s failure to provide clarification in the face of
    known confusion—and, to a lesser extent, the DOJ’s similar
    failure—is not a reason for us to step in and provide that
    clarification. To the contrary, it is a reason for us not to do so.
    This is particularly true, given that providing clarification in
    the manner Martinez requests could have sweeping effects far
    beyond this case, none of which has been the subject of legislative
    Martinez urges that the DOJ has in fact acted to clarify the
    confusion through amicus briefs and consent decrees in various
    cases, which take the position that a website not associated with
    any physical location can constitute a public accommodation. The
    parties have extensively briefed the issue of whether and in what
    way we should consider these documents. “[I]t is unsettled how
    much Chevron deference 8 is to be given to an agency’s informal
    policy pronouncements. This category includes . . . [, for example,]
    the amicus curiae brief[s]; and though we know . . . [citation] that,
    in some circumstances at least, an agency’s amicus brief is entitled
    to some deference, it cannot be very great when it is the brief of
    an agency that has, and has exercised, rulemaking powers yet
    has unaccountably failed to address a fundamental issue on
    which the brief takes a radical stance.” (Mutual of Omaha, supra,
    179 F.3d at p. 563, fn. added.) This is the case with the DOJ and
    the primary issue on appeal. Considered in this context, such
    nonbinding and case-specific pronouncements of the DOJ do not
    provide a basis for us to do what Congress (and, for that matter,
    the DOJ itself) has apparently made a conscious choice not to do.
    And unlike an amicus brief, our interpretation of the ADA will
    affect cases other than the one before us.
    In sum, we do not view the DOJ’s willingness to support
    Martinez’s proposed interpretation only in case-specific scenarios—
    while declining to adopt the position via rulemaking action—
    as weighing in favor of our adopting that interpretation. To the
    contrary, we conclude the DOJ’s approach to the issue weighs
    against our adopting such an interpretation. As noted, we agree it
    would serve the goals of the Title III to interpret “facility” and, by
    8 Under Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council
    467 U.S. 837
    , the United States Supreme Court held that,
    in interpretating a statute, a regulatory agency’s construction of
    the statute is entitled to deference from the courts. (Id. at p. 865;
    City of Arlington v. F.C.C. (2013) 
    569 U.S. 290
    , 296.)
    extension, “place of public accommodation” 9 as covering websites,
    but that does not necessarily mean no other goals or considerations
    weigh against a blanket application of Title III to all websites.
    Ours is not to draft a law that chooses from among these various
    goals; ours is to interpret the law as written, an enterprise in
    which we are guided by legislative intent. We ultimately conclude
    that the language of the statute, when considered in the context
    of Congress’s failure to act and the DOJ’s silence in terms of formal
    guidance, does not permit us to adopt an interpretation of the
    statute that is not dictated by its language, especially in the face
    of the legislative and agency inaction described above.
    D.    Because CW’s Website Does Not Constitute a
    “Place of Public Accommodation,” the FAC
    Does Not Allege a Title III Violation
    Based on all of the factors we discuss above, we conclude
    that CW’s website is not a “place of public accommodation” under
    Title III as currently written. Thus, the FAC also cannot state
    a claim under the Unruh Act based on CW’s denying Martinez
    access to CW’s website in a manner that violates Title III.
    Given that the FAC also fails to allege intentional
    discrimination, it fails to state a viable legal claim under the
    Unruh Act, and the court correctly sustained CW’s demurrer.
    9  As noted, in order to constitute a “place of public
    accommodation,” the entity at issue must be both a “facility” and
    a public accommodation. (
    28 C.F.R. § 36.104
     (2022).) Therefore,
    given our conclusion that a standalone website cannot constitute
    a facility, we need not reach the issue of whether, or under what
    circumstances, such websites also constitute “sales and retail
    establishments” or any other of the enumerated categories of
    “[p]ublic accommodation[s]” under section 12181(7)(E) of title 42
    of the United States Code.
    As to the dismissal with prejudice, Martinez argues that he
    should be permitted leave to amend only if this court determines
    that he “potentially could have” “sufficiently plead his intentional
    discrimination theory of liability” “based on evidence provided to
    the trial court indicating that the website continued to remain
    inaccessible to blind individuals even after the filing of the FAC.”
    (Capitalization omitted.) We do not so conclude. For the reasons
    we outline above, allegations that CW failed to ameliorate
    discriminatory effects of its facially neutral website—even for a
    longer period of time than alleged in the FAC—cannot establish
    intentional discrimination. Therefore, the court did not err in
    sustaining the demurrer without leave to amend.
    Accordingly, the judgment dismissing the complaint is
    affirmed. The parties shall bear their own costs on appeal.
    We concur:
    CHANEY, J.
    BENDIX, J.