People Ex Rel. Department of Transportation v. McNamara , 218 Cal. App. 4th 1200 ( 2013 )

  • Filed 8/14/13
    THE PEOPLE ex rel. DEPARTMENT OF                  H036228
    TRANSPORTATION,                                  (Monterey County
    Super. Ct. No. M92076)
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    Defendants and Respondents.
    Appellant The People ex rel. Department of Transportation (DOT) challenges the
    trial court‟s rulings in an eminent domain action in which DOT took a residential
    property from respondents Michael and Rosealinda McNamara. DOT contends that the
    trial court erred in (1) finding that DOT was liable for precondemnation damages, (2)
    granting judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) on the amount of
    precondemnation damages, and (3) awarding litigation expenses to the McNamaras. We
    conclude that the McNamaras failed to introduce substantial evidence that they were
    entitled to recover precondemnation damages. Consequently, both the judgment and the
    award of litigation expenses, which depended on the McNamaras‟ entitlement to
    precondemnation damages, must be reversed.
    I. Factual Background
    The McNamaras bought a 1.24-acre lot in Prunedale near Highway 101 in 1982.
    They planted trees along the border of the property to shield the view of the highway in
    anticipation of building a home on the lot. In 2002, when Michael McNamara was
    nearing his retirement from the military, they began planning the home they would build
    on the lot. The McNamaras attended a meeting held by DOT concerning a long-
    considered freeway bypass project. They learned that the bypass project lacked funding.
    The McNamaras sent a letter to DOT asking it to keep them apprised of any
    developments impacting their property.
    In December 2002, DOT determined that the Prunedale Improvement Project
    (PIP) “was the way to go” with respect to improving Highway 101 in the Prunedale area.
    DOT began the environmental review process for the PIP. In January 2003, DOT sent
    the McNamaras a letter apprising them that serious funding issues remained regarding the
    bypass project. The McNamaras proceeded with construction of their new home on the
    lot, breaking ground in November 2003.
    In October 2003, unbeknownst to the McNamaras, DOT held a public meeting
    about the PIP. Despite the McNamaras‟ prior request to be kept apprised, DOT did not
    notify them of this meeting. The PIP had been designed using a 1999 aerial survey that
    did not reflect the existence of the McNamaras‟ home. The proposed right of way for the
    PIP bisected the McNamaras‟ home. DOT‟s December 2003 draft relocation study
    identified the McNamaras‟ property as a “full take.”
    The McNamaras moved into their new home in September 2004. The draft
    environmental impact report (draft EIR) for the PIP circulated in May 2005. The
    McNamaras first learned of the PIP in 2005. Had they known of the PIP, they would not
    have built their home.
    In August 2005, the McNamaras were notified by DOT of a public hearing put on
    by DOT about the PIP. DOT had not contacted the McNamaras between January 2003
    and August 2005. The McNamaras attended the hearing and learned that the PIP
    involved the area where their home was sited and understood that their “home was in
    jeopardy.” Because the aerial survey used to plan the PIP did not show their home, the
    McNamaras could not see precisely how the project would affect their home. Michael
    McNamara contacted DOT and asked them to “ „save‟ ” their home. The person he spoke
    with at DOT told him “they would see what they could do.” DOT also told him that it
    would begin acquiring the necessary properties only after the final environmental impact
    report (final EIR) was approved. Michael McNamara continued to make contact with
    DOT about the impact of the PIP on his property.
    DOT made an attempt to redesign the PIP to avoid the McNamaras‟ home. This
    proposed redesign was “the best [DOT] could do” to avoid the McNamaras‟ home. The
    proposed redesign would have blocked access to the front door of the home during
    several years of construction and placed the right of way 21 feet from the front door. The
    roadway itself would have been 50 feet from the front door, and the McNamaras‟
    driveway would no longer have been usable. Nevertheless, DOT did not disclose these
    facts to the McNamaras. Instead, DOT told Michael McNamara that it had “minimized
    the impacts,” though the project would still be “very much in his front yard.”
    The final EIR for the PIP was approved in March 2006. At that point, the decision
    to build the PIP had been made. The PIP required DOT to acquire roughly 120 parcels.
    In March 2006, DOT divided these parcels into groups. The first group that it dealt with
    were the ones it identified as “full takes” and those parcels where the owners had
    previously made contact with DOT. In September 2006, DOT acquired the McNamaras‟
    neighbor‟s property. The neighbor told Michael McNamara that he had been told that the
    McNamaras‟ property “ „is also history.‟ ” Michael McNamara immediately contacted
    DOT. DOT informed him that they were acquiring only full takes at this point, and the
    McNamaras‟ property was not a full take. Michael McNamara understood this to mean
    that DOT would be taking only the “base” of his property near the frontage road, which
    would allow them to remain in their home.
    In August 2007, DOT sent the McNamaras a “Notice to Appraise” stating that
    DOT did not “need all” of their property. When the appraiser came out to do the
    appraisal, Michael McNamara asked him to “have the property staked” so that he could
    see what the “part take” would look like. The appraiser was not aware of the precise
    lines, so he said he would put in a request.
    In November 2007, a survey crew came out and staked the “partial take” and the
    “temporary construction easement.” Michael McNamara, who was present when the
    staking was done, could immediately see that the house would be uninhabitable after the
    “partial take.” He told the surveyors: “ „You guys just bought this house.‟ ” Michael
    McNamara also called DOT and told them the same thing. He explained that the “partial
    take” would destroy his septic system. It would also prevent access to the property‟s
    well, which was its sole source of water. The well, which provided water to three
    properties, was in the right of way being acquired by DOT. The construction easement
    would cut off access to the front door, the garage, and the driveway during the three to
    four years of construction. The McNamaras immediately started looking for a new home.
    However they lacked the financial ability to purchase another home until DOT paid them
    for their property. They never tried to rent or sell their home.
    A DOT acquisition agent met with the McNamaras in February 2008 and made an
    initial offer. The McNamaras found the amount of the initial offer “insulting.” The
    appraiser who had prepared the appraisal upon which the initial offer was based had
    substantially reduced the value based on his opinion that the home was “functionally
    obsolete.” He had also based his appraisal on an incorrect number of bedrooms. The
    McNamaras pointed out these errors, but no changes were made. They made an offer on
    a replacement home that was contingent on DOT‟s making “an acceptable offer” for their
    property. The McNamaras remained “in limbo.” They moved out of their home in
    January 2009.
    II. Procedural Background
    In July 2008, DOT filed its complaint seeking to take the McNamaras‟ property
    for the PIP. The McNamaras answered the complaint and alleged that they were entitled
    to just compensation, litigation expenses, and precondemnation damages. Their claim for
    precondemnation damages was expressly based on allegations that there had been
    “unreasonable delay and/or unreasonable conduct” by DOT that had caused them
    additional damage, and they explicitly cited Klopping v. City of Whittier (1972 ) 
    8 Cal. 3d 39
    (Klopping). DOT obtained possession of the property in February 2009.
    In December 2009, DOT filed its list of expert witnesses and valuation data.
    DOT‟s expert‟s valuation of $1,080,000 did not include any amount for precondemnation
    damages. The McNamaras‟ expert‟s valuation provided a fair market value for the
    property of $1,550,000. He also concluded that the property should have been taken in
    September 2006, when it would have been worth an additional $400,000. By a different
    alternative calculation, he estimated the precondemnation damages at $230,000. The
    McNamaras‟ final demand was for $1,395,000 excluding interest and costs. DOT‟s final
    offer was $1,355,000 including “all costs, all fees, and interest in this matter.”
    DOT brought a group of motions in limine that sought to preclude the McNamaras
    from proving up their precondemnation damages claim. DOT argued that the
    McNamaras could not establish the two elements necessary under Klopping to recover
    precondemnation damages. The court denied these motions. The court tried the issue of
    whether DOT was liable for precondemnation damages. At the conclusion of the court
    trial, DOT sought a nonsuit, which the court denied. The court found that DOT was
    liable for precondemnation damages beginning in September 2006.
    On the eve of trial, DOT filed a supplemental expert witness list and supplemental
    valuation data. The identity of their expert appraiser and the amount of his valuation did
    not change.
    After this ruling, DOT sought a continuance of the jury trial so that it could obtain
    expert testimony on the precondemnation damages issue. The court denied DOT‟s
    motion and precluded DOT from offering evidence challenging the McNamaras‟
    precondemnation damages claim. The McNamaras‟ expert testified at trial that their
    precondemnation damages were $400,000.
    The jury returned a verdict finding that the fair market value of the property in
    July 2008 was $1.2 million and that the amount of precondemnation damages was
    $175,000. The McNamaras moved for JNOV arguing that they were entitled to $400,000
    in precondemnation damages because there was no expert testimony that their
    precondemnation damages were anything other than $400,000. The court granted the
    motion. It issued a statement of decision and a judgment awarding the McNamaras
    $1.6 million. The McNamaras filed a motion seeking to recover their litigation expenses
    under Code of Civil Procedure section 1250.410, subdivision (b). The court granted the
    McNamaras‟ motion and awarded them $603,636 in attorney‟s fees, along with expert
    witness and appraiser fees and their costs of $30,107.22. DOT timely filed a notice of
    appeal from the judgment and order.
    III. Analysis
    DOT contends that the McNamaras failed to present substantial evidence that its
    conduct caused a diminution in the value of the McNamaras‟ property. Thus, it argues
    that the McNamaras were not entitled to recover any precondemnation damages.
    Liability for precondemnation damages “is an issue for the trial court, not the
    jury,” and we review the trial court‟s finding for substantial evidence. (Redevelopment
    Agency v. Contra Costa Theatre, Inc. (1982) 
    135 Cal. App. 3d 73
    , 82, fn. 3.) The seminal
    case on precondemnation damages is Klopping, which was an inverse condemnation
    case. The City had originally sought to condemn the property, but it subsequently
    decided not to do so. The property owners sought damages for the period during which
    the property faced condemnation. 
    (Klopping, supra
    , 8 Cal.3d at pp. 42-43.) They
    claimed that the fair market value of their property had “declined as a result of” the
    “condemnation cloud” created by the City‟s announcement that it would be condemning
    the property. (Klopping, at pp. 45-46.) They sought to recover for their “loss of rental
    income” during the period that the property faced condemnation. (Klopping, at p. 46.)
    The California Supreme Court noted that, “[w]hile in California [the valuation]
    date is set by statute at the time the summons is issued (Code Civ. Proc., [former]
    § 1249), depending on the nature of those activities occurring prior to the issuance of
    summons a different date may be required in order to effectuate the constitutional
    requirement of just compensation.” 
    (Klopping, supra
    , 8 Cal.3d at p. 44.) The court
    distinguished a claim for precondemnation damages from a claim of a “de facto taking.”
    A de facto taking occurs when there is a “ „physical invasion or direct legal restraint‟ ”
    prior to the statutory valuation date. (Klopping, at p. 46.) Where there has been a de
    facto taking, “all decline in value after that date is chargeable to the condemner. This
    would include damages wholly unrelated to the precondemnation activity of the public
    agency” such as “a general decline in market value in the area . . . .” (Klopping, at p. 46.)
    In contrast, where the claim is for precondemnation damages, “any decline in the market
    value of the properties caused by general conditions unrelated to the activities of the
    condemner would be shouldered by the landowner.” (Klopping, at p. 47.)
    “[W]hen the condemner acts unreasonably in issuing precondemnation statements,
    either by excessively delaying eminent domain action or by other oppressive conduct, our
    After Klopping, the Legislature repealed the statute setting the valuation date as
    the date of issuance of the summons and enacted new statutes. Since 1976, the valuation
    date has generally been either the date of deposit of probable compensation (Code Civ.
    Proc., § 1263.110) or the date of commencement of the proceeding (Code Civ. Proc.,
    § 1263.120). In the case before us, it was undisputed that the statutory valuation date was
    July 2008.
    constitutional concern over property rights requires that the owner be compensated. This
    requirement applies even though the activities which give rise to such damages may be
    significantly less than those which would constitute a de facto taking of the property so as
    to measure the fair market value as of a date earlier than that set statutorily by [former]
    Code of Civil Procedure section 1249. Under our conclusion here in most instances the
    valuation date remains fixed at the date of the issuance of the summons. Thus a public
    authority is not required to compensate a landowner for damages to his property
    occurring after the announcement if the injury is not unreasonably caused by the
    condemning agency; interest is likewise to run not from the announcement but from the
    valuation date.” 
    (Klopping, supra
    , 8 Cal.3d at pp. 51-52.)
    The court concluded that a property owner may be entitled to precondemnation
    damages if the owner demonstrates that “(1) the public authority acted improperly either
    by unreasonably delaying eminent domain action following an announcement of intent to
    condemn or by other unreasonable conduct prior to condemnation; and (2) as a result of
    such action the property in question suffered a diminution in market value.” 
    (Klopping, supra
    , 8 Cal.3d at p. 52.) The court reiterated that “losses occasioned by a general
    decline in the property value . . . occurring prior to the date of taking must, however, be
    borne by the property owner.” (Klopping, at p. 53.)
    The McNamaras failed to adduce any evidence that their property‟s value was
    damaged “as a result of” DOT‟s actions rather than by “a general decline in the property
    value.” Since they sought precondemnation damages, not damages for a de facto taking,
    it was their burden to bear a loss in their property‟s value due to a declining market prior
    to the date of the taking. The McNamaras‟ expert testified: “So the market was
    declining. [¶] Certainly Caltrans is not responsible for the market decline. But Caltrans
    is responsible, in my opinion, for locking that property in, where the owner could not
    realize their profit for gain.” (Italics added.) While their expert‟s “opinion” was that
    DOT was “responsible” for precluding the McNamaras from selling their property in
    2006, when the market was at its peak, neither he nor any other witness identified a
    causal relationship between DOT‟s conduct and the property‟s decline in value between
    September 2006 and July 2008. Surely there was evidence that the property was worth
    more in 2006 than it was in 2008. Had DOT condemned the property in 2006, the
    property‟s fair market value would have been higher. However, because this was not a
    de facto taking claim, the McNamaras were required to bear the loss in the property‟s
    value caused by a general decline in the real estate market.
    The analytical error in the McNamaras‟ theory is that it equates a hypothetical loss
    suffered by the McNamaras with an actual loss sustained during the precondemnation
    period. Had DOT condemned the McNamaras‟ property in 2006, the McNamaras would
    have received a larger sum for their property‟s fair market value because the property was
    worth more in 2006. The McNamaras received a smaller sum as compensation for their
    property because the property‟s value had declined by 2008. Yet it was undisputed that
    the decline in the property‟s value was caused solely by a market decline, not by DOT,
    and that DOT‟s precondemnation conduct itself did not affect the value of the property
    during the precondemnation period. This is not a case like Klopping where the owners
    were unable to utilize the property during the precondemnation period. The McNamaras
    continued to live on their property throughout that period, and they presented no evidence
    that the property‟s value as a residence was reduced during that period. What it comes
    down to is that the McNamaras sought damages that may be obtained only for a de facto
    taking, even though they made no effort to show such a taking had occurred. Klopping
    They did present some evidence that they had experienced vandalism during that
    period that they attributed to DOT‟s delay. However, no expert testimony was received
    quantifying any reduced value of the property as a residence during the precondemnation
    period as a result of this vandalism, and the trial court‟s finding of precondemnation
    damages liability was based solely on the diminution in value of the property due to
    market decline.
    does not permit an owner to recover precondemnation damages for general market
    decline as that is not attributable to the condemner. Since the McNamaras sought
    precisely that, their precondemnation damages claim could not succeed.
    Our conclusion regarding the McNamaras‟ precondemnation damages claim also
    necessitates reversal of the court‟s award of litigation expenses. The McNamaras sought
    litigation expenses under Code of Civil Procedure section 1250.410, subdivision (b).
    That provision entitles a defendant in an eminent domain proceeding to recover litigation
    expenses only if the court finds that “the offer of the plaintiff was unreasonable and that
    the demand of the defendant was reasonable viewed in the light of the evidence admitted
    and the compensation awarded in the proceeding . . . .” (Code Civ. Proc., § 1250.410,
    subd. (b).)
    The trial court‟s award of litigation expenses was expressly premised on its
    erroneous belief that DOT was liable for precondemnation damages. Due to that
    erroneous belief, the court was able to conclude that DOT‟s final offer was unreasonable
    in light of the compensation awarded (including precondemnation damages) to the
    McNamaras. However, in the absence of the erroneous precondemnation damages
    award, no such finding can be made. DOT‟s final offer was $1,355,000 including “all
    costs, all fees, and interest in this matter,” while the McNamaras‟ final demand was for
    $1,395,000 excluding interest and costs. Since the McNamaras were not entitled to
    recover any precondemnation damages, the “compensation awarded” to them is limited to
    the jury award of $1.2 million for the fair market value of their property plus interest and
    costs. Even accounting for the McNamaras‟ costs and recoverable interest, it is not
    possible that DOT‟s offer was significantly less than the “compensation awarded” to the
    Since DOT lacked liability for the damages the McNamaras sought, we need not
    address DOT‟s challenge to the court‟s grant of JNOV on the amount of
    precondemnation damages. The McNamaras were not entitled to any such damages.
    McNamaras. Thus, the trial court could not conclude that DOT‟s offer was
    “unreasonable . . . in light of . . . the compensation awarded” to the McNamaras.
    Therefore, it would serve no purpose to remand this matter to the trial court for it to
    reconsider its award of litigation expenses. The McNamaras simply cannot establish that
    they are entitled to an award of litigation expenses under Code of Civil Procedure section
    1250.410, subdivision (b).
    IV. Disposition
    The judgment is reversed, and the trial court is directed to enter a new judgment
    rejecting the McNamaras‟ claim for precondemnation damages. The order awarding the
    McNamaras their litigation expenses is reversed, and the court is directed to enter a new
    order denying the McNamaras their litigation expenses. DOT shall recover its appellate
    Mihara, J.
    Premo, Acting P. J.
    Duffy, J.
    Retired Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District,
    assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California
    Trial Court:                                     Monterey County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:                                     Honorable Lydia Villarreal
    Attorneys for Plaintiff and Appellant:           Ronald W. Beals
    Chief Counsel for the State of California
    Department of Transportation
    David Gossage
    Deputy Chief Counsel
    Lucille Y. Baca
    Assistant Chief Counsel
    Derek S. van Hoften
    James Morrison Wyman
    Attorneys for Defendants and Respondents:        Heidi A. Timken
    Timken Johnson LLP
    Leslie A. Johnson
    Timken Johnson LLP
    Christopher J. Gonzalez
    Timken Johnson LLP
    Abram P. Petersen
    Timken Johnson LLP

Document Info

Docket Number: H036228

Citation Numbers: 218 Cal. App. 4th 1200

Judges: Mihara

Filed Date: 8/14/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023