Upshaw v. Superior Court ( 2018 )

  • Filed 4/18/18
    THE SUPERIOR COURT OF                               A152141
    (Alameda County
    Respondent;                                 Super. Ct. No. 468261)
    THE PEOPLE et al.,
    Real Parties in Interest.
    Petitioner Tikisha Marie Upshaw is incarcerated at Santa Rita Jail (SRJ) in
    Alameda County, awaiting trial for, among other things, special circumstance murder.
    By petition of writ of mandate, Upshaw challenges a trial court order denying her motion
    for a transfer from SRJ to a jail in a contiguous county. We deny the petition. In this
    case of first impression, we conclude Penal Code section 4007 authorizes a trial court to
    transfer a prisoner in a county jail to another jail in a contiguous county upon a sufficient
    evidentiary showing the current jail is unsafe for confinement, but that Upshaw is not
    entitled to writ relief because she failed to exhaust administrative remedies before filing
    the motion for transfer.1
    Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    The prosecution charged Upshaw with special circumstance murder (§§ 187,
    subd. (a), 190.2, subd. (a)(1)) and other crimes. The prosecution charged one of
    Upshaw’s co-defendants, Chariott Louise Burks, with first degree murder (§ 187,
    subd. (a)) and shooting at an occupied motor vehicle (§ 246). In July 2016, Burks was
    arrested and booked into custody at SRJ. Approximately five months later, Upshaw was
    arrested and booked into custody at SRJ. When Upshaw was arrested, SRJ was the only
    county detention facility in Alameda County for female inmates.2 Upshaw and Burks are
    housed in Housing Unit 21 (unit 21), which consists of multiple pods of inmate cells.
    Upshaw and Burks must be housed in unit 21 because of their gender and “maximum
    security” classification. There is a “keep separate order” for Burks and Upshaw.
    Upshaw’s Transfer Motion
    In February 2017, Upshaw moved for transfer to a jail in a contiguous county
    pursuant to sections 4004, 4007, and 4029. Upshaw argued there was good cause for the
    transfer because: (1) SRJ could not offer her access to rehabilitative programs provided
    to similarly situated male inmates; (2) her personal safety was at risk; and (3) SRJ could
    not provide her with adequate access to counsel. In a supporting declaration, Upshaw’s
    attorney, Brian Ford, averred the keep separate order precluded Upshaw from
    participating in work and rehabilitative programs. Ford stated that in early February
    2017, he told a sheriff’s deputy about Upshaw’s “inability to participate in work or
    rehabilitative programs due to Burks being housed in the same pod” and the deputy
    agreed to “look into options of changing Upshaw’s housing in order to get her access to
    programs.” Around that same time, Upshaw told co-counsel “she had requested a
    housing reclassification” to enable her to participate in rehabilitative programs.
    Although we do not rely on this statement because it is not part of the record
    before us, we note that at oral argument, counsel for the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office
    (Sheriff) stated another housing unit is now available for maximum security female
    Ford also stated that in mid-February, he attempted, unsuccessfully, to follow up
    on these programmatic concerns with the sheriff’s deputy; he also contacted “inmate
    services” and “classifications” at SRJ regarding the housing request.3 According to Ford,
    “[t]he failure of a person at [SRJ] to answer the phone has been a constant frustration to
    counsel attempting to find a resolution to Upshaw’s housing crisis.” Ford also chronicled
    his efforts to “interview and provide counsel to Upshaw.” For example, in early January
    2017, Ford “began making efforts” to visit Upshaw, but because of “onerous” security
    measures and insufficient visitation “time slots,” he could not visit Upshaw until
    February 6, 2017. According to Ford, “[s]uch delays are unusual . . . in other county
    Next, Ford’s declaration described three incidents he claimed caused Upshaw to
    “fear[ ] for her safety.” During a February 6, 2017 visit with Ford’s co-counsel, Upshaw
    “reported receiving significant animosity from other inmates” after she requested a
    housing reclassification. During a February 15, 2017 visit, Upshaw told Ford about “two
    separate incidents where the threatening actions of other inmates . . . caused [her] to fear
    for her personal safety. Both incidents involved different inmates,” who “acted with
    continuous animus or hostility towards Upshaw. In the first incident, the other inmate
    confronted Upshaw in a loud, threatening, and unprovoked manner in the dining hall.
    Specifically, the other inmate raised from her seat upon seeing Upshaw and yelled, ‘I’m
    gonna pull your ho card!’ . . . In the second incident, the other inmate yelled at Upshaw
    and attempted to assault her while they were watching TV in the common area of
    Upshaw’s pod. This attack was also unprovoked. Thus, Upshaw’s safety has been
    imperiled both in the common area” of unit 21 and in “her own pod.”
    The prosecutor did not oppose Upshaw’s transfer motion, and “submit[ted] to the
    Court’s discretion.” At an April 3, 2017 hearing, the court granted the transfer motion,
    and ordered Upshaw transferred from SRJ to San Francisco County Jail.
    At oral argument, Ford acknowledged the record does not establish he discussed
    Upshaw’s safety concerns with the Sheriff.
    Sheriff’s Reconsideration Motion
    The Sheriff moved for reconsideration, arguing it did not have notice of the
    motion or an opportunity to be heard. The Sheriff urged the court to deny Upshaw’s
    motion to transfer. According to the Sheriff, section 4004 allows a prisoner to attend
    activities outside a detention facility, but does not authorize the transfer of a prisoner
    between detention facilities. Next, the Sheriff argued section 4007 did not authorize
    Upshaw’s transfer absent a finding SRJ “is ‘unfit or unsafe for the confinement of
    prisoners,’ ” and Upshaw had proffered no evidence SRJ is unfit or unsafe for prisoners.
    Third, the Sheriff claimed section 4029, which concerns equal treatment of prisoners of
    each sex in county detention facilities, did not authorize a transfer.
    Next, the Sheriff argued that even if the court had authority to transfer Upshaw,
    she had not demonstrated good cause. As the Sheriff explained, a transfer order is
    granted only in “exceptional” circumstances and Upshaw’s allegations—unsupported by
    competent evidence—did not provide good cause for “exceptional relief.” The Sheriff
    claimed Upshaw’s contention regarding her personal safety did “not provide good cause
    for taking the rare and exceptional step of ordering her transfer” because there was no
    evidence the interactions actually occurred, and because Upshaw had never notified SRJ
    of the “alleged threats, despite being aware of the procedures for doing so.” Finally, the
    Sheriff disputed Upshaw’s claim that she was denied access to rehabilitative programs
    and to counsel.
    In a supporting declaration, SRJ’s Detention and Corrections Administration
    Captain, Tara Russell, described unit 21 and the rehabilitative programs offered to SRJ
    inmates. According to Russell: (1) there are no special restrictions on Upshaw’s
    movement at SRJ, and she and Burks have “equal access to recreation, dining, showers
    and phones. SRJ staff only ensures that Upshaw and Burks do not have any contact with
    each other”; (2) male and female inmates at SRJ have access to facilities, programs, and
    services of equal quality; (3) Burks has not received priority enrollment over Upshaw for
    SRJ courses; and (4) Upshaw declined to request enrollment in a program for anger
    management and substance abuse; and she was ineligible for the secondary education
    program and work crew. Russell also described the policies and procedures for visits
    with counsel, and averred such visits were available to Ford on January 31, February 1,
    February 2, and February 3, 2017.
    Next, Russell averred “SRJ records do not reflect any reports from Upshaw that
    she was threatened or called names by other inmates.” Upshaw had submitted four
    grievances, none of which concerned “the matters raised in her motion.” When the
    Sheriff asked Upshaw about “the threat[en]ing actions” described in the motion to
    transfer and asked whether Upshaw felt she needed to be housed in a different location
    based on her fear for her safety, Upshaw refused to answer without consulting her
    attorney. According to Russell, SRJ has specific procedures to ensure Upshaw’s safety,
    which are described in the Inmate Rules and Regulation booklet inmates receive when
    booked into SRJ. Russell also averred the Sheriff routinely accommodates the housing
    needs of inmates who can have no contact with other inmates, that the Sheriff had
    accommodated Upshaw “to date,” and that there was “no impediment” to accommodating
    her “going forward.” Finally, Russell noted the additional costs associated with
    transporting Upshaw between San Francisco and Alameda County “each court day
    throughout the criminal proceedings, including trial,” could exceed tens of thousands of
    In opposition, Upshaw reiterated her entitlement to a transfer, and provided
    additional examples of threats to her personal safety. In a second supporting declaration,
    Ford described an April 3, 2017 incident where Upshaw was in an area with several other
    inmates, including Burks. Without provocation, a “large” inmate who was speaking with
    Burks “called Upshaw a ‘snitch.’ The inmate then began to yell out details about
    Upshaw’s case [and] continued to loudly accuse Upshaw of being a ‘snitch.’ The inmate
    then turned and tried to start a physical fight with Upshaw, but she was restrained.” Ford
    also noted an incident on April 25, 2017, where the same inmate insulted Upshaw and
    “stated loudly to the other inmates that Upshaw was ‘going to Ad-seg’ and accused
    Upshaw of being ‘a snitch.’ ” Ford noted Upshaw would not offer evidence to the
    government for prosecutorial purposes, and she had not complained about fellow
    inmates, or about violations of the keep separate order, “for fear of her being falsely
    labelled a ‘snitch.’ ” Ford averred the Sheriff’s attempts to interview Upshaw had
    increased inmates’ hostilities toward her.
    At a May 5, 2017 hearing, the court granted reconsideration and set aside its initial
    order granting Upshaw’s transfer motion. The court determined section 4007 referred to
    “ ‘prisoners,’ in plural” and that the statute contemplated a situation where “conditions in
    the jail become unfit or unsafe for prisoners.” The court observed there were “sufficient
    grounds for believing that Ms. Upshaw’s safety might be at risk” and that Upshaw had
    “made a good case for her safety,” but ultimately concluded Upshaw could not
    “individually” petition for a transfer based on a threat to personal safety. In the
    alternative, the court assumed it had jurisdiction to transfer Upshaw, and concluded
    neither the alleged lack of programs at SRJ, nor counsel’s inconvenience in scheduling
    visits at SRJ, were relevant to the transfer issue and, in any event, did not establish good
    cause for a transfer.
    Following the court’s ruling, Upshaw sought writ relief in this court.4 Upshaw
    requests this court order the trial court to transfer her from SRJ to a county detention
    The present writ proceeding is Upshaw’s fourth attempt to obtain writ relief from
    this court. Her first petition (case No. A151590) sought emergency relief, yet was filed
    approximately six weeks after the trial court’s ruling. We denied that petition due to
    Upshaw’s failure to provide an adequate record (Sherwood v. Superior Court (1979)
    24 Cal. 3d 183
    , 186–187; Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.486(b)), and also noted any refiled
    petition must include a factual statement with citations to the record (Cal. Rules of Court,
    rules 8.485(a), 8.204(a)(1)(C) & (2)(C)) and descriptive electronic bookmarks pursuant to
    this court’s local rules (Ct. App., First Dist., Local Rules of Ct., rule 16, Electronic filing,
    as amended May 1, 2015). Upshaw’s second petition (case No. A151714) was denied
    due to her failure to cure all deficiencies identified in the order denying the prior petition.
    Even though our order denying the petition in case No. A151714 included a detailed list
    of necessary record material, Upshaw’s third petition (case No. A151807) was submitted
    without many of those record items or an explanation for their absence; for that reason
    (and others explained in our denial order), the third petition was denied. Upon Upshaw’s
    filing of this fourth—and procedurally adequate—writ petition, we retained the petition
    for consideration. We detail this somewhat tortured history of Upshaw’s prior filings to
    emphasize that it is a writ petitioner’s burden to present a procedurally and substantively
    facility in a contiguous county. We issued an order to show cause why the requested
    relief should not be granted, and requested that the parties discuss various issues,
    including whether Upshaw’s failure to file any inmate grievances concerning the
    conditions of confinement barred her from seeking relief.
    A trial court’s authority to transfer a prisoner in a county detention facility is
    derived from statute. (See, e.g., Swarthout v. Superior Court (2012) 
    208 Cal. App. 4th 701
    , 706–707; Payne v. Superior Court (1976) 
    17 Cal. 3d 908
    , 924–925.) Resolution of
    the issues in this writ proceeding turns on the interpretation of sections 4004 and 4007.
    Our review is de novo. The California Supreme Court has “recognized that the language
    used in a statute . . . should be given its ordinary meaning, and ‘[i]f the language is clear
    and unambiguous there is no need for construction, nor is it necessary to resort to indicia
    of the intent of the Legislature . . . .’ ” (People v. Valencia (2017) 3 Cal.5th 347, 357–
    358.) “If, however, the language supports more than one reasonable construction, then
    we may look to extrinsic aids, including the ostensible objects to be achieved and the
    legislative history.” (Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority v.
    Alameda Produce Market, LLC (2011) 
    52 Cal. 4th 1100
    , 1106–1107.) In addition,
    “ ‘[t]he words of the statute must be construed in context, keeping in mind the statutory
    purpose, and statutes or statutory sections relating to the same subject must be
    harmonized, both internally and with each other, to the extent possible.’ [Citation.]
    ‘Where uncertainty exists consideration should be given to the consequences that will
    flow from a particular interpretation.’ ” (Valencia, at pp. 357–358.)
    Section 4004 Does Not Authorize the Transfer of a Prisoner Between
    County Jails
    Section 4004 provides in relevant part: “A prisoner committed to the county jail
    for examination, or upon conviction for a public offense, must be actually confined in the
    adequate writ petition, and Upshaw’s repeated failure to do so has necessarily delayed
    resolution of her claims.
    jail until legally discharged; and if the prisoner is permitted to go at large out of the jail,
    except by virtue of a legal order or process, it is an escape; provided, however, that
    during the pendency of a criminal proceeding, the court before which said proceeding is
    pending may make a legal order, good cause appearing therefor, for the removal of the
    prisoner from the county jail in custody of the sheriff. . . . The superior court of the
    county may make a legal order, good cause appearing therefor, for the removal of
    prisoners confined in the county jail, after conviction, in the custody of the sheriff. [¶] If
    facilities are no longer available in the county jail due to crowded conditions, a sheriff
    may transfer a person committed to the county jail upon conviction for a public offense to
    facilities which are available in the city jail . . . .” (§ 4004.)5
    Upshaw claims section 4004 allows a trial court to transfer a prisoner between
    county detention facilities where the prisoner demonstrates good cause. We disagree.
    Section 4004 defines escape, which occurs where a prisoner goes “at large out of the
    jail.” Section 4004 then defines the circumstances under which a prisoner’s “at large”
    departure from a jail is not an escape, i.e. when the court makes a “legal order, good
    cause appearing therefor, for the removal of the prisoner from the county jail in custody
    of the sheriff.” The statute does not discuss whether—or under what circumstances other
    than overcrowding—a court may transfer a prisoner between detention facilities. Here,
    Upshaw does not seek authorization to go “at large”—i.e. “free” or “unrestrained”—from
    SRJ; instead, she seeks a transfer from SRJ to another county detention facility. (Black’s
    Section 4004 is derived from former section 32, which defined “escape” and
    outlined a sheriff or jailor’s criminal liability for allowing such an escape. (Stats. 1851,
    ch. 23, § 32, p. 194.) In 1931, the Legislature enacted former section 1600, which is
    identical to the first paragraph of section 4004. (Stats. 1931, ch. 121, § 1, p. 167.) In
    1941, the legislature added Part III to the Penal Code, to concentrate “all of the law
    relating to prisons [and] prisoners.” (Seibert L. Sefton, Code Sections on State Prisons
    and County Jails Revised and Codified (1941) 16 State Bar J. 274–275.) In doing so, the
    legislature replaced former 1600 with section 4004. (Stats. 1941, ch. 106, pp. 1080,
    1119.) The “legislative concern” in enacting section 4004 was “to reduce the risk of
    escape from county jails.” (57 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 276, 279, 280 (1974).) In 1984, the
    Legislature added the second paragraph, regarding jail overcrowding, to section 4004.
    (Stats. 1984, ch. 388, § 1, p. 1728.)
    Law Dict. (5th ed. 1979) p. 114.) The plain language of section 4004 does not authorize
    such a transfer, and we decline to rewrite the statute to provide that authority. “It is not
    our role to rewrite statutes, especially criminal statutes.” (People v. White (2017) 2
    Cal.5th 349, 371.)
    The few cases analyzing section 4004 arise out of a defendant’s request for
    temporary release from jail in the custody of the sheriff, for good cause. (See 3 Witkin,
    Cal. Crim. Law (4th ed. 2012) Punishment, § 21, p. 69; Block v. Superior Court (1998)
    62 Cal. App. 4th 363
    .) For example, in Block, an actor requested a two-day release from
    county jail to complete post-production work on a movie. (Block, at pp. 367–368, 371–
    372.) The Block court determined the actor had not demonstrated good cause for the
    release, in part because “there was no emergency or exigent circumstances”—instead, the
    actor simply wanted to honor his “current contractual obligations, and to make himself
    employable in the future.” (Id. at p. 371, fn. omitted.) Block suggested section 4004
    would authorize releases “of short duration,” including “compassionate releases” to
    “attend a funeral of a loved one.” (Id. at pp. 369, 370.)
    Other cases have similarly construed section 4004 (or its predecessor statute) to
    authorize a prisoner’s temporary release from custody. (See Pedersen v. Superior Court
    149 Cal. 389
    , 390 [considering whether convicted attorney could leave county jail
    to represent a client]; Hicks v. Folks (1893) 
    97 Cal. 241
    , 243 [considering predecessor
    statute in the context of inmate work programs]; 28 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 60–61 (1956)
    [section 4004 authorizes release of a prisoner to testify as a witness in a criminal
    proceeding]; cf. Lisenba v. California (1941) 
    314 U.S. 219
    , 235 & fn. 12 (Lisenba)
    [section 4004 did not authorize sheriff’s deputies to take the defendant “to his former
    home, and to the District Attorney’s office for questioning” before producing the
    defendant before a magistrate].) These cases have no application here, because Upshaw
    does not seek a temporary release from the custody of SRJ, but rather a transfer to
    another county detention facility for an indefinite duration.
    We conclude section 4004 does not authorize the transfer of a prisoner between
    county detention facilities. Having reached this conclusion, we need not consider
    whether Upshaw established good cause under section 4004.
    Under Section 4007, a Prisoner May Request a Transfer to a Jail in a Contiguous County
    upon a Sufficient Evidentiary Showing the Current Jail is Unsafe for Confinement, but
    Only After Exhausting Administrative Remedies
    In its first paragraph, section 4007 provides: “When there is no jail in the county,
    or when the jail becomes unfit or unsafe for the confinement of prisoners, the judge of the
    superior court may, by a written order filed with the clerk of the court, designate the jail
    of a contiguous county for the confinement of any prisoner of his or her county, and may
    at any time modify or vacate the order.”6
    Section 4007 authorizes transfers in other situations. For example, the second
    paragraph of section 4007 allows a sheriff to remove a prisoner to a “state prison for
    Section 4007 is derived from former section 21, which provided: “When there is
    no Jail in the county, or when the Jail becomes unfit or unsafe for the confinement of
    prisoners, the County Judge may, by written appointment filed with the County Clerk,
    designate the jail of a contiguous county for the confinement of the prisoners of his
    county, or any of them, and may at any time modify or annul the appointment.” (Stats.
    1851, ch. 23, § 21, p. 193.) In 1872, the legislature enacted former section 1603, making
    slight changes from former section 21. In 1937, the Legislature added a second
    paragraph, regarding the circumstances under which a sheriff may remove a prisoner for
    safekeeping. (Stats. 1937, ch. 174, § 1, p. 472.). In 1941, former section 1603 became
    section 4007. (Stats. 1941, ch. 106, § 1, p. 1120.)
    In 1985, the legislature amended the fourth paragraph of the statute, which
    concerns a transfer of a prisoner posing a threat to other inmates. (Stats. 1985, ch. 430,
    § 1, p. 1696.) The statute had referred to prisoners, plural, acting in concert; the 1985
    amendment changed “prisoners . . . acting in concert” to “prisoner,” to allow a single
    prisoner to be transferred. (Legis. Counsel’s Dig., Assem. Bill No. 1517 (1985–1986
    Reg. Sess.) 4 Stats. 1985, Summary Dig., p. 135.) According to the legislative history,
    the amendment was necessary because a request for the transfer of a single prisoner had
    been denied because the prisoner was not acting in concert with other prisoners. (Sen.
    Rules Com., Off. of Sen. Floor Analyses, 3d reading analysis of Assem. Bill No. 1517
    (1985–1986 Reg. Sess.) as amended Jun. 10, 1985, p. 2.) In 1990, the legislature
    changed “the confinement of the prisoners of his county . . . .” to “the confinement of any
    prisoner of his or her county . . . .” (Stats. 1990, ch. 1353, § 1, p. 5945.)
    safekeeping” when “there are reasonable grounds to believe” the prisoner “may be
    forcibly removed from a county jail.” The third paragraph of section 4007 authorizes the
    trial court—on the request of the sheriff and with the consent of the Director of
    Corrections—to “designate by written order the nearest state prison or correctional
    facility” when (1) “a county prisoner requires medical treatment necessitating
    hospitalization which cannot be provided at the county jail or county hospital because of
    lack of adequate detention facilities, and when the prisoner also presents a serious
    custodial problem because of his . . . past or present behavior”; and (2) when “there are
    reasonable grounds to believe that there is a prisoner in a county jail who is likely to be a
    threat to other persons in the facility or who is likely to cause substantial damage to the
    facility.” In these latter two situations, the trial court must hold a “hearing to determine
    whether the order shall continue or be rescinded.” Our focus is whether a threat to a
    prisoner’s personal safety renders a jail “unsafe” under the first paragraph of section
    A.    Section 4007 Authorizes the Transfer of a Prisoner to a Jail in a
    Contiguous County upon a Sufficient Evidentiary Showing the
    Current Jail is Unsafe for Confinement
    Upshaw contends a county jail inmate may seek a transfer to a jail in a contiguous
    county under section 4007 where the current jail is “unsafe for the confinement of
    prisoners,” be it a single prisoner or a group of prisoners. The Sheriff offers several
    arguments to the contrary, none of which are persuasive. First, the Sheriff claims section
    4007’s use of “prisoners” in its first sentence demonstrates the statute applies only to
    “prisoners, plural.” (Italics added.) We disagree. Section 4007 uses the plural noun
    “prisoners,” but it also employs the singular within the same sentence—it authorizes the
    trial court to “designate the jail of a contiguous county for the confinement of any
    prisoner.” (Italics added.) As to words used in the Penal Code, “the singular number
    includes the plural, and the plural the singular.” (§ 7.) “ ‘The rule of construction
    enunciated in section 7 is no mere rubric—it is the law.’ ” (People v. Catelli (1991) 
    227 Cal. App. 3d 1434
    , 1451.) Because “prisoners” includes “prisoner,” we cannot conclude
    section 4007’s use of the plural in the first sentence indicates an intent to restrict the
    scope of the statute to groups of prisoners. (See 58 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 533, 535 (1975)
    [under first paragraph of section 4007, “the prisoner” may be transferred to the jail of a
    contiguous county]; 
    Lisenba, supra
    , 314 U.S. at p. 235, fn. 12 [referring to section 4007’s
    predecessor statute as authorizing “the removal of a prisoner from jail”]; also Minish v.
    Hanuman Fellowship (2013) 
    214 Cal. App. 4th 437
    , 464–465 [use of singular and plural in
    related statutes reflected “a matter of style,” not an “intent to achieve a particular
    substantive legal effect”].)
    This construction of section 4007 is guided by a well-established principle of
    statutory construction, which requires us to interpret the words in the statute to
    “ ‘ “ ‘make them workable and reasonable [and] , . . . practical [citations], in accord with
    common sense and justice, and to avoid an absurd result.’ ” ’ ” (Bay Guardian Co. v.
    New Times Media LLC (2010) 
    187 Cal. App. 4th 438
    , 461; Renee J. v. Superior Court
    26 Cal. 4th 735
    , 744.) Limiting the first paragraph of section 4007 to a prison
    population generally would invite confusion because the remaining paragraphs of the
    statute refer to “a prisoner.” (See, e.g., In re Hodges (1979) 
    89 Cal. App. 3d 221
    , 226,
    fn. 2 [section 4007 authorizes transfer of an individual “inmate to state prison for
    safekeeping or medical treatment”]; People v. Hodge (1957) 
    147 Cal. App. 2d 591
    , 595
    [section 4007 allows the sheriff “to remove a prisoner to a . . . state prison ‘for
    safekeeping’ ”].) Additionally, giving the first paragraph of section 4007 an
    interpretation that reaches groups of prisoners—but not an individual prisoner—defies
    common sense and would produce an absurd result. Such an interpretation would, for
    example, allow the transfer where a prison condition impacts a group of prisoners but not
    where the condition affects only one prisoner.
    The Sheriff’s reliance on Clark v. Adams (E.D.Cal., Mar. 27, 2009, No. 2:06-CV-
    2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 25287
    is unavailing. In Adams, the defendant filed a
    one-paragraph pretrial transfer motion in state superior court, alleging he had been
    forcibly sodomized. (Id. at p. *53, fn. 13.) The superior court denied the motion,
    concluding “section 4007, which deals with general conditions of confinement, did not
    apply to defendant’s complaint, and that he should seek a writ of habeas corpus instead.
    Defendant did not do so.” (Id. at p. *52.) After his conviction, the defendant filed a
    petition for writ of habeas corpus in federal district court alleging, among other things,
    that the sheriff’s “ ‘pattern of oppression and harassment’ ” deprived him of due process.
    (Id. at pp. *1–*3.) The defendant, however, did not challenge the superior court’s
    interpretation of section 4007. (Id. at pp. *52–*54.) The Adams court denied the writ
    petition and declined to consider the defendant’s claims regarding section 4007,
    concluding: “[b]ecause defendant took no measures after the denial of his section 4007
    motion to bring the issue he now raises to the trial court’s attention by any appropriate
    means and obtain a ruling on it, the issue is not preserved for appeal.” (Id. at p. *55.)
    Adams does not assist the Sheriff because it did not consider the issue presented here.
    “ ‘Cases do not stand for propositions that were never considered by the court.’ ”
    (Sagonowsky v. Kekoa (2016) 6 Cal.App.5th 1142, 1156.) Moreover, “we are not bound
    by decisions of the lower federal courts.” (People v. Crittenden (1994) 
    9 Cal. 4th 83
    , 120,
    fn. 3.)
    Next, the Sheriff contends section 4007 applies “exclusively to sheriff-initiated
    inmate movements.” Again, we disagree. Section 4007 allows the trial court to
    “designate the jail of a contiguous county for the confinement of any prisoner” by
    “written order filed with the clerk of the court” and to “at any time modify or vacate the
    order.” The statute does not specify who requests a transfer when conditions are unsafe
    for confinement, nor does it preclude a prisoner from seeking relief when such conditions
    are unsafe. We decline to insert a requirement not imposed by the statute. (People v. Lee
    31 Cal. 4th 613
    , 626.) Had the Legislature intended to limit section 4007 to
    sheriff-initiated transfers, the Legislature could have done so, as it did in the second and
    third paragraphs of the statute. The Sheriff’s reliance on City and County of Sacramento
    v. Hardy (1861) 
    18 Cal. 412
    does not alter our conclusion. Hardy held the warden of the
    Sacramento County jail was entitled, under section 4007’s predecessor statute, to retain
    money received from Yolo County after prisoners from that county were transferred to
    Sacramento County. (Id. at pp. 412, 413.) Hardy does not stand for the proposition that
    section 4007 is limited to sheriff-initiated transfers.
    Nor are we persuaded by the Sheriff’s claim that section 4007 is limited to
    habitability and structural conditions. Section 4007 does not define “unsafe.” “ ‘When a
    term goes undefined in a statute, we give the term its ordinary meaning.’ ” (De Vries v.
    Regents of University of California (2016) 6 Cal.App.5th 574, 590–591.) “In divining a
    term’s ‘ordinary meaning,’ courts regularly turn to general and legal dictionaries.” (Id. at
    p. 591; People v. Hodges (1999) 
    71 Cal. App. 4th 1348
    , 1355.) The Oxford English
    Dictionary defines “unsafe” as “not enjoying safety; exposed to danger or risk.” (Oxford
    English Dict. (2d ed. 1989) p. 180.) The American Heritage Dictionary similarly defines
    “unsafe” as “not safe; dangerous.” (American Heritage Dict. (3d ed. 1996) p. 1958; see
    also Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dict. (11th ed. 2014) p. 1095 [defining “safe” as “free
    from harm or risk, unhurt” and “secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss”].) Thus, the
    ordinary meaning of “unsafe” connotes a situation where a person is at risk of harm, i.e.
    exposed to danger.
    We can conceive of a situation where broad habitability conditions—such as
    overcrowding—may render a jail unsafe for confinement. (See, e.g., Welf. & Inst. Code,
    § 872 [defining “unfit and unsafe” to “include a condition in which a juvenile hall is
    considered . . . to be too crowded for the proper and safe detention of minors”].) But the
    plain language of section 4007 is not limited to such conditions. We conclude that,
    pursuant to section 4007, a prisoner may seek a transfer to a jail in a contiguous county
    where he or she makes a sufficient evidentiary showing the current jail is unsafe for his or
    her confinement.7
    In light of our conclusion, we need not comment on the sufficiency of the
    evidence to support Upshaw’s claim that SRJ is “unsafe” within the meaning of section
    4007, except to note that the trial court did not—as Upshaw argues—make a factual
    finding that her “safety is in present danger.” Upshaw urges us to conclude a violation of
    section 4029, which concerns equal treatment of male and female inmates in county jails,
    necessarily renders a jail “ ‘unsafe for the confinement of prisoners.’ ” We decline to do
    so. Ford’s conclusory declaration does not establish a violation of section 4029. (See
    Even though we determine section 4007 authorizes a trial court to transfer a
    county jail prisoner to a jail in a contiguous county where that prisoner makes a sufficient
    evidentiary showing the current jail is unsafe for confinement, Upshaw is not entitled to
    relief because—as we discuss below—she failed to exhaust administrative remedies
    before filing her motion for a transfer.
    B.     Upshaw Failed to Exhaust Administrative Remedies Before Seeking
    a Transfer
    “ ‘[T]he rule of exhaustion of administrative remedies is well established in
    California jurisprudence.’ [Citation.] ‘In brief, the rule is that where an administrative
    remedy is provided by statute, relief must be sought from the administrative body and
    this remedy exhausted before the courts will act.’ [Citation.] The rule ‘is not a matter of
    judicial discretion, but is a fundamental rule of procedure . . . binding upon all courts.’
    [Citation.] ‘Exhaustion of administrative remedies is “a jurisdictional prerequisite to
    resort to the courts.” ’ [Citations.]
    “The rule serves several well-established functions. First, it allows the
    administrative agency an opportunity to redress the alleged wrong without resorting to
    costly litigation. [Citation.] Second, even where complete relief is not obtained, it can
    serve to reduce the scope of the litigation or possibly avoid litigation. [Citations.] Third,
    an administrative remedy ordinarily provides a more economical and less formal forum to
    resolve disputes and provides an opportunity to mitigate damages. [Citations.] Finally,
    the exhaustion requirement promotes the development of a more complete factual record
    and allows the administrative agency or entity implicated in the claim an opportunity to
    3 Witkin, Cal. Crim. Law (4th ed. 2012) Punishment, § 23, p. 71.) We express no
    opinion on whether a violation of section 4029 would support a finding that a county jail
    is “unsafe” for the confinement of prisoners under section 4007.
    We also reject Upshaw’s contention that SRJ denied her adequate access to
    counsel. Upshaw does not argue the purported lack of adequate access to counsel renders
    a jail “unsafe.” “ ‘Issues do not have a life of their own: if they are not raised or
    supported by [substantive] argument or citation to authority, we consider the issues
    waived.’ ” (People v. Halim (2017) 14 Cal.App.5th 632, 644, fn. 8.)
    apply its expertise, both of which assist later judicial review if necessary. [Citations.]
    Indeed, ‘[t]he utility of the department’s factfinding expertise exists even when the
    plaintiff’s requested relief is unavailable through the administrative process.’ ” (Los
    Globos Corp. v. City of Los Angeles (2017) 17 Cal.App.5th 627, 632–633.) “The
    exhaustion doctrine operates as a defense to litigation commenced by persons who have
    been aggrieved by action but who have failed to exhaust the administrative remedy
    available to them.” (Id. at p. 633.)
    Upshaw does not argue there was no administrative remedy available to her, nor
    that the administrative remedy was not disclosed to her.8 (See Wright v. State of
    California (2004) 
    122 Cal. App. 4th 659
    , 664–667 [describing administrative exhaustion
    requirement for state prison inmates]; Westlake Community Hosp. v. Superior Court
    17 Cal. 3d 465
    , 478 [defendants could not rely on plaintiff’s failure to exhaust an
    internal remedy where plaintiff was never informed of that remedy].) She does not
    dispute receiving the Inmate Rules and Regulation booklet, which details the procedures
    available to ensure inmate safety at SRJ, nor does she claim she is unaware of the SRJ
    grievance procedure. Upshaw acknowledges filing several grievances, but not on the
    alleged threats to her safety. She does not describe the exhaustion of administrative
    remedies doctrine with citations to authority, nor does she explicitly contend her situation
    falls within an exception to the exhaustion doctrine.
    Instead, Upshaw suggests she exhausted administrative remedies by making
    “several efforts” to inform the Sheriff of her complaints before “seeking judicial
    intervention” and was told “there was nothing that could be done.” But at oral argument,
    Upshaw devotes approximately one page of her reply brief to the exhaustion of
    remedies issue. We are dismayed by Upshaw’s undeveloped analysis and inadequate
    briefing, particularly in light of our order requesting briefing on this issue. In her
    briefing, Upshaw states it “is not clear” whether the exhaustion rule applies. At oral
    argument, however, she explicitly argued for the first time that the exhaustion rule does
    not apply, and that imposing such a rule would violate her constitutional rights. We
    decline to consider these conclusory and untimely arguments. (See People v. Stewart
    33 Cal. 4th 425
    , 476; People v. Harris (1992) 
    10 Cal. App. 4th 672
    , 686.)
    Upshaw’s counsel conceded the record does not establish he discussed “safety issues”
    with the Sheriff. Moreover, Upshaw does not provide a record citation to support her
    claim that her attorney “was told that there was nothing that could be done.” We reject
    any argument premised on Ford’s conversation with a sheriff’s deputy. Evidence that an
    agency staff member expressed an opinion that the agency could do nothing further for
    the plaintiff does not constitute evidence of exhaustion. “If the doctrine requiring
    exhaustion of administrative remedies could be satisfied by an oral hearsay statement
    from an employee of the governmental administrative agency involved[,] the doctrine
    would be rendered meaningless and ineffective.” (Wilkinson v. Norcal Mutual Ins. Co.
    98 Cal. App. 3d 307
    , 315; see also Abelleira v. District Court of Appeal (1941)
    17 Cal. 2d 280
    , 292–295, 301.)
    Upshaw’s briefs do not mention the word “futile” or “futility,” and we reject her
    claim—made for the first time at oral argument—that exhaustion would be futile. The
    “futility” exception to the exhaustion of administrative remedies “is a very narrow one.”
    (County of Contra Costa v. State of California (1986) 
    177 Cal. App. 3d 62
    , 77.) “Failure
    to exhaust administrative remedies is excused if it is clear that exhaustion would be
    futile.” (Jonathan Neil & Assoc., Inc. v. Jones (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 917
    , 936.) “ ‘The
    futility exception requires that the party invoking the exception “can positively state that
    the [agency] has declared what its ruling will be on a particular case.” ’ ” (Coachella
    Valley Mosquito & Vector Control Dist. v. California Public Employment Relations Bd.
    35 Cal. 4th 1072
    , 1080–1081; Steinhart v. County of Los Angeles (2010) 
    47 Cal. 4th 1298
    , 1313.)
    Here, Upshaw has not positively stated the Sheriff has declared its ruling, i.e. that
    the Sheriff would have denied Upshaw’s grievance had she submitted one. The evidence
    suggests the contrary—that the Sheriff would have considered Upshaw’s grievance and
    attempted to accommodate her. As detailed in Russell’s declaration, the Sheriff
    interviewed Upshaw after learning of the “threat[en]ing actions” described in the motion
    to transfer, and asked Upshaw whether she felt she “needed to be housed in a different
    location out of fear for her safety.” Upshaw refused to answer without consulting her
    attorney. The Sheriff also offered evidence, undisputed by Upshaw, that it “routinely
    accommodates the housing, medical, rehabilitative and other needs of inmates who . . .
    can have no contact with one another,” that it had “accommodated Upshaw to date,” and
    that there was “no impediment” to accommodating Upshaw “going forward.” Because
    there is no evidence the Sheriff had taken any position, let alone declared what its ruling
    would be, Upshaw cannot establish futility in pursuing the required administrative
    procedures. (Bennett v. Borden, Inc. (1976) 
    56 Cal. App. 3d 706
    , 710 [“preconception of
    the futility of administrative action” does not permit plaintiff “to bypass the
    administrative remedy”].)
    The petition for writ of mandate is denied. This decision is final in 10 court days.
    (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.490(b)(2)(A).)
    Jones, P. J.
    We concur:
    Simons, J.
    Bruiniers, J.
    Tikisha Marie Upshaw v. Superior Court for the County of Alameda
    Trial Court:   Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:   Honorable Armando G. Cuellar, Jr.
    J. Tony Serra, Brian A. Ford and Curtis L. Briggs, for Petitioner Tikisha Marie Upshaw.
    No appearance for Respondent Superior Court of Alameda County.
    Nancy E. O’Malley, District Attorney for Real Party in Interest the People.
    Donna R. Ziegler, County Counsel and Eva K. Schueller, Deputy County Counsel for
    Real Party in Interest Alameda County Sheriff’s Office.