People v. Lewis CA2/5 ( 2020 )

  • Filed 12/30/20 P. v. Lewis CA2/5
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions
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    THE PEOPLE,                                                          B297167
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                  (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. PA089846)
    CARL LEWIS et al.,
    Defendants and Appellants.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Cynthia L. Ulfig, Judge. Affirmed as modified
    with directions as to defendant Lewis; remanded for resentencing
    as to defendant Ford.
    James M. Crawford, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant Carl Lewis.
    Cynthia L. Barnes for Defendant and Appellant Kewain
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Susan Sullivan Pithey, Senior
    Assistant Attorney General, Steven D. Matthews and J. Michael
    Lehmann, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and
    Defendants and appellants Carl Lewis and Kewain Ford
    appeal their convictions for robbery and related offenses arising
    from two robberies at Walgreens pharmacies. Defendants raise
    three issues: (1) insufficient evidence that Lewis kidnapped one
    of the pharmacists (specifically, the asportation element);
    (2) insufficient evidence of the gang enhancement; and (3) error
    in instructing with CALCRIM No. 361, on a defendant’s failure to
    explain or deny adverse testimony. We asked the parties to
    submit letter briefing on two additional issues: (4) whether part
    of each of defendants’ sentences must be stayed pursuant to
    Penal Code section 654; and (5) whether certain firearm and gang
    enhancements imposed and stayed on Ford’s false imprisonment
    counts must be stricken or modified.1 We modify Lewis’s
    sentence, remand for resentencing Ford, and otherwise affirm.
    1.     The Offenses
    On Halloween night 2017, defendants – both members of
    the Pacoima Piru Bloods gang – intended to rob a Walgreens
    pharmacy to obtain Oxycodone and other prescription drugs for
    personal use and resale on the street. Although the first robbery
    was successful, defendants discovered they had obtained the
    1       All undesignated statutory references are to the Penal
    wrong drugs, so they robbed a second Walgreens that night.
    Defendants were arrested fleeing the scene of the second robbery.
    A.    The First Robbery – Sherman Way
    The first robbery was committed at the Sherman Way
    Walgreens. Lewis wore a “Scream” Halloween costume; Ford
    wore a “Scream” mask without the full robe.2 First Ford, then
    Lewis, leapt over the pharmacy counter at the Walgreens. Ford
    flashed a gun at the pharmacist, T.K. Lewis asked T.K. where
    the “good stuff” was kept; T.K. rightly inferred that the men
    wanted narcotics.
    Walgreens pharmacies keep their narcotics in a safe in the
    back. The safe has four quadrants; each quadrant requires a key,
    but one quadrant has a time delay on the lock for extra security.
    The narcotics which are highly abused and highly addictive – and
    therefore, commonly stolen – are kept in the time-delayed
    quadrant in order to deter theft. When Lewis asked for the “good
    stuff,” T.K. walked back to the safe, followed by Lewis. He told
    her to open the safe. T.K. immediately opened one quadrant of
    the safe – not the time-delayed quadrant containing the
    narcotics. Lewis swept the medications off the safe shelves into
    his bag. Both defendants fled.3
    After they drove away from the Walgreens, Lewis pulled
    the car over to review their take. He was disheartened to learn
    that it was all useless medication, “Adderall, Ritalin, nothing
    basically that you can get high off of or sell.” Defendants chose to
    2     Lewis testified that he had shoplifted both costumes from
    the 99 Cents Store earlier that day.
    3     In the first robbery, defendants hired a lookout who Lewis
    said was not a gang member. He also fled.
    commit a second robbery. Lewis dumped the drugs, and the
    “Scream” costumes, in the trash.
    B.    The Second Robbery - Woodman
    The second robbery took place at the Woodman Avenue
    Walgreens. Defendants’ tactics were virtually identical to that of
    the first robbery. Wearing Halloween masks, the robbers entered
    the Walgreens. Ford and Lewis jumped over different counters to
    enter the pharmacy from both sides. When customers waiting
    outside the pharmacy saw this, they fled, leaving the area outside
    the pharmacy deserted. Ford flashed a gun. Lewis demanded
    Oxycodone from a pharmacist named T.L. T.L. felt an object
    touch her back; she thought it was a gun, although the jury found
    it was not. Lewis walked T.L. toward the drug safe. T.L.
    estimated the distance to be 15 to 20 feet; video shows Lewis
    walking T.L. past at least five pharmacy aisles. T.L. put her key
    in the time-delayed lock, which started counting up to three
    minutes. T.L. explained to Lewis that they had to wait for the
    three minutes before the safe would open. Lewis kept telling her
    to hurry up and open the safe; T.L. said she could do nothing
    until the clock ran.
    While Lewis was with T.L. at the safe, Ford gathered the
    other pharmacy employees to another part of the pharmacy, and
    directed them to look away. Ford stood for a time with T.L. and
    Lewis at the safe; then he leapt back over the counter to keep
    watch – he could see T.L. and the other employees from this
    location, and also watch the area around the pharmacy to see if
    anyone was coming to assist the victims. Pharmacist T.L. was
    isolated at the safe; she could not see her fellow employees and
    they could not see her. Nor could she see out the consultation
    window into the rest of the Walgreens. To the extent she could
    lean back to see the consultation window, she saw only Ford
    standing just beyond it, saying to hurry up. T.L. did not consider
    escaping; she thought it too dangerous, so she just kept her hands
    up and waited for the robbery to be over.
    After the three minutes elapsed, T.L. had to use her key a
    second time to open the safe. Lewis grabbed everything he could
    and defendants sprinted away.
    C.     The Arrest
    It is not clear who first alerted police to the second robbery
    at the Woodman Walgreens, but the three-minute time-delay on
    the safe may have given the authorities the head start they
    needed. By the time a police car arrived on the scene, a police
    helicopter was already overhead, and passersby directed police in
    the direction of defendants’ fleeing vehicle. After a brief pursuit,
    defendants exited their car and attempted to disappear into a
    residential neighborhood where children were trick-or-treating.
    Both defendants were captured on foot. As Ford was arrested, he
    dropped the mask he had used in the Woodman robbery. The car
    defendants had used was registered to Lewis. Lewis’s mask and
    the stolen drugs from the Woodman robbery were found in the
    car, as well as Lewis’s cell phone. The street value of the stolen
    drugs, which included over 4000 pills, was estimated to be
    D.     The Planned Drug Sales Would Have Benefitted
    the Gang
    It was undisputed that the purpose of the robberies was to
    obtain drugs for sale. One of the issues at trial was whether
    those anticipated drug sales would have benefitted defendants’
    gang or whether, as Lewis attempted to argue, they were simply
    for his own economic gain.
    Lewis testified at trial. He admitted that he had a history
    of drug sales. Indeed, drug sales were his source of income for
    most of his adult life. Lewis also admitted that he had been
    jumped into the Pacoima Piru Bloods at age 18 and had a gang
    moniker. Although Lewis conceded that he was never jumped
    out, he claimed that he had left the gang at age 36, some 12 years
    earlier, and had simply stopped associating with the gang. Lewis
    testified that none of his drug sales were ever part of his gang
    LAPD Officer Jeff Rood, the prosecution’s gang expert on
    the Pacoima Piru Bloods, testified that one of the gang’s primary
    activities is the sale of narcotics. He explained that robberies and
    drug sales support the gang financially, by bringing in money,
    which can be used to buy more drugs or firearms. Drug sales also
    fund the gang members’ lives, so that they need not have regular
    jobs. Officer Rood testified, in response to a hypothetical based
    on the facts of this case, that the robberies were for the benefit of
    the gang because gang members would get money from the
    anticipated drug sales. He also believed the robberies would
    have promoted the gang “as being the guys who have the best
    narcotics on the street, the best narcotics that they can sell,
    meaning prescription. They will get a lot more clients than just
    clients of individuals who use just common street drugs.” In
    response to a hypothetical positing that two Pacoima Piru
    members robbed a pharmacy, got away with it, sold the drugs,
    and made a profit they did not share with anyone else, Officer
    Rood testified this would nonetheless benefit the gang because,
    “[w]hen they sell the drugs, they are selling the drugs as Pacoima
    Piru gang members, as drug dealers representing Pacoima Piru.
    It allows the neighborhood and users, other gangs[,] to know that.
    [¶] The Pacoima Piru Bloods can get narcotics, whatever may be,
    and sell it and get rid of it fast because they get the good stuff or
    whatever it may be. Their goal is to get clients hooked, to get the
    community hooked and get that community coming back, because
    that is a consistent flow of money, like I said meth, heroin[],
    prescription pills, opioids, stuff of that nature.”
    Officer Rood added that if someone sells drugs in a gang’s
    territory, the gang must approve it and there has to be some
    benefit to the gang for that to occur. If it is not approved by the
    gang, there will be severe consequences, including the possibility
    of death.
    As to whether Lewis had, in fact, stopped associating with
    the gang, his cell phone included “selfie” photographs of himself
    throwing gang signs commonly associated with the gang. On
    October 1, 2017 – just a month before these robberies, Lewis was
    in attendance at a softball game between the Pacoima Pirus and
    another Blood set. At trial, Lewis admitted attending the game,
    but explained that it was an anti-violence softball game; he
    clarified that he had not stopped associating with his friends in
    the gang, he simply was no longer participating in “violent
    negativity actions.”
    As to whether Lewis sold drugs on behalf of the gang, his
    phone included a text message exchange in which someone
    commenced conversation with him by stating, “What up [P]iru?”
    and Lewis responded. In the course of the conversation, the other
    person asked Lewis about his ability to obtain drugs, to which
    Lewis responded affirmatively.4 Lewis agreed that people still
    4     Specifically, the person asked defendant, “Aye kan you still
    get yo hands on dat black for $650[?]” The gang expert explained
    that “black” referred to heroin, and the use of “k” for “c” (as in the
    know him by his gang moniker, and that they use gang “lingo”
    with him, which he uses back to them. Although he claimed to
    have left the gang, he did not make an effort to inform people of
    his real name.
    2.    The Charges
    The prosecution originally sought to proceed against
    defendants for the robbery and aggravated kidnapping of both
    pharmacists – T.K. and T.L. At the preliminary hearing, the
    court concluded the evidence of movement was insufficient to
    support aggravated kidnapping and reduced the charge to simple
    kidnapping in both instances.
    Defendants were both charged by amended information
    with the robbery (§ 211) and kidnapping (§ 207, subd. (a)) of both
    T.K. and T.L. With respect to each offense, a firearm
    enhancement (§ 12022.53, subd. (b)) and gang enhancement
    (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(C)) were also alleged with respect to each
    3.    The Verdicts
    The trial court asked the parties whether they wanted
    instruction on any lesser included offenses. Ford requested
    instruction on false imprisonment; Lewis did not want such
    instruction. The trial court complied, instructing on the lesser of
    felony false imprisonment only as to Ford.5
    word “can”) is common for Piru members who avoided the letter
    “c” as is “Crips.” Defendant responded to the text with a
    negotiation: “750$.. and got some China White.” China White is
    a designer form of synthetic heroin.
    5     The jury was not instructed on accomplice liability. It was
    instructed in the language of CALCRIM No. 203 to “separately
    consider the evidence as it applies to each defendant.”
    The jury returned the following verdicts: As to Ford, he
    was found guilty of both robberies, with the firearm and gang
    enhancements true. He was found not guilty of both
    kidnappings, but guilty of both false imprisonments, again with
    the firearm and gang enhancements true. As to Lewis, he was
    found guilty of both robberies, with the gang enhancement, but
    not the firearm enhancement, true. He was acquitted of
    kidnapping T.K., but convicted of kidnapping T.L., with the gang
    enhancement true.
    4.     Sentencing
    Ford was sentenced to 25 years in prison, calculated as the
    high term of 5 years for the first robbery, plus 10 years for the
    firearm enhancement, plus 10 years for the gang enhancement.
    Concurrent terms were imposed on the remaining counts;
    enhancements on those counts were imposed and stayed.
    Lewis was sentenced to 26 years, 8 months in prison,
    calculated as follows: For the T.L. kidnapping, the high term of 8
    years, plus 10 years for the gang enhancement. For each of the
    two robberies, a consecutive term of 4 years, four months,
    calculated as one-third the midterm of 3 years, plus one-third the
    enhancement term of 10 years.6
    6      Although Lewis’s abstract of judgment mathematically
    adds the consecutive terms in the total sentence, the box is
    checked for these terms to be “concurrent.” As we modify Lewis’s
    sentence and direct preparation of a new abstract, we also direct
    the trial court to correct the abstract to reflect consecutive
    sentences for Lewis.
    1.     Sufficiency of the Evidence of Asportation of T.L.
    Lewis argues there is insufficient evidence that he
    kidnapped T.L., specifically, as to the element of asportation.
    When a defendant questions the sufficiency of the evidence,
    we are required “to review the record ‘ “ ‘in the light most
    favorable to the prosecution to determine whether it contains
    evidence that is reasonable, credible, and of solid value, from
    which a rational trier of fact could find the defendant guilty
    beyond a reasonable doubt.’ ” [Citations.]’ [Citation.]” (People v.
    Arias (2011) 
    193 Cal. App. 4th 1428
    , 1434.)
    There is a distinction between the asportation requirement
    for aggravated kidnapping (e.g., kidnapping for the purpose of
    robbery under section 209, subdivision (b)) and the asportation
    requirement for simple kidnapping, even when the simple
    kidnapping is in the course of a robbery.
    Specifically, the asportation element for aggravated
    kidnapping requires movement of the victim that both (1) is not
    merely incidental to the robbery; and (2) increases the risk of
    harm to the victim over and above the harm necessarily present
    in the robbery. (People v. Williams (2017) 
    7 Cal. App. 5th 644
    , 667
    (Williams); People v. Shadden (2001) 
    93 Cal. App. 4th 164
    , 168
    [similar test for kidnapping for rape].)
    The asportation element of simple kidnapping requires only
    that the movement be substantial in character. However, there
    is no specific minimum distance which must be met for the
    movement to be substantial. (People v. Singh (2019)
    42 Cal. App. 5th 175
    , 187–188 [movement of a victim a mere ten
    feet is substantial, when the victim is a helpless child and the
    movement takes the child away from his mother who is standing
    in a bus ready to depart].) In determining whether the
    movement is substantial, the trier of fact may consider more than
    actual distance. (People v. Martinez (1999) 
    20 Cal. 4th 225
    , 235.)
    As was the case here, the jury is to be instructed to consider the
    totality of the circumstances in determining whether the
    movement is substantial. (Id. at p. 237.) Some of the factors a
    jury may consider, in addition to the actual distance, are whether
    the movement increased the risk of harm above that which
    existed prior to the asportation, decreased the likelihood of
    detection, and increased the danger inherent in a victim’s
    foreseeable attempts to escape and the attacker’s enhanced
    opportunity to commit additional crimes. (Ibid.) “[I]n a case
    involving an associated crime, the jury should be instructed to
    consider whether the distance a victim was moved was incidental
    to the commission of that crime in determining the movement’s
    substantiality.” (Ibid.) We emphasize our Supreme Court’s
    language here: kidnapping for robbery requires that the distance
    moved not be merely incidental to the commission of the robbery;
    but for simple kidnapping, whether the movement is merely
    incidental to the robbery is only one of several factors the jury is
    to consider in its overall determination of whether the movement
    is substantial.
    Here, considering the totality of the circumstances, the jury
    found the movement of T.L. substantial. This conclusion is
    supported by sufficient evidence. Lewis moved T.L. 15 to 20 feet,
    from the front of the pharmacy where she was with her fellow
    employees, to the back where she was isolated from view – able to
    see only Lewis and his armed accomplice. The defendants kept
    her separated from the others at this spot for three minutes while
    waiting for the safe to open, during which time both defendants
    urged T.L. to hurry – a process over which she had no control.
    This increased the risk of harm to T.L. and the defendants’
    opportunity to commit additional crimes. There was a risk that
    the defendants would take out their frustrations at the time
    delay on T.L., and there was no one to whom she could turn for
    assistance. (See 
    Arias, supra
    , 193 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1430, 1435
    [simple kidnapping asportation established when defendant
    forced the victim to walk 15 feet, at gunpoint, from outside to an
    indoor location, increasing risk].)
    Lewis disagrees, relying primarily on authority holding
    that robbery is not elevated to aggravated kidnapping merely
    because the robber moves the victim inside the premises to the
    location where the valuables are held. 
    (Williams, supra
    7 Cal.App.5th at p. 669.) But this is a case of simple kidnapping,
    in which the totality of the circumstances analysis applies. In
    any event, we find the additional circumstance of keeping T.L.
    trapped at the safe while waiting for the time-delay renders this
    case distinguishable.7
    2.     Sufficiency of the Evidence of the Gang Enhancement
    Both defendants argue the evidence is insufficient to
    establish the gang enhancement. Specifically, they deny that
    substantial evidence supported the finding that the crimes were
    committed “for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association
    7     Lewis relies on 
    Williams, supra
    , 7 Cal.App.5th at p. 644 to
    suggest that if the movement is only incidental to the robbery,
    defendant cannot be convicted of simple kidnapping. To the
    extent that is the holding in Williams, we respectfully disagree
    with it. As for Lewis’s contention that, because Williams was a
    Second District case, we are obligated to follow it, he is wrong.
    (Gonzalez v. Lew (2018) 
    20 Cal. App. 5th 155
    , 166, fn. 7 [“[t]here is
    no horizontal stare decisis in the California Court[s] of Appeal”].)
    with any criminal street gang, with the specific intent to promote,
    further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members.”
    (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1).) Defendants argue that they committed
    the robberies and kidnapping to obtain drugs for personal use
    and personal sale – not in association with or to benefit the
    There are two elements here. The first is that the offense
    be committed “for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in
    association with any criminal street gang.” The second is that
    the offense be committed “with the specific intent to promote,
    further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members.”
    (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1).) We address the two elements separately.
    A.    “For the benefit of, at the direction of, or in
    association with any criminal street gang”
    Before considering the evidence of the first element, we
    have one preliminary observation. The association/direction/
    benefit alternative is in the disjunctive. “The crucial element,
    however, requires that the crime be committed (1) for the benefit
    of, (2) at the direction of, or (3) in association with a gang.”
    (People v. Morales (2003) 
    112 Cal. App. 4th 1176
    , 1198.) In People
    v. Albillar (2010) 
    51 Cal. 4th 47
    , 59, our Supreme Court
    8     Lewis specifically focuses his argument on the T.L.
    kidnapping, suggesting that there was no evidence that the
    kidnapping itself was gang-related. The evidence was that Lewis
    kidnapped T.L. in order to obtain the narcotics from the safe. In
    other words, when considering defendants’ purposes in
    committing these offenses, their intent was the same for all of the
    considered the association and benefit alternatives separately, as
    do we.9
    The prosecution gang expert, Officer Rood, was asked to
    consider a lengthy hypothetical mirroring the facts of this case.
    The prosecutor then asked if Officer Rood had an opinion
    whether the crimes in the hypothetical were “for the benefit or in
    association with the Pacoima Piru Bloods street gang.” The
    officer’s initial answer addressed both alternatives. “The
    association, meaning the multiple gang members committing
    crimes together. The benefit is financially, they are going to
    benefit from the theft of the narcotics in which they will be able
    to sell that, turn around and get money to benefit the gang to buy
    more narcotics and more weapons, to commit more crimes
    against other gang members, community members, to continue to
    instill fear upon the community in which they claim territory to.”
    We consider first whether substantial evidence supported
    the “benefit of the gang” alternative. Defendant Lewis testified
    at trial that he had a history of selling drugs but denied that his
    sales were gang-related. Officer Rood saw the connection. Later
    in his testimony, he said that the sale of drugs was one of the
    Piru Bloods’s primary activities. Sales benefitted the gang
    financially because they enabled the gang to buy weapons and
    more drugs. Drug money funded the gang members’ lifestyles so
    they had the freedom to commit other crimes. Officer Rood also
    testified that other gang members would get money from
    anticipated sales. Even if drug money were not shared with
    9     The court’s discussion of the association element was at 51
    Cal.4th at pages 60-63; the discussion of the benefit to the gang
    was at pages 63-64. Neither the Supreme Court nor the parties
    here discuss separately the “direction” alternative.
    other gang members, the gang would benefit from the present
    robberies because members would be known as “the guys who
    have the best narcotics on the street, the best narcotics that they
    can sell, meaning prescription.” Piru Bloods had “the good stuff,”
    which distinguished Piru Bloods from other gangs that only sold
    street drugs. The prescription drugs could be sold more quickly.
    According to Officer Rood, Lewis’s personal involvement in
    drug sales that benefitted the gang could be seen in a series of
    phone text messages to and from Lewis. In one text, someone
    asked Lewis, “What’s up Piru?” and Lewis responded. The other
    person then asked Lewis about his ability to obtain drugs. Lewis
    responded affirmatively using a code adopted by the Piru Bloods
    that had a derogatory reference to a rival gang.10 We conclude
    substantial evidence supported the “for the benefit” alternative in
    section 186.22, subdivision (b)(1).
    Because the “benefit” and “association” alternatives are in
    the disjunctive, we briefly discuss the evidence that the robberies
    were committed in association with other gang members. To
    establish the association alternative, the defendants’ conduct
    must “exceed[] that which was necessary to establish that the
    offenses were committed in concert.” (People v. 
    Albillar, supra
    51 Cal.4th at p. 61.) Officer Rood acknowledged that not every
    crime committed by multiple gang members is committed in
    association with the gang. Here, there was evidence that Ford
    and Lewis had a friendship and possibly were related, suggesting
    the robberies were for personal gain.11 In contrast, Officer Rood
    10    See footnote 3 above.
    11    During his testimony, Lewis referred to Ford as “[m]y
    testified: “If you are using more than one gang member you are
    obviously using because you trust your fellow gang members
    which is why you are committing the crime with them, not
    choosing to do it by yourself or do it with just anyone. You have
    chosen your fellow gang members because you trust them
    because they are part of your neighborhood, they are part of
    someone you know is down because they have earned their name
    and moniker, they are willing to commit crimes to benefit the
    Although we find this evidence is weaker than Officer
    Rood’s testimony about these crimes benefitting the gang, the
    totality of his testimony is substantial evidence of the
    benefit/direction/association element of section 186.22,
    subdivision (b)(1).
    B.     “With the specific intent to promote, further, or
    assist in any criminal conduct by gang
    We find the second element of section 186.22(b)(1) — “with
    the specific intent to promote, further, or assist in any criminal
    conduct by gang members” – was also supported by substantial
    evidence. This element does not require evidence of a specific
    intent to assist the gang, only the specific intent to promote
    criminal conduct by gang members. In People v. 
    Albillar, supra
    51 Cal.4th at p. 68, the court held that “if substantial evidence
    establishes that the defendant intended to and did commit the
    charged felony with known members of a gang, the jury may
    fairly infer that the defendant had the specific intent to promote,
    further, or assist criminal conduct by those gang members.” The
    same inference is more compelling in those situations, such as
    this one, in which two gang members commit crimes not only in
    association with, but also for the benefit, of the gang. We
    conclude the same evidence that demonstrated the crimes
    benefitted the gang also supported the intent to promote the
    criminal conduct of gang members.12
    3.     Any Error in Giving CALCRIM No. 361 Was Harmless
    After Lewis testified, the trial court instructed the jury in
    the language of CALCRIM No. 361 as follows: “If the defendant
    failed in his testimony to explain or deny evidence against him,
    and if he could reasonably be expected to have done so based on
    what he knew, you may consider his failure to explain or deny in
    evaluating that evidence. Any such failure is not enough by itself
    to prove guilt. [¶] The People must still prove the defendant
    guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the defendant failed to
    explain or deny, it is up to you to decide the meaning and
    importance of that failure.”
    As the late Justice Donald Gates wrote of CALCRIM
    No. 361’s predecessor, CALJIC No. 2.62, “We heartily agree that
    in light of the hostile reception this instruction has received of
    12     We find the present case is distinguishable from In re
    Daniel C. (2011) 
    195 Cal. App. 4th 1350
    , on which Lewis relies. In
    Daniel C., the defendant intended to shoplift a bottle of liquor,
    but ended up committing a robbery when the store’s assistant
    manager tried to stop him. (Id. at p. 1353.) Defendant had acted
    alone, although his companions were waiting outside. (Ibid.) On
    appeal, the court rejected the notion “that stealing a bottle of
    liquor to drink with companions is, in itself, sufficient to support
    a conclusion that the theft was intended to promote, further or
    assist criminal conduct by gang members.” (Id. at p. 1364.) In
    the present case, defendants were not acting alone to obtain
    something for personal use; they were acting together to obtain
    something for resale in the name of the gang and in furtherance
    of the gang’s reputation in the community.
    late from legal logicians and semanticists [citations], it will
    always be unwise of a trial court to include it among its general
    instructions without prior inquiry of the parties concerning it. In
    fact, today it should not even be requested by either side unless
    there is some specific and significant defense omission that the
    prosecution wishes to stress or the defense wishes to mitigate. In
    the typical case it will add nothing of substance to the store of
    knowledge possessed by a juror of average intelligence.
    Furthermore, if its terms are adhered to, as presumably they will
    be, its message will be essentially irrelevant in the absence of
    some designated glaring hiatus in the defendant’s testimony. In
    such an instance, of course, this lacuna will presumably be the
    subject of debate and emphasis during the parties’ arguments to
    the jury, with or without the neutral guidelines contained in this
    recently disfavored instruction.” (People v. Haynes (1983)
    148 Cal. App. 3d 1117
    , 1119–1120.)
    Yet, the erroneous use of the predecessor instruction was
    routinely found to be harmless, largely because the instruction
    itself contains limiting language. (People v. Lamer (2003)
    110 Cal. App. 4th 1463
    , 1472.) It does not direct the jury to draw
    an adverse inference; it expressly applies only if the jury finds a
    failure to explain or deny evidence. It further cautions that
    failure to explain or deny does not create a presumption of guilt
    or otherwise relieve the prosecution of its burden. (Ibid.)
    We review claims of instructional error de novo. (People v.
    Grandberry (2019) 
    35 Cal. App. 5th 599
    , 604.) The task of a
    reviewing court examining a claim that CALCRIM No. 361 was
    erroneously given is to ascertain if the defendant failed to explain
    or deny any fact or evidence which was within the scope of
    relevant cross-examination and was within the defendant’s
    knowledge which he did not explain or deny. (Id. at p. 606.) The
    focus is not on what was adduced during cross-examination, but
    on what could have been asked of the defendant in light of the
    evidence presented in the prosecution’s case-in-chief and the
    defendant’s own testimony. (Id. at p. 608.) If giving the
    instruction was error, the harmlessness standard of People v.
    Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    , 836, applies. We consider whether
    it is reasonably probable that a result more favorable to the
    defendant would have been reached in the absence of the error.
    (People v. 
    Lamer, supra
    , 110 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1471–1472.)
    Here, at the jury instruction conference prior to Lewis’s
    decision to testify, the court deferred a decision on CALCRIM
    No. 361 until after Lewis made his decision. After Lewis
    testified, however, there was no further discussion of whether
    CALCRIM No. 361 would be given.
    We find it unnecessary to pore through the record for
    testimony that Lewis did not explain or deny. Instead, for sake of
    discussion, we will assume error and conclude it was harmless.
    Lewis admitted committing the robberies, and his conduct during
    the crimes was captured on video from the pharmacies. The jury
    evaluated the videos and the testimony and reasonably concluded
    that while Lewis kidnapped T.L. (at the second pharmacy) he did
    not kidnap T.K. (at the first). As to Lewis’s gang involvement,
    although he claimed to have left the gang, the undisputed
    evidence was that he still associated with gang members, still
    used his gang moniker, and still used gang language – even in
    the course of conducting his drug dealing operations. While the
    prosecutor rightly questioned the logic of Lewis’s testimony in
    argument to the jury, the prosecution did not call attention to
    this instruction or the inference it allowed. The jury was
    instructed in the language of CALCRIM No. 200 that some of the
    instructions may not apply, and that it should only use those
    instructions which apply based on the facts it finds. There is no
    reasonable probability that the jury would have reached a
    different verdict in the absence of this unemphasized instruction.
    Lewis’s contrary arguments do not persuade us: “The
    logical inference from this instruction being included was that
    Lewis was being either dishonest or evasive in trial, with the
    result being that the jury did not believe Lewis’s claims that he
    was committing the robberies to furnish his personal drug habit
    and pay personal expenses.” Lewis’s suggestion that the mere
    inclusion of the instruction informed the jury that he must have
    been either dishonest or evasive goes against the express
    language of both CALCRIM No. 200 and the instruction itself.
    The instruction simply permits an adverse inference if the jury
    finds the necessary prerequisite of a failure to explain or deny.
    The jury disbelieved Lewis not because of the perhaps erroneous
    inclusion of a facially inapplicable instruction, but because his
    testimony was inherently not worthy of belief.
    4.     Defendants’ Sentences Must Be Modified Under
    Section 654
    Section 654 prohibits multiple punishments for the same
    act. Further, it bars multiple punishment for separate offenses
    arising out of a single occurrence where all of the offenses were
    incidental to one objective. 
    (Williams, supra
    , 7 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 695.) We sought additional briefing on the application of
    section 654 to this case. Defendants argued, the prosecution
    concurred, and we agree to the following modifications:
    Lewis was sentenced to a principal term for the kidnapping
    of T.L. (count 4), with a consecutive subordinate term for, among
    other things, the robbery of T.L. (count 3). Where the kidnapping
    effectuates the robbery, the robbery sentence must be stayed
    under section 654 pending completion of the sentence for
    kidnapping the same victim. (See People v. Eddahbi (1988)
    199 Cal. App. 3d 1135
    , 1143.)
    Similarly, Ford was sentenced to a principal term for the
    robbery of T.K. (count 1) with concurrent terms for the false
    imprisonment of T.K. (count 2) and the robbery of T.L. and false
    imprisonment of T.L. (counts 3 and 4). As the robbery and false
    imprisonment of each victim were part of an indivisible course of
    conduct committed pursuant to a single objective, the false
    imprisonment terms must be stayed pending completion of the
    sentences for the related robberies. (People v. 
    Williams, supra
    7 Cal.App.5th at p. 695.)
    5.    Issues Related to Defendant Ford’s Sentence and
    Enhancements for False Imprisonment
    Ford received concurrent terms for the two counts of false
    imprisonment, which, as discussed above, must be stayed. For
    each false imprisonment count, a 10-year enhancement for
    personal use of a firearm (§ 12022.53, subd. (b)) and an additional
    10-year gang enhancement (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(C)) were
    imposed and stayed.
    As to the firearm enhancement, section 12022.53,
    subdivision (b) provides a 10-year sentence enhancement for the
    personal use of a firearm in the commission of a felony
    enumerated in subdivision (a). While kidnapping and robbery
    are so enumerated (§ 12022.53, subds. (a)(3), (a)(4)), false
    imprisonment is not. The firearm enhancements on Ford’s two
    false imprisonment counts must be stricken.
    The section 186.22, subdivision (b) gang enhancement
    applies to any felony. However, it imposes a different term
    depending on whether the offense is a felony, serious felony, or
    violent felony. The trial court imposed and stayed 10 years,
    which is the term for a violent felony. (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(C).)
    False imprisonment is not included in the list of violent felonies.
    (§ 667.5, subd. (c).) The prosecution does not argue that the false
    imprisonments in this case were serious felonies. The
    appropriate term is therefore two, three, or four years, at the
    court’s discretion. (§ 186.22, subd. (b)(1)(A).) We therefore
    remand for the trial court to exercise its sentencing discretion on
    this issue.
    As to defendant Lewis, the judgment is modified as follows:
    the consecutive sentence imposed on count 3, and its related gang
    enhancement, shall be stayed pursuant to section 654. The trial
    court is directed to prepare a new abstract of judgment reflecting
    these changes and that Lewis’s sentence was consecutive, not
    concurrent. The clerk shall forward the new abstract to the
    Department of Corrections. As modified, the judgment is
    As to defendant Ford, the concurrent terms imposed on
    counts 2 and 4 shall be stayed pursuant to section 654. The
    firearm enhancements, on counts 2 and 4, on which sentence had
    already been stayed, shall be stricken. The matter is remanded
    for the trial court to exercise its discretion as to the term to be
    imposed and stayed for the gang enhancement. The judgment is
    otherwise affirmed.
    RUBIN, P. J.
    BAKER, J.
    KIM, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B297167

Filed Date: 12/31/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 12/31/2020