Steciw v. Petra Geosciences, Inc. ( 2020 )

  • Filed 7/29/20
    EUGENE STECIW et al.,
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,                      G057375
    v.                                         (Super. Ct. No. 30-2014-00732306)
    PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC.,                            OPINION
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court of Orange County, Derek W.
    Hunt, Judge. Reversed and remanded.
    Tomassian, Throckmorton & Inouye, Serge Tomassian, and Michael S.
    Inouye for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    Andrews Lagasse Branch + Bell, Traci S. Lagasse, and James F. Hayes for
    Defendant and Respondent.
    *         *          *
    The trial court dismissed plaintiffs’ complaint against defendant Petra
    Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) because plaintiffs had not served Petra with a summons and
    complaint within three years, as required by Code of Civil Procedure section 583.210.
    Plaintiffs, ignorant of Petra’s identity, initially named it as a Doe defendant. After
    discovering Petra’s identity shortly before the three-year deadline, and after preparing a
    certificate of merit, plaintiffs amended their complaint and served Petra. But by that time
    three years and 38 days had elapsed. Plaintiffs appealed the subsequent dismissal,
    contending the court erred in computing the three-year period.
    In computing the three years, section 583.240, subdivision (b), excludes
    any time in which “[t]he prosecution of the action or proceedings in the action was stayed
    and the stay affected service.” Here, the trial court had stayed the matter for nine months
    while the parties engaged in a prelitigation alternative dispute resolution procedure
    mandated by a contract. The court did not exclude that period from the three-year
    calculation. The question is, did that stay affect service, thereby extending the time to
    serve Petra? We conclude it likely did, but that remand is necessary for further findings.
    Our reasoning is simple. One cannot serve an unknown party. If discovery
    was reasonably necessary to identify Petra, then the stay, which prevented discovery, by
    extension affected service. We will remand for the court to decide in the first instance
    whether other reasonable means of identifying Petra existed.
    On July 2, 2014, plaintiffs filed suit against defendants Shappell Industries
    and Toll Brothers, Inc. (the Developer) for construction defects arising out of the
    All statutory references are to the Code of Civil Procedure.
    construction of two residences in a community called San Joaquin Hills. The complaint
    also named Doe defendants. It included two causes of action against unnamed engineers,
    which were alleged against Does 101-125.
    In October 2014, the Developer cross-complained against various sub-
    contractors, though not against Petra, the respondent here.
    In December 2014, the Developer brought a motion to dismiss plaintiffs’
    complaint, or, in the alternative, stay the proceedings to comply with a contractual
    prelitigation dispute resolution process spelled out in the purchase agreements for
    plaintiffs’ homes. The relevant contractual provision required the homeowners to give
    the Developer notice and an opportunity to cure any alleged defects prior to filing a
    lawsuit. “Buyer shall not pursue any other remedies available to it under this Agreement,
    at law or otherwise, including without limitation the filing of any lawsuit or action, until
    Seller has had the reasonable opportunity to inspect and cure the alleged Defect.” During
    the period of inspection and cure, the parties agreed that the statute of limitations would
    be tolled for up to 90 days.
    On May 20, 2015, the court granted the alternative relief, ordering as
    follows: “[T]his action is ordered stayed pending compliance with the non-adversarial
    pre-litigation procedures set forth in Plaintiff’s purchase agreements.” The court ended
    the stay more than nine months later, on February 29, 2016, concluding the Developer
    “had its opportunity to inspect and repair the defects noticed by Plaintiffs, but has chosen
    not to.”
    Shortly afterward, the Developer brought a motion to compel a judicial
    reference, as contemplated in the purchase agreements, as well as in the subcontracts with
    the various cross-defendants. On May 3, 2016, the court granted the motion and stayed
    the action pending the outcome of the judicial reference proceedings.
    The complaint alleges that Toll Brothers, Inc., is a successor in interest to
    Shappell Industries, Inc.
    In March 2017, shortly after the judge to whom the case had been assigned
    retired, the case was reassigned to a different judge.
    Plaintiffs claim that on April 13, 2017, some two years and nine months
    after the suit was filed, the Developer produced discovery that identified Petra, though we
    have nothing in the record to confirm that.
    On August 2, 2017, while the matter was still stayed pending the judicial
    reference proceeding, plaintiffs filed an amendment to the complaint naming Petra as
    Doe 101. At the same time, it filed a certificate of merit as required by section 411.35
    (certificate of merit required before serving the complaint in a malpractice action against
    an engineer). Plaintiffs personally served Petra with the summons and complaint on
    August 9, 2017, three years and 38 days after the complaint was filed.
    Petra answered the complaint on September 7, 2017. It denied the claims
    against it but did not raise any issues concerning untimely service. Petra then moved to
    join the judicial reference proceedings, which plaintiffs opposed. Before that motion was
    decided, however, Petra withdrew the motion. According to plaintiffs, the parties
    stipulated to Petra joining the judicial reference and it participated for several months.
    However, we have nothing in the record to indicate that, and at a subsequent hearing
    Petra disputed the characterization that it had participated in the judicial reference.
    On June 19, 2018, Petra filed the underlying motion to dismiss due to
    untimely service, with a hearing set for July 24, 2018. On July 10, 2018, two weeks
    before the scheduled hearing, the parties were in court on unrelated motions in this matter
    when the court decided, sua sponte, to advance the hearing on the motion to dismiss to
    that day and announced its intention to grant it. The court did this even though plaintiffs’
    opposition was not due until the following day and thus had not been filed. At the
    hearing, the court announced four motions it intended to address. After mentioning the
    motion to dismiss, plaintiffs’ counsel informed the court that the motion to dismiss was
    not scheduled for that day. The court replied, “I was told they were advanced to today,
    and whether you like it or not, I’m going to deal with them, and you can figure out what
    you’re going to do with it.” It was the court’s professed view that the case had “spun
    wildly out of control.” At the same time, the court acknowledged, “I don’t know
    anything about this case, guys” (aside from what it read in the moving papers).
    Plaintiffs’ counsel asked if he could file an opposition to the motion to dismiss that day,
    to which the court responded, “The way it works is, file when you can. I’m not going to
    turn it down. I start reading. And when I get bored, I stop reading.” “Put the good stuff
    up front.”
    The court took all four matters under submission, stating: “At this point, it
    will all be under submission. I have to go back and review this. And don’t be surprised
    if you see there’s not much changed between what the minute order will say and what I
    already said, but if you get open—that’s why you’re here. You’re here to get me to think
    about it.” Plaintiffs filed their 101-page opposition (inclusive of exhibits) at 5:37 that
    evening. But the court’s minute order for the day of the hearing, July 10, 2018, did not
    reflect the matter had been taken under submission. Instead, it reflected the court’s
    decision to grant the motion to dismiss.
    The clerk of the court served the minute order containing the court’s rulings
    by electronic service on July 11, 2018, at 5:10 p.m., nearly 24 hours after plaintiffs filed
    their opposition to the motion.
    Plaintiffs subsequently moved for reconsideration on the ground that the
    court had ruled without considering its opposition, but the court denied it without a
    hearing and without explanation. The court entered a judgment of dismissal as to Petra,
    from which plaintiffs timely appealed.
    “The summons and complaint shall be served upon a defendant within three
    years after the action is commenced against the defendant. For the purpose of this
    subdivision, an action is commenced at the time the complaint is filed.” (§ 583.210,
    subd. (a).) The complaint was filed July 2, 2014. Petra was served August 9, 2017.
    Three years and 38 days had elapsed.
    However, the three-year calculation is tolled in certain circumstances. “In
    computing the time within which service must be made pursuant to this article, there shall
    be excluded the time during which any of the following conditions existed:” “(b) The
    prosecution of the action or proceedings in the action was stayed and the stay affected
    service.” (§ 583.240, subd. (b), italics added.) The action here was stayed for
    approximately nine months while the Developer and plaintiffs engaged in the
    prelitigation dispute resolution procedure that permitted the Developer to inspect and
    cure the alleged defect. If applicable, that stay would be plenty long enough to bring the
    service on Petra within the three-year time limit. The question is whether that stay
    affected service. We conclude it likely did.
    It is self-evident that a party must be identified before it can be served. In
    many cases, formal discovery is the only reasonable means of identifying a party. In
    such cases, if a stay prevents discovery, it also, as a practical matter, impedes (affects)
    Although this rule is relatively straightforward, two points bear elaboration.
    First, section 583.240, subdivision (b), applies where a stay “affects”
    service. The subdivision does not say that the stay must “prevent” service or “prohibit”
    service. Consequently, for the tolling to apply, formal discovery need be reasonably
    necessary, not essential. For example, suppose plaintiffs could have identified Petra by
    reviewing documents in the building inspector’s office, but Petra was only identified in
    an obscure footnote. We would not necessarily expect plaintiffs to find that information
    as a matter of course, and thus formal discovery would be reasonably necessary to
    identify Petra, even though it may have been technically possible to do so without
    discovery. A plaintiff need not go to extraordinary efforts.
    Second, if the stay did not legally prohibit service, and if plaintiffs had a
    practical means of identifying Petra outside of formal discovery, the tolling provision
    would not apply. The parties’ focus in this appeal was principally on whether the stay
    presented a legal impediment to service. In other words, did the stay itself prohibit
    service. We conclude the stay was not a legal impediment to service, but instead,
    potentially, a practical one.
    From a legal standpoint, the stay did not prevent service. When a
    complaint is filed against Doe defendants, the court clerk issues a summons listing the
    fictitiously named defendants, which happened here. Under section 474, which governs
    the use of fictitious names in pleadings, a summons can be served on a fictitiously-named
    defendant provided it contains the following advisement: “‘To the person served: You
    are hereby served in the within action (or proceedings) as (or on behalf of) the person
    sued under the fictitious name of (designating it).’” As such, even though court
    proceedings had been stayed, no further court proceeding was required as a prerequisite
    to service on Petra. Plaintiffs simply had to hand Petra the relevant papers along with the
    required advisement. Such service would have been valid and would not have violated
    the stay.
    In this respect, the present case is easily distinguishable from the case
    plaintiffs rely most heavily upon, Highland Stucco & Lime, Inc. v. Superior Court (1990)
    222 Cal.App.3d 637
    . There, the court had not only stayed the matter, but explicitly
    prohibited plaintiffs from serving additional defendants. (Id. at p. 644.) No such explicit
    prohibition was present here, and thus the stay did not affect service as a legal matter.
    Instead, the proper focus here is on whether the stay affected service as a
    practical matter by depriving plaintiffs of the only reasonable means of identifying Petra.
    If plaintiffs did have other reasonable means of identifying Petra, then, because the stay
    itself did not directly prohibit service, the stay did not affect service. It is, after all, still a
    plaintiff’s burden to serve all parties within three years of filing the complaint. And if
    there were practical and reasonably discoverable means of doing so without formal
    discovery, then the stay did not impede service and the tolling provision does not apply.
    Plaintiffs nevertheless contend the stay did prohibit service on Petra
    because the dispute resolution procedure in the purchase agreement that led to the stay
    precluded them from pursuing “any other remedies available to it under this Agreement,
    at law or otherwise, including without limitation the filing of any lawsuit or action, until
    Seller has had the reasonable opportunity to inspect and cure the alleged Defect.” But
    plaintiffs read this clause too broadly. The purchase agreement only precluded plaintiffs’
    pursuit of remedies “available to it under this Agreement.” Plaintiffs did not have any
    remedies against Petra “available to it under this Agreement” for a simple reason. Petra
    was not a party to the purchase agreement. Indeed, plaintiffs strenuously asserted that
    position in the trial court in opposition to Petra’s attempt to join the judicial reference,
    stating, “The Plaintiffs do not consent and there is no written contract between the
    Plaintiffs and Defendant Petra that would bind these two parties to a general judicial
    reference.” (Bold emphasis omitted.)
    We note that section 583.240, subdivision (d), provides an additional
    tolling provision where “[s]ervice, for any other reason, was impossible, impracticable, or
    futile due to causes beyond the plaintiff's control.” But it immediately qualifies that
    provision, stating: “Failure to discover relevant facts or evidence is not a cause beyond
    the plaintiff's control for the purpose of this subdivision.” At first blush, the latter
    statement may seem to preclude our holding here: After all, we are, in a sense, saying
    that an excusable failure to discover relevant facts results in tolling. Importantly,
    however, that qualifier applies only to “this subdivision”—meaning subdivision (d). Our
    Rather than decide in the first instance whether section 583.240,
    subdivision (b) applies here, we deem it prudent to remand for the trial court to make
    appropriate findings consistent with this opinion. We do so for several reasons. First, we
    normally do not engage in factfinding on appeal. Because application of the standard we
    announce will differ based on the unique facts and circumstances of each case, the trial
    court is the appropriate forum to evaluate those facts and circumstances and to make the
    factual finding. Second, because we have altered the legal standard the parties had
    assumed was applicable to Petra’s motion, in fairness, the parties should have an
    opportunity to present a new factual showing to meet that standard.
    analysis is based on subdivision (b), and thus the qualifier does not apply. Moreover,
    subdivision (d) applies only where service is impossible, impracticable, or futile “for any
    other reason,” i.e., a reason not addressed in subdivisions (a) through (c). Stay orders are
    specifically addressed in subdivision (b). Thus subdivision (d), by its terms, does not
    Aside from the merits of the motion to dismiss, plaintiffs also contend the
    procedure employed by the trial court in dismissing Petra violated their right to due
    process. The fundamental requirements of procedural due process are notice and an
    opportunity to be heard. (Gamet v. Blanchard (2001) 
    91 Cal.App.4th 1276
    , 1286.) Here,
    the court advanced the hearing on the motion to dismiss without notice to anyone,
    apparently because a clerk had told the judge that the hearing was advanced. When the
    attorneys told him that was not the case, the judge simply refused to budge. Plaintiffs’
    counsel was clearly unprepared to argue the motion at the hearing, and when plaintiffs
    asked to submit an opposition, the court allowed it but implied it would not be taken
    seriously. The record is ambiguous as to whether the court considered plaintiffs’ hastily
    prepared opposition to the motion to dismiss. But because we reverse and remand on the
    merits, we need not decide whether plaintiffs were denied due process and if so, whether
    the deprivation was prejudicial.
    The judgment is reversed and the matter is remanded for a new hearing on
    Petra’s motion to dismiss, at which the parties shall be permitted to present additional
    evidence, if any, as to whether the nine-month stay deprived plaintiffs of the only
    reasonable means of identifying Petra. Plaintiffs shall recover their costs incurred on
    IKOLA, J.
    FYBEL, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: G057375

Filed Date: 7/29/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 7/29/2020