Steiner v. Superior Court , 220 Cal. App. 4th 1479 ( 2013 )

  • Filed 10/30/13
    CHRISTIE STEINER et al.,                                       2d Civil No. B235347
    (Super. Ct. No. 1374169)
    Petitioners,                                             (Santa Barbara County)
    et al.,
    Real Parties in Interest.
    An attorney's website advertised her success in two cases raising issues
    similar to those she was about to try here. The trial court admonished the jury not to
    "Google" the attorneys or to read any articles about the case or anyone involved in it.
    Concerned that a juror might ignore these admonitions, the court ordered the attorney to
    remove for duration of trial two pages from her website discussing the similar cases. We
    conclude this was an unlawful prior restraint on the attorney's free speech rights under the
    First Amendment. Whether analyzed under the strict scrutiny standard or the lesser
    standard for commercial speech, the order was more extensive than necessary to advance
    the competing public interest in assuring a fair trial. Juror admonitions and instructions,
    such as those given here, were the presumptively adequate means of addressing the threat
    of jury contamination in this case.
    Although the order was improper, it is no longer in effect and thus no relief
    can be granted. We deny the petition for writ of mandate.1
    Richard and Christie Steiner filed this personal injury action after Richard
    Steiner contracted lung cancer. They alleged his cancer was caused by exposure to
    asbestos in friction automobile parts manufactured and distributed by Volkswagen Group
    of America (Volkswagen), Ford Motor Company (Ford) and others. After the jury was
    impaneled, Volkswagen moved for an order requiring the Steiners' attorney, Simona A.
    Farrise, to remove during trial two pages from her law firm website touting her recent
    successes against Ford in similar asbestos cases. The first page discussed a $1.6 million
    verdict against Ford and others, stating that "at least one jury managed to successfully
    navigate defendants' courtroom confusion and find these companies at fault." The second
    page described a $4,355,987 jury verdict against Ford. Volkswagen asserted that "human
    nature being what it is, [Volkswagen], in the interests of a fair trial, believes that plainly
    provocative and prejudicial information should not intentionally be prominently
    displayed on the internet, by the parties or their counsel in this case during trial. That
    will obviously prejudice the jury process during the trial and deliberations in this case, if
    it is encountered by a juror." Ford joined in the motion.
    The Steiners argued that the request infringed upon counsel's constitutional
    right of free speech and that the more appropriate remedy was to admonish the jury not to
    search the Internet for information about the attorneys. The trial court, however, granted
    the motion at a hearing on August 22, 2011. After the parties expressed confusion over
    the scope of the order, the court clarified: "I had intended the decision here to be
    surgical. I was [not] directing [Ms. Farrise to] take down her whole website by any
    stretch of the imagination. It was the items that the Defense had pointed to that I was
    directing my thoughts to. [¶] Maybe I wasn't as clear as I should have been, but that's all.
    1 The order became moot when the trial ended. For reasons we shall explain, we
    exercise our discretion to reach the merits of the petition.
    I wasn't asking you to do anything more than just take [down] the comments that the
    Defense pointed to in their motion, which was, I thought, very specific."
    The trial court admonished the jurors not to Google the attorneys. It also
    gave the standard admonishments prior to opening statements. Those admonishments are
    not part of the record, but at the time they were given, CACI No. 100 stated: "During the
    trial, do not read, listen to, or watch any news reports about this case. . . . This
    prohibition extends to the use of the Internet in any way, including reading any blog
    about the case or about anyone involved with it or using Internet maps or mapping
    programs or any other program or device to search for or to view any place discussed in
    the testimony." 2 (See CACI No. 100 (2011 ed.).)
    The Steiners, Farrise and her law firm (collectively "petitioners") sought a
    writ of mandate in this court seeking to reverse the trial court's order requiring Farrise "to
    take down part of her firm's website during the pendency of the trial of this case in order
    to assure that the jurors do not view it." (Italics in original.) The petition stated the trial
    court initially ordered Farrise to take down the entire firm website, but subsequently
    "modified its order and limited application of the order to the discussion of two verdicts
    [Farrise] had obtained in other actions . . . ." We summarily denied the petition.
    Thereafter, petitioners sought review of our denial in the California
    Supreme Court. In their petition for review, they changed the basis for their claim and
    represented to the Supreme Court that the trial court had ordered Farrise "to take down
    her firm's entire website during the trial of this case in order to assure that the jurors do
    not view it." (Italics in original.) The petition for review stated that "[e]ven if the order
    were limited to the website's discussion of other cases, it would be an unreasonable and
    unnecessary prior restraint and would violate [counsel's] free speech rights. But the order
    2 At oral argument, Farrise stated she believed the pretrial admonishments in this
    case included CACI No. 100.
    is not so limited: It requires that [counsel] take down her entire website, even with
    respect to speech wholly unrelated to any other asbestos litigation." (Italics in original.)
    This claim contradicts the claim made to this court and is unsupported by the record. A
    few days later, the Supreme Court granted review and transferred the matter to this court
    with instructions to issue an order to show cause. We complied. We also asked
    petitioners to explain the discrepancies in the petitions regarding the scope of the trial
    court's order.
    Petitioners conceded the trial court did not order Farrise to take down the
    entire website and that only the two pages specified in the motion were removed. The
    petition for review improperly and erroneously stated otherwise. The trial court resolved
    any supposed ambiguity in its order when, before the matter came to this court, it stated:
    "I was only directing, not to have [Ms. Farrise] take down her whole website by any
    stretch of the imagination. It was the items that the Defense had pointed to that I was
    directing my thoughts to."3
    Farrise restored the two pages to her firm website when the trial ended in
    October 2011. Volkswagen moved to discharge the order to show cause as moot. We
    deferred resolution of the motion until the show cause hearing.4
    3 At oral argument, petitioners' appellate counsel, Sharon J. Arkin, stated she was
    solely responsible for preparing the petition for review. It appears she is in violation of
    Business and Professions Code section 6068, subdivision (d), which states that it is the
    duty of an attorney "[t]o employ, for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to
    him or her those means only as are consistent with truth, and never to seek to mislead the
    judge or any judicial officer by an artifice or false statement of fact or law." (Italics
    added.) (See Mammoth Mountain Ski Area v. Graham (2006) 
    135 Cal. App. 4th 1367
    1375 [mischaracterization of record during oral argument on appeal].)
    4 Following Richard Steiner's death, we substituted Christie Steiner as his
    successor-in-interest in this matter. Although Ford is a real party in interest, it filed a
    letter stating that "with [the] trial completed, Ford no longer has an interest in the subject
    of this writ." It did not file a brief or join in Volkswagen's brief.
    A.        Public Interest Exception for Mootness
    Appellate courts generally will neither decide controversies that are moot
    nor render decisions on abstract propositions. (Eye Dog Foundation v. State Board of
    Guide Dogs for the Blind (1967) 
    67 Cal. 2d 536
    , 541; see also Mercury Interactive Corp.
    v. Klein (2007) 
    158 Cal. App. 4th 60
    , 78.) "A case is moot when the decision of the
    reviewing court 'can have no practical impact or provide the parties effectual relief.
    [Citation.]' [Citation.] 'When no effective relief can be granted, an appeal is moot and
    will be dismissed.' [Citations.]" (MHC Operating Limited Partnership v. City of San Jose
    106 Cal. App. 4th 204
    , 214 (MHC).)
    Petitioners concede the writ petition is moot, but contend this matter falls
    within the public interest exception to the doctrine of mootness. (See MHC, supra, 106
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 214-215; In re William M. (1970) 
    3 Cal. 3d 16
    , 23 ["[I]f a pending case
    poses an issue of broad public interest that is likely to recur, the court may exercise an
    inherent discretion to resolve that issue even though an event occurring during its
    pendency would normally render the matter moot"].) Petitioners assert that by granting
    review, the Supreme Court ordered us to decide "whether a court can or should order an
    attorney to remove any website postings that do not relate to the case pending before the
    court." This point is debatable given that the petition for review represented that the trial
    court ordered removal of Farrise's entire law firm website during trial. An order of that
    magnitude would have exceeded the scope of requested relief, among other things.
    The actual order is much narrower, but it does raise questions as to a trial
    court's authority to issue an order restricting an attorney's free speech rights during trial to
    prevent potential jury contamination. Because any order restricting such speech during
    trial is likely to become moot before a writ petition can be heard, we agree it raises an
    issue of broad public interest that is likely to evade timely review. (See Nebraska Press
    Assn. v. Stuart (1976) 
    427 U.S. 539
    , 546-547 (Nebraska Press) [prior restraint on speech
    via pretrial order evades review because of its inherently short duration].) We therefore
    deny Volkswagen's motion to discharge the order to show cause as moot and exercise our
    discretion to reach the petition's merits.
    B.         Unlawful Prior Restraint on Free Speech
    Petitioners correctly assert the trial court's order placed a direct restraint on
    Farrise's right to freedom of speech under the United States and California Constitutions.
    (U.S. Const., 1st Amend.; Cal. Const., art. I, § 2, subd. (a).) "Orders which restrict or
    preclude a citizen from speaking in advance are known as 'prior restraints,' and are
    disfavored and presumptively invalid." (Hurvitz v. Hoefflin (2000) 
    84 Cal. App. 4th 1232
    1241, fn. omitted (Hurvitz); see Nebraska Press, supra, 427 U.S. at p. 559 ["[P]rior
    restraints on speech and publication are the most serious and the least tolerable
    infringement on First Amendment rights"].) An order restricting the speech of trial
    participants, typically known as a "gag order," is a prior restraint. (Hurvitz, at pp. 1241-
    1242; Saline v. Superior Court (2002) 
    100 Cal. App. 4th 909
    , 915-916.) Although the
    right to a fair trial is also a protected constitutional right, a court seeking to insure a fair
    trial may not impose a prior restraint unless "'the gravity of the "evil," discounted by its
    improbability, justifies such invasion of free speech as is necessary to avoid the danger.'"
    (Nebraska Press, at p. 562.)
    Relying upon Gentile v. State Bar of Nevada (1991) 
    501 U.S. 1030
    (Gentile), Volkswagen contends that whenever an attorney's exercise of free speech
    potentially conflicts with a party's right to a fair trial, the trial court may reasonably
    impose a prior restraint on such speech. Gentile reviewed an order holding that a
    criminal defense attorney, who had made comments to the media concerning his client's
    innocence, had violated a Nevada disciplinary rule limiting an attorney's extrajudicial
    statements that have a "'substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing'" the trial. (Id. at
    p. 1034.) One of the issues was whether a stricter standard, such as the "'clear and
    present danger'" test, should apply when addressing the speech of attorneys commenting
    on pending criminal proceedings. (Id. at pp. 1070-1071.) The plurality opinion, authored
    by Chief Justice Rehnquist, concluded the lesser standard in the Nevada rule passed
    constitutional muster. (Id. at p. 1075.) It explained that "[l]awyers representing clients in
    pending cases are key participants in the criminal justice system, and the State may
    demand some adherence to the precepts of that system in regulating their speech as well
    as their conduct." (Id. at p. 1074.)
    The matter before us does not involve the constitutionality of a state
    disciplinary rule regulating speech by attorneys in criminal proceedings. It involves the
    constitutionality of a single court order prohibiting an attorney in a civil proceeding from
    publishing speech about two other civil cases. Gentile did not discuss a trial court's
    authority to issue an order restricting an attorney's speech during a civil proceeding. (See
    In re Morrissey (E.D. Va. 1998) 
    996 F. Supp. 530
    , 539.) Given these distinctions, Gentile
    does not assist our review.
    1.         Standard of Judicial Scrutiny
    As a general rule, gag orders on trial participants are subject to strict
    judicial scrutiny and may not be imposed "unless (1) the speech sought to be restrained
    poses a clear and present danger or serious and imminent threat to a protected competing
    interest; (2) the order is narrowly tailored to protect that interest; and (3) no less
    restrictive alternatives are available." (Hurvitz, supra, 84 Cal.App.4th at p. 1241, fn.
    omitted; Maggi v. Superior Court (2004) 
    119 Cal. App. 4th 1218
    , 1225 (Maggi).) The
    trial court did not apply this or any other standard because Volkswagen's motion did not
    address First Amendment concerns.
    With the benefit of hindsight, Volkswagen contends the order is not subject
    to strict scrutiny, but rather to the less restrictive standard for commercial speech.
    Typically, "[l]awyer advertising is commercial speech and is accorded an intermediate
    measure of First Amendment protection." (Revo v. Disciplinary Bd. of the Supreme
    Court (10th Cir. 1997)106 F.3d 929, 932; Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc. (1995) 
    515 U.S. 618
    , 623 (Florida Bar).) Petitioners acknowledge Farrise's website advertises her
    legal services and thus contains elements of commercial speech.
    Central Hudson Gas v. Public Service Comm'n (1980) 
    447 U.S. 557
    (Central Hudson), considered the constitutionality of a New York regulation banning
    promotional advertising by an electrical utility. Recognizing that commercial speech is
    accorded less protection, the court developed a four-prong intermediate scrutiny standard
    to examine whether state regulations on commercial speech are constitutionally valid:
    First, the court must determine whether the speech concerns lawful activity and is not
    misleading. If it satisfies that criteria, the court must decide whether the asserted
    governmental interest is substantial, whether the restraint directly advances that interest
    and whether it is "more extensive than is necessary to serve that interest." (Id. at p. 566;
    Larson v. City and County of San Francisco (2011) 
    192 Cal. App. 4th 1263
    , 1285 & fn. 7
    (Larson); People ex rel. Brown v. PuriTec (2007) 
    153 Cal. App. 4th 1524
    , 1537
    (PuriTec).) The court struck down the utility advertising ban under the fourth prong,
    concluding the public agency had failed to "show[] that more limited speech regulation
    would be ineffective." (Central Hudson, at p. 571.)
    Because Central Hudson addressed "whether a particular commercial
    speech regulation is constitutionally permissible" (Thompson v. Western States Medical
    Center (2002) 
    535 U.S. 357
    , 376), the cases applying it similarly involve the review of
    statutory or administrative regulations.5 Volkswagen cites no cases applying Central
    Hudson to judicial restraints on commercial speech. In fact, it cites no cases involving
    such restraints. Without conceding the issue, petitioners contend it is irrelevant which
    standard we apply because the trial court's order does not pass muster under even the less
    restrictive Central Hudson test. We agree, and consequently focus our discussion on that
    standard. In so doing, we do not decide whether Central Hudson extends to judicial
    restraints on commercial speech. We decide only that since the trial court's order "cannot
    satisfy this intermediate-scrutiny test, it necessarily fails under a strict scrutiny analysis."
    (Baba v. Board of Supervisors (2004) 
    124 Cal. App. 4th 504
    , 518.)
    2.         Application of Central Hudson
    5 See, e.g., Edenfield v. Fane (1993) 
    507 U.S. 761
    , 764 [agency rule banning
    accountants from engaging in certain solicitation of clients]; Posadas de Puerto Rico
    Associates v. Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico (1986) 
    478 U.S. 328
    , 340-341 [statute
    restricting casino advertising]; Valle Del Sol Inc. v. Whiting (9th Cir. 2013) 
    709 F.3d 808
    818-820 [statute governing solicitation of day laborers]; World Wide Rush, LLC v. City of
    Los Angeles (9th Cir. 2010) 
    606 F.3d 676
    , 684-685 [ordinance banning freeway signs];
    PuriTec, supra, 153 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1537-1538 [statutes governing "health claims" by
    sellers of water treatment devices].
    "The party seeking to uphold a restriction on commercial speech carries the
    burden of justifying it." (Bolger v. Youngs Drug Products Corp. (1983) 
    463 U.S. 60
    , 70-
    71, fn. 20.) Volkswagen asserts the restraint was proper under the first prong of the
    Central Hudson test because the challenged speech was misleading. (Central Hudson,
    supra, 447 U.S. at p. 566; Bates v. State Bar of Arizona (1977) 
    433 U.S. 350
    , 383
    ["[a]dvertising that is false, deceptive, or misleading of course is subject to restraint"].) It
    claims the two web pages omitted pertinent information, such as that a settlement in one
    case resulted in the dismissal of all claims against Ford, and that another defendant
    secured a defense verdict. Volkswagen ignores, however, that it did not seek removal of
    the pages to prevent deceptive or misleading advertising. It sought removal to deny the
    jury access to the pages until the trial was over. Volkswagen presented no evidence or
    argument demonstrating the pages were subject to restraint as misleading advertising, and
    the trial court made no such finding. Thus, we have no basis to make that determination
    Turning to the second prong, the parties agree that a substantial
    governmental interest exists in assuring the parties receive a fair trial. (See Maggi, supra,
    119 Cal.App.4th at p. 1225.) Their dispute centers on the third and fourth prongs.
    (Central Hudson, supra, 447 U.S. at p. 566; Keimer v. Buena Vista Books, Inc. (1999) 
    75 Cal. App. 4th 1220
    , 1231.) Even if we assume the restraint directly advanced the stated
    governmental interest, it fails to withstand the fourth prong as it was more extensive than
    necessary to serve that interest. (Larson, supra, 192 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1292-1293.)
    That prong requires "'. . . ' . . . ' . . . a "fit" between the [government's] ends and the means
    chosen to accomplish those ends," a fit that is not necessarily perfect, but reasonable; that
    represents not necessarily the single best disposition but one whose scope is "in
    proportion to the interest served," that employs not necessarily the least restrictive means
    but . . . a means narrowly tailored to achieve the desired objective.'" (Florida Bar, supra,
    515 U.S. at p. 632; Gerawan Farming, Inc. v. Kawamura (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 1
    , 23-24
    (Gerawan).) No such fit is to be found here.
    Volkswagen maintains the restraint was necessary to reduce the chance of
    "an expensive and time-consuming new trial" if a juror inappropriately accessed Farrise's
    firm website during trial. Volkswagen has not demonstrated, however, that "alternative,
    less-speech-restrictive [measures] would be less efficient or effective in accomplishing
    the government's objective." (Gerawan, supra, 33 Cal.4th at pp. 23-24; see Thompson v.
    Western States Medical Center, supra, 535 U.S. at p. 358 ["If the Government can
    achieve its interests in a manner that does not restrict commercial speech, or that restricts
    less speech, the Government must do so"].) As emphasized in Thompson, "[i]f the First
    Amendment means anything, it means that regulating speech must be a last -- not first --
    resort." (Thompson, at p. 373.)
    It is well established that "frequent and specific cautionary admonitions and
    jury instructions . . . constitute the accepted, presumptively adequate, and plainly less
    restrictive means of dealing with the threat of jury contamination." (NBC Subsidiary
    (KNBC-TV), Inc. v. Superior Court (1999) 
    20 Cal. 4th 1178
    , 1221 (NBC Subsidiary).) In
    NBC Subsidiary, our high court "stressed [its] adherence to the fundamental premise that,
    as a general matter, cautionary admonitions and instructions serve to correct and cure
    myriad improprieties, including the receipt by jurors of information that was kept from
    them. To paraphrase Justice Holmes, it must be assumed that a jury does its duty, abides
    by cautionary instructions, and finds facts only because those facts are proved." (Id. at
    pp. 1223-1224, citing Aikens v. Wisconsin (1904) 
    195 U.S. 194
    , 206.)
    Although it applied strict scrutiny, Freedom Communications, Inc. v.
    Superior Court (2008) 
    167 Cal. App. 4th 150
     (Freedom Communications) is instructive.
    To prevent witnesses from being influenced by the trial testimony of others, the trial
    court issued a gag order prohibiting the defendant newspaper from reporting on the
    witnesses' testimony. (Id. at pp. 152-153.) The Court of Appeal granted the newspaper's
    petition for writ of mandate, observing the "case law makes clear that the danger the trial
    court sought to avert by its prior restraint here -- the risk that witnesses in a civil trial
    might be influenced by reading news reports of the testimony of other witnesses -- cannot
    possibly justify the censorship imposed." (Id. at p. 153.)
    The court emphasized that less restrictive alternatives were available to
    protect the plaintiffs' fair trial rights, including admonishing witnesses not to read press
    accounts of the trial. (Freedom Communications, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 154.) It
    remarked that "such an admonishment would go farther in preventing the tainting of
    witness testimony because the gag order applies only to [the defendant newspaper] and
    not to other newspapers that cover the trial." (Ibid.) The same is true here. Although the
    trial court's order required Farrise to remove information from her website regarding
    prior verdicts involving Ford, it did not apply to any other websites discussing such
    verdicts. Thus, the trial court's admonitions not to research the parties or their attorneys
    did more to prevent potential jury misconduct than the removal of some of the available
    information on the Internet. (See ibid.)
    Volkswagen cites no authority suggesting that a prior restraint of speech,
    whether commercial or otherwise, is the appropriate means of handling the threat of jury
    contamination. It maintains that while juror admonishments may have been sufficient to
    prevent juror misconduct in the past, they are no longer effective in today's world of 24-
    hour news, Google, Twitter and the Internet. It emphasizes that "jurors' ready access to
    information . . . has vastly increased the risk of prejudice from extrajudicial sources and
    has seriously weakened courts' ability to filter or control the flow of information." (See,
    e.g., Russo v. Takata Corp. (S.D. 2009) 
    774 N.W.2d 441
    , 452, 454 [juror's brief
    discussion with fellow jurors about his "Google search" results indicating "there were no
    other lawsuits against" the defendant seatbelt manufacturer was prejudicial and warranted
    vacation of defense verdict]; Amey, Social Media and the Legal System: Analyzing
    Various Responses to Using Technology from the Jury Box (2010) 35 J. Legal. Prof. 111,
    130 ["'It is unlikely that judges or lawyers will be able to eliminate juror misuse of the
    Internet, and they should adjust to a world in which control of information to or from
    jurors is much less effective than it was before the advent of Google, Facebook and the
    next emerging technology’"]; Artigliere, Sequestration for the Twenty-First Century:
    Disconnecting Jurors from the Internet During Trial (2011) 59 Drake L.Rev. 621
    ["Judges and trial lawyers around the country are shocked by court systems' apparent
    inability to control the behavior of jurors"].)
    Trial courts have grappled with this issue for several years. The parties cite
    dozens of law review and legal news articles addressing such topics as the "wired juror,"
    "mistrial by twitter" and how to silence the "twittering juror."6 These articles discuss
    various ways courts are coping, including imposing courthouse technology bans, threats
    of contempt, extensive voir dire, stronger admonitions and pattern cautionary jury
    instructions reflecting the realities of the electronic age. (See, e.g., St. Eve & Zuckerman,
    Ensuring an Impartial Jury in the Age of Social Media, supra, 11 Duke L. & Tech. Rev.
    at pp. 18-20.) While recognizing the imperfections in these solutions, the authors stop
    short of suggesting that prior restraints of out-of-courtroom speech are the answer. The
    focus is on controlling jurors' behavior, not that of the trial participants.
    The first line of defense against juror legal research is "to address the issue
    in jury instructions." (Morrison, Can the Jury Trial Survive Google? (winter 2011) 25
    Crim. Just. 4, 14.) As one state court observed, "given the simplicity, speed, and scope of
    Internet searches, allowing a juror to access with ease extraneous information about the
    law and the facts, trial judges are well advised to reference Internet searches specifically
    when they instruct jurors not to conduct their own research or investigations."
    (Commonwealth v. Rodriguez (2005) 63 Mass.Ct.App. 660 [
    828 N.E.2d 556
    , 568, fn. 11];
    see Lee, Silencing the 'Twittering Juror': The Need to Modernize Pattern Cautionary
    Jury Instructions to Reflect the Realities of the Electronic Age (fall 2010) 60 DePaul
    6 E.g., Bell, Juror Misconduct and the Internet (fall 2010) 38 Am. J. Crim. L. 81;
    Browning, When All that Twitters is Not Told: Dangers of the Online Juror (March 2010)
    73 Tex. B.J. 216; Goldstein, The Appearance of Impropriety and Jurors on Social
    Networking Sites: Rebooting the Way Courts Deal with Juror Misconduct (summer
    2011) 24 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 589; Hoffmeister, Google, Gadgets, and Guilt: Juror
    Misconduct in the Digital Age (winter 2012) 83 Colo. L.Rev. 409; Janoski-Haehlen, The
    Courts are All a 'Twitter': The Implications of Social Media Use in the Courts (fall 2011)
    46 Val. U.L.Rev. 43; Lau, Towards Zero Net Presence (2011) 25 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics
    & Pub. Policy 237; St. Eve & Zuckerman, Ensuring an Impartial Jury in the Age of
    Social Media (March 2012) 11 Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 1; Robinson, Yes, Jurors Have a
    Right to Freedom of Speech Too! . . . Well, Maybe. Juror Misconduct and Social
    Networks (spring 2013) 11 First Amend. L.Rev. 593.
    L.Rev. 181, 186 ["The traditional prohibition against external communication and outside
    research must be rewritten to meet the demands of the twenty-first century"].)
    Consistent with this view, our Legislature enacted Statutes 2011, chapter
    181, clarifying that jurors may not use social media and the Internet -- such as texting,
    Twitter, Facebook and Internet searches -- to research or disseminate information about
    cases, and can be held in criminal or civil contempt for violating these restrictions. 7 The
    bill analysis highlighted that "[t]he use of [electronic and wireless] devices by jurors
    presents an ongoing challenge in preventing mistrials, overturned convictions and chaotic
    delays in court proceedings. In response, this common sense measure seeks to clarify and
    codify an informal practice among trial courts to authorize courts to appropriately
    admonish jurors against the use of electronic and wireless devices to communicate,
    research, or disseminate information about an ongoing case." (Assem. Com. on
    Judiciary, Analysis of Assem. Bill No. 141 (2010-2011 Reg. Sess.) Mar. 15, 2011, p. 1;
    see Chow, Chapter 181: The End to Juror Electronic Communications (2012) 43
    McGeorge L.Rev. 581, 584-586.)
    Among other things, the law amended Code of Civil Procedure section 611
    to require the trial court to admonish the jury "that the prohibition on research,
    dissemination of information, and conversation applies to all forms of electronic and
    wireless communication." It also amended Penal Code section 166, subdivision (a)(6) to
    provide that a juror may be guilty of a misdemeanor for "[w]illful disobedience . . . of a
    court admonishment related to the prohibition on any form of communication or research
    about the case, including all forms of electronic or wireless communication or research."
    The adoption of these amendments underscores that trial courts are
    appropriately focusing on tougher admonition rules and contempt consequences, rather
    than on trying to restrain speech on the Internet. This is particularly true where, as here,
    the speech does not directly concern the case before the court. It also is consistent with
    the tenet that admonitions are the presumptively reasonable alternative to restricting free
    7 Although this law was adopted shortly before the trial started in this case, it did
    not go into effect until the following year, on January 1, 2012.
    speech rights. (NBC Subsidiary, supra, 20 Cal.4th at p. 1221; Freedom Communications,
    supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 154.)
    The trial court properly admonished the jurors not to Google the attorneys
    and also instructed them not to conduct independent research. We accept that jurors will
    obey such admonitions. (NBC Subsidiary, supra, 20 Cal.4th at pp. 1223-1224.) It is a
    belief necessary to maintain some balance with the greater mandate that speech shall be
    free and unfettered. If a juror ignored these admonitions, the court had tools at its
    disposal to address the issue. It did not, however, have authority to impose, as a
    prophylactic measure, an order requiring Farrise to remove pages from her law firm
    website to ensure they would be inaccessible to a disobedient juror. Notwithstanding the
    good faith efforts of a concerned jurist, the order went too far.
    The trial court's order constituted an unlawful prior restraint on Farrise's
    constitutional right to free speech. Because the order is no longer in effect, the trial court
    need not take any action. Having served its purpose, the order to show cause is
    discharged and the petition for writ of mandate is denied. The parties shall bear their
    own costs.
    PERREN, J.
    We concur:
    GILBERT, P. J.
    YEGAN, J.
    Thomas Anderle, Judge
    Superior Court County of Santa Barbara
    Farrise Firm, P.C., Simona A. Farrise, Carla V. Minnard; The Arkin Law
    Firm, Sharon J. Arkin for Petitioners.
    No appearance for Respondent.
    Herzfeld & Rubin, Craig L. Winterman, Tara-Jane Flynn; Carroll, Burdick
    & McDonough LLP, Laurie J. Hepler, Nathaniel K. Fisher for Real Party in Interest
    Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
    Yukevich Cavanaugh, Steven Douglas Smelser, Dykema Gossett LLP,
    John M. Thomas for Real Party in Interest Ford Motor Co.
    McKenna Long & Aldrige, Kelvin Timothy Wyles for Real Party in
    Interest Pneumo Abex.

Document Info

Docket Number: B235347

Citation Numbers: 220 Cal. App. 4th 1479

Judges: Perren

Filed Date: 10/30/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (20)

World Wide Rush, LLC v. City of Los Angeles , 606 F.3d 676 ( 2010 )

In Re William M. , 3 Cal. 3d 16 ( 1970 )

Saline v. Superior Court , 100 Cal. App. 4th 909 ( 2002 )

Freedom Communications, Inc. v. Superior Court , 167 Cal. App. 4th 150 ( 2008 )

NBC Subsidiary (KNBC-TV), Inc. v. Superior Court , 86 Cal. Rptr. 2d 778 ( 1999 )

Gerawan Farming, Inc. v. Kawamura , 14 Cal. Rptr. 3d 14 ( 2004 )

Hurvitz v. Hoefflin , 84 Cal. App. 4th 1232 ( 2000 )

Mammoth Mountain Ski Area v. Graham , 135 Cal. App. 4th 1367 ( 2006 )

MHC Operating Limited Partnership v. City of San Jose , 106 Cal. App. 4th 204 ( 2003 )

Maggi v. Superior Court , 119 Cal. App. 4th 1218 ( 2004 )

Keimer v. Buena Vista Books, Inc. , 75 Cal. App. 4th 1220 ( 1999 )

Bates v. State Bar of Arizona , 97 S. Ct. 2691 ( 1977 )

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service ... , 100 S. Ct. 2343 ( 1980 )

Nebraska Press Assn. v. Stuart , 96 S. Ct. 2791 ( 1976 )

Russo v. Takata Corp. , 774 N.W.2d 441 ( 2009 )

Gentile v. State Bar of Nev. , 111 S. Ct. 2720 ( 1991 )

Edenfield v. Fane , 113 S. Ct. 1792 ( 1993 )

Florida Bar v. Went for It, Inc. , 115 S. Ct. 2371 ( 1995 )

Thompson v. Western States Medical Center , 122 S. Ct. 1497 ( 2002 )

Bolger v. Youngs Drug Products Corp. , 103 S. Ct. 2875 ( 1983 )

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