Pacific Palisades Residents Assn. v. City of L.A. ( 2023 )

  • Filed 3/27/23 (unmodified opinion attached)
    PACIFIC PALISADES                             B306658
    INC.,                                         Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BS174471
    Petitioner and Appellant,
    v.                                           OPINION
    CITY OF LOS ANGELES et al.,                  [NO CHANGE IN JUDGMENT]
    Defendants and
    RONY SHRAM et al.,
    Real Parties in Interest
    and Respondents.
    IT IS ORDERED that the opinion in the above-entitled
    matter filed on March 8, 2023, be modified as follows:
    On page 11, line 2, the phrase "claim of exemption" shall be
    replaced with "appealable action on a coastal development permit
    or a claim of exemption."
    There is no change in the judgment.
    STRATTON, P. J.          WILEY, J.         VIRAMONTES, J.
    Filed 3/8/23 (unmodified opinion)
    PACIFIC PALISADES                             B306658
    Los Angeles County
    Plaintiff and Appellant,              Super. Ct. No. BS174471
    Defendants and Respondents;
    RONY SHRAM et al.,
    Real Parties in Interest and
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, John A. Torribio, Judge. Affirmed.
    John B. Murdock; Law Offices of Thomas M. Donovan and
    Thomas M. Donovan for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Michael N. Feuer, City Attorney, Terry Kaufmann-Macias,
    Senior Assistant City Attorney, Donna L. Wong and Oscar
    Medellin, Deputy City Attorneys; Downey Brand, Kathryn L.
    Oehlschlager and Hina Gupta for Defendant and Respondent
    City of Los Angeles.
    Rob Bonta, Attorney General, Daniel A. Olivas, Senior
    Assistant Attorney General, Andrew M. Vogel, Supervising
    Deputy Attorney General, and Justin J. Lee, Deputy Attorney
    General, for Defendant and Respondent California Coastal
    Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell and Matthew D. Hinks
    for Real Parties in Interest and Respondents.
    People who do not want an eldercare facility built near
    them have been fighting the project since 2017. Others want the
    facility, saying the project would fit the neighborhood and the
    public needs it. The trial court rejected the opponents’ challenge,
    which was based on Los Angeles zoning laws, the California
    Environmental Quality Act, and the Coastal Act. These
    neighbors appealed. The three respondents—the City of Los
    Angeles, the California Coastal Commission, and the developer—
    defend the trial court ruling. We affirm.
    We summarize facts from the 10,425-page record.
    The vacant one-acre lot was zoned for commercial use in
    1978. The site was graded in the early 1970s; today it has no
    trees and few plants. A photo shows bare flat dirt behind a chain
    link fence.
    The lot is at the corner of Palisades Drive and Vereda De
    La Montura in Pacific Palisades, which is an oceanside part of
    the City of Los Angeles with a 2008 population of some 25,000.
    (L.A. Times, Mapping L.A., Pacific Palisades profile,
     (as of March 6, 2023), archived at
    .) The lot is “located within a
    densely developed 740-unit residential subdivision known as the
    Headlands.” About half the homes in the immediate area are
    multifamily units; the others are single family homes. There are
    many large two- and three-story residential condominium units.
    The area immediately surrounding the lot includes a
    restaurant, an office and business center, and residential
    condominiums. To the north and east are multifamily
    condominiums; to the south is commercial development.
    The lot is within Los Angeles city limits; all municipal
    references are to that city. The parcel is within the coastal zone,
    about two and a half miles from the coast. Large public parks
    with hillside hiking trails are nearby.
    The respondent developer bought this lot in 2013 and, after
    consultation with some neighborhood organizations, proposed a
    four-story project. The developer explained his motivation in a
    2017 letter to neighbors. “The decision to pursue senior living
    was made with feedback we received from some members of the
    Highlands community who expressed a lack of options for older
    adults who wish to age in place. These sentiments were echoed
    by two independent market studies showing that Los Angeles in
    general and the Palisades in particular lack adequate housing for
    seniors, trailing nearly every major metropolitan area in the
    country.” The developer sought to “establish a communication
    channel” with neighbors to “make the process as smooth and
    unobtrusive as possible.” He hoped to break ground in 2018.
    The record contains a detailed description of the eldercare
    project with architectural plans, maps, and images. The
    developer proposed 82 residential rooms in a 64,646 square foot
    building with underground parking. The ground floor of the
    building would have residential rooms, a public bistro, and other
    features, with more residential rooms on the other three floors.
    The building’s height would range from 25 to 45 feet, making it
    one story higher than the tallest nearby structures. City zoning
    allowed for a building of this height on this lot.
    This dispute began in June 2017, when the developer
    applied to the City’s planning department for permission to build
    in accordance with the Los Angeles zoning code. He sought a
    coastal development permit and a “Class 32 infill project
    exemption” from the California Environmental Quality Act.
    Later we return to Class 32 exemptions.
    Land use regulation in Los Angeles can be intricate. This
    application proceeded through six layers of review:
    1. the City Zoning Administrator,
    2. the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission,
    3. the Planning and Land Use Management Committee
    of the Los Angeles City Council,
    4. the Los Angeles City Council itself,
    5. the California Coastal Commission, and
    6. the Superior Court.
    We summarize these layers of scrutiny.
    A Los Angeles zoning administrator conducted the first
    review. The administrator announced a public hearing on the
    project, which prompted community reactions.
    Some people favored the project. For instance, a 45-year
    Palisades resident wrote as the chairman of the Palisades
    Highlands Presidents Council, a group of some 20 individual
    homeowners associations. The chairman related how the
    developer contacted this Council in 2013 to discuss possible plans
    before buying the site. The Council did not want another
    shopping center or office building. The developer worked with
    the Council from 2014 to 2017. The Council polled each
    individual homeowners association in 2015. “The results
    revealed that the majority of those who voted in the survey in the
    Highlands preferred the 64,000-square foot residential structure
    proposed by the developer.” The chairman reported the developer
    had worked closely with member associations to address their
    The chairman added that “[t]here is a substantial
    population of older residents who have lived in the Palisades
    Highlands or adjacent neighborhoods for decades and dread the
    prospects of having to move away, particularly those in town
    homes with many stairs. This project provides an option for them
    to remain in the community . . . . It also allows some of the
    younger crowd living here to bring their parents closer to them.
    It is our responsibility as a society to house the elderly in the
    very same neighborhoods in which they have lived for many
    years, rather than callously pushing them out of the community
    that they know and love.”
    Others were adamantly opposed to the proposal. This
    opposition was substantial and ranged over many subjects.
    Opponents raised issues, for instance, about parking,
    traffic, fire hazards, the lack of nearby medical resources for
    seniors, the intrusion of the project upon the views and natural
    beauty of the area, and disruption the construction would cause.
    On October 4, 2017, the zoning administrator held a public
    hearing attended by the developer and some 40 community
    members. Some people from the community spoke in favor of the
    project; some spoke against it.
    On January 26, 2018, the administrator issued a 32-page
    single-spaced decision approving the proposal and granting a
    coastal development permit. The administrator found the project
    had no significant effect on the environment and therefore, by
    virtue of the Class 32 categorical exemption, was exempt from
    the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act.
    The administrator found the project was consistent with
    the area’s general plan and zoning; specifically, it was consistent
    with the Brentwood-Pacific Palisades Community Plan. This
    plan is a 60-page document the City’s planning department has
    posted online. (
    0480-4d2d-9506-26b8e06fe185/Brentwood Pacific%20Palisades%
    20Community%20Plan.pdf (as of March 6, 2023), archived at
    .) It is a part of the general plan
    for Los Angeles, and was last updated in 1996. “The City of Los
    Angeles has the responsibility to revise and implement the City's
    General Plan.” (Id. p. II-3; see also L.A. Municipal Code, Art. 1.5,
     (as of March 6, 2023), archived at
    .) This plan thus has the stature
    of municipal hopes and intentions for the City circa 1996.
    The administrator found the “site and surrounding area are
    urbanized areas.” The proposal’s design theme would preserve
    community character. There was ample landscaping throughout
    and outside the building. The site had no threatened species, and
    there would be no significant impact on traffic or parking. “The
    project design is entirely consistent with current surrounding
    Opponents and their counsel appealed this decision to the
    West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission in February 2018.
    Neighbors filed a 58-page brief citing a host of objections.
    Again, the opponents’ objections ranged widely, and
    included the following:
    The project would be inconsistent with the parklike
    neighborhood, which included features of natural beauty, rugged
    rocks, and teeming wildlife. The area was a fire hazard zone and
    vulnerable to flash floods, slides, and earthquakes. The eldercare
    proposal lacked nearby supporting medical, rescue, and
    emergency facilities. Neighbors were overwhelmingly opposed to
    the project. The project was incompatible with the surrounding
    wilderness and parklands, would ruin scenic values and views,
    and would bring excessive density. The project would worsen
    parking and traffic congestion and lacked supporting public
    transportation. The added traffic would dramatically increase
    the risk of speeding cars, accidents, injuries, and deaths. The
    traffic nightmare would create a significant risk of death and
    serious injury to pedestrians. The facility would create
    intolerable noise. The proposal did not meet the criteria for a
    Class 32 categorical exemption. The neighborhood is not highly
    urbanized. The project would impair views from a scenic
    highway and would contradict the area’s community plan. The
    lack of proposed landscaping was appalling and would
    permanently scar the surrounding wildlands.
    Other objections were that the project would threaten a list
    of 65 species, including amphibians, reptiles, insects, and birds.
    The zoning administrator ignored evidence the project site was
    likely to contain or be near archaeological evidence of early
    tribes, including the Tongva people. The developer low-balled the
    amount of excavation that would be needed. Dirt hauling
    operations would cause pollution. The project would
    unacceptably increase greenhouse gas emissions and posed risks
    to water quality. Permitting this development would violate the
    Coastal Act and the zoning code. The modern and unattractive
    architecture of the proposed building would be out of character
    with the surrounding Mediterranean and rustic homes.
    There were many other individual protests. One person
    wrote that “[w]e need this project like a hole in the head, period.”
    The protests reiterated issues concerning traffic, parking, noise,
    safety, and fire hazards. Further objections were to the project’s
    architecture and appearance: it would be an eyesore, a “white
    elephant,” and “large and unsightly.”
    On April 18, 2018, the West Los Angeles Area Planning
    Commission held a public hearing on the matter. The 146-page
    transcript of this hearing is in the record.
    This Commission rejected the neighbors’ objections and
    approved the project with some 26 pages of reasons, findings, and
    conditions of approval. In particular, the Commission found the
    project was consistent with the area’s general plan, followed its
    design guidelines, and preserved community character.
    Opponents again appealed this ruling, and now via
    diverging proceedings. Neighbors simultaneously appealed to
    City officials and to the California Coastal Commission. In this
    section we describe the City process.
    On June 5, 2018, the Planning and Land Use Management
    Committee of the Los Angeles City Council heard the neighbors’
    appeal from the Commission’s decision. This public hearing
    involved presentations by the City’s planning department and
    interested members of the public.
    An experienced real estate attorney spoke for the objectors.
    He noted over 1,500 people had signed statements opposing the
    eldercare facility. He said the “biggest insult” was the
    developer’s assertion that the facility site was substantially
    surrounded by urban uses. He stressed the site’s proximity to
    Santa Ynez City Park and Topanga Canyon State Park, and
    concluded the surrounding area was parkland, not urban
    development. He displayed an image he said showed “the
    massive amount of open space that does actually surround it.”
    The attorney argued the proposal was incompatible with the
    neighborhood. “The developer will say there are projects that are
    proximate that are the same height. Of course, they sit up on
    hillsides, so they’re not comparable.” The attorney complained
    about the amount of excavation that would be necessary.
    The developer’s lawyer rebutted some of these points.
    “This project is located smack in the middle of the Highlands
    community, which has been established in this area for decades.
    [⁋] It’s bounded at the north by multifamily residential, at the
    east by multifamily residential, at the south by a commercial
    development . . . .” The lawyer argued the appeal was “simply a
    repeat of their earlier failed appeal to the West Los Angeles
    Planning Commission,” the public hearing that set a record for
    most highly attended meeting, signifying the project already had
    been well vetted.
    An architect who was president of the Pacific Palisades
    Civic Group told the committee the “size and massing” of the
    project complied with the local code, and that the surrounding
    area “is a highly developed area with many structures exceeding
    the size of the proposed project.” This architect urged the
    committee to approve the project.
    The planning deputy for Los Angeles City Councilmember
    Mike Bonin told the committee the project “will provide a much-
    needed community benefit with convenient local residential care
    for seniors allowing them to stay in the community close to
    family. The project has been thoughtfully designed in compliance
    with the Brentwood Pacific Palisades Community Plan by
    providing the transition between existing commercial and
    adjacent residential that surround the property [on] three of four
    sides . . . . Additionally, the Pacific Palisades Community Council
    did find the proposed eldercare use to be appropriate . . . .”
    This Committee voted unanimously to recommend the City
    Council deny the appeal and approve the project.
    On June 19, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing
    and unanimously approved the project.
    Many opponents—individuals as well as the appellant
    Association—protested the City’s decision to the California
    Coastal Commission. Any aggrieved person may appeal a local
    government’s claim of exemption to this Commission, which shall
    hear the appeal unless the appeal presents “no substantial issue.”
    (Pub. Resource Code, § 30625.)
    The Commission’s staff prepared recommendations for the
    Commission about whether the appeal raised a substantial issue
    under the Coastal Act. The staff analyzed a detailed record that
    included engineering, biological, fire hazard, traffic, parking and
    other studies submitted by the neighbors. The staff also
    reviewed the voluminous correspondence for and against the
    On June 29, 2018, the staff issued a 17-page single-spaced
    report recommending the Commission reject the appeal for want
    of a substantial issue. A July 10, 2018 addendum responded to
    critiques of the 17-page report.
    We recount the staff analysis, which concluded the appeal
    raised no substantial issue under the Coastal Act.
    The neighbors’ main objections were about whether the
    project’s design and character would have an adverse visual
    impact, including whether it would block scenic views from
    streets, from nearby homes, and from park trails. The project’s
    height, mass, and design, these objections went, would be out of
    character with the surrounding area.
    Commission staff concluded the following. Public views
    from nearby trails would not be significantly affected due to the
    design and site of the project, which would be located in a
    developed and urbanized area. Concerns about fire protection,
    protected species, traffic, and parking were insubstantial. The
    project’s density, scale, and land use were compatible with the
    surrounding area.
    The site was not an environmentally sensitive habitat. The
    area had been disturbed by human activity—it had been part of a
    large residential subdivision since the 1970s—and it contained no
    threatened or endangered species. The project was within the
    urban limit line and would not go beyond the boundaries. The
    project would not significantly degrade parks or recreational
    The surrounding buildings were as tall as 36 feet and as
    large as 27,590 square feet. There was a permitted nearby use of
    up to 50 feet in height for a church and school. “[T]he nearby
    residential condo complexes to the north and east do have far
    larger footprints when you look at those clusters of the buildings
    in terms of square footage. But they are lower, and they range
    from two to three stories and 20 to 36 feet in height.” The
    Calvary Christian School Facility, located on the same street
    within the same subdivision, is more than 60,000 square feet in
    size, and “it’s similar in that it is an institutional use. And the
    maximum height for structures on that lot was 50 feet.”
    The staff compared these existing uses to the proposed
    64,646 square foot project: “The proposed height ranges from 25
    feet adjacent to the open space to 45 feet adjacent to Palisades
    Drive. The structure will not be significantly visible from the
    Santa Ynez Canyon trailhead located 600 feet from the site, along
    Vereda de la Montura, due to the topography of the trail. The
    surrounding trails at Topanga State Park, Trailer Canyon and
    Temescal Ridge are at a significantly higher elevation than the
    project site and thus, the project will not significantly impact
    public views. Although the proposed project would be the tallest
    structure in the area adjacent to a City park, the Headlands’
    residential community was originally approved by the
    Commission with the understanding that the subdivision would
    permanently impact views in the once undeveloped area.”
    In other words, the neighbors’ homes and the existing
    commercial uses already affected views of what a half century
    ago had been a pristine undeveloped area, so the one new
    building would not change the status quo significantly.
    The staff concluded the proposed project would not have
    “any significant adverse impacts on coastal scenic resources”
    because it was located in “an area highly developed with
    residential and commercial uses. The proposed project
    incorporates landscaping and design features to minimize the
    visual mass of the structure adjacent to the City park.”
    The staff investigated and dismissed the arguments about
    hazards including fires, landslides, and geological instability.
    The staff addressed effects on public recreation and the
    mountain trails that began near the site. The project would not
    compound parking problems. It had ample underground parking
    for a population that would not drive much, if at all. “[T]he
    project has been sited and designed to minimize impacts to public
    recreation and access to the surrounding trails.”
    The staff concluded “[t]he proposed development is
    compatible with the density, scale and character of the
    surrounding area . . . .” The question of the City’s compliance
    with the California Environmental Quality Act did “not raise a
    substantial issue.” The City’s analysis found the project would be
    consistent with the Los Angeles Municipal Code, the Brentwood-
    Pacific Palisades Community Plan, and the Los Angeles County
    Interpretive Guidelines. The staff concluded this decisionmaking
    had “substantial legal and factual support.”
    The staff noted the Palisades area was short on housing for
    seniors “who no longer need or can afford the single-family homes
    that predominate in the area. . . . [T]he project provides
    opportunities for seniors to live in an area otherwise only
    accessible by those who are mobile and affluent.”
    Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin wrote in
    support of the project. “The proposed project will provide a much-
    needed community benefit with convenient, local residential care
    for seniors, allowing them to stay in the neighborhood and close
    to family. The project has been thoughtfully designed in
    conformance with the California Coastal Act. Its density and
    scale is comparable with the existing development in the
    surrounding neighborhood and the Commission has consistently
    determined that senior care facilities are an approved use on
    commercially zoned land in the Coastal Zone. Additionally, the
    project conforms with the Brentwood-Pacific Palisades
    Community Plan by providing a transition between commercial
    and adjacent residential uses that surround the property on three
    of four sides. I concur with Coastal Commission staff’s
    recommendation that ‘no substantial issue’ exists regarding the
    proposed eldercare project.”
    Some input to the Commission from neighbors favored the
    project. One resident wrote, for instance, that the project “is
    needed by the Pacific Palisades community. My 94 year old
    mother is in an assisted living facility in Culver City because
    there are no suitable accommodations available in the Palisades.
    Other members of the community have aging parents in facilities
    as far away as the West Valley and Ventura. This situation
    necessitates separation causing distress and inconvenience. As
    we all age it is imperative that residential facilities be available
    to maintain seniors within our community. The fact that this
    Project is located in an appropriately zoned area and fully
    compliant with size and height ordinances makes this Project
    especially appropriate. The community needs this facility.”
    Other supporters argued the project’s “height, mass and
    design” would be “fully compliant with local regulations” and
    would be “visually compatible with the character with the
    surrounding area and will not further block views from public
    trails or roadways.”
    Opponents argued vociferously and at considerable length
    against the staff report.
    For instance, one attorney contended the City’s decision
    violated the Coastal Act by failing to minimize the risks to life
    and property from geologic, fire, and flood hazards and by failing
    to preserve scenic values. The project would dominate rather
    than be subordinate to its setting, and it would not serve visitors.
    It would violate density rules and would have an adverse and
    degrading effect on environmentally sensitive habitats. The
    City’s decision failed to protect the neighborhood, failed to
    minimize the traffic impact, and failed to follow interpretative
    guidelines. The project was inconsistent with the local plan for
    the area. “Due to its aesthetics and overwhelming height and
    bulk, the Project would be in complete disharmony with all
    existing development.”
    Another attorney in opposition submitted a 31-page
    statement that included many complaints. For example, “The
    Project’s Bloated Size and Towering Height Render It Manifestly
    Incompatible with the Vast Wilderness Parklands and
    Residences in the Surrounding Community.”
    There were many other submissions from opponents.
    On July 11, 2018, nine members of the Coastal Commission
    held a public hearing and, afterwards, unanimously ruled the
    appeal presented no substantial issue.
    The staff started the hearing by responding to the assertion
    by some neighbors that the approved development would degrade
    an environmentally sensitive habitat area. “[A]lthough the
    subdivision itself is surrounded by large, expansive areas of
    environmentally sensitive habitat areas, characterized primarily
    by chaparral and coastal sage scrub, and [r]iparian habitat areas,
    the subject site itself is entirely on an existing graded pad. And
    there is no native vegetation or sensitive habitat that would be
    affected by the structure itself.” The staff likewise addressed and
    dismissed concerns about parking, traffic, and geology.
    Lawyers for both sides then spoke.
    An attorney reiterated the opponents’ many objections: the
    importance of preserving parklands in the coastal zone, the
    project’s harm to views from public trails, the adverse effects on
    traffic, the fire risk in this hazard zone, and the destruction of
    natural habitat. This attorney emphasized trailheads into the
    parkland were only 150 feet from the project, which would create
    grave parking problems. “And no view analysis has been done
    from any point on the trails . . . .” Counsel stressed the
    inadequacy of the project’s parking analysis.
    On the pro-project side, the developer’s lawyer noted his
    client’s extensive community outreach and the considerable local
    support for the project, including from the Pacific Palisades
    Chamber of Commerce and the Land Use Committee of the
    Palisades Community Council. “There’s a demonstrated need for
    this project. . . . [M]ost of the residents with elder parents have
    to send them within an hour to two hours away, to other
    available facilities.”
    The staff responded to the complaints about the project’s
    effect on views.
    “The [view] analysis in the report focuses on where the
    project would have been visible from, primarily, some of those
    trails that are up to two miles away, the major trails in the area.
    And our view analysis was, when you’re looking at it from those
    trails where the site would be visible, and so far away, and you’re
    looking at the whole 800-unit subdivision, this is not going to
    present any sort of effect. ¶ The other trails that are in the City
    Park, or in the park, are at a lower elevation and probably only
    be visible from that one point near the trailhead. But [I would]
    point out that any structure would be visible there, and we think
    they’ve done a good job here of -- one, it’s set back, the structure
    itself, from the edge. There’s a parking -- their surface parking
    lot is located between the edge of the slope and the building. And
    then, the building does have some step-up in the upper stories. ¶
    I think any building there would be somewhat visible, but we
    don’t think that’s going to be a significant impact, and it would
    only be visible from that very focused point of that trail.”
    A Coastal Commissioner commented, “I know that these
    projects are difficult, but I think this is an important project for
    the reasons stated by the applicant because housing for seniors,
    especially in higher-income ZIP codes . . . is very difficult to site,
    even though it is an extremely needed service. . . . [W]hen
    families are trying to take care of their elderly parents or their
    elderly relatives, it really matters in terms of proximity, and
    particularly in those cases where you have family members who
    suffer from memory issues, who suffer from brain diseases such
    as dementia and Alzheimer’s . . . . [This site] had been
    categorized as a commercial area, and also that when you looked
    at the surrounding neighborhood, that, in fact, it’s densely
    developed, with tall structures. And I think, fortunately for the
    people who live in that area, they have the proximity to all those
    wonderful state parks and state trails. ¶ But that’s not a reason
    . . . to deny elderly housing, which is something that is sorely
    needed in a lot of neighborhoods.”
    The Coastal Commission unanimously rejected the appeal
    as presenting no substantial issue.
    On July 24, 2018, appellant Association sued the City of
    Los Angeles and the Coastal Commission. The amended pleading
    was filed December 12, 2018. This operative pleading challenges
    the approval of the project by the City and the Coastal
    Commission. The first count is “error and abuse -- unsupported
    findings” under the Coastal Act. The second charges a violation
    of the California Environmental Quality Act. The third count is
    “error and abuse -- no fair hearing.”
    On April 21, 2020, the trial court denied the neighbors’ writ
    petition in an 18-page statement of decision. It began by
    rejecting the neighbors’ challenge to the City’s grant of Class 32
    categorical exemption for the eldercare project. The court found
    the project was zoned C-1, which allows for commercial uses and,
    specifically, eldercare facilities. The court found the project
    combined residential and commercial components and was
    consistent with the area’s community plan.
    The trial court examined and rejected each of the
    neighbors’ complaints. The court found substantial evidence
    supported the City’s findings that the project would not have an
    adverse effect on traffic, noise, scenic views, aesthetics, or
    threatened species. The City had properly considered relevant
    guidelines. The court found the neighbors had enjoyed a full and
    fair opportunity to present their evidence to the Coastal
    Commission and rejected their claims about Coastal Act
    violations. The court entered judgment against the Association
    on June 2, 2020.
    In three chapters, we affirm the trial court’s sound ruling.
    The first chapter concerns the Los Angeles zoning code. This
    discussion is an unfortunately intricate excursion through a
    detailed statute. The second chapter is about the neighbors’
    claim the City did not adequately evaluate the project’s
    compatibility with the neighborhood. The third weighs the
    attack on the Coastal Commission’s decision.
    Before embarking on these three chapters, we note the
    respondents argue, citing Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale (2022)
    76 Cal.App.5th 43
    , 58, [
    291 Cal.Rptr.3d 250
    ], review granted on
    issue of dismissal of untimely appeal June 15, 2022, S274147,
    that they win without any need to reach the merits. Because our
    Supreme Court granted review of Meinhardt and because our
    analysis shows the respondents indeed do win on the merits, we
    will assume without deciding that Meinhardt was wrongly
    decided. Whether our assumption is right or wrong, the
    respondents defeat this appeal and the trial court’s judgment
    stands. This issue thus does not matter here and will detain us
    no further.
    The neighbors devote the bulk of their opening appellate
    brief to one issue: whether the proposed building is bigger than
    the Los Angeles zoning code allows. In this section, our summary
    citations are to the Los Angeles Municipal Code ( (as of March 6, 2023), archived at .) This Code defines a lot’s “buildable area” partly
    in terms of “yard” space, so much of this discussion refers to yard
    requirements. (See 
     at § 12.03.)
    This zoning controversy boils down to one sentence in the
    law: section 12.22.A.18(c)(3). (That citation is forgettable, but
    later it will pay to remember it, because it is central to our
    discussion.) We quote that decisive sentence, omitting
    superfluous words and adding italics and bracketed numbers:
    “No yard requirements shall apply to the residential
    portions of buildings located on lots . . . [1] used for combined
    commercial and residential uses, if [2] such portions are used
    exclusively for residential uses, [3] abut a street, private street or
    alley, and [4] the first floor of such buildings at ground level is
    used for commercial uses or for access to the residential portions
    of such buildings.” (§ 12.22.A.18(c)(3).)
    We shall refer back to this quoted sentence, so again we beg
    the reader to keep it in mind.
    The trial court correctly ruled this provision means no yard
    requirements applied to the residential portions of the eldercare
    facility. That holding wins the day for the project.
    The eldercare project satisfies each of the four bracketed
    1. The lot would be “used for combined commercial
    and residential uses.” A ground floor bistro would
    be open to the public. Because the public would be
    able to dine there, that operation would be
    commercial. The rooms where residents sleep
    would be private and residential. The building
    therefore combined commercial and residential
    2. The building would have portions that are
    exclusively residential. The neighbors do not
    dispute the individual rooms where elders sleep
    would be exclusively residential.
    3. The residential portions of the building would
    abut streets: Palisades Drive to the east and
    Vereda De La Montura to the north. The
    neighbors do not contest this.
    4. The first floor would be used for commercial uses:
    the public bistro would be a commercial operation.
    The conclusion is simple: no yard requirements apply here.
    This demolishes the opponents’ zoning argument.
    The neighbors dispute this plain English interpretation of
    the zoning code for five reasons. These five arguments fail under
    any standard of review.
    First, the neighbors argue this provision has no application
    to the eldercare facility because a different section of the zoning
    code—namely section 12.13.A.2(a)(31)—specifically allows an
    eldercare facility to be built at this locale.
    This argument is illogical because these two sections do not
    conflict. A specific authorization of an eldercare facility is
    consistent with a general yard exception for combined use
    buildings. The two provisions have different functions: the latter
    pertains to yard requirements; the former does not. A mention in
    one place does not imply exclusion in another. To think
    otherwise is a fallacy.
    Consider a parallel example. Suppose one law allows
    fishing in mountain lakes. A separate law establishes the
    minimum fish size for keepers. The laws are different and
    consistent. That is the situation here. The inference the
    neighbors press is spurious.
    We explain in more detail. The prolixity of the zoning
    numbering scheme is daunting because six signifiers are a lot,
    but keep in mind the two provisions are section 12.22.A.18(c)(3),
    quoted above, and section 12.13.A.2(a)(31), which we quote here:
    The following regulations shall apply to the “C1” Limited
    Commercial Zone:
    A. Use – No . . . building or structure shall be erected, . . .
    except for the following uses . . . : . . .
    2. . . . The following . . . businesses . . . :
    (a) Types of Uses: . . .
    (31) Eldercare Facility.
    Section 12.13.A.2(a)(31) thus authorizes eldercare facilities
    in a particular zone.
    Section 12.13.A.2(a)(31) and 12.22.A.18(c)(3) are different
    in purpose and are consistent. The former authorizes uses,
    including eldercare facilities. The latter regulates yards. It is
    like the mountain lakes and the fish size. The suggestion that
    one section constrains the other is unfounded.
    In sum, the neighbors’ first argument fails.
    Second, the neighbors fasten on the word “lots” in section
    12.22.A.18(c)(3), which we quoted above. Their argument
    involves other subdivisions of this same section (subdivisions (a)
    and (b)).
    We quote material words of those subdivisions, as well as
    the now familiar subdivision (c)(3). (There are many pertinent
    subdivisions; we mark this quotation with italics instead of
    quotation marks.)
    18. Developments Combining Residential and Commercial
    Uses. . . . [T]he following uses shall be permitted: . . .
    (a) Any use permitted in the R5 Zone on any lot in the CR,
    C1, C1.5, C2, C4 or C5 Zones . . . . Any combination of R5 uses
    and the uses permitted in the underlying commercial zone shall
    also be permitted on such lot.
    (b) Any use permitted in the CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4 or C5
    Zones on any lot in the R5 Zone provided that the lot is located
    within the Central City Community Plan Area. Any combination
    of these commercial and residential uses shall also be permitted
    on the lot. Commercial uses or any combination of commercial
    and residential uses may be permitted on any lot in the R5 Zone
    by conditional use pursuant to Section 12.24 W.15. outside the
    Central City Community Plan Area.
    (c) Yards. Except as provided herein, the yard
    requirements of the zone in which the lot is located shall
    apply . . . .
    (3) No yard requirements shall apply to the residential
    portions of buildings located on lots in the CR, C1, C1.5, C2, C4,
    and C5 Zones used for combined commercial and residential uses,
    if such portions are used exclusively for residential uses, abut a
    street, private street or alley, and the first floor of such buildings
    at ground level is used for commercial uses or for access to the
    residential portions of such buildings. (SEC. 12.22.
    The neighbors argue the exception to yard requirements in
    subdivision (c)(3) has no application to this lot, because the lot is
    not in one of the exceptions allowed in subdivisions (a) or (b), and
    because an eldercare facility is a use already allowed in the C1
    The statutory words show no inconsistency exists between
    the language about lots in the various subdivisions. All three
    subdivisions are permissive. The neighbors’ argument is
    Third, the neighbors argue the ground floor bistro will not
    be open to the public and therefore the first floor of this building
    would not, in the language of the statute, be “used for commercial
    uses.” (§ 12.22.A.18(c)(3).) This open-to-the-public question is
    one of fact.
    Where the dispute is factual in character, the law requires
    the trial court to defer to the agency’s factfinding, which compels
    upholding its decision even though an opposite conclusion would
    have been equally or more reasonable. The court’s task in this
    setting is neither to weigh conflicting evidence nor to determine
    who has the better argument. (Vineyard Area Citizens for
    Responsible Growth, Inc. v. City of Rancho Cordova (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 412
    , 435.)
    The developer and the City made offers of proof about this
    fact in the trial court. The neighbors’ opening appellate papers
    do not cite any pertinent objection they raised to this offer. This
    omission forfeits appellate challenge to this proffered fact. In a
    bench trial, the trial judge is entitled to take an unchallenged
    proffer as something that does not require further trial time,
    which is always scarce. If the neighbors wanted to take factual
    issue with this point, the place to do it was at trial.
    Fourth, the neighbors argue the ground floor is not
    “exclusively” residential. The statute, however, does not require
    that the first floor be “exclusively residential.” The statutory
    words demonstrate this. With our emphasis, the statute creates
    an exception that applies when the residential portions of the
    building “are used exclusively for residential uses, abut a street,
    private street or alley, and the first floor of such buildings at
    ground level is used for commercial uses or for access to the
    residential portions of such buildings.” (§ 12.22.A.18(c)(3).) The
    word “exclusively” modifies “residential uses” only, not the rest of
    the sentence. The residential uses indeed are exclusively
    residential: the residential rooms are residential only. The first
    floor is used for commercial uses: there is a public bistro there.
    This argument thus founders by misreading the statute.
    Fifth, the neighbors argue about evidence they did not
    present to the trial court and that is not in the record. We deny
    their motion for judicial notice. (See Western States Petroleum
    Assn. v. Superior Court (1995) 
    9 Cal.4th 559
    , 573, fn. 4 [“it would
    never be proper to take judicial notice of evidence that (1) is
    absent from the administrative record, and (2) was not before the
    agency at the time it made its decision.”]; Pulver v. Avco
    Financial Services (1986) 
    182 Cal.App.3d 622
    , 632 [“As a general
    rule, documents not before the trial court cannot be included as
    part of the record on appeal and thus must be disregarded as
    beyond the scope of appellate review.”].)
    The neighbors make two different claims in their motion for
    judicial notice.
    The neighbors first say they did not present the extra-
    record evidence to the trial court because the City “came up with
    an interpretation at trial that referenced the dates of adoption of
    amendments to subsections of that Code section that was
    incorrect, and research was appropriate to aid in interpretation of
    the entire section.”
    The City responds that this allegation about its supposedly
    new interpretation is “simply false.”
    We need not resolve when the City proposed its
    interpretation, for—whenever the City proposed it—the
    neighbors’ time to research this trial issue was before or during
    trial. In this bench trial, the neighbors did not ask the trial court
    for a recess for research. Nor do the neighbors suggest it would
    have been futile to make this request to the trial court. To show
    it is futile to object, counsel must show it is costly to assert your
    rights. (E.g., People v. Hill (1998) 
    17 Cal.4th 800
    , 820–822.) The
    neighbors do not attempt this endeavor. This argument
    Based on different extra-record material, the neighbors
    claim the City falsely told the trial court that, in the future, the
    City would review the interior floor space issue on a robust
    record. The neighbors maintain we therefore should rule on
    matters about which they request judicial notice to avoid “judicial
    waste and needless proceedings.” The neighbors contend that
    forcing them to appeal the post-judgment matters in a separate
    proceeding would be “a significant waste of judicial resources”
    and would cost courts and the parties “untold tens of thousands
    of dollars.”
    We decline this unprecedented invitation to attempt to
    moot a future appeal in the name of judicial economy.
    As authority for their proposal, the neighbors cite Reserve
    Insurance Co. v. Pisciotta (1982) 
    30 Cal.3d 800
    , 813 (Reserve).
    But Reserve noted that “[i]t is an elementary rule of appellate
    procedure that, when reviewing the correctness of a trial court’s
    judgment, an appellate court will consider only matters which
    were part of the record at the time the judgment was entered.
    [citation omitted] This rule preserves an orderly system of
    appellate procedure by preventing litigants from circumventing
    the normal sequence of litigation.” (Ibid.) It is true the Reserve
    opinion departed from this usual rule—in a situation about which
    there was no possibility of factual dispute. (Ibid.) That situation
    hardly obtains here, where the neighbors are charging the
    developer made false statements to the trial court and
    manipulated City zoning officials to produce a mere “shadow-
    play.” The developer and the City dispute these claims.
    The neighbors cite two other cases that are equally
    inapplicable. In re Zeth S. (2003) 
    31 Cal.4th 396
    , 413 rejected
    appellate consideration of postjudgment evidence. And Vons
    Companies, Inc. v. Seabest Foods, Inc. (1996) 
    14 Cal.4th 434
    , 444,
    footnote 3, denied a motion to take judicial notice of post-
    judgment evidence.
    We thus apply Reserve’s “elementary rule of appellate
    procedure” and deny the neighbors’ motion for judicial notice.
    (Reserve, supra, 30 Cal.3d at p. 813.)
    In sum, the neighbors’ first appellate argument fails.
    The neighbors’ second appellate attack is on the City’s
    decision to grant the project a “Class 32 Categorical Exemption.”
    The non-specialist may wonder what this means. We explain in
    three steps. First, we review law familiar to land use experts but
    less familiar to others. Second, we state the standard of review.
    Third, we review and reject the neighbors’ two complaints: the
    project will be architecturally incompatible with the
    neighborhood, and the project will spoil the view.
    We set the stage by summarizing some law.
    A “Class 32 Categorical Exemption” is a term of art under
    the California Environmental Quality Act. We offer a brief
    summary of that famous statute. Then we sketch portions of the
    California Coastal Act. In this section of our opinion, statutory
    citations are to the Public Resources Code.
    The California Environmental Quality Act is often called
    CEQA, a convention we reluctantly follow because it is
    convenient in this case of many statutes. (§ 21000 et seq.)
    Our state enacted CEQA in 1970. That landmark year of
    broadening environmental awareness saw the first Earth Day,
    the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act, and the
    advent of the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
    Since then, CEQA has embodied California’s central policy
    of requiring governmental entities to give major consideration to
    preventing environmental damage. (County of Butte v.
    Department of Water Resources (2022) 
    13 Cal.5th 612
    , 626.)
    CEQA is a legislatively imposed directive specifying how
    state and local agencies will exercise discretion over land use
    decisions. (Friends of the Eel River v. North Coast Railroad
    Authority (2017) 
    3 Cal.5th 677
    , 712.)
    CEQA review is undertaken by a lead agency, defined as
    “the public agency which has the principal responsibility for
    carrying out or approving a project which may have a significant
    effect upon the environment.” (§ 21067.)
    CEQA aims to inform the public and government decision
    makers about the potential environmental effects of proposed
    activities. Its statutory scheme created a tiered system of
    environmental analysis to match the likelihood and magnitude of
    possible environmental damage. The most elaborate CEQA
    analysis is the environmental impact report: the so-called EIR.
    An environmental impact report must give decisionmakers what
    they need to take appropriate account of environmental
    consequences. The report is also a document of accountability. It
    must arm those outside the approval process with an accessible
    and empowering document. If people disagree with the proposed
    project, the report is to help them respond accordingly. (Laurel
    Heights Improvement Assn. v. Regents of Univ. of California
    47 Cal.3d 376
    , 392.)
    Environmental impact reports can be elaborate, as well as
    very expensive and time-consuming, and are appropriate when
    exacting environmental assessment is appropriate.
    Common sense, however, tells us “that the majority of
    private projects for which a government permit or similar
    entitlement is necessary are minor in scope—e.g., relating only to
    the construction, improvement, or operation of an individual
    dwelling or small business—and hence, in the absence of unusual
    circumstances, have little or no effect on the public environment.”
    (Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley (2015) 
    60 Cal.4th 1086
    , 1100 (Berkeley Hillside), quoting Friends of
    Mammoth v. Board of Supervisors (1972) 
    8 Cal.3d 247
    , 272,
    italics added.)
    When it is likely there will be little or no effect on the public
    environment, the lead agency—here, the City of Los Angeles—
    may conclude the project is exempt from CEQA if the project
    passes five tests.
    These five tests comprise the aforementioned Class 32
    categorical exemption.
    We italicize the five words at issue here:
    1. The project is consistent with the applicable general
    plan designation and all applicable general plan
    policies as well as with applicable zoning designation
    and regulations.
    2. The proposed development occurs within city limits
    on a project site of no more than five acres
    substantially surrounded by urban uses.
    3. The project site has no value as habitat for
    endangered, rare, or threatened species.
    4. Approval of the project would not result in any
    significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air
    quality, or water quality.
    5. The site can be adequately served by all required
    utilities and public services. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14,
    § 15332, italics added; see generally Berkeley
     60 Cal.4th at pp. 1092–1102
    [explaining origin, authority, and stature of CEQA
    regulations and guidelines].)
    This CEQA exemption is sometimes called the in-fill
    development projects exemption, the Class 32 categorical
    exemption, or some similar combination of words. (See, e.g.,
    Protect Tustin Ranch v. City of Tustin (2021) 
    70 Cal.App.5th 951
    We now turn to the Coastal Act (§ 30000 et seq.), which
    governs land use planning for California’s coastal zone. (Pacific
    Palisades Bowl Mobile Estates, LLC v. City of Los Angeles (2012)
    55 Cal.4th 783
    , 793 (Palisades Bowl).)
    The Coastal Act promulgated policies governing
    development in the coastal zone that are called “Chapter 3”
    policies. (§§ 30200–30265.5.)
    Under the Coastal Act, local governments and the Coastal
    Commission share responsibility for coastal planning. Local
    governments may prepare local coastal programs within their
    jurisdictions’ coastal zones. (§ 30500.) The City of Los Angeles
    does not have a certified local coastal program and has instead
    exercised its option to issue such permits under section 30600(b).
    In certain coastal areas of the City closest to or along the
    sea known as dual permit jurisdictions, proposed development
    requires permits from both the City and the Commission.
    (§ 30601; Palisades Bowl, supra, (2012) 
    55 Cal.4th at 794
    ; Cal.
    Code Regs., tit. 14, § 13301, subd. (a).) For projects located
    inland of the areas identified in section 30601, known as “single
    permit jurisdiction” areas, proposed development requires a
    coastal development permit only from the City. However, the
    permits the City issues in single permit jurisdictions are
    appealable to the Commission. (§ 30602.)
    This eldercare project is within a single permit jurisdiction
    in the City.
    Appeals of City permit decisions to the Commission
    initially require the Commission to determine whether the appeal
    raises a “substantial issue” as to the project’s conformity with
    Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. (§ 30625, subd. (b)(1).)
    If the appeal fails in this regard, as here, that is the end of
    the line. (§§ 30625, subd. (b)(1)), Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 13115,
    subd. (b).)
    We review the City’s factual findings of consistency with
    general and community plans under the substantial evidence
    standard. (See Holden v. City of San Diego (2019) 
    43 Cal.App.5th 404
    , 410 (Holden).)
    The neighbors agree the substantial evidence standard
    applies to this inquiry.
    This deferential standard means that, when a city approves
    a proposed development as consistent with its general plan,
    reviewing courts defer to that approval as an extension of the
    entity’s unique competence to interpret its own policies. If the
    city has followed proper procedures, courts must defer to the
    city’s decision unless no reasonable person could have reached the
    same conclusion. (Orange Citizens for Parks & Recreation v.
    Superior Court (2016) 
    2 Cal.5th 141
    , 154–155 (Orange Citizens).)
    This case aptly illustrates the wisdom of this deferential
    standard. Opponents of the project see an eyesore threatening
    their beautiful neighborhood by the park; the blight will detract
    from splendid views. Supporters perceive a needed facility that
    will mesh with their locale; for them, the proximity is an
    advantage and not a curse.
    These heartfelt and honorable disagreements turn in
    considerable measure on aesthetic judgments. That creates a
    problem for courts.
    “Aesthetics are subjective.” (Georgetown Preservation
    Society v. County of El Dorado (2018) 
    30 Cal.App.5th 358
    , 363
    The law tries hard to steer clear of subjectivity.
    How can a community resolve these disagreements that
    involve clashes of aesthetic judgment?
    “Once a general plan is in place, it is the province of elected
    city officials to examine the specifics of a proposed project to
    determine whether it would be ‘in harmony’ with the policies
    stated in the plan. [Citation.] It is, emphatically, not the role of
    the courts to micro-manage these development decisions.”
    (Sequoyah Hills Homeowners Assn. v. City of Oakland (1993) 
    23 Cal.App.4th 704
    , 719 (Sequoyah).)
    The question is whether a reasonable person could agree
    with the City’s conclusion that adding this urban building to this
    urban area was compatible with the plan for Brentwood and
    Pacific Palisades. (Orange Citizens, supra, 2 Cal.5th at pp. 154–
    155 [if the city has followed proper procedures, courts must defer
    to the city’s decision unless no reasonable person could have
    reached the same conclusion].)
    The answer is yes: the City’s decision was eminently
    reasonable, as the next section explains.
    The neighbors fault the City’s decisionmaking on
    architectural compatibility and views. We address each topic in
    Architectural compatibility is pertinent, the neighbors say,
    according to this four-step analysis:
    1. The City granted the project a Class 32 categorical
    exemption from CEQA.
    2. This exemption has five requirements, one of which
    requires consistency between the project and all
    applicable general plan policies. (We previously
    quoted these requirements and italicized these
    3. The Brentwood-Pacific Palisades Plan set forth the
    objective of protecting “the character and scale of
    existing residential neighborhoods.”
    4. There is no architectural compatibility because the
    “size, design, and mass of the building are completely
    divorced from the character of the community’s
    buildings and uses.”
    The neighbors conclude that “the Categorical Exemption
    cannot be applied.” They use similar logic about views.
    This argument fails because substantial evidence supports
    the City’s finding of compatibility between the project and the
    The City found the “site and surrounding area are
    urbanized areas.”
    Up till now, in these proceedings the neighbors vigorously
    contested the factual description of their subdivision as
    “urbanized.” In this court they no longer press this
    disagreement, and for good reason. The record shows this
    neighborhood has been a subdivision of Los Angeles for many
    decades. True, there are nearby public parks and open space,
    which no doubt is a lovely aspect of the neighborhood. But
    Pacific Palisades and Brentwood are not undeveloped seashores
    or wildernesses far from roads and other marks of human
    activity. They are subdivisions of the second largest city in
    The urbanized character of this site and the surrounding
    area thus are facts unchallenged in our court.
    The City had an ample basis for finding the architectural
    character of this proposed building is compatible with an
    urbanized area and with the community plan for Brentwood and
    Pacific Palisades. The architectural drawings of the proposed
    building alone are substantial evidence on this score. They
    reveal a typical urban building.
    The neighbors urge closer scrutiny. Without saying so
    explicitly, the neighbors effectively argue for mandatory
    architectural uniformity. We illustrate how this is true.
    Opponents decried the “modern, unattractive, flat-roof
    design of the Project, with an array of elevator shafts, staircases,
    and HVAC equipment towering up an additional 10 to 12 feet
    higher’ and called it “completely out of character with the
    Mediterranean and rustic designs of the residential projects and
    the small commercial project that are proximate to the Site --
    where all rooftop appurtenances are placed out of sight, beneath
    sloping rooflines.”
    Elsewhere in the record neighbors called the proposed
    building a “monstrous eyesore,” a “white elephant,” and “large
    and unsightly.”
    Their opening appellate brief echoes these concerns by
    posing this contrast.
    “The entire subdivision consists of one and two-story homes
    and two and three-story townhomes no higher than 36 feet, the
    vast majority of which are built in a Mediterranean or rustic style
    with pitched roofs. In contrast, as can be seen from [the
    developer’s] own filings, the planned eldercare building will be a
    45 foot high (not including 10-12 foot stairway and elevator
    extensions above the roof), four-story, flat-roofed, largely glass
    and metal structure. . . . The size, design, and mass of the
    building are completely divorced from the character of the
    community’s buildings and uses.”
    This argument for mandatory architectural uniformity
    misapplies the substantial evidence standard of review, where we
    inquire whether evidence supports the agency’s decisionmaking.
    We do not reweigh evidence. Elected officials have latitude to
    weigh competing and subjective notions of beauty and blight.
    Our judicial role in this setting is to defer to their judgment
    when, as here, substantial evidence supports it.
    As for views from park trails and elsewhere, the record
    again supplies substantial evidence for finding the project to be
    exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. The
    neighbors anchor their argument to the community plan’s policy
    of preserving and protecting views from hillsides, public lands,
    and roadways.
    The record shows, however, that the major intrusions on
    the views of nature from high trails in the public parks are the
    hundreds of existing buildings in the neighbors’ subdivision. As
    one approaches the proposed facility, it becomes more visible, as
    do surrounding urban structures. The existing views are of an
    urban neighborhood against a backdrop of open space. The City
    was entitled to conclude that adding another urban building to
    this urban setting was compatible with the Brentwood-Pacific
    Palisades plan.
    Again, the neighbors implicitly argue for architectural
    uniformity. They suggest that views of this building are uniquely
    odious. But substantial evidence supported the City’s
    determination that this typical urban building was compatible
    with existing views in this urban neighborhood.
    The neighbors’ opening brief cited three decisions, but none
    involved architectural incompatibility or preservation of views.
    In Holden, supra, 43 Cal.App.5th at pp. 411–420, the issue was
    residential density. The Holden decision upheld a municipal
    decision on a density issue. In Santa Monica Chamber of
    Commerce v. City of Santa Monica (2002) 
    101 Cal.App.4th 786
    788, the issue was parking. In San Lorenzo Valley Community
    Advocates for Responsible Education v. San Lorenzo Valley USD
    139 Cal.App.4th 1356
    , 1368, the issue was the decision to
    close two elementary schools. These decisions are inapposite.
    The neighbors also cite Georgetown, supra, 
    30 Cal.App.5th 358
     but that case applied a different standard of review than the
    one governing this appeal. There a county issued a “mitigated
    negative declaration.” (Id. at pp. 364, 366, 369.) This procedure
    triggered what the Court of Appeal described as an “unusual” and
    nondeferential “fair argument” standard of review. (Id. at p.
    370.) The Georgetown decision distinguished situations where
    “planning or zoning determinations are reviewed with greater
    deference, both because the public entity is deemed best able to
    interpret its own rules and because it is presumed to bring local
    knowledge and experience to bear on such issues.” (Id. at p. 371.)
    This latter standard, which the Georgetown opinion did not
    apply, is the pertinent law for this case. Because the Georgetown
    opinion is distinguishable, we engage it no further.
    We repeat that “[o]nce a general plan is in place, it is the
    province of elected city officials to examine the specifics of a
    proposed project to determine whether it would be ‘in harmony’
    with the policies stated in the plan. [Citation.] It is,
    emphatically, not the role of the courts to micro-manage these
    development decisions.” (Sequoyah, supra, 23 Cal.App.4th at p.
    This standard defeats the neighbors’ second attack on the
    trial court’s decision. A reasonable person could have reached the
    same conclusion as the City: that this proposal for an urban
    building is compatible with the plans for this urban area.
    The neighbors’ third and final appellate attack is on the
    Coastal Commission’s decision. The Coastal Commission decided
    the neighbors’ appeal presented no substantial issue under the
    Coastal Act.
    The same deferential standard of review governs this
    analysis as well. It was for the Commission to weigh conflicting
    evidence; we may reverse only if a reasonable person could not
    have reached the same conclusion. (Lindstrom v. California
    Coastal Com. (2019) 
    40 Cal.App.5th 73
    , 93.)
    The neighbors again misunderstand the standard of review.
    They offered what they say is substantial evidence in support of
    their many complaints about the eldercare proposal. But this
    mistakes the question. The question is not whether the
    neighbors presented evidence supporting their objections.
    Rather, the question is whether the Commission had a
    substantial basis for deciding as it did. The answer is yes.
    Reasonable people could agree with the Commission’s findings
    that the City’s substantive decision on the merits of the eldercare
    project enjoyed “factual and legal support.” (Hines v. California
    Coastal Com. (2010) 
    186 Cal.App.4th 830
    , 846, fn. 11, 849, 850.)
    Now using the Coastal Act as their fulcrum, the neighbors
    repeat their complaints that the project would be visually
    incompatible with their neighborhood. (See Pub. Resources Code
    § 30251 [development shall be sited and designed to protect views
    to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas and to be visually
    compatible with the character of surrounding areas].)
    These arguments in substance are the same as the
    objections about architecture and views that we just rejected. As
    we explained, substantial evidence supports the City’s decision,
    and it supports the Commission’s decision too.
    The neighbors cite Douda v. California Coastal Com. (2008)
    159 Cal.App.4th 1181
    , 1200, which held the Coastal Commission
    has authority to regulate scenic and visual resources within the
    coastal zone, even when the site is four miles from the coast.
    That authority is not in dispute here. The Commission ruled
    against the neighbors because the content of the neighbors’
    appeal did not raise a substantial issue. Douda is irrelevant.
    The neighbors raise traffic issues. The Coastal Commission
    and the City relied on a traffic study estimating the eldercare
    facility would “generate a nominal increase in trips,
    approximately 260 daily trips or 14 AM peak-hour trips or 21 PM
    peak-hour trips . . . .” This study concluded the project would not
    have a significant effect on nearby intersections. The neighbors
    criticize this study, which is a misguided request for us to
    reweigh evidence.
    The neighbors raise the specter of a parking calamity, but
    the Commission concluded the nominal increase in traffic would
    not significantly displace street parking for hikers bound for the
    trails. The eldercare facility would, after all, include
    underground parking. This logic is sound. Substantial evidence
    supports the Commission’s and the City’s decisions.
    The neighbors point to “Regional Interpretive Guidelines”
    the Coastal Commission apparently adopted in 1980 for Los
    Angeles County. On the first page, this Guidelines document
    states the “guidelines should assist in applying various Coastal
    Act policies to permit decisions; they in no case supersede the
    provisions of the Coastal Act nor enlarge or diminish the powers
    or authority of the Commissions or other public agencies.”
    These guidelines do not diminish the powers or authority of
    the Coastal Commission. The neighbors cite no case for their
    claim that these guidelines can be used to overturn a Commission
    decision. The neighbors’ opening brief does not supply an
    adequate legal analysis explaining this proposed result. We will
    not overturn the Commission’s decision on this basis.
    We affirm the judgment and award costs to the
    respondents. The motion to take judicial notice is denied.
    WILEY, J.
    We concur: