People v. Bonilla-Bray ( 2020 )

  • Filed 4/29/20; Certified for Publication 5/21/20 (order attached)
    THE PEOPLE,                                        B299607
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                    Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. VA119464
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a postjudgment order of the Superior Court
    of Los Angeles County, Roger Ito, Judge. Reversed with
    Jared G. Coleman, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Susan Sullivan Pithey, Paul M.
    Roadarmel, Jr., and Stephanie A. Miyoshi, Deputy Attorneys
    General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Defendant Jonathan Bonilla-Bray is a Marine Corps
    veteran who alleges that, because of his service, he suffers from
    mental health and substance abuse problems. To help veterans
    like defendant, since 2015, California law has required trial
    courts to consider service-related trauma, substance abuse, and
    mental health problems as mitigating factors weighing in favor of
    low-term felony sentences. In 2018, the Legislature expanded this
    relief to allow people sentenced before 2015 to petition for a
    resentencing hearing in which the court considers service-related
    mitigating factors. As amended, Penal Code section 1170.91 lays
    out eligibility criteria and provides that upon receiving a petition,
    the court must hold a public hearing to determine whether the
    defendant satisfies those criteria. Defendant contends the trial
    court here erred by summarily denying his petition for recall and
    resentencing without following the required procedures. The
    People properly concede the point, and we agree. We therefore
    reverse and remand for further proceedings.
    By information dated May 27, 2011, defendant was charged
    with one count of carjacking (Pen. Code,1 § 215, subd. (a); count 1)
    and one count of attempted carjacking (§§ 664/215, subd. (a);
    count 2). The information also alleged that he personally used a
    firearm in the commission of count 2 (§ 12022.53, subd. (b)).
    Defendant pled not guilty and denied the allegation.
    At defense counsel’s request, the court appointed a
    psychiatrist to examine defendant. The doctor concluded
    1 All   undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    defendant suffered from serious mental health issues but was fit
    to stand trial.
    On August 16, 2011, defendant pled no contest to count 2
    and admitted the allegation. The court sentenced him to state
    prison for 12 and a half years—the midterm of two and a half
    years for count 2 plus 10 years for the firearm enhancement. In
    accordance with the terms of the plea, the court recommended
    that defendant receive “psychiatric/psychological treatment” in
    state prison. The court dismissed count 1.
    On April 23, 2019, defendant filed a petition for recall of
    sentence and resentencing under Assembly Bill No. 865 (2017–
    2018 Reg. Sess.) (Stats. 2018, ch. 523, § 1) (hereafter A.B. 865). In
    the petition, defendant alleged that he had served in the United
    States Marine Corps, where he suffered from both “serious
    mental health issues and substance abuse addiction,” and that
    his military service “had a substantial and detrimental effect on
    his mental health and well being.” Defendant also noted that,
    while the charges were pending in his case, a court-appointed
    psychiatrist found that he suffered from “serious mental health
    issues, but was otherwise fit to stand trial.” And, he said that the
    trial court had not considered the effects of his military service as
    a factor in mitigation at sentencing, which occurred before
    January 1, 2015. Thus, defendant asked the court to resentence
    him to the low term for count 2 and to strike the firearm
    enhancement using its authority under Senate Bill No. 620
    (2017–2018 Reg. Sess.). He requested counsel and the right to be
    present at any hearing.
    On May 28, 2019, the court summarily denied what it
    called a “petition for recall and resentencing pursuant to SB 620”
    without appointing counsel or holding a hearing. The court
    specifically stated that defendant had “failed to show a prima
    facie case for relief” and that he had the burden to “establish
    grounds for his release.” The court added, “Specifically,
    petitioner’s case became final on or about January 9, 2012, over
    5 years prior to the effective date of SB 620. Accordingly, the
    claim is denied.” The court did not mention either A.B. 865 or
    section 1170.91.
    Defendant filed a timely notice of appeal.
    Defendant contends that because he filed a petition for
    resentencing under section 1170.91 that met the statutory
    requirements for relief, the court erred by failing either to
    address those claims or to hold a noticed public hearing as
    required under subdivision (b)(3) of the statute. The People
    concede the error, and we agree.
    This is an issue of statutory interpretation, which we
    consider de novo. (People v. Prunty (2015) 
    62 Cal. 4th 59
    , 71.)
    Effective January 1, 2015, sentencing courts must consider
    any trauma, substance abuse, and mental health problems
    caused by a defendant’s service in the United States military as
    mitigating factors weighing in favor of a low-term sentence.
    (§ 1170.91, subd. (a), enacted by Stats. 2014, ch. 163, § 2.)
    A.B. 865 amended that statute to allow people sentenced before
    January 1, 2015, to petition for a resentencing hearing in which
    the court takes into account mitigating factors related to military
    service. (§ 1170.91, subd. (b)(1).)
    To be eligible for resentencing, a petitioner must meet the
    following criteria:
    ◦   He or she is currently serving a sentence for a
    felony conviction—whether by trial or plea
    (§ 1170.91, subd. (b)(1));
    ◦   He or she served in a branch of the United States
    military (ibid.);
    ◦   As a result of his or her service, he or she suffers
    from sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, post-
    traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, or
    mental health problems (ibid.);
    ◦   The court did not consider those circumstances as
    a factor in mitigation at the time of sentencing
    (id., subd. (b)(1)(A)); and
    ◦   He or she was sentenced before January 1, 2015
    (id., subd. (b)(1)(B)).
    Section 1170.91, subdivision (b)(3), in turn, establishes
    procedures for the trial courts to evaluate resentencing petitions.
    It provides that upon receiving a petition, the court must hold a
    public hearing after at least 15 days to determine whether the
    defendant meets the statutory criteria. “At that hearing, the
    prosecution shall have an opportunity to be heard on the
    petitioner’s eligibility and suitability for resentencing. If the
    person satisfies the criteria [in subdivision (b)], the court may, in
    its discretion resentence the person following a resentencing
    hearing.” (Ibid.)
    Here, defendant filed a petition on April 23, 2019, after the
    statute’s effective date. He wrote that he had served in the
    Marine Corps and ended up suffering from “serious mental
    health issues and substance abuse addiction” as a result. To
    support this claim, he attached extensive Marine Corps service
    records and CDCR mental health records. He also stated that the
    trial court had not considered his mental health and substance
    abuse issues as a factor in mitigation at sentencing. To support
    that claim, he attached copies of his sentencing hearing
    transcript and plea advisement form. Defendant also noted that
    he had been sentenced before January 1, 2015. Therefore, as the
    People acknowledge, defendant’s petition alleges that he met the
    statutory requirements under section 1170.91, subdivision (b).
    Nevertheless, soon after receiving defendant’s petition, the
    court—with no parties present and no apparent notice to
    defendant or the prosecution—summarily denied defendant’s
    petition. As the People concede, “[u]nder the statute, this was
    improper. The trial court should have provided notice to the
    District Attorney, [defendant], and any victims before setting a
    hearing date. At that hearing, which was required to be at least
    15 days after [defendant]’s petition was received, the trial court
    could then determine whether [defendant] satisfied the criteria
    set forth in [section 1170.91,] subdivision (b), i.e., whether the
    circumstance of suffering from his mental health and substance
    abuse issues as a result of his military service was considered as
    a factor in mitigation at the time of the sentencing in 2011, and
    whether [defendant] was sentenced prior to 2015.”
    We agree with the parties that the court’s summary denial
    was improper. We therefore reverse and remand with directions
    for the trial court to hold the hearing it denied defendant a year
    The postjudgment order is reversed and the matter is
    remanded with directions to comply with Penal Code section
    1170.91, subdivision (b)(3). If, at the hearing, the trial court finds
    that defendant is eligible for resentencing, it must exercise its
    discretion to determine whether to resentence him according to
    the provisions of Penal Code section 1170.91, subdivisions (b)(4)
    and (5). Upon resentencing, the court may exercise its full
    discretion under any newly-enacted sentencing laws, including
    under Senate Bill No. 620.
    LAVIN, Acting P. J.
    Filed 5/21/20
    THE PEOPLE,                          B299607
    Plaintiff and Respondent,     Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. VA119464
    Order Certifying Opinion
    for Publication
    Defendant and Appellant.      [No change in judgment]
    Tseme Garcia, who is not a party to this matter, has requested
    that our opinion in the above-entitled matter, filed April 29, 2020,
    be certified for publication. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule
    8.1120(a)(1).) It appears that our opinion meets the standards set
    forth in California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105(c). The opinion is
    ordered published in the Official Reports.
    * LAVIN,    Acting P. J.    EGERTON, J.           DHANIDINA, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B299607

Filed Date: 5/21/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/21/2020