In re A.G. ( 2020 )

  • Filed 12/14/20
    In re A.G., a Person Coming        B304063
    Under the Juvenile Court Law.
    THE PEOPLE,                        Los Angeles County
    Plaintiff and Respondent,     Super. Ct. No. VJ46670
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, Kevin Brown, Judge. Affirmed.
    Courtney M. Selan, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters,
    Senior Assistant Attorney General, Jason Tran and Shezad H.
    Thakor, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Columbine. Sandy Hook. Virginia Tech. Marjory Stoneman
    Douglas. These are but a few of a staggering number of American
    schools where fatal mass shootings have occurred. Seared into
    the national consciousness, their names evoke a panoply of strong
    emotions: grief for innocent students and school staff killed or
    wounded; sympathy for those who loved them; and fear of future
    tragedies at more schools.
    In this case, the juvenile court found defendant A.G., a
    minor high school student, made criminal threats when he posted
    a photo of a realistic looking replica gun on his Snapchat account,
    which was visible to about 60 people he identified as friends. The
    photo bore the caption, “Everybody go to school tomorrow. I’m
    taking gum.”
    On appeal, A.G. contends, as he did below, that he was
    “joking” when he posted his “story” on Snapchat, and insufficient
    evidence supported the juvenile court’s findings. The juvenile
    court, however, rejected A.G.’s testimony that he was joking as
    not credible and inconsistent with what A.G. told a school police
    detective who investigated the threats. We defer, as we must, to
    the trial judge’s credibility determinations. (People v. Jones
    51 Cal. 3d 294
    , 314.) And we note there is nothing funny
    about threatening to take a gun to school in any event. Because
    the juvenile court’s findings are supported by substantial
    evidence, we affirm.
    The Los Angeles County District attorney filed a petition
    under Welfare and Institutions Code section 602 alleging A.G.
    made a criminal threat against a minor we will refer to as “D.J.”
    (Penal Code1 § 422, count 2) and a teacher named Carol
    Henriquez (§ 422, count 3) and attempted a third criminal threat
    (§§ 422, 664; count 1). A.G. denied all three allegations. Following
    an adjudication hearing, the juvenile court found counts 2 and 3
    true and dismissed count one for insufficient evidence. The
    juvenile court ordered A.G. to six months of probation. A.G.
    timely appealed.
    Snapchat is a phone application that, among other things,
    allows users to post “stories.” A story is a photograph or video
    posted by a Snapchat user. The user can add captions and other
    effects to the photographs and videos. A user can identify
    “friends” on Snapchat. Once users become friends, they can see
    each other’s posted stories. The stories expire from the
    application after 24 hours, but a user can delete the story before
    the time is up. The stories can be set to be private so they can be
    only viewed by some people. If the story is public, it can be sent to
    users who are not friends of the user who posted the story.
    Snapchat also allows users to send individualized photos or
    videos directly to people. Snapchat users can also chat with each
    other within the application and can partake in group chats.
    Texts, photos, and videos can all be sent using the chat function.
    1     All further statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    A. D.J.’s Testimony
    D.J., a high school senior at Linda Marquez School for
    Social Justice (“Linda Marquez”), had the Snapchat application
    on her phone. At approximately 9:00 pm on March 3, 2019, she
    received a screenshot of A.G.’s story through a group chat. The
    story showed an image of what appeared to be a gun with the
    caption “Everybody go to school tomorrow. I’m taking gum [sic].”
    D.J. testified that she was worried when she saw the story
    because she knew school shootings happened regularly.
    D.J. discussed her fear with her friends in the group chat
    and told them they should tell a teacher. D.J. and other students
    in the group chat forwarded A.G.’s story to a Linda Marquez
    teacher, Carol Henriquez, using the Remind application. The
    Remind application allows teachers and students to communicate
    via text. D.J. told Henriquez that she did not know the name of
    the sender because she did not recognize him by his username.
    After notifying Henriquez, D.J. looked at the screenshot
    and realized the sender was her friend on Snapchat. She went to
    the user’s profile and viewed the story. D.J. later discovered the
    user was A.G. based on the conversation in the group chat and by
    checking her contact list. D.J. knew A.G. because they previously
    had a class together during their freshman year. She believed
    A.G. was a student at her school at the time the story was posted
    because she also had a class with him earlier that year.
    A few hours later, D.J. was alerted that A.G had posted a
    second story and she went to his profile to view it. The story was
    a black screen captioned: “Everyone, it wasn’t real. I was xanned
    out.” D.J. testified that the second story did not change how she
    felt. She still believed the first story was a threat to her and
    others at her school. D.J. stated that she did not recognize the
    word “gum” when she originally saw the first story. She was
    instead focused on the photograph of a gun. She also testified the
    word “gum” did not change how she felt about the image because
    the letters “m” and “n” are similar and could be easily mistaken.
    Henriquez provided police with D.J.’s phone number and
    they contacted D.J. the same night. D.J. told police about A.G.’s
    story and that she was worried a school shooting would happen.
    D.J. went to school the next day and felt nervous.
    B. Carol Henriquez’s Testimony
    On March 3, 2019, Henriquez was a tenth grade English
    teacher at Linda Marquez. She received a message from her
    student, D.J., on the Remind application. The message included
    the image posted by A.G. Henriquez testified she felt fear,
    concern, and confusion when she saw the image. She was afraid
    the image was a threat of a school shooting and felt she and her
    students were in danger.
    Henriquez notified police of the image because, as a
    teacher, she was a mandated reporter. She testified that even if
    she was not a mandated reporter, she still would have told police
    about the image because she was afraid for herself and her
    students. Henriquez was asked by police to go to the station.
    Once there, she showed police the image and filed a report.
    Henriquez testified her fear and concern was ongoing even
    after she reported the image to police because she was not sure
    what would happen the following day at school. Even though
    Henriquez received the second image posted by A.G., she still felt
    afraid because of the commonplace occurrence of school shootings
    at high schools.
    Once Henriquez saw a photo of A.G., she recognized that he
    had been her student. Henriquez and A.G. had a regular
    teacher/student relationship and A.G. had never displayed any
    animosity towards her.
    C. Detective Steve Jeong’s Testimony
    Detective Jeong is employed by the Los Angeles School
    Police Department. On the day after A.G. posted his stories,
    Detective Jeong went to Simon Rodia Continuation School
    (“Simon Rodia”) where A.G. was present. After A.G. waived his
    Miranda rights, Jeong interviewed him. A.G. admitted sending
    both Snapchat stories. Detective Jeong asked A.G. “why he would
    do such a thing.” A.G. responded, per the Detective, “he likes to
    see reaction in people, what people might say.” A.G. seemed
    apologetic, and denied any intention to carry out a school
    shooting or threaten anyone. But he did not say he intended the
    initial Snapchat story as a joke. Detective Jeong then went to
    A.G.’s friend’s home where the replica gun was located, and
    examined it. He confirmed it was not an actual gun.
    D. A.G.’s Testimony
    A.G. had approximately 60 friends on Snapchat. Some of
    those friends currently went to school with him, and some had
    gone to school with him in the past. He had gone years without
    speaking to some of his Snapchat friends. At the time of the post,
    A.G. was a student at Simon Rodia Continuation School. He had
    attended Linda Marquez until transferring to Simon Rodia
    earlier that year.
    A.G. testified he posted the image on Snapchat because he
    was being immature, and he meant for the story to be a joke. A.G.
    further testified he did not intend for the post to be taken as a
    threat. Instead, he thought his friends would understand the post
    was a joke because they understood his sense of humor. The gun,
    which was fake, belonged to A.G.’s friend. He understood people
    were taking the post seriously because a friend notified him. He
    posted the second message to calm the situation down. He hoped
    recipients of the second story would interpret the alleged drug
    use as an excuse as to why he posted something “dumb.” He
    confirmed he was not on Xanax or any other drug at the time he
    posted the stories. He was not asked about nor did he volunteer
    any reason why the caption on the photo said “gum” rather than
    On appeal, A.G. contends counts two and three are
    unsupported by substantial evidence. Specifically, A.G. contends
    the evidence failed to establish: (1) he intended his Snapchat post
    to be understood as a threat; (2) he willfully threatened to
    unlawfully kill or cause great bodily injury to anyone; (3) he
    intended to threaten D.J. or Henriquez specifically; (4) any
    alleged threat was unequivocal or unambiguous to reasonably
    sustain fear in either D.J. or Henriquez; or (5) any threat to D.J.
    or Henriquez was sufficiently immediate to place either of them
    in fear. We reject these arguments.
    “The same standard governs review of the sufficiency of
    evidence in adult criminal cases and juvenile cases: we review the
    whole record in the light most favorable to the judgment to decide
    whether substantial evidence supports the conviction, so that a
    reasonable fact finder could find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
    [Citations.]” (In re Matthew A. (2008) 
    165 Cal. App. 4th 537
    , 540.)
    The elements of the crime of making a criminal threat are
    as follows: “‘(1) that the defendant “willfully threaten[ed] to
    commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury
    to another person,” (2) that the defendant made the threat ‘with
    the specific intent that the statement . . . is to be taken as a
    threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out,’ (3)
    that the threat—which may be “made verbally, in writing, or by
    means of an electronic communication device”—was “on its face
    and under the circumstances in which it [was] made, . . . so
    unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey
    to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate
    prospect of execution of the threat,” (4) that the threat actually
    caused the person threatened “to be in sustained fear for his or
    her own safety or for his or her immediate family's safety,” and
    (5) that the threatened person's fear was “reasonabl[e]” under the
    circumstances.’ [Citations.]” (In re George T. (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 620
    , 630 (George T.).)2
    2      Section 422, subdivision (a) provides in pertinent part:
    “Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will
    result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with the
    specific intent that the statement, made . . . by means of an
    electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even
    if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which, on its face
    and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so
    unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey
    “[S]ection 422 requires that the communication must be
    sufficient ‘on its face and under the circumstances in which it is
    made’ to constitute a criminal threat. This means that the
    communication and the surrounding circumstances are to be
    considered together. ‘Thus, it is the circumstances under which
    the threat is made that give meaning to the actual words used.
    Even an ambiguous statement may be a basis for a violation of
    section 422.’ [Citations.]” (In re Ryan D. (2002) 
    100 Cal. App. 4th 854
    , 860 (Ryan D.).)
    “With respect to the requirement that a threat be ‘so
    unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey
    to the person threatened a gravity of purpose and an immediate
    prospect of execution of the threat,’ . . . ‘The four qualities are
    simply the factors to be considered in determining whether a
    threat, considered together with its surrounding circumstances,
    conveys those impressions to the victim.’ [Citation.]” (George 
    T., supra
    33 Cal. 4th 620
    , 635.)
    Weighing the circumstances surrounding A.G.’s actions, we
    conclude there was sufficient evidence he threatened D.J. and
    Henriquez. We therefore affirm the juvenile court’s findings. We
    will address each of A.G.’s arguments in turn.
    to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate
    prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that
    person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own
    safety . . .”
    A. The record contains sufficient evidence A.G.
    intended his Snapchat post to be understood as a
    threat and that he willfully threatened to kill or
    cause great bodily injury
    A.G. alleges the evidence failed to show he intended his
    Snapchat post to be understood as a threat. Instead, he argues
    the image posted was a joke as evidenced by his use of the word
    “gum” and because he posted a follow-up image stating the first
    post was a joke. In a related contention, A.G. argues the record
    contains insufficient evidence that he willfully threatened to kill
    or cause great bodily injury.
    We reject these contentions. As noted above, the juvenile
    court rejected on credibility grounds A.G.’s assertion that he
    intended the first message as a “joke,” and we are bound by that
    determination. In any event, even if A.G. made the post as a joke,
    a reasonable trier of fact could conclude the joke was made with
    the intent that it be understood by others as a threat. As A.G.
    conceded to detective Jeong, he posted the story to see others’
    reactions. Because people would only react to the story if they
    perceived it as a threat, a reasonable trier of fact could conclude
    that A.G.’s post was a willful threat to kill or cause great bodily
    injury because it suggested he was going to bring the gun to
    school and harm people with it.
    A.G. compares his actions to those of the minor in In re
    D., supra
    100 Cal. App. 4th 854
    (Ryan D.). The minor in
    Ryan D. created a painting showing a police officer being shot in
    the back of the head. The painting showed the badge number of a
    female officer who had previously given the minor a citation.
    (Ibid.) The person shooting the gun appeared to be the minor.
    (Ibid.) The minor later admitted the officer in the painting was
    the officer who had given him the citation and that he was the
    person shooting the gun. (Ibid.) The court found the painting
    failed to constitute a criminal threat because the intent was
    “ambiguous.” (Id. at p. 863) The minor took the picture “to class
    and turned it in for credit[,]” never displayed it to the officer “or
    put it in a location where he knew she would see it[,]” and did not
    communicate with her “in any manner to advise her that she
    should see the painting.” (Id. at p. 864.) In sum, “the evidence
    [was] not sufficient to establish that . . . the minor harbored the
    specific intent that the painting would be displayed to [the
    In contrast with the minor in Ryan D., A.G’s intent was not
    sufficiently ambiguous to warrant reversal. The evidence
    permitted the conclusion that A.G. wanted to see a reaction from
    people who understood his story as a threat to unlawfully kill or
    cause great bodily injury. A.G. admitted he was friends on
    Snapchat with people who went to his current school and schools
    where he was previously enrolled. Students at his then current
    school, and students and teachers at his former school (whether
    or not they were aware A.G. had transferred to another school)
    reasonably could conclude A.G. was threatening to bring a gun to
    their school the next day.
    A.G. also compares his actions to those of the minor in
    T., supra
    33 Cal. 4th 620
    . In George T. the minor wrote a
    poem which ended with the line: “I can be the next kid to bring
    guns to kill students at school. So parents watch your children
    cuz I'm BACK!!” (Id. at p. 625.) The minor handed the poem to
    another student who became frightened. (Ibid.) The court found
    dissemination of the poem was not an unequivocal threat because
    it failed to show “immediate prospect that [the] minor would
    bring guns to school and shoot students.” (Id. at pp. 638-639.)
    Instead, the court found the poem “understood in light of the
    surrounding circumstances” was “‘dark poetry’” and a form of
    literature.” (Id at p. 638) In sum, the court found the school was
    “justified in taking action” based on the poem, but the “poem did
    not constitute a criminal threat.” (Id. at p. 639, fn. omitted.)
    In contrast to the minor in George T., A.G.’s post was
    specific in that he stated he would “bring gum” (which as D.J.’s
    testimony confirmed, could be interpreted by a reader to mean
    gun) to school the next day. He also showed he had the means to
    commit a school shooting because the image showed what
    appeared to be a real gun.
    In sum, substantial evidence supports the juvenile court’s
    conclusions that A.G. (1) willfully threatened to kill or cause
    great bodily injury; and (2) intended that his Snapchat post be
    understood as a threat.
    B. Communication of threat to D.J. or Henriquez
    A.G. further argues that he did not specifically intend to
    communicate a threat to D.J. or Henriquez. In support he argues
    there was no evidence his initial post would reach Henriquez
    because Henriquez was not one of A.G.’s friends on Snapchat.
    A.G. also argues there was no evidence he understood his posts
    could be screenshot or forwarded to others. A.G. further contends
    the threat could not have been directed to D.J. or Henriquez
    because he was no longer a student at Linda Marquez.
    In support of these contentions, A.G. cites George T.;
    however, he misstates the rationale of the case. The court in
    George T. concluded that “the poem was not an unequivocal
    threat[.]” The court, therefore, “need[ed] not, and d[id] not,
    discuss minor's contention that he did not harbor the specific
    intent to threaten the [alleged victims.]” (George 
    T., supra
    33 Cal. 4th 620
    , 639.)
    A.G. admitted he was a student at Linda Marquez earlier
    in the school year. D.J. testified she had a class with A.G. earlier
    in her senior year. Henriquez also testified that A.G. was
    previously one of her students. Finally, there was no evidence
    showing A.G. did not understand how Snapchat worked.
    Considering these circumstances, we determine that by posting
    the story, A.G. communicated a threat of a school shooting to D.J.
    and Henriquez. By placing the post on Snapchat, A.G.
    disseminated the threat to a large group of people, including D.J.
    It can be inferred from the way Snapchat works that A.G.
    intended many people to see it, and he must have been aware
    that anyone who saw it might feel threatened. He also had to be
    aware that people who saw it might send it to others. In sum, a
    reasonable trier of fact could have found A.G. intended to
    threaten an expansive group of people, which included D.J. and
    C. A.G.’s threat was unequivocal and specific
    A.G. contends his post was not sufficiently unambiguous
    and unequivocal to satisfy section 422. He contends the post was
    “the definition of ambiguity and equivocation” because the gun
    was a replica and the caption said he was going to “bring ‘gum.’”
    A.G. adds that there was no animosity between him and anyone
    in his community and that he was known to joke around. Finally,
    A.G. contends D.J. did not see the caption with the word “gum,”
    and that if she did, she might have understood the post was a
    “To constitute a criminal threat, a communication need not
    be absolutely unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific.
    The statute includes the qualifier ‘so’ unequivocal, etc., which
    establishes that the test is whether, in light of the surrounding
    circumstances, the communication was sufficiently unequivocal,
    unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the victim
    a gravity of purpose and immediate prospect of execution.
    [Citation.]” (In re Ryan 
    D., supra
    , 100 Cal.App.4th at p. 861,
    original emphasis.)
    D.J. testified the word “gum” did not change her fear of a
    school shooting because the letters “m” and “n” are close to each
    other on the keyboard and could easily be mistaken. Considering
    the surrounding circumstances, including the notoriety of
    previous school shootings, A.G.’s story was sufficiently specific
    and unequivocal to convey the threat of a school shooting the next
    D. The threat was immediate and reasonably placed
    D.J. and Henriquez in fear
    A.G. finally argues there was no evidence presented that
    the Snapchat story conveyed an immediate threat. A.G. points to
    the fact that the post was sent on the night of March 3, 2019, and
    suggests that if anyone took the post seriously they could have
    decided to stay away from school. A.G. also contends his school
    was ten miles from Linda Marquez. In sum, A.G. argues the story
    could not reasonably have been construed to communicate a
    threat of imminent harm to either D.J. or Henriquez.
    A.G. contrasts his actions to those of the minor in In re
    David L. (1991) 
    234 Cal. App. 3d 1655
    (David L.) The minor in
    David L. told a third party that he had a gun and that he was
    going to shoot the victim the next day. (David 
    L., supra
    , 234
    Cal.App.3d at p. 1658.) The court found the threat “was of an
    immediate, unconditional nature and reasonably caused the
    victim to undergo sustained fear [which] is all [section 422]
    requires.” (Id. at p. 1660.) The court explained section 422 “does
    not require the showing of an immediate ability to carry out the
    stated threat[,]” it “requires only that the words used be of an
    immediately threatening nature and convey ‘an immediate
    prospect of execution’ (italics added) even though the threatener
    may have no intent actually to engage in the threatened conduct.
    The threat is sufficient if it induces a ‘sustained fear.’” (Ibid.) The
    court further found “[t]he minor's threat . . . was not ‘on its face
    and under the circumstances in which it [was] made’ either
    conditional or in jest. According to the testimony, it was without
    equivocation or ambiguity. . . . [¶] The threat was . . . also
    sufficiently specific. Although it did not communicate a time or
    precise manner of execution, section 422 does not require those
    details to be expressed. It is enough to threaten ‘death or great
    bodily injury to another person.’ The minor's threat to shoot the
    victim easily satisfie[d] that element of the statute.” (David 
    L., supra
    , 234 Cal.App.3d at p. 1660.)
    Here, both D.J. and Henriquez testified that A.G.’s story
    induced fear that a school shooting would occur the following
    school day. Neither victim interpreted the post as a joke. Based
    on the cultural climate where school shootings sadly and
    tragically happen on a regular basis, it was reasonable that both
    D.J. and Henriquez sustained fear based on the story. Both D.J.
    and Henriquez testified they believed A.G. was still a student at
    Linda Marquez because he had been a student there earlier in
    the year. Further, both victims believed the gun in the story to be
    real, and that A.G.’s post indicated he would be taking the gun to
    school the following day. We therefore find A.G.’s threat was
    sufficiently specific under section 422.
    “The primary goal of the juvenile justice system is to
    rehabilitate offenders rather than punish them. (Welf. & Inst.
    Code section 202, subd. (b).) The rationale for this approach is the
    susceptibility of some juveniles to immature and irresponsible
    behavior and the greater likelihood they, as opposed to adults,
    will be reformed by proper guidance and treatment programs.
    [Citation.]” (In re R.C. (2019) 
    39 Cal. App. 5th 302
    , 310.) Here, the
    juvenile court took A.G.’s remorse into account when fashioning
    his rehabilitation program. The court reduced the felony charges
    to misdemeanors and placed A.G. at home on probation. As the
    trial judge emphasized, if A.G. successfully completed his
    probation, his juvenile record could be sealed.
    The juvenile court findings are affirmed.
    CURREY, J.
    WILLHITE, Acting P. J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B304063

Filed Date: 12/14/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/15/2020