In re S.P. ( 2020 )

  • Filed 7/31/20
    In re S.P., a Person Coming         B302804
    Under Juvenile Court Law.
    _______________________________     (Los Angeles County Super.
    LOS ANGELES COUNTY                  Ct. No. 18CCJP07212A)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Stephen C. Marpet, Temporary Judge.
    (Pursuant to Cal. Const., art. VI, § 21.) Affirmed.
    Terence M. Chucas, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Mary C. Wickham, County Counsel, Kristine P. Miles,
    Assistant County Counsel, and Jessica S. Mitchell, Deputy
    County Counsel, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    For the second time in less than a year, this court is presented
    with a parent who was denied notice of jurisdiction and disposition
    hearings, and later saw his parental rights terminated. In In re.
    AI.J. (2019) 
    44 Cal. App. 5th 652
    , the parties acknowledged that
    “father was not properly notified” of the jurisdiction and disposition
    hearings. (Id. at p. 665.) We found the error prejudicial and
    reversed. (Id. at p. 675.) Here, we agree with father that the
    Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) did not act
    with due diligence in locating and notifying him of the jurisdiction
    and disposition hearings. However, we find the error was harmless
    and affirm.
    Father appeals from the order terminating his parental rights
    to his child born in 2018. His sole challenge is the denial of his
    Welfare and Institutions Code section 388 petition, in which he
    sought to vacate all relevant jurisdiction and disposition findings for
    which he received no notice.1
    Mother and father are not married, and have two children
    together: “baby” (who is at issue in this dependency proceeding) and
    “son,” who was in the dependency system since birth due to the
    parents’ drug abuse and was adopted during the pendency of baby’s
    case. Mother also has five older children – none with father – all of
    whom were prior dependents of the juvenile court and eventually
    adopted. At the time of the filing of these proceedings, baby resided
    with mother.2
    1     All subsequent statutory references are to the Welfare and
    Institutions Code.
    2     Mother has not appealed the order terminating parental rights.
    1.     DCFS Involvement
    On October 16, 2018, father was arrested for possession of
    narcotics and controlled substance. Five days later, DCFS received a
    referral that the parents had neglected then- nine-month-old baby.
    DCFS investigated, and mother tested positive for methamphetamine
    and amphetamine.
    On November 5, 2018, the juvenile court issued a removal
    order for baby. When served, mother was uncooperative, appeared
    under the influence of drugs and alcohol, refused to permit the social
    worker inside the apartment, and refused to disclose baby’s
    whereabouts. Even with law enforcement intervention, mother
    refused to disclose baby’s location, so baby was detained “at large.”
    Baby was physically detained a few days later.
    On November 7, 2018, the social worker sent written notice by
    certified mail to father’s last known address in Huntington Park,
    informing father of DCFS attempts to contact father and asking him
    to get in touch with DCFS.
    On November 8, 2018, DCFS filed a section 300 petition under
    subdivisions (b)(1) and (j), alleging as to mother (1) baby was at risk
    due to mother’s 12-year history of illicit drug use and her current use
    of amphetamine and methamphetamine, and (2) mother had failed
    to reunify with baby’s six siblings, all of whom were permanently
    placed with other families. The petition also alleged: (1) father had
    failed to protect baby and son from mother’s illicit drug use,
    (2) father had a history of substance abuse, which rendered him
    unable to provide regular care of baby, and (3) son was a prior
    dependent due to father’s substance abuse and had been
    permanently placed.
    On November 9, 2018, mother filed a Parentage Questionnaire
    indicating she believed father was baby’s father and identified the
    names of the paternal grandmother and aunt. Mother indicated she
    did not know how to locate father.
    On November 9, 2018, the juvenile court held the detention
    hearing. Father was not present. The court questioned mother
    regarding baby’s paternity, and mother identified father as the
    biological father. Mother did not know where father currently
    resided and did not have his phone number, but identified by name
    the paternal grandmother and the paternal aunt. Mother said her
    information was limited, she had no contact information for the
    paternal relatives, and she had never been to the paternal
    grandmother’s home. The court found father only to be baby’s
    alleged father and ordered DCFS to conduct a due diligence search
    for him. The court detained baby in foster care, with monitored
    visitation for parents. Baby was placed in the home of a non-related
    extended family member.
    2.     DCFS’s Investigation
    Mother and father had extensive criminal histories. Father’s
    dated to 2011 when father was 13. His record included drug
    possession and sale, unlawful possession of paraphernalia,
    vandalism, and burglary. On December 28, 2018, early in the
    present dependency case, he was arrested for theft.3 Mother also
    had a criminal history involving drugs and theft dating back to her
    Mother’s history with DCFS started in 2006. Although she had
    previously been provided family reunification services, she lost
    custody of six children to adoption due to her drug use. One of those
    children was mother’s first child with father, a child who was
    3    As we discuss, father would be arrested three more times
    during the dependency proceedings.
    adopted in July 2019. Mother informed DCFS that mother and
    father used drugs together when she was pregnant with their first
    child. Mother and father separated when she was three months
    pregnant with baby because mother had decided to get clean but
    father would not stop using. DCFS confirmed father’s history of
    substance abuse, and reported that he was recently arrested for drug
    possession and had attempted to forcibly enter mother’s home.
    DCFS recommended no family reunification services for the
    parents, given their extensive history of substance abuse, mother’s
    failure to reunify with any of her children, the parents’ failure to
    reunify with their older son, and father’s unknown whereabouts.
    3.     Jurisdiction, Disposition, and Due Diligence Finding
    On January 14, 2019, the juvenile held the jurisdiction
    hearing. The court found baby to be described by section 300,
    subdivision (b)(1), due to mother’s history of illicit drug use and
    current use of amphetamine and methamphetamine, father’s failure
    to protect baby from mother’s illicit drug use, the dependency
    proceedings and ultimate adoption of their older son, and father’s
    failure to protect older son from mother. The court sustained the
    petition as to mother.
    As for father, the court received DCFS’s Due Diligence Report
    dated January 14, 2019 and signed six days earlier. Although the
    report references some 17 “search sources,” under No. 12
    “Relatives/Friends,” the DCFS investigator wrote: “No contact
    letters were sent to relatives/friends.” The juvenile court found, “due
    diligence has not been completed as to father.” Included in the
    minute order for that date was, “The court will put the Jurisdictional
    hearing over further to allow the Dept to submit the completed due
    diligence search of the father as to the subdivision B-2 count.” The
    court scheduled father’s jurisdictional hearing for February 13, 2019.
    In an addendum report dated February 13, 2019, DCFS included the
    following section:
    “Due Diligence for father, [S.P.]
    “A Due Diligence Report was submitted for the father,
    [S.P.] The Department of Children and Family Services
    was not successful in locating [S.P.].
    “(The court is respectfully referred to the attached Due
    Diligence Report.)”
    In the Clerk’s Transcript, the document that follows the
    February 13th report is not a new Due Diligence Report, but the
    report dated January 14, 2019—the same report on which the
    juvenile court based its finding on January 14th that “due diligence
    has not been completed for father.” There does not appear in the
    record a supplemental Due Diligence Report prepared shortly before
    the February 13, 2019 hearing. For reasons that are not clear from
    the record, at this hearing, the juvenile court found “that the Dept
    has completed the due diligence search for the father.”
    The court, having found jurisdiction as to father, proceeded to
    the disposition hearing. The court admitted the due diligence report,
    a letter from mother’s drug rehabilitation center, and testimony from
    mother. The court declared baby a dependent of the court, ordered
    baby removed from parental custody, denied family reunification
    services for mother and father pursuant to section 361.5, subdivision
    (b)(10) and (11), and set the case for a permanency planning hearing
    on June 12, 2019.4 The court found that due diligence had been
    4     Section 361.5, subdivisions (b)(10) and (11), provides that
    the juvenile court need not order reunification services when the
    court previously had terminated parental rights to the child’s
    sibling or half sibling or where it previously ordered termination
    of reunification services when the parent failed to reunify with a
    completed as to father. The court stated: “The court did put the trial
    and dispo[sition] over for father. We do have good notice and I’m
    ordering – finding that the petition is sustained as pled as to the
    father. No [family reunification] for the father.” The court found
    family reunification was not in baby’s best interest.
    4.         Post Disposition Events
    Baby developed a strong bond with his caregiver, who wanted
    to adopt him.5 Mother, meanwhile, failed to maintain regular
    contact with baby.
    Approximately a month after the detention hearing, on
    March 21, 2019, father was arrested for vehicular theft. On April 4,
    2019, father was arrested again, this time for possession of narcotics.
    Four days later, father was arrested for an earlier incident in which
    he had threatened mother with a handgun at her home. He was
    charged with terrorizing and dissuading a witness by threat or force.
    On May 23, 2019, father was personally served in custody for
    the previously scheduled June 12, 2019 hearing on termination of
    parental rights. Father, still incarcerated, made his first
    appearance at that hearing. Father informed the court that his
    address was the paternal grandmother’s home in Cudahy. Father
    said he had been sentenced to 16½ months in prison, had been given
    a strike, and did not yet have a release date.6
    sibling or half sibling, and the parent or guardian had not
    subsequently made reasonable efforts to address the problems
    leading to removal of the sibling or half sibling.
    5     The caregiver was approved for adoption on April 10, 2019.
    6    Father would remain in custody through baby’s section
    366.26 hearing, which took place on November 21, 2019.
    In October 2019, DCFS reported baby continued to progress
    well in the caregiver’s home. During monthly home visits, DCFS
    observed baby was appropriately bonded with the caregiver and her
    adult children, he called the caregiver “mom,” followed the caregiver
    around the home, and enjoyed being nurtured by her. DCFS
    assessed that baby’s needs were met by the caregiver and observed
    no safety concerns. Baby was receiving services through Regional
    Center, was meeting his developmental milestones, and appeared
    comfortable in the home. The caregiver and her husband were
    committed to providing baby with a permanent home through
    5.     Father’s Section 388 Petition
    On October 8, 2019, father filed a section 388 petition,
    challenging the juvenile court’s jurisdictional findings and
    dispositional orders for lack of proper notice. Father also asserted
    that granting the petition was in the best interest of baby because
    father “has an interest in reunifying with his child,” father wanted
    baby “placed with his relative, the paternal aunt” and baby “benefits
    from being with his father and paternal relatives.” The only
    statement father made about contact with baby was that he “had
    visits with his child, and took the child in his home prior to [his]
    On November 5, 2019, baby’s caregiver reported that neither
    father nor any member of the paternal family had ever contacted her
    to inquire about baby. On November 15, 2019, DCFS filed its report
    setting out the significant facts we have already detailed and
    addressing father’s section 388 petition. DCFS noted father
    provided no evidence that he had addressed his substance abuse.
    DCFS recommended that the court deny father’s section 388 petition
    and proceed with adoption. In a subsequent report on November 21,
    2019, DCFS reported that father had made no efforts to contact the
    social worker or the caregiver. The social worker again asked the
    juvenile court to deny the section 388 petition.
    Father filed points and authorities supporting his claim that
    DCFS had not acted with diligence in attempting to provide notice of
    the jurisdiction and disposition hearings. Specifically, he claimed
    DCFS failed to contact the paternal grandmother and aunt
    regarding father’s whereabouts. Father also said that it was in
    baby’s best interests to vacate the findings and orders because
    father and baby then could establish a parent- child bond. Father’s
    points and authorities did not provide any details about his alleged
    contacts with baby.
    6.     Denial of the Section 388 Petition and Termination of
    Parental Rights
    On November 21, 2019, the juvenile court held the combined
    hearing on the contested section 388 petition and the section 366.26
    hearing. Father was present but still incarcerated. Father’s counsel
    argued father was never given the opportunity to create a bond with
    baby because he was not properly noticed or afforded visitation.
    Baby’s counsel asked the court to deny the petition. Counsel
    argued father had failed to meet the best interest requirement for
    section 388 relief: baby had been placed with his caregiver for
    almost a year, and father remained incarcerated. DCFS’s counsel
    argued father and the paternal relatives knew that mother had given
    birth to baby and reportedly were told by mother that baby had been
    placed with a family. However, paternal relatives had made no
    effort to contact baby, and father had not attempted to forge a
    relationship with baby even during the time he was not in jail.
    Father’s counsel did not contradict DCFS’s statements regarding
    father’s lack of contact.
    The juvenile court denied the petition, finding that father had
    not demonstrated that granting the petition would be in baby’s best
    interest. The court stated, “At this point, based upon the report
    before the court and Justice P.[7] There is not a sufficient bond and
    it is certainly not in this child’s best interest so I’m going to deny the
    The juvenile court then proceeded to the section 366.26
    hearing. DCFS recommended the parents’ parental rights to baby be
    terminated. Mother’s counsel indicated she had no direction from
    mother. Father’s counsel stated if the court’s tentative were to
    terminate parental rights, he was objecting for the record.
    The juvenile court found by clear and convincing evidence baby
    was adoptable and would be adopted, and terminated parental
    On December 5, 2019, father filed a notice of appeal from the
    termination of his parental rights.
    Father argues that the court should have granted his section
    388 petition because he did not receive notice of the jurisdiction and
    disposition hearings, and that granting the petition would be in
    baby’s best interests. Father argued in the trial court and repeats on
    appeal that DCFS failed to use due diligence in trying to locate him
    to give him notice of those hearings. Specifically, he claims DCFS
    failed to contact the paternal grandmother or aunt for father’s
    whereabouts, even though mother had provided their names to the
    social worker.
    1.    Section 388, Due Process Notice, and Harmless Error
    Section 388 affords a party a limited right to seek modification
    7     In re Justice P. (2004) 
    123 Cal. App. 4th 181
    (Justice P.).
    of a prior dependency order. The elements for relief are well known:
    the moving party must show that (1) there is new evidence or
    changed circumstances, and (2) a change in the order is in the best
    interest of the child. (§ 388; In re Stephanie M. (1994) 
    7 Cal. 4th 295
    317.) The decision of the trial court is typically reviewed for abuse of
    discretion. (Ibid.) Some courts, however, use a bifurcated
    substantial evidence/abuse of discretion standard. (See, e.g. In re
    J.M. (2020) 
    50 Cal. App. 5th 833
    , 846 [“We review a juvenile court’s
    denial of a section 388 petition for abuse of discretion, and review its
    factual findings for substantial evidence.”].)
    Nearly 35 years ago, the Court of Appeal in Ansley v. Superior
    Court (1986) 
    185 Cal. App. 3d 477
    , 490, held that a section 388
    petition could be used to challenge lack of notice of earlier
    proceedings. There, the father had apparently left town following an
    arrest for assault, and intentionally left no forwarding address. (Id.
    at p. 489.) The appellate court found, “There is no evidence on the
    record that the Department made any attempt to serve petitioner
    with notice of the proceedings.” (Id. at p. 481.) Two years later, the
    father received notice of the Department’s motion to terminate
    parental rights. He then appeared in the dependency proceedings
    and filed a section 388 petition. The 388 petition was based on
    father’s lack of notice of the proceedings that had been ongoing for
    two years. (Id. at p. 482.) The trial court denied the petition, stating
    that the language of section 388 – “ ‘change of circumstances or new
    evidence’ – permits motions based upon ‘. . . a change of
    circumstances of a child’ ” only. (Id. at p. 483.)
    The Ansley court had no occasion to consider whether any
    error was prejudicial – the trial court had determined as a matter of
    law that section 388 could not there be utilized. The Court of Appeal
    disagreed and remanded for a hearing. (Ansley v. Superior Court
    (1986) 185 Cal.App.3d at p. 483.)
    The parties in the present appeal do not dispute that section
    388 is the proper vehicle for a due process challenge, or that the
    abuse of discretion standard of review applies. Nor do they diverge
    on whether any erroneous ruling made by the trial court should be
    put to a harmless error test.
    We agree on all counts. Nevertheless, we observe that this
    appeal does not ask us to consider a more typical section 388
    petition, in which a parent asks the court to change a prior order
    because, for example, the parent completed a drug program or recent
    history supports that monitored visitation should become
    unmonitored. The claimed error here – lack of notice – is of
    constitutional dimension. (Justice 
    P., supra
    123 Cal. App. 4th 181
    189.) “Due process requires that a parent is entitled to notice that is
    reasonably calculated to apprise him or her of the dependency
    proceedings and afford him or her an opportunity to object.
    [Citation.] The child welfare agency must act with diligence to locate
    a missing parent. [Citation.] Reasonable diligence denotes a
    thorough, systematic investigation and an inquiry conducted in good
    faith.” (Id. at p. 188.)
    The lack of due process in a dependency proceeding raises the
    specter of structural error but this approach was firmly rejected by
    our Supreme Court in In re James F. (2008) 
    42 Cal. 4th 901
    , 915-916.
    “The harmless error analysis applies in juvenile dependency
    proceedings even where the error is of constitutional dimension.” (In
    re J.P. (2017) 
    15 Cal. App. 5th 789
    . 798 (J.P.).)8
    8     J.P. involved the wrongful denial of right to counsel.
    Justice Baker in his concurring opinion in J.P. warned that in
    applying a harmless error analysis to every denial of right to
    counsel in a dependency case may be inappropriate. “But for
    As we observed in AI.J., some courts of appeal have applied a
    Chapman9 “harmless beyond a reasonable doubt” standard (e.g. In
    re J.H. (2007) 
    158 Cal. App. 4th 174
    , 173; Justice 
    P., supra
    123 Cal.App.4th at p. 193). At least two Supreme Court cases have
    embraced the Watson10 more probable than not standard. (See In re
    Jesusa V. (2004) 
    32 Cal. 4th 588
    , 625 [incarcerated father not
    brought to court for hearing]; In re Celine R. (2003) 
    31 Cal. 4th 45
    , 59-
    60 [failure to appoint separate counsel for siblings]). In 
    AI.J., supra
    44 Cal. 5th at page 666, we found that under either standard, the
    failure to provide notice was harmless.
    Here we apply the Watson standard, “which requires the
    appellant to show a reasonable probability of a more favorable
    outcome.” (
    AI.J., supra
    , 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 665.) We only reverse
    if “it reasonably probable the result would have been more favorable
    to the appealing party but for the error.” (Ibid.)11
    cases in which there is an egregious deprivation of the
    foundational right to counsel, we should do more thinking. When
    a counterfactual inquiry appears too difficult to responsibly
    undertake, or a counterfactual conclusion relies on inferences
    that really amount to guesswork, the bias should be in favor of
    reversal.” (J.
    P., supra
    , 15 Cal.App.5th at p. 804.) Appellant’s
    brief focuses on lack of notice although implicit is that he had no
    counsel because he received no notice.
    9     Chapman v. California (1967) 
    386 U.S. 18
    10    People v. Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    11    We observe father and DCFS assert an abuse of discretion
    standard applies here to evaluate the constitutional error in the
    context of a section 388 petition.
    2.    Application of Principles to the Present Case
    A.    Due Diligence
    The juvenile court continued the January 14, 2019 jurisdiction
    hearing as to father because as of that date the court found DCFS
    had not acted with due diligence in trying to locate father. At that
    time, DCFS had searched multiple sources for information on
    father’s whereabouts but expressly stated it had not contacted
    paternal relatives who mother had identified. The court continued
    the jurisdiction hearing as to father to allow DCFS additional time to
    locate father. On February 13, 2019, at the combined jurisdiction
    hearing for father and disposition hearing for both parents, the trial
    court stated, “We do have good notice.” The minute order for that
    date included, “Court finds due diligence has been completed for
    father.” In fact the record does not disclose that any further
    diligence was undertaken. For example, it was undisputed that
    DCFS had not contacted the paternal grandmother or aunt. Yet,
    DCFS told the court that the parental relatives knew of mother’s
    pregnancy. At a minimum, inquiring of paternal relatives as to
    father’s whereabouts was required.12
    Considering that DCFS conducted no additional due diligence
    between January 14th (when the court found diligence inadequate)
    and February 13th (where the court found it sufficient), and DCFS
    12    At the hearing where the section 388 petition was denied
    and parental rights were terminated, DCFS’s counsel told the
    court: “The father, the paternal grandmother, the parental
    aunt all knew that mother was pregnant, all knew the mother
    had given birth but relied on statements from the mother
    saying that she had placed the child with family members.”
    Even if the representation about placement was true, it does
    not explain DCFS’s failure to contact the parental relatives in
    an effort to locate father.
    never asked the parental relatives for father’s whereabouts, we
    conclude efforts to locate and notice father were deficient.
    B.    Harmless Error
    We apply the Watson standard to determine whether the
    failure to provide notice was prejudicial. Father has not shown that
    there was a reasonable probability of a more favorable outcome (i.e.
    that he would have been granted reunification services and his
    parental rights would not have been terminated) absent the error in
    giving notice.
    Father’s history did not support an order of reunification
    services. Father does not argue the contrary. The juvenile court
    found reunification services were properly denied under section
    361.5. Under section 361.5, reunification need not be ordered where
    the parent “has not subsequently made a reasonable effort to treat
    the problems that led to removal of the sibling or half sibling of that
    child from that parent . . . .” (§ 361.5, subds. (b)(10) and (11).) The
    court’s decision was supported by the record.
    Father lost his first child (son) to adoption, following
    termination of reunification services in that case. The record is
    devoid of evidence that father made an effort to address the
    problems that led to the denial of reunification services for son and
    the termination of father’s parental rights to him. Father had an
    extensive criminal history that included four arrests and significant
    incarceration during the pendency of this case. In one incident,
    father was charged with threatening mother with a handgun.
    Father’s history of substance abuse was equally troubling. It was
    apparently unresolved as of the 388 hearing. At a minimum, father
    failed to produce evidence that he had addressed his drug abuse.
    The record makes clear that from the time he was served in
    May 2019 until the filing of his October 2019 section 388 petition,
    father was incarcerated, but did not seek visitation or other
    reunification services. Even before his incarceration, there was no
    evidence father formed any kind of bond with baby. Although his
    section 388 petition asserted that he had contact with baby and
    brought him into his home, there was no evidence to support the
    assertion, which was essentially abandoned by counsel at the
    Father asserts that if the juvenile court had found father to be
    the presumed father, there would have been a preference to place
    baby with his paternal relatives. “Only a presumed, not a mere
    biological, father is a ‘parent’ entitled to receive reunification
    services, and only a presumed father is entitled to custody of his
    child.” (Francisco G. v. Superior Court (2001) 
    91 Cal. App. 4th 586
    596; § 361.5, subd. (a).) In none of the papers filed with the juvenile
    court did father ask to be granted presumed father status. To the
    extent he now claims the trial court erred in not according him
    presumed father status, the point is thus waived. As we explain
    below, even if the juvenile court had granted presumed status, the
    outcome would be no different.
    On appeal, father nominates paternal aunt as a potential
    caregiver. Yet, the aunt specifically told DCFS that baby would
    likely not be placed with her because she had an extensive criminal
    record and was a recovering methamphetamine user who had been
    sober for only one year (as of the hearing on the 388 petition). The
    aunt thought baby could be placed with the paternal grandmother.
    13    Because the juvenile court denied father’s petition, we
    imply necessary findings that support the decision, to the extent
    they are based on substantial evidence. (See In re Andrea G.
    221 Cal. App. 3d 547
    , 554–555.) Here, we imply that the
    court found father’s vague assertion that he had had contact with
    baby either not credible, or legally insignificant.
    However, the grandmother had a history of homelessness, and the
    woman who answered the door at the grandmother’s alleged
    residence told DCFS grandmother did not live there.
    Neither the grandmother nor the aunt made an effort to see
    baby during the dependency case, which the grandmother said they
    learned about in May or June 2019. When asked in November 2019
    why she had not visited, the aunt reported she lost the social
    worker’s phone number and that “the family was quite unstable and
    did not have a permanent home in the months following the child’s
    detention.” The grandmother claimed that she could not visit
    because she was too busy with work. Even if father had been
    accorded presumed father status, father would be faced with the fact
    that neither paternal grandmother nor aunt were likely placement
    Given the fact that father had lost reunification services and
    then custody to son, father’s proposed paternal caregivers were
    either unwilling or unqualified, father’s illicit drug use remained
    unaddressed, and father continued to commit violent acts (including
    toward mother) during the early pendency of this case, we conclude
    our affirmance stands not on guesswork or speculation, but on the
    undisputed facts before us. Under the Watson standard, it is not
    reasonably probable that absent the notice error, father would have
    been granted reunification services or his parental rights would not
    have been terminated. (Cf. 
    AI.J., supra
    , 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 666.)14
    14     In a more traditional 388 petition, the facts we have
    considered under harmless error would likely have been analyzed
    as part of the second part of section 388 that the parent
    demonstrate granting relief would be in the child’s best interests.
    Because we conclude that father has not suffered prejudicial
    error from his lack of notice, he has not demonstrated the
    required changed circumstance or new evidence – the first
    The juvenile court’s order terminating parental rights is
    RUBIN, P. J.
    MOOR, J.
    element of section 388. Other than to observe that the facts
    presented here would be equally applicable to an inquiry of the
    best interests of the child, we do not further address the point.
    We also observe that this case again shows the doctrinal
    challenges of using the section 388 vehicle to challenge
    constitutional errors as to notice or right to counsel. The trial
    court found that notice was sufficient. That should have
    ended the inquiry because once it had been established there
    were no changed circumstances, it was unnecessary to address
    the second part of section 388 – the bests interests of the child.
    The juvenile court nevertheless proceeded to the second step,
    relying on Justice P. Conversely, in AI.J., we concluded that,
    because of the failure to give adequate notice, the father had
    demonstrated changed circumstances. The trial court’s
    contrary ruling was incorrect and prejudicial. But a literal
    application of section 388 would have required the court to
    then address the second element of best interests of the child.
    The court in AI.J. does not address the second factor, but
    without real consequence – the facts that supported the court’s
    decision that lack of notice was prejudicial error, would
    undoubtedly have supported a finding that modifying the
    earlier order was in the child’s best interest. It may be time
    for either our Supreme Court to revisit or refine Ansley’s
    holding that a constitutional error in notice or counsel can be
    raised under section 388, and it may be time for the
    Legislature to consider placing such errors on independent
    footing not tied to section 388.
    In re S.P.
    BAKER, J., Dissenting
    Today’s majority opinion is further evidence the courts of
    appeal are applying harmless error doctrine in juvenile court
    cases to excuse fundamental constitutional errors—errors that
    strike so deeply at the edifice of our legal system that, despite all
    pretenses, judges have no realistic ability to determine the
    probability of a different outcome absent the error. I do not
    believe this state of affairs is required by our Supreme Court’s
    decision in In re James F. (2008) 
    42 Cal. 4th 901
    (James F.), and I
    accordingly dissent.
    Dependency proceedings in this case began in October 2018
    when the Los Angeles County Department of Children and
    Family Services (Department) received a referral that minor
    S.P.’s mother (Mother) was neglecting the child. The
    Department’s subsequent investigation revealed Mother was
    using methamphetamine. Pursuant to court order, the
    Department removed S.P. from Mother’s custody and filed a
    dependency petition in November 2018.
    Once dependency proceedings were underway, Mother
    completed a parentage questionnaire identifying S.P.’s father
    (Father) by name, as well as the names of S.P.’s paternal
    grandmother and paternal aunt. Mother claimed she had no
    contact information for Father, and the Department sent a
    certified letter regarding the commencement of dependency
    proceedings to what it thought was Father’s last known address.
    The juvenile court ordered the Department to conduct a “due
    diligence” search for Father to give him notice of the proceedings.
    By the time of a jurisdiction hearing in January 2019, the
    Department had not located Father and had not notified him of
    the pending dependency case. The Department’s jurisdiction
    report stated a separate due diligence report on Father had been
    submitted and was “pending completion.” (The Department had
    already managed to successfully complete a criminal history
    check on Father.) The juvenile court continued the jurisdiction
    hearing as to Father (proceeding only against Mother) to give the
    Department time to complete its due diligence report.
    The Department submitted another due diligence report to
    the court in February 2019 and it was not materially different
    from the prior report. It stated the Department ran various
    database searches in an unsuccessful effort to ascertain Father’s
    whereabouts, including searches of records maintained by the
    Los Angeles County Probation/Parole Office, the Los Angeles
    County Sheriff’s Department of Inmate Information Center, the
    California Department of Corrections, the DMV, and the Federal
    Bureau of Prisons. The Department’s report also stated the
    Department did not attempt to contact any of Father’s relatives
    or friends because there was “no information regarding any
    potential relatives/friends.” That, of course, was false. Mother
    previously identified Father’s mother and sister in a parentage
    questionnaire and in open court. The Department simply did not
    contact them in an effort to notify Father of the pending
    At a hearing that same month (February 2019), the
    juvenile court found—based on the Department’s due diligence
    report—that there had been “good notice” as to Father. Father
    was not present at this hearing, nor was there an attorney in
    court to advocate on his behalf or raise objections to the
    Department’s evidence. The court sustained the dependency
    petition against Father in absentia and ordered he was to receive
    no reunification services.
    Months later, the Department reported it had located
    Father and personally served him on March 11, 2019, with notice
    of the pending dependency proceedings. Father was arrested in
    April 2019 and remained incarcerated (serving a 16-month
    sentence for a threats crime) at the time of a June 12, 2019,
    hearing where he entered his first appearance and was appointed
    counsel. At that hearing, Father told the court his address was
    the same as the paternal grandmother’s—one of the two family
    members previously identified by Mother.
    The day before the next scheduled hearing in the case,
    which was a hearing to consider termination of Mother and
    Father’s parental rights, Father filed a Welfare and Institutions
    Code section 388 petition asking the juvenile court to vacate the
    prior jurisdiction and disposition orders it made while he had no
    notice of the proceedings. Father’s petition asserted (contrary to
    what Mother previously told the Department) that he had visited
    with S.P. and took him into his home before Father was
    incarcerated. Father also maintained he would have advocated
    for S.P. to be placed with the child’s paternal aunt (rather than
    the home of a non-related extended family member where S.P.
    was then placed) if Father had been provided proper notice of the
    The juvenile court denied Father’s request to vacate the
    prior court orders. The court did not reaffirm its prior finding
    that the Department had made good efforts to notify Father of
    the proceedings. Instead, citing a 2004 Court of Appeal case (In
    re Justice P. (2004) 
    123 Cal. App. 4th 181
    (Justice P.)), the court
    determined Father was not entitled to a new jurisdiction and
    disposition hearing in which he could participate solely because
    the court believed “there is not a sufficient bond and it is
    certainly not in this child’s best interest.”
    In this court, the Department does not defend the
    inadequate effort it made to notify Father of the proceedings
    before the court went forward with a jurisdiction and disposition
    hearing in his absence. The Department urges affirmance,
    however, because it believes the error was harmless. By
    harmless, the Department means Father’s lack of notice did not
    affect the outcome of the proceedings beyond a reasonable
    doubt—an admittedly counterfactual standard, albeit one more
    demanding than the majority chooses to apply.
    I have previously argued a juvenile court’s considered
    failure to appoint counsel for a parent can be the kind of error
    that defies harmlessness analysis, and is per se reversible,
    because it is sometimes too difficult to determine what a parent
    might have done differently with advice of counsel, not to
    mention what the attorney would have done differently by way of
    advocating for a parent. (In re J.P. (2017) 
    15 Cal. App. 5th 789
    803 (conc. opn. of Baker, J.) [criticizing the majority’s affirmance
    on harmlessness grounds and quoting United States v. Gonzalez-
    Lopez (2006) 
    548 U.S. 140
    , 150, a case that explains the
    erroneous deprivation of counsel has “‘consequences that are
    necessarily unquantifiable and indeterminate’” and “[h]armless-
    error analysis in such a context would be a speculative inquiry
    into what might have occurred in an alternate universe’”].) In
    this case, the Department does the majority in In re J.P. one
    better by arguing the absence of any notice of the jurisdiction and
    disposition proceedings (which naturally means the absence of
    counsel as well) can be excused on harmlessness grounds too.
    This is folly. We cannot reliably decide whether the
    outcome of these dependency proceedings might have been
    different if Father had been permitted to participate in the case
    from the outset—the various counterfactual possibilities are too
    numerous to even catalog. Consider just a few. Facts in
    Department reports that the majority relies on to find a lack of
    prejudice might have been contested and determined not to be
    facts at all.1 Father might have noticed an appeal from the
    juvenile court’s jurisdiction and disposition orders (an appeal that
    was no longer timely after he made his first appearance and was
    appointed counsel) and secured a reversal. Father may have
    presented a viable plan to arrange for S.P.’s care with the goal of
    facilitating visitation and possibly taking custody of his child
    upon his (Father’s) release. Father might have made different
    decisions and avoided incarceration if he knew the state had
    commenced proceedings to take custody of his child. Or Father
    may have even taken a more proactive approach to dependency
    1      To take one example Father highlights in his section 388
    petition, Mother claimed Father had never met S.P. while Father
    claimed he had visited with the child.
    court proceedings once he was finally given proper notice if he
    were not led to believe all that was done in his absence suggested
    an order terminating his parental rights was probably a fait
    The majority is right, however, that Justice 
    P., supra
    123 Cal. App. 4th 181
    , does apply harmless error doctrine to
    excuse a notice error. Insofar as Justice P. forecloses the
    possibility that notice errors can be per se reversible, we are not
    bound to follow that opinion—and we should not.2 The same is
    not true, of course, of our Supreme Court’s decision in James 
    F., supra
    42 Cal. 4th 901
    . But that case does not compel the result
    the majority reaches.
    The Supreme Court in James F. confronted an undisputed
    error in the procedure a juvenile court used to appoint a guardian
    ad litem for a mentally incompetent parent in a dependency
    proceeding: the court failed to explain, before appointing the
    guardian, what a guardian ad litem was and failed to give the
    2      Justice P. is also quite susceptible of being misread in
    precisely in the manner in which the juvenile court here misread
    it. The juvenile court believed the result in Justice P. obviated
    the need to consider the due process implications of the prior lack
    of notice to Father because the court could simply apply the usual
    section 388 test and decide whether it thought vacating its prior
    orders was in S.P.’s best interest. (Justice 
    P., supra
    , 123
    Cal.App.4th at 189 [“[A] court may still deny a section 388
    petition without an evidentiary hearing if the parent does not
    make a prima facie showing that the relief sought would promote
    a child’s best interests”].) When a section 388 petition is used as
    a vehicle to challenge a lack of notice of the proceedings, however,
    application of the usual section 388 test is insufficient, as even
    the Justice P. court ultimately recognizes. (Id. at 193.)
    parent a meaningful opportunity to be heard in opposition to the
    appointment. (James 
    F., supra
    , 42 Cal.4th at 911.) The Supreme
    Court rejected the view that the juvenile court’s error was per se
    reversible “structural error” and cautioned that “the structural
    error doctrine that has been established for certain errors in
    criminal proceedings should [not] be imported wholesale, or
    unthinkingly, into the quite different context of dependency
    cases.” (Id. at 915-916.)
    Though James F. rejects wholesale importation of per se
    reversible error doctrine into the dependency arena, including on
    the specific facts of that case, the opinion leaves open the
    possibility that a sufficiently serious, fundamental dependency
    court error might require reversal without the need to conduct a
    harmlessness inquiry. That much is clear from the James F.
    court’s recognition that United State Supreme Court precedent
    holds there are certain errors that “‘defy analysis by “harmless-
    error” standards’” (James 
    F., supra
    , 42 Cal.4th at 916-917) and
    the care the James F. court took to emphasize there was no
    argument that the error in that case defied such analysis—as
    contrasted with a more problematic scenario in which a parent
    might lack actual notice of the dependency proceedings (id. at 917
    [“The record does not support the Court of Appeal majority’s
    dramatic assertion that appointment of a guardian ad litem for
    [the parent] ‘stripped [him] of his right to participate’ in the
    action. Nothing suggests that Marcus was unable to express his
    wishes to the court, either directly or through his appointed
    guardian, that he lacked actual notice of the proceedings as they
    unfolded, that the guardian and the attorney appointed for
    Marcus failed to properly advocate for his parental interests, or
    that Marcus ever expressed dissatisfaction with the guardian ad
    litem or asked the juvenile court to vacate her appointment”],
    italics added).
    A lack of actual notice of the proceedings as they unfolded
    is precisely the error we confront here. James F. does not bar
    finding this type of fundamental error to be per se reversible, and
    that is what we should do for the reasons I have already given.
    A harmlessness inquiry is usually required before reversing
    juvenile court dependency orders, and rightly so. But it is also
    true that “the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
    protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions
    concerning the care, custody, and control of their children.”
    (Troxel v. Granville (2000) 
    530 U.S. 57
    , 66.) The cornerstone of
    that right is the familiar basic requirement of notice and an
    opportunity to be heard. (Mullane v. Central Hanover Bank &
    Trust Co. (1950) 
    339 U.S. 306
    , 314.) When a parent has no notice
    of a jurisdiction and disposition hearing that results in an order
    for the state to assume jurisdiction over the parent’s child, and
    when the parent later complains about that lack of notice, the
    juvenile court should be required to redo the hearing because
    assessing prejudice will ordinarily be too difficult. Some
    consequences of a lack of proper notice may still be unrepairable,
    but holding the hearing anew is the best available means of
    assessing the impact of a fundamental notice error. If instead the
    majority’s harmlessness approach here is to be the rule, one is
    left to wonder why we even go to the trouble of holding juvenile
    court hearings in every case. It would be a lot faster and easier
    for judges to first read Department reports and then decide
    whether it is worth hearing from the parents at all.
    BAKER, J.