Estate of El Wardani ( 2022 )

  • Filed 8/31/22
    Estate of RAMSEY WALTER EL
    WARDANI, Deceased.
    JANINE WHITE EL WARDANI,               D079406
    Petitioner and Appellant,
    v.                              (Super. Ct. No. 37-2017-00031536-
    Administrator, etc.,
    Objector and Respondent.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of San Diego County,
    John B. Scherling, Judge. Affirmed.
    James Michael Hester for Petitioner and Appellant.
    Chhokar Law Group, Kimberley Victoria Deede and Gian Ducic-
    Montoya for Objector and Respondent.
    Ramsey Walter El Wardani died intestate in 2016 and was survived by
    his wife Janine and daughter from a previous marriage, Alexandria (Ali).1
    Four years into a protracted probate dispute between Janine and Ali, the
    court removed Janine as court-appointed administrator of Ramsey’s estate.
    It deemed her ineligible to serve in that role because it found that she was
    not a United States (U.S.) resident as required by section 8402, subdivision
    (a)(4) of the Probate Code.2
    Emphasizing her numerous ties to California, Janine appeals her
    removal as administrator of her deceased husband’s estate. But as we
    explain, the court reasonably rejected her claim to U.S. residency despite
    those ties. Janine sold her home in California and moved with Ramsey to
    Mexico in 2014 intending to retire there. She remained in Mexico “full time”
    for two years until Ramsey’s death. Although she returned to California for
    visits thereafter, she did not relocate or plan to move back to the U.S. until
    the probate case was over. On these facts, the court reasonably found that
    she was not a U.S. resident within the meaning of section 8402 and did not
    abuse its discretion in removing Janine as administrator. Accordingly, we
    affirm the order.
    A year after Ramsey died intestate in August 2016, Janine petitioned
    for letters of administration. She checked the box on mandatory Judicial
    Council form (DE-111) indicating that she was a California resident and
    listing a P.O. Box in Bonsall as her address. Claiming Ramsey had
    1     Because all parties in this action share a common last name, we refer
    to them by first name for clarity, intending no disrespect.
    2     Further undesignated statutory references are to the Probate Code.
    misappropriated her separate property, Janine also filed a $285,000 creditor’s
    In December 2017, the probate court appointed Janine as
    administrator with limited authority to administer the estate. Janine was
    required to post a $250,000 bond and could not sell, exchange, or encumber
    estate property. Janine filed a partial inventory and appraisal in December
    2018 listing a 50 percent community property stake in five condominiums she
    and Ramsey owned and rented as landlords.
    Janine’s letters of administration expired in June 2019 pursuant to a
    local rule (Super. Ct. San Diego County, Local Rules, rule 4.8.1(A)). Three
    months after her letters of administration expired, Janine allowed her own
    creditor’s claim, purporting to be the estate’s personal representative. Her
    attached creditor’s declaration claimed $281,867 from Ramsey’s estate.
    Janine claimed that only after his death did she discover that Ramsey lived a
    double life, misappropriating her separate property assets.
    This 2019 declaration contained several factual allegations that would
    later be used by the court to reject her U.S. residency. Janine explained that
    she married Ramsey in 2009 and lived in Carlsbad. Ramsey managed the
    couple’s finances, although each maintained separate property assets from
    before their marriage. Ramsey wanted to retire in Mexico to live a quieter
    life, and the couple began searching for properties in Baja California Sur.
    Janine sold her separate property home in Carlsbad to facilitate their move.
    She purchased a home in Baja California Sur, Mexico using proceeds from
    the Carlsbad sale. Janine moved in October 2014 “and lived in that home full
    time.” Over the next two years, Ramsey left her in Mexico alone for up to a
    month at a time while allegedly using proceeds from her Carlsbad residence
    “like his own personal bank account.” All the while, Janine “was setting up
    the home in Baja, trusting that [her] ‘nest egg’ was safe.” Janine referenced
    the couple’s “condo rental business” in passing but did not mention any
    residence outside the one in Mexico.
    The trial court approved Janine’s creditor’s claim for $281,867 in
    November. Ali moved to set that order aside, and the court granted her
    request in January 2020. It noted that Janine’s letters of administration had
    expired when she purported to allow her own creditor’s claim. Mistakenly
    believing Janine still had authority as administrator, the court erred in
    approving that claim. Compounding this error, Janine failed to serve notice
    of the hearing on Ali or any other heir, meaning the court allowed her
    creditor’s claim without hearing from any heir or an authorized personal
    representative. The court cautioned Janine that her letters of administration
    had expired and that reissuance was “not a foregone conclusion.”
    After the set aside ruling, Janine filed a document captioned, “First
    Annual Report and Status of Administration; Request to Allow Ongoing
    Administration of this Estate; and Request for Extension of Letters of
    Administration.” Janine explained that she needed additional time to
    determine the character of the five rental properties and identify other assets
    and personal property subject to probate. Acknowledging the delay, Janine
    explained that estate administration had revealed “financial
    misappropriations, concealed assets and questionable trusts, unknown
    creditors and income tax potential liability going as far back as 2009”—all of
    which “has made the administration challenging and time consuming.” She
    hoped to render an accounting and conclude her administration within a
    year. Accordingly, she asked the court to extend her letters of administration
    through July 2021.
    The hearing on Janine’s request was repeatedly continued. Citing her
    shortcoming in estate administration, Ali asked the court not to reissue
    Janine’s letters and instead appoint Ali as administrator. The parties
    appeared before Judge Scherling on June 11, 2021 on Janine’s petition for
    reissued letters and Ali’s competing petition for letters. Following an
    unreported hearing, the court requested supplemental briefing on the issue of
    Janine’s residency.3 Pursuant to section 8402, subdivision (a)(4), only U.S.
    residents are competent to serve as personal representative of an estate
    unless named as executor in a will.
    In her supplemental brief, Ali argued that residency was “synonymous
    with domicile” for purposes of the Probate Code. Although Ali had been
    under the impression that she lived in Bonsall, California, Janine informed
    the court at the June 11 hearing that she had never lived there and that the
    address provided was her brother’s. Summarizing testimony offered at the
    June 11 hearing and Janine’s past declarations, Ali maintained that Janine
    resided in Mexico and was statutorily barred from serving as estate
    Citing taxation cases construing state residency, Janine reasoned that
    residency means the place a person is most closely connected to. She filed a
    declaration describing her many ties with the U.S. While she owned a home
    in Mexico, she was not a citizen there and had no intention of becoming a
    citizen or Mexican resident. She grew up in California; all her friends and
    both her children lived there, as did her extended family. She had a
    California driver’s license, voted and paid income taxes in California and filed
    3      Without a record of proceedings, we cannot be certain what transpired.
    Janine argues on appeal that the court was poised to deny Ali’s petition for
    letters until her counsel made a statement to the effect that Janine was not a
    U.S. resident.
    federal income taxes in the U.S. Her bank accounts were in San Diego, and
    she had not opened any accounts in Mexico. Her medical providers,
    accountant, and attorneys were all in California. Since 2016, Janine received
    mail solely through a P.O. Box in California and did not receive mail in
    Mexico. According to Janine, the only reason she stayed in Mexico was
    because she owned a house there free and clear where she could live
    inexpensively. Claiming Ramsey’s actions placed her “in a state of financial
    limbo” since his death, she stated she would sell her home in Mexico and
    return to the U.S. as soon as the probate case ended.
    Ali filed a responsive supplemental brief. She noted that Janine’s
    September 2019 declaration supporting her creditor’s claim confirmed her
    Mexico residency. It was only when faced with disqualification that Janine
    took the position that she resided in California. Ali argued that Janine’s
    reliance on taxation cases was misplaced given case authority interpreting
    residency synonymously with domicile under the Probate Code. Whatever
    her California ties, Ali stressed that Janine had resided in her Mexico home
    since 2014 and only intended to return to California once probate proceedings
    The court considered the two motions together on August 9, 2021—
    Janine’s request to continue as administrator and Ali’s request to be
    appointed administrator.4 Before the hearing, the parties stipulated that
    both petitions could be resolved based on the declarations of record, with no
    new declarations filed. At the start of the hearing, the court delivered its
    4      Although Janine’s letters of administration had expired pursuant to a
    local rule, the court had held that she remained administrator of the estate
    pursuant to the Probate Code. Expiration of the letters merely suspended
    Janine’s authority, meaning there was no vacancy in the office of the
    administrator unless Janine was first removed.
    tentative ruling removing Janine as administrator. The written tentative
    raised questions as to whether Janine had ever lived in Bonsall as she had
    Arguing against the tentative, Janine highlighted her California ties.
    Although the couple planned to move to Mexico to retire, Ramsey never
    actually retired and lived a double life in San Diego. Janine planned to
    return after he died once the probate case concluded and never expected the
    case to go on for four years. According to Janine, the mere fact that she slept
    in Mexico more nights than she did in the U.S. did not change her place of
    residence. It was Janine’s position that she had never left California. She
    maintained her bank accounts, investment property, and driver’s license in
    California and intended to return as soon as the probate case ended. To the
    extent the court entertained doubts as to whether Janine had ever lived in
    Bonsall as indicated in prior filings, Janine could testify on that issue.
    Ali’s counsel urged the court to confirm its tentative ruling. She
    reasoned that Janine’s “change in intention, based on a change of
    circumstances, does not change where one lives and one has moved to and
    where one owns a home.” Counsel further suggested that the probate case
    had dragged on because of Janine’s shortcomings and delays as
    administrator. No new testimony was warranted given the parties’
    stipulation to decide the matter on declarations; nor would it affect the
    outcome. Ali argued that Janine owned a home in Mexico and lived there for
    years, making her a Mexican resident for purposes of probate proceedings.
    Agreeing with Ali, the court modified the tentative ruling only slightly,
    omitting credibility questions concerning Janine’s alleged prior residence in
    Bonsall. It viewed Janine’s 2019 creditor’s declaration as more credible than
    her more recent declaration on residency. But even in the more recent
    declaration, Janine stated, “As soon as the case is over, I will sell my home in
    Mexico and return to live permanently in the United States.” Based on this
    statement, the court inferred that Janine had no intention of living in the
    U.S. during the administration of the estate. Concluding Janine was not a
    U.S. resident competent to serve as administrator under section 8402, it
    removed her. And with the position now vacant, the court proceeded to
    appoint Ali as administrator with limited authority, requiring her to post
    A more detailed ruling followed in the court’s written order. It began
    by acknowledging that as the party seeking her removal, Ali bore the burden
    of proving grounds for removing Janine as administrator. (See Estate of Sapp
    36 Cal.App.5th 86
    , 103 (Sapp).) Noting that section 8402, subdivision
    (a)(4) required that an administrator be a “resident of the United States,” the
    court turned to case law to construe that phrase. More recent cases were not
    helpful because nonresidency was conceded. (See Estate of Heath (2008) 
    166 Cal.App.4th 396
    , 401 (Heath) [stating in passing that decedent’s German
    sisters were “ineligible for appointment as administrators because they [did]
    not reside in the United States”]; Estate of Damskog (1991) 
    1 Cal.App.4th 78
    81 (Damskog) [decedent’s Norwegian sisters were not entitled to appointment
    as administrator themselves and therefore could not nominate an
    administrator].) Accordingly, the court turned to much older cases that
    construed a prior version of the statute requiring California residency.
    Although residence is not necessarily synonymous with domicile (see Smith v.
    Smith (1955) 
    45 Cal.2d 235
    , 239 (Smith)), these cases seemed to equate the
    two in the probate administration context.5
    5     To avoid repetition, we explore cases cited by the probate court in our
    The court reasoned that “resident of the United States” under section
    8402 was either synonymous with domicile or permitted something more
    temporary. Under either construction, it believed by a preponderance of the
    evidence that Janine was not a resident. The court deemed Janine’s 2019
    declaration “more reliable [than] her [more recent] declaration regarding
    residency” because her residency was not then at issue. It went on to
    “Based on the declaration in support of the creditor’s
    claim, it appears that Janine and Decedent had a plan to
    retire in Mexico, and pursuant to that plan they bought a
    house in Mexico and moved there in October 2014. Janine
    states that she lived there ‘full time,’ and she does not
    mention moving to a subsequent address in the
    declaration in support of the creditor’s claim or in her
    residency declaration. Accordingly, it appears that Janine
    changed her residence and domicile to Mexico in October
    of 2014. [¶]
    “Although the retirement plan may not have worked out
    as Janine wanted, and although she states that she wants
    to return to the United States, there is no indication that
    she has moved back to the United States. Instead, it
    appears that she has lived in Mexico for the past seven
    years. While she may have substantial connections to the
    United States, there is no evidence showing that she has
    changed her residence or domicile back to the United
    States. Her claim that she has spent 252 days in the
    United States in 2019 and 2020 only amounts to 34.5% of
    those two years. Additionally, even in her more recent
    declaration Janine states: ‘[a]s soon as the probate case is
    over, I will sell my home in Mexico and return to live
    permanently in the United States.’ (ROA 160, ¶ 10.) This
    statement indicates that Janine has no intention of living
    in the United States during the administration of the
    estate. These circumstances are similar to [In re Estate of
    Weed (1898) 
    120 Cal. 634
     (Weed)], in that Janine lost her
    resident and domicile status when she moved to Mexico in
    2014, and she has not regained resident or domicile status
    in the United States because she still has not moved
    Janine argues the trial court abused its discretion in removing her as
    administrator of Ramsey’s estate. Focusing on taxation cases construing
    California residency, she maintains that she is a resident based on her
    significant and continuing ties to the U.S. But as we explain, even if we
    accept that residency under section 8402 does not require U.S. domicile,
    substantial evidence supports the court’s factual finding that Janine merely
    visited the U.S. on a temporary basis after moving to Mexico in 2014 without
    ever residing here. Accordingly, there was no abuse of discretion in ordering
    her removal.
    A.    The standard of review.
    We review the probate court’s order removing Janine as administrator
    for abuse of discretion.6 (Sapp, supra, 36 Cal.App.5th at p. 103.) In applying
    this standard “the deference it calls for varies according to the aspect of a
    6      As a threshold matter, Ali suggests the appeal should be dismissed for
    failure to properly identify an appealable order. (See Sapp, supra, 36
    Cal.App.5th at p. 98.) But the notice of appeal makes clear that Janine is
    appealing an order removing her as the estate administrator. “Orders
    removing a personal representative and revoking the letters of
    administration issued to the personal representative are appealable.” (Id. at
    p. 99; §§ 1300, subd. (g), 1303, subd. (a).)
    We likewise reject Janine’s suggestion that laches or equitable estoppel
    prevented Ali from challenging her residency several years into the probate
    case. As Ali points out, such fact-intensive arguments cannot be raised for
    the first time on appeal. (Prang v. Los Angeles County Assessment Appeals
    Bd. No. 2 (2020) 
    54 Cal.App.5th 1
    , 18 [laches]; Rogers v. County of Los
    Angeles (2011) 
    198 Cal.App.4th 480
    , 490, fn. 6 [equitable estoppel].) Nor does
    Janine explain how she was prejudiced or relied to her detriment where any
    delay by Ali merely gave her more time to administer Ramsey’s estate.
    trial court’s ruling under review. The trial court’s findings of fact are
    reviewed for substantial evidence, its conclusions of law are reviewed de
    novo, and its application of the law to the facts is reversible only if arbitrary
    and capricious.” (Haraguchi v. Superior Court (2008) 
    43 Cal.4th 706
    711−712.) Thus, we independently construe the meaning of “resident” in
    section 8402, subdivision (a)(4). We then determine whether substantial
    evidence supports the court’s factual finding that Janine was not a resident of
    the U.S. under that definition. Reversal is compelled only if under all the
    evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to the court’s order, no judge
    reasonably could have reached the same result. (Sapp, at p. 104.)
    B.    A “resident of the United States” is someone who actually lives in the
    United States, not someone who temporarily visits.
    In probate proceedings, the court appoints a personal representative to
    administer the decedent’s estate. “That person or firm ordinarily is (a) an
    ‘executor’ named as such in the decedent’s will, (b) a successor to that
    executor, called an ‘administrator-with-the-will-annexed,’ or (c) an
    ‘administrator’ where the decedent died without a will naming an executor.”
    (Estate of Hilton (1996) 
    44 Cal.App.4th 890
    , 894, fn. 1; see Heath, supra, 166
    Cal.App.4th at p. 400; § 8460, subd. (a).) An executor or administrator must
    preserve the estate, discharge debts, and distribute the residue to
    beneficiaries under the will or pursuant to the statutory rules governing
    intestate succession. (Sapp, supra, 36 Cal.App.5th at p. 102; Heath, at
    p. 401.)
    Section 8402 defines eligibility requirements for personal
    representatives. As relevant here, “a person is not competent to act as
    personal representative . . . [if] [t]he person is not a resident of the United
    States.” (§ 8402, subd. (a)(4).)7 The word “resident” is not defined in the
    Probate Code. Janine suggests the term impliedly refers to the location that
    the person is most closely connected to, and she highlights her numerous ties
    to California. Ali, by contrast, argues that residency is synonymous with
    domicile—“residency involves a person’s physical presence in a particular
    place with the intention to make that place one’s home.”
    To evaluate these competing claims, we begin by tracing the statutory
    history. The residency requirement was first introduced to the probate
    administration statutes in 1878 through an amendment to former section
    1369 of the Code of Civil Procedure. That statute provided that “[n]o person
    is competent or entitled to serve as administrator or administratrix who is
    . . . Not a bona fide resident of the State.” (Former Code of Civ. Proc., § 1369;
    Stats. 1877, ch. 585, § 3; see In re Estate of Beech (1883) 
    63 Cal. 458
    , 459; In
    re Estate of Martin (1912) 
    163 Cal. 440
    , 442.)8 In 1931, the statute was
    repealed and recodified as former section 420 of the Probate Code without
    substantive change, barring anyone from serving as administrator “who is
    not a bona fide resident of this state.” (Stats. 1931, ch. 281, § 420, pp. 607–
    608; see In re Estate of Pascoe (1966) 
    242 Cal.App.2d 85
    , 87.)
    Further changes came in 1980, when section 420 was relaxed to require
    only U.S. residency. As initially introduced, the proposed bill deleted the
    7      This residency requirement does not apply to executors named in a
    will. (See § 8402, subd. (b).)
    8      Previously, the statute provided that an administrator could not be
    “1. Under the age of majority; 2. Convicted of an infamous crime; 3. Adjudged
    by the Court incompetent to execute the duties of the trust by reason of
    drunkenness, improvidence, or want of understanding or integrity.” (Former
    Code Civ. Proc., § 1369, as enacted in 1872.) California residency was added
    as a fourth requirement in the 1877 to 1878 term.
    residency requirement altogether. (Assem. Bill No. 2985 (1979−1980 Reg.
    Sess.) § 12, Mar. 6, 1980.) A committee report explained that the legislation
    “would delete the requirement of residence in California for administrators
    and provide for substitute service on the Secretary of State for non-resident
    administrators.” (Assem. Ways and Means Com., Rep. on Assem. Bill No.
    2985 (Apr. 9, 1980) p. 2.) But in the next revision, the bill required a
    personal representative be “a resident of the United States.” (Sen. Judiciary
    Com, Analysis of Assem. Bill No. 2985 (1979−1980 Reg. Sess.) § 12, as
    amended Apr. 15, 1980.) Through this language, the amendment
    “authorize[d] nonresidents of California to serve as administrators as long as
    they [were] residents of the United States.” (Legis. Counsel, Rep. on Assem.
    Bill No. 2985 (1979−1980 Reg. Sess.) Aug. 29, 1980, p. 3.)
    Following the 1980 amendment, former section 420 read: “No person is
    competent to serve as an administrator or administratrix who is not a
    resident of the United States . . . .” (Stats. 1980, ch. 955 (Assem. Bill No.
    2985) § 12, p. 3015.) This statute was repealed and recodified in 1990 as
    section 8402, subdivision (a)(4) and has remained substantively unchanged
    since. (See generally, Damskog, supra, 1 Cal.App.4th at pp. 80–81
    [discussing legislative history]; see also Heath, supra, 166 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 401.)
    Although the 1980 amendments revised the geographic scope and no
    longer insisted that residency be “bona fide,” the statute has at all times
    required that a personal representative be a “resident,” first of California and
    later of the U.S. With no recent case authority on point, older cases
    construing that word in evaluating California residency appropriately guide
    our construction. For example, California residency was established in In re
    Estate of Gordon (1904) 
    142 Cal. 125
     by a decedent’s brother who sold his
    property in Massachusetts, came to California intending to make it his
    permanent home, and “resided here continuously for some six years past”
    before his sister’s death. (Id. at p. 128.) By contrast, several cases rejected
    California residency where the proposed administrator merely intended to
    relocate to California but did not yet live here. (In re Estate of Donovan
    104 Cal. 623
    , 625‒626 (Donovan) [decedent’s brother did not establish
    residence by coming from Massachusetts to California for three days and
    stating his intent to remain]; Weed, supra, 120 Cal. at p. 639 [decedent’s niece
    lost her California residency when she and her husband “moved east, taking
    with them all of their property, and established a residence there which they
    maintained for nearly five years”]; Estate of Barnes (1921) 
    187 Cal. 566
    568−569 [decedent’s father did not establish California residency through his
    intent alone where he came in haste from Illinois, bringing no property with
    him, and could not immediately relocate].)9
    Equating “residence” with “domicile,” Weed explained that when a
    person moves to another place intending to remain there indefinitely, that
    place “ ‘becomes his place of residence or domicile, notwithstanding he may
    have a floating intention to return to his old residence at some future time.’ ”
    9      A contrary result was reached in In re Estate of Newman (1899) 
    124 Cal. 688
     based on the procedural posture and standard of review. The
    decedent in Newman had moved to California and lived there for 40 years
    while his wife remained in New Hampshire. On his death, his surviving
    spouse sought to be named administrator of his estate, claiming she came to
    California because her husband had left an estate and, having arrived,
    intended to remain. Distinguishing Donovan, supra, 
    104 Cal. 623
    , the
    Supreme Court found this sufficient to establish California residency because
    the trial court had credited her testimony as to her relocation and intent to
    (Weed, supra, 120 Cal. at p. 639.)10 Accordingly, a decedent’s niece who had
    left San Francisco with her husband, moved to Connecticut, and lived there
    for nearly five years while her husband worked on an invention, was not a
    California resident despite their stated intention to return. (Weed, at p. 639.)
    “She left her husband at their home in the east and would not have come [to
    California] at that time if her uncle had not died.” (Ibid.) Nor did she regain
    her California residence immediately on her return to administer her dead
    uncle’s estate. “To be a bona fide resident of the state one must really and in
    good faith have established a home or other place of residence therein, where
    he lives, and to which when away on business or pleasure he returns.” (Id. at
    p. 640.)
    In short, early cases equated residency with domicile: those who were
    not domiciled in California could not serve as estate administrator. The
    Legislature recodified the original statute multiple times over the past
    hundred and forty years. Although it expanded eligibility to U.S. residents
    and deleted the “bona fide” modifier, it did nothing to abrogate the long line
    of cases construing “resident” to mean “domicile.” “When a statute has been
    construed by judicial decision, and that construction is not altered by
    subsequent legislation, it must be presumed that the Legislature is aware of
    the judicial construction and approves of it.” (Heath, supra, 
    166 Cal.App.4th 10
         Weed relied in part on the definition of residence in repealed section 52
    of the Political Code, now codified in substantially the same form at section
    244 of the Government Code. (See Weed, supra, 120 Cal. at p. 638.)
    Equating residence with domicile, this statute explains that a person’s
    residence “is the place where one remains when not called elsewhere for labor
    or other special or temporary purpose, and to which he or she returns in
    seasons of repose,” “cannot be lost until another is gained,” and “can be
    changed only by the union of act and intent.” (Gov. Code, § 244.)
    at p. 402; see also In re Marriage of Amezquita & Archuleta (2002) 
    101 Cal.App.4th 1415
    , 1421.)11
    To be sure, residency and domicile are not always synonymous.
    Although cases sometimes use the words interchangeably, “ ‘residence’
    connotes any factual place of abode of some permanency, more than a mere
    temporary sojourn,” whereas domicile is more comprehensive, including “both
    the act of residence and an intention to remain.” (Smith, supra, 45 Cal.2d at
    p. 239.) “[A] person may have only one domicile at a given time, but he may
    have more than one physical residence separate from his domicile, and at the
    same time.” (Ibid.) To determine the meaning of “residence,” it is necessary
    to look at the purpose of each act. (Id. at p. 240.) For example, as the
    Supreme Court observed in Smith, residence is synonymous with domicile in
    construing the Probate Code’s venue statute. (Id. at p. 239, citing Estate of
    Glassford (1952) 
    114 Cal.App.2d 181
    , 186 (Glassford).)12 By contrast,
    11    Cases suggest that the residency requirement aims to ensure that
    administrators “reside in the United States where the probate court can
    exercise personal jurisdiction over them, if need be, as they perform their
    duties.” (Damskog, supra, 1 Cal.App.4th at p. 82.) Yet, even as personal
    jurisdiction jurisprudence has evolved, the statute has always used the word
    “resident” without abrogating cases construing this term to mean “domicile.”
    12    Former section 301 (repealed by Stats. 1988, ch. 1199, § 40) made
    venue proper where a decedent resided. Cases applying that statute
    construed residency to mean “domicile.” (Glassford, supra, 114 Cal.App.2d at
    p. 186; Estate of Brace (1960) 
    180 Cal.App.2d 797
    , 802; Estate of Phillips
    269 Cal.App.2d 656
    , 659.) Section 7051 (added by Stats. 1988, ch.
    1199, § 80.5) restated former section 301 without substantive change but
    substituted “domicile” for “residence” to codify existing case law. (See Cal.
    Law Revision Com. com., 53A West’s Ann. Cal. Prob. Code, foll. § 7051, p. 23;
    Recommendations Relating to Probate Law (Nov. 1987) 19 Cal. Law Revision
    Com. Rep. (1988) p. 941.) Interestingly, no similar change was made as to
    the residency requirement in section 8402, subdivision (a)(4).
    residency takes on a more factual meaning in other statutes, “contemplating
    an actual, as distinguished from a constructive or legal residence.” (Smith, at
    pp. 239−240.)
    An argument could be made that section 8402, subdivision (a)(4)
    continues to require domicile given numerous recodifications that did not
    abrogate early cases. We need not resolve that question here. Even if we
    assume that deleting the “bona fide” modifier in 1980 somehow relaxed
    statutory requirements, the statute at all times required actual residence
    rather than temporary or transitory presence in the U.S. Despite any stated
    intent to return, a person is ineligible to serve as administrator who leaves
    the U.S. and sets up a residence abroad intending to remain indefinitely.
    (See, e.g., Weed, supra, 120 Cal. at p. 639.) Taking this analysis one step
    further for purposes of this case, where a person does not actually live in the
    U.S., her connections to this country cannot alone establish residency.
    Janine’s taxation cases support this reasoning. For purposes of state
    income tax, a resident includes someone who is in California “for other than a
    temporary or transitory purpose.” (Rev. & Tax Code, § 17014, subd. (a)(1).)
    In each of those decisions, California residency was found as to taxpayers
    who actually lived in California but also had a residence in another state,
    were domiciled elsewhere, or intended to relocate outside California in the
    future. (Whittell v. Franchise Tax Bd. (1964) 
    231 Cal.App.2d 278
    , 286
    [residence was established as to couple that lived in California nine months
    of every year, owned property in the state, and had significant family and
    business connections here]; Peringer v. Franchise Tax Board (1980) 
    105 Cal.App.3d 514
    , 517 [despite taxpayer’s Washington domicile, residence was
    established where he worked and lived in California in a position that he
    conceded might last indefinitely]; Noble v. Franchise Tax Bd. (2004) 118
    17 Cal.App.4th 560
    , 569 (Noble) [residence established as to persons living in
    California who intended to relocate to Colorado but had yet to do so].)
    Although these cases highlighted a taxpayer’s California contacts in
    establishing state residency, Janine does not cite—nor have we found—a case
    finding California residency based solely on such ties as to a taxpayer who
    lives “full time” outside California and maintains no residence in the state.
    As applicable tax regulations explain, “If an individual acquires the status of
    a resident by virtue of being physically present in the State for other than
    temporary or transitory purposes, [she] remains a resident even though
    temporarily absent from the State. If, however, [she] leaves the State for other
    than temporary or transitory purposes, [she] thereupon ceases to be a
    resident.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 18, § 17014(a), italics added.) 13 The cases
    prioritize a taxpayer’s physical presence over subjective intent in determining
    residency. (Noble, supra, 118 Cal.App.4th at pp. 567−568.)
    In short, as a matter of law, a resident of the U.S. under section 8402,
    subdivision (a)(4) is a person who actually lives in the U.S. and is not merely
    13     Although it is a fact-specific question whether a person is in California
    temporarily so as to avoid income tax, generally speaking, “[I]f an individual
    is simply passing through this State on [her] way to another state or country,
    or is here for a brief rest or vacation, or to complete a particular transaction,
    or perform a particular contract, or fulfill a particular engagement, which
    will require [her] presence in this State for but a short period, [she] is in this
    State for temporary or transitory purposes, and will not be a resident by
    virtue of his presence here.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 18, § 17014(b).) By
    contrast, if a person is in this state for “a relatively long or indefinite period
    to recuperate [from illness], or [she] is here for business purposes which will
    require a long or indefinite period to accomplish, or is employed in a position
    that may last permanently or indefinitely, or has retired from business and
    moved to California with no definite intention of leaving shortly thereafter,
    [she] is in the State for other than temporary or transitory purposes, and,
    accordingly, is a resident taxable upon [her] entire net income even though
    [she] may retain [her] domicile in some other state or country.” (Ibid.)
    present temporarily. U.S. residency is not established by mere connections
    C.       Substantial evidence supports the court’s finding that Janine did not
    reside in the United States.
    The trial court concluded that “regardless of whether the court finds
    that ‘resident’ in section 8402 is synonymous with ‘domicile,’ or . . . has a
    more temporary meaning than domicile . . . the preponderance of the
    evidence establishes that Janine is not a resident of the United States under
    either interpretation of the term.” Substantial evidence supports that
    finding. The court found Janine’s 2019 creditor’s declaration more reliable
    than her 2021 residency declaration because it was filed before her residency
    was at issue, “so it is likely that she was more honest about where she lived
    and her intentions.” Based on that declaration, it determined that Janine
    lived in Mexico “full time” since October 2014, when she and Ramsey moved
    there to retire. Her substantial connections to the U.S. did not amount to a
    change of residence. By her own account, she spent only a third of the days
    over the past two years in the U.S. and did not intend to move back until
    after the probate case was over. Likening the case to Weed, supra, 
    120 Cal. 634
    , the court found that Janine lost her U.S. residency on moving to Mexico
    in 2014 and had not regained it because she had yet to establish a residence
    in the U.S.
    Janine faults the court’s credibility finding, arguing “there is no basis
    to say one [declaration] was more credible than another.” 14 But under
    substantial evidence review, appellate courts defer to a trial court’s
    14    We disregard Janine’s separate objection to language in the court’s
    tentative ruling regarding her credibility, which the court addressed at the
    hearing and removed from its final order.
    credibility determinations “whether the trial court’s ruling is based on oral
    testimony or declarations.” (Shamblin v. Brattain (1988) 
    44 Cal.3d 474
    , 479;
    accord People v. Vivar (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 510
    , 528, fn. 7.) Nor was the trial
    court’s credibility finding “a clear abuse of discretion” where the court
    logically credited the declaration filed by Janine at a time when her residency
    was not at issue. Even otherwise, although the court discounted Janine’s
    2021 declaration, it did not ignore her substantial U.S. ties in reaching its
    Even if we give equal weight to all the evidence presented, the record
    amply supports the court’s finding that Janine was not a U.S. resident.
    Janine’s 2019 declaration stated that she and Ramsey lived in Carlsbad after
    they got married. In 2013, they started searching for a home in Baja
    California Sur, Mexico, where Ramsey hoped to retire and live a quieter life.
    They found one in 2014, and Janine sold her separate property home in
    Carlsbad to facilitate their move. She financed their new home in Baja
    California Sur, Mexico exclusively with the proceeds from the sale of her
    Carlsbad home, anticipating retirement. She then moved into the Mexico
    home in October 2014 and “lived in that home full time.”
    From 2014 to 2016, Janine claimed that Ramsey lived a double life in
    San Diego, leaving her for a month at a time and spending her nest egg. She
    only discovered these transactions after his death—in the interim, she “was
    located at our Baja California[ ] Sur[,] Mexico [home] full time,” “setting up
    the home in Baja” while Ramsey traveled alone to San Diego. Even in this
    declaration filed three years after Ramsey’s death, Janine gave no indication
    in that declaration that she had left Mexico.
    In her 2021 declaration, Janine asserted that she “frequently come[s] to
    the United States (252 days in 2019 and 2020)” and noted several contacts
    and ties in California. She stated that she grew up in California and has
    family here, holds a California driver’s license, voted in San Diego County
    (including in 2016, 2018, and 2020), maintained medical providers and
    attorneys in California, and held bank accounts and paid taxes in California.
    Janine disavowed any intent to become a permanent resident or citizen of
    Mexico, explaining that she stayed in Mexico on a tourist visa and did not
    speak fluent Spanish. Yet in that same declaration, Janine confirmed that
    she still owned a home in Mexico. The only reason she stayed there was
    because “[she] own[ed] a house there, free and clear, where [she could] live
    inexpensively.” She claimed her plan was to “sell [the] home in Mexico and
    return to live permanently in the United States” after the probate case was
    At best, while Janine had many contacts with the U.S. and visited
    frequently, there was no evidence that she actually lived anywhere but
    Mexico since moving there in 2014. Her bank accounts, doctors, and family
    gave her several reasons to visit California, but those visits did not establish
    residency on their own. Janine was not a person who lived in California and
    temporarily found herself in Mexico, but rather someone who lived in Mexico
    and made frequent but temporary visits to the U.S. Accordingly, sufficient
    evidence supports the court’s finding that Janine was not a “resident of the
    United States” as required by section 8402, subdivision (a)(4), and there was
    no abuse of discretion in ordering her removal as administrator of Ramsey’s
    15    Given our decision, we need not reach Ali’s alternative argument that
    there were other grounds not considered by the trial court that would have
    supported Janine’s removal as estate administrator.
    The order removing Janine as administrator is affirmed. Respondent is
    entitled to costs.
    DATO, J.
    HALLER, Acting P. J.

Document Info

Docket Number: D079406

Filed Date: 8/31/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2022