Garcia v. Gray CA2/7 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 1/19/21 Garcia v. Gray CA2/7
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions
    not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion
    has not been certified for publication or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    MIGUEL GARCIA et al.,                                        B300661
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,                          (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC618627)
    et al.,
    Defendants and
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, Michael I. Levanas, Judge. Affirmed.
    Berglund & Johnson and Anthony E. Vieira for Plaintiffs
    and Appellants Miguel Garcia and Reina Garcia.
    Booth, Hillary Arrow Booth and Ian P. Culver for
    Defendants and Respondents Tommie Jerome Gray and Eddies
    Trucking & Messenger Service LLC.
    Twenty-one-year-old Arnold Garcia died after pitching over
    his bicycle’s handlebars and skidding under the rear wheels of a
    semi-tractor-trailer traveling next to him on Crenshaw Boulevard
    in the City of Hawthorne. Garcia’s parents, Miguel and Reina
    Garcia, filed a wrongful death and survival action against the
    truck driver, Tommie Jerome Gray, and his employer, Edward
    Barsoum, doing business as Eddie’s Trucking & Messenger
    Service. After a two-week trial the jury returned a special verdict
    finding neither Gray nor Barsoum had been negligent.
    On appeal from the judgment entered in favor of Gray and
    Barsoum, the Garcia parents argue the trial court committed
    reversible error by permitting Hawthorne Police Officer Wilbert
    Pereira, who arrived at the scene several minutes after the
    collision, to testify the accident had been caused by Garcia’s
    abrupt left turn into traffic. They also contend the court
    committed prejudicial error by refusing to include in its
    instructions Vehicle Code section 21202, which provides a bicycle
    must be ridden as close “as practicable to the right-hand curb or
    edge of the roadway” except in certain specified situations. We
    1. The Garcia Parents’ Case-in-chief
    The Garcia parents’ theory of the case was that Gray, while
    passing Garcia as they both travelled southbound in the far-right,
    number 3 lane on Crenshaw Boulevard, negligently failed to
    move his semi-tractor-trailer entirely into the adjacent number 2
    lane, instead straddling the number 2 and 3 lanes. The
    proximity and noise of Gray’s large vehicle startled Garcia, who
    reacted by turning to his left and braking, causing him to pitch
    over the handlebars of his bicycle and fall directly into the path of
    the semi-trailer’s rear wheels.
    In addition to their own testimony and that of Garcia’s
    older sister and one of his friends, the Garcia parents presented
    six witnesses during their case-in-chief: Anthony Lyscio, who
    had witnessed the accident while riding in a shuttle bus that was
    immediately behind Gray’s truck; Gray and Barsoum pursuant to
    Evidence Code section 776; David King, an accident
    reconstruction expert; Douglas Shapiro, a bicycle safety expert;
    and Paul Herbert, a trucking safety expert. The jury also saw a
    surveillance video from a nearby business on Crenshaw
    Boulevard that is adjacent to the accident site. (The video was
    not continuous; separate frames were recorded at one-second
    The evidence established Garcia was on his way to school
    on May 4, 2015 when he was struck by Gray’s semi-tractor-
    trailer. Garcia’s backpack, a spilled juice cup and drink and a set
    of earphones were found near Garcia’s body following the
    accident. Garcia was taken by ambulance to an emergency room
    but died shortly thereafter.
    Lyscio testified he saw Garcia riding his bicycle on the
    sidewalk and then come down into the street, at which point he
    was about 50 to 100 feet in front of the semi-tractor-trailer.
    According to Lyscio, “It looked like riding off the curb there was a
    little bit of a stumble, but then [the bicyclist] regained stability
    for a short bit.” Garcia continued riding at the transition
    between the gutter (which Lyscio estimated to be 18-inches wide)
    and the street itself. The truck, which had been driving in the
    far-right lane (lane 3), as was Lyscio’s shuttle bus, moved to its
    left, about halfway into lane 2. Lyscio believed there was a
    clearance of three to six feet between the truck and the bicycle as
    the truck started to pass. Asked what happened next, Lyscio
    testified, “I see the bicyclist looks like—like almost like trips over
    the bicycle. Kind of—effectively goes up and over, like, the
    handlebars, and then kind of pitches, like, under the—just as the
    big rig tractor is passing—passing him, he kind of tripped up over
    the handlebars, and then he falls underneath the path of the rear
    wheels, and then as the truck proceeds forward, the rear wheels
    run over him.”
    Examined as an adverse witness, Gray testified that he
    saw Garcia on the sidewalk ahead of him, attempting to avoid
    pedestrians who were also on the sidewalk, but did not see him
    turn into the roadway. At his deposition Gray had testified, after
    his tractor had passed Garcia, he looked in the rear-view mirror
    and saw Garcia still riding on the sidewalk. At trial, however,
    Gray explained, because of the height of the tractor cab, he could
    only see Garcia’s head, not the wheels of the bicycle, and just
    assumed he was still on the sidewalk. If he had seen Garcia in
    the street, Gray testified, he would have moved his vehicle all the
    way into lane 2, rather than straddling lanes 2 and 3, as he
    passed. Gray also acknowledged he would have tapped his horn
    before passing if he had realized Garcia was then in the street.
    Herbert, plaintiffs’ trucking safety expert, opined that Gray
    “clearly was inattentive” in failing to see Garcia had moved from
    the sidewalk into the roadway. Herbert also testified that “truck
    drivers are regularly taught about the startling element of the
    large loud vehicle that they are operating, especially when
    operating close to a bicyclist and in the same direction.” That is
    why, he explained, it is important to sound a warning horn from
    far enough away, to “help[ ] eliminate or greatly reduce this
    startle factor that we’ve been talking about.”
    Shapiro, plaintiffs’ bicycle safety expert, testified bicyclists
    depend on motorists approaching from behind either to flash
    their vehicles’ lights or to lightly sound the horn before passing to
    ensure the cyclist is aware of the car or truck’s presence. “It’s my
    expectation that the passing vehicle is going to provide some level
    of caution. Because, look, I’m on a bike.” Shapiro also explained
    that a common reaction among all bicyclists is to be startled
    when a large truck approaches them from behind; and “the bigger
    the truck, the louder the truck, the louder the ‘Oh, my gosh,’ is
    going to be in my head.” What happens when a bicyclist is
    startled, he continued, “depends on the experience of the rider,
    the conditions of the road surface. Some things that happen are,
    some riders will try to get a better look at what’s approaching
    and look to their left, and in doing so, more often than not,
    cyclists will tend to steer in the direction that they’re looking.”1
    In Shapiro’s opinion, “This accident was caused because Mr.
    Garcia, his ability to operate his bicycle in a safe and reasonable
    way on Crenshaw was compromised by an oversized truck in the
    No. 3 lane and that changed the course of his ability to operate
    his bicycle in a controlled way. . . . His lateral safety cushion was
    taken away by Mr. Gray’s vehicle.”
    Based on the surveillance video, Shapiro confirmed Garcia
    was holding onto the handlebars with his left hand and holding a
    cup (the juice drink) in his right hand. Shapiro could not tell
    whether Garcia was simultaneously holding the cup and
    1      Shapiro added, “Some bicyclists will do the opposite. They
    will try to use their peripheral vision to see what’s happening,
    and I’ve witnessed some riders steer to the right.”
    handlebars with his right hand. Shapiro acknowledged, to best
    avoid an impact and collision, the cyclist should mostly use his or
    her rear brakes. Examining the bicycle before the jury, Shapiro
    explained the right-hand lever was for the rear brakes; the left-
    hand lever for the front brakes. Asked on cross-examination
    what would happen if a cyclist was riding 15 or 16 miles per hour
    and suddenly squeezed the left-hand brake, Shapiro answered,
    “Bicyclist would typically do what’s called an endo. They would
    go over the handlebars.” Shapiro also confirmed there was water
    in the gutter where Garcia was riding, which is “something that
    would be of concern in terms of operating your bicycle in an
    upright, stable, directionally correct manner.”
    King, the Garcia parents’ accident reconstructionist,
    testified there is a 22-inch-wide, continuously poured gutter on
    the southbound side of Crenshaw Boulevard. Lane 3 is an
    additional 10 feet, two inches wide (that is, lane 3 with the gutter
    is 12-feet wide). Lanes 1 and 2 are also approximately 10-feet
    wide. Although there is a seam between the gutter and lane 3,
    King explained, “[N]othing stood out as there being any lip or
    anything like that, that I can recall.”
    Based on his examination of the video, King observed that
    Garcia was holding a cup in this right hand and calculated he
    was traveling between 15 and 16 miles per hour; Gray’s truck’s
    speed was between 24 and 26 miles per hour. Just prior to the
    truck beginning to pass him (when it was five feet behind the
    bicycle), Garcia was riding in the center of the gutter, and Gray’s
    vehicle was in the middle of lane 3. At that point the step on the
    side of the tractor was approximately 52 inches, slightly more
    than four feet, from Garcia. The truck then moved toward lane 2,
    “angling away from the curb,” while Garcia appeared to ride
    toward the curb as the truck began to pass. The bicycle then
    seemed to angle to the left.
    Based on his analysis, King did not believe Gray’s
    deposition testimony that he still saw Garcia on the sidewalk in
    his rear-view mirror after the tractor had passed him. On cross-
    examination King agreed the time-lapsed photographs of the
    incident indicated that water had been splashed up from the
    gutter by Garcia’s bicycle.
    2. The Motion in Limine Regarding Officer Pereira
    Prior to trial the Garcia parents moved in limine to exclude
    the testimony of the police officers who had prepared the traffic
    collision report following their investigation of the accident “as to
    who they think was at fault in the accident, including but not
    limited to any opinion as to the cause of the accident in this case
    or violation of any law.” They argued a police officer’s opinion
    regarding the cause of an automobile accident is inadmissible
    when the officer did not observe the accident and could constitute
    an impermissible legal opinion.
    Following the deposition of Officer Pereira, who had been
    designated by Gray and Barsoum as a nonretained expert, the
    Garcia parents submitted a supplemental motion in limine in
    which they acknowledged Officer Pereira could provide pertinent
    (and admissible) percipient testimony regarding his first-hand
    observations from the accident scene, but reiterated their motion
    to exclude his testimony as to whom he considered to be at fault,
    including his opinions regarding the cause of the accident and
    any violations of the law.2 They also argued Officer Pereira’s
    2     Emphasizing Officer Pereira’s lack of training in accident
    reconstruction, the Garcia parents argued his opinions lacked
    foundation, but neither the original nor supplemental motion
    proposed testimony would be cumulative, duplicating that of
    defense accident reconstruction expert Jon Landerville. In
    support of the supplemental motion, the Garcia parents
    submitted their counsel’s declaration summarizing and providing
    excerpts from Officer Pereira’s deposition testimony, emphasizing
    that he had admitted he had no accident reconstruction training
    and his report was an accident investigation report, not an
    accident reconstruction.
    Following argument the court denied the motion, ruling,
    “I’m going to allow the police officer to testify, and I’m going to
    give an instruction to the jury that all experts, including police
    officers, opining on an expert opinion are subject to the jury’s
    decision as to how you accept it, what the basis for it was, and all
    expert testimony is subject—you can give me an instruction, but
    it’s going to be clear that just because a police officer formed an
    opinion does not give it any more weight or credibility than any
    other experts in the case. That’s how I’m going to handle it.”
    3. The Defense Case
    The defense theory of the accident, based on the testimony
    of their accident reconstruction expert, Landerville, was that
    Garcia was effectively riding one-handed, holding a juice cup in
    his right hand, perhaps while wearing earphones,3 when he lost
    in limine asserted Officer Pereira’s testimony should be excluded
    because he was not qualified to provide expert testimony. And
    notwithstanding the Garcia parents’ subsequent complaint about
    Officer Pereira’s testifying while in uniform, their counsel never
    asked the court to direct the officer to appear in civilian clothes.
    3     It is lawful to operate a bicycle while wearing one earbud,
    not two. Although it was implied, none of the witnesses testified
    control of his bicycle as he hit water in the gutter portion of the
    street. He abruptly turned left, toward traffic, and then jammed
    on his front brakes (using his left hand), which caused him to
    pitch over the handlebars and under the wheels of Gray’s tractor
    Officer Pereira, the first defense witness, explained he was
    assigned to the traffic bureau of the Hawthorne Police
    Department as a motorcycle officer at the time of the accident in
    May 2015. He was one of the first officers at the scene and was
    the lead investigator. In conducting his investigation he took
    measurements at the accident scene using laser equipment and
    reviewed the surveillance video. Based on that investigation,
    Gray was not cited or given any warning in connection with the
    accident; it was Officer Pereira’s opinion that Gray had operated
    his truck in compliance with Vehicle Code section 21760, the
    Three Feet for Safety Act, which requires the driver of a motor
    vehicle, when passing a bicycle traveling in the same direction, to
    maintain a distance of at least three feet between any part of the
    vehicle and any part of a bicycle or its operator.4 He also
    Garcia had been wearing both earbuds found at the scene of the
    4     Vehicle Code section 21760 provides in part, “(c) A driver of
    a motor vehicle shall not overtake or pass a bicycle proceeding in
    the same direction on a highway at a distance of less than
    three feet between any part of the motor vehicle and any part of
    the bicycle or its operator. [¶] (d) If the driver of a motor vehicle
    is unable to comply with subdivision (c), due to traffic or roadway
    conditions, the driver shall slow to a speed that is reasonable and
    prudent, and may pass only when doing so would not endanger
    the safety of the operator of the bicycle, taking into account the
    concluded that Garcia appeared to have made an unsafe turn into
    traffic. The following brief exchange then took place between
    defense counsel and Officer Pereira:
    “Q. Is it accurate to say that you concluded after your
    entire investigation that Mr. Garcia was the cause of this
    “A. Yes.
    “Q. And you did not come to any—is it true that you did
    not come to a conclusion as to why Mr. Garcia turned into traffic?
    “A. I did not.”
    On cross-examination Officer Pereira agreed he had no
    training as an accident reconstructionist or specifically in
    interpreting Vehicle Code section 21760, confirmed the unsafe
    turn he had referred to was Garcia’s sharp directional turn to the
    left, and repeated he was not aware why Garcia had turned into
    Landerville testified Garcia was travelling at a speed of
    approximately 17 miles per hour and Gray’s truck at 25 miles
    per hour prior to the accident. Explaining his opinion the
    accident occurred when Garcia lost control of his bicycle as he hit
    water in the gutter and braked suddenly, Landerville pointed to
    the surveillance video, which showed the sidewalk was dry right
    before Garcia made his sharp turn to the left and wet right
    afterward, indicating a large splash from the bicycle’s wheels
    during the one-second interval between video frames.
    Immediately after that water splash, the tractor portion of Gray’s
    vehicle and the bicycle were parallel to each other with a gap
    between them of 4.4 feet.
    size and speed of the motor vehicle and bicycle, traffic conditions,
    weather, visibility, and surface and width of the highway.”
    The defense trucking safety expert testified an eight-mile-
    per-hour differential in passing a bicycle was reasonable and
    opined Gray had handled the situation properly by moving
    gradually to the left, straddling lanes 2 and 3, and giving
    approximately 4.4 feet of space to the bicycle.
    4. Jury Instructions
    The court instructed, as pertinent to the issues on appeal,
    with CACI No. 219, which provides, “You do not have to accept an
    expert’s opinion. As with any other witness, it is up to you to
    decide whether you believe the expert’s testimony and choose to
    use it as a basis for your decision.” CACI No. 219 specifically
    identifies the expert’s training and experience as factors for the
    jury to consider in evaluating the testimony. The court also
    instructed with CACI Nos. 220 and 221 regarding expert
    testimony. The Garcia parents did not accept the court’s
    invitation to propose a special instruction that Officer Pereira’s
    testimony was not to be given any additional weight because he
    was a police officer.
    The court also instructed with several iterations of CACI
    No. 418, Presumption of Negligence Per Se, as applied to Vehicle
    Code sections 21205, prohibiting a person operating a bicycle
    from carrying any article that prevents the operator from keeping
    at least one hand on the handlebars; 21760, the Three Feet for
    Safety Act; 22107, prohibiting a vehicle from turning left or right
    on the roadway until the movement can be made with reasonable
    safety; and 27400, prohibiting a person operating a motor vehicle
    or bicycle from wearing earphones covering or inserted in both
    ears. CACI No. 418 states a person who violates the law must be
    found negligent if the violation was a substantial factor in
    causing harm unless the violation was excused. CACI No. 420,
    which the court also gave, instructed that a violation of the law is
    excused if the violation was reasonable; or, despite using
    reasonable care, Garcia or Gray was not able to obey the law; or
    either party faced an emergency that was not caused by his own
    misconduct; or obeying the law would have involved a greater
    risk of harm to others.
    The court declined the Garcia parents’ general request to
    instruct the jury concerning Vehicle Code section 21202, which
    provides in part, “Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway
    at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the
    same direction at that time shall ride as close as practicable to
    the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except . . . [¶] . . . [¶]
    [w]hen reasonably necessary to avoid conditions (including, but
    not limited to, fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles,
    pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width
    lanes) that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb
    or edge . . . . For purposes of this section, a ‘substandard width
    lane’ is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to
    travel safely side by side within the lane.” The Garcia parents
    did not propose any language for such an instruction.5
    After determining section 21202 was not relevant to the
    facts of the case, the court offered to instruct the jury the statute
    5     Counsel for Gray and Barsoum had initially requested a
    CACI No. 418 instruction for section 21202, but subsequently
    withdrew that request once they decided not to argue Garcia had
    violated the statute. That proposed instruction is not in the
    record on appeal.
    did not apply.6 The Garcia parents did not ask the court to give
    such an instruction.
    5. The Special Verdict, Judgment and New Trial Motion
    The jury found neither Gray (by a vote of 11 to one) nor
    Barsoum (unanimously) had been negligent. As instructed, based
    on the answer to those two questions, the jury did not answer
    whether either defendant’s negligence had been a substantial
    factor in causing harm to Garcia or whether Garcia had been
    Judgment was entered on July 8, 2019, and notice of entry
    of judgment was served by the clerk the same day. The Garcia
    parents moved for a new trial on July 22, 2019, asserting the trial
    court had erred in admitting expert testimony from Officer
    Pereira concerning his conclusions of law, abused its discretion in
    permitting that testimony without adequate foundation and
    committed error in declining to instruct regarding Vehicle Code
    section 21202. After two hearings the court filed a written ruling
    on October 10, 2019 denying the motion, finding there had been
    no irregularity or error in law that was so prejudicial as to have
    prevented the Garcia parents from having a fair trial.7
    6     Officer Pereira considered whether Garcia had violated
    Vehicle Code section 21202 during his investigation. Gray and
    Barsoum did not contend at trial that Garcia had violated the
    statute or that he had not been riding as close as practicable to
    the right-hand curb.
    7     Hearing on the new trial motion began as originally
    scheduled on September 6, 2019, but was continued by the court
    to September 13, 2019. Although the court purported to deny the
    motion in its ruling on October 10, 2019, pursuant to Code of
    Civil Procedure 660, subdivision (c), its jurisdiction to rule
    expired on September 19, 2019, at which time the motion was
    The Garcia parents filed a timely notice of appeal on
    September 6, 2019.
    1. Allowing Officer Pereira To Testify Did Not Constitute
    Reversible Error
    a. Standard of review
    We review a trial court’s ruling admitting or excluding
    expert testimony for abuse of discretion. (Sargon Enterprises,
    Inc. v. University of Southern California (2012) 
    55 Cal.4th 747
    773.) “[E]videntiary objections based on lack of foundation,
    qualification of experts, and conclusory and speculative testimony
    are traditionally left to the sound discretion of the trial court.”
    (Alexander v. Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla (2018)
    23 Cal.App.5th 206
    , 226.) “A court abuses its discretion if its
    ruling is ‘“so irrational or arbitrary that no reasonable person
    could agree with it.”’ . . . ‘It is the appellant’s burden on appeal to
    show the trial court abused its discretion.’” (Sanchez v. Kern
    Emergency Medical Transportation Corp. (2017) 
    8 Cal.App.5th 146
    , 154.)
    A judgment may be reversed for the erroneous admission of
    evidence only if the error “resulted in a miscarriage of justice.”
    (Evid. Code, § 353, subd. (b).) “Claims of evidentiary error under
    California law are reviewed for prejudice applying the
    ‘miscarriage of justice’ or ‘reasonably probable’ harmless error
    standard of People v. Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal.2d 818
    , 836 that is
    embodied in article VI, section 13 of the California Constitution.
    Under the Watson harmless error standard, it is the burden of
    denied by operation of law. The Garcia parents have not
    appealed denial of their motion for new trial.
    appellants to show that it is reasonably probable that they would
    have received a more favorable result at trial had the error not
    occurred.” (Christ v. Schwartz (2016) 
    2 Cal.App.5th 440
    , 447;
    see Cassim v. Allstate Ins. Co. (2004) 
    33 Cal.4th 780
    , 800 [error
    justifies reversal in a civil action only if it is reasonably probable
    a different result would have been reached absent the error].)
    b. The trial court did not abuse its discretion in
    permitting Officer Pereira to testify as an expert
    A police officer trained and experienced in the investigation
    of traffic accidents may give expert testimony as the facts and
    circumstances of an accident based upon his or her inspection of
    the scene and first-hand analysis of other relevant information.
    (Hart v. Wielt (1970) 
    4 Cal.App.3d 224
    , 229 [“[i]t is generally
    established that traffic officers whose duties include
    investigations of automobile accidents are qualified experts and
    may properly testify concerning their opinions as to the various
    factors involved in such accidents, based upon their own
    observations”]; see Kastner v. Los Angeles Metropolitan
    Transportation Authority (1965) 
    63 Cal.2d 52
    , 57-58; Francis v.
    Sauve (1963) 
    222 Cal.App.2d 102
    , 114.) Here, Officer Pereira not
    only personally inspected the accident scene immediately after
    the incident but also reviewed the surveillance video before
    completing his investigation report.
    The Garcia parents did establish during Officer Pereira’s
    deposition, submitted in support of their motion in limine, and
    then again when questioning him on cross-examination, that
    Office Pereira lacked training that would qualify him to testify as
    an accident reconstruction or trucking safety expert. But those
    gaps in training and expertise, which the jury was instructed it
    could evaluate, went to the weight to be given his opinions, not
    the threshold question of his qualifications to testify to the
    results of his accident investigation, an area in which he was
    trained and experienced. (Cf. People v. Prince (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 1179
    , 1229 [“[i]t was for defendant to expose the weaknesses in
    the expert’s opinion on cross-examination—and defendant did
    Crooks v. Pirrone (1964) 
    228 Cal.App.2d 549
    , which the
    Garcia parents cite, fully supports this conclusion. In Crooks the
    trial court, after evaluating a traffic officer’s qualifications,
    excluded his testimony concerning the approximate speed of
    vehicles involved in an accident he had not witnessed. In
    affirming the trial court’s exercise of discretion, the court of
    appeal did not, as the Garcia parents suggest, require training in
    accident reconstruction or establish other minimum requirements
    for a traffic officer’s expert opinion, but rather emphasized, “[T]he
    responsibility for determining the competency and qualifications
    of an expert witness rests initially with the trial court.” (Id. at
    p. 553.) That ruling, the court continued, will only be upset for
    an abuse of discretion. (Ibid.) Here, the trial court fully
    considered the Garcia parents’ challenge to Officer Pereira’s
    qualifications (phrased as lack of foundation) when ruling on
    their motion in limine to exclude his expert opinion. The court’s
    decision to deny that motion was neither arbitrary nor irrational
    and cannot be disturbed on this record. (See Sargon Enterprises,
    Inc. v. University of Southern California, supra, 55 Cal.4th at
    p. 773 [“[a] ruling that constitutes an abuse of discretion has been
    described as one that is ‘so irrational or arbitrary that no
    reasonable person could agree with it’”]; People v. Carmony
    33 Cal.4th 367
    , 377 [“[a] trial court does not abuse its
    discretion unless its decision is so irrational or arbitrary that no
    reasonable person could agree with it”].)
    c. Even if portions of the testimony should have been
    excluded, any error was harmless
    Although they question Officer Pereira’s qualifications on
    appeal, as they did in the trial court, the Garcia parents’ primary
    argument is that the court impermissibly permitted
    Officer Pereira to testify to legal conclusions and to usurp the
    jury’s factfinding function, specifically as to whether Gray had
    violated Vehicle Code section 21760, whether Garcia had violated
    the Vehicle Code by making an unsafe left turn,8 and whether
    Garcia’s abrupt left turn had caused the accident.
    The Garcia parents’ argument, based on language from
    Summers v. A. L. Gilbert Co. (1999) 
    69 Cal.App.4th 1155
    , 1178
    (Summers), fails to give adequate weight to Evidence Code
    section 805, which provides, “Testimony in the form of an opinion
    that is otherwise admissible is not objectionable because it
    embraces the ultimate issue to be decided by the trier of fact.”
    (See, e.g., North American Capacity Ins. Co. v. Claremont
    Liability Ins. Co. (2009) 
    177 Cal.App.4th 272
    , 294 [“[t]hat the
    [expert] opinion expressed may have included ultimate facts to be
    decided by the court does not alone make such evidence
    improper”]; cf. People v. Vang (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 1038
    , 1048 [“‘A
    witness may not express an opinion on a defendant’s guilt.
    [Citations.] The reason for this rule is not because guilt is the
    ultimate issue of fact for the jury, as opinion testimony often goes
    to the ultimate issue. [Citations.] “Rather, opinions on guilt or
    8     Officer Pereira specifically identified Vehicle Code
    section 22107 as the statute he believed Garcia had violated only
    on cross-examination.
    innocence are inadmissible because they are of no assistance
    to the trier of fact. To put it another way, the trier of fact is as
    competent as the witness to weigh the evidence and draw a
    conclusion on the issue of guilt”’”].)
    Under Evidence Code section 805 Officer Pereira’s opinion,
    based on his investigation and his training and experience as a
    traffic officer, that Garcia’s abrupt turn to the left was unsafe and
    the precipitating cause for the accident constituted proper expert
    testimony even though the determination of proximate cause
    could ultimately have been part of the jury’s analysis of liability.9
    (See Neumann v. Bishop (1976) 
    59 Cal.App.3d 451
    , 460-461 [no
    error in permitting officer who had investigated accident scene to
    testify he saw no evidence of excessive speed]; Risley v. Lenwell
    129 Cal.App.2d 608
    , 633 [no error in permitting California
    Highway Patrol officer to testify following investigation,
    including review of photographs, that truck was properly
    equipped and loaded]; see generally Wells Truckways, Ltd. v.
    Cebrian (1954) 
    122 Cal.App.2d 666
    , 674 [“Rarely, if ever, does an
    expression of opinion by a so-called expert not amount to that
    which either the court or jury might adopt as a basis for the
    ultimate decision in the case. However, that does not mean that
    the witness is deciding the case or that in so testifying he is
    usurping the functions of the jury. He is merely giving an
    opinion, based upon his technical training, which the court may
    or may not accept as testimony that is proper and necessary to an
    enlightened consideration and a correct disposition of the
    ultimate issue”].) The appropriateness of this opinion testimony
    is underscored by the fact that Officer Pereira acknowledged he
    9     Because the jury found neither Gray nor Barsoum had been
    negligent, it never reached the issue of causation.
    did not know what had caused Garcia to swerve to his left, one of
    the controlling issues in the case.
    To be sure, as quoted by the Garcia parents, the court in
    Summers, supra, 69 Cal.App.4th at page 1178 cautioned, “[T]he
    admissibility of opinion evidence that embraces an ultimate issue
    in a case does not bestow upon an expert carte blanche to express
    any opinion he or she wishes. [Citation.] There are limits to
    expert testimony, not the least of which is the prohibition against
    admission of an expert’s opinion on a question of law.”10 (See
    Amtower v. Photon Dynamics, Inc. (2008) 
    158 Cal.App.4th 1582
    1598-1599 [“‘[t]he calling of lawyers as “expert witnesses” to give
    opinions as to the application of the law to particular facts usurps
    the duty of the trial court to instruct the jury on the law as
    applicable to the facts’”]; Downer v. Bramet (1984)
    152 Cal.App.3d 837
    , 841 [expert witness may not testify to legal
    conclusion in the guise of expert opinion].)
    It may be that the trial court should have sustained
    objections to Officer Pereira’s opinion that Gray had not violated
    Vehicle Code section 2176011 or that Garcia’s abrupt turn was
    unsafe and violated the Vehicle Code. It certainly was within the
    10    In Summers, supra, 
    69 Cal.App.4th 1155
    , a wrongful death
    action following an accident involving a pickup truck and a
    tractor-trailer, the court of appeal held it was error to permit an
    attorney to testify to issues of law, including whether the
    defendant had a nondelegable duty that he breached in hiring an
    incompetent trucker, as well as to opine how the case should
    ultimately be resolved. (Id. at p. 1185.)
    11    That Gray was not cited following the accident, of course,
    was a fact, not Officer Pereira’s opinion. No separate objection
    was made by the Garcia parents to that aspect of Officer Pereira’s
    trial court’s broad discretion to have done so, even though, unlike
    the lawyer witness in Summers, nothing in Officer Pereira’s
    testimony expressed his belief as to how the jury should decide
    the case. (See Summers, supra, 69 Cal.App.4th at p. 1185
    [lawyer expert “was advocating, not testifying”]; cf. People v. Lowe
    211 Cal.App.4th 678
    , 684, 686 [Summers holds “expert
    opinion testimony that merely expresses a general belief as to
    how the jury should decide the case is not permissible”; case is
    “distinguishable for its extremes”].) Any error in permitting
    those specific points in Officer Pereira’s testimony, however, was
    It was undisputed Gray’s tractor-trailer was more than
    three feet from Garcia as he passed the bicycle, as required by
    Vehicle Code section 21760, subdivision (c). Although Officer
    Pereira testified there was no violation of this statute, he did not
    opine that Gray had exercised reasonable care when overtaking
    the bicycle, the ultimate issue for the jury to decide. Moreover,
    Gray admitted there were times that more than three feet was
    necessary to safely pass a bicycle, and the Garcia parents’
    trucking safety expert testified the three-foot requirement was
    just a minimum that was not sufficient in this case. The four
    other expert witnesses in the case—two on each side—also opined
    on the reasonableness of Gray’s maneuver when passing Garcia.
    Indeed, one of the grounds asserted by the Garcia parents in
    their motion in limine was that Officer Pereira’s testimony was
    cumulative. In view of the extensive expert testimony on this
    point, as well as the court’s instruction pursuant to CACI No. 221
    that the jury should compare the qualifications and weigh the
    competing opinions of the experts who had disagreed with each
    other, it is not reasonably probable the jury would have reached a
    different result had the court precluded this limited aspect of
    Officer Pereira’s testimony.12
    Similarly, Officer Pereira’s testimony that Garcia’s abrupt
    turn to the left caused the accident was based on undisputed
    facts regarding the accident. The issue for the jury was what
    caused Garcia to turn left—had he lost control of his bicycle
    because Gray’s vehicle came too close and startled him or because
    his bicycle hit a patch of water while he was riding too fast and
    holding a juice cup in one hand? Officer Pereira clearly stated he
    had no opinion on that question. In addition, the jury, which
    never reached the question of Garcia’s negligence, was instructed
    pursuant to CACI Nos. 418 and 420 that, even if Garcia had
    violated Vehicle Code section 22107 prohibiting unsafe turns,
    that violation was excused if under all the circumstances he had
    acted reasonably or as a necessary response to an emergency he
    had not caused. The experts on both sides addressed that issue,
    as well. Given those instructions and the additional expert
    testimony, it is not reasonably probable the jury would have
    reached a different conclusion as to Gray’s and Barsoum’s
    negligence if Officer Pereira’s testimony that Garcia violated
    Vehicle Code section 22107 had not been permitted.13
    12    As discussed, the Garcia parents did not accept the trial
    court’s offer to specifically instruct the jury that Officer Pereira’s
    status as a police officer did not entitle his opinion to any more
    weight than the opinions of the other experts.
    13    Although, as noted, the trial court’s October 10, 2019 ruling
    denying the new trial motion had no legal effect, the court
    reached the same conclusion regarding the absence of prejudice
    from Officer Pereira’s testimony. The court explained the fact
    that Garcia’s bike abruptly turned toward Gray’s truck was not
    in dispute. Although Officer Pereira testified this turn violated
    2. Failure To Instruct Concerning Vehicle Code
    Section 21202 Did Not Constitute Reversible Error
    As discussed, Vehicle Code section 21202 requires a
    bicyclist to ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb
    except under certain conditions, including when the far-right lane
    is too narrow for the bicycle and a vehicle to travel side-by-side in
    the lane (a “substandard width lane” as defined by the section).
    The Garcia parents’ theory as to section 21202’s relevance to the
    case, as articulated during argument concerning objections to
    questions posed to expert witnesses,14 was two-fold. First, it was
    lawful for Garcia to ride his bicycle on Crenshaw Boulevard, even
    though it is a busy street with commercial traffic. Second,
    because lane 3 where Garcia and Gray approached the accident
    site was of substandard width within the meaning of
    section 21202, it was permissible for Garcia to ride in the middle
    of lane 3, which, in turn, meant that Gray should have moved all
    the way into lane 2 when passing him.
    How those points would have been included in an
    instruction is a mystery, however, because the Garcia parents
    never proposed one. The only instruction regarding Vehicle Code
    section 21202 ever before the court was requested, and then
    Vehicle Code section 22107 and caused the accident, he
    “specifically stated on direct and cross examination that he did
    not reach any conclusion on why Mr. Garcia’s bike turned into
    the truck. The jury was free to determine that issue and heard
    extensive testimony from accident reconstruction experts on both
    sides and testimony from Plaintiffs’ cycling expert on that
    ultimate issue.”
    14    The Garcia parents do not challenge any of the trial court’s
    evidentiary rulings other than with respect to Officer Pereira’s
    withdrawn, by defense counsel. Although not in the record on
    appeal, that withdrawn instruction apparently would have
    advised the jury, pursuant to CACI No. 418, that Garcia must be
    found negligent if he had committed an unexcused violation of
    section 21202 and the violation was a substantial factor in
    causing his death. However, Gray and Barsoum did not contend
    at trial that Garcia violated section 21202. Accordingly, it was
    not error for the court to omit that instruction.
    The failure of the Garcia parents to request a different form
    of Vehicle Code section 21202 instruction forfeits the issue on
    appeal. (See Barrera v. De La Torre (1957) 
    48 Cal.2d 166
    , 170
    [party may not argue on appeal failure to give instruction that
    was not requested]; Hilts v. County of Solano (1968)
    265 Cal.App.2d 161
    , 171 [same]; see also Murrell v. State of
    California ex rel. Dept. Pub. Wks. (1975) 
    47 Cal.App.3d 264
    , 270
    [“[w]hen instructions are abstractly correct but too general to
    meet a party’s need, he must request a specific and correct
    instruction in order to complain on appeal”].)
    Even if the issue were properly before us, however, the
    failure to give an instruction that included the statutory
    language could not have prejudiced the Garcia parents. The
    legality of Garcia riding his bicycle on Crenshaw Boulevard was
    never questioned. Whether he could have ridden in the middle of
    lane 3 consistent with Vehicle Code section 21202, and, if he had
    done so, what effect that would have had on the reasonableness
    of Gray’s movement to the left when passing him, was a
    counterfactual hypothetical scenario divorced from the evidence
    at trial. Garcia rode on the edge between the gutter and the
    10-foot-wide right-hand lane. Any violation of Vehicle Code
    section 21760 or other allegedly negligent conduct by Gray when
    passing Garcia did not depend on Garcia’s responsibilities or
    rights under section 21202.
    In sum, while it may not have confused the jury to have
    given an instruction that quoted section 21202, as the trial court
    ruled, the failure to do so, if error at all, was harmless. (See
    LAOSD Asbestos Cases (2019) 
    35 Cal.App.5th 1088
    , 1096-1096
    [even if court erred in omitting certain CACI instructions, any
    error was harmless because “it is not reasonably probable that a
    different result would have been reached”].)
    The judgment is affirmed. Gray and Barsoum are to
    recover their costs on appeal.
    PERLUSS, P. J.
    We concur:
    SEGAL, J.
    FEUER, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B300661

Filed Date: 1/19/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/19/2021