Dziubla v. Piazza ( 2020 )

  • Filed 12/29/20
    ROBERT DZIUBLA et al.,                     D076183
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,
    v.                                  (Super. Ct. No. 37-2018-00057391-
    Defendants and Respondents.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of San Diego County,
    Timothy M. Casserly, Judge. Affirmed in part; reversed in part and
    Greer & Associates, Curtis Keith Greer and C. Tyler Greer for
    Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    Call & Jensen, William Paul Cole and Nilab Rahyar Tolton for
    Defendants and Respondents.
    This appeal concerns a soured business relationship that devolved into
    a fight that was nothing if not personal. Plaintiffs and appellants Robert
    Dziubla and Linda Stanwood claim that defendant Ignatius Piazza II, owner
    of a Nevada firearms training facility, harassed and threatened them by
    publishing defamatory statements along with their personal identifying
    information and sending associates to invade their home. Piazza retorts that
    plaintiffs conned him out of thousands of dollars and are now attempting to
    steal his property and chill his constitutional rights.
    Cutting a path between these two extremes, the trial court
    appropriately distinguished protected from unprotected activities in
    evaluating Piazza’s special motion to strike under California’s anti-SLAPP
    statute (Code Civ. Proc., § 425.16)—which it granted in part and denied in
    part. With one important clarification as to the scope of protected activity,
    we reach the same conclusion.
    That clarification involves so-called “doxing” allegations in the
    complaint—plaintiffs’ claim that Piazza published private personal
    identifying information about them to thousands of gun enthusiasts as a
    thinly-veiled threat about what could happen if they continued to litigate the
    business dispute.1 Although it was included in an otherwise-protected
    litigation “alert” that discussed the pending lawsuit, the doxing information
    was entirely extraneous to the court proceedings that were the ostensible
    subject of the communication. We thus reject Piazza’s assertion that
    plaintiffs cannot meet the “minimal merit” standard on the anti-SLAPP
    motion because the doxing allegations would necessarily be barred by the
    litigation privilege in Civil Code section 47, subdivision (b). Under well-
    settled authority, the privilege does not extend to statements that bear no
    1      “Doxing” is a relatively recent internet-based form of harassment that
    involves posting a target’s private personal information online so it can be
    used by other parties—perhaps the poster’s supporters or internet “trolls”—to
    attack the targeted individual. Despite fear that this serious intimidation
    tactic can even lead to physical assaults, countervailing concerns about
    freedom of speech have made appropriate government regulation difficult.
    (See generally MacAllister, The Doxing Dilemma: Seeking A Remedy for the
    Malicious Publication of Personal Information (2017) 85 Fordham L.Rev.
    reasonable relationship to any judicial proceedings on which the privilege is
    assertedly based. Accordingly, we affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand
    for further proceedings.
    1.    The Nevada Suit
    Defendant Piazza owns Front Sight, a firearms training and self-
    defense business in Pahrump, Nevada. According to Piazza, Front Sight has
    taught tens of thousands of individual students and built up a membership of
    over 200,000 people. Members receive e-mail communications to keep them
    informed on Front Sight developments and, of course, business promotions.
    In 2012, Piazza was pursuing a loan for an ambitious expansion project
    that would transform Front Sight into a resort destination—complete with
    timeshare condominiums and a full-service conference center. After he failed
    to secure a traditional bank loan, Piazza explored higher risk options and
    ultimately agreed to work with plaintiff Dziubla, who represented that his
    team could raise $75 million from foreign investors if Front Sight paid
    upfront installments to cover expenses. By 2015, the amount Dziubla
    thought he could raise had decreased to $25 million. One year later, he
    loaned Piazza about $6 million to get the project started.
    Piazza’s loan came from the Las Vegas Development Fund (LVDF),
    which is run by Dziubla and his wife Stanwood. The loan agreement was
    subject to certain conditions that Dziubla and Stanwood allege Piazza
    breached in multiple ways. LVDF filed a notice of default in September 2018
    and Piazza then sued in Nevada to prevent foreclosure on the Front Sight
    property (among other relief). That litigation is ongoing and provides the
    context for the dispute in this case.
    2.       The California Litigation
    Shortly after LVDF recorded a notice of default on Piazza’s Nevada
    property, Dziubla and Stanwood began receiving disturbing visits at their
    California residence from two men, Danielo Quidang and Patrick
    Schneemann, who claimed to be private investigators. According to
    plaintiffs, the men spied on their home, snuck onto their property to take
    pictures and videos, and yelled threats when plaintiffs confronted them.
    Dziubla and Stanwood obtained restraining orders against the men.
    The next month, Piazza published a manifesto characterizing Dziubla
    as an enemy to Front Sight. This “Emergency Action Alert” (Alert) was
    posted on Front Sight’s website and e-mailed to its 200,000 members. In the
    Alert, Piazza described Dziubla as a “Lying, Two-Faced, Gun-Grabbing
    Hillary Clinton Supporting, Con Man” who was “attempting to STEAL Front
    Sight” through the Nevada suit. The Alert used forceful—even violent—
    rhetoric and appealed for monetary contributions to Piazza’s “litigation war
    chest.” Of particular significance in this case, Piazza also doxed Dziubla and
    Stanwood in the Alert by publishing their home address, pictures of their
    house, and photos of Dziubla including a close-up image of his face. These
    pictures were taken by Quidang and Schneemann, who were allegedly hired
    by Piazza.
    After learning about the Alert, plaintiffs filed this California lawsuit
    against Piazza, Quidang and Schneemann alleging a dozen causes of action
    that fall roughly into two categories: (1) trespass and privacy claims
    concerning Quidang and Schneemann’s activities on their property; and
    (2) defamation and harassment claims concerning Piazza’s publication of the
    Piazza challenged the defamation and harassment allegations under
    California’s anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation)
    statute, arguing that the Alert was protected speech. (Code Civ. Proc.,
    § 425.16.)2 The trial court agreed, shifting the burden to plaintiffs to show
    minimal merit so that they could proceed on these claims. As to this second
    step of the anti-SLAPP analysis, the court largely agreed with plaintiffs but
    for their inability to overcome Piazza’s primary defense: that the Alert was
    protected by the litigation privilege. As a result, the court granted most of
    Piazza’s special motion to strike, effectively barring all of plaintiffs’ claims
    that were based on the Alert (including the doxing allegations).
    In its broad outline, we largely endorse the reasoning of the trial court:
    Piazza’s Alert, which provides the basis for virtually all of plaintiffs’
    challenged claims,3 is protected by the anti-SLAPP statute because it was
    published in furtherance of Piazza’s right to petition. (§ 425.16, subds. (a),
    (b)(1), and (e).) We likewise agree with the trial court that as to most of those
    claims, plaintiffs could demonstrate minimal merit but for their failure to
    overcome Piazza’s litigation privilege defense. However, the privilege does
    not apply indiscriminately to everything included in the Alert just because
    that document broadly relates to litigation. As we explain in more detail, the
    doxing allegations should be treated separately from the rest of the
    challenged statements in the Alert. Publishing plaintiffs’ personal
    information was in no way rationally related to litigation, and the disclosure
    of that information is not protected by the corresponding privilege.
    2     All subsequent statutory references are to the Code of Civil Procedure
    unless otherwise specified.
    3     See post, footnote 4.
    Although we diverge from the trial court on this particular point, our
    decision has a limited effect. Only two causes of action that were previously
    stricken are revived in part by our analysis. The real effect of our decision is
    simply to clarify that it does not run afoul of the litigation privilege for
    plaintiffs to rely on the harm caused by Piazza’s doxing activities as they
    attempt to prove the surviving causes of action.
    1.    Basic Anti-SLAPP Principles
    The anti-SLAPP statute enables defendants to quickly terminate
    meritless actions against them that are based on their constitutionally
    protected rights to speak freely and petition for redress of grievances.
    (§ 425.16.) It allows litigants to file a special motion to strike “at an early
    stage,” in which the trial court uses a “summary-judgment-like procedure” to
    evaluate the claims.4 (Zhang v. Jenevein (2019) 
    31 Cal.App.5th 585
    , 592.) In
    considering a special motion to strike, courts employ a two-step process.
    (Park v. Board of Trustees of California State University (2017) 
    2 Cal.5th 1057
    , 1061.) In the first step, defendants must show that the claims they
    challenge are based on conduct “aris[ing] from” an act that furthers their
    speech or petition rights. (§ 425.16, subd. (b)(1).) This includes, among other
    4      As the Supreme Court was careful to emphasize in Baral v. Schnitt
    1 Cal.5th 376
     (Baral), the terms “cause of action” and “claim” can have
    different meanings depending on the context in which they are used, and
    both were employed by the Legislature in drafting section 425.16. (Baral,
    supra, at pp. 381‒382.) With respect to the latter term, we follow Baral’s
    lead in using “claim” to refer to a set of facts allegedly giving rise to relief
    that constitutes a “proper subject of a special motion to strike.” (Id. at p. 382;
    see also id. at p. 395 [anti-SLAPP motion is directed to “alleged acts giving
    rise to a claim for relief”].) We use “cause of action” to mean the separate
    counts as pleaded by the plaintiffs. A single cause of action can incorporate
    more than one claim; at the same time, a single claim can sometimes form
    the basis for more than one cause of action.
    things, any “writing made in connection with an issue under consideration or
    review by a . . . judicial body.” (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(2).)
    If defendants can make this initial showing, the burden shifts to the
    plaintiffs in the second step to demonstrate a prima facie case that would
    enable them to prevail on the challenged claims. (Baral, supra, 1 Cal.5th at
    pp. 384–385.) Plaintiffs only need to show “minimal merit” to defeat the
    special motion to strike. (Navellier v. Sletten (2002) 
    29 Cal.4th 82
    , 94.) At
    this stage, “[t]he court does not weigh evidence or resolve conflicting factual
    claims . . . [but rather] accepts the plaintiff's evidence as true, and evaluates
    the defendant's showing only to determine if it defeats the plaintiff's claim as
    a matter of law.” (Baral, supra, at pp. 384–385.) Appellate courts
    independently review orders granting or denying a special motion to strike.
    (Rusheen v. Cohen (2006) 
    37 Cal.4th 1048
    , 1055 (Rusheen).)
    2.    Step One: Plaintiffs’ Claims Arise Out of Protected Activity
    In this section, we independently evaluate the nature of the Alert. We
    conclude that the first prong of the anti-SLAPP analysis is satisfied because
    the Alert (1) forms the basis for plaintiffs’ claims, (2) relates to the Nevada
    litigation, and (3) does not fall within the exceptions that plaintiffs highlight.
    The first two points are not truly contested by plaintiffs, but we examine
    them in the course of our independent review.
    a.     The Alert forms the basis for plaintiffs’ claims.
    As a preliminary matter, we note that Piazza’s anti-SLAPP motion
    sought to strike only seven of plaintiffs’ twelve causes of action, targeting the
    allegations dependent on the Alert and mostly avoiding those based on
    Quidang and Schneemann’s activities at plaintiffs’ house. The challenged
    causes of action included: (1) Criminal Threats, alleging that the “incendiary
    language” in the Alert and the “very nature of the distribution list” amounts
    to a criminal threat against Dziubla; (2) Defamation, stating that the Alert
    falsely characterized Dziubla as a con man and a liar; (3) Privacy (False
    Light), claiming the Alert portrayed Dziubla in an offensive manner;
    (9) Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, alleging defendants owed a
    duty to plaintiffs that they breached by harassing, intimidating and defaming
    them; (10) Injunction, asking the court to order the Alert taken down from
    Front Sight’s website; (11) Civil Conspiracy, claiming defendants conspired to
    harass plaintiffs; and (12) Violation of the Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976
    (Civ. Code, 51.7), alleging plaintiffs were targeted by Piazza based on their
    political affiliations. Our review of the complaint leads us to the same
    conclusion as the trial court; with one exception,5 each challenged cause of
    action cites harms based at least in part on the Alert. (See Baral, supra,
    1 Cal.5th 376
    , 396 [allegations arising in part from protected activity satisfy
    the first step in evaluating a special motion to strike].) We turn now to the
    more central question of the prong one analysis: whether the Alert
    constitutes protected activity.
    b.    The Alert is protected because it relates to litigation.
    The Alert itself is an erratic ten-page document. It starts as a progress
    report, transitions to an exposé, and ends as a fundraising solicitation.
    Piazza opens by explaining the status of the renovation project and how it
    will benefit Front Sight members. Dziubla is quickly introduced as a liar and
    a con man, and then Piazza “divulge[s] the details of his identity, where he
    lives, what he does, and how he hoodwinked us into falling for his scam.”
    5     The eleventh cause of action included the only set of challenged
    allegations that were untied to the Alert; it focused on defendants meeting
    together to conspire to harm plaintiffs. The trial court properly denied the
    motion to strike these allegations.
    This is the section that includes Dziubla’s residential address, photos of his
    home and a close-up picture of his face. According to Piazza, this information
    was included as evidence of Dziubla’s con; he apparently claimed to be broke
    and asked Front Sight for more money, but all the while he owned a “million
    dollar home and [a] Lexus and brand new Mercedes Benz.”
    After this section, the focus of the document turns to funding the
    Nevada litigation. Piazza asks for monetary contributions and offers to
    reward members with “surplus credits, memberships, and certificates” that
    will be converted, in vague terms, to ownership interests in Front Sight when
    the renovations are complete. Piazza states these funds will be used for three
    purposes, to (1) “[d]estroy Dziubla by rapidly and aggressively prosecuting
    our lawsuit against him,” (2) increase Front Sight marketing to grow the
    business, and (3) “increase the pace of construction” to quickly complete the
    Despite its vacillating nature, reading the Alert as a whole makes it
    clear that Piazza wrote and distributed the document in furtherance of his
    right to petition the Nevada courts for relief. (§ 425.16, subd. (b)(1).) The
    anti-SLAPP statute specifies that such an act includes “any . . . writing made
    in connection with an issue under consideration or review by a . . . judicial
    body.” (§ 425.16, subd. (e), italics added.) We easily conclude the Alert was
    written and distributed in connection with the Nevada litigation. It returns
    again and again to the lawsuit, and even the most forceful language is
    contextualized to the court battle. Front Sight members can support Piazza
    and “destroy” Dziubla “by rapidly and aggressively prosecuting our lawsuit
    against him.” The Alert even provides the Nevada court pleadings and
    encourages readers to review them. Its primary purpose seems to be
    explaining the litigation to Front Sight’s members and asking for their
    financial help. (See Wilcox v. Superior Court (1994) 
    27 Cal.App.4th 809
    , 821–
    822 (Wilcox) [“statements made in the context of exhorting [others] to
    contribute to the cost of pursing . . . litigation” provides a “strong showing
    those statements are rationally connected to the litigation itself”].) Piazza is
    thus correct that allegations based on the principal content of the Alert fall
    under the protections of the anti-SLAPP statute.
    c.    None of the exceptions cited by plaintiffs apply.
    Plaintiffs do not contest the general point that the anti-SLAPP statute
    protects litigation-related documents, but they argue the Alert falls outside of
    the statute’s purview because it is both illegal and constitutes commercial
    speech. In plaintiffs’ view, these defects nullify any constitutional protection
    the Alert might otherwise enjoy. Although plaintiffs have correctly identified
    two exceptions to the anti-SLAPP statute’s reach, they have not
    demonstrated that either applies here.
    As to illegal conduct, it is true that a special motion to strike cannot be
    used by a defendant whose allegedly protected activity was illegal. (Flatley v.
    Mauro (2006) 
    39 Cal.4th 299
    , 320 (Flatley).) Plaintiffs argue this was the
    case, offering three separate theories of how the Alert was illegal. They
    contend it was (1) a “terroristic criminal threat” under Penal Code section
    422, (2) harassment under Code of Civil Procedure section 527.6, and (3) a
    fraudulent sale of securities. But in the context of the case law, illegal means
    criminal and not merely a violation of some statute. (Mendoza v. ADP
    Screening & Selection Services, Inc. (2010) 
    182 Cal.App.4th 1644
    , 1654
    (Mendoza).) Furthermore, it is not sufficient that the plaintiffs can
    reasonably argue or offer some evidence that defendant’s conduct was
    unlawful. Rather, at this early stage of the proceedings, the illegality
    exception applies only if the defendant’s activity is “illegal as a matter of
    law,” meaning either the defendant concedes the point or the evidence
    “conclusively establishes” as much. (Flatley, 
     39 Cal.4th at p. 320.)
    Neither occurred here. Piazza has never conceded that publishing the Alert
    constituted criminal conduct.6 And the evidence is far from conclusive that
    the Alert was illegal under any of plaintiffs’ theories.
    Regarding the criminal threats theory of illegality, the statute plaintiffs
    highlight requires (1) a willful threat to commit a crime that would result in
    death or great bodily injury to another, (2) with the specific intent that it be
    taken as a threat by the victim, (3) which is so “unequivocal, unconditional,
    immediate, and specific” that it (4) causes the victim to be in sustained fear,
    and (5) that such fear is reasonable. (Pen. Code, § 422; People v. Toledo
    26 Cal.4th 221
    , 228.) Plaintiffs select certain clauses from the Alert
    that they believe evidence a threat; we quote them in full to provide context:
    “I am going to need your help to not only stop [Dziubla] in
    his tracks, but also give him what he truly deserves for
    what he has done to us, while we come together as a group,
    200,000 strong, to complete the resort in record time!”
    [¶] . . . [¶]
    “I’ll bet it makes your blood boil as much as mine to think
    this traitor used the money we paid him that was supposed
    to support the Front Sight project and instead used it to
    support the gun-grabbing schemes of Hillary Clinton. This
    turncoat needs to be punished, to the full extent the law
    6     Plaintiffs make much of the fact that Piazza was arraigned on a
    misdemeanor count for electronic harassment, to which he pleaded not guilty.
    The prosecutor did not pursue charges when Piazza agreed to remove the
    Alert from the Front Sight website. There was never any admission of guilt.
    We take judicial notice of the minute order and the stipulation and order
    related to Piazza’s misdemeanor case, which is proper under Evidence Code
    section 452, subdivision (d). Three separate requests for judicial notice from
    both parties compile various other exhibits that we decline to notice. These
    are either improper for judicial notice, unhelpful to our resolution of the case,
    or both.
    will allow, for what he has done to us and what he has done
    to you.” [¶] . . . [¶]
    “Here’s how we turn the tables on Dziubla and shove his
    dirty deeds against you right down his throat [. . . .] [¶]
    Now that we filed our lawsuit, we press our prosecution of
    the litigation like a blitzkrieg and we do not ease our
    blistering legal attack until we have decisively won, forcing
    Dziubla into debtor’s court to expose his assets for our
    collection or forcing him into financial ruin in bankruptcy
    court.” [¶] . . . [¶]
    [Beside a check box for financial contributions:]
    “Yes, Dr. Piazza. I want you to destroy the lying, two-faced,
    gun-grabbing Hillary Clinton supporting, con man Robert
    Dziubla by rapidly and aggressively prosecuting our
    lawsuit against him to overwhelming victory.”
    Plaintiffs might have a colorable argument that this language could be
    interpreted as a threat, but that falls short of a necessary conclusion as a
    matter of law. As seems apparent from context, the violent terms are not
    meant to be read literally. Piazza describes destroying Dziubla, but only
    through court action. His “ruin” will be financial, and his “punishment” will
    be “to the full extent the law will allow.” Given the consistent references to
    the lawsuit, we are unable to find anything that would qualify as an
    indisputable threat under Penal Code section 422. (See People v. Maciel
    113 Cal.App.4th 679
    , 683; quoting People v. Solis (2001) 
    90 Cal.App.4th 1002
    , 1023 [“A violation of [Penal Code] section 422 requires
    . . . the defendant [to] willfully threaten[] to kill or seriously injure another
    person.”]; United States v. Villavicencio-Burruel (9th Cir. 2010) 
    608 F.3d 556
    562 [“[Penal Code] [s]ection 422’s plain text demonstrates that it requires a
    threatened use of violent physical force against another person.”]; Toledo,
     at p. 228‒229 [explaining that the specific, immediate and unequivocal
    language was added to Penal Code section 422 to bring it into constitutional
    compliance]; United States v. Kelner (2d Cir. 1976) 
    534 F.2d 1020
    , 1027.)
    Although Penal Code section 422’s elements are not applied formulaically,
    “the words actually used must constitute a threat in light of the surrounding
    circumstances.” (In re George T. (2004) 
    33 Cal.4th 620
    , 636.) Plaintiffs have
    not conclusively established such a threat.
    Cognizant of this deficiency, plaintiffs argue that Piazza’s threat can
    only be understood in context, and that his dissemination of the Alert to
    200,000 “gun enthusiasts” raised the specter of violent retaliation against
    Dziubla. In doing so, however, plaintiffs merely describe the inherent risks of
    doxing, and they ignore that a criminal threat requires specific intent. In
    addition to other disputed issues, Piazza’s intent is contested; based on that
    alone, we can conclude that plaintiffs have not demonstrated the Alert
    contained a criminal threat as a matter of law.7
    Plaintiffs rely on substantially the same arguments and cases when
    they suggest, in the alternative, that the Alert constitutes harassment under
    section 527.6. This is an odd selection of statutes, as it details the procedure
    for a party seeking a civil restraining order against an alleged harasser. But
    even if we construe this argument liberally and look to the criminal statute
    that Piazza was actually charged with violating—misdemeanor electronic
    harassment under Penal Code section 653.2—the evidence again falls short of
    establishing he was necessarily guilty of that crime. As the trial court noted,
    “charges are only charges—not a conviction.”
    7     Plaintiffs press their point by citing two cases to support their position
    that the Alert was a “true threat,” but neither comes close to holding that
    similar conduct amounted to a criminal threat as a matter of law. (See
    Huntingdon Life Sciences, Inc. v. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty USA, Inc.
    129 Cal.App.4th 1228
    , 1246 (Huntingdon Life Sciences); Planned
    Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette, Inc. v. Am. Coalition of Life Activists
    (9th Cir. 2002) 
    290 F.3d 1058
    , 1062.)
    Taking a slightly different tact in their last illegality argument,
    plaintiffs contend the Alert’s offer of Front Sight credits and memberships
    was an unregistered sale of securities that violates both Nevada and federal
    law. This suggestion, again, falls short of demonstrating a criminal act as a
    matter of law. Instead, it raises a host of questions that are as yet
    undetermined—such as whether these were investments or donations and, if
    the former, whether any exemptions apply. Some language suggests a
    donation; Piazza characterized his program as a “reward” to his “loyal and
    supportive member[s] for your faith in Front Sight and your financial support
    in overcoming the obstacles of litigation.” But other language suggests some
    kind of investment structure; “benefits” will grow in accordance with the level
    of participation. Even assuming the program is more than a donation, it is
    unclear how various “credits” would later convert to ownership interests and
    when an ownership interest might mature: “When it is time to turn over
    Front Sight Firearms Training Institute to you, I will allow you to trade in
    your surplus credits, memberships, and certificates for your percentage of
    ownership.” Piazza seems to have left this intentionally vague. We agree
    with the trial court that “some of [the Alert’s] language arguably involves the
    sale of securities”—but this is less than definitive as a matter of law.
    On all of plaintiffs’ theories, there is a “factual dispute as to the
    legality” of Piazza’s actions in writing and distributing the Alert. As such,
    his special motion to strike cannot be denied on those grounds. (Paul for
    Council v. Hanyecz (2001) 
    85 Cal.App.4th 1356
    , 1367.)
    Apart from framing the Alert as a crime, plaintiffs attempt to wrest
    this communication from the protective reach of the anti-SLAPP statute by
    asserting it falls within the statute’s exception for commercial speech. This
    exception, detailed in section 425.17, subdivision (c), states that section
    425.16 “does not apply to any cause of action brought against a person
    primarily engaged in the business of selling or leasing goods or services”
    under specified conditions. It goes on to list the conditions that define the
    exception. (§ 425.17, subd. (c)(1)‒(c)(2).) This added detail has aided courts
    in determining that the legislature intended to exclude “ ‘only a subset of
    commercial speech’—specifically, comparative advertising.” (
    Inc. v. DoubleVerify Inc. (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 133
    , 147; see also All One God
    Faith, Inc. v. Organic & Sustainable Industry Standards, Inc. (2010) 
    183 Cal.App.4th 1186
    , 1217.)
    We are doubtful that Piazza’s Alert can be fairly described as primarily
    an effort to sell goods or services, but even assuming it was the Alert does not
    contain the comparative advertising that marks the commercial speech
    exception. This requirement is described in subdivision (c)(1), which clarifies
    that the “statement or conduct” the plaintiff’s claims arise from must
    “consist[] of representations of fact about [the defendant’s] or a business
    competitor’s business operations, goods, or services.” (§ 425.17, subd. (c)(1).)
    To fall within the exception then, the harm plaintiffs allege would have to
    derive from Piazza’s representations about his own business or a competitor’s
    business. (See, e.g., Mendoza, supra, 
    182 Cal.App.4th 1644
    , 1652.) That is
    not the case here, where plaintiffs generally allege harm from defamation,
    harassment, and threats.
    3.    Step Two: Plaintiffs Failed to Show They Could Prevail on Most of the
    In this section, we review the litigation privilege as applied to the facts
    of this case and conclude it defeats most—but not all—of plaintiffs’
    challenged claims. In particular, the doxing statements included in the Alert
    are not privileged.
    a.    The litigation privilege defeats most of plaintiffs’ claims.
    In the second prong of the anti-SLAPP analysis, where plaintiffs must
    demonstrate the “minimal merit” of their claims, they must also show they
    can overcome any affirmative defense the defendant has raised. (Dwight R.
    v. Christy B. (2013) 
    212 Cal.App.4th 697
    , 715‒716; Bently Reserve LP v.
    Papaliolios (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 418
    , 434.) Here, the trial court
    determined that plaintiffs could probably show minimal merit as to most of
    their claims8 except that they could not overcome Piazza’s defense that the
    litigation privilege applies to the Alert. We likewise agree that the litigation
    privilege disposes of most of plaintiffs’ challenged claims in the second part of
    the anti-SLAPP analysis.
    The litigation privilege is a statutory protection that has been
    interpreted expansively. (Civ. Code, § 47, subd. (b); Rubin v. Green (1993)
    4 Cal.4th 1187
    , 1194.) Although it is not a part of section 425.16, the
    privilege is often invoked in anti-SLAPP motions. (Jarrow Formulas, Inc. v.
    LaMarche (2003) 
    31 Cal.4th 728
    , 737.) It “applies to any communication
    (1) made in judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings; (2) by litigants or other
    participants authorized by law; (3) to achieve the objects of the litigation; and
    (4) that have some connection or logical relation to the action.” (Silberg v.
    8     The exception to this was plaintiffs’ first cause of action for criminal
    threats, which was pleaded under a criminal statute—Penal Code section
    422—that does not create a private right of action allowing an alleged threat
    victim to sue. This court requested supplemental briefing on various related
    issues, none of which proved central to our resolution of the case. However,
    in the course of that briefing we received a related motion from plaintiffs to
    consider additional evidence under Code of Civil Procedure section 909. We
    ordered that the motion be considered in conjunction with the appeal. We
    now deny it, however, finding no reason to depart from established norms
    that section 909 should be used sparingly. (Monsan Homes, Inc. v.
    Pogrebneak (1989) 
    210 Cal.App.3d 826
    , 830.)
    Anderson (1990) 
    50 Cal.3d 205
    , 212.) Its purpose is to “afford litigants and
    witnesses free access to the courts without fear of being harassed
    subsequently by derivative tort actions, to encourage open channels of
    communication and zealous advocacy, to promote complete and truthful
    testimony, to give finality to judgments, and to avoid unending litigation.”
    (Rusheen, supra, 
    37 Cal.4th 1048
    , 1063.) These policy considerations are
    paramount, and courts recognize that guarding them by adhering to the
    privilege will “result[] in some real injuries that go uncompensated.”
    (Silberg, supra, at p. 218.) This is “simply part of the price that is paid” for
    free access to the courts. (Pettitt v. Levy (1972) 
    28 Cal.App.3d 484
    , 488
    (Pettitt).) If the privilege applies, it cannot be set aside for any tort claim
    except malicious prosecution. (Rubin, 
    supra, at p. 1194
    Because the privilege “attaches to any publication that has any
    reasonable relation to [a court] action and is made to achieve the objects of
    the litigation,” we have little trouble concluding that the Alert generally falls
    under its broad scope. (Pettitt, supra, 
    28 Cal.App.3d 484
    , 489.) As discussed
    above, the Alert informed Front Sight members about the Nevada litigation
    and asked for their help to fund it. As such, it was written and distributed to
    achieve the ends of Piazza’s petition for judicial relief. (See Wilcox, supra,
    27 Cal.App.4th 809
    , 826 [third-party who distributed memorandum to raise
    funds for litigation “would have enjoyed an absolute immunity from suit
    under the litigation privilege” for her efforts if she had been a party]; see also
    Costa v. Superior Court (1984) 
    157 Cal.App.3d 673
    , 678; Izzi v. Rellas (1980)
    104 Cal.App.3d 254
    , 262‒263; Rosenthal v. Irell & Manella (1982) 
    135 Cal.App.3d 121
    , 126.) However, the fact that the Alert generally falls under
    the litigation privilege does not mean everything within it is automatically
    b.    The doxing allegations are not barred by the litigation privilege.
    Even when a document broadly relates to litigation, it may contain
    unrelated parts that do not find shelter in the privilege. When
    communications are “substantially extraneous” to the court proceedings,
    there are “reasonable limits” on the application of the privilege. (Nguyen v.
    Proton Technology Corp. (1999) 
    69 Cal.App.4th 140
    , 142‒143 (Nguyen).)
    The allegedly defamatory statements in this case meet the logical
    relation test because they serve the ends of the litigation. Impolite as his
    name-calling may read, Piazza would be hard pressed to tell his version of
    the story and request help from Front Sight members without the freedom to
    describe Dziubla as a liar and a con man.
    Piazza’s doxing disclosures are a different matter. There was simply no
    good reason to include Dziubla’s home address, images of his house and a
    close-up picture of his face in a communication aimed at explaining the status
    of ongoing litigation and soliciting financial support. Piazza argues to the
    contrary, asserting that he “specifically referenced Dziubla’s address and
    photos of his home to argue Dziubla was lying when he represented to Front
    Sight that he was broke.” But the accompanying text, describing Dziubla’s
    wealth based on the approximate worth of his home and possessions, had
    already accomplished this same purpose. Furthermore, the precise address is
    unnecessary and the pictures of the house hardly demonstrate Piazza’s point;
    the home does not appear particularly lavish and the make of the cars,
    depicted in an unlit garage, is indiscernible. All this information really
    provides is an additional tool for a would-be harasser to find the right house.
    Piazza’s failure to offer any justification at all for the close-up image of
    Dziubla’s face underscores our conclusion.
    We find Nguyen, supra, 
    69 Cal.App.4th 140
    , instructive due to its
    factual similarity. In that case, a company called Proton noticed a movement
    of employees and then customers to its competitor Excelsior and suspected
    improper solicitation. Nguyen was one of the employees who left Proton to
    join Excelsior. In a letter that threatened litigation, Proton advised Excelsior
    that Nguyen had been “working for Proton under a work furlough program
    sponsored by the Santa Clara County Probation Department [and] was in
    prison for repeatedly and violently assaulting his wife.” (Id. at pp. 143–144.)
    This turned out to be inaccurate, and Nguyen sued Proton for libel. (Id. at
    p. 145.) The court gave measured consideration to whether the litigation
    privilege protected Proton, but ultimately concluded it did not because
    Nguyen’s conviction history was unrelated to Proton’s contemplated litigation
    with Excelsior. (Id. at p. 152.) “The terms ‘related to’ or ‘connected with’
    necessarily require more than a remote relationship or common factual
    genesis between two otherwise unconnected subjects. To come within the
    privilege, the fact communicated itself must have some bearing on or
    connection with the subject matter of the litigation.” (Id. at p. 149; quoting
    Younger v. Solomon (1974) 
    38 Cal.App.3d 289
    , 302.)
    In this same vein, we conclude that the doxing information included in
    the Alert had no connection with, nor legitimate relation to, the Nevada
    litigation. As a result, it is not protected by the litigation privilege. Contrary
    to Piazza’s contentions, this court is not bound to interpret “logical relation”
    so expansively that we cannot separate the wheat from the chaff. And as the
    Nguyen court observed, enforcing the relevancy requirement does not narrow
    the litigation privilege, but rather prevents its abuse. (Nguyen, supra,
    69 Cal.App.4th 140
    , 150.)
    4.    Application on Remand
    In the preceding sections, we affirmed the principle that litigation-
    related communications such as the Alert fall under the protections of the
    anti-SLAPP statute in the first step of the analysis. In the second step, we
    clarified the contours of the litigation privilege and concluded that the doxing
    allegations fall outside of its protections because those disclosures were
    unrelated to the Nevada litigation. This last section functions to bring the
    discussion back to the practicalities of this case and clarify the effect of our
    decision on what remains of plaintiffs’ case.
    As we noted previously, the trial court granted Piazza’s special motion
    to strike as to six of the seven causes of action he challenged: Criminal
    Threats, Defamation, Privacy (False Light), Negligent Infliction of Emotional
    Distress, Injunction, and Violation of the Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976 (Civ.
    Code, § 51.7). Only two of these are revived by our decision because they
    specify the doxing disclosures as a source of injury, which we have
    determined provide a proper basis to proceed.
    The first is the civil rights cause of action, which partially survived the
    anti-SLAPP motion. In the words of Baral, this was a “mixed cause of
    action,” in that it included allegations of both protected and unprotected
    activity. (1 Cal.5th at p. 382.) Because it considered the Alert protected by
    the litigation privilege, the trial court struck the allegations based on the
    Alert but declined to strike those based on Piazza’s hiring of Quidang and
    Schneemann. Our decision modifies this result so that the alleged civil rights
    violation evidenced by the doxing can still be developed by plaintiffs.
    The second affected cause of action is plaintiffs’ request for an
    injunction.9 Here, plaintiffs asked the court to order Piazza to take down the
    Alert from Front Sight’s website, and it was stricken by the trial court under
    the same rationale—that the entire Alert was protected by the litigation
    privilege. In the meantime, Piazza took down the Alert as part of a deal to
    avoid prosecution for a misdemeanor charge. But as plaintiffs point out, the
    deal only requires Piazza’s compliance for six months. Given the personal
    and contentious nature of this dispute, the trial court should have the
    opportunity to consider whether an ongoing injunction to prevent Piazza from
    republishing the doxing information is warranted.
    These are the only causes of action before us that are affected by our
    decision. The others either did not rely on the doxing as a source of harm,10
    or suffer from some other defect.11 There were additional causes of action
    that Piazza did not challenge in his special motion to strike. Those theories,
    of course, remain for plaintiffs to pursue. And as we read the complaint, the
    9      We pass over the debate whether a claim for injunctive relief is
    properly characterized as a “cause of action” or is rather a “remedy.” (See,
    e.g., Guessous v. Chrome Hearts, LLC (2009) 
    179 Cal.App.4th 1177
    , 1787.)
    10    This was the case with the Defamation and False Light causes of
    action, which are based only on the alleged false statements about Dziubla in
    the Alert.
    11     The cause of action for Criminal Threats and the Negligent Infliction of
    Emotional Distress both fall into this category. As to Criminal Threats,
    plaintiffs essentially lack standing because the Penal Code violation they
    allege creates no right for plaintiffs to sue. The cause of action for Negligent
    Infliction of Emotional Distress is simply unsupported by the facts as pleaded
    because plaintiffs alleged nothing to show there was a special relationship
    that created a duty of care. (See Huntingdon Life Sciences, supra, 129
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1264; Potter v. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. (1993) 
    6 Cal.4th 965
    , 984‒985.)
    doxing allegations were incorporated by reference into each cause of action.
    We mention this only to clarify that, where it is relevant, plaintiffs can
    invoke the doxing activity as evidence to support any of their remaining
    causes of action.
    The order granting the special motion to strike is reversed in part as to
    two of plaintiffs’ cause of action ‒ the tenth, seeking an injunction, and the
    twelfth, alleging a civil rights violation ‒ but only as to the claims included in
    these causes of action that allege injury from the publication of their personal
    information, i.e., the doxing allegations. In all other respects, the order is
    affirmed. The matter is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion. The parties shall bear their own costs on
    DATO, J.
    HUFFMAN, Acting P. J.
    HALLER, J.