Jeppson v. Ley ( 2020 )

  • Filed 1/30/20
    MICHAEL JEPPSON,                      B292166
    Plaintiff and Respondent,     (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC684635)
    ERIC LEY et al.,
    Defendants and Appellants.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Maureen Duffy-Lewis, Judge. Affirmed.
    Paul Law Firm, Bryon P. Josselyn, and Joshua S. Paul for
    Defendants and Appellants.
    Law Offices of Barry G. Florence and Barry G. Florence;
    Law Offices of Kenneth W. Ralidis and Kenneth W. Ralidis for
    Plaintiff and Respondent.
    This case requires us to define the “public interest” in the
    internet age. The issue arises in an anti-SLAPP motion: a
    special motion to strike claims under Code of Civil Procedure
    section 425.16. This statute can apply if the targeted claims
    arose from “protected activity,” which the statute defines to
    include statements on an issue of “public interest.”
    Neighbors Eric Ley and Michael Jeppson are in a feud.
    Ley’s dog killed Jeppson’s cat. Aided by lawyers, Ley and
    Jeppson settled for $2,000 and a written agreement with a non-
    disparagement clause. But then Ley posted a hostile message on
    a neighborhood blog about Jeppson, who responded by suing Eric
    Ley and his wife for breach of contract, defamation, and
    intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Leys filed a
    special motion to strike Jeppson’s complaint under Code of Civil
    Procedure section 425.16, which the court denied.
    We affirm because Ley’s new round in this neighborhood
    quarrel raised no issue of “public interest.” Code references are
    to the Code of Civil Procedure.
    Jeppson and the Leys are neighbors. They live a block and
    a half from each other. After the Leys’ dog killed Jeppson’s cat,
    the Leys paid Jeppson $2,000 as part of a mutual release and
    settlement agreement. Counsel advised the parties. The
    agreement contained a “Mutual Non-Disparagement” provision.
    Bonnie Cates is another neighbor. After the Leys and
    Jeppson settled, a court granted Cates a civil harassment
    restraining order against Jeppson. Cates and her husband
    Jeffrey Otto alleged Jeppson hired men to cut through their
    fence, to trespass, and to trim their tree. Jeppson previously
    demanded Cates and Otto cut the tree because it interfered with
    his ocean view; he had threatened action if he did not get his way.
    They said Jeppson had intimidated them by screaming at them
    at their house. Part of the restraining order commanded Jeppson
    to dispose of guns.
    Cates told Heidi Ley about her troubles with Jeppson.
    Heidi Ley told Eric Ley, who “felt compelled” to warn the
    community to be aware of Jeppson.
    On a neighborhood website called that
    allegedly reached some 951 neighbors, Eric Ley wrote a post
    titled “Michael Jeppson’s Restraining Order.” Ley wrote under
    the pseudonym “Ken Barrett,” as follows:
    “Since this is a neighborhood blog, I feel it is important to
    provide information about the case against Michael
    Jeppson for trespassing and vandalism on his neighbor’s
    property. Michael Jeppson of Raymond James Financial
    Corporation and Jeppson Wealth Management could face
    jail time for these charges. Most importantly, a restraining
    order was issued on 6/27/2017, and the courts forced
    Michael Jeppson to relinquish his gun arsenal due to the
    danger he poses to his neighbors. If interested, you can
    review the court document at for a one dollar
    fee. The signs in Michael Jeppson’s yard pictured below
    warn the neighborhood that he intends to solve disputes
    with gun violence, and he has stated this intent in
    countless blog posts and neighborhood fliers. Beware!”
    Ley’s post attached three photos of Jeppson’s yard signs,
    which forbade trespassing with images of guns and a bullet-
    riddled human silhouette.
    Jeppson sued the Leys for breach of contract, defamation,
    and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Leys filed a
    special motion to strike under section 425.16 in response to
    Jeppson’s complaint, supported by declarations and other
    evidence. Jeppson opposed the Leys’ motion. The Leys appeal
    the trial court’s denial of their special motion to strike.
    The law requires affirmance.
    We independently review rulings on special motions to
    strike. (Monster Energy Co. v. Schechter (2019) 7 Cal.5th 781,
    Special motions to strike proceed in two steps. First the
    court determines whether Jeppson’s claims arose from protected
    activity. The second step is a summary-judgment-like procedure
    to determine whether a plaintiff can establish a probability of
    success for each claim. (Wilson v. Cable News Network, Inc.
    (2019) 7 Cal.5th 871, 884 (Wilson).)
    The first step, decisive of this appeal, is whether the Leys
    showed Jeppson’s claims arose from “protected activity,” which
    includes “any written or oral statement or writing made in a
    place open to the public or a public forum in connection with an
    issue of public interest . . . .” (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(3), italics added.)
    Determining the “public interest” invokes the public/private
    distinction, which is one of the most malleable in all the law.
    (See Rand Resources, LLC v. City of Carson (2019) 6 Cal.5th 610,
    621 [“we have struggled with the question of what makes
    something an issue of public interest”] (Rand); cf. Horwitz, The
    History of the Public/Private Distinction (1977) 130 U. Pa. L.Rev.
    1423 [tracing history of distinction from the late medieval
    period]; see 
    id. at p.
    1426 [“By 1940, it was a sign of legal
    sophistication to understand the arbitrariness of the division of
    law into public and private realms”].)
    We are fully aware of the plasticity of the abstract notion of
    the “public interest.” But our inquiry is not abstract. The
    Legislature wrote these two words, did not define them, and thus
    delegated the definitional job to the judiciary. Courts have been
    interpreting these statutory words for many years. The anchor of
    precedent moors us.
    The six anchoring precedents are Rand, Rivero, Weinberg,
    Workman, Abuemeira, and FilmOn. 
    (Rand, supra
    , 6 Cal.5th 610;
    Rivero v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal
    Employees, AFL–CIO (2003) 
    105 Cal. App. 4th 913
    Weinberg v. Feisel (2003) 
    110 Cal. App. 4th 1122
    Workman v. Colichman (2019) 33 Cal.App.5th 1039 (Workman);
    Abuemeira v. Stephens (2016) 
    246 Cal. App. 4th 1291
    (Abuemeira); Inc. v. DoubleVerify Inc. (2019) 7 Cal.5th 133
    We assay these six precedents to decide this case.
    The Rand decision from the Supreme Court commands our
    first attention because it stated an authoritative general rule.
    Rand involved a business dispute between stadium developer
    Richard Rand and the City of Carson about a potential football
    franchise for the city. 
    (Rand, supra
    , 6 Cal.5th at pp. 616–619.)
    Rand is significant here, not because its facts are close to
    this case — they are not — but because it set forth a general
    definition of “public interest.” It did so by stating three
    qualifying categories of statements or conduct, as follows.
    1. The first category is when the statement or conduct
    concerns a person or entity in the public eye.
    2. The second category is when the case involves
    conduct that could directly affect a large number of
    people beyond the direct participants.
    3. The third category is when the case involves a topic
    of widespread public interest. 
    (Rand, supra
    , 6 Cal.5th
    at p. 621.)
    Rand quoted this three-part definition from the 2003
    Rivero case, which is the case we analyze next. 
    (Rand, supra
    , 6
    Cal.5th at p. 621 [citing 
    Rivero, supra
    , 105 Cal.App.4th at pp.
    919–924].) The Supreme Court’s citation and reliance endows
    Rivero with special authority, so to Rivero we turn.
    The 2003 Rivero decision is the historic taproot of the
    guiding doctrine.
    David Rivero had, for 18 years, supervised the eight
    janitors at International House on the campus of the University
    of California at Berkeley. Three of Rivero’s subordinates accused
    him of wrongdoing. Even though an investigation could not
    substantiate their accusations, Rivero still lost his job as
    supervisor. Rivero sued the janitors’ union, claiming it caused
    his termination by circulating disparaging documents about him.
    Rivero, supra
    , 105 Cal.App.4th at p. 916.)
    Rivero’s claims included defamation and intentional
    infliction of emotional distress. Jeppson sues on these same
    grounds in this case. Also, as in this case the defense — there,
    the union — filed a special motion to strike. The trial court
    denied the union’s special motion to strike, ruling the union’s
    statements about Rivero raised no issue of public interest.
    Rivero, supra
    , 105 Cal.App.4th at p. 917.)
    On appeal, the Rivero court affirmed. The opinion
    surveyed case law about the “public interest” and found in each
    case the challenged statements concerned either:
    1. a person or entity in the public eye,
    2. conduct that could directly affect a large number of people
    beyond the direct participants, or
    3. a topic of widespread public interest. (
    Rivero, supra
    , 105
    Cal.App.4th at p. 924.)
    These are the same three categories the Supreme Court
    quoted in Rand. 
    (Rand, supra
    , 6 Cal.5th at p. 621.)
    The phrasing of test three opened it to circularity, because
    defining the “public interest” as a “topic of widespread public
    interest” threatens to reduce the test to a tautology. But the
    Rivero decision quelled this threat with further analysis that
    deflated two union efforts to abstract the case’s narrow topic into
    a grander and more sweeping “public” issue.
    We attend carefully to these two responses in Rivero, which
    were doctrinally prescient and which affect our decision of this
    The union made two invalid arguments of this kind,
    seeking to enlarge its complaints about the supervisor of eight
    janitors into broad statements about the “public interest.”
    First, the union said statements concern a public issue
    when people criticize unlawful workplace activities, because
    public policy favors such criticism. The Rivero court responded
    that, if that argument sufficed, then nearly every workplace
    dispute would qualify as a matter of public interest. But
    “unlawful workplace activity below some threshold level of
    significance is not an issue of public interest, even though it
    implicates a public policy.” (
    Rivero, supra
    , 105 Cal.App.4th at p.
    924.) Rivero thus rejected the union’s first effort at abstraction.
    Second, the union claimed the topic was of public interest
    because Rivero worked at a publicly-financed institution. The
    court also rejected this argument because it too “sweeps too
    broadly.” Applying this argument generally, “every allegedly
    inappropriate use of public funds, no matter how minor, would
    constitute a matter of public interest. However, the theft of a
    single pencil . . . cannot amount to a public issue.” (
    Rivero, supra
    105 Cal.App.4th at pp. 925–926.)
    These two aspects of Rivero prefigured the Supreme Court’s
    decision in FilmOn by 16 years. We return to the substance of
    FilmOn as the sixth case in our list. For now, we simply observe
    that, like Rand, FilmOn (and also the Wilson case) cited Rivero
    approvingly, thus reinforcing Rivero’s status as especially
    (FilmOn, supra
    , 7 Cal.5th at pp. 149 & 150 [citing
    Wilson, supra
    , 7 Cal.5th at pp. 901 & 903 [also citing
    Rivero approvingly].)
    In sum, the basic Rivero holding was that Rivero was a
    nonentity. The only people directly involved in and affected by
    the situation were Rivero and the eight custodians. Rivero’s
    supervision of those eight people was “hardly a matter of public
    interest.” (
    Rivero, supra
    , 105 Cal.App.4th at p. 924.)
    Our third guiding precedent is Weinberg, which also is from
    2003. Weinberg extensively cited and relied upon Rivero.
    Plaintiff Weinberg and defendant Feisel were “aficionados
    of token collecting.” Both belonged to the National Token
    Collectors’ Association, which had about 700 members, and the
    Western States Token Society, which had about 50 members.
    (Weinberg, supra
    , 110 Cal.App.4th at p. 1127.)
    Feisel accused Weinberg of stealing one of Feisel’s tokens at
    a token show. Feisel confronted Weinberg, got no satisfaction,
    and began a campaign to oust Weinberg from the token collecting
    avocation. Feisel published an ad in the national association’s
    monthly newsletter, called Talkin’ Tokens, that publicized
    aspects of the situation. Then he sent letters to over 20
    collectors. Feisel also succeeded in barring Weinberg from the
    Western States Token Society Token Jamboree. Feisel continued
    to disparage Weinberg by writing to other collectors and by
    complaining to Weinberg’s fellow retired police officer that
    Weinberg had a violent temper. 
    (Weinberg, supra
    , 110
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 1127–1129.)
    Weinberg sued Feisel on some of the same claims as in this
    case: defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
    Feisel filed a special motion to strike, which the trial court
    denied. The Court of Appeal affirmed.
    The Weinberg decision surveyed a mass of decisions,
    including Rivero, to hold this controversy between token
    collectors was a private matter and not of public interest. The
    court stressed Feisel neither reported Weinberg to police nor sued
    him civilly. Rather, Feisel merely “began a private campaign” to
    discredit Weinberg “in the eyes of a relatively small group of
    fellow collectors.” 
    (Weinberg, supra
    , 110 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1126–
    1127 & 1135.) To qualify as a matter of public interest, the focus
    of the speaker’s conduct had to be more than a mere effort “to
    gather ammunition for another round” in a private spat. (Id. at
    pp. 1132–1133.)
    The Weinberg court demanded “some degree of closeness
    between the challenged statements and the asserted public
    interest . . . [T]he assertion of a broad and amorphous public
    interest is not sufficient . . . .” 
    (Weinberg, supra
    , 110 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 1132.) This aspect of Weinberg echoed Rivero’s rejection of
    public interest arguments that sweep too broadly, and likewise
    foreshadowed the Supreme Court decision in FilmOn.
    As with Rivero, Weinberg has received Supreme Court
    (FilmOn, supra
    , 7 Cal.5th at p. 149 [citing both
    Weinberg and Rivero approvingly].)
    Our fourth guiding case is Workman, which involved facts
    analogous to the present dispute: a fracas between neighbors.
    Plaintiff Donna Sue Workman put her home up for sale,
    found a buyer, and entered escrow. Defendant Colichman and
    another were residents of a neighboring property. These
    neighbors caused Workman’s sale to fall through by telling her
    real estate agent they planned to build a house addition that
    would interfere with the sweeping views from Workman’s house.
    Workman sued these neighbors for interfering with contractual
    relations and on other claims. The neighbors filed a special
    motion to strike, which the trial court denied because the case
    was “a private matter; not a public issue or an issue of public
    interest.” The Court of Appeal affirmed. 
    (Workman, supra
    , 33
    Cal.App.5th at pp. 1042–1048.)
    The Workman decision held that information about the
    views from a private residence is not an issue of public interest
    when the information affects only those directly interested in
    buying or selling the house. 
    (Workman, supra
    , 33 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 1042.)
    Workman relied on Weinberg. 
    (Workman, supra
    , 33
    Cal.App.5th at pp. 1048–1050.)
    The Workman court said Weinberg was like the Workman
    case in that both were instances of “limited communications to
    small groups of interested people.” 
    (Workman, supra
    , 33
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1052.) “The views from a private residence do
    not involve a matter of public concern.” (Id. at p. 1053.)
    Workman echoed a familiar theme by deflating defendant’s
    efforts to magnify a neighborhood dispute into something of large
    social significance. Defendants claimed the suit was about a
    public interest in attacking the “fraudulent practices of a real
    estate broker in marketing real property to the public.” The
    court’s response was curt: “This contention vastly overstates the
    issue in this case.” 
    (Workman, supra
    , 33 Cal.App.5th at p. 1048.)
    Workman basically held there was no public interest in
    squabbles between neighbors.
    The fifth guiding precedent is Abuemeira, which was also
    about fighting neighbors. This fight was violent, but in principle
    the case was the same as Workman.
    Yasser Abuemeira drove his motorcycle inside his gated
    community. Then there was some sort of road rage. A man got
    out of his car and told Abuemeira he was a superlawyer. What
    happened next was hotly disputed, but these two neighbors
    resorted to atrocious slurs and fisticuffs. The superlawyer began
    to videotape the affray and then showed his video at homeowners
    association meetings and to police and reporters. He created an
    online petition demanding the Attorney General investigate the
    incident. When Abuemeira sued him, the superlawyer filed a
    special motion to strike. The trial court denied this motion on the
    ground that the superlawyer’s efforts to publicize a dispute
    between private people did not transform the dispute into an
    issue of public interest. 
    (Abuemeira, supra
    , 246 Cal.App.4th at
    pp. 1294–1298.)
    Abuemeira affirmed. Citing Weinberg, the court ruled a
    “video recording of an unseemly private brawl, no matter how
    wide its distribution, is far removed from a citizen's
    constitutional right of petition or free speech involving a public
    (Abuemeira, supra
    , 246 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1294 & 1298.)
    The fight involved “private, anonymous” parties and was nothing
    but a private dispute. (Id. at p. 1298.) Quoting Weinberg, the
    Abuemeira court wrote there is no public interest if the speaker’s
    conduct is merely an effort “to gather ammunition for another
    round” in some private controversy. (Ibid.)
    As in Workman, the holding in Abuemeira is that a
    neighborhood row is not a matter of public interest.
    The sixth and final guiding precedent is FilmOn. This
    recent Supreme Court case was not factually close to our case:
    there were no feuding neighbors. Rather, an internet provider
    sued an internet authentication company. FilmOn nonetheless is
    significant for two reasons. The first is straightforward; the
    second is more complex.
    First, FilmOn shows pre-internet rules do not change just
    because a case now involves the internet. This point is
    Second, the Supreme Court in FilmOn relied on Rivero and
    Weinberg to reject public interest arguments that sweep too
    broadly. We carefully study this second and more complex point.
    FilmOn condemned public interest arguments “too
    tenuously tethered to the issues of public interest they implicate,
    and too remotely connected to the public conversation about those
    issues,” to merit protection. 
    (FilmOn, supra
    , 7 Cal.5th at p. 140.)
    The court observed the recurring effort “to discern what the
    challenged speech is really ‘about’—a narrow, largely private
    dispute, for example, or the asserted issue of public interest.” (Id.
    at p. 149.) FilmOn reiterated Weinberg’s requirement there be
    “some degree of closeness” between the challenged statements
    and the asserted public interest. (Id. at p. 150.) For that reason,
    that “a broad and amorphous public interest” can be connected to
    a specific dispute is not enough. (Ibid.) The proper focus of the
    inquiry instead must be on “the specific nature of the speech,” not
    on “generalities that might be abstracted from it.” (Id. at p. 152.)
    We follow that guidance in this case.
    These six precedents show there was no public interest in
    Ley’s internet post about Jeppson.
    Neither Ley nor Jeppson were in the public eye.
    None of their acts directly affected a large number of people
    beyond the three households. Ley claimed the mantle of town
    crier, but the conduct had directly involved only dog owner Ley,
    cat owner Jeppson, and tree owner Cates.
    Despite the medium of the internet, the topic was not of
    widespread public interest. There is no issue of public interest
    when the speaker’s words are merely an effort to gather
    ammunition for another round in the speaker’s neighborhood
    Ley and Jeppson had a history of personal conflict when
    Ley decided to upload to the internet about Jeppson. Like the
    union in Rivero, like the token collector in Weinberg, like the
    house seller in Workman, and like the superlawyer in Abuemeira,
    Ley sought to endow his statements with lofty justifications. But
    the matter boiled down to Ley’s interest in gathering ammunition
    for another round in his clash with Jeppson. Ley’s internet post
    merely manifested, and remained, his altercation with his
    Ley seeks to exalt his latest blast in the fray by making
    three points: the website claimed a potential audience of 951;
    Jeppson had been the target of an official court restraining order;
    and Ley’s post invoked public safety.
    As we have seen, cases over the years have deflated such
    attempts at abstraction, which are typical fare. The same
    principle holds here. The website had a potential audience of
    951, but there is no evidence anyone actually read or cared about
    Ley’s post. There was a restraining order on Jeppson that barred
    him from harassing his tree-owning neighbor Cates. Ley
    proclaimed Jeppson a threat to public safety, but this involved
    Jeppson trimming Cates’s tree without her permission and
    Jeppson putting “no trespassing” signs in his yard. Jeppson
    owned guns, but the restraining order blocked Jeppson’s access to
    Ley’s arguments are “too tenuously tethered to the issues of
    public interest they implicate, and too remotely connected to the
    public conversation about those issues, to merit protection . . . ”
    (FilmOn, supra
    , 7 Cal.5th at p. 140.)
    Under the case law, this neighborhood flap did not raise
    issues about the “public interest,” even though it made an
    appearance on the internet.
    We distinguish the decision in Traditional Cat Assn., Inc. v.
    Gilbreath (2004) 
    118 Cal. App. 4th 392
    , 397 (Traditional Cat).
    That case involved two competing and confusingly named
    associations, the “Traditional Cat Association” and “The
    Traditional Cat Association, Inc.” The decision gave no
    information about the size of these associations. The decision
    called these associations “TCA” and “TTCA.” We follow this
    A director and officer of TCA set up a website critical of
    TTCA and supportive of TCA. TTCA fought back by suing TCA
    and others about the website. TCA filed a special motion to
    strike, which the trial court denied. The Traditional Cat decision
    reversed this ruling. Traditional Cat held that, “[g]iven the
    controversy surrounding the parties’ dispute and its evident
    notoriety in the cat breeding community, the Web site statements
    concerned matters of public interest in the cat breeding
    community.” (Traditional 
    Cat, supra
    , 118 Cal.App.4th at p. 397,
    italics added.)
    The 2004 Traditional Cat decision cited none of the six
    precedents guiding us today. Four of those precedents were
    decided after 2004, so that learning was simply unavailable in
    2004. In any event, Traditional Cat concerned two organizations
    and an online public of some indeterminate magnitude. It was
    not like this case.
    Feuds can metastasize into the Hatfields and McCoys or
    the Montagues and Capulets. This tiff, though bitter, remained
    strictly local: a private affair and not a matter of “public
    The order is affirmed. Costs to Jeppson.
    WILEY, J.
    We concur:
    BIGELOW, P. J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B292166

Filed Date: 1/30/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/30/2020