People v. Anderson ( 2022 )

  • Filed 4/28/22
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    RONALD RAY ANDERSON,                  (Alameda County
    Super. Ct. No. 69119)
    Defendant and
    In 1979, defendant Ronald Ray Anderson was tried for the
    murders and robberies of Phillip and Kathryn Ranzo, as well as
    for burglarizing their home. In the same trial, Anderson was also
    tried for the separate robbery of Leonard Luna. With respect to
    the Ranzos, the jury convicted Anderson of two counts of first
    degree murder, two counts of robbery, and one count of burglary,
    and his convictions were affirmed on appeal. In this appeal from
    the denial of Anderson’s Penal Code1 section 1170.95 petition,
    Anderson argues that the trial court prejudicially erred by
    admitting in his section 1170.95 evidentiary hearing testimony
    from Anderson’s parole suitability hearings, when that testimony
    should have been excluded under the reasoning of People v.
    All further statutory references are to the Penal Code
    unless otherwise indicated.
    Coleman (1975) 
    13 Cal.3d 867
     (Coleman). We affirm the trial
    court’s order denying Anderson’s section 1170.95 petition because
    we conclude that Anderson has not established that the trial
    court erred in considering testimony from his parole suitability
    We set forth below the factual recitation from the 1982
    unpublished appellate opinion affirming Anderson’s convictions.
    Leonard Luna was taking care of the home of
    Bernard Marks, his employer, who was out of town
    on Sunday, June 24, 1979. The home was located at
    3307 West Stuhr Road, Newman.
    Between 11:30 p.m. and midnight on June 24,
    two young men came to the door and asked Luna if
    he could sell them some gasoline because their car
    was empty. The two left after Luna provided them
    with some gasoline, but returned about 15 minutes
    later and asked if they could use the telephone. As
    they appeared to be leaving, one of the men turned
    round with a pistol in his hand and told Luna to hit
    the floor and close his eyes. Luna complied and then
    heard a car drive up in front of the house and some
    more people enter it. He did not know exactly how
    2Anderson has also filed a petition for a writ of habeas
    corpus, which we have considered together with this appeal. We
    dispose of the writ by separate order.
    After being hit on his head, Luna was taken
    into the den where he was placed on a couch and
    “hog-tied.” His hands were tied behind his back and
    also tied to his feet. On two occasions a person he
    later identified as Marty Jackson, also known as
    Marty Spears, said he wanted to “blast” Luna
    because Luna had seen Jackson’s face. Luna was
    later able to identify Marty Jackson (Spears) and
    Daniel Geysler as the two who had first come to the
    door. A large safe on wheels, several guns, a
    switchblade knife and two watches were missing
    from the Marks home and it showed signs of having
    been ransacked.
    On June 26, 1979, the bodies of Phillip and
    Kathryn Ranzo were found at their residence at 1404
    Fernview Drive in Modesto. They had failed to
    appear at their respective places of employment and
    James Blomquist, Phillip’s boss at the pharmacy
    where he worked, and Carolyn Shaffer, an employee
    of the beauty salon owned by Kathryn, went to the
    Ranzo residence. Carolyn Shaffer had called the
    police because of her concern before going to the
    Ranzo residence. Blomquist, having found the front
    door locked, looked in the garage and found Phillip’s
    body lying on the floor. The police arrived about five
    minutes later.
    Officer Hamilton, who had responded to the
    prior call for a security check of the Ranzo residence,
    was shown the body of Phillip Ranzo [by] Bloomquist
    and they then sought to gain entrance to the house.
    The officer finally had to force a third level door. In
    the upstairs bathroom the nude body of Kathryn
    Ranzo was found lying on the floor.
    The bodies of both victims had been tied with
    hands behind the back and also tied to the feet. The
    cause of death for each was bleeding from multiple
    stab wounds and the severing of arteries. Phillip had
    also been hit over the head with a blunt instrument
    at least six times, causing severe fragmentation of his
    skull. His wife had also been struck on the head
    several times with the back of an axe found in the
    hall next to the bathroom.
    The rope used to tie the Ranzos appeared to be
    identical to that used on Luna in the Newman
    robbery. The knife wounds sustained by Kathryn
    Ranzo were of a different kind than those sustained
    by her husband. Dr. Ernoehazy, Stanislaus County
    pathologist, testified that her wounds could have
    been caused by the switchblade knife taken in the
    Newman robbery.
    Officer Hamilton arrived at the Ranzo
    residence at about 2:15 p.m. of June 26, 1979. Dr.
    Ernoehazy was summoned and arrived there about 4
    p.m. It was his opinion that the time of the death of
    each of the victims was about 16 hours prior to his
    first examination of the bodies. He fixed the time of
    their deaths at between 11 p.m. June 25 and 1 a.m.
    June 26.
    The office area and the master bedroom of the
    Ranzo residence had been ransacked, with drawers
    pulled out and money, checks, papers and jewelry on
    the floor. Some money, a Browning automatic
    shotgun and two pendants, one with diamonds, were
    found missing by Sam Ranzo, father of the victim
    On the evening of June 25, 1979, Kathryn and
    Phillip Ranzo had had dinner at their home with
    their 10-year-old son, Mark, Phillip’s parents, Sam
    and Marie Ranzo, Mark’s friend, Michele Hermann
    and two of Mark’s cousins, Mike and Michele
    Narzano. Later in the evening the four children and
    the grandparents went to the grandparents’ home,
    about one block away and around the corner from the
    victims’ home. Mark spent the night with his
    The children played outside the grandparents’
    home after dinner. They recalled, in substance, that
    they had seen an old blue vehicle, with a pickup body,
    drive by very slowly several times. There were four
    young male passengers, three in front and one in the
    pickup portion in the back. The back also contained
    some boxes and a trash can. They first saw it around
    9:45 p.m. They told grandmother Marie about it and
    she observed it stopping and backing up at the end of
    their lot. It was last seen by them about 11:15 p.m.
    and was then going quite fast.
    One neighbor had seen the older model blue El
    Camino Chevrolet cruising at low speed in front of
    his house at 1416 Fernview Drive on the afternoon of
    June 25 between 3 and 5 p.m. His attention was
    attracted to it because it sounded like “an inboard
    motorboat” and he thought it had a blown muffler.
    There were two young men in it, one of whom had
    hair of the same color as [Anderson]. The occupants
    were “kind of looking around at the houses.”
    Another neighbor who lived at 1413 Fernview
    Drive, across the street from the Ranzo residence,
    was walking his dog along that street on the evening
    of June 25. He saw Phillip Ranzo working on one of
    his autos in the garage at about 10:30 to 11 p.m. He
    later went to bed and was awakened around
    midnight by the sound of screeching tires. He got up
    and looked out the window and saw what looked like
    a 1959 bluish green El Camino pickup driving at a
    faster speed than normal along the street in front of
    his house. It had a noisy muffler. There were two
    people in the vehicle. He identified a slide picture,
    16-G in evidence, as that of the vehicle which he had
    seen that night.
    In addition to the facts set forth above from the appellate
    opinion, the record before us in this appeal contains evidence
    from trial establishing that Anderson lived with Jackson, and
    Jackson, Anderson, and two others, D.L. and J.M.—all
    teenagers—went to the Ranzos’ home to commit burglary and
    robbery. They targeted the Ranzos’ home because they believed
    large amounts of cash were kept therein, and Anderson admitted
    to Jackson’s brother after the robbery that they had committed
    the robbery. Anderson drove with Jackson around the Ranzos’
    neighborhood in Jackson’s El Camino multiple times in the hours
    before the robbery. Anderson knew at least one of his
    confederates was armed with a pistol when he went into the
    Ranzos’ house because Anderson told detectives that he saw a
    pistol in J.M.’s waistband, and he also said that Jackson grabbed
    rope from the vehicle and carried it away from the car.
    According to trial transcripts, Anderson told police that,
    before leaving Jackson’s house to execute the robbery of the
    Ranzos, he “overheard” Jackson and the others discussing the
    possibility of killing the Ranzos, although Anderson claimed he
    was not involved in the discussion. A police detective testified at
    trial that Anderson said once they arrived at, and were about to
    enter the Ranzos’ house, Jackson for the second time talked to
    the others about killing the Ranzos. Anderson told police that he
    “didn’t enter into the conversation.” The jury heard evidence that
    Anderson’s then-girlfriend told investigators that Anderson said
    his role was to wait outside in the El Camino and, if necessary,
    signal his confederates by driving around and honking if anyone
    came. Anderson also told investigators he “considered himself as
    the watchman.”
    When Anderson’s three confederates went into the Ranzos’
    home, Anderson remained with the truck. According to
    Anderson, D.L. and J.M. returned to the truck about 20 minutes
    later with a manila envelope, leaving Jackson inside the house.
    D.L. and J.M. came running back and were excited. Anderson,
    who had the keys to the truck, took D.L. and J.M. to a nearby
    apartment building and then returned to the same parking spot.
    After Anderson picked Jackson up, they went in search for J.M.
    and D.L. They found J.M.’s brother, D.M., at Lisa Swenson’s
    house in the early morning hours of June 26, 1979. Swenson
    testified that Jackson admitted killing two people because they
    had seen him. D.M. testified that Jackson said that he had just
    killed two people, and Anderson asked David where his brother
    (J.M.) was and threatened to kill D.M. if he did not tell Anderson.
    Jackson’s father testified that, at about 3:30 a.m. on June
    26, 1979, Anderson and Jackson were back at their home and had
    an envelope full of cash out on the kitchen table that Jackson had
    brought in from outside the home. After counting the money,
    Jackson and Anderson each took their share. Jackson’s mother
    testified that, while generally discussing the Ranzos, Anderson
    told her that “it was a bad scene. . . . It would have made you
    Anderson was charged by information with two counts of
    murder (§ 187), three counts of robbery (§ 211), and one count of
    first degree burglary (§§ 459, 460, subd. (a)), with a gun
    enhancement for each count.3 The jury found Anderson guilty as
    charged, and he was sentenced to 25 years to life.
    In 2019, Anderson filed a pro se petition seeking relief
    under section 1170.95 after the Legislature enacted Senate Bill
    No. 1437. The court appointed counsel for Anderson, ordered
    preliminary briefing, and then issued an order to show cause.
    Prior to the hearing on the petition, Anderson sought to exclude
    from the court’s consideration his testimony from prior parole
    suitability hearings, arguing that such testimony should be
    excluded under Coleman and similar authorities. The court
    denied the motion, reviewed the materials submitted by the
    parties relating to the petition, and held a hearing. The court
    denied Anderson’s petition, finding the prosecution had
    established beyond a reasonable doubt that Anderson could be
    convicted of felony murder as a major participant in an
    enumerated felony who acted with reckless indifference to human
    life and that he could also be found guilty under a direct aiding
    and abetting theory.
    Anderson timely appealed the trial court’s denial of his
    section 1170.95 petition.
    3Counts 1 through 5 (two counts of murder, two counts of
    robbery, and one count of burglary) pertain to the Ranzos and
    count 6 (robbery) pertains to Luna.
    Effective January 1, 2019, Senate Bill No. 1437 (2017–2018
    Reg. Sess.) changed the law of homicide by amending the felony
    murder rule and the natural and probable consequences doctrine
    as it relates to murder. (People v. Gentile (2020) 
    10 Cal.5th 830
    842–843; Stats. 2018, ch. 1015 § 1.)4 Senate Bill No. 1437 also
    enacted section 1170.95 to provide a procedure for those convicted
    of felony murder or murder under the natural and probable
    consequences doctrine prior to Senate Bill No. 1437’s enactment
    to seek relief. (Gentile, at p. 843; Stats. 2018, ch. 1015, § 3.)
    Under the version of section 1170.95 effective at Anderson’s
    hearing,5 a person seeking relief had to file a petition in superior
    4  Senate Bill No. 1437 added section 189, subdivision (e) to
    the felony murder rule and added subdivision (a)(3) to section
    188. (People v. Gentile, supra, 10 Cal.5th at pp. 842–843; Stats.
    2018, ch. 1015 §§ 2–3.) The former provision provided, “A
    participant in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of
    [qualifying felonies] in which a death occurs is liable for murder
    only if one of the following is proven: [¶] (1) The person was the
    actual killer. [¶] (2) The person was not the actual killer, but,
    with the intent to kill, aided, abetted, counseled, commanded,
    induced, solicited, requested, or assisted the actual killer in the
    commission of murder in the first degree. [¶] (3) The person was a
    major participant in the underlying felony and acted with
    reckless indifference to human life . . . .” (§ 189, subd. (e)(3).)
    The latter provision states, “Except [for felony murder liability]
    as stated in subdivision (e) of Section 189, in order to be convicted
    of murder, a principal in a crime shall act with malice
    aforethought. Malice shall not be imputed to a person based
    solely on his or her participation in a crime.” (§ 188, subd. (a)(3).)
    5 Effective January 1, 2022, the Legislature amended
    section 1170.95 in several ways, none of which is relevant to our
    analysis here. (Stats. 2021, ch. 551, § 2.) We reference only the
    version of the statute applicable at Anderson’s hearing.
    court declaring, among other things, that he or she “could not be
    convicted of first or second degree murder because of changes to
    Section 188 or 189” (former § 1170.95, subd. (a)(3)); the trial court
    then had to determine if the petitioner made a prima facie
    showing that he or she fell within the provisions of the statute,
    and, if so, it had to issue an order to show cause and hold a
    hearing to determine whether to vacate the murder conviction
    and to resentence the petitioner on any remaining counts (id.,
    subds. (c), (d)(1)). At the evidentiary hearing under section
    1170.95, subdivision (d)(1), the prosecution had to “prove, beyond
    a reasonable doubt, that the petitioner is ineligible for
    resentencing.” (Id., subd. (d)(3).)
    In his appeal from the trial court’s order denying his
    section 1170.95 petition, Anderson contends the court
    prejudicially erred in admitting his testimony from prior parole
    suitability hearings because he should have been afforded use
    immunity for such testimony.6 Defendant relies on Coleman and
    similar decisions to argue that statements made in a parole
    suitability hearing should be deemed inadmissible in a section
    1170.95 evidentiary hearing. In response, the Attorney General
    points out that People v. Myles (2021) 
    69 Cal.App.5th 688
    recently rejected a similar argument. As explained below,
    6 Anderson does not argue on appeal that the evidence
    admitted at his section 1170.95 evidentiary hearing was
    insufficient to support the trial court’s finding that he was a
    major participant in the designated felonies who acted with
    reckless disregard for human life.
    Anderson does not establish that he is entitled to use immunity
    or that Myles was incorrectly decided.7
    In Myles, as Anderson does here, the defendant relied on
    Coleman and related authorities to argue that, in her section
    1170.95 evidentiary hearing, she was entitled to use immunity
    for her statements and testimony in connection with her parole
    suitability proceedings. (Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at p. 704.)
    Our colleagues in Division One disagreed.
    First, our colleagues reviewed Coleman. “In Coleman, the
    California Supreme Court held a defendant’s statement from a
    probation revocation proceeding could not be used against him by
    the prosecution to lighten its burden of proof at trial. [Citation.]
    The court reasoned that a defendant should not be compelled to
    choose between the privilege against self-incrimination at trial
    and the exercise of the right to be heard at a probation revocation
    hearing. [Citation.] To resolve the tension between competing
    rights, the court created a ‘ “judicially declared exclusionary
    rule” ’ that a probationer’s revocation hearing testimony is
    inadmissible during the prosecution’s case-in-chief. The intent of
    the rule ‘is to encourage the fullest possible truthful disclosure of
    relevant facts and circumstances at the revocation hearing by
    allowing a probationer who does testify at his revocation hearing
    nonetheless to enjoy unimpaired the full protection of the
    7Anderson testified at a number of parole suitability
    hearings throughout the years. Given our denial of Anderson’s
    claim that this testimony was improperly admitted, we need not
    describe this testimony herein.
    privilege against self-incrimination at his subsequent trial.’ ”
    (Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at p. 705.)
    Myles next found the defendant’s reliance on Coleman and
    its progeny unavailing: “The Fifth Amendment privilege against
    self-incrimination protects persons from being compelled by
    ‘ “governmental coercion” ’ to serve as witnesses against
    themselves in ‘ “any criminal case.” ’ (People v. Tom (2014)
    59 Cal.4th 1210
    , 1223, 1222 [ ].) A section 1170.95 hearing,
    however, ‘ “is not a trial de novo on all the original charges.”
    [Citation.] Rather, it is a postconviction proceeding “due to the
    Legislature’s inclusion of section 1170.95 in Senate Bill
    No. 1437 . . . , [as] an ‘act of lenity’ [citation], allowing for the
    retroactive application of the new law governing accomplice
    liability for felony murder [citation] for defendants already
    serving valid sentences for murder.” ’ ” ([People v.] Williams
    [(2020)] 57 Cal.App.5th [652,] 661, quoting People v. Wilson
    [(2020)] 53 Cal.App.5th [42,] 53; see, e.g., People v. Anthony
    [(2019)] 32 Cal.App.5th [1102,] 1156 [§ 1170.95 petitioners do not
    have 6th Amend. trial rights].) Because a sentence modification
    under section 1170.95 is an act of lenity and not a criminal trial,
    the wrongful admission of evidence does not implicate
    defendant’s constitutional rights under the Fifth Amendment.”
    (Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at pp. 705–706.)
    Finally, Myles rejected the defendant’s argument that use
    immunity should have been recognized for the additional reason
    that the Fifth Amendment protects individuals from government
    coercion, but “defendant was not compelled to file a section
    1170.95 petition, nor to testify at her parole hearing, nor to
    participate in her risk assessment interview. Indeed, as the trial
    court noted and defendant acknowledges, parole cannot be
    conditioned on admission of guilt to a certain version of the
    crime. (§ 5011, subd. (b); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 15, § 2236; In re
    Swanigan (2015) 
    240 Cal.App.4th 1
    , 14 [parole board cannot rely
    on fact that inmate insists on his innocence to deny parole]; In re
    McDonald (2010) 
    189 Cal.App.4th 1008
    , 1023 [“ ‘the express
    provisions of Penal Code section 5011 and section 2236 of title 15
    of the California Code of Regulations prohibit requiring an
    admission of guilt as a condition for release on
    parole’].) . . . Having chosen to be truthful in the assessment
    interview and testify truthfully at the parole hearing, it is not
    fundamentally unfair to admit that information during a
    resentencing proceeding voluntarily initiated by defendant
    bearing on some of the same issues.” (Myles, supra,
    69 Cal.App.5th at pp. 705–706.)
    Anderson argues that Myles is incorrect because Coleman
    was not decided on constitutional grounds, therefore “whether
    the Fifth Amendment is applicable to a section 1170.95
    proceeding is not determinative as to whether Coleman should
    apply.” In so arguing, Anderson ignores the fact that a central
    justification for the creation of Coleman’s exclusionary rule was
    the need to protect a defendant’s constitutional privilege against
    In Coleman, the district attorney initiated probation
    revocation proceedings on grounds that were also the basis for
    independent criminal charges, and the court revoked the
    defendant’s probation after he declined to testify at the
    revocation hearing. (Coleman, supra, 13 Cal.3d at p. 871.) The
    defendant argued that holding the probation revocation hearing
    prior to his criminal trial denied him procedural due process
    because he was forced to forego the opportunity to testify at his
    revocation hearing to avoid incriminating himself at trial. (Ibid.)
    Observing that federal law did not clearly require a grant of
    immunity for the probation revocation testimony, our Supreme
    Court declined to decide the constitutional question. (Id. at
    pp. 878, 888–889.) Instead, it fashioned a “judicial rule of
    evidence” providing that, upon objection, the defendant’s
    probation revocation hearing testimony and evidence derived
    therefrom is inadmissible against the probationer during
    subsequent proceedings on the related criminal charges, save for
    impeachment or rebuttal. (Id. at p. 889.) The rationale for this
    rule was “that a defendant should not be compelled to choose
    between the privilege against self-incrimination at trial and the
    exercise of the right to be heard at a probation revocation
    hearing” (Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at p. 705), and the court
    made clear that its rule afforded protection “ ‘coextensive with
    the scope of the privilege against self-incrimination.’ ” (Coleman,
    at p. 892, citing Kastigar v. United States (1972) 
    406 U.S. 441
    453, 461.) Thus, the existence of the defendant’s constitutional
    privilege against self-incrimination in the subsequent criminal
    trial was integral to the justification for the exclusionary rule
    announced in Coleman.
    Indeed, all the use immunities in the authorities upon
    which Anderson relies prevented evidence elicited in various
    proceedings from being introduced against a defendant as
    evidence of guilt in a subsequent criminal or juvenile delinquency
    proceeding. (See, e.g., Bryan v. Superior Court (1972) 
    7 Cal.3d 575
    , 586–589 [statements made by a minor to probation officer
    and to court in a fitness hearing could not be introduced as
    substantive evidence against minor in criminal trial]; In re
    Wayne H. (1979) 
    24 Cal.3d 595
    , 602 [minor’s statements to
    probation officer inadmissible for any purpose to prove criminal
    guilt in juvenile or adult proceeding]; In re Jessica B. (1989)
    207 Cal.App.3d 504
    , 521 [statements made by parent in therapy
    ordered by dependency court inadmissible in parent’s criminal
    trial]; Sheila O. v. Superior Court (1981) 
    125 Cal.App.3d 812
    816–817 [testimony given by juvenile at fitness hearing
    inadmissible in later criminal proceedings]; People v. Dennis
    177 Cal.App.3d 863
    , 876 [defendant’s disclosures in
    support of a motion for a new trial based upon ineffective
    assistance of counsel inadmissible in subsequent criminal trial];
    People v. Knight (2015) 
    239 Cal.App.4th 1
    , 5–8 [statements made
    in support of Marsden8 motion inadmissible in criminal trial].)
    Our Supreme Court has described Coleman and its progeny as a
    “number of decisions by this court granting use immunity in
    other contexts in which it would be unfair to require the
    defendant to choose between maintaining a privilege and
    asserting other important rights.” (People v. Ledesma (2006)
    8   People v. Marsden (1970) 
    2 Cal.3d 118
    39 Cal.4th 641
    , 692, 694–695, italics added [holding disclosure of
    attorney-client privileged information in a habeas proceeding
    premised on ineffective assistance pursuant to Evidence Code
    section 958 did not waive the privilege for purposes of defendant’s
    criminal retrial].)
    Ten years after Coleman, in two separate decisions, our
    Supreme Court held that the California Constitution’s privilege
    against self-incrimination mandated the grant of Coleman’s use
    immunity and a similar use immunity for testimony that a minor
    gives at a fitness hearing and statements the minor makes to her
    probation officer in connection with that hearing. (Ramona R. v.
    Superior Court (1985) 
    37 Cal.3d 802
    , 808, 810 (Ramona R.);
    People v. Weaver (1985) 
    39 Cal.3d 654
    , 659–660 [addressing
    Coleman’s use immunity].) In Ramona R., the first of the two
    decisions, the issue our Supreme Court addressed was whether
    use immunity for testimony that a minor gave at a fitness
    hearing or statements she made to her probation officer remained
    viable given the passage of Proposition 8, which added section 28,
    subdivision (d), to article I to the California Constitution.9 In
    9Proposition 8 enacted what has been deemed the “Right-
    to-Truth-in-Evidence” provision in 1982, and it has since been
    redesignated as article I, section (f)(2) of the California
    Constitution. (People v. Guzman (2019) 
    8 Cal.5th 673
    , 677, fn. 3.)
    This provision states, “Except as provided by statute hereafter
    enacted by a two-thirds vote of the membership in each house of
    the Legislature, relevant evidence shall not be excluded in any
    criminal proceeding, including pretrial and post conviction
    motions and hearings, or in any trial or hearing of a juvenile for a
    criminal offense, whether heard in juvenile or adult court.
    Nothing in this section shall affect any existing statutory rule of
    Ramona R., our Supreme Court examined the genesis of
    Coleman’s use immunity and explained that it was necessary to
    protect the privilege against self-incrimination. (Ramona R., at
    p. 809 [“Coleman examined in depth the need for use immunities
    in probation hearings to protect the privilege against self-
    incrimination.”].) The court acknowledged that it had declined to
    rest Coleman’s holding on constitutional grounds, “but only
    because we deemed such a determination to be unnecessary, as
    ‘our judicially declared exclusionary rule provides protection
    “coextensive with the scope of the privilege against self-
    incrimination.” ’ ” (Ramona R., at p. 809, italics added.) The
    court then held that the use immunity at issue therein was
    essential to our state constitutional privilege against self-
    incrimination and was reflected in Evidence Code section 940.10
    (Ramona R., pp. 808–809; People v. Weaver, at pp. 659–660
    [Coleman’s use immunity survived enactment of Right-to-Truth-
    in-Evidence provision for same reasons stated in Ramona R.]; see
    People v. Carter (1993) 
    19 Cal.App.4th 1236
    , 1248 [“Though
    Coleman expressed its holding in terms of a judicially devised
    exclusionary rule, later cases have treated Coleman as creating a
    limited species of use immunity grounded in California’s
    constitutional guarantee against self-incrimination”].) Where the
    evidence relating to privilege . . . .” (Cal. Const., art. I, § 28,
    subd. (f)(2).)
    10This statute provides, “To the extent that such privilege
    exists under the Constitution of the United States or the State of
    California, a person has a privilege to refuse to disclose any
    matter that may tend to incriminate him.” (Evid. Code, § 940.)
    privilege against self-incrimination is not implicated, the
    rationale for immunities at issue in Coleman and Ramona R.
    Accordingly, the authorities upon which Anderson relies
    demonstrate that his argument requires him to establish that a
    constitutional privilege against self-incrimination applied in his
    section 1170.95 evidentiary hearing. Yet Anderson makes only
    the conclusory assertion that he “had a constitutional privilege
    against self-incrimination”, and he fails to provide any reasoned
    supporting argument. Addressing Myles, he does not argue that
    the decision was incorrect because a constitutional privilege
    against self-incrimination in fact applied in his section 1170.95
    evidentiary hearing, nor does he argue that the California
    Constitution or United States Constitution required the exclusion
    of his parole suitability testimony. Indeed, the United States
    Supreme Court has held that the Fifth Amendment applies
    through original sentencing, but has stated that incrimination is
    complete in cases in which the sentence has been fixed and the
    judgment of conviction has become final. (Mitchell v. United
    States (1999) 
    526 U.S. 314
    , 326 [“If no adverse consequences can
    be visited upon the convicted person by reason of further
    testimony, then there is no further incrimination to be feared.”];
    see In re Tapia (2012) 
    207 Cal.App.4th 1104
    , 1111, fn. 3 [noting
    in dicta that parolee’s privilege against self-incrimination ended
    when his conviction became final].)
    For the reasons set forth above, we conclude, as did the
    court in Myles, that “defendant has not demonstrated that the
    same principles and rationale underlying the judicially created
    exclusionary rule formulated in Coleman and applicable in
    criminal trials apply in [his] section 1170.95 resentencing
    hearing.” (Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at p. 706.) The trial
    court thus did not err in considering Anderson’s testimony from
    his parole suitability hearings.
    The order denying Anderson’s section 1170.95 petition is
    BROWN, J.
    POLLAK, P. J.
    People v. Anderson (A162633)
    Trial Court:   Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:   Hon. Morris D. Jacobson
    Counsel:       Matthew Alger, under appointment by the Court of Appeal,
    for Defendant and Appellant.
    Rob Bonta, Attorney General, Lance Winters and Jeffrey
    M. Laurence, Assistant Attorneys General, René A. Chacón
    and Juliet B. Haley, Deputy Attorneys General for Plaintiff
    and Respondent.

Document Info

Docket Number: A162633

Filed Date: 4/28/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/28/2022