Conservatorship of Navarrete CA4/2 ( 2020 )

  • Filed 12/4/20 Conservatorship of Navarrete CA4/2
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
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    Conservatorship of the Person and Estate
    Petitioner and Respondent,
    (Super.Ct.No. RIP1600752)
    ANNA NAVARRETE, an Incompetent
    Person, etc.,
    Objector and Appellant.
    APPEAL from the Superior Court of Riverside County. Thomas H. Cahraman,
    Judge. Reversed.
    Brown White & Osborn and Mark J. Andrew Flory, attorneys for Objector and
    No appearance for Petitioner and Respondent.
    Anna Navarrete is an adult child of Maria Navarrete (mother) and Rodolfo
    Navarrete, Sr. (father), who split up during the dispute that led to this appeal. Navarrete is
    a 33-year-old woman who has cerebral palsy and a speech disorder which limit her ability
    to answer questions and express her needs and desires. Mother has been her primary
    Mother filed a petition asking to be appointed Navarrete’s probate conservator.
    Navarrete’s father and older brother objected to mother’s petition, and her brother filed a
    competing petition asking to be appointed instead. Mother and father also sought
    domestic violence restraining orders against each other.
    Lurking behind this dispute is the accusation that father sexually assaulted and
    raped Navarrete. At trial, Navarrete’s therapist, mother, and younger brother, Adrian
    Navarrete (Adrian), said Navarrete told them her father sexually assaulted and raped her
    and she fears her father. Father testified and denied the accusations. The trial court
    interviewed Navarrete, but concluded she wasn’t a competent witness before eliciting any
    testimony from her about the assaults. In the end, though the court expressed uncertainty
    about what had happened, it found mother hadn’t proven the accusations of sexual assault
    by a preponderance of the evidence, but also found Navarrete had genuine fear of her
    father and didn’t want to see him.
    The trial court appointed mother as Navarrete’s probate conservator and denied
    the brother’s petition. Later, after further hearings, the trial court granted father visitation
    and ordered Navarrete to attend joint counseling sessions with her father. The court
    concluded, over the objection of Navarrete, her conservator, and her attorney, that such
    visits were in her best interest because it would allow reconciliation in the event the
    accusations of sexual assault weren’t true.
    The visitation order is the only part of the case challenged on appeal. Navarrete
    attacks the order in several ways. First, she argues the conservatorship statute reserves to
    her as an adult conservatee the choice to refuse visitors. Second, she says the court order
    violates her constitutional right to privacy and autonomy under the California
    Constitution. Third, she says the court abused its discretion by determining visitation with
    her father was in her best interest despite her accusations and her genuine fear of him. In
    the alternative, she argues the trial court was wrong to bar her testimony, which would
    have established her father abused her and made plain that visits are not in her best
    interest. Father and the older brother have not filed briefs.
    We hold the court did not have the authority to order Navarrete to attend joint
    counseling sessions with her father and therefore reverse the order.
    Anna Navarrete has cerebral palsy, a developmental speech and language disorder,
    and an anxiety adjustment disorder. She had a kidney transplant as a teenager and takes
    several medications to manage her condition. Her mother has always attended to her
    Mother said Navarrete is able to help around the house by cooking and doing
    laundry. She’s also able to work part-time outside the house. The details of her
    employment didn’t come out at trial, but her mother said she had been working from 8:00
    a.m. to 2:30 p.m. without supervision by a family member. She made friends at work,
    including a boyfriend, who was also disabled. However, Navarrete stopped working after
    an incident in April 2016, when she and her boyfriend were found engaged in sexual
    conduct at the workplace. Though they don’t see each other often now, they’re still
    friends and communicate by texting each other.
    On July 29, 2016, Navarrete’s mother filed a petition to be appointed her probate
    conservator. Navarrete’s older brother, Rodolfo Navarrete, Jr. (Rudy), filed an objection
    to mother’s petition and later filed a petition asking that he be appointed as her
    conservator. Navarrete’s father also filed an objection to naming mother as conservator,
    and mother objected to Rudy’s petition. Navarrete’s father also asked the court to order
    visitation between himself and Navarrete.
    The trial court held a trial on the competing requests over several days from
    February to June 2017. Mother, father, Rudy, Adrian, and Navarrete’s therapist testified
    at trial, and the trial court interviewed Navarrete, but found her not competent to testify.
    A. Accusations of Sexual Assault and Rape
    The conflict within the family appears to have started, or at least escalated, shortly
    after May 31, 2016, the night Navarrete accused her father of having molested and raped
    According to mother, she woke around 3:00 a.m. that morning when she heard
    people talking. She said father had kicked her out of their shared bedroom and she was
    sleeping alone in their guest room. She got out of bed and found Navarrete was awake
    and in her bathroom, and father was awake and in his own bathroom. She said the fact
    that both were up at the same time made her suspicious, so she asked Navarrete about it
    the next morning. “I asked Anna, ‘Why were you awake in the morning and your father
    was awake too?’ [¶] She goes, ‘Oh, he was in my room.’” Mother asked her what
    happened in her room, and Navarrete said, “‘he went into bed. You know, he started
    touching me,’ in [my] private.” Mother said her body language indicated she was “[k]ind
    of, like scared to tell me what happened.”
    Navarrete’s younger brother, Adrian, said she came to him around 7:30 a.m. that
    morning after talking to her mother. He said she “was very distressed and emotional. She
    was crying a lot, and while – she was shaking her hands a lot, as if she couldn’t control
    herself. [¶] . . . [¶] She told me that her father had raped her.” Asked for her exact words,
    he said, “She had told me that he had stuck his – well, she used the word ‘dick’ inside her
    private word, and she moved her hands towards her bottom to show that.” She also said,
    “he had stuck his dick in her mouth and she pointed to her mouth” and “touched her in
    her breasts and private word, down there, and she would move her hand, showing, you
    know, how he had touched her.” Adrian also testified about Navarrete’s reaction when
    she saw her father in the hallway during trial. “She was very shaken up. She was wanting
    to cry and she couldn’t look at my father in the eyes. He would – she would look down.
    She didn’t want to look at him, and she – when everyone would ask if she was okay, she
    would kind of shudder whenever she would talk, speak.”
    They didn’t call the police or confront father immediately. They said they wanted
    to talk to Navarrete more and make sure what she was saying was true. However, mother
    became angry about the abuse at dinner and pulled a knife on father and held it close to
    his throat. She and Adrian said it was a butter knife, but father said it was something
    much sharper. The confrontation ended without further violence, but became the basis for
    father’s request for a domestic violence restraining order against mother.
    The same night around 10:00 p.m., both mother and Adrian talked to Navarrete
    again about what had happened the night before. According to mother, Navarrete used
    simple words to say her father had gotten into bed with her naked, touched her breasts
    and vagina, and had sexual intercourse with her. “Adrian and me were asking her, mostly
    Adrian, and we would ask her what he had done to her and she would tell us that, you
    know, he had touched her. We would ask her, where? [¶] She would say, ‘Down there.’
    And we would go, ‘Where down there?’ [¶] She would point with her hand down there.
    1 Counsel for father and the older brother objected to mother’s testimony about
    Navarrete’s accusations on hearsay grounds. The trial court recognized the hearsay issue
    but allowed the testimony for purposes other than the truth of the accusations.
    ‘What else did he do?’ [¶] ‘He would touch my boobs.’ She would say it like that. [¶]
    ‘Was there anything else that he had done?’ [¶] ‘Yeah. He would tell me to lick his dick
    [¶] . . . [¶] [a]nd then he would put it in my mouth.” During this later conversation,
    Navarrete said father had sexually assaulted and raped her on other occasions.
    Mother and Adrian said they called police the next day, on June 1, after Navarrete
    returned home from work. A police officer arrived and talked to mother and Adrian, but
    didn’t question Navarrete. The officer told them to go to the police station, where police
    spoke to mother, Adrian, and Navarrete. They then went to a hospital for a rape kit test.
    Later that evening the police searched the home, and at some point that day they arrested
    Navarrete’s father.
    Navarrete began counselling with Valerie Fluker around June 26, 2016 because of
    anxiety related to the sexual abuse. Fluker was at the time a professional clinical
    counselor intern at Central Counseling Services in Riverside. Fluker said Navarrete has
    difficulties communicating, but she understands Navarrete’s speaking and Navarrete is
    also able to communicate by writing on a whiteboard.
    Navarrete told Fluker she was sexually assaulted by her father. She said her father
    kissed her inappropriately, indicating her breasts and vaginal area by marking the body
    parts on a drawing of a human figure. She also told Fluker she was raped by writing “Dad
    raped me” and “in both bedrooms” on a whiteboard. She told Fluker she didn’t want to
    see her father because she was afraid of him. Though the trial court permitted this
    testimony to show state of mind, it didn’t admit the testimony for the truth of the matter
    asserted and refused to recognize Fluker as an expert, decisions Navarrete doesn’t
    challenge on appeal. Fluker said Navarrete was still having weekly counseling sessions.
    B. Father’s Denial of the Accusations
    Father categorically denied the accusations against him. He said he never abused
    Navarrete and never sexually abused her. He said he first learned of the accusations on
    June 1, the day police arrested him. Police took him to the police station and detained him
    for several hours. He said they released him and hadn’t charged him as of the date of
    trial, more than a year later.
    C. Navarrete’s Interview with the Court
    Late in the trial, Navarrete proposed to testify herself, and counsel for her father
    and older brother asked the court to inquire about her capacity to testify before allowing
    her to discuss the allegations against father. The court agreed it would interview
    Navarrete and evaluate whether she was qualified to testify under Evidence Code section
    701. “[T]he Court will ask questions of Anna Navarrete, and give the answers the weight
    to which they are entitled, if any, pursuant to Section 701 of the Evidence Code and the
    case law construing that statute.”
    Section 701 of the Evidence Code allows disqualification of a witness only if the
    witness is “[i]ncapable of expressing himself or herself concerning the matter so as to be
    understood, either directly or through interpretation by one who can understand him; or
    [¶] . . . [i]ncapable of understanding the duty of a witness to tell the truth.” (Evid. Code,
    § 701, subd. (a).) The statute allows the court in a bench trial to “reserve challenges to the
    competency of a witness until the conclusion of the direct examination of that witness.”
    (Evid. Code, § 701, subd. (b).)
    With the help of her attorney and family members, Navarrete was able to make
    herself understood to the court. She gave basic one or two word answers to questions
    about her day-to-day life on topics that had already come up through the testimony of
    other witnesses. For example, the court asked, “Your mother has her room, and Adrian
    has his room, and you have yours, or do you share a room?” Navarrete responded,
    “Share, no.” The court asked, “You don’t share a room, you have your own room; right?”
    and she responded, “Uh-huh.” The court then tried suggesting otherwise, asking, “Do you
    have your own room where you have it to yourself to sleep, or do you share a room with
    your mother or your brother.” She responded, “No.” The court asked a similar series of
    questions about the location of her bathroom, and Navarrete gave accurate answers.
    The court then asked Navarrete a series of questions to see whether she could
    distinguish truth from falsity and understood she was required to tell the truth in court.
    The court asked, “At the courthouse, are we supposed to tell the truth to the judge, or
    should we just say whatever the judge might want to hear? What do you think about
    that?” She responded, “Say truth.” The court asked, “[I]f I were to say, look, there’s snow
    on all of those chairs over there. Look at all the snow on those chairs. Would that be the
    truth or a lie?” and she responded, “Lie.” The court asked, “[I]f I were to ask you how old
    are you, and you said 65, would that be the truth or a lie?” She responded, “A lie.”
    The court commented it was “struggling with whether to swear this witness. And I
    will not do so at this time. And I’m going to ask more questions without swearing in the
    witness.” The court then asked Navarrete about her family relationships. She said she
    liked going out to eat and taking walks with her younger brother, Adrian. She resisted the
    court’s suggestions that they took their dogs with them on their walks. She struggled to
    make herself understood when asked about problems and disagreements among her
    family members. With the assistance of Adrian, she managed to communicate that her
    parents sometimes fought and her father would use the f-word and the b-word at those
    times. The court asked her whether she’d “ever seen anybody grab a knife or a stick or a
    gun, anything, and threaten anybody else?” She said she had seen her father with a gun.
    The court then asked, “What do you remember about a gun? Huh? You remember seeing
    a gun, or are you not sure about a gun?” She said she wasn’t sure about the gun, and then
    said she’d seen her father grab a knife. She denied seeing anyone else wield a knife.
    The court then asked a series of questions about who in her family she wanted to
    live with and be with. She initially had trouble making herself understood on these
    questions, but with the assistance of her attorney was able to say she needed help to do
    certain things and preferred to keep living with her mother and for her mother to be the
    one who helped her. She also said Adrian can be helpful. But she denied missing her
    older brother, Rudy, or her father. The court said, “I’d like to see things patch up to
    where you get a chance to see Rudy and your dad,” and asked “Would you like to do that
    if Adrian is present?” She responded, “No.” The court then asked, “If the judge asked you
    to see your dad and made sure that somebody nice was present, maybe Adrian, if he’s
    willing to, would you do it. Would you see your dad?” She again responded, “No.”
    Finally, the court asked Navarrete whether she was mad at anybody in her family.
    She was able to say she was mad at her father and older brother, but had difficulty
    communicating why. With the help of her attorney she was able to say she was mad at
    her older brother because he yelled in her ear. But she wasn’t able to communicate why
    she was mad at her father. The court called her younger brother up to assist the attorney,
    but her answers were unintelligible other than to express that she was extremely mad at
    her father.
    At that point the court abruptly ended the examination.
    D. Trial Court Rulings
    At the end of Navarrete’s interview, the trial court ruled she would not be sworn as
    a witness and was disqualified from giving testimony. Navarrete was then excused from
    the courtroom. After a break, Navarrete’s attorney requested permission to have her
    return to the courtroom to make a further attempt to qualify and provide testimony. The
    court denied the request.
    The court explained, “I think that what we should do now, and realizing that
    perhaps both sides are unhappy with the way I’ve conducted the examination of Anna,
    and recognizing that this Court was not comfortable swearing her as a witness. I think
    [the judge in another case involving Navarrete] probably got it right that she might not be
    a competent witness. It seemed like a close call to me. And I thought about swearing her
    in once, and I thought about swearing her twice, and I didn’t do it. [¶] . . . [¶] I had more
    than one reason for not swearing her. One reason was that it truly seemed like she was
    subject to suggestion in terms of little things. I asked what she did during the day, she
    didn’t tell me. I gave her three examples, and she told me those three things. People who
    take suggestion as to little things perhaps would not take suggestion as to big things. [¶]
    . . . I don’t want to imply that this person was simply a parrot in terms of giving back
    whatever words I had spoken to her. No, it wasn’t that clear. It was more difficult than
    that. And it’s too important not to be deceived by her speech impediment. Not an easy
    assessment, folks. Not an easy assessment whether to swear her in or not. This Court
    chose not to. Maybe a judge with greater skill at the examination would have made a
    different choice. . . . My own view is to the extent that I have any ability to these things, I
    gave her many a chance to say many a thing, and here we are.”
    The court then granted mother’s petition to be Navarrete’s conservator and denied
    Rudy’s petition. On June 21, 2017, the court entered an order appointing mother as
    Navarrete’s conservator and issued her letters of conservatorship of the person. The court
    granted father’s request for a domestic violence restraining order. No one challenges
    these rulings on appeal.
    On visitation, the court said its job was to assess ordering visitation from the
    standpoint of Navarrete’s best interests. “[F]or an adult conservatee, the standard is
    supposed to be what is in the best interest of the conservatee. And one thing I learned
    from Anna in talking to her is she seems firm that she doesn’t want to visit with her dad
    or her brother Rudy. . . . [¶] An adult has no right to visit an adult child. If my son ever
    wanted to tell me, You’ll never see me again, it’s too horrible to imagine, but he would
    have the right to say so. [¶] But the evidence of alienation . . . the apparent alienation by
    [mother] of father and daughter, makes the person think that some amount of supervised
    visitation should be granted because it would be in the best interest of Anna, because it’s
    not in her best interest to be alienated from her father.”
    The court acknowledged doubt as to whether her father had sexually assaulted her.
    “The trouble is that I need to be honest and admit that I don’t know whether Rodolfo had
    sex with his daughter. It seems more probable that he did not have sex with his daughter.
    On a close call, I just don’t seem to have enough to find that he did.” The court continued
    its explanation of its ruling, “So here I am not knowing if he had sex with his daughter,
    but finding there’s not enough evidence to say that he did. And then if I have the
    visitation forced, then in case I’m wrong and he did have sex with his daughter, then I’m
    making her visit with her molester. I don’t like that very much, if that’s what it is. But I
    don’t think that’s what it is. I think he probably didn’t have sex with his daughter.”
    At bottom, the court indicated it thought it was in Navarrete’s best interest to have
    a connection with her father, even if that would require considerable work to achieve.
    The court explained, “It seems as if Maria has taken many steps to alienate Roldolfo from
    Anna. That’s not in Anna’s best interest; therefore, it would seem like it’s in her best
    interest to have some visitation forced by the Court, albeit supervised visitation.” The
    court said ordering visitation would allow everyone to “[s]ee if maybe everybody can
    calm down. If he really had sex with his daughter, she’ll never calm down. If he didn’t, at
    some point she’ll realize she’s forgiven for implying or saying that he did, and maybe
    things will get better. I don’t know.” Nevertheless, the court withheld ruling on visitation
    immediately and asked the parties to try to reach an agreement.
    They didn’t agree, as became clear at a review hearing on August 10, 2017.
    Navarrete again opposed visitation, and her father requested one hour of visitation a week
    in the presence of his own treating therapist. The court set a new hearing and had the
    record reflect Navarrete “is crying and her brother and advocacy person are leading her
    outside.” After a hearing on September 15, 2017, the court found “contact with Father in
    a therapeutic setting is beneficial to Anna Navarrete, although conservator, conservatee
    and conservatee’s therapist and conservatee’s attorney all disagree.” On March 8, 2018,
    the court entered its findings and issued an order that Navarrete and her father attend joint
    counseling sessions with a neutral therapist. The court ordered the sessions to be held
    once or twice a month in the discretion of the therapist.
    Navarrete filed a timely notice of appeal challenging the visitation order. Father
    didn’t cross-appeal and failed to file a respondent’s brief after requesting an extension
    and receiving a warning that we would decide the case based on Navarrete’s arguments
    alone if he did not.
    Navarrete challenges the visitation order on several grounds. She argues ordering
    her to attend joint therapy sessions with her father was beyond its authority under the
    conservatorship statute, violated her privacy rights under the United States and California
    Constitutions and, even if the order was permissible, it was an abuse of discretion for the
    trial court to determine forced visitation with her father was in her best interest.
    We review for abuse of discretion trial court decisions affecting the scope of a
    conservator’s powers. An abuse of discretion occurs only where the decision is outside of
    what is allowed by the governing law or where there is no reasonable basis for the court’s
    action. (Sargon Enterprises, Inc. v. University of Southern California (2012) 
    55 Cal.4th 747
    , 773.)
    The Probate Code sets out when it’s appropriate for a trial court to appoint a
    conservator of the person (conservator) as well as the general powers of such a
    conservator. The trial court may appoint a conservator for someone “who is unable to
    provide properly for his or her personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or
    shelter.” (Prob. Code, § 1801, subd. (a).) Once appointed by the trial court, a conservator
    “has the care, custody, and control of, and . . . charge of the education of . . . the
    conservatee.” (Prob. Code, § 2351, subd. (a).)
    2Navarrete also argues the trial court erred by not allowing her to testify. We
    don’t address this issue because we reverse the trial court visitation order on other
    Though appointment invests a conservator with broad powers, the statute also
    explicitly reserves certain rights to the conservatee. The conservator’s “control shall not
    extend to personal rights retained by the conservatee, including, but not limited to, the
    right to receive visitors, telephone calls, and personal mail.” (Prob. Code, § 2351, subd.
    (a), italics added.) The designation of a person as a conservatee doesn’t divest them of
    their autonomy. The purpose of the statute is to ensure the care and protection of people
    who need it, while maintaining their personal agency as much as is practical.
    These personal rights are so important the Legislature gave the courts the power to
    intervene on a conservatee’s behalf to ensure they may exercise them. The statute
    expressly allows the courts to enter an order that “grants the conservator the power to
    enforce the conservatee’s rights to receive visitors . . . or that directs the conservator to
    allow those visitors.” (Prob. Code, § 2351, subd. (a), italics added.) Thus, the courts have
    a role as a protector of a conservatee’s ability to exercise their rights to receive visitors. If
    a conservator needs an express court order giving them the power to enable the
    conservatee to see the visitors they choose, the court may issue such an order. And if a
    conservator is interfering with the conservatee’s decision to receive visitors, the court
    may direct the conservator to stand aside and let the conservatee make the decision for
    themself. The court makes such determinations in the best interests of the conservatee.
    The statute also gives the trial court the power to expressly limit the statutory
    powers given a conservator over the conservatee at the outset of the conservatorship.
    “Where the court determines that it is appropriate in the circumstances of the particular
    conservatee, the court, in its discretion, may limit the powers and duties that the
    conservator would otherwise have under subdivision (a) by an order stating either of the
    following: [¶] (1) The specific powers that the conservator does not have with respect to
    the conservatee’s person and reserving the powers so specified to the conservatee[, or] [¶]
    (2) The specific powers and duties the conservator has with respect to the conservatee’s
    person and reserving to the conservatee all other rights with respect to the conservatee’s
    person that the conservator otherwise would have under subdivision (a).” (Prob. Code,
    § 2351, subd. (b).) Thus, the statute allows the court to narrow the conservator’s authority
    with the purpose of expanding the conservatee’s personal rights.
    The statute does not similarly suggest the court has the power to force an
    unwanted visitor on the conservatee. We’re not asked to decide whether the court
    properly could allow the conservator to stop Navarrete from seeing someone who was
    exercising undue influence on her or engaging in unwanted or unsafe sexual contact.
    We’re asked to decide whether the trial court’s statutory power to limit Navarrete’s
    personal rights to receive visitors extends to allowing the court to require a conservatee
    to receive a visitor she and her conservator insist she does not want to see.
    We are aware of no case reading the statute to allow a conservator or a court to
    require an adult conservatee to spend time with someone against their will, even a parent.
    As the trial judge recognized, speaking of his own adult child, “An adult has no right to
    visit an adult child. If my son ever wanted to tell me, ‘You’ll never see me again . . . he
    would have the right to say so.” The statute distinguishes conservatees, who are adults,
    from wards, who are children. The statute treads on the autonomy of conservatees only to
    the extent required to assist them. The guardianship provisions allow for more court
    intervention. For that reason, the courts may order a guardian to allow visits from the
    child’s noncustodial relatives if it’s in their best interests. (Guardianship of Reynolds
    60 Cal.App.2d 669
    , 676 [under prior statute].)
    It’s a different matter to require an adult to visit with an estranged parent.
    Navarrete and conservatees like her are adults, and the statute treats them as such even
    while investing a conservator and the court with certain powers to assist them where they
    are unable to assist themselves. Critically, the statute explicitly preserves conservatees’
    personal rights against invasion by the conservator. (Prob. Code, § 2351, subd. (a).) Such
    rights, as Navarrete argues, include her right to refuse to visit someone, which implicates
    the fundamental interest “of every individual to the possession and control of his own
    person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and
    unquestionable authority of law.” (Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford (1891) 
    141 U.S. 250
    An adult conservatee’s disability does not put them in the legal position of a
    minor. For example, a conservatee retains the right to marry or enter a registered
    domestic partnership. (Prob. Code, § 1900 [“The appointment of a conservator of the
    person or estate or both does not affect the capacity of the conservatee to marry or to
    enter into a registered domestic partnership”].) Though a conservator or other interested
    person may petition the trial court for an order finding a conservatee doesn’t have the
    capacity to enter a legal marriage, “‘[w]hether the conservatee has capacity to marry is
    determined by the law that would be applicable had no conservatorship been
    established.’” (In re Marriage of Greenway (2013) 
    217 Cal.App.4th 628
    , 641.) A
    conservatee may overcome a petition and retain the right to decide to enter or exit a
    marriage as long as they have the capacity to express their preference on the matter. (Id.
    at p. 643; see also In re Marriage of Higgason (1973) 
    10 Cal.3d 476
    , 479.)
    In the context of family law orders, the trial courts have no authority to order adult
    disabled children to visit with a parent. (In re Marriage of Jensen (2003) 
    114 Cal.App.4th 587
    , 594.) As the Court of Appeal pointed out in Jensen, “[v]isitation is a form of
    custody,” and the Family Code section allowing the trial court to impose visitation orders
    does not reach a child who has attained the age of majority. (Ibid.) Navarrete is such a
    person, notwithstanding her disability, and the trial court’s attempt to intervene in the
    dispute between a disabled adult and her estranged father based on its own judgment
    about her best interests overstepped its role.
    We recognize the significant constitutional problems Navarrete raises with the trial
    court’s order, including her suggestion that the trial court would have had to find
    visitation in her best interest by clear and convincing evidence. (See generally,
    Conservatorship of Wendland (2001) 
    26 Cal.4th 519
    .) But we need not address those
    questions in this case because we conclude the trial court exceeded its statutory authority
    by ordering forced visitation against Navarrete’s will and against the judgment of her
    We reverse the trial court’s order requiring Navarrete to attend joint therapy
    sessions with her father. Navarrete is entitled to her costs on appeal.
    We concur:
    P. J.

Document Info

Docket Number: E070210

Filed Date: 12/4/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 12/4/2020