People v. King ( 2022 )

  • Filed 4/18/22
    THE PEOPLE,                             B315265
    Plaintiff and Respondent,       (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. A632071)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Hector E. Gutierrez, Judge. Appeal dismissed.
    Richard B. Lennon, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Rob Bonta, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Susan Sullivan Pithey, Senior
    Assistant Attorney General, Scott A. Taryle and Rene
    Judkiewicz, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and
    David Jerome King appeals the order denying his motion to
    vacate and correct an unauthorized sentence.
    King was charged with multiple sex offenses, all committed
    against a single victim on one day in 1985. In 1986, a jury
    convicted him on four counts of forcible rape (Pen. Code, 1 § 261,
    former subd. (2), now subd. (a)(2); counts I, XI, XII, XIII), four
    counts of forcible rape with a true finding that King voluntarily
    acted in concert with others within the meaning of section 264.1
    (§§ 261, former subd. (2), 264.1; counts II, III, IV, V), one count of
    sodomy (§ 286, subd. (d); count VI), two counts of oral copulation
    (former § 288a, subd. (d); 2 counts VII, 3 VIII), one count of
    kidnapping (§ 207, subd. (a); count IX), one count of grand theft
    auto (former § 487, subd. (3), now § 487, subd. (d)(1); count X),
    and two counts of robbery (§ 211; counts XIV, XV). The jury also
    found true several firearm enhancement allegations. (§§ 12022.3,
    King was sentenced to a determinate term of 105 years in
    state prison, which included a six-year middle term on count III,
    forcible rape in concert. (§§ 261, former subd. (2), 264.1.) The
    sentencing court imposed the upper term of nine years for each of
    the three other counts of forcible rape in concert (counts II, IV,
    1   Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    2 Senate Bill No. 1494 amended and renumbered section
    288a to section 287, effective January 1, 2019. (Stats. 2018,
    ch. 423, § 49.)
    3As to count VII, the jury found the in-concert allegation
    under section 264.1 was not true.
    In 2021, King filed a motion to vacate an unauthorized
    sentence on the ground that the sentencing triad for forcible rape
    with a true in-concert finding is five, seven or nine years, making
    the imposition of a six-year middle term on count III an
    unauthorized sentence. 4 The superior court denied the motion,
    concluding that the original sentence was correct. In so ruling,
    the superior court failed to recognize that the jury’s in-concert
    finding increased the sentencing range from three, six, or eight
    years for forcible rape under section 261 to five, seven, or nine
    years under section 264.1.
    King appealed. Although King correctly contends that the
    sentence on the rape-in-concert conviction on count III was
    unauthorized, we conclude that the trial court had no jurisdiction
    to entertain King’s motion to vacate his sentence, and therefore
    this court has no appellate jurisdiction to entertain the appeal.
    (See In re G.C. (2020) 
    8 Cal.5th 1119
    , 1129–1134 (G.C.) [the
    unauthorized sentence rule is an exception to the waiver doctrine
    that permits a defendant to challenge an unauthorized sentence
    on appeal even if they failed to object below; to invoke the rule
    the court must first have jurisdiction over the judgment]; People
    4 In the same motion, King challenged his six-year sentence
    on count VII on the ground that the sentencing range for a
    violation of former section 288a, subdivision (d) is five, seven, or
    nine years, making the imposition of a six-year term on count VII
    unauthorized. The superior court determined that because the
    jury did not find the allegation that King acted in concert in
    count VII to be true, King was correctly sentenced to the middle
    term of six years under former section 288a (now § 287, subd.
    (c)(2)(A)). King does not contest this aspect of the superior court’s
    denial of his motion to vacate.
    v. Moore (2021) 
    68 Cal.App.5th 856
    , 865–866 (Moore) [“the
    unauthorized sentence rule constitutes a narrow exception to the
    forfeiture doctrine [citation], ‘ “not to the jurisdictional
    requirement of a timely notice of appeal” ’ or other means of
    properly challenging the judgment of conviction”]; People v.
    Torres (2020) 
    44 Cal.App.5th 1081
    ,1084–1085 (Torres) [because a
    trial court lacks jurisdiction to vacate or modify sentence after
    judgment once execution of the sentence has begun, an order
    denying such a motion by a trial court without jurisdiction is
    The Trial Court’s Order Denying King’s Motion to Correct
    an Unauthorized Sentence is Not Appealable
    As we must, we first consider whether we have jurisdiction
    to decide this appeal. (Jennings v. Marralle (1994) 
    8 Cal.4th 121
    126.) We conclude that we do not.
    King filed his motion to correct his sentence more than 30
    years after he had begun serving it. The general rule is that
    “once a judgment is rendered and execution of the sentence has
    begun, the trial court does not have jurisdiction to vacate or
    modify the sentence.” (Torres, supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1084;
    People v. Howard (1997) 
    16 Cal.4th 1081
    , 1089; People v.
    Karaman (1992) 
    4 Cal.4th 335
    , 344 (Karaman); People v.
    Hernandez (2019) 
    34 Cal.App.5th 323
    , 326; People v. Amaya
    239 Cal.App.4th 379
    , 384 (Amaya).) And, “[i]f the trial
    court does not have jurisdiction to rule on a motion to vacate or
    modify a sentence, an order denying such a motion is
    nonappealable, and any appeal from such an order must be
    dismissed.” (Torres, at p. 1084; People v. Chlad (1992) 
    6 Cal.App.4th 1719
    , 1725 (Chlad).)
    King relies on a doctrine that has sometimes been
    described as an exception to this general rule; that is, the
    “venerable notion” that an unauthorized sentence may be
    corrected “at any time.” (People v. Scott (1994) 
    9 Cal.4th 331
    , 354
    (Scott).) Among the many cases that cite the principle, most
    assume that a court always has jurisdiction to correct an
    unlawful sentence, no matter when or how the issue arises. (See,
    e.g., People v. Picklesimer (2010) 
    48 Cal.4th 330
    , 338; Torres,
    supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1085; People v. Jinkins (2020) 
    58 Cal.App.5th 707
    , 712; People v. Littlefield (2018) 
    24 Cal.App.5th 1086
    , 1089–1090; Amaya, supra, 239 Cal.App.4th at p. 385;
    People v. Turrin (2009) 
    176 Cal.App.4th 1200
    , 1205; People v.
    Jack (1989) 
    213 Cal.App.3d 913
    , 915 (Jack).)
    In G.C., supra, 
    8 Cal.5th 1119
    , our Supreme Court rejected
    this assumption. The court explained that the “unauthorized
    sentence” rule is an exception to the waiver doctrine, not to the
    requirement that a court must have jurisdiction before it may act.
    (G.C., at p. 1129.) Thus, under the unauthorized sentence rule, a
    party does not forfeit the right to argue that a sentence is
    unlawful by failing to object in the trial court. (Ibid.; see also
     9 Cal.4th at p. 354 [“the ‘unauthorized sentence’
    concept constitutes a narrow exception to the general
    requirement that only those claims properly raised and preserved
    by the parties are reviewable on appeal”]; People v. Hester (2000)
    22 Cal.4th 290
    , 295 [the rule generally permits a defendant to
    “challenge an unauthorized sentence on appeal even if they failed
    to object below”].) Such a sentence may be challenged at any
    time, even after a judgment of conviction has become final, and
    even if the judgment has already been affirmed on appeal. (G.C.,
    at p. 1130.) However, “to invoke this rule the court must have
    jurisdiction over the judgment.” (Ibid.)
    Our Supreme Court has observed that “[i]n a system of
    separated powers, courts observe jurisdictional limits and focus
    scarce judicial resources on deciding cases within the scope of
    their authority.” (People v. Chavez (2018) 
    4 Cal.5th 771
    , 779.)
    The term “ ‘jurisdiction,’ ” however, has two distinct meanings:
    “[o]ne refers to ordinary acts in excess of jurisdiction,” while the
    other denotes “so-called fundamental jurisdiction, the quality
    that dictates whether a court has any power at all to resolve a
    case. [¶] Fundamental jurisdiction is, at its core, authority over
    both the subject matter and the parties.” (Id. at p. 780; see also
    People v. Ford (2015) 
    61 Cal.4th 282
    , 286 [“A court lacks
    jurisdiction in a fundamental sense when it has no authority at
    all over the subject matter or the parties, or when it lacks any
    power to hear or determine the case”].) “When a court lacks
    fundamental jurisdiction, its ruling is void.” (Chavez, at p. 780.)
    In G.C., the court held that it did not have jurisdiction to
    consider a minor’s claim that the trial court had erred in failing
    to designate the minor’s offenses as felonies or misdemeanors as
    it was statutorily required to do when considering so-called
    “wobbler” offenses. (G.C., supra, 8 Cal.5th at pp. 1125, 1127–
    1129.) The minor had not appealed from the dispositional orders
    in which the alleged error occurred. (Id. at p. 1126.) Rather, the
    minor attempted to raise the issue in an appeal from a
    subsequent order concerning a new offense. (Id. at p. 1124.) Our
    Supreme Court concluded that the minor’s failure to file a notice
    of appeal from the original dispositional orders deprived the court
    of jurisdiction to rule on the issue in a subsequent appeal from an
    unrelated order. The conclusion followed from the general
    principle that a timely notice of appeal is “ ‘ “essential to
    appellate jurisdiction.” ’ ” (Id. at p. 1127, quoting People v.
    Mendez (1999) 
    19 Cal.4th 1084
    , 1094.)
    The court in G.C. rejected the unauthorized sentence
    doctrine as a vehicle to create jurisdiction to consider the trial
    court’s error in the prior proceedings. The court noted that “there
    was no correlation” between the trial court’s prior unappealed
    error in failing to designate the wobbler offenses and the
    judgment that was currently on appeal. (G.C., supra, 8 Cal.5th
    at p. 1130.) The court explained that “[t]he unauthorized
    sentence doctrine will not serve to remedy this defect.” (Ibid.)
    In Moore, supra, 
    68 Cal.App.5th 856
    , this court followed
    G.C. in concluding that the unauthorized sentence doctrine did
    not create appellate jurisdiction to consider the appellant’s
    challenge to a sentencing enhancement. The appellant had
    appealed from the trial court’s denial of his petition for a youth
    offender evidence preservation proceeding under People v.
    Franklin (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 261
    . (See Moore, at p. 861.) For the
    first time in that appeal, and more than 20 years after the
    appellant’s judgment of conviction had become final, the
    appellant claimed that a five-year enhancement under section
    667, subdivision (a) was unauthorized because the prosecution
    allegedly failed to comply with the pleading and proof
    requirements of section 1170.1, subdivision (e). (Moore, at
    pp. 865–866.) The claim was unrelated to the trial court’s ruling
    on the Franklin hearing that was the subject of the appeal. (Id.
    at p. 866.) This court concluded that the trial court’s denial of
    such a hearing therefore “did not confer jurisdiction on this court
    over the judgment,” and the court could not consider the legality
    of the sentence. (Ibid.)
    Although G.C. and Moore both concerned appellate
    jurisdiction, the reasoning in those cases also applies to the
    question whether a trial court has jurisdiction to modify a
    sentence once it is in execution. Courts have long recognized the
    general common law rule that “a trial court is deprived of
    jurisdiction to resentence a criminal defendant once execution of
    the sentence has commenced. [Citations.] Where the trial court
    relinquishes custody of a defendant, it also loses jurisdiction over
    that defendant.” (Karaman, 
     4 Cal.4th at p. 344; People v.
    Vasquez (2016) 
    247 Cal.App.4th 513
    , 518–519; see Torres, supra,
    44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1084; Chlad, supra, 6 Cal.App.4th at
    pp. 1725–1726; see also In re Application of Bost (1931) 
    214 Cal. 150
    , 153 [“When the petitioner was delivered to the warden [of
    the state prison] by the sheriff, he was permanently removed
    from the jurisdiction of the superior court except in certain
    contingencies” as provided by statute].)
    There are important exceptions to this rule. Section
    1170.03, subdivision (a) gives a trial court the authority to recall
    a sentence on its own motion within 120 days of the defendant’s
    remand, or at any time upon a request by various law
    enforcement officials. (Torres, supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1085,
    citing former § 1170, subd. (d)(1).) The Legislature has also
    created other specific statutory avenues for incarcerated
    defendants to seek resentencing in particular cases. (See, e.g.,
    §§ 1170.95, 1170.126, 1170.18.) If a modification does not make a
    substantive change to a sentence but simply corrects a clerical
    error, the trial court has the inherent power to correct its own
    records at any time. (People v. Mitchell (2001) 
    26 Cal.4th 181
    185.) And a trial court may of course rule on a defendant’s
    challenge to an unlawful sentence in a properly filed petition for
    a writ of habeas corpus. (See, e.g., In re Harris (1993) 
    5 Cal.4th 813
    , 823, 838–839 [writ of habeas corpus available to review
    claim that a sentence imposed is illegal or longer than that
    permitted by law].)
    Because the unauthorized sentence doctrine is a principle
    of waiver rather than jurisdiction, however, it is not one of those
    exceptions. The doctrine does not itself create jurisdiction for the
    trial court to rule on a motion challenging the legality of a
    King relies on Torres, supra, 
    44 Cal.App.5th 1081
    , and
    Jack, supra, 
    213 Cal.App.3d 913
    , to distinguish G.C. and for the
    proposition that the trial court had jurisdiction to correct his
    sentence. Neither of these cases supports King’s jurisdictional
    Torres involved the dismissal of an appeal from a trial
    court’s denial of a motion to modify Torres’s sentence by reducing
    the restitution fine. The appellate court held that because the
    motion to modify the sentence was filed after the conclusion of
    the direct appeal from the judgment, section 1237.2 5 did not
    apply, and there was no other basis for trial court jurisdiction
    over the motion. Accordingly, the order denying Torres’s motion
    was nonappealable. (Torres, supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1083.)
    Torres identified several exceptions to the “general rule”
    that “once a judgment is rendered and execution of the sentence
    has begun, the trial court does not have jurisdiction to vacate or
    5 The court held that this provision only allows trial courts
    to correct errors in fines and assessments while a direct appeal is
    pending, but not after the conclusion of the appeal. (Torres,
    supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1083.)
    modify the sentence.” (Torres, supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1084.)
    Among those exceptions, the court cited one for “[u]nauthorized
    sentences and ‘ “ ‘obvious legal errors at sentencing that are
    correctable without referring to factual findings in the record or
    remanding for further findings,’ ” ’ ” which “are correctable at any
    time.” (Id. at p. 1085, citing People v. Turrin, supra, 176
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1205 [“an unauthorized sentence may be
    corrected at any time”]; People v. Picklesimer, supra, 48 Cal.4th
    at p. 338 [trial court would have had jurisdiction to correct an
    unauthorized sentence at any time].) The court went on to note
    that Torres’s claim, which was based upon factual arguments
    concerning his ability to pay the restitution fine, did not fall
    within any of these exceptions. (Torres, at p. 1085.)
    Torres did not assert that his sentence was unauthorized,
    and the appellate court analyzed the appealability issue solely in
    the context of whether the trial court had retained jurisdiction
    under section 1237.2 to modify the restitution fine after the
    conclusion of the appeal. Accordingly, the Torres court’s
    statement that an unauthorized sentence may be corrected at any
    time was not necessary to the resolution of the issue before it,
    and was thus dictum. (People v. Vang (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 1038
    1047, fn. 3 [“Black’s Law Dictionary defines ‘obiter dictum’ as ‘[a]
    judicial comment made while delivering a judicial opinion, but
    one that is unnecessary to the decision in the case and therefore
    not precedential (although it may be considered persuasive)’ ”];
    People v. Evans (2008) 
    44 Cal.4th 590
    , 599 [“ ‘[a]n appellate
    decision is not authority for everything said in the court’s opinion
    but only “for the points actually involved and actually
    decided” ’ ”].)
    Further, the unauthorized sentence rule, as described by
    Torres, contradicts our Supreme Court’s subsequent holding in
    G.C., which unequivocally states that the rule is an exception to
    the waiver doctrine, which cannot be invoked unless the court
    has jurisdiction over the judgment. (G.C., supra, 8 Cal.5th at
    pp. 1129–1130; see also Scott, 
     9 Cal.4th at p. 354 [“the
    ‘unauthorized sentence’ concept constitutes a narrow exception to
    the general requirement that only those claims properly raised
    and preserved by the parties are reviewable on appeal”].)
    Jack, supra, 
    213 Cal.App.3d 913
    , cited by King, is likewise
    inapposite. There, Jack received 1,010 days of presentence credit
    against his prison term. A year after the conviction was affirmed
    on appeal, Jack returned to the sentencing court requesting
    commitment to the California Rehabilitation Center. The court
    denied that request, but determined the credit calculation at
    sentencing had been incorrect. The court reimposed the same
    prison term, but reduced the credit award from 1,010 to 723 days.
    On appeal from the amended judgment, Jack challenged the trial
    court’s jurisdiction to resentence him. (Id. at p. 915.)
    In affirming the amended judgment on appeal, the court
    held: “A court has inherent power to correct clerical errors to
    make court records reflect the true facts. This power exists
    independent of statute and may be exercised in criminal cases.
    The court may correct such errors on its own motion or on the
    application of the parties.” (Jack, supra, 213 Cal.App.3d at
    p. 915.) Jack further stated that “[a] trial court has jurisdiction
    to correct an erroneous sentence in several circumstances,”
    including “if the sentence is unauthorized by law.” (Ibid.)
    The court explained that in most cases in which clerical
    error occurs, the sentence originally imposed was not authorized,
    and the trial court has jurisdiction to correct its error. (Jack,
    supra, 213 Cal.App.3d at p. 916.) Because the sentencing court
    must award credit according to an established formula, Jack held
    that the determination of the number of days in presentence
    custody, like the formula calculation itself, should be
    characterized as a ministerial duty. (Id. at p. 917.) Any error in
    carrying out that duty is by definition clerical and subject to
    correction, allowing the trial court “to fulfill its statutory duty to
    grant the correct number of presentence credits.” (Ibid.)
    Although not strictly dictum, the Jack court’s citation to
    the unauthorized sentence rule as a basis for jurisdiction was
    unnecessary to its decision. In any event, this characterization of
    the unauthorized sentence rule is inconsistent with our Supreme
    Court’s holding in G.C., and is therefore no longer good law.
    Our conclusion that the trial court lacked jurisdiction to
    modify King’s sentence on a motion to vacate an unauthorized
    sentence finds further support in the practical consequences of a
    contrary ruling. A trial court order denying relief that the court
    has no jurisdiction to grant does not affect a defendant’s
    substantial rights and is therefore not appealable under section
    1237, subdivision (b). (Torres, supra, 44 Cal.App.5th at p. 1084;
    People v. Fuimaono (2019) 
    32 Cal.App.5th 132
    , 135 [“Because the
    trial court lacked jurisdiction to modify defendant’s sentence,
    denial of his motion to modify his sentence could not have
    affected his substantial rights. [Citation.] Accordingly, the ‘order
    denying [the] motion to modify sentence is not an appealable
    order’ ”]; Chlad, supra, 6 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1725–1726 [where
    trial court lacks jurisdiction to grant relief, defendant has no
    standing to seek recall of sentence and denial of motion for recall
    does not affect defendant’s substantial rights under § 1237, subd.
    (b)]; see also People v. Thomas (1959) 
    52 Cal.2d 521
    , 527.) But if
    the fact that a sentence is unauthorized itself created jurisdiction
    in the trial court to change the sentence, a defendant could
    establish jurisdiction any time simply by filing a motion alleging
    an unauthorized sentence. And if such a motion always conferred
    jurisdiction on the trial court, an order denying relief would affect
    a substantial right and would therefore be appealable. (Cf. Teal
    v. Superior Court (2014) 
    60 Cal.4th 595
    , 600–601 (Teal) [denial of
    a petition for resentencing under section 1170.126 is appealable
    because it affects a substantial right to judicial review].) Such a
    mechanism to evade the jurisdictional limits on a trial court’s
    authority to modify a sentence already in execution would
    impermissibly allow a defendant to “revive lapsed jurisdiction by
    his own unilateral act.” (People v. Chavez, supra, 4 Cal.5th at
    p. 787.) By contravening the requirement of a timely notice of
    appeal, it would also contradict the holding in G.C. 6
    6 Independent of the issues addressed in G.C., a rule that a
    trial court has jurisdiction to modify an unlawful sentence at any
    time creates appealability problems that are inconsistent with
    general principles of appellate review. Such a rule provides
    jurisdiction in the trial court only if a sentence is truly
    unauthorized. And, as discussed, if the trial court has no
    jurisdiction, no appeal lies. The rule therefore necessarily
    predicates appellate jurisdiction on the merits of the defendant’s
    motion. That is contrary to the general principle that
    appealability is separate from the merits of an appeal. (See Teal,
    supra, 60 Cal.4th at p. 600 [a postjudgment order affecting the
    substantial rights of a party under section 1237, subdivision (b)
    “does not turn on whether that party’s claim is meritorious, but
    instead on the nature of the claim and the court’s ruling
    Moreover, a freestanding motion challenging an
    incarcerated defendant’s sentence is not a proper procedural
    mechanism to seek relief. A motion is not an independent
    remedy, but must be attached to some ongoing action. (In re
    Cook (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 439
    , 451.) Thus, a defendant who wishes to
    challenge a sentence as unlawful after the defendant’s conviction
    is final and after the defendant has begun serving the sentence
    must do more than simply file a motion in the trial court making
    an allegation that the sentence is legally infirm.
    The unavailability of a motion procedure does not deprive
    wrongfully incarcerated defendants of a remedy. A defendant
    who is serving a longer sentence than the law allows may
    challenge the sentence in a petition for a writ of habeas corpus.
    Indeed, the purpose of the writ is to give summary relief against
    such illegal restraints of personal liberty. (People v. Romero
    8 Cal.4th 728
    , 736 (Romero).) Our Supreme Court
    identified this avenue of relief in G.C. in pointing out that
    jurisdiction existed in a prior case that relied on the unauthorized
    sentence doctrine because the case “involved a writ of habeas
    corpus challenging the judgment of conviction giving rise to the
    petitioner’s custody.” (G.C., supra, 8 Cal.5th at p. 1130, citing In
    re Harris, 
     5 Cal.4th at p. 823.)
    The prosecution also has the means to challenge unlawful
    sentences. Section 1238, subdivision (a)(10) provides the People
    with the right to appeal unlawful sentences. And section 1170.03
    (previously codified at section 1170, subd. (d)) permits the district
    attorney (or Attorney General in cases prosecuted by the
    Department of Justice) to recommend at any time that a sentence
    be recalled and the defendant resentenced. 7
    In requiring the parties to follow the appropriate
    procedures for invoking a court’s jurisdiction to consider an
    alleged unlawful sentence, we are not needlessly exalting form
    over substance. Like other convicted defendants who claim that
    they have been unlawfully detained, a defendant who claims that
    his or her sentence is illegal must meet the requirements for
    habeas relief. Those requirements include a verified petition
    stating the “alleged illegality” of the imprisonment (§ 1474), and
    a description of prior applications for habeas relief “in regard to
    the same detention or restraint.” (§ 1475.) If the court
    determines that the petition does not state a prima facie case for
    relief (“that is, whether it states facts that, if true, entitle the
    petitioner to relief”), the court may summarily deny the petition.
     8 Cal.4th at p. 737.) And, if the trial court denies
    the petition, the defendant is not entitled to an appeal by right,
    but must seek review through another habeas petition filed in the
    reviewing court. (People v. Garrett (1998) 
    67 Cal.App.4th 1419
    1421–1423.) A defendant who is incarcerated under a truly
    7  That section includes the limitation that a new sentence,
    “if any,” may not be “greater than the initial sentence.”
    (§ 1170.03, subd. (a)(1).) This limitation may not apply if an
    unlawful sentence can be corrected only by increasing the
    sentence. (See People v. Torres (2008) 
    163 Cal.App.4th 1420
    1428–1433; People v. Reyes (1989) 
    212 Cal.App.3d 852
    , 856–858.)
    We need not consider that issue here.
    illegal sentence should not have difficulty in meeting the
    requirements for habeas relief. 8
    Our holding here is necessarily limited to the
    circumstances of this case, involving a motion filed by an
    incarcerated defendant seeking a substantive change to his
    sentence after his conviction has become final and where the trial
    court did not otherwise have jurisdiction. We do not attempt to
    consider all the potential implications of characterizing the
    unauthorized sentence rule as a principle of waiver rather than
    jurisdiction. 9 Instead, our holding is restricted to the proposition
    that the unauthorized sentence doctrine does not itself create
    jurisdiction for a trial court to rule on an incarcerated defendant’s
    motion to correct an alleged illegal sentence after the conviction
    is final and after the execution of the sentence has begun.
    8 An unauthorized sentence is one that “ ‘could not lawfully
    be imposed under any circumstance in the particular case’ ”
    regardless of the facts. (G.C., supra, 8 Cal.5th at p. 1130, quoting
     9 Cal.4th at p. 354.)
    9 For example, some courts have cited the unauthorized
    sentence doctrine as an exception to the rule that the filing of a
    notice of appeal divests the trial court of jurisdiction. (See, e.g.,
    People v. Burhop (2021) 
    65 Cal.App.5th 808
    , 814.) The court’s
    decision in G.C. casts doubt on that proposition. In any event,
    apart from the unauthorized sentence doctrine, jurisdiction may
    exist in the trial court after the filing of a notice of appeal under
    section 1170.03. (See People v. Williams (2007) 
    156 Cal.App.4th 898
    , 909.)
    The appeal is dismissed.
    LUI, P. J.
    We concur:
    CHAVEZ, J.